publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name 3D Research 2092-6731 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2092-6731 Springer 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 1619-4500 1614-2411 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-2411 Springer 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 1755-1560 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1560 Open Library of Humanities 19th-Century Music 0148-2076 1533-8606 2001 25 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8606 University of California Press A Current Bibliography on African Affairs 0011-3255 2376-6662 2003 34 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-6662 SAGE Publications A Life in the Day 1366-6282 2000 4 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-6282 Emerald Group Publishing A Life in the Day 1366-6282 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-6282 Emerald Group Publishing AADE in Practice 2325-1603 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2325-1603 SAGE Publications AAOHN Journal 0891-0162 1938-2448 2006 54 2011 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2448 SAGE Publications AAP Grand Rounds 1099-6605 1556-326X 1999 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-326X American Academy of Pediatrics AAP News 1073-0397 1556-3332 1985 1 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3332 American Academy of Pediatrics AAP News 1073-0397 1556-3332 2014 35 2014 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3332 American Academy of Pediatrics AAPS PharmSciTech 1530-9932 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1530-9932 Springer AATCC Journal of Research 2472-3444 2330-5517 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-5517 SAGE Publications Ab Imperio 2166-4072 2164-9731 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9731 Ab Imperio Abdominal Radiology 2366-004X 2366-0058 2016 41 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-0058 Springer Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 0025-5858 1865-8784 2013 83 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-8784 Springer Abhigyan 0970-2385 2583-1445 2010 28 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2583-1445 SAGE Publications ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 2157-7129 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-7129 University of South Florida ab-Original 2471-0938 2470-6221 2017 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-6221 Penn State University Press About Campus 1086-4822 1536-0687 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0687 SAGE Publications Absinthe Literary Review 1939-0343 2003 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0343 Absinthe Literary Review Abstract and Applied Analysis 1085-3375 1687-0409 1996 1 2002 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0409 Hindawi Abstract and Applied Analysis 1085-3375 1687-0409 2003 2003 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0409 Hindawi Abstracts in Anthropology 0001-3455 1557-5136 2004 48 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-5136 SAGE Publications Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 1012-8255 2056-5127 2013 26 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5127 Emerald Group Publishing Academic and Library Computing 1055-4769 1991 8 1992 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1055-4769 Emerald Group Publishing Academic Forensic Pathology 1925-3621 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-3621 SAGE Publications Academic Pathology 2374-2895 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-2895 SAGE Publications Academic Psychiatry 1042-9670 1545-7230 1998 22 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-7230 American Psychiatric Association Publishing Academic Psychiatry 1042-9670 1545-7230 2019 43 2019 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-7230 Springer Academic Questions 0895-4852 1936-4709 2005 18 2019 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4709 Springer Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) 2168-1007 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1007 Academy of Management Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 0001-4273 1948-0989 1958 1 2015 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-0989 Academy of Management Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 0001-4273 1948-0989 2017 60 2017 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-0989 Academy of Management Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) 1537-260X 1944-9585 2002 1 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9585 Academy of Management Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) 1537-260X 1944-9585 2017 16 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9585 Academy of Management Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) 1558-9080 1943-4529 1987 1 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4529 Academy of Management Academy of Management Review (AMR) 0363-7425 1930-3807 1976 1 2017 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-3807 Academy of Management Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue d'histoire de la region atlantique 0044-5851 1712-7432 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1712-7432 University of New Brunswick, Department of History Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance 0898-9621 1545-5815 1989 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5815 Taylor & Francis Accounting and Business Research 0001-4788 2159-4260 1970 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-4260 Taylor & Francis Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 0951-3574 1368-0668 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1368-0668 Emerald Group Publishing Accounting, Business & Financial History 0958-5206 1466-4275 1990 1 2010 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4275 Taylor & Francis Accounting, Economics, and Law - A Convivium 2152-2820 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-2820 Berkeley Electronic Press Accounting Education: An International Journal 0963-9284 1468-4489 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4489 Taylor & Francis Accounting Forum 0155-9982 1467-6303 1999 23 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-6303 Taylor & Francis Accounting History 1032-3732 1749-3374 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-3374 SAGE Publications Accounting History Review 2155-2851 2155-286X 2011 21 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-286X Taylor & Francis Accounting in Europe 1744-9480 1744-9499 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9499 Taylor & Francis Accounting Research Journal 1030-9616 2005 18 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1030-9616 Emerald Group Publishing Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Journal for Quality, Comparability and Reliability in Chemical Measurement 0949-1775 1432-0517 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0517 Springer ACI Open 2566-9346 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2566-9346 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Acoustical Physics 1063-7710 1562-6865 2013 59 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-6865 Springer Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 0001-5121 1951 1 1991 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-5121 Taylor & Francis Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science 0906-4702 1651-1972 1992 42 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-1972 Taylor & Francis Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science 0906-4710 1651-1913 1992 42 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-1913 Taylor & Francis Acta Analytica 0353-5150 1874-6349 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6349 Springer Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 0167-8019 1572-9036 2013 123 2018 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9036 Springer Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 1672-9145 1745-7270 2004 36 2021 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7270 Oxford University Press Acta Biologica Sibirica 2412-1908 2020 2020 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2412-1908 Pensoft Publishers Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica 2333-7931 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7931 Taylor & Francis Acta Biotheoretica 0001-5342 1572-8358 2013 61 2018 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8358 Springer Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 0800-3831 1503-111X 1984 1 1994 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1503-111X Taylor & Francis Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 0800-3831 1503-111X 1996 13 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1503-111X Taylor & Francis Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters 1253-8078 2166-3408 1993 140 2015 162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-3408 Taylor & Francis Acta Cardiologica 0001-5385 0373-7934 2000 55 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0373-7934 Taylor & Francis Acta Chiropterologica 1508-1109 1733-5329 2005 7 2017 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1733-5329 Polish Academy of Sciences Museum and Institute of Zoology Acta Chirurgica Belgica 0001-5458 2002 102 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-5458 Taylor & Francis Acta Classica 0065-1141 2227-538X 2018 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2227-538X Classical Association of South Africa Acta Clinica Belgica 1784-3286 2295-3337 1946 1 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-3337 Taylor & Francis Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications 2056-9890 2015 71 2022 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9890 International Union of Crystallography Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 1600-5368 2001 57 2014 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-5368 International Union of Crystallography Acta Dermato-Venereologica 1651-2057 2010 90 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2057 Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Diabetologica 0940-5429 1432-5233 2008 45 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-5233 Springer Acta Endoscopica 0240-642X 1958-5454 2013 43 2017 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1958-5454 Springer Acta ethologica 0873-9749 1437-9546 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-9546 Springer Acta Geochimica 2096-0956 2365-7499 2016 35 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-7499 Springer Acta Geophysica 1895-6572 1895-7455 2013 61 2019 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1895-7455 Springer Acta Geotechnica 1861-1125 1861-1133 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-1133 Springer Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 0137-1592 1734-1515 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1734-1515 Pensoft Publishers Acta Informatica 0001-5903 1432-0525 2013 50 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0525 Springer Acta Koreana 2733-5348 1520-7412 1998 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-7412 Keimyung University Acta Linguistica 0105-001X 1939 1 1960 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0105-001X Taylor & Francis Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics 0374-0463 1949-0763 1965 9 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-0763 Taylor & Francis Acta Mathematica 0001-5962 1871-2509 1882 1 2016 217 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-2509 Springer Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0236-5294 1588-2632 2013 138 2018 155 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-2632 Springer Acta Mathematica Sinica 1439-8516 1439-7617 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7617 Springer Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) 0168-9673 1618-3932 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-3932 Springer Acta Mechanica 0001-5970 1619-6937 2013 224 2019 230 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1619-6937 Springer Acta Mechanica Sinica 0567-7718 1614-3116 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-3116 Springer Acta Medica International 2349-0578 2349-0896 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-0896 Medknow Publications Acta Musicologica 0001-6241 2296-4339 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2296-4339 International Musicological Society Acta Neurochirurgica 0001-6268 0942-0940 2013 155 2018 160 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0942-0940 Springer ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 1600-0404 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0404 Hindawi Acta Neuropathologica 0001-6322 1432-0533 1961 1 2002 104 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0533 Springer Acta Neuropathologica 0001-6322 1432-0533 2003 106 2018 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0533 Springer Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2051-5960 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2051-5960 Springer Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0253-505X 1869-1099 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-1099 Springer Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1502-3850 2010 72 2023 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-3850 Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 0001-6357 1502-3850 1939 1 2023 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-3850 Taylor & Francis Acta Oncologica 1651-226X 2010 48 2016 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-226X Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Oncologica 1651-226X 2018 56 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-226X Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Oncologica 0284-186X 1651-226X 1987 26 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-226X Taylor & Francis Acta Orthopaedica 1745-3682 2002 73 2002 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3682 Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Orthopaedica 1745-3682 2010 81 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3682 Medical Journals Sweden AB Acta Orthopaedica 1745-3674 1745-3682 2005 76 2021 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3682 Taylor & Francis Acta Oto-Laryngologica 0001-6489 1651-2251 1918 1 2023 143 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2251 Taylor & Francis Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports 2377-2484 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-2484 Taylor & Francis Acta Patristica et Byzantina 1022-6486 1990 1 2010 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1022-6486 Taylor & Francis Acta Periodica Duellatorum 2064-0404 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2064-0404 Universität Bern Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 0137-5881 1861-1664 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-1664 Springer Acta Radiologica 0284-1851 1600-0455 1997 38 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0455 SAGE Publications Acta Radiologica Open 2058-4601 2016 5 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-4601 SAGE Publications Acta Radiologica Short Reports 2047-9816 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9816 SAGE Publications Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica 0001-6934 1955 1 1971 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-6934 Taylor & Francis Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 1502-3869 1956 1 2000 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-3869 SAGE Publications Acta Sociologica 0001-6993 1502-3869 2002 45 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-3869 SAGE Publications Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1751-0147 2000 42 2012 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1751-0147 BioMed Central Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1751-0147 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1751-0147 Springer Acta Zoologica Lituanica 1392-1657 1648-6919 1995 1 1995 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-6919 Taylor & Francis Acta Zoologica Lituanica 1392-1657 1648-6919 1997 6 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-6919 Taylor & Francis Action in Teacher Education 0162-6620 2158-6098 1978 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-6098 Taylor & Francis Action Learning: Research and Practice 1476-7333 1476-7341 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7341 Taylor & Francis Action Research 1476-7503 1741-2617 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2617 SAGE Publications Active and Passive Electronic Components 0882-7516 1563-5031 1980 6 2006 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5031 Hindawi Active and Passive Electronic Components 0882-7516 1563-5031 2007 2007 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5031 Hindawi Active Learning in Higher Education 1469-7874 1741-2625 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2625 SAGE Publications Activities, Adaptation & Aging 0192-4788 1544-4368 1981 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-4368 Taylor & Francis Acupuncture in Medicine 0964-5284 1759-9873 1982 1 2015 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9873 BMJ Group Acupuncture in Medicine 0964-5284 1759-9873 2016 34 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9873 SAGE Publications Acute Cardiac Care 1748-2941 1748-295X 2006 8 2016 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-295X Taylor & Francis Adansonia 1280-8571 1639-4798 2009 31 2017 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1639-4798 Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Adaptation 1755-0637 1755-0645 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0645 Oxford University Press Adaptive Behavior 1059-7123 1741-2633 1992 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2633 SAGE Publications ADCES in Practice 2633-5603 2020 8 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2633-5603 SAGE Publications Addiction Research 1058-6989 1993 1 2000 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1058-6989 Taylor & Francis Addiction Research & Theory 1606-6359 1476-7392 2001 9 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7392 Taylor & Francis Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 1940-0632 1940-0640 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0640 BioMed Central Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 1940-0632 1940-0640 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0640 Springer Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 1940-0632 1940-0640 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0640 BioMed Central Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 1940-0632 1940-0640 2015 10 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0640 Springer Adelphi Series 1944-5571 1944-558X 2010 50 2016 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-558X Taylor & Francis ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 1866-6116 1866-6647 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-6647 Springer Adipocyte 2162-3945 2162-397X 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-397X Taylor & Francis Adipositas - Ursachen, Folgeerkrankungen, Therapie 1865-1739 2567-6334 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-6334 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Administration & Society 0095-3997 1552-3039 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3039 SAGE Publications Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 0894-587X 1573-3289 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3289 Springer Administration in Social Work 0364-3107 1544-4376 1977 1 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-4376 Taylor & Francis Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392 2004 49 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-8392 SAGE Publications Administrative Theory & Praxis 1084-1806 1949-0461 1999 21 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-0461 Taylor & Francis Adolescent Research Review 2363-8346 2363-8354 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-8354 Springer Adoption & Culture 1944-4990 2574-2523 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2523 Ohio State University Press Adoption & Culture 1944-4990 2574-2523 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2523 Ohio State University Press Adoption & Culture 1944-4990 2574-2523 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2523 Ohio State University Press Adoption & Culture 1944-4990 2574-2523 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2523 Ohio State University Press Adoption & Culture 1944-4990 2574-2523 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2523 Ohio State University Press Adoption & Fostering 0308-5759 1740-469X 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-469X SAGE Publications Adoption Quarterly 1092-6755 1544-452X 1997 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-452X Taylor & Francis Adsorption 0929-5607 1572-8757 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8757 Springer Adsorption Science & Technology 0263-6174 2048-4038 2000 18 2003 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4038 Multi-Science Adsorption Science & Technology 0263-6174 2048-4038 2004 22 2020 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4038 SAGE Publications Adult Education Quarterly 0741-7136 1552-3047 1950 1 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3047 SAGE Publications Adult Learning 1045-1595 2162-4070 1998 10 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-4070 SAGE Publications Advanced Arab Academy of Audio-Vestibulogy Journal 2314-8667 2314-8675 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8675 Medknow Publications Advanced Biomedical Research 2277-9175 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2277-9175 Medknow Publications Advanced Biomedical Research 2277-9175 2018 7 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2277-9175 Medknow Publications Advanced Composite Materials 0924-3046 1568-5519 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5519 Taylor & Francis Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2522-0128 2522-0136 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2522-0136 Springer Advanced Composites Letters 0963-6935 2004 3 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0963-6935 SAGE Publications Advanced Composites Letters 0963-6935 2004 13 2020 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0963-6935 SAGE Publications Advanced Device Materials 2055-0308 2055-0316 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0316 Taylor & Francis Advanced Fiber Materials 2524-7921 2524-793X 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-793X Springer Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science 2055-0340 2055-0359 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0359 Taylor & Francis Advanced Manufacturing Processes 0884-2558 1986 1 1987 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0884-2558 Taylor & Francis Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes 0898-2090 1988 3 1988 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0898-2090 Taylor & Francis Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-7467 Springer Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-7467 Springer Advanced Robotics 0169-1864 1568-5535 1986 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5535 Taylor & Francis Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging 2198-0926 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-0926 Springer Advances in Acoustics and Vibration 1687-6261 1687-627X 2008 2008 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-627X Hindawi Advances in Aerodynamics 2524-6992 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-6992 Springer Advances in Aerospace Engineering 2356-6531 2314-7520 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7520 Hindawi Advances in Agriculture 2356-654X 2314-7539 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7539 Hindawi Advances in Alcohol & Substance Abuse 0270-3106 1982 1 1991 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0270-3106 Taylor & Francis Advances in Anatomy 2356-6558 2314-7547 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7547 Hindawi Advances in Andrology 2356-6566 2314-8446 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8446 Hindawi Advances in Anesthesiology 2356-6574 2314-7555 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7555 Hindawi Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2005 104 2010 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Maney Publishing Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2010 109 2010 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2010 109 2010 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2011 110 2011 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2011 110 2011 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2011 110 2011 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Maney Publishing Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2012 111 2012 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2012 111 2012 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Maney Publishing Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2012 111 2012 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2013 112 2013 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2013 112 2013 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2014 113 2014 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2014 113 2014 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2015 114 2015 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2015 114 2015 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2016 115 2016 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2016 115 2016 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2017 116 2017 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2017 116 2017 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2018 117 2018 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2018 117 2018 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2019 118 2019 118 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2019 118 2019 118 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2020 119 2020 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2020 119 2020 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2021 120 2021 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2021 120 2021 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2022 121 2022 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2022 121 2022 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2023 122 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics 1743-6753 1743-6761 2023 122 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6761 SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 0188-7009 1661-4909 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-4909 Springer Advances in Artificial Intelligence 1687-7470 1687-7489 2008 2008 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7489 Hindawi Advances in Artificial Neural Systems 1687-7594 1687-7608 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7608 Hindawi Advances in Artificial Neural Systems 1687-7594 1687-7608 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7608 Hindawi Advances in Astronomy 1687-7969 1687-7977 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7977 Hindawi Advances in Astronomy 1687-7969 1687-7977 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7977 Hindawi Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 0256-1530 1861-9533 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-9533 Springer Advances in Autism 2056-3868 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3868 Emerald Group Publishing Advances in Bioinformatics 1687-8027 1687-8035 2008 2008 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8035 Hindawi Advances in Biology 2356-6582 2314-7563 2014 2014 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7563 Hindawi Advances in Biomaterials 2356-6590 2314-7873 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7873 Hindawi Advances in Botany 2356-6604 2314-7857 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7857 Hindawi Advances in Building Energy Research 1751-2549 1756-2201 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2201 Taylor & Francis Advances in Cellular and Molecular Otolaryngology 2001-6220 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-6220 Taylor & Francis Advances in Chemistry 2356-6612 2314-7571 2014 2014 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7571 Hindawi Advances in Civil Engineering 1687-8086 1687-8094 2008 2008 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8094 Hindawi Advances in Computational Mathematics 1019-7168 1572-9044 2013 38 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9044 Springer Advances in Computer Engineering 2356-6620 2314-7601 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7601 Hindawi Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 1687-8108 1687-8124 2008 2008 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8124 Hindawi Advances in Critical Care 2356-6639 2314-7717 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7717 Hindawi Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 1862-5347 1862-5355 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-5355 Springer Advances in Decision Sciences 2090-3359 2090-3367 2009 2009 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3367 Hindawi Advances in Dental Research 0895-9374 1544-0737 1987 1 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-0737 SAGE Publications Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 1552-3055 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3055 SAGE Publications Advances in Difference Equations 1687-1839 1687-1847 2004 2004 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1847 Hindawi Advances in Difference Equations 1687-1839 1687-1847 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1847 Springer Advances in Dual Diagnosis 1757-0972 2042-8324 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8324 Emerald Group Publishing Advances in Eating Disorders 2166-2630 2166-2649 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-2649 Taylor & Francis Advances in Ecology 2356-6647 2314-761X 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-761X Hindawi Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy 1538-0637 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-0637 Berkeley Electronic Press Advances in Electrical Engineering 2356-6655 2314-7636 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7636 Hindawi Advances in Electronics 2356-6663 2314-7881 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7881 Hindawi Advances in Emergency Medicine 2356-6671 2314-7644 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7644 Hindawi Advances in Endocrinology 2356-668X 2314-7903 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7903 Hindawi Advances in Environmental Chemistry 2356-6698 2314-7652 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7652 Hindawi Advances in Epidemiology 2356-6701 2314-7628 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7628 Hindawi Advances in Evolutionary Biology 2356-671X 2314-7660 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7660 Hindawi Advances in Fuzzy Systems 1687-7101 1687-711X 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-711X Hindawi Advances in Fuzzy Systems 1687-7101 1687-711X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-711X Hindawi Advances in Geology 2356-6728 2314-7695 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7695 Hindawi Advances in Geosciences 1680-7340 1680-7359 2003 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1680-7359 Copernicus Publications Advances in Geriatrics 2356-6736 2314-7679 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7679 Hindawi Advances in Health Sciences Education 1382-4996 1573-1677 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1677 Springer Advances in Hematology 1687-9104 1687-9112 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9112 Hindawi Advances in Hepatology 2356-6744 2314-7709 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7709 Hindawi Advances in High Energy Physics 1687-7357 1687-7365 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7365 Hindawi Advances in High Energy Physics 1687-7357 1687-7365 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7365 Hindawi Advances in Human Biology 2321-8568 2348-4691 2013 3 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-4691 Medknow Publications Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 1687-5893 1687-5907 2008 2008 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5907 Hindawi Advances in Macroeconomics 1534-6013 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6013 Berkeley Electronic Press Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 2374-068X 2374-0698 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-0698 Taylor & Francis Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 1687-8434 1687-8442 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8442 Hindawi Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 1687-8434 1687-8442 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8442 Hindawi Advances in Mathematical Physics 1687-9120 1687-9139 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9139 Hindawi Advances in Mathematical Physics 1687-9120 1687-9139 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9139 Hindawi Advances in Mathematics Education 1463-6441 1999 1 1999 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1463-6441 Taylor & Francis Advances in Mechanical Engineering 1687-8132 1687-8140 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8140 SAGE Publications Advances in Medicine 2356-6752 2314-758X 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-758X Hindawi Advances in Mental Health 1838-7357 1837-4905 2010 9 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1837-4905 Taylor & Francis Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2044-1282 2044-1290 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-1290 Emerald Group Publishing Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities 1753-0180 2009 3 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0180 Emerald Group Publishing Advances in Meteorology 1687-9309 1687-9317 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9317 Hindawi Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2515-2459 2515-2467 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2467 SAGE Publications Advances in Molecular Biology 2356-6760 2314-7911 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7911 Hindawi Advances in Multimedia 1687-5680 1687-5699 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5699 Hindawi Advances in Multimedia 1687-5680 1687-5699 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5699 Hindawi Advances in Nephrology 2356-6779 2314-792X 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-792X Hindawi Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2366-7532 2366-7540 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-7540 Springer Advances in Neuroscience 2356-6787 2314-789X 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-789X Hindawi Advances in Nonlinear Optics 1687-7276 1687-7284 2008 2008 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7284 Hindawi Advances in Numerical Analysis 1687-9562 1687-9570 2009 2009 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9570 Hindawi Advances in Nursing 2356-6795 2314-7725 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7725 Hindawi Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 American Society for Nutrition Advances in Nutrition 2156-5376 2016 7 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5376 Oxford University Press Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 1947-5721 1947-573X 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-573X Taylor & Francis Advances in Operations Research 1687-9147 1687-9155 2009 2009 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9155 Hindawi Advances in Optical Technologies 1687-6393 1687-6407 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6407 Hindawi Advances in Optical Technologies 1687-6393 1687-6407 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6407 Hindawi Advances in Optical Technologies 1687-6393 1687-6407 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6407 Hindawi Advances in Optics 2356-6817 2314-7741 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7741 Hindawi Advances in OptoElectronics 1687-563X 1687-5648 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5648 Hindawi Advances in OptoElectronics 1687-563X 1687-5648 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5648 Hindawi Advances in Orthopedic Surgery 2356-6825 2314-8233 2014 2014 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8233 Hindawi Advances in Orthopedics 2090-3464 2090-3472 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3472 Hindawi Advances in Otolaryngology 2356-6833 2314-7938 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7938 Hindawi Advances in Pharmaceutics 2356-6841 2314-775X 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-775X Hindawi Advances in Pharmacological Sciences 1687-6334 1687-6342 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6342 Hindawi Advances in Pharmacological Sciences 1687-6334 1687-6342 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6342 Hindawi Advances in Physical Chemistry 1687-7985 1687-7993 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7993 Hindawi Advances in Physical Chemistry 1687-7985 1687-7993 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7993 Hindawi Advances in Physics 0001-8732 1460-6976 1952 1 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-6976 Taylor & Francis Advances in Physics: X 2374-6149 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-6149 Taylor & Francis Advances in Physiology Education 1043-4046 1522-1229 1989 256 1999 277 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1229 American Physiological Society Advances in Physiology Education 1043-4046 1522-1229 2000 23 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1229 American Physiological Society Advances in Physiotherapy 1403-8196 1651-1948 1999 1 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-1948 Taylor & Francis Advances in Power Electronics 2090-181X 2090-1828 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1828 Hindawi Advances in Power Electronics 2090-181X 2090-1828 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1828 Hindawi Advances in Power Electronics 2090-181X 2090-1828 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1828 Hindawi Advances in Preventive Medicine 2090-3480 2090-3499 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3499 Hindawi Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 1355-5146 1472-1481 1994 1 2016 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-1481 Royal College of Psychiatrists Advances in Psychiatry 2356-685X 2314-7768 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7768 Hindawi Advances in Public Health 2356-6868 2314-7784 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7784 Hindawi Advances in Radio Science 1684-9965 1684-9973 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-9973 Copernicus Publications Advances in Radiology 2356-6876 2314-7792 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7792 Hindawi Advances in Regenerative Biology 2001-8517 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-8517 Taylor & Francis Advances in Regenerative Medicine 2356-6884 2314-7806 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7806 Hindawi Advances in Rehabilitation Science and Practice 2753-6351 2023 12 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-6351 SAGE Publications Advances in Rheumatology 2523-3106 2019 59 2019 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-3106 Springer Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 1754-730X 2049-8535 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8535 Taylor & Francis Advances in Science and Research 1992-0628 1992-0636 2007 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1992-0636 Copernicus Publications Advances in Science and Research 1992-0628 1992-0636 2013 10 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1992-0636 Copernicus Publications Advances in Simulation 2059-0628 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-0628 Springer Advances in Skeletal Muscle Function Assessment 2536-1384 2536-1392 2017 1 2017 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2536-1392 Medknow Publications Advances in Software Engineering 1687-8655 1687-8663 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8663 Hindawi Advances in Software Engineering 1687-8655 1687-8663 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8663 Hindawi Advances in Speech Language Pathology 1441-7049 1999 1 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1441-7049 Taylor & Francis Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 2364-3579 2364-3587 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-3587 Copernicus Publications Advances in Statistics 2356-6892 2314-8314 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8314 Hindawi Advances in Structural Engineering 1369-4332 2048-4011 2000 3 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4011 Multi-Science Advances in Structural Engineering 1369-4332 2048-4011 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4011 SAGE Publications Advances in the History of Rhetoric 1536-2426 1936-0835 1998 1 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0835 Taylor & Francis Advances in the History of Rhetoric 1536-2426 1936-0835 2011 14 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0835 Taylor & Francis Advances in Theoretical Economics 1534-5963 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5963 Berkeley Electronic Press Advances in Therapy 0741-238X 1865-8652 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-8652 Springer Advances in Toxicology 2356-6906 2314-7822 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7822 Hindawi Advances in Tribology 1687-5915 1687-5923 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5923 Hindawi Advances in Tribology 1687-5915 1687-5923 2013 2013 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5923 Hindawi Advances in Tribology 1687-5915 1687-5923 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5923 Hindawi Advances in Tumor Virology 1179-5654 2009 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5654 Libertas Academica Advances in Urology 1687-6369 1687-6377 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6377 Hindawi Advances in Urology 1687-6369 1687-6377 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6377 Hindawi Advances in Vascular Medicine 2356-6914 2314-7830 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7830 Hindawi Advances in Virology 1687-8639 1687-8647 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8647 Hindawi Advances in Virology 1687-8639 1687-8647 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8647 Hindawi Advances in Zoology 2356-6922 2314-7865 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7865 Hindawi Advertising & Society Quarterly 1534-7311 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7311 Advertising Educational Foundation Aequationes Mathematicae 0001-9054 1420-8903 2013 85 2019 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8903 Springer AERA Open 2332-8584 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-8584 SAGE Publications Aerobiologia 0393-5965 1573-3025 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3025 Springer Aerosol Research 2940-3391 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2940-3391 Copernicus Publications Aerosol Science and Engineering 2510-375X 2510-3768 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2510-3768 Springer Aerosol Science and Technology 0278-6826 1521-7388 1981 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-7388 Taylor & Francis Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2375-6314 2375-6322 2015 86 2022 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-6322 Aerospace Medical Association Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio 0365-7442 2524-6968 2019 98 2019 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-6968 Springer Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 0364-216X 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0364-216X Springer Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X 1527-330X 1995 15 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-330X SAGE Publications Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X 1527-330X 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-330X SAGE Publications Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X 1527-330X 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-330X Oxford University Press Aesthetic Surgery Journal 1090-820X 1527-330X 2009 29 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-330X Oxford University Press Affilia 0886-1099 1552-3020 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3020 SAGE Publications Afghanistan 2399-357X 2399-3588 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3588 Edinburgh University Press Africa Education Review 1814-6627 1753-5921 2004 1 2020 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5921 Taylor & Francis Africa Journal of Management 2332-2373 2332-2381 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-2381 Taylor & Francis Africa Review 0974-4053 0974-4061 2009 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-4061 Taylor & Francis Africa Spectrum 1868-6869 2009 44 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1868-6869 SAGE Publications Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute 0001-9720 1750-0184 2005 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0184 Cambridge University Press Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute 0001-9720 1750-0184 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0184 Cambridge University Press Africa Today 0001-9887 1527-1978 1999 46 70(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1978 Indiana University Press African Affairs 0001-9909 1468-2621 1901 1 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2621 Oxford University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2009 43 2009 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2011 44 2011 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2012 45 2012 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2013 46 2013 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2014 47 2014 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2015 48 2015 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Saint Louis University African American Review 1062-4783 1945-6182 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-6182 Johns Hopkins University Press African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 1752-8631 1752-864X 2008 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-864X Taylor & Francis African Archaeological Review 0263-0338 1572-9842 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9842 Springer African Arts 0001-9933 1937-2108 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2108 MIT Press African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review 2156-695X 2156-7263 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7263 Indiana University Press African Economic History 0145-2258 2163-9108 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-9108 University of Wisconsin-Madison African Studies Program African Entomology 1021-3589 2007 15 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1021-3589 Entomological Society of Southern Africa African Geographical Review 1937-6812 2163-2642 2001 21 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-2642 Taylor & Francis African Historical Review 1753-2523 1753-2531 2007 39 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-2531 Taylor & Francis African Identities 1472-5843 1472-5851 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-5851 Taylor & Francis African Invertebrates 1681-5556 2305-2562 2008 49 2015 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-2562 KwaZulu-Natal Museum African Invertebrates 1681-5556 2305-2562 2016 7 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-2562 Pensoft Publishers African Journal for Infertility and Assisted Conception 2468-8452 2468-8460 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8460 Medknow Publications African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 2046-8083 2046-8091 2012 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-8091 Inderscience African Journal of AIDS Research 1608-5906 1727-9445 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-9445 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Aquatic Science 1608-5914 1727-9364 2000 25 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-9364 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 2040-0705 2040-0713 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0713 Emerald Group Publishing African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 2046-4770 2046-4789 2012 1 9(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-4789 Inderscience African Journal of Herpetology 2156-4574 2153-3660 1996 45 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3660 Taylor & Francis African Journal of International and Comparative Law 0954-8890 1755-1609 2005 13 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1609 Edinburgh University Press African Journal of Marine Science 1814-232X 1814-2338 2003 25 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1814-2338 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2384-5589 2468-8207 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8207 Medknow Publications African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health 1759-7374 2052-4293 2013 7 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4293 Mark Allen Group African Journal of Paediatric Surgery 0189-6725 0974-5998 2010 7 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5998 Medknow Publications African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy 2152-7849 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-7849 Pyramid Pharmaceutical Group, Inc African Journal of Range & Forage Science 1022-0119 1727-9380 1993 10 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-9380 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 1811-7295 2469-7656 2002 6 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-7656 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2042-1338 2042-1346 2013 5 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1346 Taylor & Francis African Journal of Trauma 1597-1112 2014 3 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1597-1112 Medknow Publications African Journalism Studies 2374-3670 2374-3689 2015 36 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-3689 Taylor & Francis African Languages and Cultures 0954-416X 1988 1 1997 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-416X Taylor & Francis African Security 1939-2206 1939-2214 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-2214 Taylor & Francis African Security Review 1024-6029 2154-0128 1995 4 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-0128 Taylor & Francis African Studies 0002-0184 1469-2872 1942 1 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2872 Taylor & Francis African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2005 48 2005 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2006 49 2006 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2007 50 2007 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2008 51 2008 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2009 52 2009 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2010 53 2010 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2011 54 2011 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2012 55 2012 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2013 56 2013 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2014 57 2014 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2015 58 2015 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 African Studies Association African Studies Review 0002-0206 1555-2462 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2462 Cambridge University Press African Zoology 1562-7020 2224-073X 2000 35 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2224-073X Taylor & Francis Afrika Focus 0772-084X 2031-356X 2001 2001 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2031-356X Ghent University Library Afrika Focus 0772-084X 2031-356X 2007 2007 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2031-356X Ghent University Library Afrika Focus 0772-084X 2031-356X 2010 2010 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2031-356X Ghent University Library Afrika Matematica 1012-9405 2190-7668 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-7668 Springer Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting 1751-6447 1751-6455 2008 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6455 Inderscience Afterimage 2578-8531 2010 37 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-8531 University of California Press Against the Grain 1043-2094 1989 1 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1043-2094 Purdue University Press AGE 0161-9152 1574-4647 1978 1 2010 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-4647 Springer AGE 0161-9152 1574-4647 2013 35 2016 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-4647 Springer Age and Ageing 0002-0729 1468-2834 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2834 Oxford University Press Ageing International 0163-5158 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0163-5158 Springer Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity 1013-0950 2158-978X 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-978X Taylor & Francis AGILE: GIScience Series 2700-8150 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2700-8150 Copernicus Publications Aging & Mental Health 1360-7863 1364-6915 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-6915 Taylor & Francis Aging Health 1745-509X 1745-5103 2005 1 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5103 Future Medicine Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 1382-5585 1744-4128 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4128 Taylor & Francis Agora Magazine 1380-6319 2010 2010 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1380-6319 Ghent University Library Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy 2277-9760 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2277-9760 SAGE Publications Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa 0303-1853 2078-0400 1962 1 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-0400 Taylor & Francis Agricultural & Environmental Letters 2471-9625 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-9625 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 0002-1369 1961 25 1991 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-1369 Taylor & Francis Agricultural and Food Economics 2193-7532 2016 4 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-7532 Springer Agricultural Finance Review 0002-1466 2041-6326 2000 60 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-6326 Emerald Group Publishing Agricultural History 0002-1482 1533-8290 2010 84 2023 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8290 Duke University Press Agriculture & Food Security 2048-7010 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7010 BioMed Central Agriculture & Food Security 2048-7010 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7010 Springer Agriculture & Food Security 2048-7010 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7010 BioMed Central Agriculture & Food Security 2048-7010 2015 4 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7010 Springer Agriculture and Human Values 0889-048X 1572-8366 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8366 Springer Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 2168-3565 2168-3573 2013 37 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-3573 Taylor & Francis Agroforestry Systems 0167-4366 1572-9680 2013 87 2018 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9680 Springer Agronomy for Sustainable Development 1774-0746 1773-0155 2007 27 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1773-0155 Springer Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 1435-0645 1998 90 2018 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0645 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies AI & Society 0951-5666 1435-5655 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5655 Springer AIAA Journal 0001-1452 1533-385X 1963 1 2020 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-385X American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA Journal 0001-1452 1533-385X 2022 60 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-385X American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AICCM Bulletin 1034-4233 2204-4183 1984 10 1997 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-4183 Taylor & Francis AICCM Bulletin 1034-4233 2204-4183 1999 24 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-4183 Taylor & Francis AIDS and Behavior 1090-7165 1573-3254 1997 1 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3254 Springer AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 0954-0121 1360-0451 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0451 Taylor & Francis AIDS Research and Therapy 1742-6405 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-6405 BioMed Central AIDS Research and Therapy 1742-6405 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-6405 Springer AIDS Research and Treatment 2090-1240 2090-1259 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1259 Hindawi AIDS Research and Treatment 2090-1240 2090-1259 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1259 Hindawi AIHA Journal 1542-8117 2002 63 2003 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1542-8117 Taylor & Francis AIHAJ - American Industrial Hygiene Association 1529-8663 2000 61 2001 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1529-8663 Taylor & Francis AIIE Transactions 0569-5554 1969 1 1982 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0569-5554 Taylor & Francis AINS - Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie 0939-2661 1439-1074 2010 45 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1074 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology 1687-7934 2090-925X 2012 5 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-925X Medknow Publications Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 1873-9318 1873-9326 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-9326 Springer Air, Soil & Water Research 1178-6221 2008 1 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6221 Libertas Academica Air, Soil and Water Research 1178-6221 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6221 SAGE Publications Air Traffic Control Quarterly 1064-3818 2472-5757 1993 1 1993 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5757 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Air Traffic Control Quarterly 1064-3818 2472-5757 1995 3 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5757 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 0002-2667 1929 1 2023 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-2667 Emerald Group Publishing Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research 2516-8061 2018 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8061 University of Edinburgh Airway 2665-9425 2665-9433 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2665-9433 Medknow Publications AJOB Empirical Bioethics 2329-4515 2329-4523 2014 5 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-4523 Taylor & Francis AJOB Neuroscience 2150-7740 2150-7759 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-7759 Taylor & Francis AJOB Primary Research 2150-7716 2150-7724 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-7724 Taylor & Francis AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies 0364-0094 1475-4541 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-4541 University of Pennsylvania Press Aktuelle Dermatologie 0340-2541 1438-938X 2010 36 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-938X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 0341-0501 1438-9916 2010 35 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9916 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Kardiologie 2193-5203 2193-5211 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-5211 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Neurologie 0302-4350 1438-9428 2010 37 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9428 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Rheumatologie 0341-051X 1438-9940 2010 37 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9940 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Traumatologie 0044-6173 1438-9436 2007 37 2007 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9436 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aktuelle Urologie 0001-7868 1438-8820 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8820 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Alabama Review 0002-4341 2007 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-4341 University of Alabama Press Alambique 2167-6577 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-6577 University of South Florida Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic 0889-8731 2375-4036 2014 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-4036 Georgetown University Press Alaska State Documents 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Alaska State Documents 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Alaska+State+Documents&pub=State+of+Alaska State of Alaska Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal 1687-1693 2016 14 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1687-1693 Medknow Publications Al-Basar International Journal of Ophthalmology 1858-6538 1858-6546 2015 3 2020 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1858-6546 Medknow Publications Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 0311-5518 1752-0754 1975 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0754 Taylor & Francis Alcohol and Alcoholism 0735-0414 1464-3502 1963 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3502 Oxford University Press Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 0734-7324 1544-4538 1984 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-4538 Taylor & Francis Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 1565-1525 1565-5423 2001 1 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-5423 Indiana University Press Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 1565-1525 1565-5423 2002 2 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-5423 Indiana University Press Alethia 0711-3625 1998 1 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0711-3625 Taylor & Francis Alexandria 0955-7490 2050-4551 2004 16 2021 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4551 SAGE Publications Alexandria Journal of Pediatrics 1687-9945 2017 30 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1687-9945 Medknow Publications Algebra 2314-4106 2314-4114 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4114 Hindawi Algebra & Number Theory 1937-0652 1944-7833 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7833 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Algebra Universalis 0002-5240 1420-8911 2013 69 2018 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8911 Springer Algebraic & Geometric Topology 1472-2747 1472-2739 2010 10 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-2739 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Algebras and Representation Theory 1386-923X 1572-9079 2013 16 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9079 Springer Algorithmica 0178-4617 1432-0541 2013 65 2018 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0541 Springer Algorithms for Molecular Biology 1748-7188 2006 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-7188 BioMed Central Algorithms for Molecular Biology 1748-7188 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-7188 Springer Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany 0065-6275 2327-2929 2007 23 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-2929 Claremont College Library All Earth 2766-9645 2021 33 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2766-9645 Taylor & Francis All Life 2689-5293 2689-5307 2020 13 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-5307 Taylor & Francis Allergy and Rhinology 2152-6575 2152-6567 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-6567 SAGE Publications Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 1710-1484 1710-1492 2004 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1492 BioMed Central Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 1710-1484 1710-1492 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1492 Springer Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date 1611-6437 1611-6461 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-6461 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 1438-2563 1439-8990 2010 255 2023 268 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-8990 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives 2770-3614 2770-3622 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-3622 Michigan State University Press Al-Masāq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 0950-3110 1473-348X 1988 1 1996 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-348X Taylor & Francis Al-Masāq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 0950-3110 1473-348X 2002 14 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-348X Taylor & Francis Alpine Entomology 2535-0889 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2535-0889 Pensoft Publishers AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 1177-1801 1174-1740 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1174-1740 SAGE Publications Alternative Law Journal 1037-969X 2398-9084 2004 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-9084 SAGE Publications Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 0304-3754 2005 30 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0304-3754 SAGE Publications Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 0261-1929 2632-3559 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-3559 SAGE Publications altrelettere 1664-6908 2012 2012 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1664-6908 Universität Zürich Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 1758-9193 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9193 BioMed Central Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 1758-9193 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9193 Springer AMB Express 2191-0855 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-0855 Springer Amber Waves 1545-875X 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1545-875X United States Department of Agriculture AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 0044-7447 1654-7209 2000 29 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-7209 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 0044-7447 1654-7209 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-7209 Springer Ambix 0002-6980 1745-8234 1961 9 1961 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8234 Maney Publishing 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Rehabilitation 1548-7768 1548-7776 2018 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7776 University of Nebraska Press American Journal of Public Health 0090-0036 1541-0048 1911 1 2022 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0048 American Public Health Association American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1073-449X 1535-4970 1987 136 2009 180 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-4970 American Thoracic Society American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1073-449X 1535-4970 2013 187 2022 206 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-4970 American Thoracic Society American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 1044-1549 1535-4989 1989 1 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-4989 American Thoracic Society American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 1044-1549 1535-4989 2021 64 2022 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-4989 American Thoracic Society American Journal of Rhinology 1050-6586 1539-6290 2004 18 2005 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-6290 SAGE Publications American Journal of 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2011 61 2011 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2011 61 2011 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2012 62 2012 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2012 62 2012 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2013 63 2013 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2013 63 2013 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2014 64 2014 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2014 64 2014 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2015 65 2015 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2015 65 2015 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2016 66 2016 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2016 66 2016 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2017 67 2017 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 University of Wisconsin Press American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X 1553-4448 2017 67 2017 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4448 Taylor & Francis American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism 1054-7479 1548-4238 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-4238 Ohio State University Press American Physical Education Review 2326-7224 1896 1 1929 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7224 Taylor & Francis American Politics Research 1532-673X 1552-3373 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3373 SAGE Publications American Quarterly 0003-0678 1080-6490 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6490 Johns Hopkins University Press American Religion 2643-9255 2643-9247 2019 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-9247 Indiana University Press American Review of Canadian Studies 0272-2011 1943-9954 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-9954 Taylor & Francis American Sociological Review 0003-1224 1939-8271 2004 69 2023 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8271 SAGE Publications American Speech 0003-1283 1527-2133 1999 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2133 Duke University Press American Speech 0003-1283 1527-2133 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2133 Duke University Press American String Teacher 0003-1313 2515-4842 2006 56 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-4842 SAGE Publications American Studies 0026-3079 2153-6856 2007 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-6856 Mid-American Studies Association American Studies 0026-3079 2153-6856 2012 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-6856 Mid-American Studies Association American Zoologist 0003-1569 2000 40 2001 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-1569 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal 2690-2214 2768-1858 2020 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2768-1858 University of Nebraska Press AmeriQuests 1553-4316 2004 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4316 Vanderbilt University Amino Acids 0939-4451 1438-2199 1991 1 2011 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-2199 Springer Amino Acids 0939-4451 1438-2199 2012 43 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-2199 Springer AMP: American Music Perspectives 2688-3635 2688-3643 2020 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-3643 Penn State University Press Amrita Journal of Medicine 0975-9662 2020 16 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0975-9662 Medknow Publications Amsab Tijdingen 0771-0038 2019 2019 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0771-0038 Ghent University Library Amyloid 1350-6129 1744-2818 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2818 Taylor & Francis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 1748-2968 1471-180X 2005 6 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-180X Taylor & Francis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 2167-8421 2167-9223 2013 14 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-9223 Taylor & Francis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders 1466-0822 2000 1 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1466-0822 Taylor & Francis An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts 1554-8953 1944-6535 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6535 University of Nebraska Press Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 0310-057X 1448-0271 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-0271 SAGE Publications Anales Galdosianos 0569-9924 2011 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0569-9924 Anales Galdosianos Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 0925-1030 1573-1979 2013 74 2018 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1979 Springer Analysis 0003-2638 1467-8284 2007 67 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8284 Oxford University Press Analysis & PDE 2157-5045 1948-206X 2010 3 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-206X Mathematical Sciences Publishers Analysis in Theory and Applications 1672-4070 1573-8175 2003 19 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8175 Springer Analysis Mathematica 0133-3852 1588-273X 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-273X Springer Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 1618-2642 1618-2650 2002 372 2018 410 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-2650 Springer Analytical Cellular Pathology 2210-7177 2210-7185 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-7185 Hindawi Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2007 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 Libertas Academica Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 SAGE Publications Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 Libertas Academica Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 SAGE Publications Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 SAGE Publications Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 Libertas Academica Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 SAGE Publications Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 Libertas Academica Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2014 9 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 Libertas Academica Analytical Chemistry Insights 1177-3901 2015 10 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3901 SAGE Publications Analytical Chemistry Letters 2229-7928 2230-7532 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2230-7532 Taylor & Francis Analytical Communications 1359-7337 1364-5536 1999 36 1999 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5536 Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Letters 0003-2719 1532-236X 1967 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-236X Taylor & Francis Analytical Methods 1759-9660 1759-9679 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9679 Royal Society of Chemistry Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 1303-2917 2156-6909 1997 8 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-6909 Taylor & Francis Anatomical Science International 1447-6959 1447-073X 2013 88 2018 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1447-073X Springer Anatomy and Embryology 0340-2061 1432-0568 1891 1 2006 211 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0568 Springer Anatomy Research International 2090-2743 2090-2751 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2751 Hindawi Anatomy Research International 2090-2743 2090-2751 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2751 Hindawi Ancient Asia 2042-5937 2006 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5937 Ubiquity Press Ancient Biomolecules 1358-6122 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1358-6122 Taylor & Francis Ancient Philosophy Today 2516-1156 2516-1164 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-1164 Edinburgh University Press Ancient Science of Life 0257-7941 2249-9547 2010 29 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-9547 Medknow Publications ANDROLOGIA 1439-0272 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0272 Hindawi Anemia 2090-1267 2090-1275 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1275 Hindawi Anesthesia: Essays and Researches 0259-1162 2229-7685 2010 4 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-7685 Medknow Publications Anesthesia Progress 0003-3006 2005 52 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-3006 American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Research and Practice 1687-6962 1687-6970 2008 2008 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6970 Hindawi Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 0969-725X 1469-2899 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2899 Taylor & Francis Angiogenesis 0969-6970 1573-7209 1997 1 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7209 Springer Angiology 0003-3197 1940-1574 2004 55 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1574 SAGE Publications Anglican Theological Review 0003-3286 2163-6214 2014 96 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-6214 SAGE Publications Anglo Saxonica 2184-6006 2020 18 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2184-6006 Ubiquity Press Animal Biotechnology 1049-5398 1532-2378 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2378 Taylor & Francis Animal Biotelemetry 2050-3385 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-3385 Springer Animal Biotelemetry 2050-3385 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-3385 BioMed Central Animal Biotelemetry 2050-3385 2015 3 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-3385 Springer Animal Cells and Systems 1976-8354 2151-2485 2008 12 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2485 Taylor & Francis Animal Cognition 1435-9448 1435-9456 1998 1 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-9456 Springer Animal Frontiers 2160-6056 2160-6064 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-6064 American Society of Animal Science Animal Frontiers 2160-6056 2160-6064 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-6064 Oxford University Press Animal Frontiers 2160-6056 2160-6064 2012 2 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-6064 American Society of Animal Science Animal Frontiers 2160-6056 2160-6064 2012 2 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-6064 Oxford University Press Animation 1746-8477 1746-8485 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-8485 SAGE Publications Animation Practice, Process & Production 2042-7875 2042-7883 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7883 Intellect Ankara Papers 1474-7782 2004 9 2005 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1474-7782 Taylor & Francis Annales Botanici Fennici 0003-3847 2008 45 2017 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-3847 Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 0037-9271 2168-6351 2002 38 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6351 Taylor & Francis Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D 2308-5827 2308-5835 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-5835 European Mathematical Society Annales Geophysicae 0992-7689 1432-0576 1994 12 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0576 Copernicus Publications Annales Henri Poincare 1424-0637 1424-0661 2013 14 2019 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1424-0661 Springer Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales (French Edition) 0395-2649 1953-8146 2014 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1953-8146 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Annales Zoologici Fennici 0003-455X 2008 45 2017 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-455X Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 0373-3114 1618-1891 2013 192 2018 197 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-1891 Springer Annals at Iowa 0003-4827 2005 64 2022 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-4827 University of Iowa Annals in Social Responsibility 2056-3515 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3515 Emerald Group Publishing Annals of African Medicine 1596-3519 0975-5764 2010 9 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-5764 Medknow Publications Annals of Behavioral Medicine 0883-6612 1532-4796 1995 17 2017 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4796 Springer Annals of Behavioral Medicine 0883-6612 1532-4796 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4796 Oxford University Press Annals of Bioanthropology 2315-7992 2468-8444 2014 2 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8444 Medknow Publications Annals of Biomedical Engineering 0090-6964 1573-9686 1972 1 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9686 Springer Annals of Botany 0305-7364 1095-8290 2005 95 2015 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8290 Oxford University Press Annals of Botany 0305-7364 1095-8290 2017 119 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8290 Oxford University Press Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 0971-9784 0974-5181 2010 13 2017 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5181 Medknow Publications Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 0971-9784 0974-5181 2019 22 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5181 Medknow Publications Annals of Carnegie Museum 0097-4463 1943-6300 2005 74 2017 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6300 Carnegie Museum of Natural History Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science 0091-7370 1550-8080 2001 31 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-8080 Association of Clinical Scientists Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 0004-5632 1758-1001 2000 37 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1001 SAGE Publications Annals of Clinical Cardiology 2666-6979 2666-6987 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-6987 Medknow Publications Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 1476-0711 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-0711 BioMed Central Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 1476-0711 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-0711 Springer Annals of Combinatorics 0218-0006 0219-3094 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-3094 Springer Annals of Dyslexia 0736-9387 1934-7243 1955 5 1956 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7243 Springer Annals of Dyslexia 0736-9387 1934-7243 1958 8 1958 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7243 Springer Annals of Dyslexia 0736-9387 1934-7243 1960 10 1977 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7243 Springer Annals of Dyslexia 0736-9387 1934-7243 1979 29 2018 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7243 Springer Annals of Family Medicine 1544-1709 1544-1717 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1717 Annals of Family Medicine Annals of Finance 1614-2446 1614-2454 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-2454 Springer Annals of Forest Science 1286-4560 1297-966X 2013 70 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-966X Springer Annals of General Psychiatry 1744-859X 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-859X BioMed Central Annals of General Psychiatry 1744-859X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-859X Springer Annals of GIS 1947-5683 1947-5691 2009 15 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-5691 Taylor & Francis Annals of Glaciology 0260-3055 1727-5644 1994 20 1994 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-5644 International Glaciological Society Annals of Glaciology 0260-3055 1727-5644 1999 28 2015 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-5644 International Glaciological Society Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 0232-704X 1572-9060 2013 43 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9060 Springer Annals of Global Health 2214-9996 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2214-9996 Levy Library Press Annals of Hematology 0939-5555 1432-0584 1955 1 2018 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0584 Springer Annals of Human Biology 0301-4460 1464-5033 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5033 Taylor & Francis Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 0972-2327 1998-3549 2010 13 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3549 Medknow Publications Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 0972-2327 1998-3549 2014 17 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3549 Medknow Publications Annals of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2589-3505 2589-3513 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-3513 Medknow Publications Annals of Indian Psychiatry 2588-8358 2588-8366 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2588-8366 Medknow Publications Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2000-7396 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-7396 Taylor & Francis Annals of Intensive Care 2110-5820 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2110-5820 SpringerOpen Annals of Intensive Care 2110-5820 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2110-5820 Springer 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63 2018 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-2044 Springer Annals of Movement Disorders 2590-3446 2590-3454 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2590-3454 Medknow Publications Annals of Neurosciences 0972-7531 0976-3260 2019 26 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3260 SAGE Publications Annals of Nigerian Medicine 0331-3131 2230-9721 2011 5 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2230-9721 Medknow Publications Annals of Nuclear Medicine 0914-7187 1864-6433 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-6433 Springer Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2052-4374 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4374 Springer Annals of Oncology 0923-7534 1569-8041 2005 16 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-8041 Oxford University Press Annals of Oncology Research and Therapy 2772-8382 2772-8390 2021 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-8390 Medknow Publications Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 1572-9338 2013 202 2018 269 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9338 Springer Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 1572-9338 2019 280 2019 280 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9338 Springer Annals of Otology and Neurotology 2581-5784 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2581-5784 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 0003-4894 1943-572X 2004 113 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-572X SAGE Publications Annals of Pediatric Cardiology 0974-2069 0974-5149 2010 3 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5149 Medknow Publications Annals of Pharmacotherapy 1060-0280 1542-6270 1967 1 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-6270 Harvey Whitney Books Company Annals of Pharmacotherapy 1060-0280 1542-6270 2013 47 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-6270 SAGE Publications Annals of Science 0003-3790 1464-505X 1936 1 2023 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-505X Taylor & Francis Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research 1750-1164 2007 1 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1164 BioMed Central Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research 1750-1164 2013 7 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1164 Springer Annals of Surgical Oncology 1068-9265 1534-4681 1994 1 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-4681 Springer Annals of Telecommunications 0003-4347 1958-9395 2013 68 2019 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1958-9395 Springer Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2469-4452 2469-4460 2016 106 2023 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-4460 Taylor & Francis Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2325-6621 2013 10 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6621 American Thoracic Society Annals of the Association of American Geographers 0004-5608 1467-8306 1911 1 2015 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8306 Taylor & Francis Annals of the Entomological Society of America 0013-8746 1938-2901 2000 93 2007 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2901 Entomological Society of America Annals of the Entomological Society of America 0013-8746 1938-2901 2008 101 2008 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2901 Oxford University Press Annals of the Entomological Society of America 0013-8746 1938-2901 2008 101 2008 101 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-8977 Taylor & Francis Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 0026-6493 2006 93 2017 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-6493 Missouri Botanical Garden Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) 0379-038X 2454-5635 2016 52 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2454-5635 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 0003-4967 1468-2060 1939 1 1965 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2060 BMJ Group Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 0003-4967 1468-2060 1967 26 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2060 BMJ Group Annals of Thoracic Medicine 1817-1737 1998-3557 2010 5 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3557 Medknow Publications Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 0003-4983 1364-8594 2007 101 2011 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-8594 Taylor & Francis Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 1755-6783 0974-6005 2011 4 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-6005 Medknow Publications Annals of Tropical Paediatrics: International Child Health 0272-4936 1465-3281 2007 27 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3281 Taylor & Francis Annals of Tropical Pathology 2251-0060 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2251-0060 Medknow Publications Annals of Work Exposures and Health 2398-7308 2398-7316 2017 61 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-7316 Oxford University Press Annual of Urdu Studies 0734-5348 1993 08 2014 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0734-5348 University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic Chemistry 0260-1818 1460-4760 2000 96 2013 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4760 Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry 0069-3030 1460-4779 2000 96 2013 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4779 Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical Chemistry 0260-1826 1460-4787 2000 96 2013 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4787 Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Review of Anthropology 0084-6570 1545-4290 1 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4290 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 0066-4146 1545-4282 1 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4282 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biochemistry 0066-4154 1545-4509 1 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4509 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biochemistry 0066-4154 1545-4509 4 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4509 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 1523-9829 1545-4274 1 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4274 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biophysics 0084-6589 2 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6589 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biophysics 0084-6589 11 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6589 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biophysics 0084-6589 18 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6589 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biophysics 0084-6589 20 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6589 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 1056-8700 21 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-8700 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 1081-0706 1530-8995 11 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8995 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Cell Biology 0743-4634 1 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0743-4634 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 1548-5943 1548-5951 1 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5951 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 0084-6597 1545-4495 1 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4495 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 0066-4162 1 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0066-4162 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 1543-592X 1545-2069 34 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2069 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Energy 0362-1626 1 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0362-1626 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 1056-3466 16 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-3466 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Entomology 0066-4170 1545-4487 1 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4487 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Environment and Resources 1543-5938 1545-2050 28 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2050 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 0066-4189 1545-4479 1 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4479 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Genetics 0066-4197 1545-2948 1 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2948 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 1527-8204 1545-293X 1 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-293X Annual Reviews Annual Review of Health Social Science 1036-6733 1991 1 2000 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1036-6733 Taylor & Francis Annual Review of Immunology 0732-0582 1545-3278 1 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-3278 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Law and Social Science 1550-3585 1550-3631 1 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-3631 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Materials Research 1531-7331 1545-4118 31 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4118 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Materials Science 0084-6600 1 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6600 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Materials Science 0084-6600 25 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-6600 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Medicine 0066-4219 1545-326X 1 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-326X Annual Reviews Annual Review of Microbiology 0066-4227 1545-3251 1 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-3251 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Neuroscience 0147-006X 1545-4126 1 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4126 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 0163-8998 1545-4134 28 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4134 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Nuclear Science 0066-4243 1 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0066-4243 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Nutrition 0199-9885 1545-4312 1 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4312 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 0362-1642 1545-4304 1 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4304 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 0362-1642 1545-4304 4 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-4304 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 0066-426X 1545-1593 1 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1593 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 0066-426X 1545-1593 34 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1593 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 0066-426X 1545-1593 48 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1593 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Physiology 0066-4278 1545-1585 1 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1585 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Phytopathology 0066-4286 1545-2107 1 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2107 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Plant Biology 1543-5008 1545-2123 1 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2123 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Political Science 1094-2939 1545-1577 3 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1577 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Political Science 1094-2939 1545-1577 6 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1577 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Psychology 0066-4308 1545-2085 1 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2085 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Public Health 0163-7525 1545-2093 1 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2093 Annual Reviews Annual Review of Sociology 0360-0572 1545-2115 1 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2115 Annual Reviews ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 0895-769X 1940-3364 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3364 Taylor & Francis Anthropologica 0003-5459 2292-3586 2014 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2292-3586 University of Toronto Press Anthropological Forum: A journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology 0066-4677 1469-2902 1963 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2902 Taylor & Francis Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 1755-2923 1755-2931 2008 17 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2931 Berghahn Journals Anthropological Linguistics 1944-6527 0003-5483 2009 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0003-5483 University of Nebraska Press Anthropological Quarterly 1534-1518 0003-5491 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0003-5491 George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic Research Anthropological Theory 1463-4996 1741-2641 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2641 SAGE Publications Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia 1061-1959 1558-092X 1992 31 2020 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-092X Taylor & Francis Anthropology & Education Quarterly 0161-7761 1548-1492 1997 28 2007 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1492 American Anthropological Association Anthropology & Humanism 1559-9167 1548-1409 1976 1 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1409 American Anthropological Association Anthropology & Medicine 1364-8470 1469-2910 1996 3 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2910 Taylor & Francis Anthropology in Action 0967-201X 1752-2285 2005 12 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2285 Berghahn Journals Anthropology News 1541-6151 1556-3502 1960 1 1979 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3502 American Anthropological Association Anthropology Now 1942-8200 1949-2901 2011 3 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-2901 Taylor & Francis Anthropology of Consciousness 1053-4202 1556-3537 1990 1 2007 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3537 American Anthropological Association Anthropology of the Middle East 1746-0719 1746-0727 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0727 Berghahn Journals Anthropology of Work Review 0883-024X 1980 1 2003 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0883-024X American Anthropological Association Anthropology Southern Africa 2332-3256 2332-3264 2004 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-3264 Taylor & Francis Anthropozoologica 0761-3032 2009 44 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0761-3032 Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1987 1 1988 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1987 1 1988 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1988 2 1989 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1988 2 1989 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1989 3 1990 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1989 3 1990 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1990 4 1991 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1990 4 1991 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1992 5 1992 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1992 5 1992 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1993 6 1993 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1993 6 1993 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1994 7 1994 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1994 7 1994 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1995 8 1995 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1995 8 1995 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1996 9 1996 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1996 9 1996 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1997 10 1997 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1997 10 1997 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1998 11 1998 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1998 11 1998 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1999 12 1999 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 1999 12 1999 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2000 13 2000 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2000 13 2000 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2001 14 2001 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2001 14 2001 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2002 15 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2002 15 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2003 16 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2003 16 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2004 17 2004 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2004 17 2004 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2005 18 2005 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2005 18 2005 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2006 19 2006 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2006 19 2006 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2007 20 2007 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2007 20 2007 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2008 21 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2008 21 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2009 22 2009 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2009 22 2009 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2010 23 2010 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2010 23 2010 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2011 24 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2011 24 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2012 25 2012 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2012 25 2012 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2013 26 2013 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2013 26 2013 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2014 27 2014 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Bloomsbury Publishing Anthrozoös 0892-7936 1753-0377 2014 27 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0377 Taylor & Francis Anticancer Research 0250-7005 1791-7530 2004 24 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-7530 International Institute of Anticancer Research Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 0003-5599 1758-4221 1954 1 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4221 Emerald Group Publishing Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 0066-4804 1098-6596 1972 1 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-6596 American Society for Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2047-2994 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2994 BioMed Central Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2047-2994 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2994 Springer Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2047-2994 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2994 BioMed Central Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2047-2994 2015 4 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2994 Springer Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal 1543-9925 1543-9933 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-9933 Catholic University of America Press Antipodes 0893-5580 2331-9089 2018 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-9089 Wayne State University Press Antisemitism Studies 2474-1809 2474-1817 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-1817 Indiana University Press Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 0956-3202 2040-2066 2004 15 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2066 SAGE Publications Antiviral Therapy 1359-6535 2040-2058 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2058 SAGE Publications Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 0003-6072 1572-9699 2013 103 2018 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9699 Springer ANTYAJAA: Indian Journal of Women and Social Change 2455-6327 2016 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2455-6327 SAGE Publications Anxiety Research 0891-7779 1988 1 1991 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0891-7779 Taylor & Francis Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal 1061-5806 1477-2205 1992 5 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2205 Taylor & Francis AoB PLANTS 2041-2851 2009 2009 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2851 Oxford University Press AoB PLANTS 2041-2851 2013 5 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2851 Oxford University Press AoIR: Selected Papers of Internet Research 2162-3317 2011 12 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-3317 University of Illinois at Chicago Library AoIR: Selected Papers of Internet Research 2162-3317 2016 2016 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-3317 University of Illinois at Chicago Library AORTA 2325-4637 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-4637 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Aphasiology 0268-7038 1464-5041 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5041 Taylor & Francis Apidologie 0044-8435 1297-9678 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9678 Springer APIK Journal of Internal Medicine 2666-1802 2666-1810 2016 4 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-1810 Medknow Publications APIK Journal of Internal Medicine 2666-1802 2666-1810 2020 8 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-1810 Medknow Publications Apollo Medicine 0976-0016 2213-3682 2017 14 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-3682 Medknow Publications Apoptosis 1360-8185 1573-675X 1996 1 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-675X Springer APOS Trends in Orthodontics 2321-4600 2321-1407 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-1407 Medknow Publications Appalachian Heritage 0363-2318 1940-5081 1973 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5081 University of North Carolina Press Apple Valley Review 1931-3888 2006 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-3888 Apple Valley Review Applicable Analysis: An International Journal 0003-6811 1563-504X 1971 1 2023 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-504X Taylor & Francis Applications in Plant Sciences (APPS) 2168-0450 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-0450 Botanical Society of America Applications of Mathematics 0862-7940 1572-9109 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9109 Springer Applied Adhesion Science 2196-4351 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-4351 SpringerOpen Applied Adhesion Science 2196-4351 2016 4 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-4351 Springer Applied and Environmental Microbiology 0099-2240 1098-5336 1953 1 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5336 American Society for Microbiology Applied and Environmental Soil Science 1687-7667 1687-7675 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7675 Hindawi Applied and Environmental Soil Science 1687-7667 1687-7675 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7675 Hindawi Applied Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal 0883-9514 1087-6545 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-6545 Taylor & Francis Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0273-2289 1559-0291 2013 169 2018 186 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0291 Springer Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 0003-6838 1608-3024 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3024 Springer Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 1176-2322 1754-2103 2003 1 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2103 Taylor & Francis Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 1176-2322 1754-2103 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2103 Hindawi Applied Biosafety 1535-6760 2470-1246 2005 10 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1246 SAGE Publications Applied Biosafety 1535-6760 2470-1246 2010 15 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1246 SAGE Publications Applied Biosafety 1535-6760 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1535-6760 SAGE Publications Applied Biosafety 1535-6760 2470-1246 2016 21 2019 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1246 SAGE Publications Applied Categorical Structures 0927-2852 1572-9095 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9095 Springer Applied Clinical Informatics 1869-0327 2009 0 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-0327 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Applied Composite Materials 0929-189X 1573-4897 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4897 Springer Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 1687-9724 1687-9732 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9732 Hindawi Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 1687-9724 1687-9732 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9732 Hindawi Applied Computing and Informatics 2634-1964 2210-8327 2020 16 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-8327 Emerald Group Publishing Applied Developmental Science 1088-8691 1532-480X 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-480X Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2000 109 2010 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Maney Publishing Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2010 119 2010 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2011 120 2011 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Maney Publishing Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2011 120 2011 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2012 121 2012 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Maney Publishing Applied Earth Science 0371-7453 1743-2758 2012 121 2017 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2018 127 2018 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2018 127 2018 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2019 128 2019 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2019 128 2019 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2020 129 2020 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2020 129 2020 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2021 130 2021 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2021 130 2021 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2022 131 2022 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2022 131 2022 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2023 132 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 Taylor & Francis Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6838 2572-6846 2023 132 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6846 SAGE Publications Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section B 0371-7453 1743-2758 2010 119 2017 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2758 SAGE Publications Applied Economic Analysis 2632-7627 2019 27 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-7627 Emerald Group Publishing Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5790 2040-5804 2008 30 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-5804 Oxford University Press Applied Economics 0003-6846 1466-4283 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4283 Taylor & Francis Applied Economics Letters 1350-4851 1466-4291 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4291 Taylor & Francis Applied Entomology and Zoology 0003-6862 1347-605X 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1347-605X Springer Applied Environmental Education and Communication 1533-015X 1533-0389 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-0389 Taylor & Francis Applied Financial Economics 0960-3107 1466-4305 1991 1 2014 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4305 Taylor & Francis Applied Financial Economics Letters 1744-6546 1744-6554 2005 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6554 Taylor & Francis Applied Geomatics 1866-9298 1866-928X 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-928X Springer Applied Geophysics 1672-7975 1993-0658 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0658 Springer Applied Industrial Hygiene 0882-8032 1986 1 1989 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-8032 Taylor & Francis Applied Informatics 2196-0089 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-0089 SpringerOpen Applied Informatics 2196-0089 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-0089 Springer Applied Intelligence 0924-669X 1573-7497 2013 38 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7497 Springer Applied Linguistics 0142-6001 1477-450X 2005 26 2006 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-450X Oxford University Press Applied Linguistics 0142-6001 1477-450X 2008 29 2008 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-450X Oxford University Press Applied Linguistics 0142-6001 1477-450X 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-450X Oxford University Press Applied Magnetic Resonance 0937-9347 1613-7507 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7507 Springer Applied Mathematical Finance 1350-486X 1466-4313 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4313 Taylor & Francis Applied Mathematics & Optimization 0095-4616 1432-0606 2013 67 2018 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0606 Springer Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities 1005-1031 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1005-1031 Springer Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 0253-4827 1573-2754 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2754 Springer Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering 2769-0911 2022 30 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-0911 Taylor & Francis Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 1687-1200 1687-1197 2008 2008 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1197 Oxford University Press Applied Measurement in Education 0895-7347 1532-4818 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4818 Taylor & Francis Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 0175-7598 1432-0614 1975 1 2018 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0614 Springer Applied Microscopy 2287-4445 2019 49 2019 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2287-4445 Springer Applied Mobilities 2380-0127 2380-0135 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-0135 Taylor & Francis Applied Network Science 2364-8228 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-8228 Springer Applied Neuropsychology 0908-4282 1532-4826 1994 1 2011 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4826 Taylor & Francis Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 2327-9095 2327-9109 2012 19 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-9109 Taylor & Francis Applied Neuropsychology: Child 2162-2965 2162-2973 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-2973 Taylor & Francis Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1047-322X 1521-0898 1990 5 2003 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0898 Taylor & Francis Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 0947-8396 1432-0630 2013 110 2018 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0630 Springer Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 0946-2171 1432-0649 2013 110 2018 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0649 Springer Applied Physics Research 1916-9639 1916-9647 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9647 Canadian Center of Science and Education Applied Psychological Measurement 0146-6216 1552-3497 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3497 SAGE Publications Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 1090-0586 1573-3270 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3270 Springer Applied Research in Quality of Life 1871-2584 1871-2576 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-2576 Springer Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique Appliquée 1204-6140 1996 1 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1204-6140 University of Toronto Department of French Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1874-463X 1874-4621 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-4621 Springer Applied Spectroscopy 0003-7028 1943-3530 2004 58 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3530 SAGE Publications Applied Spectroscopy Practica 2755-1857 2755-1857 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-1857 SAGE Publications Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 0570-4928 1520-569X 1967 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-569X Taylor & Francis Applied Theatre Research 2049-3010 2012 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3010 Intellect Applied Vegetation Science 1402-2001 1654-109X 2002 5 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-109X International Association of Vegetation Science Approximation Theory and its Applications 1000-9221 1989 5 2002 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1000-9221 Springer AQUA: Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society 2709-8028 2709-8036 2021 70 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2709-8036 International Water Association Publishing Aquaculture Economics & Management 1365-7305 1551-8663 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-8663 Taylor & Francis Aquaculture International 0967-6120 1573-143X 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-143X Springer AQUACULTURE RESEARCH 1355-557X 1365-2109 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2109 Hindawi Aquatic Biosystems 2046-9063 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-9063 BioMed Central Aquatic Biosystems 2046-9063 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-9063 BioMed Central Aquatic Ecology 1386-2588 1573-5125 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5125 Springer Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 1463-4988 1539-4077 1998 1 2020 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-4077 Taylor & Francis Aquatic Geochemistry 1380-6165 1573-1421 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1421 Springer Aquatic Insects: International Journal of Freshwater Entomology 0165-0424 1744-4152 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4152 Taylor & Francis Aquatic Invasions 1798-6540 1818-5487 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1818-5487 Pensoft Publishers Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 1015-1621 1420-9055 2008 70 2019 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9055 Springer Arab Journal of Interventional Radiology 2542-7075 2542-7083 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-7083 Medknow Publications Arab Journal of Interventional Radiology 2542-7075 2542-7083 2020 4 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-7083 Medknow Publications Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1319-5166 2588-9214 2020 26 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2588-9214 Emerald Group Publishing Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2193-567X 2191-4281 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-4281 Springer Arabian Journal of Geosciences 1866-7511 1866-7538 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-7538 Springer Arabic & Middle Eastern Literature 1366-6169 1469-2929 1998 1 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2929 Taylor & Francis Arbitration International 0957-0411 1875-8398 2008 24 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8398 Oxford University Press Arbitration Law Reports and Review 2044-8651 2044-9887 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-9887 Oxford University Press Arboricultural Association Journal 0003-7931 1965 1 1976 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-7931 Taylor & Francis Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban Forestry 0307-1375 2168-1074 1971 2 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1074 Taylor & Francis Archaea 1472-3646 1472-3654 2013 2013 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3654 Hindawi Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557 1866-9565 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-9565 Springer Archaeological Journal 0066-5983 2373-2288 1844 1 2023 180 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-2288 Taylor & Francis Archaeology International 2048-4194 2000 4 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4194 Ubiquity Press Archaeology International 2048-4194 2016 19 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4194 Ubiquity Press Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 1551-823X 1551-8248 1989 1 2007 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-8248 American Anthropological Association Architectural Engineering and Design Management 1745-2007 1752-7589 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7589 Taylor & Francis Architectural Heritage 1350-7524 1755-1641 2000 11 2016 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1641 Edinburgh University Press Architectural Histories 2050-5833 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5833 Open Library of Humanities Architectural Science Review 0003-8628 1758-9622 1958 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9622 Taylor & Francis Architectural Theory Review 1326-4826 1755-0475 1996 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0475 Taylor & Francis Architecture and Culture 2050-7828 2050-7836 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7836 Taylor & Francis Architecture and Culture 2050-7828 2050-7836 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7836 Bloomsbury Publishing Architecture and Culture 2050-7828 2050-7836 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7836 Bloomsbury Publishing Architecture and Culture 2050-7828 2050-7836 2014 2 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7836 Taylor & Francis Archiv der Mathematik 0003-889X 1420-8938 2013 100 2018 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8938 Springer Archiv für Pflanzenschutz 0003-9349 1965 1 1973 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-9349 Taylor & Francis Archiv für Tierernaehrung 0003-942X 1951 1 2002 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-942X Taylor & Francis Archival Science 1389-0166 1573-7519 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7519 Springer Archivaria 0318-6954 1923-6409 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-6409 Association of Canadian Archivists Archive for History of Exact Sciences 0003-9519 1432-0657 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0657 Springer Archive for Mathematical Logic 0933-5846 1432-0665 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0665 Springer Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0003-9527 1432-0673 1957 1 1959 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0673 Springer Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0003-9527 1432-0673 1960 6 1962 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0673 Springer Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0003-9527 1432-0673 1963 12 2018 230 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0673 Springer Archive for the Psychology of Religion 0084-6724 1573-6121 2005 27 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6121 SAGE Publications Archive of Applied Mechanics 0939-1533 1432-0681 2013 83 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0681 Springer Archives 0003-9535 2516-8975 2005 31 2005 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8975 Liverpool University Press Archives 0003-9535 2516-8975 2008 33 2014 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8975 Liverpool University Press Archives 0003-9535 2516-8975 2015 50 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8975 Liverpool University Press Archives and Manuscripts 0157-6895 2164-6058 2012 40 2021 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-6058 Taylor & Francis Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association 2325-7962 2325-7989 2013 34 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-7989 Taylor & Francis Archives Animal Breeding 0003-9438 2363-9822 1999 42 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-9822 Copernicus Publications Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 0365-0340 1476-3567 1962 6 1970 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3567 Taylor & Francis Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 0365-0340 1476-3567 1994 38 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3567 Taylor & Francis Archives of Andrology: Journal of Reproductive Systems 0148-5016 1978 1 2007 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-5016 Taylor & Francis Archives of Animal Nutrition 1745-039X 1477-2817 2003 57 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2817 Taylor & Francis Archives of Asian Art 0066-6637 1944-6497 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6497 Duke University Press Archives of Asian Art 0066-6637 1944-6497 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6497 Duke University Press Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 0887-6177 1873-5843 2008 23 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-5843 Oxford University Press Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 0887-6177 1873-5843 2010 25 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-5843 Oxford University Press Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 1134-3060 1886-1784 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1886-1784 Springer Archives of Dermatological Research 0340-3696 1432-069X 2013 305 2018 310 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-069X Springer Archives of Disease in Childhood 0003-9888 1468-2044 1927 2 2023 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2044 BMJ Group Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice 1743-0585 1743-0593 2004 89 2023 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0593 BMJ Group Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition 1359-2998 1468-2052 1994 70 2023 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2052 BMJ Group Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 1933-8244 2154-4700 2005 60 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-4700 Taylor & Francis Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 0090-4341 1432-0703 2013 64 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0703 Springer Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal 0003-9896 1960 1 2004 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-9896 Taylor & Francis Archives of Family Medicine 1063-3987 1941-1758 1992 1 2000 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-1758 American Medical Association Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 0932-0067 1432-0711 2013 287 2018 298 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0711 Springer Archives of International Surgery 2278-9596 2320-4761 2012 2 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-4761 Medknow Publications Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 2321-4848 2321-6085 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6085 Medknow Publications Archives of Medicine and Surgery 2543-1951 2543-196X 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2543-196X Medknow Publications Archives of Mental Health 2589-9171 2589-918X 2010 11 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-918X Medknow Publications Archives of Microbiology 0302-8933 1432-072X 2013 195 2019 201 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-072X Springer Archives of Natural History 0260-9541 1755-6260 2000 27 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-6260 Edinburgh University Press Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research 0003-9306 2001 40 2002 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-9306 Taylor & Francis Archives of Neurology 0003-9942 1538-3687 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3687 American Medical Association Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 0936-8051 1434-3916 2013 133 2018 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-3916 Springer Archives of Pharmacal Research 0253-6269 1976-3786 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-3786 Springer Archives of Pharmacy Practice 2320-5210 2045-080X 2011 2 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-080X Medknow Publications Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 1381-3455 1744-4160 1995 103 2023 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4160 Taylor & Francis Archives of Physiotherapy 2057-0082 2015 5 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-0082 Springer Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 0323-5408 1477-2906 1974 10 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2906 Taylor & Francis Archives of Public Health 0778-7367 2009 67 2012 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0778-7367 BioMed Central Archives of Public Health 0778-7367 2014 72 2014 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0778-7367 BioMed Central Archives of Public Health 0778-7367 2049-3258 2015 73 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3258 Springer Archives of Sexual Behavior 0004-0002 1573-2800 1971 1 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2800 Springer Archives of Suicide Research 1381-1118 1543-6136 1995 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-6136 Taylor & Francis Archives of Toxicology 0340-5761 1432-0738 1930 1 1996 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0738 Springer Archives of Toxicology 0340-5761 1432-0738 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Anthropology 0066-6939 1933-8139 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-8139 University of Wisconsin Press Arctic Environmental Research 2541-8416 2018 2018 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2541-8416 Pensoft Publishers Ardea 0373-2266 2007 95 2017 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0373-2266 Netherlands Ornithologists' Union Area Development and Policy 2379-2949 2379-2957 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-2957 Taylor & Francis ARENA Journal of Architectural Research 2397-0820 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-0820 Ubiquity Press Arethusa 0004-0975 1080-6504 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6504 Johns Hopkins University Press Argument & Computation 1946-2166 1946-2174 2010 1 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-2174 Taylor & Francis Argumentation 0920-427X 1572-8374 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8374 Springer Argumentation and Advocacy 1051-1431 2576-8476 1989 26 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-8476 Taylor & Francis Arid Land Research and Management 1532-4982 1532-4990 2001 15 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4990 Taylor & Francis Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 0890-3069 1987 1 2000 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0890-3069 Taylor & Francis ariel: A Review of International English Literature 0004-1327 1920-1222 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1920-1222 Johns Hopkins University Press Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics 0095-5809 2327-6436 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-6436 Trustees of Boston University through its publication Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 0309-7013 1467-8349 2008 82 2023 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8349 Oxford University Press Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 1096-2492 1934-9009 1997 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9009 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 1988 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 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2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2003 59 2003 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2004 60 2004 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2005 61 2005 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2006 62 2006 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2007 63 2007 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2008 64 2008 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2009 65 2009 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2010 66 2010 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2011 67 2011 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2012 68 2012 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2013 69 2013 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2014 70 2014 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2015 71 2015 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 University of Arizona Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 0004-1610 1558-9595 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9595 Johns Hopkins University Press Arkiv för Matematik 0004-2080 1871-2487 2013 51 2016 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-2487 Springer Arkivoc 1551-7004 1551-7012 2000 2000 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-7012 ARKAT USA Arkivoc 1551-7004 1551-7012 2006 2006 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-7012 ARKAT USA Armed Conflict Survey 2374-0973 2374-0981 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-0981 Taylor & Francis Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X 1556-0848 2002 29 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-0848 SAGE Publications Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2004 1 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Maney Publishing Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Taylor & Francis Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Maney Publishing Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Taylor & Francis Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Maney Publishing Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 2012 9 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6268 Taylor & Francis Arms Control 0144-0381 1980 1 1993 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0144-0381 Taylor & Francis Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History 2163-8551 2017 7 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-8551 Georgia Southern University ARPHA Conference Abstracts 2603-3925 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2603-3925 Pensoft Publishers ARPHA Proceedings 2683-0183 2019 2019 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2683-0183 Pensoft Publishers Arquivos Brasileiros de Neurocirurgia: Brazilian Neurosurgery 0103-5355 2359-5922 2015 34 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2359-5922 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Arquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia 1809-4872 1809-4856 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1809-4856 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Arris 1048-5945 2769-2434 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-2434 University of North Carolina Press Arris 1048-5945 2769-2434 1991 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-2434 University of North Carolina Press Ars Judaica The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art 1565-6721 2516-4252 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-4252 Liverpool University Press Ars Nova 0379-6485 1971 3 1996 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0379-6485 Taylor & Francis Art & the Public Sphere 2042-793X 2042-7948 2011 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7948 Intellect Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 1474-273X 2040-0896 2002 1 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0896 Intellect Art Education 0004-3125 2325-5161 1950 3 1950 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-5161 Taylor & Francis Art Education 0004-3125 2325-5161 1955 8 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-5161 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art In Translation 1756-1310 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Bloomsbury Publishing Art In Translation 1756-1310 2014 6 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1310 Taylor & Francis Art Journal 0004-3249 2325-5307 1960 20 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-5307 Taylor & Francis Art Reference Services Quarterly 1050-2548 1992 1 1995 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1050-2548 Taylor & Francis Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association 0742-1656 2159-9394 1983 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9394 Taylor & Francis Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 1079-5642 1524-4636 1981 1 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4636 American Heart Association Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice 0976-7479 2517-2654 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-2654 SAGE Publications Arthritis 2090-1984 2090-1992 2010 2010 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1992 Hindawi Arthritis Research & Therapy 1478-6354 1478-6362 1999 1 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6362 BioMed Central Arthritis Research & Therapy 1478-6354 1478-6362 2016 18 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6362 Springer Arthritis und Rheuma 0176-5167 2567-5753 2004 24 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5753 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Arthroplasty 2524-7948 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7948 Springer Arthropod Management Tests 2155-9856 2008 33 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-9856 Oxford University Press Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 1863-7221 1864-8312 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-8312 Pensoft Publishers Arthropod-Plant Interactions 1872-8855 1872-8847 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-8847 Springer Arthroskopie 0933-7946 1434-3924 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-3924 Springer Arthuriana 1078-6279 1934-1539 1994 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1539 Scriptorium Press Artifact 1749-3463 1749-3471 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-3471 Taylor & Francis Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology 1073-1199 1532-4184 1994 22 2012 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4184 Taylor & Francis Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 2169-1401 2169-141X 2013 41 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-141X Taylor & Francis Artificial DNA: PNA & XNA 1949-095X 1949-0968 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-0968 Taylor & Francis Artificial Intelligence Review 0269-2821 1573-7462 2013 39 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7462 Springer Artivate 2164-7747 2012 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7747 University of Arkansas Press Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice 1753-3015 1753-3023 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3023 Taylor & Francis Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474-0222 1741-265X 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-265X SAGE Publications Arts and the Market 2056-4945 2015 5 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2056-4945 Emerald Group Publishing Arts Education Policy Review 1063-2913 1940-4395 1992 94 2023 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4395 Taylor & Francis Arts Marketing: An International Journal 2044-2084 2011 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-2084 Emerald Group Publishing Arzneimittelforschung 0004-4172 1616-7066 2010 60 2012 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-7066 Georg Thieme Verlag KG ASAP/Journal 2381-4705 2381-4721 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-4721 Johns Hopkins University Press ASEAN Economic Bulletin 0217-4472 1793-2831 2003 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-2831 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ASEAN Economic Bulletin 0217-4472 1793-2831 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-2831 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 1987 1987 1987 1987 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 1994 1994 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 1999 1999 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2001 2001 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2003 2003 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2006 2006 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2009 2009 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2016 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASEG Extended Abstracts 2202-0586 2018 2018 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2202-0586 Taylor & Francis ASHA Leader 1085-9586 2010 15 2020 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1085-9586 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Asia Pacific Business Review 0973-2470 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-2470 SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Business Review 0973-2470 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-2470 SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Business Review 0973-2470 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-2470 SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 2003 10 2004 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 1994 1 1995 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 2005 11 2014 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 1995 2 1996 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 2015 21 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X 1996 3 2003 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-792X Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Education Review 1598-1037 1876-407X 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-407X Springer Asia Pacific Family Medicine 1447-056X 2008 7 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1447-056X BioMed Central Asia Pacific Family Medicine 1447-056X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1447-056X Springer Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Trials: Nervous System Diseases 2468-5577 2455-7765 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-7765 Medknow Publications Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 2150-7686 2150-7708 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-7708 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Education 0218-8791 1742-6855 1996 16 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-6855 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 1038-4111 1744-7941 2004 42 2011 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7941 SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2071-1395 2398-7812 2016 10 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-7812 Emerald Group Publishing Asia Pacific Journal of Management 0217-4561 1572-9958 2008 25 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9958 Springer Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 1355-5855 1758-4248 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4248 Emerald Group Publishing Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 2327-6665 2327-6673 2004 26 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-6673 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1010-5395 1941-2479 2005 17 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-2479 SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 0218-5385 2165-0993 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0993 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing 1361-3286 1996 1 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1361-3286 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 2164-0599 2164-0602 2012 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0602 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1094-1665 1741-6507 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6507 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Journal on Computational Engineering 2196-1166 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-1166 Springer Asia Pacific Law Review 1019-2557 1875-8444 1992 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8444 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific Media Educator 1326-365X 2012 22 2021 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1326-365X SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 2330-6343 2330-6351 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-6351 Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific World 2042-6143 2042-6151 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6151 Berghahn Journals Asia Policy 1559-0968 1559-2960 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-2960 National Bureau of Asian Research Asian Affairs 0306-8374 1477-1500 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-1500 Taylor & Francis Asian Affairs: An American Review 0092-7678 1940-1590 1973 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1590 Taylor & Francis Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 0117-1968 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0117-1968 SAGE Publications Asian Anthropology 1683-478X 2168-4227 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-4227 Taylor & Francis Asian Association of Open Universities Journal 1858-3431 2414-6994 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2414-6994 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Bioethics Review 1793-8759 1793-9453 2008 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-9453 NUS Press Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 0218-4923 1816-5370 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1816-5370 SAGE Publications Asian Cinema 1059-440X 2049-6710 1993 5 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6710 Intellect Asian Culture and History 1916-9655 1916-9663 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9663 Canadian Center of Science and Education Asian Education and Development Studies 2046-3162 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-3162 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Englishes 1348-8678 2331-2548 1998 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2548 Taylor & Francis Asian Ethnicity 1463-1369 1469-2953 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2953 Taylor & Francis Asian Geographer 1022-5706 2158-1762 1991 10 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1762 Taylor & Francis Asian Journal for Mathematics Education 2752-7263 2752-7271 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-7271 SAGE Publications Asian Journal of Accounting Research 2459-9700 2443-4175 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2443-4175 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Journal of Andrology 1008-682X 1745-7262 2014 16 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7262 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Communication 0129-2986 1742-0911 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-0911 Taylor & Francis Asian Journal of Comparative Law 1932-0205 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0205 Berkeley Electronic Press Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 2057-8911 2057-892X 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-892X SAGE Publications Asian Journal of Criminology 1871-0131 1871-014X 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-014X Springer Asian Journal of Economics and Banking 2615-9821 2633-7991 2020 4 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-7991 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 1026-2652 2013 23 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-2652 Chinese University Press Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 1026-2652 2333-7192 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7192 Chinese University Press Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 1026-2652 2014 24 2014 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-2652 Chinese University Press Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 1026-2652 2333-7192 2014 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7192 Chinese University Press Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science 1975-2938 2004 1 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1975-2938 Sagamore Publishing Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health 2195-3007 2016 6 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-3007 Springer Asian Journal of German and European Studies 2199-4579 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-4579 Springer Asian Journal of Law and Economics 2154-4611 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-4611 Berkeley Electronic Press Asian Journal of Legal Education 2322-0058 2348-2451 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-2451 SAGE Publications Asian Journal of Management Cases 0972-8201 0973-0621 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0621 SAGE Publications Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications 2049-8683 2049-8691 2013 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8691 Inderscience Asian Journal of Neuroscience 2314-7482 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7482 Hindawi Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2010 5 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2015 10 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2015 10 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2016 11 2016 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2016 11 2016 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2017 12 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2017 12 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2018 13 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2018 13 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2019 14 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2019 14 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2020 15 2020 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2020 15 2020 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2021 16 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2021 16 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482 2248-9614 2022 17 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9614 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2016 2 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2016 2 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2017 3 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2017 3 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Oncology 2454-6798 2455-4618 2018 4 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4618 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Asian Journal of Pediatric Nephrology 2589-9309 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9309 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care 2250-1444 2250-1460 2022 14 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-1460 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Political Science 0218-5377 1750-7812 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-7812 Taylor & Francis Asian Journal of Public Administration 0259-8272 1984 6 2003 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0259-8272 Taylor & Francis Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior 2772-4204 2021 4 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-4204 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility 2365-6417 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-6417 Springer Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 1976-1597 2158-6721 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-6721 Taylor & Francis Asian Journal of Transfusion Science 0973-6247 1998-3565 2010 4 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3565 Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Women's Studies 1225-9276 2377-004X 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-004X Taylor & Francis Asian Journal on Quality 1598-2688 2000 1 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1598-2688 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Libraries 1017-6748 1997 6 1999 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1017-6748 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Music 0044-9202 1553-5630 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-5630 University of Texas Press Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2305-0500 2305-0519 2017 6 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-0519 Medknow Publications Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2221-1691 2588-9222 2018 8 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2588-9222 Medknow Publications Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 1995-7645 2352-4146 2018 11 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-4146 Medknow Publications Asian Perspective 0258-9184 2288-2871 1977 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2288-2871 Johns Hopkins University Press Asian Perspectives 0066-8435 1535-8283 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-8283 University of Hawai'i Press Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 0955-2367 1469-2961 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2961 Taylor & Francis Asian Population Studies 1744-1730 1744-1749 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-1749 Taylor & Francis Asian Review of Accounting 1321-7348 1758-8863 1992 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8863 Emerald Group Publishing Asian Security 1479-9855 1555-2764 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2764 Taylor & Francis Asian Social Science 1911-2017 1911-2025 2008 4 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-2025 Canadian Center of Science and Education Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review 0314-7533 1977 1 1990 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0314-7533 Taylor & Francis Asian Studies Review 1035-7823 1467-8403 1990 14 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8403 Taylor & Francis Asian Survey 0004-4687 1533-838X 2001 41 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-838X University of California Press Asian Theatre Journal 0742-5457 1527-2109 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2109 University of Hawai'i Press ASIANetwork Exchange 1943-9946 2008 16 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-9946 Open Library of Humanities Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal 2373-6658 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-6658 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 2363-5169 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-5169 Springer Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 1387-2834 1573-6946 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6946 Springer Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting 1029-3574 1994 1 1999 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1029-3574 Taylor & Francis Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 1608-1625 2164-2257 2000 7 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-2257 Taylor & Francis Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 1976-7633 1976-7951 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-7951 Springer Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 1757-4323 1757-4331 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-4331 Emerald Group Publishing Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education 1837-7122 1837-7130 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1837-7130 Taylor & Francis Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation 2319-510X 2008 4 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2319-510X SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing 2347-5625 2349-6673 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-6673 Medknow Publications Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 2153-3792 2005 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3792 Berkeley Electronic Press Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 1018-5291 2074-0131 2005 15 2016 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2074-0131 SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 1018-5291 2074-0131 2019 29 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2074-0131 SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1359-866X 1469-2945 1996 24 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2945 Taylor & Francis Asia-Pacific Review 1343-9006 1469-2937 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2937 Taylor & Francis Asien Afrika Latinamerika 0323-3790 2002 30 2002 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0323-3790 Taylor & Francis A S L E Transactions 0569-8197 1958 1 1987 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0569-8197 Taylor & Francis Aslib Journal of Information Management 2050-3806 2014 66 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3806 Emerald Group Publishing Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 0001-253X 1758-3748 1949 1 2013 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3748 Emerald Group Publishing ASN NEURO 1759-0914 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0914 SAGE Publications Aspasia 1933-2882 1933-2890 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-2890 Berghahn Journals Assam Journal of Internal Medicine 2278-8239 2773-0166 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-0166 Medknow Publications Assembly Automation 0144-5154 1758-4078 1980 1 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4078 Emerald Group Publishing Assessment 1073-1911 1552-3489 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3489 SAGE Publications Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 0260-2938 1469-297X 1981 6 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-297X Taylor & Francis Assessment for Effective Intervention 1534-5084 1938-7458 2003 29 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-7458 SAGE Publications Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 0969-594X 1465-329X 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-329X Taylor & Francis Assessment in Higher Education 0307-1367 1975 1 1980 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0307-1367 Taylor & Francis Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA 1040-0435 1949-3614 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-3614 Taylor & Francis Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Bulletin 2375-2580 1979 1 1980 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-2580 Taylor & Francis AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis 1863-8171 1863-818X 2013 97 2018 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-818X Springer Asthma Research and Practice 2054-7064 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-7064 Springer ASTRA Proceedings 2199-3955 2199-3963 2014 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-3963 Copernicus Publications Astrocyte 2349-0977 2349-4387 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-4387 Medknow Publications Astrodynamics 2522-008X 2522-0098 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2522-0098 Springer Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions: The Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society 1055-6796 1476-3540 1991 1 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3540 Taylor & Francis Astronomical Review 2167-2857 2167-2865 2011 6 2017 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-2865 Taylor & Francis Astronomy & Geophysics 1366-8781 1468-4004 2008 49 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4004 Oxford University Press Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 0935-4956 1432-0754 1989 1 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0754 Springer Astronomy Letters 1063-7737 1562-6873 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-6873 Springer Astronomy Reports 1063-7729 1562-6881 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-6881 Springer Astrophysical Bulletin 1990-3413 1990-3421 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-3421 Springer Astrophysics 0571-7256 1573-8191 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8191 Springer Astrophysics and Space Science 0004-640X 1572-946X 2012 337 2019 364 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-946X Springer Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions 1810-6528 1810-6536 2005 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1810-6536 Copernicus Publications Astropolitics: The International Journal of Space Politics & Policy 1477-7622 1557-2943 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2943 Taylor & Francis Atlantic Economic Journal 0197-4254 1573-9678 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9678 Springer Atlantic Journal of Communication 1545-6870 1545-6889 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-6889 Taylor & Francis Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives 1478-8810 1740-4649 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-4649 Taylor & Francis Atmosphere 0004-6973 1963 1 1963 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-6973 Taylor & Francis Atmosphere 0004-6973 1966 4 1977 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-6973 Taylor & Francis Atmosphere-Ocean 0705-5900 1480-9214 1978 16 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1480-9214 Taylor & Francis Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 1024-8560 2070-0393 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-0393 Springer Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 1674-2834 2376-6123 2008 1 2020 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-6123 Taylor & Francis Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 1680-7316 1680-7324 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1680-7324 Copernicus Publications Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 1867-1381 1867-8548 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8548 Copernicus Publications Atomic Layer Deposition 2772-2570 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-2570 Pensoft Publishers Atoms for Peace: an International Journal 1741-640X 1741-6418 2005 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6418 Inderscience ATS Scholar 2690-7097 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-7097 American Thoracic Society Attachment & Human Development 1461-6734 1469-2988 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2988 Taylor & Francis Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 1943-3921 1943-393X 2013 75 2018 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-393X Springer AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy 2157-8583 2010 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2157-8583 State University of New York Press Audiological Medicine 1651-386X 1651-3835 2003 1 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-3835 Taylor & Francis Audio-Visual Media 0571-8716 1967 1 1970 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0571-8716 Taylor & Francis Audio-Visual Media 0571-8716 1971 7 1971 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0571-8716 Taylor & Francis Augenheilkunde up2date 1616-9719 1616-9735 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-9735 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Augmentative and Alternative Communication 0743-4618 1477-3848 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3848 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 1836-9391 1839-5961 2003 28 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-5961 SAGE Publications Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 2205-4952 1325-4340 2007 13 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1325-4340 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 1448-6563 2159-5356 2003 10 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-5356 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Philosophy 0004-8402 1471-6828 1947 25 2023 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6828 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 1832-8660 1923 1 1946 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1832-8660 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Special Education 1030-0112 1833-6914 1987 11 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-6914 Taylor & Francis Australasian Journal of Water Resources 1324-1583 2204-227X 2002 5 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-227X Taylor & Francis Australasian Marketing Journal 1441-3582 1839-3349 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3349 SAGE Publications Australasian Philosophical Review 2474-0500 2474-0519 2017 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-0519 Taylor & Francis Australasian Physical & Engineering Science in Medicine 0158-9938 1879-5447 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-5447 Springer Australasian Psychiatry 1039-8562 1440-1665 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1440-1665 SAGE Publications Australia and New Zealand Health Policy 1743-8462 1 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8462 BioMed Central Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 0004-8658 1837-9273 2004 37 2020 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1837-9273 SAGE Publications Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 0004-8674 1440-1614 2004 38 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1440-1614 SAGE Publications Australian & New Zealand Journal of Serials Librarianship 0898-3283 1990 1 1993 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0898-3283 Taylor & Francis Australian Academic & Research Libraries 0004-8623 1839-471X 1988 19 2016 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-471X Taylor & Francis Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 1443-4318 2203-1871 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2203-1871 Taylor & Francis Australian Archaeology 0312-2417 2470-0363 1974 1 2002 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-0363 Taylor & Francis Australian Archaeology 0312-2417 2470-0363 2003 56 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-0363 Taylor & Francis Australian Cultural History 0728-8433 1942-5139 2009 27 2010 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5139 Taylor & Francis Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 1446-7984 2002 1 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1446-7984 Taylor & Francis Australian Feminist Law Journal 1320-0968 1993 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1320-0968 Taylor & Francis Australian Feminist Studies 0816-4649 1465-3303 1985 1 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3303 Taylor & Francis Australian Forestry 0004-9158 2325-6087 1936 1 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6087 Taylor & Francis Australian Geographer 0004-9182 1465-3311 1928 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3311 Taylor & Francis Australian Historical Studies 1031-461X 1940-5049 1988 23 1997 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5049 Taylor & Francis Australian Historical Studies 1031-461X 1940-5049 1998 29 1999 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5049 Taylor & Francis Australian Historical Studies 1031-461X 1940-5049 2000 31 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5049 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Career Development 1038-4162 2200-6974 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2200-6974 SAGE Publications Australian Journal of Civil Engineering 1448-8353 2204-2245 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-2245 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 0812-0099 1440-0952 1984 31 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1440-0952 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Education 0004-9441 2050-5884 2004 48 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5884 SAGE Publications Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1448-837X 2205-362X 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2205-362X Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Environmental Management 1322-1698 1994 1 2002 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1322-1698 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 0045-0618 1834-562X 1968 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-562X Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of French Studies 0004-9468 2046-2913 2004 41 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-2913 Liverpool University Press Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 1037-2911 2010 20 2014 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1037-2911 SAGE Publications Australian Journal of Human Communication Disorders 0310-6853 1973 1 1996 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0310-6853 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Human Rights 1323-238X 2573-573X 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-573X Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of International Affairs 1035-7718 1465-332X 1990 44 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-332X Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 1940-4158 1940-4166 2008 13 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4166 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities 1324-8928 1996 1 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1324-8928 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Linguistics 0726-8602 1469-2996 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2996 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Management 0312-8962 1327-2020 2000 25 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1327-2020 SAGE Publications Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs 1836-6503 2333-6498 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-6498 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 1448-4846 2204-2253 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-2253 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering 1448-8388 2204-2180 2003 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-2180 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Political Science 1036-1146 1363-030X 1990 25 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1363-030X Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Psychology 0004-9530 1742-9536 1949 1 2015 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9536 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Psychology 0004-9530 1742-9536 2019 71 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9536 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Social Work 0004-9565 1948 2 1970 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-9565 Taylor & Francis Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 1328-7982 2204-2261 2002 3 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-2261 Taylor & Francis Australian Outlook 0004-9913 1947 1 1989 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-9913 Taylor & Francis Australian Planner 0729-3682 2150-6841 1982 20 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6841 Taylor & Francis Australian Psychologist 0005-0067 1742-9544 1966 1 2011 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9544 Taylor & Francis Australian Psychologist 0005-0067 1742-9544 2013 48 2013 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9544 Taylor & Francis Australian Psychologist 0005-0067 1742-9544 2015 50 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9544 Taylor & Francis Australian Social Work 0312-407X 1447-0748 1971 24 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1447-0748 Taylor & Francis Australian Surveyor 0005-0326 1928 1 2003 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0005-0326 Taylor & Francis Austrian Studies 1350-7532 2222-4262 2003 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2222-4262 Modern Humanities Research Association Authorship 2034-4643 2011 2011 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2034-4643 Ghent University Library Autism 1362-3613 1461-7005 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7005 SAGE Publications Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 2396-9415 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-9415 SAGE Publications Autism Insights 1179-5964 2009 1 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5964 Libertas Academica Autism Research and Treatment 2090-1925 2090-1933 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1933 Hindawi Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 1985 1 2009 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Autobiography Society Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Autobiography Society Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2010 25 2010 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Autobiography Society Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2011 26 2011 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Autobiography Society Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2012 27 2012 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Autobiography Society Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2013 28 2013 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 2014 29 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7290 Taylor & Francis Autoimmune Diseases 2090-0422 2090-0430 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0430 Hindawi Autoimmune Diseases 2090-0422 2090-0430 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0430 Hindawi Autoimmunity 0891-6934 1607-842X 1988 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-842X Taylor & Francis Autoimmunity Highlights 2038-0305 2038-3274 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2038-3274 Springer Automated Software Engineering 0928-8910 1573-7535 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7535 Springer Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 0146-4116 1558-108X 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-108X Springer Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics 0005-1055 1934-8371 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8371 Springer Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications 0005-1144 1848-3380 2010 51 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1848-3380 Taylor & Francis Automation and Remote Control 0005-1179 1608-3032 2013 74 2018 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3032 Springer Automotive and Engine Technology 2365-5135 2019 4 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-5135 Springer Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 1387-2532 1573-7454 2013 26 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7454 Springer Autonomous Robots 0929-5593 1573-7527 2013 34 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7527 Springer Autophagy 1554-8627 1554-8635 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-8635 Taylor & Francis Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 1470-2061 2001 12 2007 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1470-2061 Science Reviews 2000 Avian Biology Research 1758-1559 1758-1567 2008 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1567 Science Reviews 2000 Avian Biology Research 1758-1559 1758-1567 2017 10 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1567 SAGE Publications Avian Diseases 0005-2086 1938-4351 2002 46 2017 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4351 American Association of Avian Pathologists Avian Diseases Digest 1933-5334 2006 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-5334 American Association of Avian Pathologists Avian Pathology 0307-9457 1465-3338 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3338 Taylor & Francis Avian Research 2053-7166 2014 5 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-7166 Springer Aviation 1648-7788 1822-4180 2004 8 2017 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4180 Taylor & Francis Aviation 1648-7788 1822-4180 2008 5 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4180 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 0095-6562 2003 74 2015 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0095-6562 Aerospace Medical Association Avicenna 2220-2749 2010 2010 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-2749 HBKU Press Avicenna Journal of Medicine 2231-0770 2249-4464 2011 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-4464 Medknow Publications Avicenna Journal of Medicine 2231-0770 2249-4464 2019 9 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-4464 Georg Thieme Verlag KG AVMA Medical & Legal Journal 0959-9304 2005 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0959-9304 SAGE Publications Axiomathes 1122-1151 1572-8390 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8390 Springer AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda) 0974-8520 0976-9382 2010 31 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-9382 Medknow Publications AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda) 0974-8520 0976-9382 2014 35 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-9382 Medknow Publications AYUHOM 2349-2422 2772-5847 2018 5 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-5847 Medknow Publications Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture 1944-6500 1939-6120 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-6120 University of Hawai'i Press Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture 1944-6500 1939-6120 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-6120 University of Hawai'i Press Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 0067-270X 1945-5534 1966 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-5534 Taylor & Francis B Sides 2155-6687 2010 2010 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2155-6687 University of Iowa B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport 1613-0863 1613-3269 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-3269 Georg Thieme Verlag KG BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute 0005-3600 2767-4843 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2767-4843 Baldwin Wallace University, Conservatory of Music Bacteriophage 2159-7081 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-7081 Taylor & Francis BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum 2504-2076 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2504-2076 Universität Bern Baghdad Science Journal 2078-8665 2411-7986 2009 6 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2411-7986 Baghdad Science Journal Baha'i Studies Review 1354-8697 2040-1701 2007 14 2014 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-1701 Intellect Balance Sheet 0965-7967 1758-4086 2000 8 2004 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4086 Emerald Group Publishing Bali Journal of Anesthesiology 2549-2276 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2549-2276 Medknow Publications Balint Journal 1439-5142 1439-9008 2010 11 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-9008 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Baltic Journal of Economics 1406-099X 2334-4385 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2334-4385 Taylor & Francis Baltic Journal of Economics 1406-099X 2334-4385 2002 3 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2334-4385 Taylor & Francis Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265 1746-5273 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5273 Emerald Group Publishing Bangladesh Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2949-7973 2949-8104 2022 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2949-8104 Medknow Publications Bangladesh Journal of Endosurgery 2306-4560 2306-4390 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2306-4390 Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Bangladesh Bantu Studies 0256-1751 1921 1 1941 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0256-1751 Taylor & Francis Baptist Quarterly 0005-576X 2056-7731 1922 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-7731 Taylor & Francis Barnboken 0347-772X 2005 28 2013 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0347-772X Taylor & Francis Basic and Applied Social Psychology 0197-3533 1532-4834 1980 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4834 Taylor & Francis Basic and Clinical Andrology 2051-4190 2013 23 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-4190 Springer Basic and Clinical Andrology 2051-4190 2014 24 2014 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-4190 BioMed Central Basic and Clinical Andrology 2051-4190 2014 24 2019 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-4190 Springer Basic Income Studies 1932-0183 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0183 Berkeley Electronic Press Basic Research in Cardiology 0300-8428 1435-1803 1973 68 2019 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1803 Springer Batiment International, Building Research and Practice 0182-3329 1975 3 1990 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0182-3329 Taylor & Francis Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 0899-8280 1525-3252 2007 20 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3252 Taylor & Francis BE N'ius - Beiträge aus der Berner Justiz 2673-477X 2007 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2673-477X Universität Bern Becoming: Journal of the Georgia Middle School Association 2641-7715 2018 29 2020 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-7715 Georgia Southern University Bee World 0005-772X 2376-7618 1919 1 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7618 Taylor & Francis Before Farming 1476-4253 1476-4261 2005 2005 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4261 Liverpool University Press Before Farming 1476-4253 1476-4261 2008 2008 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4261 Liverpool University Press Behavior and Social Issues 1064-9506 2376-6786 1991 1 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-6786 University of Illinois at Chicago Library Behavior Genetics 0001-8244 1573-3297 1970 1 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3297 Springer Behavior Modification 0145-4455 1552-4167 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4167 SAGE Publications Behavior Research Methods 1554-351X 1554-3528 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-3528 Springer Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 0163-9269 1544-4546 1979 1 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-4546 Taylor & Francis Behavioral and Brain Functions 1744-9081 2005 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9081 BioMed Central Behavioral and Brain Functions 1744-9081 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9081 Springer Behavioral and Brain Functions 1744-9081 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9081 BioMed Central Behavioral and Brain Functions 1744-9081 2015 11 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9081 Springer Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 1534-5823 1552-4159 2004 3 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4159 SAGE Publications Behavioral Disorders 0198-7429 2163-5307 2003 29 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5307 SAGE Publications Behavioral Ecology 1045-2249 1465-7279 2005 16 2008 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7279 Oxford University Press Behavioral Ecology 1045-2249 1465-7279 2010 21 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7279 Oxford University Press Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 0340-5443 1432-0762 1976 1 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0762 Springer Behavioral Medicine 0896-4289 1940-4026 1988 14 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4026 Taylor & Francis Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2016 2 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2017 3 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2018 4 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2019 5 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2020 6 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 Brookings Institution Press Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2021 7 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Science & Policy 2379-4607 2379-4615 2022 8 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4615 SAGE Publications Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 1943-4472 1943-4480 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4480 Taylor & Francis Behavioral Sleep Medicine 1540-2002 1540-2010 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-2010 Taylor & Francis Behaviour & Information Technology 0144-929X 1362-3001 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3001 Taylor & Francis Behavioural Neurology 0953-4180 1875-8584 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8584 Hindawi Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 0138-4821 2191-0383 2013 54 2019 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-0383 Springer Beitrage zur Neotropischen Fauna 0005-8130 1956 1 1971 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0005-8130 Taylor & Francis Ben Jonson Journal 1079-3453 1755-165X 2000 7 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-165X Edinburgh University Press Benchmarking: An International Journal 1463-5771 1758-4094 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4094 Emerald Group Publishing Beneficial Microbes 1876-2883 1876-2891 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-2891 Wageningen Academic Publishers Bengal Journal of Cancer 2773-1332 2773-1340 2021 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-1340 Medknow Publications Benha Medical Journal 1110-208X 2015 32 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1110-208X Medknow Publications Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2314-8543 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8543 Springer Bereavement Care 0268-2621 1944-8279 1982 1 2020 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8279 Taylor & Francis Best Practice Onkologie 0946-4565 1862-8559 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-8559 Springer Beyond Behavior 1074-2956 2163-5323 2011 21 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5323 SAGE Publications BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 0005-8912 2013 158 2018 163 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0005-8912 Springer Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Theology 0146-1079 1945-7596 2004 34 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7596 SAGE Publications BIBLIOS: Librarianship and Information Science Journal 1562-4730 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-4730 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Big Bridge 1529-7136 2002 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7136 Big Bridge Big Data & Society 2053-9517 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-9517 SAGE Publications Big Data Analytics 2058-6345 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-6345 Springer Bijblijven 0168-9428 1876-4916 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-4916 Springer Bijdragen: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology 0006-2278 1783-1377 1946 7 2012 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1783-1377 Taylor & Francis Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education 1523-5882 1523-5890 1992 16 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1523-5890 Taylor & Francis Bioacoustics: The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording 0952-4622 2165-0586 1988 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0586 Taylor & Francis Bioanalysis 1757-6180 1757-6199 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6199 Future Science BioArchitecture 1949-0992 1949-100X 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-100X Taylor & Francis Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 1024-2422 1029-2446 1995 12 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2446 Taylor & Francis Biochar 2524-7972 2524-7867 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7867 Springer Biochemical Genetics 0006-2928 1573-4927 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4927 Springer Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 1907 002 2002 361 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 2002 365 2005 387 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 2005 389 2007 403 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 2007 407 2007 407 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 2008 411 2009 419 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Journal 1815-9923 1815-9931 2009 421 2022 479 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-9931 Portland Press Biochemical Society Transactions 0300-5127 1470-8752 1995 023 2001 029 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-8752 Portland Press Biochemical Society Transactions 0300-5127 1470-8752 2004 032 2006 034 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-8752 Portland Press Biochemical Society Transactions 0300-5127 1470-8752 2008 036 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-8752 Portland Press Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 Libertas Academica Biochemistry Insights 1178-6264 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6264 SAGE Publications Biochemistry (Moscow) 0006-2979 1608-3040 2013 78 2018 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3040 Springer Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplemental Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology 1990-7478 1990-7494 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-7494 Springer Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplemental Series B: Biomedical Chemistry 1990-7508 1990-7516 2013 7 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-7516 Springer Biochemistry Research International 2090-2247 2090-2255 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2255 Hindawi BioChip Journal 1976-0280 2092-7843 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2092-7843 Springer BioControl 1386-6141 1573-8248 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8248 Springer Biocontrol Science and Technology 0958-3157 1360-0478 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0478 Taylor & Francis BioData Mining 1756-0381 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0381 BioMed Central BioData Mining 1756-0381 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0381 Springer Biodegradation 0923-9820 1572-9729 2008 19 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9729 Springer Biodemography and Social Biology 1948-5565 1948-5573 2008 54 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-5573 Taylor & Francis BioDiscovery 2050-2966 2012 2012 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-2966 Pensoft Publishers BioDiscovery 2050-2966 2022 2022 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-2966 Pensoft Publishers Biodiversity 1488-8386 2160-0651 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-0651 Taylor & Francis Biodiversity and Conservation 0960-3115 1572-9710 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9710 Springer Biodiversity Data Journal 1314-2836 1314-2828 2013 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2828 Pensoft Publishers Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2535-0897 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2535-0897 Pensoft Publishers BioDrugs 1173-8804 1179-190X 2010 24 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-190X Springer Bioelectronics in Medicine 2059-1500 2059-1519 2018 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-1519 Future Medicine BioEnergy Research 1939-1234 1939-1242 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-1242 Springer BioEnergy Research 1939-1234 1939-1242 2016 9 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-1242 Springer Bioengineered 2165-5979 2165-5987 2012 3 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-5987 Taylor & Francis Bioengineered Bugs 1949-1018 1949-1026 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-1026 Taylor & Francis Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 0892-7014 1029-2454 1988 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2454 Taylor & Francis Biofuels 1759-7269 1759-7277 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7277 Taylor & Francis Biogeochemistry 0168-2563 1573-515X 1984 1 2018 140 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-515X Springer Biogeosciences 1726-4170 1726-4189 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1726-4189 Copernicus Publications Biogerontology 1389-5729 1573-6768 2000 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6768 Springer Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 0080-4606 1748-8494 1955 1 2022 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8494 Royal Society Publishing Biography 0162-4962 1529-1456 1978 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1456 University of Hawai'i Press Bioinformatics 1367-4803 1460-2059 2005 21 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2059 Oxford University Press Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 Libertas Academica Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 1177-9322 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-9322 SAGE Publications Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 1565-3633 1687-479X 2003 1 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-479X Hindawi Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 1565-3633 1687-479X 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-479X Hindawi Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 1565-3633 1687-479X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-479X Hindawi Biologia 0006-3088 1336-9563 2013 68 2014 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1336-9563 Springer Biologia Plantarum 0006-3134 1573-8264 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8264 Springer Biological Agriculture & Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems 0144-8765 2165-0616 1982 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0616 Taylor & Francis Biological Cybernetics 0340-1200 1432-0770 2013 107 2018 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0770 Springer Biological Invasions 1387-3547 1573-1464 1999 1 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1464 Springer Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4066 1095-8312 2008 93 2012 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8312 Oxford University Press Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4066 1095-8312 2014 111 2023 140 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8312 Oxford University Press Biological Oceanography 0196-5581 1981 1 1989 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0196-5581 Taylor & Francis Biological Procedures Online 1480-9222 2009 11 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1480-9222 BioMed Central Biological Procedures Online 1480-9222 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1480-9222 Springer Biological Research 0716-9760 0717-6287 2014 47 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0717-6287 Springer Biological Research For Nursing 1099-8004 1552-4175 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4175 SAGE Publications Biological Rhythm Research 0929-1016 1744-4179 1994 25 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4179 Taylor & Francis Biological Trace Element Research 0163-4984 1559-0720 2013 151 2018 185 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0720 Springer Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 0791-7945 2009-003X 2002 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-003X Royal Irish Academy Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 0791-7945 2009-003X 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-003X Royal Irish Academy Biology and Fertility of Soils 0178-2762 1432-0789 2008 45 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0789 Springer Biology and Philosophy 0169-3867 1572-8404 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8404 Springer Biology Bulletin 1062-3590 1608-3059 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3059 Springer Biology Direct 1745-6150 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1745-6150 Springer Biology Letters 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Society for the Study of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2010 82 2010 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Oxford University Press Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2010 83 2011 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Society for the Study of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2011 84 2011 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Oxford University Press Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2011 85 2012 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Society for the Study of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2012 86 2012 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Oxford University Press Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2012 87 2013 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Society for the Study of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2013 88 2013 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Oxford University Press Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 1529-7268 2013 89 2014 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7268 Society for the 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Springer BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 1472-6815 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6815 BioMed Central BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 1472-6815 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6815 Springer BMC Ecology 1472-6785 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6785 BioMed Central BMC Ecology 1472-6785 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6785 Springer BMC Emergency Medicine 1471-227X 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-227X BioMed Central BMC Emergency Medicine 1471-227X 2013 13 2017 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-227X Springer BMC Endocrine Disorders 1472-6823 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6823 BioMed Central BMC Endocrine Disorders 1472-6823 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6823 Springer BMC Energy 2524-4469 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4469 Springer BMC Evolutionary Biology 1471-2148 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2148 BioMed Central BMC Evolutionary Biology 1471-2148 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2148 Springer BMC Family Practice 1471-2296 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2296 BioMed Central BMC Family Practice 1471-2296 2013 14 2019 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2296 Springer BMC Gastroenterology 1471-230X 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-230X BioMed Central BMC Gastroenterology 1471-230X 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-230X Springer BMC Genetics 1471-2156 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2156 BioMed Central BMC Genetics 1471-2156 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2156 Springer BMC Genomics 1471-2164 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2164 BioMed Central BMC Genomics 1471-2164 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2164 Springer BMC Geriatrics 1471-2318 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2318 BioMed Central BMC Geriatrics 1471-2318 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2318 Springer BMC Health Services Research 1472-6963 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6963 BioMed Central BMC Health Services Research 1472-6963 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6963 Springer BMC Hematology 2052-1839 2014 14 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1839 Springer BMC Immunology 1471-2172 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2172 BioMed Central BMC Immunology 1471-2172 2012 13 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2172 Springer BMC Infectious Diseases 1471-2334 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2334 BioMed Central BMC Infectious Diseases 1471-2334 2012 12 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2334 Springer BMC Infectious Diseases 1471-2334 2016 16 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2334 Springer BMC International Health and Human Rights 1472-698X 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-698X BioMed Central BMC International Health and Human Rights 1472-698X 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-698X Springer BMC Medical Education 1472-6920 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6920 BioMed Central BMC Medical Education 1472-6920 2013 13 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6920 Springer BMC Medical Ethics 1472-6939 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6939 BioMed Central BMC Medical Ethics 1472-6939 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6939 Springer BMC Medical Genetics 1471-2350 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2350 BioMed Central BMC Medical Genetics 1471-2350 2012 13 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2350 Springer BMC Medical Genomics 1755-8794 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8794 Springer BMC Medical Imaging 1471-2342 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2342 BioMed Central BMC Medical Imaging 1471-2342 2012 12 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2342 Springer BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 1472-6947 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6947 BioMed Central BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 1472-6947 2013 13 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6947 Springer BMC Medical Research Methodology 1471-2288 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2288 BioMed Central BMC Medical Research Methodology 1471-2288 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2288 Springer BMC Medicine 1741-7015 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7015 BioMed Central BMC Medicine 1741-7015 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7015 Springer BMC Microbiology 1471-2180 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2180 BioMed Central BMC Microbiology 1471-2180 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2180 Springer BMC Molecular Biology 1471-2199 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2199 BioMed Central BMC Molecular Biology 1471-2199 2012 13 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2199 Springer BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 1471-2474 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2474 BioMed Central BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 1471-2474 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2474 Springer BMC Nephrology 1471-2369 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2369 BioMed Central BMC Nephrology 1471-2369 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2369 Springer BMC Neurology 1471-2377 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2377 BioMed Central BMC Neurology 1471-2377 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2377 Springer BMC Neuroscience 1471-2202 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2202 BioMed Central BMC Neuroscience 1471-2202 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2202 Springer BMC Nuclear Medicine 1471-2385 2001 1 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2385 BioMed Central BMC Nursing 1472-6955 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6955 BioMed Central BMC Nursing 1472-6955 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6955 Springer BMC Nutrition 2055-0928 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0928 Springer BMC Obesity 2052-9538 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-9538 Springer BMC Ophthalmology 1471-2415 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2415 BioMed Central BMC Ophthalmology 1471-2415 2013 13 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2415 Springer BMC Oral Health 1472-6831 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6831 BioMed Central BMC Oral Health 1472-6831 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6831 Springer BMC Palliative Care 1472-684X 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-684X BioMed Central BMC Palliative Care 1472-684X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-684X Springer BMC Pediatrics 1471-2431 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2431 BioMed Central BMC Pediatrics 1471-2431 2013 13 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2431 Springer BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 2050-6511 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6511 Springer BMC Physiology 1472-6793 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6793 BioMed Central BMC Physiology 1472-6793 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6793 Springer BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2229 BioMed Central BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2229 Springer BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 1471-2393 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2393 BioMed Central BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 1471-2393 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2393 Springer BMC Proceedings 1753-6561 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6561 Springer BMC Psychiatry 1471-244X 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-244X BioMed Central BMC Psychiatry 1471-244X 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-244X Springer BMC Psychology 2050-7283 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7283 Springer BMC Public Health 1471-2458 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2458 BioMed Central BMC Public Health 1471-2458 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2458 Springer BMC Pulmonary Medicine 1471-2466 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2466 BioMed Central BMC Pulmonary Medicine 1471-2466 2012 12 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2466 Springer BMC Research Notes 1756-0500 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0500 Springer BMC Rheumatology 2520-1026 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-1026 Springer BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2052-1847 2014 6 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1847 Springer BMC Structural Biology 1472-6807 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6807 BioMed Central BMC Structural Biology 1472-6807 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6807 Springer BMC Surgery 1471-2482 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2482 BioMed Central BMC Surgery 1471-2482 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2482 Springer BMC Systems Biology 1752-0509 2007 1 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0509 BioMed Central BMC Systems Biology 1752-0509 2015 9 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0509 Springer BMC Urology 1471-2490 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2490 BioMed Central BMC Urology 1471-2490 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2490 Springer BMC Veterinary Research 1746-6148 2005 1 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6148 BioMed Central BMC Veterinary Research 1746-6148 2015 11 2017 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6148 Springer BMC Women's Health 1472-6874 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6874 BioMed Central BMC Women's Health 1472-6874 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6874 Springer BMC Zoology 2056-3132 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3132 Springer BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 2211-2898 2000 115 2020 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-2898 Utrecht University Library BMJ 0959-8138 1468-5833 2005 330 2020 370 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-5833 BMJ Group BMJ 0959-8138 1468-5833 2023 380 2023 383 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-5833 BMJ Group BMJ Case Reports 1757-790X 2010 2010 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-790X BMJ Group BMJ Health & Care Informatics 2058-4555 2632-1009 2015 22 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-1009 BMJ Group BMJ Innovations 2055-8074 2055-642X 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-642X BMJ Group BMJ Open 2044-6055 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-6055 BMJ Group BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 2052-4897 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4897 BMJ Group BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2397-3269 2016 1 2020 5 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2987 Taylor & Francis Body, Space & Technology 1470-9120 2000 2000 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9120 Open Library of Humanities Bolivian Studies Journal 1074-2247 2156-5163 2008 15 2019 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5163 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Bolivian Studies Journal 1074-2247 2156-5163 2021 27 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5163 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Bolletino di zoologia 0373-4137 1930 1 1941 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0373-4137 Taylor & Francis Bolletino di zoologia 0373-4137 1943 14 1995 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0373-4137 Taylor & Francis Bone & Joint 360 2048-0091 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2048-0091 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery Bone & Joint Research 2046-3758 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-3758 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights 1179-061X 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-061X Libertas 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Society 0024-4074 1095-8339 2010 162 2014 176 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8339 Oxford University Press Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4074 1095-8339 2016 180 2023 203 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-8339 Oxford University Press Botany Letters 2381-8107 2381-8115 2016 163 2023 170 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-8115 Taylor & Francis boundary 2 0190-3659 1527-2141 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2141 Duke University Press Boundary Value Problems 1687-2762 1687-2770 2005 2005 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-2770 Hindawi Boundary-Layer Meteorology 0006-8314 1573-1472 2008 126 2013 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1472 Springer Boyhood Studies 2375-9240 2375-9267 2010 4 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-9267 Berghahn Journals Brain 0006-8950 1460-2156 2005 128 2012 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2156 Oxford University Press Brain 0006-8950 1460-2156 2014 137 2023 146 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2156 Oxford University Press Brain and Neuroscience Advances 2398-2128 2017 1 2023 7 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Functional Genomics 2041-2649 2041-2657 2008 7 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2657 Oxford University Press Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 1473-9550 1477-4062 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4062 Oxford University Press Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 1473-9550 1477-4062 2008 7 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4062 Oxford University Press Britain and the World 2043-8567 2043-8575 2011 4 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8575 Edinburgh University Press British and Irish Orthoptic Journal 2516-3590 2009 6 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-3590 White Rose University Press British and Irish Orthoptic Journal 2516-3590 2019 16 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-3590 White Rose University Press British Ceramic Transactions 0967-9782 1743-2766 2000 99 2004 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2766 Maney Publishing British Corrosion Journal 0007-0599 1999 34 2002 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-0599 Maney Publishing British Educational Research Journal 0141-1926 1469-3518 1978 4 2012 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3518 Taylor & Francis British Elections & Parties Review 1368-9886 1997 7 2004 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1368-9886 Taylor & Francis British Elections and Parties Yearbook 0968-2481 1991 1 1996 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0968-2481 Taylor & Francis British Food Journal 0007-070X 1758-4108 1899 1 2023 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4108 Emerald Group Publishing British Homeopathic Journal 0007-0785 0007-0785 2000 90 2001 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0007-0785 Georg Thieme Verlag KG British Journal for the History of Mathematics 2637-5451 2637-5494 2019 34 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-5494 Taylor & Francis British Journal for the History of Philosophy 0960-8788 1469-3526 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3526 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Biomedical Science 0967-4845 2002 59 2021 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0967-4845 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Canadian Studies 0269-9222 1757-8078 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8078 Liverpool University Press British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 1749-6403 2052-2207 2013 8 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2207 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Child Health 2633-5417 2633-5425 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-5425 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Clinical Governance 1466-4100 1466-4119 1996 1 2002 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4119 Emerald Group Publishing British Journal of Community Nursing 1462-4753 2052-2215 2013 18 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2215 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Criminology 0007-0955 1464-3529 2016 56 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3529 Oxford University Press British Journal of Dermatology 0007-0963 1365-2133 2022 186 2023 189 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2133 Oxford University Press British Journal of Education & Work 0269-0004 1987 1 1996 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0269-0004 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Educational Studies 0007-1005 1467-8527 1952 1 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8527 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Ethnomusicology 0968-1221 1992 1 2003 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0968-1221 Taylor & Francis British Journal of General Practice 0960-1643 1478-5242 2000 50 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-5242 Royal College of General Practitioners British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 0306-9885 1469-3534 1973 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3534 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Healthcare Assistants 1753-1586 2052-4420 2013 7 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4420 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Healthcare Management 1358-0574 1759-7382 2013 19 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7382 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Holocaust Education 0966-095X 1992 1 1994 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0966-095X Taylor & Francis British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1750-8460 1759-7390 2013 74 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7390 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Infection Control 1469-0446 1754-7156 2004 5 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7156 SAGE Publications British Journal of In-Service Education 0305-7631 1974 1 1996 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0305-7631 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology 1875-9742 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1875-9742 SAGE Publications British Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2049-5919 2052-496X 2014 3 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-496X Mark Allen Group British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 1353-0194 1469-3542 1992 19 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3542 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Midwifery 0969-4900 2052-4307 2013 21 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4307 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Music Therapy 1359-4575 2059-9773 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-9773 SAGE Publications British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1747-0307 2052-2800 2013 9 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2800 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Neurosurgery 0268-8697 1360-046X 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-046X Taylor & Francis British Journal of Nursing 0966-0461 2052-2819 2013 22 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2819 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Ophthalmology 0007-1161 1468-2079 1917 1 1999 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2079 BMJ Group British Journal of Ophthalmology 0007-1161 1468-2079 2005 89 2023 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2079 BMJ Group British Journal of Pain 2049-4637 2049-4645 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-4645 SAGE Publications British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 1467-1026 2005 15 2005 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1467-1026 SAGE Publications British Journal of Religious Education 0141-6200 1740-7931 1978 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7931 Taylor & Francis British Journal of School Nursing 1752-2803 2052-2827 2013 8 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2827 Mark Allen Group British Journal of Sociology of Education 0142-5692 1465-3346 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3346 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Sports Medicine 0306-3674 1473-0480 1964 1 1968 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0480 BMJ Group British Journal of Sports Medicine 0306-3674 1473-0480 1970 5 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0480 BMJ Group British Journal of Surgery 0007-1323 1365-2168 2008 95 2023 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2168 Oxford University Press British Journal of Teacher Education 0305-8913 1975 1 1980 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0305-8913 Taylor & Francis British Journal of Visual Impairment 0264-6196 1744-5809 2005 23 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5809 SAGE Publications British Journalism Review 0956-4748 1741-2668 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2668 SAGE Publications British Medical Bulletin 0007-1420 1471-8391 2004 72 2006 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8391 Oxford University Press British Medical Bulletin 0007-1420 1471-8391 2007 84 2008 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8391 Oxford University Press British Medical Bulletin 0007-1420 1471-8391 2008 86 2009 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8391 Oxford University Press British Medical Bulletin 0007-1420 1471-8391 2009 92 2023 142 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8391 Oxford University Press British Phycological Bulletin 0374-6534 1952 1 1968 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0374-6534 Taylor & Francis British Phycological Journal 0007-1617 1969 4 1992 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-1617 Taylor & Francis British Politics 1746-918X 1746-9198 2019 14 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9198 Springer British Poultry Abstracts 1746-6202 1746-6210 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6210 Taylor & Francis British Poultry Science 0007-1668 1466-1799 1960 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1799 Taylor & Francis British Scholar 1941-6105 1941-6113 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6113 Edinburgh University Press British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. Bulletin 0305-6139 1974 1 1991 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0305-6139 Taylor & Francis British Society for the History of Mathematics. Newsletter 0962-9416 1986 1 2003 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0962-9416 Taylor & Francis British Yearbook of International Law 0068-2691 2044-9437 2008 79 2013 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-9437 Oxford University Press British Yearbook of International Law 0068-2691 2044-9437 2016 86 2016 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-9437 Oxford University Press Brittonia 0007-196X 2002 54 2007 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-196X New York Botanical Garden Brittonia 0007-196X 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-196X Springer Brontë Society Transactions: The Journal of Brontë Studies 0309-7765 1976 17 2001 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0309-7765 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2002 27 2002 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2005 30 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2008 33 2008 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Taylor & Francis Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2009 34 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Taylor & Francis Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Taylor & Francis Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Maney Publishing Brontë Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 2012 37 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8226 Taylor & Francis Brood & Rozen 1370-7477 2010 2010 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1370-7477 Ghent University Library Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 0007-2303 1533-4465 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-4465 Brookings Institution Press Brookings Papers on Education Policy 1096-2719 1533-4457 2000 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-4457 Brookings Institution Press Brookings Trade Forum 1520-5479 1534-0635 2000 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-0635 Brookings Institution Press Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services 1098-3651 1533-4430 2000 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-4430 Brookings Institution Press Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 1528-7084 1533-4449 2000 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-4449 Brookings Institution Press BRQ Business Research Quarterly 2340-9436 2340-9444 2014 17 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2340-9444 SAGE Publications Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1055-7660 1990 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-7660 Bryn Mawr College BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 1749-8430 1749-8341 2004 19 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8341 Taylor & Francis Bubble Science, Engineering and Technology 1758-8960 1758-8979 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8979 Maney Publishing Bubble Science, Engineering and Technology 1758-8960 1758-8979 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8979 Maney Publishing Buddhist-Christian Studies 0882-0945 1527-9472 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-9472 University of Hawai'i Press Building Acoustics 1351-010X 2059-8025 2000 7 2003 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-8025 Multi-Science Building Acoustics 1351-010X 2059-8025 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-8025 SAGE Publications Building and Cities 2632-6655 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-6655 Ubiquity Press Building Research & Information 0961-3218 1466-4321 1991 19 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4321 Taylor & Francis Building Research and Practice 0306-9931 1973 1 1974 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-9931 Taylor & Francis Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 0143-6244 1477-0849 2004 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0849 SAGE Publications Building Simulation 1996-3599 1996-8744 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-8744 Springer Building Sustainable Legacies: The New Frontier Of Societal Value Co-Creation 2053-8898 2053-8901 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-8901 Greenleaf Publishing Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 1936-0886 1934-6832 2007 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6832 University of Minnesota Press Built Environment Project and Asset Management 2044-124X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-124X Emerald Group Publishing Built Heritage 2662-6802 2019 3 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2662-6802 Springer Bulgarian Cardiology 1310-7488 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1310-7488 Pensoft Publishers Bulletin de droit nucléaire 0304-3428 1684-3568 1998 1998 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-3568 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique 0037-9085 1961-9049 2013 106 2017 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1961-9049 Springer Bulletin for Biblical Research 1065-223X 2576-0998 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-0998 Penn State University Press Bulletin of Baltic Studies 0007-4772 1970 1 1971 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-4772 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 0145-9058 2004 35 2009 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0145-9058 Carnegie Museum of Natural History Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 0007-4810 1968 1 2000 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-4810 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies 2516-8029 2516-8037 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8037 Liverpool University Press Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1570-761X 1573-1456 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1456 Springer Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 1435-9529 1435-9537 2013 72 2019 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-9537 Springer Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 0007-4861 1432-0800 2013 89 2018 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0800 Springer Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy 1110-6611 2015 20 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1110-6611 Medknow Publications Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 0007-490X 1949 26 1994 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-490X Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 0007-490X 1995 72 1995 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-490X Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 0007-490X 1996 73 2001 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-490X Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 2023 100 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3398 Liverpool University Press Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 1994 71 1994 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3398 Liverpool University Press Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 1995 72 1995 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3398 Liverpool University Press Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 2002 79 2022 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3398 Liverpool University Press Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 0007-4918 1472-7234 1965 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-7234 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Materials Science 0250-4707 0973-7669 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-7669 Springer Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 0092-8240 1522-9602 2013 75 2018 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9602 Springer Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 0146-2989 2372-2509 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-2509 Catholic University of America Press Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 0270-4676 1552-4183 2004 24 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4183 SAGE Publications Bulletin of Sociological Methodology 0759-1063 2070-2779 2004 81 2022 156 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-2779 SAGE Publications Bulletin of Sociological Methodology 0759-1063 2070-2779 2023 158 2023 160 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-2779 SAGE Publications Bulletin of Spanish Studies 2167-3438 2167-3446 1923 1 1948 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-3446 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America 1475-3820 1478-3428 2002 79 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3428 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 2474-1604 2474-1612 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-1612 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan 0375-8397 1924 1 1960 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0375-8397 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 0003-0007 1520-0477 1970 51 2022 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0477 American Meteorological Society Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 0003-0090 1937-3546 2000 244 2001 264 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-3546 American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 0003-0090 1937-3546 2001 266 2006 296 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-3546 American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 0003-0090 1937-3546 2006 298 2017 419 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-3546 American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 1945 1 2003 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2004 60 2004 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2004 60 2004 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2005 61 2005 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2005 61 2005 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2006 62 2006 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2006 62 2006 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2007 63 2007 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2007 63 2007 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2008 64 2008 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2008 64 2008 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2009 65 2009 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2009 65 2009 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2010 66 2010 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2010 66 2010 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2011 67 2011 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2011 67 2011 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2012 68 2012 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2012 68 2012 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2013 69 2013 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2013 69 2013 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2014 70 2014 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2014 70 2014 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2015 71 2015 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 SAGE Publications Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 2015 71 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3282 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 1678-7544 1678-7714 2005 36 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1678-7714 Springer Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 0008-9036 1558-6766 2005 (present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-6766 Johns Hopkins University Press Bulletin of the Comediantes 0007-5108 1944-0928 1949 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-0928 Comediantes Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Maney Publishing Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Maney Publishing Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Maney Publishing Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2012 7 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant 1752-7260 1752-7279 2017 12 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7279 Taylor & Francis Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 1062-4740 2047-6930 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6930 Ubiquity Press Bulletin of the History of Medicine 0007-5140 1086-3176 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3176 Johns Hopkins University Press Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 2054-9318 2054-9326 2018 94 2022 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-9326 Manchester University Press Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 1068-3356 1934-838X 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-838X Springer Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6093 1469-2120 1969 1 2016 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-2120 Oxford University Press Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 0027-4100 1938-2987 2003 158 2017 162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2987 Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 0027-4100 1938-2987 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2987 Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin of the National Association of Student Anthropologists 1556-3618 1556-3626 1990 5 1999 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3626 American Anthropological Association Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 0079-032X 2006 47 2017 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0079-032X Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 1062-8738 1934-9432 2013 77 2018 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9432 Springer Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 0037-1106 1943-3573 1911 1 2022 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3573 Seismological Society of America Bulletin of Volcanology 0258-8900 1432-0819 1937 1 1996 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0819 Springer Bulletin of Volcanology 0258-8900 1432-0819 1997 59 2019 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0819 Springer Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences 0038-3872 2005 104 2017 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-3872 Southern California Academy of Science Bulletin Volcanologique 0366-483X 1924 1 1931 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0366-483X Springer Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris 0037-8984 1777-5469 2013 25 2017 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1777-5469 Springer Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 1436-9990 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1436-9990 Springer Burns Chronicle 1365-7518 2634-7059 2021 130 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-7059 Edinburgh University Press Business & Information Systems Engineering 1867-0202 2013 5 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1867-0202 Springer Business & Information Systems Engineering 1867-0202 2015 57 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1867-0202 Springer Business & Society 0007-6503 1552-4205 2004 43 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4205 SAGE Publications Business and Management Education in HE 2052-3963 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-3963 Taylor & Francis Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2000 2 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Taylor & Francis Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2000 2 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Berkeley Electronic Press Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2001 3 2001 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Berkeley Electronic Press Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2001 3 2001 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Taylor & Francis Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Taylor & Francis Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Berkeley Electronic Press Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2003 5 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Berkeley Electronic Press Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2003 5 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Taylor & Francis Business and Politics 1369-5258 1469-3569 2004 6 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3569 Berkeley Electronic Press Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 2329-4906 2329-4922 2014 77 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-4922 SAGE Publications Business Communication Quarterly 1080-5699 1552-4191 2004 67 2013 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4191 SAGE Publications Business Economics 0007-666X 1554-432X 2005 40 2006 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-432X Springer Business History 0007-6791 1743-7938 1958 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7938 Taylor & Francis Business Information Review 0266-3821 1741-6450 2004 21 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6450 SAGE Publications Business, Management and Economics Engineering 2669-2481 2669-249X 2021 12 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2669-249X Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Business, Management and Education 2029-7491 2029-6169 2011 2 2015 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-6169 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Business, Peace and Sustainable Development 2051-8757 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2051-8757 Greenleaf Publishing Business Perspectives and Research 2278-5337 2394-9937 2012 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-9937 SAGE Publications Business Process Management Journal 1463-7154 1758-4116 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4116 Emerald Group Publishing Business Strategy Series 1751-5637 1751-5645 2007 8 2013 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-5645 Emerald Group Publishing Business: Theory and Practice 1648-0627 1822-4202 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4202 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Bustan - The Middle East Book Review 1878-5301 1878-5328 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5328 Penn State University Press Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 1975 1 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Maney Publishing Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Taylor & Francis Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Taylor & Francis Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Maney Publishing Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 2012 36 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Maney Publishing Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 0307-0131 1749-625X 2012 36 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-625X Taylor & Francis C21 Literature: journal of 21st-century writings 2045-5224 2016 1 2017 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5224 Open Library of Humanities C21 Literature: journal of 21st-century writings 2045-5224 2018 6 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5224 Open Library of Humanities Cactus and Succulent Journal 0007-9367 1938-288X 2005 77 2017 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-288X Cactus and Succulent Society of America Cahiers Élisabéthains 0184-7678 2054-4715 2004 65 2023 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-4715 SAGE Publications Calcified Tissue International 0171-967X 1432-0827 1967 1 2018 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0827 Springer Calcolo 0008-0624 1126-5434 2013 50 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1126-5434 Springer Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 0944-2669 1432-0835 2013 45 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0835 Springer Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 0008-0683 2004 55 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0008-0683 SAGE Publications California Archaeology 1947-461X 1947-4628 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4628 Taylor & Francis California History 0162-2897 2327-1485 2008 85 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-1485 University of California Press California Journal of Politics and Policy 1944-4370 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4370 Berkeley Electronic Press California Management Review 0008-1256 2162-8564 2002 45 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8564 SAGE Publications Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 1084-1490 2377-9551 1995 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9551 Penn State University Press Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 1084-1490 2377-9551 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9551 Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 1084-1490 2377-9551 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9551 Penn State University Press Callaloo 0161-2492 1080-6512 1995 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6512 Johns Hopkins University Press Cambridge Journal of Economics 0309-166X 1464-3545 2005 29 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3545 Oxford University Press Cambridge Journal of Education 0305-764X 1469-3577 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3577 Taylor & Francis Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 1752-1378 1752-1386 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1386 Oxford University Press Cambridge Review of International Affairs 0955-7571 1474-449X 1986 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-449X Taylor & Francis Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 0270-5346 1529-1510 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1510 Duke University Press Campus-Wide Information Systems 1065-0741 1984 1 2014 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1065-0741 Emerald Group Publishing Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal 0832-2473 2377-360X 1985 2 2019 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-360X Taylor & Francis Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 0846-5371 1488-2361 2009 60 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1488-2361 SAGE Publications Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 0823-2105 2371-0179 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2371-0179 University of Toronto Press Canadian Ethnic Studies 0008-3496 1913-8253 2007 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-8253 Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Canadian Ethnic Studies 0008-3496 1913-8253 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-8253 Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Canadian Family Physician 0008-350X 1715-5258 2000 46 2022 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1715-5258 College of Family Physicians of Canada Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 1192-6422 2157-0817 1992 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-0817 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of African Studies/ La Revue canadienne des études africaines 0008-3968 1923-3051 1997 31 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3051 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Anesthesia / Journal canadien d'anesthésie 0832-610X 1496-8975 2013 60 2019 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1496-8975 Springer Canadian Journal of Animal Science 0008-3984 1918-1825 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-1825 Canadian Science Publishing Canadian Journal of Art Therapy: Research, Practice, and Issues 2690-7240 2690-7267 2020 33 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-7267 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 1707-7753 1911-0219 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0219 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 0225-5189 2158-9100 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-9100 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques 0847-5911 2561-424X 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2561-424X University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2291-2789 0835-7900 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0835-7900 Hindawi Canadian Journal of History 0008-4107 2292-8502 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2292-8502 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 1712-9532 1918-1493 2012 2012 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-1493 Hindawi Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 1195-096X 1920-7239 2010 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1920-7239 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2054-3581 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-3581 SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 0826-3663 2333-1461 1984 9 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-1461 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2005 20 2005 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2006 21 2006 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2007 22 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2008 23 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2009 24 2009 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2010 25 2010 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2011 26 2011 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2012 27 2012 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2013 28 2013 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2014 29 2014 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2015 30 2015 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal of Law and Society 0829-3201 1911-0227 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0227 Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 0844-5621 1705-7051 2016 48 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1705-7051 SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 0008-4174 1911-9828 2004 71 2023 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9828 SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Pain 2474-0527 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-0527 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 1971 1 2006 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2007 37 2007 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2008 38 2008 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2009 39 2009 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2010 40 2010 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2011 41 2011 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 University of Calgary Press Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2012 42 2012 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 2013 43 2019 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0820 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 0706-0661 1715-2992 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1715-2992 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 1195-2199 2005 13 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1195-2199 SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 0703-8992 1712-7971 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1712-7971 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine 2474-5332 2474-5340 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-5340 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 1203-7796 1488-237X 2019 24 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1488-237X Medknow Publications Canadian Journal of School Psychology 0829-5735 2154-3984 2003 18 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3984 SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 1492-6156 1942-4051 2001 1 2017 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-4051 Taylor & Francis Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 0832-8781 1911-0235 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0235 University of Toronto Press Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 0714-9808 1710-1107 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1107 Cambridge University Press Canadian Medical Association Journal 0820-3946 1488-2329 1997 156 2022 194 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1488-2329 Canadian Medical Association Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 1963 2 1965 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 1968 7 1968 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 1970 9 1970 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 1972 11 1972 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 1974 13 1974 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 2007 46 2010 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Taylor & Francis Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 2011 50 2011 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 2011 50 2011 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Taylor & Francis Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 2012 51 2012 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Maney Publishing Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0008-4433 1879-1395 2012 51 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1395 Taylor & Francis Canadian Pharmacists Journal / Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada 1715-1635 1913-701X 2004 137 2023 156 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-701X SAGE Publications Canadian Public Policy 1911-9917 0317-0861 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0317-0861 University of Toronto Press Canadian Respiratory Journal 1198-2241 1916-7245 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-7245 Hindawi Canadian Review of American Studies 0007-7720 1710-114X 1970 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-114X University of Toronto Press Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 0319-051X 1913-9659 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-9659 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature Canadian Slavonic Papers 0008-5006 2375-2475 1956 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-2475 Taylor & Francis Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 0008-5030 2332-1660 1968 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-1660 Taylor & Francis Canadian Theatre Review 1920-941X 0315-0836 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0315-0836 University of Toronto Press Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 0701-1784 1918-1817 1976 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-1817 Taylor & Francis Canberra Anthropology 0314-9099 1977 1 1999 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0314-9099 Taylor & Francis Cancer & Metabolism 2049-3002 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3002 Springer Cancer & Metabolism 2049-3002 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3002 BioMed Central Cancer & Metabolism 2049-3002 2015 3 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3002 Springer Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 0167-7659 1573-7233 1982 1 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7233 Springer Cancer Biology & Therapy 1538-4047 1555-8576 2002 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-8576 Taylor & Francis Cancer Causes and Control 0957-5243 1573-7225 1990 1 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7225 Springer Cancer Cell International 1475-2867 2001 1 2012 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2867 BioMed Central Cancer Cell International 1475-2867 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2867 Springer Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 0344-5704 1432-0843 1978 1 1995 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0843 Springer Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 0344-5704 1432-0843 1995 37 1996 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0843 Springer Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 0344-5704 1432-0843 1997 40 2017 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0843 Springer Cancer Control 1073-2748 1526-2359 2004 11 2004 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-2359 SAGE Publications Cancer Control 1073-2748 1526-2359 2006 13 2006 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-2359 SAGE Publications Cancer Control 1073-2748 1526-2359 2010 17 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-2359 SAGE Publications Cancer Convergence 2366-6196 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-6196 Springer Cancer Discovery 2159-8274 2159-8290 2011 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-8290 American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 1055-9965 1538-7755 1991 1 2020 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-7755 American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Genomics & Proteomics 1109-6535 1790-6245 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1790-6245 International Institute of Anticancer Research Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 Libertas Academica Cancer Growth and Metastasis 1179-0644 2015 8 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0644 SAGE Publications Cancer Imaging 1470-7330 2014 14 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-7330 BioMed Central Cancer Imaging 1470-7330 2015 15 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-7330 Springer Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 0340-7004 1432-0851 1976 1 1983 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0851 Springer Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 0340-7004 1432-0851 1984 17 2018 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0851 Springer Cancer Immunology Research 2326-6066 2326-6074 2013 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-6074 American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2005 1 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2012 11 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2012 11 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2014 13 2014 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2014 13 2014 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2015 14 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 Libertas Academica Cancer Informatics 1176-9351 2015 14 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9351 SAGE Publications Cancer Investigation 0735-7907 1532-4192 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4192 Taylor & Francis Cancer Prevention Research 1940-6207 1940-6215 2008 1 2020 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-6215 American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Research 0008-5472 1538-7445 1941 1 2020 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-7445 American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Translational Medicine 2395-3977 2395-3012 2015 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-3012 Medknow Publications Cancers of Head and Neck 2059-7347 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7347 Springer Candollea 0373-2967 2010 65 2016 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0373-2967 Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva (CJBG) Canine Genetics and Epidemiology 2052-6687 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-6687 BioMed Central Canine Genetics and Epidemiology 2052-6687 2015 2 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-6687 Springer Cape Town Convention Journal 2049-761X 2049-7628 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-7628 Taylor & Francis Capital & Class 0309-8168 2041-0980 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0980 SAGE Publications Capital Markets Law Journal 1750-7219 1750-7227 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-7227 Oxford University Press Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 2576-6392 2576-6406 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-6406 University of Pennsylvania Press Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 2576-6392 2576-6406 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-6406 University of Pennsylvania Press Capitalism and Society 1932-0213 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0213 Berkeley Electronic Press Capitalism Nature Socialism 1045-5752 1548-3290 1988 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3290 Taylor & Francis Carbon Balance and Management 1750-0680 2006 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-0680 BioMed Central Carbon Balance and Management 1750-0680 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-0680 Springer Carbon Letters 1976-4251 2233-4998 2019 29 2019 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2233-4998 Springer Carbon Management 1758-3004 1758-3012 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3012 Taylor & Francis Carbon Management 1758-3004 1758-3012 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3012 Future Science Carbon Management 1758-3004 1758-3012 2013 4 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3012 Taylor & Francis Carbonates and Evaporites 0891-2556 1878-5212 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5212 Springer Carcinogenesis 0143-3334 1460-2180 2005 26 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2180 Oxford University Press Cardiac Cath Lab Director 2150-1335 2150-0134 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-0134 SAGE Publications Cardiology and Therapy 2193-6544 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-6544 Springer Cardiology Plus 2470-7511 2470-752X 2017 2 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-752X Medknow Publications Cardiology Research 1923-2829 1923-2837 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-2837 Elmer Press Cardiology Research and Practice 2090-8016 2090-0597 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0597 Hindawi Cardiology Research and Practice 2090-8016 2090-0597 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0597 Hindawi Cardio-Oncology 2057-3804 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-3804 Springer CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 0174-1551 1432-086X 2013 36 2013 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-086X Springer CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 0174-1551 1432-086X 2015 38 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-086X Springer Cardiovascular and Thoracic Open 2055-5520 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5520 SAGE Publications Cardiovascular Diabetology 1475-2840 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2840 BioMed Central Cardiovascular Diabetology 1475-2840 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2840 Springer Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 0920-3206 1573-7241 1987 1 1995 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7241 Springer Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 0920-3206 1573-7241 1997 11 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7241 Springer Cardiovascular Engineering 1567-8822 1573-6806 2001 1 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6806 Springer Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 1869-408X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1869-408X Springer Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics 1868-4300 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1868-4300 Springer Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology 2090-0163 2090-0171 2009 2009 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0171 Hindawi Cardiovascular Research 0008-6363 1755-3245 2005 66 2008 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3245 Oxford University Press Cardiovascular Research 0008-6363 1755-3245 2008 78 2013 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3245 Oxford University Press Cardiovascular Research 0008-6363 1755-3245 2014 101 2023 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3245 Oxford University Press Cardiovascular Toxicology 1530-7905 1559-0259 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0259 Springer Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1476-7120 2003 1 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7120 BioMed Central Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1476-7120 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7120 Springer Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1476-7120 2014 12 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7120 BioMed Central Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1476-7120 2015 13 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7120 Springer Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 1043-1500 1989 1 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1043-1500 Taylor & Francis Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 2165-1434 2165-1442 2012 35 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-1442 SAGE Publications Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 0885-7288 1557-5047 2004 27 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-5047 SAGE Publications Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 0885-7288 1557-5047 2009 32 2011 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-5047 SAGE Publications Career Development International 1362-0436 1758-6003 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6003 Emerald Group Publishing Caribbean Quarterly 0008-6495 2470-6302 1949 1 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-6302 Taylor & Francis Caribbean Studies 0008-6533 1940-9095 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9095 Institute of Caribbean Studies Cartilage 1947-6035 1947-6043 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-6043 SAGE Publications Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 0317-7173 1911-9925 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9925 University of Toronto Press Cartography 0069-0805 1957 2 2003 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0069-0805 Taylor & Francis Cartography and Geographic Information Science 1523-0406 1545-0465 1999 26 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0465 Taylor & Francis Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 1050-9844 1990 17 1998 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1050-9844 Taylor & Francis Caryologia 0008-7114 2165-5391 1949 1 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-5391 Taylor & Francis Case Reports in Allergy 2090-6366 2090-6374 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6374 Hindawi Case Reports in Anesthesiology 2090-6382 2090-6390 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6390 Hindawi Case Reports in Cardiology 2090-6404 2090-6412 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6412 Hindawi Case Reports in Critical Care 2090-6420 2090-6439 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6439 Hindawi Case Reports in Dentistry 2090-6447 2090-6455 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6455 Hindawi Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine 2090-6463 2090-6471 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6471 Hindawi Case Reports in Emergency Medicine 2090-648X 2090-6498 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6498 Hindawi Case Reports in Endocrinology 2090-6501 2090-651X 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-651X Hindawi Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine 2090-6528 2090-6536 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6536 Hindawi Case Reports in Genetics 2090-6544 2090-6552 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6552 Hindawi Case Reports in Hematology 2090-6560 2090-6579 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6579 Hindawi Case Reports in Hepatology 2090-6587 2090-6595 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6595 Hindawi Case Reports in Immunology 2090-6609 2090-6617 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6617 Hindawi Case Reports in Infectious Diseases 2090-6625 2090-6633 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6633 Hindawi Case Reports in Medicine 1687-9627 1687-9635 2009 2009 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9635 Hindawi Case Reports in Nephrology 2090-6641 2090-665X 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-665X Hindawi Case Reports in Neurological Medicine 2090-6668 2090-6676 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6676 Hindawi Case Reports in Neurological Medicine 2090-6668 2090-6676 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6676 Hindawi Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2090-6684 2090-6692 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6692 Hindawi Case Reports in Oncological Medicine 2090-6706 2090-6714 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6714 Hindawi Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine 2090-6722 2090-6730 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6730 Hindawi Case Reports in Orthopedics 2090-6749 2090-6757 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6757 Hindawi Case Reports in Otolaryngology 2090-6765 2090-6773 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6773 Hindawi Case Reports in Pathology 2090-6781 2090-679X 2012 2012 2023 2023 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-0555 Springer Catalysis Letters 1011-372X 1572-879X 2008 120 2019 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-879X Springer Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering 0161-4940 1520-5703 1968 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5703 Taylor & Francis Catalysis Science & Technology 2044-4753 2044-4761 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-4761 Royal Society of Chemistry Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity 2055-074X 2055-0758 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0758 Taylor & Francis Catalysis Surveys from Asia 1571-1013 1574-9266 2008 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-9266 Springer Catedral Tomada: Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana 2169-0847 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0847 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice 1097-9638 2164-0246 1997 1 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0246 Boston College Libraries Caucasiana 1512-1720 2667-9809 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-9809 Pensoft Publishers Caucasus Survey 2376-1199 2376-1202 2013 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-1202 Taylor & Francis CBE - Life Sciences Education 1931-7913 2002 1 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7913 American Society for Cell Biology CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing 2524-4922 2524-4930 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4930 Springer CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction 2524-521X 2524-5228 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-5228 Springer CEA Critic 0007-8069 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-8069 Johns Hopkins University Press CEAS Aeronautical Journal 1869-5582 1869-5590 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-5590 Springer Celebrity Studies 1939-2397 1939-2400 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-2400 Taylor & Francis Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 0923-2958 1572-9478 2013 113 2018 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9478 Springer Cell & Bioscience 2045-3701 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-3701 BioMed Central Cell & Bioscience 2045-3701 2014 4 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-3701 Springer Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy 1179-0687 2008 1 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0687 Libertas Academica Cell Adhesion & Migration 1933-6918 1933-6926 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-6926 Taylor & Francis Cell Adhesion and Communication 1061-5385 1029-2314 1993 1 2000 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2314 Taylor & Francis Cell and Tissue Banking 1389-9333 1573-6814 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6814 Springer Cell and Tissue Biology 1990-519X 1990-5203 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-5203 Springer Cell and Tissue Research 0302-766X 1432-0878 1924 1 2012 349 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0878 Springer Cell and Tissue Research 0302-766X 1432-0878 2013 351 2018 374 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0878 Springer Cell and Tissue Research 0302-766X 1432-0878 2019 377 2019 377 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0878 Springer Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 1085-9195 1559-0283 2013 64 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0283 Springer Cell Biology and Toxicology 0742-2091 1573-6822 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6822 Springer Cell Biology Insights 1178-6272 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6272 Libertas Academica Cell Communication & Adhesion 1541-9061 1543-5180 2001 8 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-5180 Taylor & Francis Cell Communication and Signaling 1478-811X 2003 1 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-811X BioMed Central Cell Communication and Signaling 1478-811X 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-811X Springer Cell Communication and Signaling 1478-811X 2014 12 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-811X BioMed Central Cell Communication and Signaling 1478-811X 2015 13 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-811X Springer Cell Communication Insights 1179-5689 2008 1 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5689 Libertas Academica Cell Cycle 1538-4101 1551-4005 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-4005 Taylor & Francis Cell Division 1747-1028 2006 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-1028 BioMed Central Cell Division 1747-1028 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-1028 Springer Cell Medicine 2155-1790 2010 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-1790 SAGE Publications Cell Regeneration 2045-9769 2013 2 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-9769 Springer Cell Stress & Chaperones 1355-8145 1466-1268 2000 5 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1268 Cell Stress Society International Cell Stress & Chaperones 1355-8145 1466-1268 2008 13 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1268 Springer Cell Transplantation 0963-6897 1555-3892 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-3892 SAGE Publications Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 1425-8153 1689-1392 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1689-1392 Springer Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 1865-5025 1865-5033 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-5033 Springer Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 1420-682X 1420-9071 2005 62 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9071 Springer Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 0272-4340 1573-6830 1981 1 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6830 Springer Cellular Logistics 2159-2799 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-2799 Taylor & Francis Cellular Oncology 2211-3428 2211-3436 2011 34 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-3436 Springer Cellular Polymers 0262-4893 1478-2421 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-2421 SAGE Publications Cellulose 0969-0239 1572-882X 2000 7 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-882X Springer Cellulose 0969-0239 1572-882X 2012 19 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-882X Springer Central Asian Journal of Global Health 2166-7403 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-7403 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Central Asian Survey 0263-4937 1465-3354 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3354 Taylor & Francis Central Europe 1479-0963 1745-8218 2007 5 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8218 Taylor & Francis Central Europe 1479-0963 1745-8218 2010 8 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8218 Maney Publishing Central Europe 1479-0963 1745-8218 2013 11 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8218 Taylor & Francis Central European Journal of Biology 1895-104X 2013 8 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1895-104X Springer Central European Journal of Chemistry 1895-1066 1644-3624 2013 11 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3624 Springer Central European Journal of Geosciences 2081-9900 1896-1517 2013 5 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1896-1517 Springer Central European Journal of Mathematics 1895-1074 1644-3616 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3616 Springer Central European Journal of Mathematics 1895-1074 1644-3616 2009 7 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3616 Springer Central European Journal of Mathematics 1895-1074 1644-3616 2013 11 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3616 Springer Central European Journal of Medicine 1895-1058 2013 8 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1895-1058 Springer Central European Journal of Operations Research 1435-246X 1613-9178 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9178 Springer Central European Journal of Physics 1895-1082 1644-3608 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3608 Springer Central European Journal of Physics 1895-1082 1644-3608 2006 4 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3608 Springer Central European Journal of Physics 1895-1082 1644-3608 2008 6 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3608 Springer Central European Journal of Physics 1895-1082 1644-3608 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3608 Springer Central European Journal of Physics 1895-1082 1644-3608 2013 11 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1644-3608 Springer Central European Neurosurgery - Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 1868-4904 1868-4912 2010 70 2011 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-4912 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Central Issues in Anthropology 0739-7917 1937-6227 1979 1 1992 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-6227 American Anthropological Association Central States Speech Journal 0008-9575 1949 1 1988 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0008-9575 Taylor & Francis Cephalalgia 0333-1024 1468-2982 2000 20 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2982 SAGE Publications Cephalalgia Reports 2515-8163 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-8163 SAGE Publications Cerebellum & Ataxias 2053-8871 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-8871 BioMed Central Cerebellum & Ataxias 2053-8871 2015 2 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-8871 Springer Cerebral Cortex 1047-3211 1460-2199 2005 15 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2199 Oxford University Press Cerebrospinal Fluid Research 1743-8454 2004 1 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8454 BioMed Central Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 0277-6995 1943-3840 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3840 Cervantes Society of America CESifo Economic Studies 1610-241X 1612-7501 2005 51 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-7501 Oxford University Press CFC Intersections 2752-552X 2752-5538 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-5538 Liverpool University Press Challenge 0577-5132 1558-1489 1954 3 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-1489 Taylor & Francis CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 1989 2 2007 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Taylor & Francis CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2008 21 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Springer CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2008 21 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Taylor & Francis CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2009 22 2009 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Taylor & Francis CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2009 22 2009 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Springer CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2010 23 2010 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Springer CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2010 23 2010 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Taylor & Francis CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2011 24 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Springer CHANCE 0933-2480 1867-2280 2011 24 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2280 Taylor & Francis Change Over Time 2153-053X 2153-0548 2011 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-0548 University of Pennsylvania Press Change Over Time 2153-053X 2153-0548 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-0548 University of Pennsylvania Press Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 0009-1383 1939-9146 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9146 Taylor & Francis Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education 1358-684X 1469-3585 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3585 Taylor & Francis Channels 1933-6950 1933-6969 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-6969 Taylor & Francis Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. Public Money 0261-1252 1981 1 1987 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0261-1252 Taylor & Francis Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Journal 2305-7890 2306-4919 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2306-4919 Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Check List 1809-127X 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1809-127X Pensoft Publishers Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1071-8443 1943-3956 2006 5 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3956 Chelonian Research Foundation Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2000 0 2000 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2001 0 2001 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2002 0 2002 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2003 0 2003 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2004 0 2004 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2005 0 2005 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2006 0 2006 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2007 0 2007 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2008 0 2008 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2009 0 2009 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Communications 1359-7345 1364-548X 2010 46 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-548X Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Engineering Communications 0098-6445 1563-5201 1973 1 2023 210 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5201 Taylor & Francis Chemical Papers 0366-6352 1336-9075 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1336-9075 Springer Chemical Product and Process Modeling 1934-2659 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2659 Berkeley Electronic Press Chemical Science 2041-6520 2041-6539 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-6539 Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Senses 0379-864X 1464-3553 2005 30 2020 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3553 Oxford University Press Chemical Society Reviews 0306-0012 1460-4744 1997 26 1997 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4744 Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Society Reviews 0306-0012 1460-4744 2000 29 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4744 Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 1998 10 1998 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 1998 10 1998 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 1999 11 1999 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 1999 11 1999 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2000 12 2000 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2000 12 2000 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2001 13 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2001 13 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2002 14 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2002 14 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2003 15 2003 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2003 15 2003 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2005 17 2005 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2005 17 2005 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2006 18 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2006 18 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2007 19 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2007 19 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2012 24 2012 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Science Reviews 2000 Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 0954-2299 2047-6523 2012 24 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6523 Taylor & Francis Chemistry and Ecology 0275-7540 1029-0370 1982 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0370 Taylor & Francis Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 0009-3092 1573-8310 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8310 Springer Chemistry Central Journal 1752-153X 2007 1 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-153X Chemistry Central Chemistry Central Journal 1752-153X 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-153X Springer Chemistry Education Research and Practice 1109-4028 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1109-4028 Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry of Natural Compounds 0009-3130 1573-8388 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8388 Springer Chemoecology 0937-7409 1423-0445 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0445 Springer Chemosensory Perception 1936-5802 1936-5810 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-5810 Springer Chemotherapy Research and Practice 2090-2107 2090-2115 2010 2010 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2115 Hindawi Chest 0012-3692 1931-3543 2005 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-3543 American College of Chest Physicians Child & Family Behavior Therapy 0731-7107 1545-228X 1983 4 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-228X Taylor & Francis Child & Youth Services 0145-935X 1545-2298 1977 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2298 Taylor & Francis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 1753-2000 2007 1 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-2000 BioMed Central Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 1753-2000 2015 9 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-2000 Springer Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 0738-0151 1573-2797 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2797 Springer Child and Youth Care Forum 1053-1890 1573-3319 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3319 Springer Child Behavior Therapy 0162-1416 1979 1 1982 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0162-1416 Taylor & Francis Child Care 1753-9900 2052-4579 2013 10 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4579 Mark Allen Group Child Care in Practice 1357-5279 1476-489X 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-489X Taylor & Francis Child Development Research 2090-3987 2090-3995 2011 2011 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3995 Hindawi Child Indicators Research 1874-897X 1874-8988 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-8988 Springer Child Language Teaching and Therapy 0265-6590 1477-0865 2004 20 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0865 SAGE Publications Child Maltreatment 1077-5595 1552-6119 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6119 SAGE Publications Child Neurology Open 2329-048X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-048X SAGE Publications Child Neuropsychology 0929-7049 1744-4136 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4136 Taylor & Francis Child Psychiatry & Human Development 0009-398X 1573-3327 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3327 Springer Childhood 0907-5682 1461-7013 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7013 SAGE Publications Childhood Education 0009-4056 2162-0725 1924 1 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-0725 Taylor & Francis Childhood in the Past 1758-5716 2040-8528 2009 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8528 Taylor & Francis Children & Schools 1532-8759 1545-682X 2008 30 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-682X Oxford University Press Children, Youth and Environments 1546-2250 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-2250 University of Cincinnati Press Children's Geographies 1473-3285 1473-3277 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-3277 Taylor & Francis Children's Health Care 0273-9615 1532-6888 1981 10 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6888 Taylor & Francis Children's Literature 0092-8208 1543-3374 1972 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3374 Johns Hopkins University Press Children's Literature 0092-8208 1543-3374 1980 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3374 Johns Hopkins University Press Children's Literature Association Quarterly 0885-0429 1553-1201 1976 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-1201 Johns Hopkins University Press Children's Literature in Education 0045-6713 1573-1693 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1693 Springer Children's Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice 1093-9644 1532-6918 1999 2 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6918 Taylor & Francis Child's Nervous System 0256-7040 1433-0350 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0350 Springer Chimerism 1938-1956 1938-1964 2010 1 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-1964 Taylor & Francis China Agricultural Economic Review 1756-137X 1756-1388 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1388 Emerald Group Publishing China: An International Journal 0219-7472 0219-8614 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-8614 NUS Press China Economic Journal: The Official Journal of the China Center for Economic Research (CCER) at Peking University 1753-8963 1753-8971 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8971 Taylor & Francis China Finance Review International 2044-1398 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-1398 Emerald Group Publishing China Finance Review International 2044-1398 2019 9 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-1398 Emerald Group Publishing China Information 0920-203X 1741-590X 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-590X SAGE Publications China International Strategy Review 2524-5627 2524-5635 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-5635 Springer China Journal of Accounting Studies 2169-7213 2169-7221 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-7221 Taylor & Francis China Journal of Social Work 1752-5098 1752-5101 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-5101 Taylor & Francis China Law Review 1745-7238 1750-6611 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6611 Taylor & Francis China Ocean Engineering 0890-5487 2013 27 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0890-5487 Springer China Political Economy 2516-1652 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-1652 Emerald Group Publishing China Report 0009-4455 0973-063X 2004 40 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-063X SAGE Publications China Review 1680-2012 2013 13 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1680-2012 Chinese University Press China Review 1680-2012 1015-6607 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1015-6607 Chinese University Press China Review 1680-2012 2014 14 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1680-2012 Chinese University Press China Review 1680-2012 1015-6607 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1015-6607 Chinese University Press China Review 1680-2012 2015 15 2015 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1680-2012 Chinese University Press China Review 1680-2012 1015-6607 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1015-6607 Chinese University Press China Review International 1069-5834 1527-9367 1994 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-9367 University of Hawai'i Press Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 0252-9599 1860-6261 2013 34 2013 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-6261 Springer Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 0252-9599 1860-6261 2015 36 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-6261 Springer Chinese Economy 1097-1475 1558-0954 1997 30 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0954 Taylor & Francis Chinese Education 0009-4560 1968 1 1992 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-4560 Taylor & Francis Chinese Education & Society 1061-1932 1944-7116 1993 26 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7116 Taylor & Francis Chinese Geographical Science 1002-0063 1993-064X 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-064X Springer Chinese Journal of Biology 2314-7474 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7474 Hindawi Chinese Journal of Cancer 1000-467X 1944-446X 2015 34 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-446X Springer Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1672-7118 1993-5145 2004 1 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5145 Springer Chinese Journal of Communication 1754-4750 1754-4769 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-4769 Taylor & Francis Chinese Journal of Engineering 2314-8063 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8063 Hindawi Chinese Journal of Engineering 2314-8063 2016 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8063 Hindawi Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 1000-9426 1993-0364 2013 32 2015 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0364 Springer Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 1672-0415 1993-0402 2013 19 2019 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0402 Springer Chinese Journal of International Law 1540-1650 1746-9937 2005 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9937 Oxford University Press Chinese Journal of Mathematics 2314-8071 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8071 Hindawi Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 0254-4059 1993-5005 2013 31 2017 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5005 Springer Chinese Journal of Physiology 0304-4920 2666-0059 2019 62 2022 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-0059 Medknow Publications Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 0256-7679 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0256-7679 Springer Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 1004-2857 2325-4262 1992 1 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-4262 Taylor & Francis Chinese Journal of Sociology 2057-150X 2057-1518 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1518 SAGE Publications Chinese Law & Government 0009-4609 1944-7051 1968 1 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7051 Taylor & Francis Chinese Literature and Thought Today 2768-3524 2768-3532 2022 53 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2768-3532 Taylor & Francis Chinese Literature Today 2151-4399 2156-8634 2010 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-8634 Taylor & Francis Chinese Management Studies 1750-614X 1750-6158 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6158 Emerald Group Publishing Chinese Medical Journal 0366-6999 2015 128 2017 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0366-6999 Medknow Publications Chinese Medical Record English Edition 2325-6176 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6176 Taylor & Francis Chinese Medicine 1991-0150 1749-8546 2006 1 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8546 BioMed Central Chinese Medicine 1991-0150 1749-8546 2015 10 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8546 Springer Chinese Medicine and Culture 2589-9627 2589-9473 2018 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9473 Medknow Publications Chinese Neurosurgical Journal 2057-4967 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-4967 Springer Chinese Political Science Review 2365-4244 2365-4252 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-4252 Springer Chinese Public Administration Review 1539-6754 2573-1483 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-1483 SAGE Publications Chinese Public Administration Review 1539-6754 2573-1483 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-1483 SAGE Publications Chinese Public Administration Review 1539-6754 2573-1483 2010 9 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-1483 SAGE Publications Chinese Science Bulletin 1001-6538 1861-9541 2013 58 2014 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-9541 Springer Chinese Sociological Dialogue 2397-2009 2397-2017 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-2017 SAGE Publications Chinese Sociological Review 2162-0555 2162-0563 2011 44 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-0563 Taylor & Francis Chinese Sociology & Anthropology 0009-4625 1968 1 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-4625 Taylor & Francis Chinese Studies in History 0009-4633 1558-0407 1967 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0407 Taylor & Francis Chinese Studies in Philosophy 0023-8627 1969 1 1997 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0023-8627 Taylor & Francis CHINOPERL 0193-7774 2051-6150 1969 1 1997 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 Taylor & Francis CHINOPERL 0193-7774 2051-6150 2000 23 2005 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 Taylor & Francis CHINOPERL 0193-7774 2051-6150 2008 28 2019 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 Taylor & Francis CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1969 1970 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1973 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1980 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 1994 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6150 University of Hawai'i Press Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures 0277-7223 2472-4521 2016 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-4521 Indiana University Press Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2045-709X 2011 19 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-709X BioMed Central Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2045-709X 2015 23 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-709X Springer Chiropractic & Osteopathy 1746-1340 2005 13 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1340 BioMed Central Choice Reviews Online 0009-4978 1523-8253 1999 37 2015 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1523-8253 American Library Association Cholesterol 2090-1283 2090-1291 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1291 Hindawi Cholesterol 2090-1283 2090-1291 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1291 Hindawi Choreographic Practices 2040-5669 2040-5677 2011 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-5677 Intellect CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research 2348-3334 2348-506X 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-506X Medknow Publications Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality 1380-3603 1744-4195 1998 4 2007 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4195 Taylor & Francis Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality 1380-3603 1744-4195 2010 16 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4195 Oxford University Press Christian Education Journal 0739-8913 2378-525X 2003 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-525X SAGE Publications Christian Higher Education 1536-3759 1539-4107 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-4107 Taylor & Francis Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2003 53 2010 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2010 60 2011 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2011 61 2012 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2012 62 2013 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2013 63 2014 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2014 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2014 64 2015 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2015 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2015 65 2016 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2016 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2016 66 2017 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2017 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2017 67 2018 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2018 68 2019 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 SAGE Publications Christianity & Literature 0148-3331 2056-5666 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5666 Johns Hopkins University Press Chromatographia 0009-5893 1612-1112 2013 76 2018 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-1112 Springer Chromatography Research International 2090-3502 2090-3510 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3510 Hindawi Chromatography Research International 2090-3502 2090-3510 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3510 Hindawi Chromosoma 0009-5915 1432-0886 1939 1 2018 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0886 Springer Chromosome Research 0967-3849 1573-6849 1993 1 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6849 Springer Chronic Illness 1742-3953 1745-9206 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9206 SAGE Publications Chronic Respiratory Disease 1479-9723 1479-9731 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-9731 SAGE Publications Chronic Stress 2470-5470 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-5470 SAGE Publications Chronicle of Diabetes Research and Practice 2773-1316 2773-1324 2022 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-1324 Medknow Publications Chronobiology International 0742-0528 1525-6073 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6073 Taylor & Francis Church, Communication and Culture 2375-3234 2375-3242 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-3242 Taylor & Francis Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria 1135-8122 1995 1 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1135-8122 Taylor & Francis Cilia 2046-2530 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-2530 BioMed Central Cilia 2046-2530 2015 4 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-2530 Springer CIM Journal 1923-6026 2689-8403 2020 11 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-8403 Taylor & Francis CINEJ Cinema e-Journal 2159-2411 2158-8724 2011 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-8724 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Cinema Journal 0009-7101 1527-2087 1999 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2087 University of Texas Press Circuit World 0305-6120 1758-602X 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-602X Emerald Group Publishing Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 0278-081X 1531-5878 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-5878 Springer Circulation 0009-7322 1524-4539 1950 1 2017 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4539 American Heart Association Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 1941-3149 1941-3084 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-3084 American Heart Association Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 1942-325X 1942-3268 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-3268 American Heart Association Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 1941-9651 1942-0080 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0080 American Heart Association Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 1941-7640 1941-7632 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-7632 American Heart Association Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 1941-7705 1941-7713 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-7713 American Heart Association Circulation: Heart Failure 1941-3289 1941-3297 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-3297 American Heart Association Circulation Research 0009-7330 1524-4571 1953 1 1994 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4571 American Heart Association Circulation Research 0009-7330 1524-4571 1998 82 2017 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4571 American Heart Association Cities & Health 2374-8834 2374-8842 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-8842 Taylor & Francis Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 2057-4991 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-4991 Ubiquity Press Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 2047-1734 2004 6 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-1734 SAGE Publications Citizenship Studies 1362-1025 1469-3593 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3593 Taylor & Francis Citizenship Teaching and Learning 1751-1917 1751-1925 2010 6 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1925 Intellect City & Community 1535-6841 1540-6040 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6040 SAGE Publications City & Community 1535-6841 1540-6040 2010 9 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6040 SAGE Publications City & Society 0893-0465 1548-744X 1989 1 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-744X American Anthropological Association City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 1360-4813 1470-3629 1996 1 1997 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-3629 Taylor & Francis City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 1360-4813 1470-3629 2000 4 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-3629 Taylor & Francis City, Territory and Architecture 2195-2701 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-2701 Springer City, Territory and Architecture 2195-2701 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-2701 Springer Civic Sociology 2637-9155 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-9155 University of California Press Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 1028-6608 1029-0249 1998 15 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0249 Taylor & Francis Civil Engineering Systems 0263-0257 1983 1 1997 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0263-0257 Taylor & Francis Civil War History 0009-8078 1533-6271 1955 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6271 Kent State University Press Civil Wars 1369-8249 1743-968X 1998 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-968X Taylor & Francis CLA Journal 0007-8549 2766-0265 2016 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2766-0265 College Language Association Claremont-UC Undergraduate Research Conference Journal 2152-8713 2154-5731 2007 2007 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-5731 Claremont College Library Classical Antiquity 0278-6656 1067-8344 2001 20 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1067-8344 University of California Press Classical Journal 0009-8353 2327-5812 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-5812 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical Receptions Journal 1759-5134 1759-5142 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-5142 Oxford University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2005 99 2006 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2006 100 2007 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2007 101 2008 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2008 102 2009 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2009 103 2010 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2010 104 2011 104 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2011 105 2012 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2012 106 2013 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2013 107 2014 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2014 108 2015 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Classical Association of the Atlantic States Classical World 0009-8418 1558-9234 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9234 Johns Hopkins University Press Classroom Discourse 1946-3014 1946-3022 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3022 Taylor & Francis Claustrum 2002-3294 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-3294 Taylor & Francis Clay Minerals 0009-8558 1471-8030 1975 10 2016 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8030 Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Clays and Clay Minerals 0009-8604 1552-8367 2010 58 2016 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8367 Clay Minerals Society Clays and Clay Minerals 0009-8604 1552-8367 2019 67 2019 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8367 Springer CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 1481-4374 2007 9 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1481-4374 Purdue University Press Clean Air 1561-4417 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-4417 Taylor & Francis Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 1618-954X 1618-9558 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-9558 Springer Climacteric 1369-7137 1473-0804 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0804 Taylor & Francis Climate and Development 1756-5529 1756-5537 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-5537 Taylor & Francis Climate Change Responses 2053-7565 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-7565 Springer Climate Dynamics 0930-7575 1432-0894 1986 1 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0894 Springer Climate of the Past 1814-9324 1814-9332 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1814-9332 Copernicus Publications Climate Policy 1469-3062 1752-7457 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7457 Taylor & Francis Climatic Change 0165-0009 1573-1480 1977 1 2015 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1480 Springer Climatic Change 0165-0009 1573-1480 2015 131 2016 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1480 Springer Clin-Alert 0069-4770 1530-812X 2004 42 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-812X SAGE Publications Clinical & Experimental Immunology 0009-9104 1365-2249 2008 151 2023 214 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2249 Oxford University Press Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 1076-0296 1938-2723 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2723 SAGE Publications Clinical and Developmental Immunology 1740-2522 1740-2530 1994 1 2006 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2530 Hindawi Clinical and Developmental Immunology 1740-2522 1740-2530 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2530 Hindawi Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1365-2230 2008 33 2014 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2230 Oxford University Press Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1365-2230 2015 30 2015 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2230 Oxford University Press Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1365-2230 2016 41 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2230 Oxford University Press Clinical and Experimental Dialysis and Apheresis 0276-5497 1981 5 1983 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0276-5497 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 0148-3927 1978 1 1979 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-3927 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 0148-3927 1980 2 1980 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-3927 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 0148-3927 1981 3 1981 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-3927 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 1064-1963 1525-6006 1993 15 1998 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6006 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 1064-1963 1525-6006 1999 21 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6006 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 1064-1963 1525-6006 2009 31 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6006 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A: Theory and Practice 0730-0077 1982 4 1992 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0730-0077 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part B: Hypertension in Pregnancy 0730-0085 1982 1 1992 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0730-0085 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1591-8890 1591-9528 2008 8 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1591-9528 Springer Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 0262-0898 1573-7276 1983 1 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7276 Springer Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 1342-1751 1437-7799 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7799 Springer Clinical and Experimental Optometry 0816-4622 1444-0938 1919 1 1933 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-0938 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Optometry 0816-4622 1444-0938 1934 17 2015 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-0938 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Optometry 0816-4622 1444-0938 2017 100 2017 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-0938 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Experimental Optometry 0816-4622 1444-0938 2019 102 2023 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-0938 Taylor & Francis Clinical and Molecular Allergy 1476-7961 2003 1 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7961 BioMed Central Clinical and Molecular Allergy 1476-7961 2015 13 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7961 Springer Clinical and Translational Allergy 2045-7022 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7022 BioMed Central Clinical and Translational Allergy 2045-7022 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7022 Springer Clinical and Translational Allergy 2045-7022 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7022 BioMed Central Clinical and Translational Allergy 2045-7022 2015 5 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7022 Springer Clinical and Translational Medicine 2001-1326 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-1326 SpringerOpen Clinical and Translational Neuroscience 2514-183X 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-183X SAGE Publications Clinical and Translational Oncology 1699-048X 1699-3055 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1699-3055 Springer Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 1556-6811 1556-679X 1994 1 2017 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-679X American Society for Microbiology Clinical Autonomic Research 0959-9851 1619-1560 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1619-1560 Springer Clinical Bulletin of Myofascial Therapy 1089-4195 1996 2 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1089-4195 Taylor & Francis Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2278-1668 2278-0513 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-0513 Medknow Publications Clinical Cancer Research 1078-0432 1557-3265 1995 1 2020 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-3265 American Association for Cancer Research Clinical Case Studies 1534-6501 1552-3802 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3802 SAGE Publications Clinical Chemistry 0009-9147 1530-8561 2005 51 2015 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8561 American Association for Clinical Chemistry Clinical Chemistry 0009-9147 1530-8561 2016 62 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8561 Oxford University Press Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 1096-4037 1573-2827 1998 1 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2827 Springer Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1359-1045 1461-7021 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7021 SAGE Publications Clinical Dentistry Reviewed 2511-1965 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-1965 Springer Clinical Dermatology Review 2542-551X 2542-5528 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-5528 Medknow Publications Clinical Diabetes 0891-8929 1945-4953 2001 19 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-4953 American Diabetes Association Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology 2055-8260 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-8260 Springer Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 1550-0594 2004 35 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1550-0594 SAGE Publications Clinical Epigenetics 1868-7075 1868-7083 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-7083 BioMed Central Clinical Epigenetics 1868-7075 1868-7083 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-7083 Springer Clinical Epigenetics 1868-7075 1868-7083 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-7083 BioMed Central Clinical Epigenetics 1868-7075 1868-7083 2015 7 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-7083 Springer Clinical Ethics 1477-7509 1758-101X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-101X SAGE Publications Clinical Gerontologist 0731-7115 1545-2301 1981 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2301 Taylor & Francis Clinical Governance: An International Journal 1477-7274 1758-6038 2003 8 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6038 Emerald Group Publishing Clinical Hypertension 2056-5909 2014 20 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5909 Springer Clinical Infectious Diseases 1058-4838 1537-6591 2008 46 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6591 Oxford University Press Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 1865-7257 1865-7265 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-7265 Springer Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1555-9041 1555-905X 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-905X American Society of Nephrology Clinical Kidney Journal 2048-8505 2048-8513 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8513 Oxford University Press Clinical Kidney Journal 2048-8505 2048-8513 2012 5 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8513 Oxford University Press Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 0269-9206 1464-5076 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5076 Taylor & Francis Clinical Lipidology 1758-4299 1758-4302 2009 4 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4302 Taylor & Francis Clinical Lipidology and Metabolic Disorders 2641-5321 2019 14 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2641-5321 Taylor & Francis Clinical Medicine 1470-2118 1473-4893 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-4893 Royal College of Physicians Clinical Medicine & Research 1539-4182 1554-6179 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6179 Marshfield Clinic Clinical medicine. Blood disorders 1178-2269 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-2269 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Blood disorders 1178-2269 2010 3 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-2269 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Ear, nose and throat 1178-1211 2009 2 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-1211 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Endocrinology and diabetes 1178-1173 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-1173 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine. Gastroenterology 1178-119X 2010 3 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-119X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5441 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders 1179-545X 2008 1 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-545X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders 1179-545X 2013 6 2013 6 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5476 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 1179-5476 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5476 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 1179-5476 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5476 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine 1179-5484 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5484 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology 1179-5492 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5492 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat 1179-5506 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5506 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 1179-5514 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5514 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology 1179-5522 2015 8 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5522 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics 1179-5530 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5530 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics 1179-5530 2013 6 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5530 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology 1179-5549 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5549 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology 1179-5557 2015 8 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5557 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics 1179-5565 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5565 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2008 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573 2015 6 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5573 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health 1179-5581 2015 9 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5581 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1179-559X 2015 7 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-559X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2009 2 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine 1179-5603 2015 6 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5603 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology 1179-5611 2015 8 2020 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5611 SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 1179-562X 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-562X SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Oncology 1177-9314 2008 2 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1177-9314 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Pediatrics 1178-220X 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-220X SAGE Publications Clinical Medicine Reviews in Oncology 1179-2531 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2531 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Reviews in Patient Care 1179-254X 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-254X Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Reviews in Therapeutics 1179-2558 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2558 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Reviews in Vascular Health 1179-2566 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2566 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine Reviews in Women's Health 1179-2574 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2574 Libertas Academica Clinical Medicine. Therapeutics 1179-1713 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1179-1713 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Trauma and intensive medicine 1178-2161 2008 1 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-2161 SAGE Publications Clinical medicine. Women's health 1178-2196 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1178-2196 SAGE Publications Clinical Microbiology Reviews 0893-8512 1098-6618 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-6618 American Society for Microbiology Clinical Neuropsychologist 0920-1637 1987 1 1994 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0920-1637 Taylor & Francis Clinical Neuroradiology 1869-1439 1869-1447 2010 20 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-1447 Springer Clinical Nursing Research 1054-7738 1552-3799 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3799 SAGE Publications Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 1674-5361 1868-324X 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-324X Springer Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 1674-5361 2009 6 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1674-5361 Springer Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 1674-5361 1868-324X 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-324X Springer Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 1674-5361 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1674-5361 Springer Clinical Oral Investigations 1432-6981 1436-3771 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-3771 Springer Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 0009-921X 1528-1132 2008 466 2017 475 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-1132 Springer Clinical Pathology 2632-010X 2019 12 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-010X SAGE Publications Clinical Pediatrics 0009-9228 1938-2707 2004 43 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2707 SAGE Publications Clinical Performance and Quality Healthcare 1063-0279 1999 7 2000 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1063-0279 Emerald Group Publishing Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 2160-763X 2160-7648 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-7648 SAGE Publications Clinical Phytoscience 2199-1197 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-1197 Springer Clinical Practice 2044-9038 2012 9 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-9038 Future Medicine Clinical Proteomics 1542-6416 1559-0275 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0275 BioMed Central Clinical Proteomics 1542-6416 1559-0275 2012 9 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0275 BioMed Central Clinical Proteomics 1542-6416 1559-0275 2014 11 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0275 Springer Clinical Psychological Science 2167-7026 2167-7034 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-7034 SAGE Publications Clinical Psychologist 1328-4207 1742-9552 1996 1 2016 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9552 Taylor & Francis Clinical Psychologist 1328-4207 1742-9552 2018 22 2019 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9552 Taylor & Francis Clinical Psychologist 1328-4207 1742-9552 2021 25 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9552 Taylor & Francis Clinical Psychology in Europe 2625-3410 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2625-3410 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Clinical Rehabilitation 0269-2155 1477-0873 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0873 SAGE Publications Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs 1060-1333 1532-2521 1992 9 2016 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2521 Taylor & Francis Clinical Research in Cardiology 1861-0684 1861-0692 1999 88 2000 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-0692 Springer Clinical Research in Cardiology 1861-0684 1861-0692 2002 91 2003 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-0692 Springer Clinical Research in Cardiology 1861-0684 1861-0692 2005 94 2018 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-0692 Springer Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 1080-0549 1559-0267 2013 43 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0267 Springer Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism 1534-8644 1559-0119 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0119 Springer Clinical Rheumatology 0770-3198 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0770-3198 Springer Clinical Risk 1356-2622 1758-1028 2001 7 2016 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1028 SAGE Publications Clinical Sarcoma Research 2045-3329 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-3329 BioMed Central Clinical Sarcoma Research 2045-3329 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-3329 Springer Clinical Sarcoma Research 2045-3329 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-3329 BioMed Central Clinical Sarcoma Research 2045-3329 2015 5 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-3329 Springer Clinical Science 0143-5221 1470-8736 1979 056 2009 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-8736 Portland Press Clinical Science 0143-5221 1470-8736 2010 119 2022 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-8736 Portland Press Clinical Social Work Journal 0091-1674 1573-3343 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3343 Springer Clinical Toxicology 0009-9309 1968 1 1971 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-9309 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 0009-9309 1977 10 1981 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-9309 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 0009-9309 1972 5 1972 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-9309 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 0009-9309 1973 6 1973 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-9309 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 0009-9309 1974 7 1976 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0009-9309 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 1556-3650 1556-9519 2005 43 2008 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9519 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 1556-3650 1556-9519 2011 49 2011 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9519 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 1556-3650 1556-9519 2014 52 2021 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9519 Taylor & Francis Clinical Toxicology 1556-3650 1556-9519 2022 60 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9519 Taylor & Francis Clinical Trials 1740-7745 1740-7753 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7753 SAGE Publications Clinical Trials in Degenerative Diseases 2542-3975 2542-3983 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-3983 Medknow Publications Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Disorders 2542-4157 2542-4165 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-4165 Medknow Publications Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery 1531-0043 1530-9681 2010 23 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9681 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cliometrica 1863-2505 1863-2513 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-2513 Springer Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 0887-302X 1940-2473 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-2473 SAGE Publications Cluster Computing 1386-7857 1573-7543 2013 16 2017 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7543 Springer Cluster Computing 1386-7857 1573-7543 2019 22 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7543 Springer CMAJ Open 2291-0026 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2291-0026 Canadian Medical Association CME: Premium-Fortbildung für die medizinische Praxis 1614-371X 1614-3744 2016 13 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-3744 Springer CNE Pflegemanagement 2196-9310 2626-6229 2016 3 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2626-6229 Georg Thieme Verlag KG CNS Drugs 1172-7047 1179-1934 2019 33 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-1934 Springer CNS Oncology 2045-0907 2045-0915 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0915 Future Medicine Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 1752-1882 1752-1890 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1890 Taylor & Francis Coactivity: Philology, Educology 1822-430X 1822-4318 2006 14 2016 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4318 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication 2029-6320 2029-6339 2006 14 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-6339 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Coal Preparation 0734-9343 1545-5831 1984 1 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5831 Taylor & Francis Coastal Engineering in Japan 0578-5634 1958 1 1996 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0578-5634 Taylor & Francis Coastal Engineering Journal 0578-5634 1793-6292 1998 40 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-6292 Taylor & Francis Coastal Management 0892-0753 1521-0421 1987 15 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0421 Taylor & Francis Coastal Studies & Society 2634-9817 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-9817 SAGE Publications Coastal Zone Management 0090-8339 1973 1 1986 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0090-8339 Taylor & Francis Cochlear Implants International 1467-0100 1754-7628 2007 8 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7628 Taylor & Francis Cochlear Implants International 1467-0100 1754-7628 2012 13 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7628 Maney Publishing Cochlear Implants International 1467-0100 1754-7628 2012 13 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7628 Taylor & Francis CODEE Journal 2160-5211 2012 7 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5211 Claremont College Library CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts 1571-0882 1745-3755 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3755 Taylor & Francis Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Journal 1545-3669 2004 19 2010 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1545-3669 Taylor & Francis Cogeneration and Competitive Power Journal 1066-8683 1997 12 2003 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1066-8683 Taylor & Francis Cogent Arts & Humanities 2331-1983 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1983 Taylor & Francis Cogent Biology 2331-2025 2015 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2025 Taylor & Francis Cogent Business & Management 2331-1975 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1975 Taylor & Francis Cogent Chemistry 2331-2009 2015 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2009 Taylor & Francis Cogent Economics & Finance 2332-2039 2014 2 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-2039 Taylor & Francis Cogent Education 2331-186X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-186X Taylor & Francis Cogent Engineering 2331-1916 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1916 Taylor & Francis Cogent Environmental Science 2331-1843 2015 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1843 Taylor & Francis Cogent Food & Agriculture 2331-1932 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1932 Taylor & Francis Cogent Geoscience 2331-2041 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2041 Taylor & Francis Cogent Mathematics 2331-1835 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1835 Taylor & Francis Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 2574-2558 2018 5 2020 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-2558 Taylor & Francis Cogent Medicine 2770-7571 2023 10 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-7571 Taylor & Francis Cogent Medicine 2331-205X 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-205X Taylor & Francis Cogent Medicine 2770-7571 2022 9 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-7571 Taylor & Francis Cogent Physics 2331-1940 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1940 Taylor & Francis Cogent Psychology 2331-1908 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1908 Taylor & Francis Cogent Social Sciences 2331-1886 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-1886 Taylor & Francis Cognition & Emotion 0269-9931 1464-0600 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0600 Taylor & Francis Cognition and Instruction 0737-0008 1532-690X 1984 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-690X Taylor & Francis Cognition, Technology & Work 1435-5558 1435-5566 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5566 Springer Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 1530-7026 1531-135X 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-135X Springer Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 1650-6073 1651-2316 2002 31 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2316 Taylor & Francis Cognitive Computation 1866-9956 1866-9964 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-9964 Springer Cognitive Neurodynamics 1871-4080 1871-4099 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-4099 Springer Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 1354-6805 1464-0619 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0619 Taylor & Francis Cognitive Neuropsychology 0264-3294 1464-0627 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0627 Taylor & Francis Cognitive Neuroscience 1758-8928 1758-8936 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8936 Taylor & Francis Cognitive Processing 1612-4782 1612-4790 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-4790 Springer Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 2365-7464 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-7464 Springer Cognitive Therapy and Research 0147-5916 1573-2819 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2819 Springer Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies 2373-2873 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-2873 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 1943-0264 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0264 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 2157-1422 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1422 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 1940-3402 1559-6095 2006 2006 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-6095 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 0091-7451 1943-4456 2000 65 2019 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4456 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold War History 1468-2745 1743-7962 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7962 Taylor & Francis Collaborative Anthropologies 2152-4009 1943-2550 2008 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2550 University of Nebraska Press Collaborative Librarianship 1943-7528 2010 2 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7528 University of Denver Collabra: Psychology 2474-7394 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-7394 University of California Press Collectanea Mathematica 0010-0757 2038-4815 2013 64 2019 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2038-4815 Springer Collection and Curation 2514-9326 2019 38 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2514-9326 Emerald Group Publishing Collection Building 0160-4953 1978 1 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0160-4953 Emerald Group Publishing Collection Management 0146-2679 1545-2549 1976 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2549 Taylor & Francis Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 1550-1906 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1550-1906 SAGE Publications Collective Intelligence 2633-9137 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-9137 SAGE Publications College & Research Libraries 0010-0870 2150-6701 1947 8 1948 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6701 Association of College & Research Libraries College & Research Libraries 0010-0870 2150-6701 1990 51 2015 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6701 Association of College & Research Libraries College & Research Libraries News 0099-0086 2150-6698 2004 65 2015 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6698 Association of College & Research Libraries College & Undergraduate Libraries 1069-1316 1545-2530 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2530 Taylor & Francis College Art Journal 1543-6322 1941 1 1960 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1543-6322 Taylor & Francis College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 1974 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2003 30 2003 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2004 31 2004 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2009 36 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2013 40 2013 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2015 42 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 West Chester University College Literature 0093-3139 1542-4286 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4286 Johns Hopkins University Press College Student Affairs Journal 0888-210X 2381-2338 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-2338 Southern Association for College Student Affairs College Teaching 8756-7555 1930-8299 1985 33 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8299 Taylor & Francis Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 0973-7766 2168-930X 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-930X Taylor & Francis Colloid & Polymer Science 0303-402X 1435-1536 2013 291 2018 296 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1536 Springer Colloid Journal 1061-933X 1608-3067 2013 75 2018 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3067 Springer Colloquium 2476-2474 2476-2482 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-2482 Boston College Libraries Côlon & Rectum 1951-6371 1951-638X 2013 7 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1951-638X Springer Colonial Latin American Review 1060-9164 1466-1802 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1802 Taylor & Francis coloproctology 0174-2442 1615-6730 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-6730 Springer Colorado Review 1046-3348 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1046-3348 Center for Literary Publishing Colorectal Cancer 1758-194X 1758-1958 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1958 Future Medicine Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 0010-5082 1573-8345 2013 49 2019 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8345 Springer Combustion Science and Technology 0010-2202 1563-521X 1969 1 1996 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-521X Taylor & Francis Combustion Science and Technology 0010-2202 1563-521X 1996 115 2023 195 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-521X Taylor & Francis Combustion Theory and Modelling 1364-7830 1741-3559 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3559 Taylor & Francis Comedia Performance: Journal of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater 1553-6505 2572-4428 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-4428 Penn State University Press Comedy Studies 2040-610X 2040-6118 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-6118 Taylor & Francis Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 0069-6412 1557-0290 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-0290 University of California, Los Angeles Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Comma 1680-1865 2049-3355 2004 2004 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3355 Liverpool University Press Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 0010-2571 1420-8946 1997 72 2000 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8946 European Mathematical Society Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 0010-2571 1420-8946 2010 85 2021 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8946 European Mathematical Society Comments on Inorganic Chemistry: A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature 0260-3594 1548-9574 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9574 Taylor & Francis Comments on Toxicology 0886-5140 1545-584X 2002 8 2003 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-584X Taylor & Francis Common Knowledge 0961-754X 1538-4578 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4578 Duke University Press Common Law World Review 1473-7795 1740-5556 2004 33 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5556 SAGE Publications Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 1466-2043 1743-9094 1998 36 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9094 Taylor & Francis Commonwealth Law Bulletin 0305-0718 1750-5976 1974 1 2021 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-5976 Taylor & Francis Communal/Plural 1320-7873 2000 8 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1320-7873 Taylor & Francis Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research 0250-0167 1753-5379 1975 1 1976 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5379 Taylor & Francis Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research 0250-0167 1753-5379 1978 4 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5379 Taylor & Francis Communication & Sport 2167-4795 2167-4809 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4809 SAGE Publications Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 1479-1420 1479-4233 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-4233 Taylor & Francis Communication and Democracy 2767-1127 2767-1135 2022 56 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2767-1135 Taylor & Francis Communication and the Public 2057-0473 2057-0481 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-0481 SAGE Publications Communication Booknotes 0748-657X 1969 1 1991 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-657X Taylor & Francis Communication Booknotes 0748-657X 1993 24 1997 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-657X Taylor & Francis Communication Booknotes Quarterly 1094-8007 1532-6896 1998 29 2021 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6896 Taylor & Francis Communication, Culture & Critique 1753-9129 1753-9137 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9137 Oxford University Press Communication Design: Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research 2055-7132 2055-7140 2015 3 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-7140 Taylor & Francis Communication Disorders Quarterly 1525-7401 1538-4837 2003 25 2007 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4837 SAGE Publications Communication Disorders Quarterly 1525-7401 1538-4837 2009 31 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4837 SAGE Publications Communication Education 0363-4523 1479-5795 1976 25 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5795 Taylor & Francis Communication Law and Policy 1081-1680 1532-6926 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6926 Taylor & Francis Communication Methods and Measures 1931-2458 1931-2466 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-2466 Taylor & Francis Communication Monographs 0363-7751 1479-5787 1976 43 2023 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5787 Taylor & Francis Communication Quarterly 0146-3373 1746-4102 1976 24 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4102 Taylor & Francis Communication Reports 0893-4215 1745-1043 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1043 Taylor & Francis Communication Research 0093-6502 1552-3810 2004 31 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3810 SAGE Publications Communication Research and Practice 2204-1451 2206-3374 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2206-3374 Taylor & Francis Communication Research Reports 0882-4096 1746-4099 1988 5 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4099 Taylor & Francis Communication Studies 1051-0974 1745-1035 1989 40 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1035 Taylor & Francis Communication Teacher 1740-4622 1740-4630 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-4630 Taylor & Francis Communication Theory 1050-3293 1468-2885 2005 15 2005 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2885 Oxford University Press Communication Theory 1050-3293 1468-2885 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2885 Oxford University Press Communications Biology 2399-3642 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3642 Springer Communications Chemistry 2399-3669 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3669 Springer Communications in Algebra 0092-7872 1532-4125 1974 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4125 Taylor & Francis Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 1559-3940 2157-5452 2010 5 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-5452 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Communications in Mathematical Physics 0010-3616 2012 309 2018 363 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0010-3616 Springer Communications in Mathematical Physics 0010-3616 2019 365 2019 365 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0010-3616 Springer Communications in Mathematical Physics 0010-3616 2019 369 2019 369 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0010-3616 Springer Communications in Partial Differential Equations 0360-5302 1532-4133 1976 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4133 Taylor & Francis Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 0010-3624 1532-2416 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2416 Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics 0090-3272 1973 1 1975 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0090-3272 Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications 2373-7484 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-7484 Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics. Part C: Sequential Analysis 0731-177X 1982 1 1983 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-177X Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0361-0918 1532-4141 1976 5 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4141 Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models 0882-0287 1985 1 2000 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-0287 Taylor & Francis Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0361-0926 1532-415X 1976 5 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-415X Taylor & Francis Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 2096-6385 2661-8893 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2661-8893 Springer Communications Physics 2399-3650 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3650 Springer Communicative & Integrative Biology 1942-0889 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0889 Taylor & Francis Communist and Post-Communist Studies 2473-9510 2010 43 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-9510 University of California Press Communist Economies 0954-0113 1989 1 1990 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-0113 Taylor & Francis Communist Economies and Economic Transformation 1351-4393 1991 3 1998 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1351-4393 Taylor & Francis Community & Junior College Libraries 0276-3915 1545-2522 1982 1 2017 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2522 Taylor & Francis Community Acquired Infection 2225-6482 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2225-6482 Medknow Publications Community College Journal of Research and Practice 1066-8926 1521-0413 1993 17 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0413 Taylor & Francis Community College Review 0091-5521 1940-2325 2004 32 2008 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-2325 SAGE Publications Community College Review 0091-5521 1940-2325 2010 38 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-2325 SAGE Publications Community Development 1557-5330 1944-7485 2005 36 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7485 Taylor & Francis Community Development Journal 0010-3802 1468-2656 2005 40 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2656 Oxford University Press Community Development Society. Journal 0010-3829 1971 2 2004 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0010-3829 Taylor & Francis Community Ear & Hearing Health 2040-5715 2010 7 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-5715 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Community Health Equity Research & Policy 2752-535X 2752-5368 2021 42 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-5368 SAGE Publications Community Junior College Research Quarterly 0361-6975 1976 1 1981 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0361-6975 Taylor & Francis Community Junior College Research Quarterly of Research and Practice 0277-6774 1981 6 1992 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0277-6774 Taylor & Francis Community Literacy Journal 1555-9734 2162-6324 2010 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-6324 Community Literacy Journal Community Mental Health Journal 0010-3853 1573-2789 2013 49 2019 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2789 Springer Community Mental Health Review 0363-1605 1976 1 1980 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0363-1605 Taylor & Francis Community, Work & Family 1366-8803 1469-3615 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3615 Taylor & Francis Companion Animal 2053-0889 2053-0897 2013 18 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-0897 Mark Allen Group Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2007 5 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Taylor & Francis Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2010 8 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Maney Publishing Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2010 8 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Taylor & Francis Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Taylor & Francis Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Maney Publishing Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Maney Publishing Comparative American Studies 1477-5700 1741-2676 2012 10 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2676 Taylor & Francis Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1757-0638 1757-0646 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-0646 Taylor & Francis Comparative and Functional Genomics 1531-6912 1532-6268 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6268 Hindawi Comparative and Functional Genomics 1531-6912 1532-6268 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6268 Hindawi Comparative Clinical Pathology 1618-5641 1618-565X 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-565X Springer Comparative Critical Studies 1744-1854 1750-0109 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0109 Edinburgh University Press Comparative Cytogenetics 1993-0771 1993-078X 2009 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-078X Pensoft Publishers Comparative Drama 0010-4078 1936-1637 1967 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-1637 Western Michigan University Comparative Education 0305-0068 1360-0486 1964 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0486 Taylor & Francis Comparative Exercise Physiology 1755-2540 1755-2559 2012 8 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2559 Wageningen Academic Publishers Comparative Hepatology 1476-5926 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-5926 BioMed Central Comparative Legal History 2049-677X 2049-6788 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6788 Taylor & Francis Comparative Literature 0010-4124 1945-8517 2000 52 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-8517 Duke University Press Comparative Literature Studies 0010-4132 1528-4212 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-4212 Penn State University Press Comparative Parasitology 1525-2647 1938-2952 2002 69 2017 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2952 Helminthological Society of Washington Comparative Political Studies 0010-4140 1552-3829 2004 37 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3829 SAGE Publications Comparative Strategy 0149-5933 1521-0448 1978 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0448 Taylor & Francis Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 1089-201X 1548-226X 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-226X Duke University Press Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 1542-0132 1543-3404 2003 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3404 Johns Hopkins University Press Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 0305-7925 1469-3623 1975 5 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3623 Taylor & Francis COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0332-1649 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0332-1649 Emerald Group Publishing Compensation & Benefits Review 0886-3687 1552-3837 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3837 SAGE Publications Competition & Change 1024-5294 1477-2221 2002 6 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2221 Taylor & Francis Competition & Change 1024-5294 1477-2221 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2221 Taylor & Francis Competition & Change 1024-5294 1477-2221 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2221 SAGE Publications Competition & Change 1024-5294 1477-2221 2005 9 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2221 SAGE Publications Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1783-5917 2399-2956 2006 1 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-2956 SAGE Publications Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1783-5917 2399-2956 2007 8 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-2956 SAGE Publications Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 1059-5422 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1059-5422 Emerald Group Publishing Complementary Health Practice Review 1533-2101 2004 9 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1533-2101 SAGE Publications Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 2194-3206 2016 4 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-3206 Springer Complex Analysis and its Synergies 2524-7581 2197-120X 2019 5 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-120X Springer Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1661-8254 1661-8262 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-8262 Springer Complex Metals 2164-232X 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-232X Taylor & Francis Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal 1747-6933 1747-6941 2006 51 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6941 Taylor & Francis Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal 0278-1077 1563-5066 1982 1 2005 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5066 Taylor & Francis Complexity 1076-2787 1099-0526 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-0526 Hindawi Composite Interfaces 0927-6440 1568-5543 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5543 Taylor & Francis Composites and Advanced Materials 2634-9833 2021 30 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-9833 SAGE Publications Compost Science & Utilization 1065-657X 2326-2397 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-2397 Taylor & Francis Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 2469-4193 2469-4207 2016 39 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-4207 Taylor & Francis Comprehensive Psychology 2165-2228 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2228 SAGE Publications Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2374-3603 2374-3611 2016 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-3611 Taylor & Francis Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 1381-298X 1572-9346 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9346 Springer Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748-670X 1748-6718 2006 7 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6718 Taylor & Francis Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748-670X 1748-6718 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6718 Hindawi Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 2197-7909 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-7909 Springer Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 2197-7909 2016 3 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-7909 Springer Computational Biology Journal 2314-4165 2314-4173 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4173 Hindawi Computational Cognitive Science 2195-3961 2015 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-3961 Springer Computational Complexity 1016-3328 1420-8954 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8954 Springer Computational Economics 0927-7099 1572-9974 2013 41 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9974 Springer Computational Geosciences 1420-0597 1573-1499 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1499 Springer Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1687-5265 1687-5273 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5273 Hindawi Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1687-5265 1687-5273 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5273 Hindawi Computational Management Science 1619-697X 1619-6988 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1619-6988 Springer Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 0965-5425 1555-6662 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6662 Springer Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1046-283X 1573-837X 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-837X Springer Computational Mechanics 0178-7675 1432-0924 2013 51 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0924 Springer Computational Optimization and Applications 0926-6003 1573-2894 2013 54 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2894 Springer Computational Psychiatry 2379-6227 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-6227 Ubiquity Press Computational Statistics 0943-4062 1613-9658 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9658 Springer Computer Aided Surgery 1092-9088 1097-0150 1997 2 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-0150 Taylor & Francis Computer and Information Science 1913-8989 1913-8997 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-8997 Canadian Center of Science and Education Computer Assisted Language Learning 0958-8221 1744-3210 1990 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-3210 Taylor & Francis Computer Assisted Surgery 2469-9322 2016 21 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-9322 Taylor & Francis Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1025-5842 1476-8259 1997 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8259 Taylor & Francis Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 2168-1163 2168-1171 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1171 Taylor & Francis Computer Music Journal 0148-9267 1531-5169 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-5169 MIT Press Computer Science Education 0899-3408 1744-5175 1988 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5175 Taylor & Francis Computer Science - Research and Development 1865-2034 1865-2042 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-2042 Springer Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 0925-9724 1573-7551 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7551 Springer Computer-Aided Design and Applications 1686-4360 2004 1 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1686-4360 Taylor & Francis Computers in Human Services 0740-445X 1985 1 1999 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0740-445X Taylor & Francis Computers in the Schools 0738-0569 1528-7033 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-7033 Taylor & Francis Computing 0010-485X 1436-5057 2013 95 2018 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5057 Springer Computing and Software for Big Science 2510-2036 2510-2044 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2510-2044 Springer Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación 0214-7033 1989 1 1995 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0214-7033 Taylor & Francis Concept 1359-1983 2042-6968 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6968 University of Edinburgh Concurrent Engineering 1063-293X 1531-2003 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-2003 SAGE Publications Concussion 2056-3299 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3299 Future Medicine Conference Papers in Science 2356-6108 2356-6094 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-6094 Hindawi Configurations 1063-1801 1080-6520 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6520 Johns Hopkins University Press Conflict and Health 1752-1505 2007 1 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1505 BioMed Central Conflict and Health 1752-1505 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1505 Springer Conflict and Society 2164-4543 2164-4551 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-4551 Berghahn Journals Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2004 21 2004 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 Taylor & Francis Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2004 21 2004 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 SAGE Publications Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2005 22 2005 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 SAGE Publications Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2005 22 2005 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 Taylor & Francis Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2006 23 2006 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 SAGE Publications Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2006 23 2006 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 Taylor & Francis Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2007 24 2007 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 SAGE Publications Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2007 24 2008 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 Taylor & Francis Conflict Management and Peace Science 0738-8942 1549-9219 2010 27 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9219 SAGE Publications Conflict, Security & Development 1467-8802 1478-1174 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-1174 Taylor & Francis Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura 0888-6091 2328-6962 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-6962 University of Northern Colorado Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies 0734-3469 1944-1053 1981 9 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-1053 Taylor & Francis Connection Science 0954-0091 1360-0494 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0494 Taylor & Francis Connective Tissue Research 0300-8207 1607-8438 1972 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8438 Taylor & Francis Conradiana 0010-6356 1935-0252 2007 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0252 Texas Tech University Press Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 2007 9 2009 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5522 Taylor & Francis Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5522 Maney Publishing Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5522 Taylor & Francis Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5522 Maney Publishing Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 2011 13 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5522 Taylor & Francis Conservation and Society 0972-4923 0975-3133 2011 9 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-3133 Medknow Publications Conservation Genetics 1566-0621 1572-9737 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9737 Springer Conservation Genetics Resources 1877-7252 1877-7260 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-7260 Springer Conservation Physiology 2051-1434 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1434 Oxford University Press Conservative Judaism 0010-6542 1947-4717 2008 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4717 Rabbinical Assembly Constitutional Political Economy 1043-4062 1572-9966 2013 24 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9966 Springer Constitutional Studies 2474-9427 2474-9419 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-9419 University of Wisconsin Press Constraints 1383-7133 1572-9354 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9354 Springer Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management 1471-4175 1477-0857 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0857 Emerald Group Publishing Construction Management and Economics 0144-6193 1466-433X 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-433X Taylor & Francis Construction Research and Innovation 2045-0249 2475-6822 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-6822 Taylor & Francis Constructive Approximation 0176-4276 1432-0940 2013 37 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0940 Springer Constructive Approximation 0176-4276 1432-0940 2019 50 2019 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0940 Springer Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality 2752-6666 2752-6674 2022 17 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-6674 Emerald Group Publishing Consumption Markets & Culture 1025-3866 1477-223X 1997 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-223X Taylor & Francis Contact 2515-2564 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 2515-2564 2019 2 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 2515-2564 2020 3 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 2515-2564 2021 4 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 2515-2564 2022 5 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 2515-2564 2023 6 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2564 SAGE Publications Contact 1352-0806 1960 1 1960 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1964 10 1964 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1989 100 1998 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1961 2 1961 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1965 13 1968 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1998 126 2007 154 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1961 3 1961 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1968 23 1970 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1962 4 1962 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1970 33 1973 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1962 5 1962 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1973 43 1976 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1962 6 1962 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1976 53 1979 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1963 7 1963 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contact 1352-0806 1979 63 1989 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0806 Taylor & Francis Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1075-7201 1930-1200 1994 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-1200 Michigan State University Press Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture 2153-5914 2011 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-5914 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2016 9 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2016 9 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2017 10 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Arab Affairs 1755-0912 1755-0920 2017 10 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0920 University of California Press Contemporary British History 1361-9462 1743-7997 1996 10 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7997 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1463-9947 1476-7953 2000 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7953 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Challenges: The Global Crime, Justice and Security Journal 2634-7555 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-7555 University of Edinburgh Contemporary Chinese Thought 1097-1467 1558-0997 1997 29 2021 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0997 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 0976-237X 0976-2361 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-2361 Medknow Publications Contemporary Drug Problems 0091-4509 2163-1808 2004 31 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-1808 SAGE Publications Contemporary Economic Policy 1074-3529 1465-7287 2006 24 2006 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7287 Oxford University Press Contemporary Education Dialogue 0973-1849 2249-5320 2003 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-5320 SAGE Publications Contemporary Family Therapy 0892-2764 1573-3335 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3335 Springer Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 1740-9292 1740-9306 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-9306 Taylor & Francis Contemporary French Civilization 0147-9156 2044-396X 2005 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-396X Liverpool University Press Contemporary Islam 1872-0218 1872-0226 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-0226 Springer Contemporary Islamic Studies 2220-2757 2010 2010 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-2757 HBKU Press Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 1463-9491 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-9491 SAGE Publications Contemporary Italian Politics 2324-8823 2324-8831 2013 5 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-8831 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Japan 1869-2729 1869-2737 2010 22 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-2737 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Jewry 0147-1694 1876-5165 2013 33 2019 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5165 Springer Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice 1028-2580 1477-2248 2002 5 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2248 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Levant 2058-1831 2058-184X 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-184X Taylor & Francis Contemporary Literature 0010-7484 1548-9949 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9949 University of Wisconsin Press Contemporary Music Review 0749-4467 1477-2256 1984 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2256 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Nurse 1037-6178 1839-3535 1992 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3535 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Perspectives 0973-7898 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-7898 SAGE Publications Contemporary Physics 0010-7514 1366-5812 1959 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5812 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Politics 1356-9775 1469-3631 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3631 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Problems of Ecology 1995-4255 1995-4263 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-4263 Springer Contemporary Psychoanalysis 0010-7530 2330-9091 1964 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-9091 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Record 0950-9224 1987 1 1995 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0950-9224 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Review of the Middle East 2347-7989 2349-0055 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-0055 SAGE Publications Contemporary Security Policy 1352-3260 1743-8764 1994 15 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8764 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences 2158-2041 2158-205X 2011 6 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-205X Taylor & Francis Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 0094-3061 1939-8638 2004 33 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8638 SAGE Publications Contemporary South Asia 0958-4935 1469-364X 1992 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-364X Taylor & Francis Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 0129-797X 1793-284X 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-284X Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Contemporary Theatre Review 1048-6801 1477-2264 1992 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2264 Taylor & Francis Contemporary Voice of Dalit 2455-328X 2456-0502 2016 8 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-0502 SAGE Publications Contemporary Women's Writing 1754-1484 1754-1476 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1476 Oxford University Press Contention 2572-7184 2330-1392 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-1392 Berghahn Journals Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2002 1 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 University of California Press Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 University of California Press Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 SAGE Publications Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2005 4 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 University of California Press Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2005 4 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 SAGE Publications Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 SAGE Publications Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 University of California Press Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 University of California Press Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 SAGE Publications Contexts 1536-5042 1537-6052 2008 7 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6052 SAGE Publications Continental Philosophy Review 1573-1103 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1103 Springer Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain 1743-1816 1743-1824 2005 5 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1824 Oxford University Press Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain 1743-1816 1743-1824 2010 10 2015 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1824 Oxford University Press Continuity and Resilience Review 2516-7502 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-7502 Emerald Group Publishing Continuity in Education 2631-9179 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-9179 Ubiquity Press Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 1030-4312 1469-3666 1988 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3666 Taylor & Francis Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 0935-1175 1432-0959 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0959 Springer Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 2055-7426 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-7426 Springer Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 1555-4309 1555-4317 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-4317 Hindawi Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy 1538-0645 2002 1 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-0645 Berkeley Electronic Press Contributions to Entomology (Beiträge zur Entomologie) 0005-805X 2511-6428 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-6428 Pensoft Publishers Contributions to Indian Sociology 0069-9659 0973-0648 2004 38 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0648 SAGE Publications Contributions to Macroeconomics 1534-6005 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1534-6005 Berkeley Electronic Press Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 0010-7999 1432-0967 1947 1 1996 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0967 Springer Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 0010-7999 1432-0967 1997 127 2011 161 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0967 Springer Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 0010-7999 1432-0967 2012 163 2018 173 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0967 Springer Contributions to Political Economy 0277-5921 1464-3588 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3588 Oxford University Press Contributions to the History of Concepts 1807-9326 1874-656X 2005 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-656X Berghahn Journals Contributions to Theoretical Economics 1534-5971 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5971 Berkeley Electronic Press Control Theory and Technology 2095-6983 2198-0942 2014 12 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-0942 Springer Controlling & Management Review 2195-8270 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-8270 Springer Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 1354-8565 1748-7382 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-7382 SAGE Publications Cooperation and Conflict 0010-8367 1460-3691 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3691 SAGE Publications COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1541-2555 1541-2563 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2563 Taylor & Francis COPD Research and Practice 2054-9040 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-9040 Springer Copeia 0045-8511 1938-5110 2008 2008 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5110 American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Copeia 0045-8511 1938-5110 2015 103 2017 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5110 American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Coral Reefs 0722-4028 1432-0975 1982 1 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0975 Springer Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies 2163-8381 2010 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-8381 Array Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 1938-9655 1938-9663 2005 46 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-9663 SAGE Publications Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 0010-8804 2004 45 2004 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0010-8804 SAGE Publications Corpora 1749-5032 1755-1676 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1676 Edinburgh University Press Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1356-3289 1758-6046 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6046 Emerald Group Publishing Corporate Governance 1472-0701 1758-6054 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6054 Emerald Group Publishing Corporate Reputation Review 1363-3589 1479-1889 2019 22 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-1889 Springer Corpus Pragmatics 2509-9507 2509-9515 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-9515 Springer Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research 2377-4657 2377-4665 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-4665 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2007 42 2009 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2010 45 2010 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Maney Publishing Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2010 45 2010 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2010 45 2010 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2011 46 2011 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2011 46 2011 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2012 47 2012 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2012 47 2012 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Maney Publishing Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2012 47 2012 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2013 48 2013 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2013 48 2013 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2014 49 2014 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2014 49 2014 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2015 50 2015 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2015 50 2015 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2016 51 2016 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2016 51 2016 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2017 52 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2017 52 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2018 53 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2018 53 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2019 54 2019 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2019 54 2019 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2020 55 2020 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2020 55 2020 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2021 56 2021 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2021 56 2021 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2022 57 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2022 57 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2023 58 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 SAGE Publications Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1478-422X 1743-2782 2023 58 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2782 Taylor & Francis Cortland Review 1524-6744 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-6744 Cortland Review Cosmic Research 0010-9525 1608-3075 2013 51 2019 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3075 Springer Cosmos and History 1832-9101 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1832-9101 Open Humanities Press Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 1478-7547 2003 1 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7547 BioMed Central Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 1478-7547 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7547 Springer Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 1965 1 1999 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2000 34 2000 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2000 34 2000 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2001 35 2001 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2001 35 2001 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2002 36 2002 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2002 36 2002 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2003 37 2003 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2003 37 2003 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2004 38 2004 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2004 38 2004 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2005 39 2005 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2005 39 2005 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2006 40 2006 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2006 40 2006 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2007 41 2007 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2007 41 2007 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2008 42 2008 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2008 42 2008 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2009 43 2009 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2009 43 2009 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2010 44 2010 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Maney Publishing Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2010 44 2011 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Maney Publishing Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2012 46 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Maney Publishing Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2012 46 2016 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Taylor & Francis Costume 0590-8876 1749-6306 2017 51 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6306 Edinburgh University Press Cough 1745-9974 2005 1 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9974 BioMed Central Cough 1745-9974 2013 9 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9974 Springer Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation 2150-1378 2150-1386 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-1386 Taylor & Francis Counselling and Psychotherapy Research: Linking research with practice 1473-3145 1746-1405 2001 1 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1405 Taylor & Francis Counselling Psychology Quarterly 0951-5070 1469-3674 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3674 Taylor & Francis CounterText 2056-4406 2056-4414 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4414 Edinburgh University Press CR: The New Centennial Review 1532-687X 1539-6630 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-6630 Michigan State University Press Craft Research 2040-4689 2040-4697 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4697 Intellect Craniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation 2752-8464 2022 7 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-8464 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction 1943-3875 1943-3883 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3883 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction 1943-3875 1943-3883 2010 3 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3883 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction 1943-3875 1943-3883 2020 13 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3883 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2017 1 2017 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2017 1 2017 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2018 2 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2018 2 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2019 3 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 SAGE Publications Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2019 3 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open 2472-7512 2020 5 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7512 SAGE Publications CRANIO®: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 0886-9634 2151-0903 1985 3 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-0903 Taylor & Francis C R C Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 0007-8980 1970 1 1989 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-8980 Taylor & Francis CRC Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 0590-8191 1970 1 1988 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0590-8191 Taylor & Francis C R C Critical Reviews in Environmental Control 0007-8999 1970 1 1984 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-8999 Taylor & Francis C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 0099-0248 1975 6 1988 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0099-0248 Taylor & Francis C R C Critical Reviews in Food Technology 0007-9006 1970 1 1975 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0007-9006 Taylor & Francis CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology 0045-6454 1971 1 1989 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0045-6454 Taylor & Francis C R C Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 0011-085X 1970 1 1976 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0011-085X Taylor & Francis CRC Critical Reviews in Toxicology 0045-6446 1971 1 1989 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0045-6446 Taylor & Francis Cream City Review 0884-3457 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0884-3457 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of English Creative Industries Journal 1751-0694 1751-0708 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0708 Taylor & Francis Creative Nursing 1078-4535 1946-1895 2010 16 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-1895 SAGE Publications Creativity Research Journal 1040-0419 1532-6934 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6934 Taylor & Francis Creativity Studies 2345-0479 2345-0487 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2345-0487 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Creativity Studies 2345-0479 2345-0487 2014 7 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2345-0487 Taylor & Francis Crime & Delinquency 0011-1287 1552-387X 2004 50 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-387X SAGE Publications Crime Fiction Studies 2517-7982 2517-7990 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-7990 Edinburgh University Press Crime, Law and Social Change 0925-4994 1573-0751 2013 59 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0751 Springer Crime, Media, Culture 1741-6590 1741-6604 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6604 SAGE Publications Crime Prevention and Community Safety 1460-3780 1743-4629 2019 21 2019 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-4629 Springer Crime Psychology Review 2374-4006 2374-4014 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-4014 Taylor & Francis Crime Science 2193-7680 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-7680 SpringerOpen Criminal Justice 1466-8025 2004 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1466-8025 SAGE Publications Criminal Justice and Behavior 0093-8548 1552-3594 2003 30 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3594 SAGE Publications Criminal Justice Ethics 0731-129X 1937-5948 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-5948 Taylor & Francis Criminal Justice Matters 0962-7251 1934-6220 1989 1 2015 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6220 Taylor & Francis Criminal Justice Policy Review 0887-4034 1552-3586 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3586 SAGE Publications Criminal Justice Review 0734-0168 1556-3839 2004 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3839 SAGE Publications Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society 1478-601X 1478-6028 2003 16 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6028 Taylor & Francis Criminal Law and Philosophy 1871-9791 1871-9805 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-9805 Springer Criminology and Criminal Justice 1748-8958 1748-8966 2005 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8966 SAGE Publications Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Treatment 1064-5136 2000 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1064-5136 Taylor & Francis Critical African Studies 2168-1392 2040-7211 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-7211 Taylor & Francis Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies 0256-0046 1992-6049 1980 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1992-6049 Taylor & Francis Critical Asian Studies 1467-2715 1472-6033 2001 33 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-6033 Taylor & Francis Critical Care (English) 1364-8535 1997 1 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1364-8535 BioMed Central Critical Care (English) 1364-8535 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1364-8535 Springer Critical Care (ISSN 1574-4280, eISSN 1875-7081) 1574-4280 1875-7081 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-7081 Springer Critical Care (ISSN 1574-4280, eISSN 1875-7081) 1574-4280 1875-7081 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-7081 Springer Critical Care Research and Practice 2090-1305 2090-1313 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1313 Hindawi Critical Criminology 1205-8629 1572-9877 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9877 Springer Critical Discourse Studies 1740-5904 1740-5912 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5912 Taylor & Francis Critical Horizons 1440-9917 1568-5160 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5160 Taylor & Francis Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 1542-7587 1542-7595 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7595 Taylor & Francis Critical Interventions 1930-1944 2326-411X 2007 1 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-411X Taylor & Francis Critical Military Studies 2333-7486 2333-7494 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7494 Taylor & Francis critical perspectives on international business 1742-2043 1758-6062 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6062 Emerald Group Publishing Critical Philosophy of Race 2165-8684 2165-8692 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-8692 Penn State University Press Critical Policy Studies 1946-0171 1946-018X 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-018X Taylor & Francis Critical Public Health 0958-1596 1469-3682 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3682 Taylor & Francis Critical Research on Religion 2050-3032 2050-3040 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3040 SAGE Publications Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 0891-3811 1933-8007 1986 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-8007 Taylor & Francis Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1369-8230 1743-8772 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8772 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 1040-8347 1547-6510 1989 21 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6510 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1040-9238 1549-7798 1989 24 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7798 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 0738-8551 1549-7801 1983 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7801 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1040-8363 1549-781X 1989 27 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-781X Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Environmental Control 1040-838X 1984 14 1992 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1040-838X Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1064-3389 1547-6537 1993 23 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6537 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 1040-8398 1549-7852 1988 27 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7852 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Microbiology 1040-841X 1549-7828 1989 17 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7828 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 1045-4411 1544-1113 2003 14 2004 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1113 SAGE Publications Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0735-2689 1549-7836 1983 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7836 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 1040-8436 1547-6561 1977 7 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6561 Taylor & Francis Critical Reviews in Toxicology 1040-8444 1547-6898 1989 20 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6898 Taylor & Francis Critical Social Policy 0261-0183 1461-703X 2004 24 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-703X SAGE Publications Critical Sociology 0896-9205 1569-1632 2004 30 2007 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-1632 SAGE Publications Critical Sociology 0896-9205 1569-1632 2010 36 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-1632 SAGE Publications Critical Strategies: Psychotherapy in Managed Care 1522-8924 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-8924 Taylor & Francis Critical Studies in Education 1750-8487 1750-8495 2007 48 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-8495 Taylor & Francis Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty 2040-4417 2040-4425 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4425 Intellect Critical Studies in Mass Communication 0739-3180 1984 1 1999 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-3180 Taylor & Francis Critical Studies in Media Communication 1529-5036 1479-5809 2000 17 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5809 Taylor & Francis Critical Studies in Television 1749-6020 1749-6039 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6039 SAGE Publications Critical Studies on Security 2162-4887 2162-4909 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-4909 Taylor & Francis Critical Studies on Terrorism 1753-9153 1753-9161 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9161 Taylor & Francis Critical Survey 0011-1570 1752-2293 1997 9 2015 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2293 Berghahn Journals Critical Times: Interventions in Global Critical Theory 2641-0478 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-0478 Duke University Press Critical Ultrasound Journal 2036-3176 2036-7902 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-7902 Springer Critical Values 2378-8321 2378-8372 2008 1 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-8372 Oxford University Press Criticism 0011-1589 1536-0342 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0342 Wayne State University Press Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies 1066-9922 1992 1 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1066-9922 Taylor & Francis Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 0301-7605 1748-8605 1973 1 1979 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8605 Taylor & Francis Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 0301-7605 1748-8605 1980 12 1991 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8605 Taylor & Francis Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 0301-7605 1748-8605 1993 20 1993 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8605 Taylor & Francis Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 0301-7605 1748-8605 1994 22 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8605 Taylor & Francis Critique of Anthropology 0308-275X 1460-3721 2004 24 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3721 SAGE Publications Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 0011-1619 1939-9138 1956 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9138 Taylor & Francis Crop Science 0011-183X 1435-0653 1998 38 2010 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0653 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Crop Science 0011-183X 1435-0653 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0653 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Crops & Soils 0162-5098 2325-3606 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-3606 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2059-5794 2016 23 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2059-5794 Emerald Group Publishing Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606 1758-6089 1994 1 2015 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6089 Emerald Group Publishing Cross-Cultural Research 1069-3971 1552-3578 2004 38 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3578 SAGE Publications CrossCurrents 0011-1953 1939-3881 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-3881 University of North Carolina Press Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 2158-9666 2158-9674 2012 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-9674 University of Hawai'i Press Crossing Borders: An Undergraduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Scholarship 2373-0978 2015 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-0978 New Prairie Press Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 2040-4344 2040-4352 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4352 Intellect Cryptogamie, Algologie 2011 32 2011 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2012 33 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2013 34 2013 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2014 35 2014 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2015 36 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2016 37 2016 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Algologie 2017 38 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Algologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2011 32 2011 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2012 33 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2013 34 2013 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2014 35 2014 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2015 36 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2016 37 2016 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2017 38 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Bryologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2011 32 2011 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2012 33 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2013 34 2013 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2014 35 2014 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2015 36 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2016 37 2016 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptogamie, Mycologie 2017 38 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Cryptogamie%2C+Mycologie&pub=Association+des+Amis+des+Cryptogames Association des Amis des Cryptogames Cryptography and Communications 1936-2447 1936-2455 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-2455 Springer Cryptologia 0161-1194 1558-1586 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-1586 Taylor & Francis Crystallography Reports 1063-7745 1562-689X 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-689X Springer Crystallography Reviews 0889-311X 1476-3508 1987 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3508 Taylor & Francis CrystEngComm 1466-8033 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-8033 Royal Society of Chemistry CSA News 1529-9163 2325-3584 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-3584 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies CSAS Bulletin Central States Anthropological Society 0577-0963 1548-7431 1967 1 2007 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7431 American Anthropological Association Cuban Studies 0361-4441 1548-2464 2003 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-2464 University of Pittsburgh Press Cuban Studies 0361-4441 1548-2464 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-2464 University of Pittsburgh Press Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2007 4 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2007 4 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2008 5 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2008 5 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2014 11 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Bloomsbury Publishing Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 2014 11 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0046 Taylor & Francis Cultural Anthropology 0886-7356 1548-1360 1997 12 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1360 American Anthropological Association Cultural Critique 0882-4371 1534-5203 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5203 University of Minnesota Press Cultural Dynamics 0921-3740 1461-7048 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7048 SAGE Publications Cultural Geographies 1474-4740 1477-0881 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0881 SAGE Publications Cultural History 2045-290X 2045-2918 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-2918 Edinburgh University Press Cultural Logic 1097-3087 1997 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3087 Iowa State University Cultural Logic 1097-3087 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3087 Iowa State University Cultural Logic 1097-3087 2010 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3087 Iowa State University Cultural Logic 1097-3087 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3087 Iowa State University Cultural Logic 1097-3087 2019 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3087 Iowa State University Cultural Politics 1743-2197 1751-7435 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7435 Duke University Press Cultural Science Journal 1836-0416 2017 0 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1836-0416 Ubiquity Press Cultural Sociology 1749-9755 1749-9763 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-9763 SAGE Publications Cultural Studies 0950-2386 1466-4348 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4348 Taylor & Francis Cultural Studies of Science Education 1871-1502 1871-1510 2013 8 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-1510 Springer Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 1532-7086 1552-356X 2005 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-356X SAGE Publications Cultural Trends 0954-8963 1469-3690 1989 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3690 Taylor & Francis Cultural Values 1362-5179 1467-8713 1997 1 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8713 Taylor & Francis Culture & Agriculture 1048-4876 1556-486X 1995 - 1995 - LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-486X American Anthropological Association Culture & Agriculture 1048-4876 1556-486X 1996 18 2007 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-486X American Anthropological Association Culture & Psychology 1354-067X 1461-7056 2003 9 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7056 SAGE Publications Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 1996 8 2009 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 Taylor & Francis Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2010 22 2010 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 Taylor & Francis Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2010 22 2010 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 SAGE Publications Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2011 23 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 SAGE Publications Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2011 23 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 Taylor & Francis Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2012 24 2012 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 SAGE Publications Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2012 24 2012 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 Taylor & Francis Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2013 25 2013 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 SAGE Publications Culture and Education: Cultura y Educación 1135-6405 1578-4118 2013 25 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4118 Taylor & Francis Culture and Organization 1475-9551 1477-2760 2002 8 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2760 Taylor & Francis Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1475-5610 1475-5629 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-5629 Taylor & Francis Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care 1369-1058 1464-5351 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5351 Taylor & Francis Culture Machine 1465-4121 2001 0 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1465-4121 Open Humanities Press Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 0165-005X 1573-076X 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-076X Springer Culture, Sport, Society 1461-0981 1998 1 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1461-0981 Taylor & Francis Culture, Theory and Critique 1473-5784 1473-5776 2002 43 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-5776 Taylor & Francis Cultures of Science 2096-6083 2633-3287 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-3287 SAGE Publications Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 1529-7322 1534-6315 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6315 Springer Current Atherosclerosis Reports 1523-3804 1534-6242 2008 10 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6242 Springer Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports 1931-7212 1931-7220 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7220 Springer Current Breast Cancer Reports 1943-4588 1943-4596 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4596 Springer Current Cardiology Reports 1523-3782 1534-3170 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3170 Springer Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports 1941-9066 1941-9074 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-9074 Springer Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 1932-9520 1932-9563 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-9563 Springer Current Colorectal Cancer Reports 1556-3790 1556-3804 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3804 Springer Current Developments in Nutrition 2475-2991 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-2991 Oxford University Press Current Diabetes Reports 1534-4827 1539-0829 2008 8 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-0829 Springer Current Directions in Psychological Science 0963-7214 1467-8721 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-8721 SAGE Publications Current Eye Research 0271-3683 1460-2202 1981 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2202 Taylor & Francis Current Fungal Infection Reports 1936-3761 1936-377X 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-377X Springer Current Gastroenterology Reports 1522-8037 1534-312X 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-312X Springer Current Genetics 0172-8083 1432-0983 2008 53 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0983 Springer Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research 1687-7063 1687-7071 2008 2008 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7071 Hindawi Current Heart Failure Reports 1546-9530 1546-9549 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-9549 Springer Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports 1558-8211 1558-822X 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-822X Springer Current Hepatology Reports 2195-9595 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-9595 Springer Current Herpetology 1881-1019 1345-5834 2005 24 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1345-5834 Herpetological Society of Japan Current History 0011-3530 1944-785X 2010 109 2011 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-785X University of California Press Current History 0011-3530 1944-785X 2013 112 2016 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-785X University of California Press Current History 0011-3530 1944-785X 2018 117 2018 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-785X University of California Press Current History 0011-3530 1944-785X 2020 119 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-785X University of California Press Current HIV/AIDS Reports 1548-3568 1548-3576 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3576 Springer Current Hypertension Reports 1522-6417 1534-3111 2008 10 2013 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3111 Springer Current Hypertension Reports 1522-6417 1534-3111 2015 17 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3111 Springer Current Infectious Disease Reports 1523-3847 1534-3146 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3146 Springer Current Issues and Research in Advertising 0163-3392 1978 1 1991 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0163-3392 Taylor & Francis Current Issues in Criminal Justice 1034-5329 2206-9542 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2206-9542 Taylor & Francis Current Issues In Language and Society 1352-0520 1995 2 2000 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1352-0520 Taylor & Francis Current Issues in Language Planning 1466-4208 1747-7506 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7506 Taylor & Francis Current Issues in Middle Level Education 1938-1611 2019 24 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-1611 Georgia Southern University Current Issues in Psychoanalytic Practice 0737-7851 1984 1 1988 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0737-7851 Taylor & Francis Current Issues in Sport Science 2414-6641 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2414-6641 Universität Bern Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500 1747-7603 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7603 Taylor & Francis Current: Journal of Marine Education 2632-850X 2003 19 2003 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-850X Ubiquity Press Current: Journal of Marine Education 2632-850X 2005 21 2012 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-850X Ubiquity Press Current: Journal of Marine Education 2632-850X 2014 30 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-850X Ubiquity Press Current Landscape Ecology Reports 2364-494X 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-494X Springer Current Legal Problems 0070-1998 2044-8422 2008 61 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-8422 Oxford University Press Current Medical Issues 0973-4651 2016 14 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-4651 Medknow Publications Current Medical Research and Opinion 0300-7995 1473-4877 1972 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-4877 Taylor & Francis Current Medicine Research and Practice 2352-0817 2352-0825 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-0825 Medknow Publications Current Medicine Research and Practice 2352-0817 2352-0825 2020 10 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-0825 Medknow Publications Current Microbiology 0343-8651 1432-0991 2013 66 2017 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0991 Springer Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 1528-4042 1534-6293 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6293 Springer Current Oncology 1198-0052 1718-7729 2005 12 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1718-7729 Multimed Inc. Current Oncology Reports 1523-3790 1534-6269 2008 10 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6269 Springer Current Osteoporosis Reports 1544-1873 1544-2241 2013 11 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-2241 Springer Current Pain and Headache Reports 1531-3433 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1531-3433 Springer Current Psychiatry Reports 1523-3812 1535-1645 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-1645 Springer Current Psychology 1046-1310 1936-4733 2008 27 2019 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4733 Springer Current Research: Concussion 2368-0539 2017 4 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2368-0539 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine 1935-973X 1935-9748 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-9748 Springer Current Rheumatology Reports 1523-3774 1534-6307 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6307 Springer Current Sociology 0011-3921 1461-7064 2004 52 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7064 SAGE Publications Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine 1092-8464 1534-3189 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3189 Springer Current Treatment Options in Neurology 1092-8480 1534-3138 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-3138 Springer Current Treatment Options in Oncology 1527-2729 1534-6277 2008 9 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6277 Springer Current Urology Reports 1527-2737 1534-6285 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6285 Springer Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 1013-929X 2159-9130 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9130 Taylor & Francis Current Zoology 1674-5507 2396-9814 2011 57 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-9814 Oxford University Press Currents in Biblical Research 1476-993X 1745-5200 2003 2 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5200 SAGE Publications Currents in Biblical Research 1476-993X 1745-5200 2010 9 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5200 SAGE Publications Curriculum Inquiry 0362-6784 1467-873X 1976 6 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-873X Taylor & Francis Curriculum Journal 0958-5176 1469-3704 1990 1 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3704 Taylor & Francis Curriculum Studies 0965-9757 1993 1 1998 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0965-9757 Taylor & Francis Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education 2574-2981 2574-299X 2018 9 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-299X Taylor & Francis Curriculum Theory Network 0078-4931 1969 1 1975 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0078-4931 Taylor & Francis CUSP: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cultures 2768-6361 2768-637X 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2768-637X Johns Hopkins University Press Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 1556-9527 1556-9535 2005 24 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9535 Taylor & Francis CVIR Endovascular 2520-8934 2019 2 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8934 Springer Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research 1523-1216 1997 1 2004 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1523-1216 Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal 0196-9722 1087-6553 1980 11 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-6553 Taylor & Francis Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1060-0396 1573-8337 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8337 Springer Cyber-Physical Systems 2333-5777 2333-5785 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-5785 Taylor & Francis CyTA - Journal of Food 1947-6337 1947-6345 2009 7 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-6345 Taylor & Francis Cytology and Genetics 0095-4527 1934-9440 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9440 Springer Cytotechnology 0920-9069 1573-0778 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0778 Springer Cytotherapy 1465-3249 1477-2566 1999 1 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2566 Taylor & Francis Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 0011-4642 1572-9141 2013 63 2018 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9141 Springer Dada/Surrealism 0084-9537 2372-6725 1983 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-6725 University of Iowa Dada/Surrealism 0084-9537 2372-6725 2020 24 2020 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-6725 University of Iowa Dairy Science & Technology 1958-5586 1958-5594 2013 93 2016 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1958-5594 Springer Dalton Transactions 1477-9226 1477-9234 2002 0 2002 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9234 Royal Society of Chemistry Dalton Transactions 1477-9226 1477-9234 2009 0 2009 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9234 Royal Society of Chemistry Dalton Transactions 1477-9226 1477-9234 2010 39 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9234 Royal Society of Chemistry Dance Chronicle 0147-2526 1532-4257 1977 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4257 Taylor & Francis Dance Education in Practice 2373-4833 2373-4841 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-4841 Taylor & Francis Dance Research 0264-2875 1750-0095 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0095 Edinburgh University Press Dance Research Journal 0149-7677 1940-509X 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-509X Cambridge University Press Dandelion: Postgraduate Arts Journal and Research Network 2048-1322 2017 8 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-1322 Open Library of Humanities Danish Journal of Archaeology 2166-2282 2166-2290 2012 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-2290 Taylor & Francis Dante Studies 2470-4261 2470-427X 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-427X Johns Hopkins University Press Dao 1540-3009 1569-7274 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-7274 Springer Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust 2325-6249 2325-6257 2009 23 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6257 Taylor & Francis DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1560-8115 2008-2231 2012 20 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2008-2231 BioMed Central DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1560-8115 2008-2231 2016 24 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2008-2231 Springer Data Curation Profiles Directory 2326-6651 2009 1 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2326-6651 Purdue University Press Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 1573-756X 1997 1 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-756X Springer Data Processor for Better Business Education 0418-4173 1961 1 1962 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0418-4173 Taylor & Francis Data Processor for Better Business Education 0418-4173 1966 7 1968 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0418-4173 Taylor & Francis Data Science and Engineering 2364-1541 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-1541 Springer Data Science Journal 1683-1470 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1683-1470 Ubiquity Press Data Technologies and Applications 2514-9288 2018 52 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2514-9288 Emerald Group Publishing Database 1758-0463 2009 2009 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-0463 Oxford University Press Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications 2510-1161 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2510-1161 Springer Dataset Papers in Science 2314-8497 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8497 Hindawi Datenbank-Spektrum 1618-2162 2013 13 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1618-2162 Springer Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD 1614-0702 1862-2607 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2607 Springer de arte 0004-3389 2471-4100 1965 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-4100 Taylor & Francis De Economist 0013-063X 1572-9982 2013 161 2018 166 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9982 Springer De Uil van Minerva 0772-4381 2001 2001 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0772-4381 Ghent University Library De Uil van Minerva 0772-4381 2003 2003 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0772-4381 Ghent University Library De Uil van Minerva 0772-4381 2007 2007 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0772-4381 Ghent University Library De Uil van Minerva 0772-4381 2010 2010 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0772-4381 Ghent University Library De Uil van Minerva 0772-4381 2018 2018 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0772-4381 Ghent University Library De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief 2212-7402 2012 28 2015 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-7402 Utrecht University Library De Zeventiende Eeuw. Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief 2212-7402 2017 33 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-7402 Utrecht University Library Deafness & Education International 1464-3154 1557-069X 2007 9 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-069X Taylor & Francis Deafness & Education International 1464-3154 1557-069X 2012 14 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-069X Maney Publishing Deafness & Education International 1464-3154 1557-069X 2012 14 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-069X Taylor & Francis Death Education 0145-7624 1977 1 1984 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0145-7624 Taylor & Francis Death Studies 0748-1187 1091-7683 1985 9 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1091-7683 Taylor & Francis Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 0965-156X 1469-3712 1993 1 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3712 Taylor & Francis Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 0965-156X 1469-3712 2013 21 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3712 Taylor & Francis DECISION 0304-0941 2197-1722 2019 46 2019 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-1722 Springer Decision Analytics 2193-8636 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-8636 Springer Decision Analytics 2193-8636 2016 3 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-8636 Springer Decisions in Economics and Finance 1593-8883 1129-6569 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1129-6569 Springer Decisions of the Roman Rota 2835-9127 2835-9143 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2835-9143 Catholic University of America Press Defence and Peace Economics 1024-2694 1476-8267 1994 5 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8267 Taylor & Francis Defence Economics 1043-0717 1990 1 1993 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1043-0717 Taylor & Francis Defence Studies 1470-2436 1743-9698 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9698 Taylor & Francis Defense & Security Analysis 1475-1798 1475-1801 2002 18 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-1801 Taylor & Francis Defense Analysis 0743-0175 1985 1 2001 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0743-0175 Taylor & Francis Deleuze and Guattari Studies 2398-9777 2398-9785 2018 12 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-9785 Edinburgh University Press Deleuze Studies 1750-2241 1755-1684 2007 1 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1684 Edinburgh University Press Delta Journal of Ophthalmology 1110-9173 2090-4835 2015 16 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4835 Medknow Publications Dementia 1471-3012 1741-2684 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2684 SAGE Publications Democracy & Nature 1085-5661 1469-3720 2000 6 2003 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3720 Taylor & Francis Democracy and Security 1741-9166 1555-5860 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5860 Taylor & Francis Democratic Theory 2332-8894 2332-8908 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-8908 Berghahn Journals Democratization 1351-0347 1743-890X 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-890X Taylor & Francis Demography 0070-3370 1533-7790 2000 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-7790 Population Association of America Demography 0070-3370 1533-7790 2013 50 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-7790 Springer Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 1074-6846 1940-4603 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4603 George Washington University, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies Dental Hypotheses 2155-8213 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8213 Medknow Publications Dental Journal of Advance Studies 2321-1482 2349-9869 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-9869 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Dental Nursing 1749-6799 1759-7404 2013 9 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7404 Mark Allen Group Dental Research Journal 1735-3327 2008-0255 2015 12 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2008-0255 Medknow Publications Dentistry 3000 2167-8677 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-8677 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Dentistry and Medical Research 2348-1471 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-1471 Medknow Publications Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 0250-832X 1476-542X 1989 18 2022 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-542X British Institute of Radiology Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 0196-2035 2010 39 2017 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0196-2035 University of Denver Denver Law Review 0883-9409 2009 87 2018 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0883-9409 University of Denver Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 2333-9497 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-9497 University of California Press DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 1520-6394 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-6394 Hindawi Depression Research and Treatment 2090-1321 2090-133X 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-133X Hindawi Depression Research and Treatment 2090-1321 2090-133X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-133X Hindawi Der Anaesthesist 0003-2417 1432-055X 2013 62 2019 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-055X Springer Der Chirurg 0009-4722 1433-0385 2013 84 2018 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0385 Springer Der Diabetologe 1860-9716 1860-9724 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-9724 Springer Der Gastroenterologe 1861-9681 1861-969X 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-969X Springer Der Gynäkologe 0017-5994 1433-0393 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0393 Springer Der Hautarzt 0017-8470 1432-1173 2013 64 2018 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1173 Springer Der Internist 0020-9554 1432-1289 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1289 Springer der junge zahnarzt 1869-5744 1869-5752 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-5752 Springer Der Kardiologe 1864-9718 1864-9726 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-9726 Springer der markt 0025-3863 1867-8882 1997 36 1997 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8882 Springer der markt 0025-3863 1867-8882 2003 42 2003 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8882 Springer der markt 0025-3863 1867-8882 2006 45 2007 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8882 Springer Der MKG-Chirurg 1865-9659 1865-9667 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-9667 Springer Der Nephrologe 1862-040X 1862-0418 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-0418 Springer Der Nervenarzt 0028-2804 1433-0407 2013 84 2018 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0407 Springer Der Nuklearmediziner 0723-7065 1439-5800 2010 33 2021 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-5800 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Der Onkologe 0947-8965 1433-0415 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0415 Springer Der Ophthalmologe 0941-293X 1433-0423 2013 110 2018 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0423 Springer Der Orthopäde 0085-4530 1433-0431 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0431 Springer Der Pathologe 0172-8113 1432-1963 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1963 Springer Der Pneumologe 1613-5636 1613-6055 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-6055 Springer Der Radiologe 0033-832X 1432-2102 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2102 Springer Der Schmerz 0932-433X 1432-2129 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2129 Springer Der Schmerzpatient 2512-6210 2512-6229 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2512-6229 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Der Unfallchirurg 0177-5537 1433-044X 2013 116 2018 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-044X Springer Der Urologe 0340-2592 1433-0563 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0563 Springer Dermato-Endocrinology 1938-1980 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-1980 Taylor & Francis DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY 1529-8019 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-8019 Hindawi Dermatologica Sinica 1027-8117 2223-330X 2019 37 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2223-330X Medknow Publications Dermatology Research and Practice 1687-6105 1687-6113 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6113 Hindawi Dermatology Research and Practice 1687-6105 1687-6113 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6113 Hindawi Derrida Today 1754-8500 1754-8519 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8519 Edinburgh University Press Desalination and Water Treatment 1944-3994 1944-3986 2009 1 2016 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3986 Taylor & Francis Design 0011-9253 1934 36 1977 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0011-9253 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Bloomsbury Publishing Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 2014 6 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7083 Taylor & Francis Design Ecologies 2043-068X 2043-0698 2011 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-0698 Intellect Design For Arts in Education 0732-0973 1977 79 1992 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0732-0973 Taylor & Francis Design for Health 2473-5132 2473-5140 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-5140 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2005 3 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2005 3 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2006 4 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2006 4 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2007 5 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2007 5 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2008 6 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2008 6 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2009 7 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2009 7 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2010 8 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2010 8 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2014 12 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Bloomsbury Publishing Design Philosophy Papers 1448-7136 2014 12 2017 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-7136 Taylor & Francis Designed Monomers and Polymers 1568-5551 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5551 Taylor & Francis Designs, Codes and Cryptography 0925-1022 1573-7586 2013 66 2018 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7586 Springer Designs for Learning 2001-7480 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-7480 Stockholm University Press DEUQUA Special Publications 2625-8137 2018 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2625-8137 Copernicus Publications Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1435-1951 1860-1324 2014 61 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-1324 Pensoft Publishers Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift 1862-2267 1862-2275 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2275 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur 0415-6412 1439-4359 2002 45 2002 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4359 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 1617-5891 1439-0930 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0930 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Developing Academic Practice 2732-5725 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2732-5725 Liverpool University Press Development 0950-1991 1477-9129 1987 100 1996 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9129 Company of Biologists Development 0950-1991 1477-9129 2000 127 2002 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9129 Company of Biologists Development 0950-1991 1477-9129 2006 133 2022 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9129 Company of Biologists Development 0950-1991 1477-9129 1987 99 1987 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9129 Company of Biologists Development 1011-6370 1461-7072 2019 62 2019 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7072 Springer Development and Learning in Organizations 1477-7282 1758-6097 2003 17 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6097 Emerald Group Publishing Development Genes and Evolution 0949-944X 1432-041X 2013 223 2018 228 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-041X Springer Development in Practice 0961-4524 1364-9213 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-9213 Taylor & Francis Development Southern Africa 0376-835X 1470-3637 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-3637 Taylor & Francis Development Studies Research 2166-5095 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-5095 Taylor & Francis Developmental Biology Journal 2314-4181 2314-419X 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-419X Hindawi Developmental Child Welfare 2516-1032 2516-1040 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-1040 SAGE Publications Developmental Neuropsychology 8756-5641 1532-6942 1985 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6942 Taylor & Francis Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1751-8423 1751-8431 2007 10 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8431 Taylor & Francis Deviant Behavior 0163-9625 1521-0456 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0456 Taylor & Francis DFI Journal - The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute 1937-5247 1937-5255 2007 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-5255 Taylor & Francis DFZ - Der Freie Zahnarzt 0340-1766 2190-3824 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-3824 Springer Diabetes 0012-1797 1939-327X 1998 47 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-327X American Diabetes Association Diabetes aktuell 1861-6089 1864-1733 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-1733 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 1479-1641 1752-8984 2004 1 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8984 SAGE Publications Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 1479-1641 1752-8984 2010 7 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8984 SAGE Publications Diabetes Care 0149-5992 1935-5548 1978 1 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-5548 American Diabetes Association Diabetes Management 1758-1907 1758-1915 2015 5 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1915 Future Medicine Diabetes Spectrum 1040-9165 1944-7353 2001 14 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7353 American Diabetes Association Diabetes Therapy 1869-6953 1869-6961 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-6961 Springer Diabetic Foot & Ankle 2000-625X 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-625X Co-Action Publishing Diabetic Foot & Ankle 2000-625X 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-625X Taylor & Francis Diabetic Foot & Ankle 2000-625X 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-625X Co-Action Publishing Diabetic Foot & Ankle 2000-625X 2016 7 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-625X Taylor & Francis Diabetologia 0012-186X 1432-0428 1965 1 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0428 Springer Diabetologia Notes de lecture 2100-0719 2102-6246 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2102-6246 Springer Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 1861-9002 1861-9010 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-9010 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 1758-5996 2009 1 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5996 BioMed Central Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 1758-5996 2014 6 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5996 Springer Diabetology International 2190-1678 2190-1686 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-1686 Springer diacritics 0300-7162 1080-6539 1996 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6539 Johns Hopkins University Press diacritics 0300-7162 1080-6539 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6539 Johns Hopkins University Press Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 2397-7523 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-7523 Springer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1070-3608 1029-0516 2001 7 2001 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0516 Hindawi Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1070-3608 1029-0516 2002 2 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0516 Hindawi Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1070-3608 1029-0516 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0516 Hindawi Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1070-3608 1029-0516 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0516 Hindawi Diagnostic Pathology 1746-1596 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1596 BioMed Central Diagnostic Pathology 1746-1596 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1596 Springer Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 2325-3290 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-3290 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Diálogo 1090-4972 2471-1039 2012 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-1039 University of Texas Press Dialogue & Discourse 2152-9620 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-9620 University of Illinois at Chicago Library Dialogues in Human Geography 2043-8206 2043-8214 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8214 SAGE Publications Dialogues in Urban Research 2754-1258 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2754-1258 SAGE Publications Dialyse aktuell 1434-0704 1860-3300 2010 5 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-3300 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Dianoia: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Boston College 2476-1818 2476-1826 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-1826 Boston College Libraries Dianoia: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Boston College 2476-1818 2476-1826 2017 6 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-1826 Boston College Libraries Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 1044-2057 1911-1568 1991 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-1568 University of Toronto Press Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 1044-2057 1911-1568 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-1568 University of Toronto Press Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 1559-5692 1559-5706 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-5706 Taylor & Francis Diaspora Studies 0973-9572 0976-3457 2007 1 2020 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3457 Taylor & Francis Diatom Research 0269-249X 2159-8347 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-8347 Taylor & Francis Dickens Quarterly 0742-5473 2169-5377 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-5377 Johns Hopkins University Press Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 0084-9812 2167-8510 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-8510 Penn State University Press Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 0197-6745 2160-5076 1979 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5076 Dictionary Society of North America Dictynna 1765-3142 2001 1 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1765-3142 Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 Die Psychiatrie 1614-4864 2009 6 2017 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-4864 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Die Wirbelsäule 2509-8241 2509-825X 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-825X Georg Thieme Verlag KG differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1040-7391 1527-1986 1998 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1986 Duke University Press differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1040-7391 1527-1986 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1986 Duke University Press Differential Equations 0012-2661 1608-3083 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3083 Springer Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 0971-3514 0974-6870 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-6870 Springer Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 1687-4099 1687-4102 2006 2006 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4102 Hindawi DIFI Family Research and Proceedings 2309-3927 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2309-3927 HBKU Press DiGeSt. Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 2593-0273 2593-0281 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2593-0281 Ghent University Library Digestive Disease Interventions 2472-8721 2472-873X 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-873X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Digestive Diseases and Sciences 0163-2116 1573-2568 2008 53 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2568 Springer Digital Creativity 1462-6268 1744-3806 1997 8 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-3806 Taylor & Francis Digital Discovery 2635-098X 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-098X Royal Society of Chemistry Digital Health 2055-2076 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-2076 SAGE Publications Digital Journalism 2167-0811 2167-082X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-082X Taylor & Francis Digital Library Perspectives 2059-5816 2016 32 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2059-5816 Emerald Group Publishing Digital Medicine 2542-629X 2226-8561 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2226-8561 Medknow Publications Digital Medievalist 1715-0736 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1715-0736 Open Library of Humanities Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures 2162-9544 2162-9552 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-9552 Johns Hopkins University Press Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 2398-5038 2017 19 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-5038 Emerald Group Publishing Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2055-7671 2055-768X 2008 23 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-768X Oxford University Press Digital Studies / Le champ numérique 1918-3666 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-3666 Open Library of Humanities Diogenes 0392-1921 1467-7695 2004 51 2016 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-7695 SAGE Publications Diplomacy & Statecraft 0959-2296 1557-301X 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-301X Taylor & Francis Diplomatic History 0145-2096 1467-7709 2008 32 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-7709 Oxford University Press Direct Marketing: An International Journal 1750-5933 1750-5941 2007 1 2009 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-5941 Emerald Group Publishing Disability & Society 0968-7599 1360-0508 1994 9 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0508 Taylor & Francis Disability and Rehabilitation 0963-8288 1464-5165 1992 14 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5165 Taylor & Francis Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 1748-3107 1748-3115 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-3115 Taylor & Francis Disability, Handicap & Society 0267-4645 1986 1 1993 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0267-4645 Taylor & Francis Disaster and Military Medicine 2054-314X 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-314X Springer Disaster Health 2166-5044 2166-5052 2013 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-5052 Taylor & Francis Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 1758-6100 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6100 Emerald Group Publishing Discourse 1522-5321 1536-1810 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-1810 Wayne State University Press Discourse & Communication 1750-4813 1750-4821 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-4821 SAGE Publications Discourse & Society 0957-9265 1460-3624 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3624 SAGE Publications Discourse Processes 0163-853X 1532-6950 1978 1 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6950 Taylor & Francis Discourse Studies 1461-4456 1461-7080 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7080 SAGE Publications Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 0159-6306 1469-3739 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3739 Taylor & Francis Discrete and Computational Geometry 0179-5376 1432-0444 2013 49 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0444 Springer Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X 1997 1 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-887X Hindawi Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X 2004 2004 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-887X Hindawi Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1607-887X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-887X Hindawi Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 0924-6703 1573-7594 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7594 Springer Disease Markers 0278-0240 1875-8630 2013 35 2013 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8630 Hindawi Disease Markers 0278-0240 1875-8630 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8630 Hindawi Disease Models & Mechanisms 1754-8403 1754-8411 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8411 Company of Biologists Diseases of the Esophagus 1120-8694 1442-2050 2008 21 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1442-2050 Oxford University Press disP - The Planning Review 0251-3625 2166-8604 1980 16 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-8604 Taylor & Francis Disputatio 0873-626X 1996 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0873-626X Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa Dissent 0012-3846 1946-0910 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-0910 University of Pennsylvania Press Distance Education 0158-7919 1475-0198 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-0198 Taylor & Francis Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 1600-910X 2159-9149 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9149 Taylor & Francis Distributed and Parallel Databases 0926-8782 1573-7578 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7578 Springer Distributed Computing 0178-2770 1432-0452 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0452 Springer Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal 2156-3306 2156-6550 2011 26 2019 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-6550 Taylor & Francis Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2007 8 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Taylor & Francis Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Maney Publishing Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Taylor & Francis Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Taylor & Francis Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Maney Publishing Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Maney Publishing Dix-Neuf 1478-7318 2012 16 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7318 Taylor & Francis DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 0012-0472 1439-4413 2010 136 2023 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4413 Georg Thieme Verlag KG DNA Research 1340-2838 1756-1663 2006 13 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1663 Oxford University Press DNA Research 1340-2838 1756-1663 2010 17 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1663 Oxford University Press DNA Sequence 1042-5179 1990 1 2008 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-5179 Taylor & Francis DO - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 1610-5044 1613-3781 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-3781 Georg Thieme Verlag KG DOC News 1552-2024 1937-6987 2004 1 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-6987 American Diabetes Association Documenta 0771-8640 2010 2010 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0771-8640 Ghent University Library Documenta Ophthalmologica 0012-4486 1573-2622 2013 126 2019 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2622 Springer Documents de l'OCDE 1609-5316 1684-341X 2001 1 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-341X Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 1607-6729 1608-3091 2013 448 2018 481 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3091 Springer Doklady Biological Sciences 0012-4966 1608-3105 2013 448 2018 481 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3105 Springer Doklady Chemistry 0012-5008 1608-3113 2013 448 2018 481 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3113 Springer Doklady Chemistry 0012-5008 1608-3113 2019 484 2019 484 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3113 Springer Doklady Earth Sciences 1028-334X 2013 448 2018 481 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-334X Springer Doklady Earth Sciences 1028-334X 2019 487 2019 487 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-334X Springer Doklady Earth Sciences 1028-334X 2019 489 2019 489 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-334X Springer Doklady Mathematics 1064-5624 1531-8362 2013 87 2018 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-8362 Springer Doklady Physical Chemistry 0012-5016 1608-3121 2013 448 2018 481 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3121 Springer Doklady Physics 1028-3358 1562-6903 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-6903 Springer Dose-Response 1559-3258 2005 3 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-3258 SAGE Publications Douleur et Analgésie 1011-288X 1951-6398 2013 26 2017 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1951-6398 Springer Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 1977 1 2003 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2004 26 2004 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2004 26 2004 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2005 27 2005 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2005 27 2005 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2005 28 2006 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2006 28 2006 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2007 29 2007 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2007 29 2008 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2008 30 2009 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2008 30 2009 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2009 31 2010 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2010 31 2010 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2010 32 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2011 33 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2013 35 2013 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2013 35 2013 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2014 36 2014 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2014 36 2014 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2015 37 2015 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2015 37 2015 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2017 38 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2017 38 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2018 39 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2018 39 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 Taylor & Francis Dramatherapy 0263-0672 2157-1430 2019 40 2020 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1430 SAGE Publications Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2007 33 2009 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Taylor & Francis Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2010 36 2010 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Maney Publishing Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2010 36 2010 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Taylor & Francis Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2011 37 2011 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Maney Publishing Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2011 37 2011 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Taylor & Francis Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2012 38 2012 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Maney Publishing Dress 0361-2112 2042-1729 2012 38 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1729 Taylor & Francis Drinking Water Engineering and Science 1996-9457 1996-9465 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-9465 Copernicus Publications Drug and Chemical Toxicology 0148-0545 1525-6014 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6014 Taylor & Francis Drug Delivery 1071-7544 1521-0464 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0464 Taylor & Francis Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 0363-9045 1520-5762 1977 3 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5762 Taylor & Francis Drug Development and Therapeutics 2394-6555 2394-2002 2014 5 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-2002 Medknow Publications Drug Development Communications 0095-5183 1974 1 1976 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0095-5183 Taylor & Francis Drug Information Journal 0092-8615 2164-9200 2004 38 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9200 SAGE Publications Drug Metabolism and Disposition 0090-9556 1521-009X 1973 1 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-009X American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Drug Metabolism Reviews 0360-2532 1097-9883 1972 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-9883 Taylor & Francis Drug Research 2194-9379 2194-9387 2013 63 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9387 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Drug Science, Policy and Law 2050-3245 2013 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3245 SAGE Publications Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2008 3 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 SAGE Publications Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 SAGE Publications Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 SAGE Publications Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 SAGE Publications Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 Libertas Academica Drug Target Insights 1177-3928 2015 9 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3928 SAGE Publications Drugs & Society 8756-8233 1986 1 2001 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=8756-8233 Taylor & Francis Drugs & Therapy Perspectives 1172-0360 1179-1977 2019 35 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-1977 Springer Drugs and Alcohol Today 1745-9265 2042-8359 2001 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8359 Emerald Group Publishing Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 0968-7637 1465-3370 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3370 Taylor & Francis Drugs, Habits and Social Policy 2752-6739 2752-6747 2022 23 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-6747 Emerald Group Publishing Drunken Boat 1537-2812 1 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1537-2812 Drunken Boat Drying Technology: An International Journal 0737-3937 1532-2300 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2300 Taylor & Francis DTB - Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 0012-6543 1755-5248 1962 s1-1 1963 s1-2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-5248 BMJ Group DTB - Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 0012-6543 1755-5248 1963 1 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-5248 BMJ Group DU Undergraduate Research Journal Archive 2690-4160 2020 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-4160 University of Denver Dublin James Joyce Journal 2009-1850 2009-4507 2008 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-4507 University College Dublin James Joyce Research Centre Duke Orthopedic Journal 2231-5055 2231-5136 2019 9 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-5136 Medknow Publications Durkheimian Studies 1362-024X 1752-2307 2003 9 2016 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2307 Berghahn Journals Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2007 31 2009 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Taylor & Francis Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Taylor & Francis Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Maney Publishing Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Maney Publishing Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Taylor & Francis Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2012 36 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Maney Publishing Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies 0309-6564 1759-7854 2012 36 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7854 Taylor & Francis D Y Patil Journal of Health Sciences 2347-3665 2347-8020 2021 9 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-8020 Medknow Publications Dynamic Medicine 1476-5918 2002 1 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-5918 BioMed Central Dynamical Systems: An International Journal 1468-9367 1468-9375 2001 16 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-9375 Taylor & Francis Dynamics and Stability of Systems 0268-1110 1465-3389 1986 1 2000 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3389 Taylor & Francis Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward terrorism and genocide 1746-7586 1746-7594 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-7594 Taylor & Francis Dysphagia 0179-051X 1432-0460 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0460 Springer e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 0932-383X 2013 130 2018 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0932-383X Springer E&G Quaternary Science Journal 0424-7116 2199-9090 2000 50 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-9090 Copernicus Publications Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 0145-5613 1942-7522 2004 83 2023 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-7522 SAGE Publications Early American Literature 0012-8163 1534-147X 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-147X University of North Carolina Press Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1543-4273 1559-0895 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0895 University of Pennsylvania Press Early Child Development and Care 0300-4430 1476-8275 1971 1 1997 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8275 Taylor & Francis Early Child Development and Care 0300-4430 1476-8275 1997 129 2023 193 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8275 Taylor & Francis Early Childhood Education Journal 1082-3301 1573-1707 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1707 Springer Early Education & Development 1040-9289 1556-6935 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-6935 Taylor & Francis Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2007 2007 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Taylor & Francis Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2010 2010 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Taylor & Francis Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2010 2010 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Maney Publishing Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Taylor & Francis Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Maney Publishing Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2012 2012 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Maney Publishing Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-7842 Taylor & Francis Early Middle English 2516-9084 2516-9092 2019 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-9092 Arc Humanities Press Early Modern Culture 1939-0246 2000 1 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0246 Iowa State University Early Modern French Studies 2056-3035 2056-3043 2015 37 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3043 Taylor & Francis Early Modern Literary Studies 1201-2459 1995 1 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1201-2459 Sheffield Hallam University Early Modern Women 1933-0065 2378-4776 2015 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-4776 Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Early Music 0306-1078 1741-7260 2004 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7260 Oxford University Press Early Popular Visual Culture 1746-0654 1746-0662 2005 3 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0662 Taylor & Francis Early Theatre 1206-9078 2293-7609 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2293-7609 Early Theatre Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development 0957-5146 1472-4421 1980 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-4421 Taylor & Francis Early Years Educator (EYE) 1465-931X 2052-4617 2012 14 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4617 Mark Allen Group Earth Interactions 1087-3562 1997 1 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-3562 American Meteorological Society Earth Perspectives 2194-6434 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-6434 Springer Earth Perspectives 2194-6434 2016 3 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-6434 Springer Earth Science Informatics 1865-0473 1865-0481 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-0481 Springer Earth Surface Dynamics 2196-6311 2196-632X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-632X Copernicus Publications Earth System Dynamics 2190-4979 2190-4987 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-4987 Copernicus Publications Earth System Science Data 1866-3508 1866-3516 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-3516 Copernicus Publications Earth Systems and Environment 2509-9426 2509-9434 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-9434 Springer Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 1671-3664 1993-503X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-503X Springer Earthquake Science 1674-4519 2013 26 2017 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1674-4519 Springer Earthquake Spectra 8755-2930 1944-8201 2004 21 2004 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8201 SAGE Publications Earthquake Spectra 8755-2930 1944-8201 2010 27 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8201 SAGE Publications East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 0012-8325 2313-450X 1960 26 1996 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-450X Taylor & Francis East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 0012-8325 2313-450X 1999 65 1999 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-450X Taylor & Francis East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 0012-8325 2313-450X 2001 67 2004 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-450X Taylor & Francis East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 0012-8325 2313-450X 2015 81 2019 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-450X Taylor & Francis East Asia 1096-6838 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1096-6838 Springer East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Springer East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2008 2 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Springer East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2009 3 2009 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Springer East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Springer East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2011 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Taylor & Francis East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Duke University Press East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2020 14 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Taylor & Francis East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1875-2160 1875-2152 2021 15 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2152 Taylor & Francis East European Jewish Affairs 1350-1674 1743-971X 1992 22 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-971X Taylor & Francis East European Politics 2159-9165 2159-9173 2012 28 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9173 Taylor & Francis East European Politics & Societies 0888-3254 1533-8371 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8371 SAGE Publications Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review 1027-1775 1684-4173 2002 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-4173 Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 2327-7408 2327-7416 2014 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-7416 Taylor & Francis Eastern European Economics 0012-8775 1557-9298 1962 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9298 Taylor & Francis Eastern Sierra History Journal 2020 1 2020 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Eastern+Sierra+History+Journal&pub=Claremont+College+Library Claremont College Library Eastern Sierra History Journal 2021 2 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Eastern+Sierra+History+Journal&pub=Claremont+College+Library Claremont College Library Eastern Sierra History Journal 2022 3 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Eastern+Sierra+History+Journal&pub=Claremont+College+Library Claremont College Library Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention 1064-0266 1532-530X 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-530X Taylor & Francis Ecclesiology 1744-1366 1745-5316 2005 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5316 SAGE Publications Echo Research and Practice 2055-0456 2055-0464 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0464 BioScientifica Echo Research and Practice 2055-0456 2055-0464 2018 5 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0464 Bioscientifica Eckhart Review 0969-3661 1992 1 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0969-3661 Taylor & Francis ECNU Review of Education 2096-5311 2632-1742 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-1742 SAGE Publications Ecofeminism and Climate Change 2633-4062 2633-4070 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-4070 Emerald Group Publishing Ecological Processes 2192-1709 2016 5 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2192-1709 Springer Ecological Psychology 1040-7413 1532-6969 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6969 Taylor & Francis Ecological Research 0912-3814 1440-1703 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1440-1703 Springer Ecological Restoration 1543-4060 1543-4079 1981 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-4079 University of Wisconsin Press Ecology of Food and Nutrition 0367-0244 1543-5237 1971 1 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-5237 Taylor & Francis Econometric Reviews 0747-4938 1532-4168 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4168 Taylor & Francis Economía 1533-6239 1529-7470 2000 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7470 Brookings Institution Press Economía 1533-6239 1529-7470 2000 1 2021 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7470 London School of Economics and Political Science Economía 1533-6239 1529-7470 2023 24 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-7470 London School of Economics and Political Science Economic Analysis 1366-8099 2000 3 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-8099 Taylor & Francis Economic and Industrial Democracy 0143-831X 1461-7099 2003 24 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7099 SAGE Publications Economic and Political Studies 2095-4816 2470-4024 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-4024 Taylor & Francis Economic Botany 0013-0001 2002 56 2007 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0013-0001 New York Botanical Garden Economic Botany 0013-0001 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0013-0001 Springer Economic Change and Restructuring 1573-9414 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1573-9414 Springer Economic Development Quarterly 0891-2424 1552-3543 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3543 SAGE Publications Economic Geography 0013-0095 1944-8287 1925 1 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8287 Taylor & Francis Economic History of Developing Regions 2078-0389 2078-0397 2010 25 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-0397 Taylor & Francis Economic Inquiry 0095-2583 1465-7295 2006 44 2006 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7295 Oxford University Press Economic Policy 0266-4658 1468-0327 2008 23 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0327 Oxford University Press Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 1331-677X 1848-9664 2009 22 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1848-9664 Taylor & Francis Economic Systems Research 0953-5314 1469-5758 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5758 Taylor & Francis Economic Theory 0938-2259 1432-0479 2013 52 2018 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0479 Springer Economics & Finance Research: An Open Access Journal 2164-9480 2164-9499 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9499 Taylor & Francis Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 2511-1280 2511-1299 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-1299 Springer Economics of Governance 1435-6104 1435-8131 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-8131 Springer Economics of Innovation and New Technology 1043-8599 1476-8364 1990 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8364 Taylor & Francis Economics Research International 2090-2123 2090-2131 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2131 Hindawi Economics Research International 2090-2123 2090-2131 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2131 Hindawi Economy and Society 0308-5147 1469-5766 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5766 Taylor & Francis EcoSal Plus 2324-6200 2004 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-6200 American Society for Microbiology Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 1994 1 2005 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2005 12 2005 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2006 13 2006 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2006 13 2006 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2007 14 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2007 14 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2008 15 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2008 15 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2009 16 2009 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2009 16 2009 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2010 17 2010 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2010 17 2010 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2011 18 2011 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2011 18 2011 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2012 19 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2012 19 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2013 20 2013 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2013 20 2013 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2014 21 2014 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2014 21 2014 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2015 22 2015 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2015 22 2015 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2016 23 2016 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2016 23 2016 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2017 24 2017 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2017 24 2017 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Centre d'études nordiques Écoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 2018 25 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7626 Taylor & Francis Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2332-8878 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-8878 Taylor & Francis Ecosystems 1432-9840 1435-0629 1998 1 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0629 Springer Ecosystems and People 2639-5908 2639-5916 2019 15 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2639-5916 Taylor & Francis Ecotone 1553-1775 2165-2651 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2651 University of North Carolina, Wilmington Ecotoxicology 0963-9292 1573-3017 1992 1 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3017 Springer Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies 0256-0054 1942-0773 1980 1 2014 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0773 Taylor & Francis ECS Electrochemistry Letters 2162-8726 2162-8734 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8734 Electrochemical Society ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2162-8769 2162-8777 2012 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8777 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2005 MA2005-01 2005 MA2005-03 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2006 MA2006-01 2006 MA2006-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2007 MA2007-01 2007 MA2007-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2008 MA2008-01 2008 MA2008-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2009 MA2009-01 2009 MA2009-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2010 MA2010-01 2010 MA2010-03 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2011 MA2011-01 2011 MA2011-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2012 MA2012-01 2012 MA2012-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Meeting Abstracts 1091-8213 2151-2043 2013 MA2013-01 2013 MA2013-02 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2043 Electrochemical Society ECS Solid State Letters 2162-8742 2162-8750 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8750 Electrochemical Society ECS Transactions 1938-6737 1938-5862 2005 1 2011 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5862 Electrochemical Society ECS Transactions 1938-6737 1938-5862 2011 39 2012 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5862 Electrochemical Society ECS Transactions 1938-6737 1938-5862 2012 49 2013 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5862 Electrochemical Society ECS Transactions 1938-6737 1938-5862 2013 56 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5862 Electrochemical Society Ecumenica: Performance and Religion 1942-4558 2578-2185 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-2185 Penn State University Press Edebiyat: Journal of M.E. Literatures 0364-6505 2001 12 2003 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0364-6505 Taylor & Francis Edentata 1413-4411 2004 6 2006 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1413-4411 Conservation International Edentata 1413-4411 2009 10 2014 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1413-4411 Conservation International Edinburgh Architecture Research 2752-3845 2022 37 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-3845 University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Law Review 1364-9809 1755-1692 2000 4 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1692 Edinburgh University Press Edith Wharton Review 2330-3964 2330-3980 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-3980 Penn State University Press Editors' Bulletin 1752-1742 2005 1 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1742 Taylor & Francis EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 0736-6981 1936-1009 1973 1 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-1009 Taylor & Francis Education + Training 0040-0912 1758-6127 1959 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6127 Emerald Group Publishing Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education 0300-4279 1475-7575 1973 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-7575 Taylor & Francis Education and Culture 1085-4908 1559-1786 1976 1977 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1786 Purdue University Press Education and Culture 1085-4908 1559-1786 1983 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1786 Purdue University Press Education and Culture 1085-4908 1559-1786 1993 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1786 Purdue University Press Education and Culture 1085-4908 1559-1786 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1786 Purdue University Press Education and Information Technologies 1360-2357 1573-7608 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7608 Springer Education and the Law 0953-9964 1469-5774 1989 1 2008 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5774 Taylor & Francis Education and Treatment of Children 0748-8491 1934-8924 2007 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8924 West Virginia University Press Education and Urban Society 0013-1245 1552-3535 2004 37 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3535 SAGE Publications Education as Change 1682-3206 1947-9417 2004 8 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9417 Taylor & Francis Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues 1753-7983 1753-7991 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-7991 Emerald Group Publishing Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 1746-1979 1746-1987 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1987 SAGE Publications Education, Communication & Information 1463-631X 1470-6725 2001 1 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-6725 Taylor & Francis Education Economics 0964-5292 1469-5782 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5782 Taylor & Francis Education for Health 1357-6283 1469-5804 2010 23 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5804 Medknow Publications Education for Primary Care 1473-9879 1475-990X 2005 16 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-990X Taylor & Francis Education in the Health Professions 2590-1761 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2590-1761 Medknow Publications Education Inquiry 2000-4508 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4508 Taylor & Francis Education Inquiry 2000-4508 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4508 Co-Action Publishing Education Inquiry 2000-4508 2016 7 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4508 Taylor & Francis Education, Knowledge & Economy 1749-6896 1749-690X 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-690X Taylor & Francis Education Research International 2090-4002 2090-4010 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4010 Hindawi Education Research International 2090-4002 2090-4010 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4010 Hindawi Educational Action Research 0965-0792 1747-5074 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5074 Taylor & Francis Educational Administration Quarterly 0013-161X 1552-3519 2004 40 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3519 SAGE Publications Educational and Psychological Measurement 0013-1644 1552-3888 2004 64 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3888 SAGE Publications Educational and Training Technology International 0954-7304 1989 26 1994 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-7304 Taylor & Francis Educational Assessment 1062-7197 1532-6977 1993 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6977 Taylor & Francis Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 1874-8597 1874-8600 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-8600 Springer Educational Considerations 0146-9282 2573-7686 1973 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-7686 New Prairie Press Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 0162-3737 1935-1062 2004 26 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1062 SAGE Publications Educational Gerontology 0360-1277 1521-0472 1976 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0472 Taylor & Francis Educational Horizons 0013-175X 2162-3163 2011 89 2015 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-3163 SAGE Publications Educational Management Administration & Leadership 1741-1432 1741-1440 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1440 SAGE Publications Educational Media International 0004-7597 1973 10 1986 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-7597 Taylor & Francis Educational Media International 0004-7597 1971 8 1972 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-7597 Taylor & Francis Educational Media International 0952-3987 1469-5790 1987 24 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5790 Taylor & Francis Educational Neuroscience 2377-6161 2016 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-6161 SAGE Publications Educational Philosophy and Theory 0013-1857 1469-5812 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5812 Taylor & Francis Educational Policy 0895-9048 1552-3896 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3896 SAGE Publications Educational Psychologist 0046-1520 1532-6985 1963 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6985 Taylor & Francis Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology 0144-3410 1469-5820 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5820 Taylor & Francis Educational Psychology in Practice: theory, research and practice in educational psychology 0266-7363 1469-5839 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5839 Taylor & Francis Educational Psychology Review 1040-726X 1573-336X 1989 1 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-336X Springer Educational Research 0013-1881 1469-5847 1958 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5847 Taylor & Francis Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice 1380-3611 1744-4187 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4187 Taylor & Francis Educational Research for Policy and Practice 1570-2081 1573-1723 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1723 Springer Educational Researcher 0013-189X 1935-102X 2003 32 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-102X SAGE Publications Educational Review 0013-1911 1465-3397 1948 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3397 Taylor & Francis Educational Studies 0305-5698 1465-3400 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3400 Taylor & Francis Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association 0013-1946 1532-6993 1970 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-6993 Taylor & Francis Educational Studies in Mathematics 0013-1954 1573-0816 2013 82 2018 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0816 Springer Educational Technology Research and Development 1042-1629 1556-6501 2013 61 2018 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-6501 Springer eEarth 1815-381X 1815-3828 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-3828 Copernicus Publications EES Catalysis 2753-801X 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-801X Royal Society of Chemistry Effective Education 1941-5532 1941-5540 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5540 Taylor & Francis EFORT Open Reviews 2396-7544 2058-5241 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-5241 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery EFORT Open Reviews 2396-7544 2058-5241 2021 6 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-5241 Bioscientifica eGEMs 2327-9214 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-9214 Academy Health eGEMs 2327-9214 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-9214 Ubiquity Press Egyptian Journal of Bronchology 2314-8551 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8551 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1687-6997 2016 22 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1687-6997 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis 0422-7638 2090-9950 2018 67 2021 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9950 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology 1110-6530 2314-7407 2013 33 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7407 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics 2090-2441 2019 20 2019 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2441 Springer Egyptian Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology 2356-8062 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2356-8062 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 1110-1105 2090-2425 2012 33 2013 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2425 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry 1110-1105 2090-2425 2015 36 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2425 Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2090-4762 2019 50 2019 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4762 Springer Egyptian Journal of Surgery 1110-1121 1687-7624 2014 33 2020 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7624 Medknow Publications Egyptian Liver Journal 2090-6226 2019 9 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-6226 Springer Egyptian Nursing Journal 2090-6021 2090-603X 2016 13 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-603X Medknow Publications Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette 2090-9942 2019 67 2019 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9942 Springer Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal 1687-4315 2090-9853 2012 11 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9853 Medknow Publications Egyptian Retina Journal 2347-5617 2013 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2347-5617 Medknow Publications Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation 1110-161X 2090-3235 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3235 Medknow Publications Eighteenth-Century Fiction 0840-6286 1911-0243 1988 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-0243 University of Toronto Press Eighteenth-Century Ireland 0790-7915 2753-9725 2008 23 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-9725 Liverpool University Press Eighteenth-Century Life 0098-2601 1086-3192 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3192 Duke University Press Eighteenth-Century Studies 0013-2586 1086-315X 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-315X Johns Hopkins University Press Éire-Ireland 0013-2683 1550-5162 1994 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-5162 Irish-American Cultural Institute EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 2365-421X 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-421X Springer EJNMMI Research 2191-219X 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-219X Springer El Mensajero 1040-5712 1972 1 1974 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1040-5712 American Anthropological Association E-Learning and Digital Media 2042-7530 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7530 SAGE Publications Electric Machines & Power Systems 0731-356X 1976 1 2000 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-356X Taylor & Francis Electric Power Components and Systems 1532-5008 1532-5016 2001 29 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5016 Taylor & Francis Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik) 0948-7921 1432-0487 2013 95 2018 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0487 Springer Electro- and Magnetobiology 1061-9526 1992 11 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1061-9526 Taylor & Francis Electrocatalysis 1868-2529 2010 1 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1868-2529 Springer Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 1099-0062 1944-8775 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8775 Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Energy Reviews 2520-8136 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8136 Springer Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 1536-8378 1536-8386 2002 21 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-8386 Taylor & Francis Electromagnetics 0272-6343 1532-527X 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-527X Taylor & Francis Electronic Commerce Research 1389-5753 1572-9362 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9362 Springer Electronic Communications in Probability 1083-589X 1996 1 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1083-589X Institute of Mathematical Statistics Electronic Government, an International Journal 1740-7494 1740-7508 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7508 Inderscience Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography 1092-9576 1997 1 2014 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-9576 University of Iowa Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 1476-9158 2001 1 2021 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-9158 Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies Electronic Journal of Probability 1083-6489 1996 1 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1083-6489 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Electronic Markets 1019-6781 1422-8890 1991 1 1993 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1422-8890 Taylor & Francis Electronic Markets 1019-6781 1422-8890 1995 5 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1422-8890 Taylor & Francis Electronic Markets 1019-6781 1422-8890 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1422-8890 Springer Electronic Materials Letters 1738-8090 2093-6788 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2093-6788 Springer Electronic News 1931-2431 1931-244X 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-244X SAGE Publications Electronic Poetry Review 1552-2083 1996 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-2083 Electronic Poetry Review Electronic Resources Review 1364-5137 1997 1 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1364-5137 Emerald Group Publishing Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2325-1026 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-1026 University of California Press Elemente der Mathematik 0013-6018 1420-8962 2010 65 2021 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8962 European Mathematical Society Elements 1811-5209 1811-5217 2010 6 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1811-5217 Mineralogical Society of America Elements 1811-5209 1811-5217 2015 11 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1811-5217 Mineralogical Society of America Elements - Boston College Undergraduate Research Journal 2378-0185 2380-6087 2005 1 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-6087 Boston College Libraries ELH 0013-8304 1080-6547 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6547 Johns Hopkins University Press eLife 2050-084X 2014 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-084X eLife Sciences Publications ELT Journal 0951-0893 1477-4526 2005 59 2022 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4526 Oxford University Press EMAJ: Emerging Markets e-Journal of Management 2159-242X 2158-8708 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-8708 University of Pittsburgh University Library System EMBO Molecular Medicine 1757-4684 2009 1 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-4684 European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO Reports 1469-221X 1469-3178 2000 1 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-3178 European Molecular Biology Organization Emergence 1521-3250 1532-7000 1999 1 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7000 Taylor & Francis Emergences: Journal for the Study of Media & Composite Cultures 1045-7224 2000 10 2003 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1045-7224 Taylor & Francis Emergency Health Services Quarterly 0163-9358 1981 1 1983 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0163-9358 Taylor & Francis Emergency Health Services Review 0738-6192 1983 2 1986 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0738-6192 Taylor & Francis Emergency Medicine International 2090-2840 2090-2859 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2859 Hindawi Emergency Medicine International 2090-2840 2090-2859 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2859 Hindawi Emergency Medicine Journal 1472-0205 1472-0213 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-0213 BMJ Group Emergency Radiology 1070-3004 1438-1435 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-1435 Springer Emergent Materials 2522-5731 2522-574X 2019 2 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2522-574X Springer Emerging Adulthood 2167-6968 2167-6984 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-6984 SAGE Publications Emerging Drugs 1361-9195 1997 2 2001 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1361-9195 Taylor & Francis Emerging Economies Cases Journal 2516-6042 2516-6050 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6050 SAGE Publications Emerging Economy Studies 2394-9015 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2394-9015 SAGE Publications Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Taylor & Francis Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Co-Action Publishing Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Co-Action Publishing Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Taylor & Francis Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Co-Action Publishing Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2010 3 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Taylor & Francis Emerging Health Threats Journal 1752-8550 2011 4 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8550 Co-Action Publishing Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 1540-496X 1558-0938 2003 39 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0938 Taylor & Francis Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 1742-7622 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7622 BioMed Central Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 1742-7622 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7622 Springer Emerging Therapeutic Targets 1460-0412 1997 1 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1460-0412 Taylor & Francis Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 2397-8554 2397-8562 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-8562 Portland Press Emotion Review 1754-0739 1754-0747 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0747 SAGE Publications Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 1363-2752 1741-2692 1996 1 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2692 Taylor & Francis Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 1363-2752 1741-2692 2006 10 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2692 SAGE Publications Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 1363-2752 1741-2692 2006 11 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2692 Taylor & Francis Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1757-1952 1757-1960 2009 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1960 Intellect Empire Survey Review 0267-1034 1931 1 1962 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0267-1034 Taylor & Francis Empirica 0340-8744 1573-6911 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6911 Springer Empirical Economics 0377-7332 1435-8921 2013 44 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-8921 Springer Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 1877-6345 2016 8 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-6345 Springer Empirical Software Engineering 1382-3256 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1382-3256 Springer Empirical Studies of the Arts 0276-2374 1541-4493 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4493 SAGE Publications Employee Assistance Quarterly 0749-0003 1985 1 2005 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0749-0003 Taylor & Francis Employee Relations: An International Journal 0142-5455 1758-7069 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7069 Emerald Group Publishing Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 0892-7545 1573-3378 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3378 Springer Empowerment in Organizations 0968-4891 1463-4457 1993 1 1998 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-4457 Emerald Group Publishing EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 2308-2151 2308-216X 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-216X European Mathematical Society Emu - Austral Ornithology 0158-4197 1448-5540 1901 1 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-5540 Taylor & Francis Enantiomer: A Journal of Sterochemistry 1024-2430 2002 7 2002 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1024-2430 Taylor & Francis End of Life Care 1754-1069 2007 eolcare/1 2010 eolcare/4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1754-1069 BMJ Group End of Life Journal 2047-6361 2011 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6361 BMJ Group Endocrine 1355-008X 1559-0100 1995 3 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0100 Springer Endocrine Connections 2049-3614 2012 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3614 BioScientifica Endocrine Connections 2049-3614 2018 7 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-3614 Bioscientifica Endocrine Disruptors 2327-3747 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-3747 Taylor & Francis Endocrine Pathology 1046-3976 1559-0097 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0097 Springer Endocrine Related Cancer 1351-0088 1479-6821 1994 1 2016 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-6821 Society for Endocrinology Endocrine Research 0743-5800 1532-4206 1984 10 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4206 Taylor & Francis Endocrine Research Communications 0093-6391 1974 1 1982 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0093-6391 Taylor & Francis Endocrine Reviews 0163-769X 1945-7189 1980 1 2016 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7189 Endocrine Society Endocrine Reviews 0163-769X 1945-7189 2018 39 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7189 Endocrine Society Endocrinology 0013-7227 1945-7170 1917 1 1940 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7170 Endocrine Society Endocrinology 0013-7227 1945-7170 1941 29 2016 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7170 Endocrine Society Endocrinology 0013-7227 1945-7170 2018 159 2022 163 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7170 Endocrine Society Endodontology 0970-7212 2016 28 2021 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0970-7212 Medknow Publications Endo-Praxis 0177-4077 1611-6429 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-6429 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Endoscopic Ultrasound 2303-9027 2226-7190 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2226-7190 Medknow Publications Endoscopy 0013-726X 1438-8812 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8812 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Endoscopy International Open 2364-3722 2196-9736 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-9736 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Endoskopie heute 0933-811X 1439-2577 2010 23 2015 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-2577 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2000 11 2003 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 Multi-Science Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2004 15 2007 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 SAGE Publications Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2010 21 2010 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 SAGE Publications Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2010 21 2010 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 Multi-Science Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2011 22 2011 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 SAGE Publications Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2011 22 2011 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 Multi-Science Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2012 23 2012 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 Multi-Science Energy & Environment 0958-305X 2048-4070 2012 23 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4070 SAGE Publications Energy & Environmental Science 1754-5692 1754-5706 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-5706 Royal Society of Chemistry Energy Advances 2753-1457 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-1457 Royal Society of Chemistry Energy and Policy Research 2381-5639 2016 3 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-5639 Taylor & Francis Energy, Ecology and Environment 2363-8338 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-8338 Springer Energy Efficiency 1570-646X 1570-6478 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1570-6478 Springer Energy Engineering 0199-8595 1546-0118 1997 94 2019 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-0118 Taylor & Francis Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0144-5987 2048-4054 2000 18 2003 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4054 Multi-Science Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0144-5987 2048-4054 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4054 SAGE Publications Energy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems 1748-9237 1748-9245 2007 2 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-9245 Taylor & Francis Energy Sources 0090-8312 1521-0510 1973 1 2005 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0510 Taylor & Francis Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 1556-7036 1556-7230 2006 28 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-7230 Taylor & Francis Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 1556-7249 1556-7257 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-7257 Taylor & Francis Energy, Sustainability and Society 2192-0567 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2192-0567 SpringerOpen Energy Systems 1868-3967 1868-3975 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-3975 Springer Energy Technology & Policy 2331-7000 2014 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-7000 Taylor & Francis eNeuro 2373-2822 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-2822 Society for Neuroscience e-Neuroforum 1868-856X 2013 4 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1868-856X Springer Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 1994-2060 1997-003X 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1997-003X Taylor & Francis Engineering Computations 0264-4401 1758-7077 1984 1 2019 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7077 Emerald Group Publishing Engineering Computations 0264-4401 1758-7077 2021 38 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7077 Emerald Group Publishing Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 0969-9988 1365-232X 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-232X Emerald Group Publishing Engineering Education 1750-0052 1750-0044 2006 1 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0044 Taylor & Francis Engineering Education Letters 2310-516X 2015 2015 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2310-516X HBKU Press Engineering Education Letters 2310-516X 2017 2017 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2310-516X HBKU Press Engineering Geology Special Publications 0267-9914 2041-4730 1986 2 1991 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4730 Geological Society of London Engineering Geology Special Publications 0267-9914 2041-4730 1995 10 2020 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4730 Geological Society of London Engineering Management Journal 1042-9247 2377-0643 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-0643 Taylor & Francis Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 1029-0273 1974 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0273 Taylor & Francis Engineering Project Organization Journal 2157-3727 2157-3735 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-3735 Taylor & Francis Engineering Structures and Technologies 2029-882X 2029-8838 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-8838 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Engineering Structures and Technologies 2029-882X 2029-8838 2012 4 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-8838 Taylor & Francis Engineering Studies 1937-8629 1940-8374 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8374 Taylor & Francis Engineering with Computers 0177-0667 1435-5663 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5663 Springer English Academy Review: Southern African Journal of English Studies 1013-1752 1753-5360 1983 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5360 Taylor & Francis English Heritage Historical Review 1752-0169 2006 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1752-0169 Taylor & Francis English Heritage Historical Review 1752-0169 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1752-0169 Maney Publishing English Heritage Historical Review 1752-0169 2010 5 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1752-0169 Taylor & Francis English Historical Review 0013-8266 1477-4534 2005 120 2023 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4534 Oxford University Press English in Education 0425-0494 1754-8845 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8845 Taylor & Francis English: Journal of the English Association 0013-8215 1756-1124 2008 57 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1124 Oxford University Press English Language and Literature Studies 1925-4768 1925-4776 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-4776 Canadian Center of Science and Education English Language Notes 0013-8282 2573-3575 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-3575 Duke University Press English Language Teaching 1916-4742 1916-4750 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-4750 Canadian Center of Science and Education English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 0013-8339 1559-2715 1958 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-2715 ELT Press English Studies 0013-838X 1744-4217 1919 1 2023 104 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4217 Taylor & Francis English Studies in Africa 0013-8398 1943-8117 1958 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-8117 Taylor & Francis English Teaching: Practice & Critique 1175-8708 2015 14 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8708 Emerald Group Publishing English Usage in Southern Africa 0256-5986 1991 22 1992 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0256-5986 Taylor & Francis Enhanced Heat Transfer 1065-5131 2002 9 2002 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1065-5131 Taylor & Francis Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences 1756-848X 2008 1 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-848X Taylor & Francis Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2000 1 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2003 4 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2004 5 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2005 6 2006 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2006 7 2007 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2007 8 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2008 9 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2009 10 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2010 11 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2011 12 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2012 13 2013 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2013 14 2013 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2014 15 2014 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2015 16 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Oxford University Press Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 1467-2235 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-2235 Cambridge University Press Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies 1463-2446 2000 1 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1463-2446 Taylor & Francis Enterprise Information Systems 1751-7575 1751-7583 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7583 Taylor & Francis Entertainment and Sports Law Journal 1748-944X 2002 1 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-944X University of Westminster Press Entertainment Law 1473-0987 2002 1 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1473-0987 Taylor & Francis Entomologica Americana 1947-5136 1947-5144 2009 115 2017 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-5144 New York Entomological Society Entomological News 0013-872X 2006 117 2023 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0013-872X American Entomological Society Entomological Review 0013-8738 1555-6689 2013 93 2018 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6689 Springer Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal 0898-5626 1464-5114 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5114 Taylor & Francis Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 2515-1274 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-1274 SAGE Publications Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2157-5665 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-5665 Berkeley Electronic Press Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587 1540-6520 2003 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6520 SAGE Publications Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587 1540-6520 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6520 SAGE Publications EnviroLab Asia 2575-1131 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2575-1131 Claremont College Library Environment and Behavior 0013-9165 1552-390X 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-390X SAGE Publications Environment and History 0967-3407 1752-7023 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7023 White Horse Press Environment and Planning A 0308-518X 1472-3409 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3409 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 0265-8135 1472-3417 2008 35 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3417 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2399-8083 2399-8091 2005 32 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-8091 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2399-8083 2399-8091 2016 43 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-8091 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 0263-774X 1472-3425 2004 22 2016 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3425 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2399-6544 2399-6552 2017 35 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-6552 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 0263-7758 1472-3433 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3433 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2514-8486 2514-8494 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-8494 SAGE Publications Environment and Planning F 2634-9825 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-9825 SAGE Publications Environment and Society 2150-6779 2150-6787 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6787 Berghahn Journals Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 1746-0301 2002 14 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0301 SAGE Publications Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 1746-0301 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0301 SAGE Publications Environment and Urbanization Asia 0975-4253 0976-3546 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3546 SAGE Publications Environment, Development and Sustainability 1387-585X 1573-2975 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2975 Springer Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 0013-9157 1939-9154 1969 11 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9154 Taylor & Francis Environment, Space, Place 2068-9616 2068-9616 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2068-9616 University of Minnesota Press Environment Systems and Decisions 2194-5403 2194-5411 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-5411 Springer Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1352-8505 1573-3009 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3009 Springer Environmental and Resource Economics 0924-6460 1573-1502 2013 54 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1502 Springer Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2007 12 2009 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Taylor & Francis Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2010 15 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Maney Publishing Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2010 15 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Taylor & Francis Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2011 16 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Maney Publishing Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2011 16 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Taylor & Francis Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Maney Publishing Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1749-6314 2012 17 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6314 Taylor & Francis Environmental Bioindicators 1555-5275 1555-5267 2006 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5267 Taylor & Francis Environmental Biology of Fishes 0378-1909 1573-5133 2013 96 2018 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5133 Springer Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews 0882-8164 1986 4 1990 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-8164 Taylor & Francis Environmental Chemistry Letters 1610-3653 1610-3661 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-3661 Springer Environmental Claims Journal 1040-6026 1547-657X 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-657X Taylor & Francis Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 1752-4032 1752-4040 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-4040 Taylor & Francis Environmental Disease 2468-5690 2468-5704 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-5704 Medknow Publications Environmental Earth Sciences 1866-6280 1866-6299 2013 68 2018 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-6299 Springer Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 1432-847X 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1432-847X Springer Environmental Education Research 1350-4622 1469-5871 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5871 Taylor & Francis Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2000 29 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2008 37 2008 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2008 37 2008 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2009 38 2009 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2009 38 2009 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2010 39 2010 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2010 39 2010 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2011 40 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2011 40 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2012 41 2012 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2012 41 2012 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2013 42 2013 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2013 42 2013 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Entomological Society of America Environmental Entomology 0046-225X 1938-2936 2014 43 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2936 Oxford University Press Environmental Epigenetics 2058-5888 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-5888 Oxford University Press Environmental Evidence 2047-2382 2011 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-2382 BioMed Central Environmental Evidence 2047-2382 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-2382 Springer Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1567-7419 1573-1510 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1510 Springer Environmental Forensics 1527-5922 1527-5930 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-5930 Taylor & Francis Environmental Geochemistry and Health 0269-4042 1573-2983 2013 35 2019 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2983 Springer Environmental Hazards 1747-7891 1878-0059 2006 7 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-0059 Taylor & Francis Environmental Health 1476-069X 2002 1 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-069X BioMed Central Environmental Health 1476-069X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-069X Springer Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 1342-078X 1347-4715 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1347-4715 Springer Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 Libertas Academica Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6302 SAGE Publications Environmental Health Perspectives 0091-6765 1552-9924 1972 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-9924 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Environmental History 1084-5453 1930-8892 2008 13 2020 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8892 Oxford University Press Environmental Humanities 2201-1919 2012 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-1919 Duke University Press Environmental Law Review 1461-4529 1740-5564 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5564 SAGE Publications Environmental Letters 0013-9300 1971 1 1975 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0013-9300 Taylor & Francis Environmental Management 0364-152X 1432-1009 2013 51 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1009 Springer Environmental Management and Health 0956-6163 1758-7085 1990 1 2002 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7085 Emerald Group Publishing Environmental Modeling and Assessment 1420-2026 1573-2967 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2967 Springer Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 0167-6369 1573-2959 2013 185 2018 190 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2959 Springer Environmental Politics 0964-4016 1743-8934 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8934 Taylor & Francis Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability 2639-5932 2639-5940 2019 31 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2639-5940 Taylor & Francis Environmental Practice 1466-0466 1466-0474 1999 1 2019 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-0474 Taylor & Francis Environmental Science: Advances 2754-7000 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-7000 Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science and Pollution Research 0944-1344 1614-7499 1994 1 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-7499 Springer Environmental Science: Atmospheres 2634-3606 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-3606 Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science: Nano 2051-8153 2051-8161 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-8161 Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2050-7887 2050-7895 2013 15 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7895 Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2053-1400 2053-1419 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-1419 Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Sciences 1569-3430 1744-4225 2004 1 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4225 Taylor & Francis Environmental Sociology 2325-1042 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-1042 Taylor & Francis Environmental Systems Research 2193-2697 2016 5 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-2697 Springer Environmental Technology 0959-3330 1479-487X 1990 11 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-487X Taylor & Francis Environmental Technology Letters 0143-2060 1980 1 1989 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0143-2060 Taylor & Francis Environmental Technology Reviews 2162-2515 2162-2523 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-2523 Taylor & Francis Environmental Values 0963-2719 1752-7015 1992 1 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7015 White Horse Press Environmental Values 0963-2719 1752-7015 2023 32 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7015 SAGE Publications Enzyme Research 2090-0406 2090-0414 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0414 Hindawi Enzyme Research 2090-0406 2090-0414 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0414 Hindawi EPE Journal 0939-8368 2376-9319 1991 1 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-9319 Taylor & Francis Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations 1742-5573 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5573 BioMed Central Epidemiologic Reviews 0193-936X 1478-6729 2005 27 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6729 Oxford University Press Epidemiology Research International 2090-2972 2090-2980 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2980 Hindawi Epidemiology Research International 2090-2972 2090-2980 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2980 Hindawi Epigenetics 1559-2294 1559-2308 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-2308 Taylor & Francis Epigenetics & Chromatin 1756-8935 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8935 BioMed Central Epigenetics & Chromatin 1756-8935 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8935 Springer Epigenetics Insights 2516-8657 2018 11 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8657 SAGE Publications Epigenomics 1750-1911 1750-192X 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-192X Future Medicine Epilepsy Currents 1535-7511 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1535-7511 SAGE Publications Epilepsy Research and Treatment 2090-1348 2090-1356 2010 2010 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1356 Hindawi Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 1742-3600 1750-0117 2004 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0117 Edinburgh University Press EPMA Journal 1878-5077 1878-5085 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5085 BioMed Central EPMA Journal 1878-5077 1878-5085 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5085 Springer E-PPENDIX 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library E-PPENDIX 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=E-PPENDIX&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library EPTA Bulletin 0774-6210 1981 1 1995 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0774-6210 Taylor & Francis Equal Opportunities International 0261-0159 1758-7093 1981 1 2009 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7093 Emerald Group Publishing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 2040-7149 2040-7157 2010 29 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-7157 Emerald Group Publishing Equine Health 2047-9867 2052-2967 2013 2013 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2967 Mark Allen Group Equity & Excellence in Education 1066-5684 1547-3457 1963 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3457 Taylor & Francis Equity in Education & Society 2752-6461 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-6461 SAGE Publications Erfahrungsheilkunde 0014-0082 1439-4294 2010 59 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4294 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ergonomics 0014-0139 1366-5847 1957 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5847 Taylor & Francis Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications 1064-8046 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1064-8046 SAGE Publications Ergopraxis 1439-2283 1869-5507 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-5507 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ergoscience 1861-6348 1861-6356 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-6356 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ériu 0332-0758 2009-0056 2004 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0056 Royal Irish Academy ERJ Open Research 2312-0541 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2312-0541 European Respiratory Society Erkenntnis 0165-0106 1572-8420 2013 78 2018 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8420 Springer ERLACS 1879-4750 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-4750 Utrecht University Library Ernährung & Medizin 1439-1635 1438-9002 2010 25 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9002 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ernährungsforschung 0071-1179 2002 47 2002 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0071-1179 Taylor & Francis Erwerbs-Obstbau 0014-0309 1439-0302 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0302 Springer ESC: English Studies in Canada 0317-0802 1913-4835 1975 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-4835 Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English ESC: English Studies in Canada 0317-0802 1913-4835 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-4835 Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English e-Service Journal 1528-8226 1528-8234 2001 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-8234 Indiana University Press ESHRE Monographs 1477-741X 1477-8378 2005 2005 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-8378 Oxford University Press Esophagus 1612-9059 1612-9067 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-9067 Springer ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 0093-8297 1935-021X 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-021X Washington State University essay: 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6702 Liverpool University Press Essays in Romanticism 2049-6699 2049-6702 2007 15 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6702 Liverpool University Press Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 2571-0915 2008 45 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2571-0915 Helsinki University Press Estuaries and Coasts 1559-2723 1559-2731 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-2731 Springer Estudios de Lingüística del Español 1139-8736 2014 38 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1139-8736 Universität Bern Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 1559-4343 1938-9000 2010 12 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-9000 Springer Publishing Company Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1386-2820 1572-8447 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8447 Springer Ethics & Behavior 1050-8422 1532-7019 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7019 Taylor & Francis Ethics & Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 2008 1 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-6369 Co-Action Publishing Ethics & Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-6369 Taylor & Francis Ethics & Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-6369 Co-Action Publishing Ethics & Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 2016 9 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-6369 Taylor & Francis Ethics & the Environment 1085-6633 1535-5306 1999 4 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-5306 Indiana University Press Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9650 Taylor & Francis Ethics and Information Technology 1388-1957 1572-8439 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8439 Springer Ethics and Social Welfare 1749-6535 1749-6543 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6543 Taylor & Francis Ethics, Place & Environment 1366-879X 1469-6703 1998 1 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-6703 Taylor & Francis Ethics, Policy & Environment 2155-0085 2155-0093 2011 14 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-0093 Taylor & Francis Ethik in der Medizin 0935-7335 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0935-7335 Springer Ethnic and Racial Studies 0141-9870 1466-4356 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4356 Taylor & Francis Ethnic Studies Review 1555-1881 2576-2915 2010 33 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-2915 University of California Press Ethnic Studies Review 1555-1881 2576-2915 2018 41 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-2915 University of California Press Ethnicities 1468-7968 1741-2706 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2706 SAGE Publications Ethnicity & Health 1355-7858 1465-3419 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3419 Taylor & Francis Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care 1757-0980 2042-8367 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8367 Emerald Group Publishing Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World 1758-8685 2009 1 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8685 Manchester University Press Ethnoarchaeology 1944-2890 1944-2904 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-2904 Taylor & Francis Ethnobiology Letters 2159-8126 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2159-8126 Society of Ethnobiology Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings 1559-890X 1559-8918 2005 2005 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-8918 American Anthropological Association Ethnography 1466-1381 1741-2714 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2714 SAGE Publications Ethnography and Education 1745-7823 1745-7831 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7831 Taylor & Francis Ethnohistory 0014-1801 1527-5477 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-5477 Duke University Press Ethnologia Europaea 1604-3030 2010 40 2017 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1604-3030 Open Library of Humanities Ethnologia Europaea 1604-3030 2019 49 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1604-3030 Open Library of Humanities Ethnology 0014-1828 2008 47 2012 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0014-1828 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Ethnomusicology Forum 1741-1912 1741-1920 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1920 Taylor & Francis Ethnopolitics 1744-9057 1744-9065 2005 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9065 Taylor & Francis Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 0014-1844 1469-588X 1936 1 2023 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-588X Taylor & Francis Ethology Ecology & Evolution 0394-9370 1828-7131 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1828-7131 Taylor & Francis Ethos 0091-2131 1548-1352 1997 25 2007 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1352 American Anthropological Association Eudora Welty Review 1947-3370 2165-266X 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-266X Georgia State University Department of English Eugene O'Neill Review 1040-9483 2161-4318 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4318 Penn State University Press Eugenics Quarterly 0097-2762 1954 1 1968 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0097-2762 Taylor & Francis Eukaryotic Cell 1535-9778 1535-9786 2002 1 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-9786 American Society for Microbiology Euphytica 0014-2336 1573-5060 2013 189 2017 214 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5060 Springer Eurasian Geography and Economics 1538-7216 1938-2863 2002 43 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2863 Taylor & Francis Eurasian Soil Science 1064-2293 1556-195X 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-195X Springer EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 1110-8657 1687-0433 2001 2001 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0433 Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 1687-4714 1687-4722 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4722 Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 1687-4145 1687-4153 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4153 Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 1687-3955 1687-3963 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-3963 Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 1687-3955 1687-3963 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-3963 SpringerOpen EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 1687-5176 1687-5281 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5281 Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Information Security 1687-4161 1687-417X 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-417X Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 1687-1472 1687-1499 2004 2004 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1499 Hindawi EuroMed Journal of Business 1450-2194 1758-888X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-888X Emerald Group Publishing EuroMed Journal of Management 2055-1703 2055-1711 2015 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-1711 Inderscience Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 2365-6433 2365-7448 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-7448 Springer Europace 1099-5129 1532-2092 2005 7 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2092 Oxford University Press Europace 1099-5129 1532-2092 2014 16 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2092 Oxford University Press European Accounting Review 0963-8180 1468-4497 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4497 Taylor & Francis European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 0937-4477 1434-4726 2013 270 2018 275 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-4726 Springer European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 0940-1334 1433-8491 2013 263 2018 268 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-8491 Springer European Biophysics Journal 0175-7571 1432-1017 1974 1 1996 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1017 Springer European Biophysics Journal 0175-7571 1432-1017 1997 26 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1017 Springer European Biophysics Journal 0175-7571 1432-1017 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1017 Springer European Business Review 0955-534X 1758-7107 1989 89 1999 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7107 Emerald Group Publishing European Business Review 0955-534X 1758-7107 2000 12 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7107 Emerald Group Publishing European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1018-8827 1435-165X 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-165X Springer European Clinical Respiratory Journal 2001-8525 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-8525 Taylor & Francis European Clinical Respiratory Journal 2001-8525 2015 2 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-8525 Co-Action Publishing European Clinical Respiratory Journal 2001-8525 2016 3 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-8525 Taylor & Francis European Comic Art 1754-3797 1754-3800 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-3800 Berghahn Journals European Competition Journal 1744-1056 1757-8396 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8396 Taylor & Francis European Diabetes Nursing 1551-7853 1551-7861 2004 1 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-7861 Taylor & Francis European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1350-293X 1752-1807 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1807 Taylor & Francis European Education 1056-4934 1944-7086 1991 23 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7086 Taylor & Francis European Educational Research Journal 1474-9041 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-9041 SAGE Publications European Food Research and Technology 1438-2377 1438-2385 2013 236 2018 244 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-2385 Springer European Heart Journal 0195-668X 1522-9645 2005 26 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9645 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal 0195-668X 1522-9645 2014 35 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9645 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2016 5 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2016 5 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2017 6 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2017 6 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2018 7 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2018 7 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2020 9 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 SAGE Publications European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2020 9 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2048-8726 2048-8734 2021 10 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8734 Oxford University Press European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging 2047-2404 2047-2412 2012 13 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2412 Oxford University Press European Heart 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2377-729X 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-729X Taylor & Francis European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1010-7940 1873-734X 2008 33 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-734X Oxford University Press European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2005 4 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 SAGE Publications European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 Oxford University Press European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 SAGE Publications European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 SAGE Publications European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 Oxford University Press European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1474-5151 1873-1953 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1953 Oxford University Press 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1751-6757 1751-6765 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6765 Inderscience European Journal of International Relations 1354-0661 1460-3713 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3713 SAGE Publications European Journal of Language Policy / Revue européenne de politique linguistique 1757-6822 1757-6830 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6830 Liverpool University Press European Journal of Law and Economics 0929-1261 1572-9990 2013 35 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9990 Springer European Journal of Legal Education 1684-1360 1750-4686 2004 1 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-4686 Taylor & Francis European Journal of Management & Business Economics 2444-8451 2444-8494 2017 26 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2444-8494 Emerald Group Publishing European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 1758-7123 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7123 Emerald Group Publishing European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1469-0667 1751-6838 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6838 SAGE 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1724-6016 2004 14 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6016 SAGE Publications European Journal of Orthodontics 0141-5387 1460-2210 2006 28 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2210 Oxford University Press European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 1633-8065 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1633-8065 Springer European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 0939-7248 1439-359X 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-359X Georg Thieme Verlag KG European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports 2194-7619 2194-7627 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-7627 Georg Thieme Verlag KG European Journal of Pediatrics 0340-6199 1432-1076 2013 172 2018 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1076 Springer European Journal of Personality 0890-2070 1099-0984 2004 18 2005 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-0984 SAGE Publications European Journal of Personality 0890-2070 1099-0984 2007 21 2008 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-0984 SAGE Publications European Journal of Personality 0890-2070 1099-0984 2010 24 2023 37 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2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-9941 Springer European Journal of Wildlife Research 1612-4642 1439-0574 2013 59 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0574 Springer European Journal of Women's Studies 1350-5068 1461-7420 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7420 SAGE Publications European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 0018-3768 1436-736X 2013 71 2019 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-736X Springer European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1359-432X 1464-0643 1996 5 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0643 Taylor & Francis European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 0928-1371 1572-9869 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9869 Springer European Judaism 0014-3006 1752-2323 1999 32 1999 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2323 Berghahn Journals European Judaism 0014-3006 1752-2323 2001 34 2022 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2323 Berghahn Journals European Labour Law Journal 2031-9525 2399-5556 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-5556 SAGE Publications European 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European Respiratory Review 0905-9180 1600-0617 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0617 European Respiratory Society European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 1813-7253 1861-6909 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-6909 Springer European Review of Agricultural Economics 0165-1587 1464-3618 2005 32 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3618 Oxford University Press European Review of Agricultural Economics 0165-1587 1464-3618 2010 37 2022 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3618 Oxford University Press European Review of Economic History 1361-4916 1474-0044 2008 12 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-0044 Oxford University Press European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire 1350-7486 1469-8293 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8293 Taylor & Francis European Review of Social Psychology 1046-3283 1479-277X 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-277X Taylor & Francis European Romantic Review 1050-9585 1740-4657 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-4657 Taylor & Francis European Science Editing (ESE) 0258-3127 2518-3354 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2518-3354 Pensoft Publishers European Security 0966-2839 1746-1545 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1545 Taylor & Francis European Societies 1461-6696 1469-8307 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8307 Taylor & Francis European Sociological Review 0266-7215 1468-2672 2005 21 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2672 Oxford University Press European Spine Journal 0940-6719 1432-0932 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0932 Springer European Sport Management Quarterly 1618-4742 1746-031X 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-031X Taylor & Francis European Stroke Journal 2396-9873 2396-9881 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-9881 SAGE Publications European Surgery 1682-8631 1682-4016 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1682-4016 Springer European Transport Research Review 1867-0717 1866-8887 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-8887 Springer European Union Politics 1465-1165 1741-2757 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2757 SAGE Publications European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 1461-7145 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7145 SAGE Publications European View 1781-6858 1865-5831 2007 6 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-5831 SAGE Publications European Work and Organizational Psychologist 0960-2003 1991 1 1994 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0960-2003 Taylor & Francis Europe-Asia Studies 0966-8136 1465-3427 1993 45 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3427 Taylor & Francis Europe's Journal of Psychology 1841-0413 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1841-0413 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Evaluation 1356-3890 1461-7153 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7153 SAGE Publications Evaluation & Research in Education 0950-0790 1747-7514 1987 1 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7514 Taylor & Francis Evaluation & the Health Professions 0163-2787 1552-3918 2004 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3918 SAGE Publications Evaluation Journal of Australasia 1035-719X 2515-9372 2005 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-9372 SAGE Publications Evaluation Review 0193-841X 1552-3926 2004 28 2007 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3926 SAGE Publications Evaluation Review 0193-841X 1552-3926 2009 33 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3926 SAGE Publications Evergreen Review 0014-3758 1998 100 2005 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0014-3758 Evergreen Review Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 1748-9539 1748-9547 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-9547 Taylor & Francis Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Hindawi Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Oxford University Press Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Hindawi Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Oxford University Press Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2006 3 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Hindawi Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-4288 Hindawi Evidence-Based Endodontics 2364-9526 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-9526 Springer Evidence-based HRM 2049-3983 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3983 Emerald Group Publishing Evidence-Based Medicine 1356-5524 1473-6810 2000 5 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-6810 BMJ Group Evidence-Based Medicine 1356-5524 1473-6810 2009 14 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-6810 BMJ Group Evidence-Based Mental Health 1362-0347 1468-960X 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-960X BMJ Group Evidence-Based Nursing 1367-6539 1468-9618 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-9618 BMJ Group Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2379-4925 2379-4933 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-4933 Taylor & Francis Evidence-Based Spine Surgery 1867-2302 1867-2310 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2310 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal 1663-7976 1869-4136 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-4136 Georg Thieme Verlag KG EvoDevo 2041-9139 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2041-9139 BioMed Central EvoDevo 2041-9139 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2041-9139 Springer Evolution 0014-3820 1558-5646 2000 54 2001 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5646 Society for the Study of Evolution Evolution 0014-3820 1558-5646 2003 57 2003 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5646 Society for the Study of Evolution Evolution 0014-3820 1558-5646 2005 059 2008 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5646 Society for the Study of Evolution Evolution 0014-3820 1558-5646 2022 76 2022 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5646 Oxford University Press Evolution: Education and Outreach 1936-6426 1936-6434 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-6434 Springer Evolution Letters 2056-3744 2022 6 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3744 Oxford University Press Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2050-6201 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6201 Oxford University Press Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2050-6201 2020 2010 2020 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6201 Oxford University Press Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2050-6201 2021 9 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6201 Oxford University Press Evolution of Science and Technology 2029-2430 2029-2449 2009 1 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-2449 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 Libertas Academica Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 Libertas Academica Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 Libertas Academica Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 Libertas Academica Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2015 11 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 Libertas Academica Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1176-9343 2015 11 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-9343 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Biology 0071-3260 1934-2845 2007 34 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2845 Springer Evolutionary Ecology 0269-7653 1573-8477 1987 1 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8477 Springer Evolutionary Intelligence 1864-5909 1864-5917 2013 6 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-5917 Springer Evolutionary Psychology 1474-7049 2004 2 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-7049 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Psychology 1474-7049 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-7049 SAGE Publications Evolutionary Systematics 2535-0730 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2535-0730 Pensoft Publishers Evolving Systems 1868-6478 1868-6486 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-6486 Springer Excellence in Higher Education 2153-9669 2153-9677 2010 1 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-9677 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Exceptional Children 0014-4029 2003 70 2022 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0014-4029 SAGE Publications Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal 0936-2835 1532-7035 1990 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7035 Taylor & Francis Executive Development 0953-3230 1758-6011 1989 2 1995 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6011 Emerald Group Publishing Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2007 19 2009 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Taylor & Francis Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2010 22 2010 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Taylor & Francis Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2010 22 2010 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Maney Publishing Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2011 23 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Taylor & Francis Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2011 23 2011 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Maney Publishing Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2012 24 2012 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Maney Publishing Exemplaria 1041-2573 1753-3074 2012 24 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3074 Taylor & Francis Exosomes and Microvesicles 1848-9214 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1848-9214 SAGE Publications Expeditions with MCUP 2688-5395 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-5395 Marine Corps University Press Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine 2040-7378 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2040-7378 BioMed Central Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine 2040-7378 2013 5 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2040-7378 Springer Experimental Aging Research: An International Journal Devoted to the Scientific Study of the Aging Process 0361-073X 1096-4657 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-4657 Taylor & Francis Experimental and Applied Acarology 0168-8162 1572-9702 2013 59 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9702 Springer Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 0947-7349 1439-3646 2010 118 2023 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3646 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Reports 2196-7407 2014 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-7407 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2661-8869 2661-8877 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2661-8877 Springer Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 1792-0981 1792-1015 2010 1 2019 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1792-1015 Spandidos Publications Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 1792-0981 1792-1015 2021 22 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1792-1015 Spandidos Publications Experimental Astronomy 0922-6435 1572-9508 1989 1 2010 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9508 Springer Experimental Biology and Medicine 1535-3702 1535-3699 1903 1 1961 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3699 SAGE Publications Experimental Biology and Medicine 1535-3702 1535-3699 1962 109 1972 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3699 SAGE Publications Experimental Biology and Medicine 1535-3702 1535-3699 1977 155 1982 170 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3699 SAGE Publications Experimental Biology and Medicine 1535-3702 1535-3699 1999 220 2023 248 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3699 SAGE Publications Experimental Brain Research 0014-4819 1432-1106 2013 224 2018 236 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1106 Springer Experimental Diabetes Research 1687-5214 1687-5303 2002 1 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5303 Hindawi Experimental Diabetes Research 1687-5214 1687-5303 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5303 Hindawi Experimental Economics 1386-4157 1573-6938 1998 1 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6938 Springer Experimental Heat Transfer 0891-6152 1521-0480 1987 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0480 Taylor & Francis Experimental Hematology & Oncology 2162-3619 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2162-3619 BioMed Central Experimental Hematology & Oncology 2162-3619 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2162-3619 Springer Experimental Lung Research 0190-2148 1521-0499 1980 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0499 Taylor & Francis Experimental Mathematics 1058-6458 1944-950X 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-950X Taylor & Francis Experimental Mechanics 0014-4851 2006 45 2006 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0014-4851 SAGE Publications Experimental Mechanics 0014-4851 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0014-4851 Springer Experimental Physiology 0958-0670 1469-445X 1990 75 2013 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-445X Physiological Society Experiments in Fluids 0723-4864 1432-1114 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1114 Springer Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 1471-2598 1744-7682 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7682 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 1742-5247 1744-7593 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7593 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 1746-0441 1746-045X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-045X Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 1742-5255 1744-7607 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7607 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 1474-0338 1744-764X 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-764X Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs 1472-8214 1744-7623 2002 7 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7623 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 1354-3784 1744-7658 1994 3 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7658 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 2167-8707 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-8707 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 1465-6566 1744-7666 1999 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7666 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 1354-3776 1744-7674 1994 4 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7674 Taylor & Francis Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 1472-8222 1744-7631 2001 5 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7631 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy 1473-7140 1744-8328 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8328 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 1478-7210 1744-8336 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8336 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 1477-9072 1744-8344 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8344 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 1744-666X 1744-8409 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8409 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 1751-2433 1751-2441 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2441 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Dermatology 1746-9872 1746-9880 2006 1 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9880 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism 1744-6651 1744-8417 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8417 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1747-4124 1747-4132 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4132 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Hematology 1747-4086 1747-4094 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4094 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Medical Devices 1743-4440 1745-2422 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2422 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 1473-7159 1744-8352 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8352 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 1473-7175 1744-8360 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8360 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1747-4108 1747-4116 2006 1 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4116 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Ophthalmology 1746-9899 1746-9902 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9902 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 1473-7167 1744-8379 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8379 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development 2380-8993 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-8993 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Proteomics 1478-9450 1744-8387 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8387 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care 2380-9000 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-9000 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 1747-6348 1747-6356 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6356 Taylor & Francis Expert Review of Vaccines 1476-0584 1744-8395 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8395 Taylor & Francis Exploration and Mining Geology 0964-1823 2006 15 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0964-1823 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum Exploration Geophysics 0812-3985 1834-7533 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-7533 Taylor & Francis Explorations in Media Ecology 1539-7785 2048-0717 2007 6 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-0717 Intellect Exposure and Health 2451-9685 2016 8 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2451-9685 Springer Expressions maghrébines 1540-0085 2475-2401 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-2401 Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines Exquisite Corpse 1999 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Exquisite+Corpse&pub=Exquisite+Corpse Exquisite Corpse ExRNA 2398-0060 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-0060 Springer Extrapolation 0014-5483 2047-7708 2008 49 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7708 Liverpool University Press Extreme Physiology & Medicine 2046-7648 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-7648 BioMed Central Extreme Physiology & Medicine 2046-7648 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-7648 Springer Extremes 1386-1999 1572-915X 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-915X Springer Extremophiles 1431-0651 2008 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1431-0651 Springer Eye and Vision 2326-0254 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-0254 Springer Fabrications 1033-1867 2164-4756 1989 1 1991 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-4756 Taylor & Francis Fabrications 1033-1867 2164-4756 1993 4 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-4756 Taylor & Francis FACE 2732-5016 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2732-5016 SAGE Publications Facial Plastic Surgery 0736-6825 1098-8793 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-8793 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Facies 0172-9179 1612-4820 2013 59 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-4820 Springer Facilities 0263-2772 1758-7131 1983 1 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7131 Emerald Group Publishing Facilities 0263-2772 1758-7131 2020 38 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7131 Emerald Group Publishing Failbetter 1939-0335 2000 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0335 Failbetter Fairy Tale Review 2327-6819 2327-6819 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-6819 Wayne State University Press Familial 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2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Taylor & Francis Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Taylor & Francis Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Taylor & Francis Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Taylor & Francis Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 2014 6 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9389 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1997 1 1997 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1997 1 1997 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1998 2 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1998 2 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2002 6 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2002 6 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2003 7 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2003 7 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2005 9 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2005 9 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2006 10 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2006 10 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2007 11 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2007 11 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2008 12 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2008 12 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2013 17 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2013 17 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2014 18 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Bloomsbury Publishing Fashion Theory 1362-704X 1751-7419 2014 18 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7419 Taylor & Francis Fat Studies 2160-4851 2160-486X 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-486X Taylor & Francis Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 2164-1846 2164-1862 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-1862 Taylor & Francis FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 0014-5688 1937-4674 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4674 Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Law Review 0067-205X 1444-6928 2004 32 2009 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-6928 SAGE Publications Federal Law Review 0067-205X 1444-6928 2011 39 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-6928 SAGE Publications Federal Sentencing Reporter 1053-9867 1533-8363 2000 13 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8363 University of California Press Feminism & Psychology 0959-3535 1461-7161 2004 14 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7161 SAGE Publications Feminism & Psychology 0959-3535 1461-7161 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7161 SAGE Publications Feminist Criminology 1557-0851 1557-086X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-086X SAGE Publications Feminist Economics 1354-5701 1466-4372 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4372 Taylor & Francis Feminist Formations 2151-7363 2151-7371 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7371 Johns Hopkins University Press Feminist German Studies 2578-5206 2578-5192 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-5192 University of Nebraska Press Feminist Media Histories 2373-7492 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-7492 University of California Press Feminist Media Studies 1468-0777 1471-5902 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-5902 Taylor & Francis Feminist Modernist Studies 2469-2921 2469-293X 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-293X Taylor & Francis Feminist Review 0141-7789 1466-4380 2004 76 2023 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4380 SAGE Publications Feminist Studies 0046-3663 2153-3873 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3873 Feminist Studies Feminist Teacher 0882-4843 1934-6034 2007 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6034 University of Illinois Press Feminist Theology 0966-7350 1745-5189 2003 12 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5189 SAGE Publications Feminist Theory 1464-7001 1741-2773 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2773 SAGE Publications FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 0928-8244 1574-695X 2009 55 2012 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-695X Oxford University Press FEMS Microbiology Ecology 0168-6496 1574-6941 2008 63 2022 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-6941 Oxford University Press FEMS Microbiology Letters 0378-1097 1574-6968 2008 278 2014 356 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-6968 Oxford University Press FEMS Microbiology Letters 0378-1097 1574-6968 2015 362 2022 369 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-6968 Oxford University Press FEMS Microbiology Reviews 0168-6445 1574-6976 2008 32 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-6976 Oxford University Press FEMS Yeast Research 1567-1356 1567-1364 2008 8 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1567-1364 Oxford University Press Ferroelectrics 0015-0193 1563-5112 1970 1 2023 617 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5112 Taylor & Francis Ferroelectrics Letters Section 0731-5171 1563-5228 1983 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5228 Taylor & Francis Fertility Research and Practice 2054-7099 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-7099 Springer Fertility Science and Research 2394-4285 2014 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2394-4285 Medknow Publications Fetal and Pediatric Pathology 1551-3815 1551-3823 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-3823 Taylor & Francis Few-Body Systems 0177-7963 1432-5411 2013 54 2019 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-5411 Springer Fiber and Integrated Optics 0146-8030 1096-4681 1977 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-4681 Taylor & Francis Fibers and Polymers 1229-9197 1875-0052 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-0052 Springer Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair 1755-1536 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1536 BioMed Central Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair 1755-1536 2013 6 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1536 Springer Field Actions Science Reports 1867-8521 2008 1 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8521 Copernicus Publications Field Methods 1525-822X 1552-3969 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3969 SAGE Publications Fieldiana Anthropology 0071-4739 2006 38 2013 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0071-4739 Field Museum of Natural History Fieldiana Botany 0015-0746 2004 44 2010 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0015-0746 Field Museum of Natural History Fieldiana Geology 0096-2651 2004 50 2010 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0096-2651 Field Museum of Natural History Fieldiana Zoology 0015-0754 2005 104 2009 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0015-0754 Field Museum of Natural History Fields Mathematics Education Journal 1925-6639 2018 3 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-6639 Springer FIIB Business Review 2319-7145 2455-2658 2011 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-2658 SAGE Publications Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 1982 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Filipino American National Historical Society Journal 2994-5658 2994-5666 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2994-5666 University of Hawai'i Press Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal 0360-3695 1548-9922 1971 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9922 Center for the Study of Film and History Film, Fashion & Consumption 2044-2823 2044-2831 2011 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-2831 Intellect Film History: An International Journal 0892-2160 1553-3905 2000 12 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3905 Indiana University Press Film International 1651-6826 2040-3801 2003 1 2021 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3801 Intellect Film Matters 2042-1869 2042-1877 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1877 Intellect Film Quarterly 0015-1386 1533-8630 2001 55 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8630 University of California Press Film Studies 1469-0314 2054-2496 2004 4 2020 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-2496 Manchester University Press Film-Philosophy 1466-4615 1997 1 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4615 Open Humanities Press Film-Philosophy 1466-4615 2015 19 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4615 Edinburgh University Press Filozofski Vestnik 0353-4510 1581-1239 2004 2004 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1581-1239 Open Humanities Press Finance and Stochastics 0949-2984 1432-1122 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1122 Springer Financial Analysts Journal 0015-198X 1938-3312 1945 1 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3312 Taylor & Francis Financial Market Trends 0378-651X 1609-6886 1997 1997 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1609-6886 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 1555-4961 2373-8529 2016 30 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-8529 Springer Fire Science Reviews 2193-0414 2016 5 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-0414 Springer Fire Technology 0015-2684 1572-8099 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8099 Springer First Amendment Studies 2168-9725 2168-9733 2013 47 2021 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-9733 Taylor & Francis First Language 0142-7237 1740-2344 2004 24 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2344 SAGE Publications First Monday 1396-0466 1996 1 29(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1396-0466 University of Illinois at Chicago Library First World War Studies 1947-5020 1947-5039 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-5039 Taylor & Francis Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 0920-1742 1573-5168 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5168 Springer Fisheries 0363-2415 1548-8446 1976 1 2017 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8446 Taylor & Francis Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2234-1757 2016 19 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2234-1757 Springer Fisheries Science 0919-9268 1444-2906 2013 79 2018 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1444-2906 Springer FIVE: The Claremont Colleges Journal of Undergraduate Academic Writing 2169-3722 2012 1 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-3722 Claremont College Library Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1687-1820 1687-1812 2004 2004 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1812 Hindawi Flavour 2044-7248 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-7248 BioMed Central Flavour 2044-7248 2013 2 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-7248 Springer Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 1936-6582 1936-6590 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-6590 Springer Florida Entomologist 0015-4040 1938-5102 2002 85 2017 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5102 Florida Entomological Society Florida State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Florida+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Florida+State+University Florida State University Florida State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Florida+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Florida+State+University Florida State University Florilegium 0709-5201 2369-7180 2014 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2369-7180 University of Toronto Press Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 1386-6184 1573-1987 2013 90 2018 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1987 Springer Flugmedizin - Tropenmedizin - Reisemedizin - FTR 1864-4538 1864-175X 2010 17 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-175X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fluid Dynamics 0015-4628 1573-8507 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8507 Springer Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2045-8118 2011 8 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-8118 BioMed Central Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2045-8118 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-8118 Springer Fly 1933-6934 1933-6942 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-6942 Taylor & Francis Focaal 0920-1297 1558-5263 2004 2004 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5263 Berghahn Journals Focus 1541-4094 1541-4108 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4108 American Psychiatric Association Publishing Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1088-3576 1538-4829 2004 19 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4829 SAGE Publications Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1088-3576 1538-4829 2009 24 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4829 SAGE Publications Folia Geobotanica 1211-9520 1874-9348 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9348 Springer Folia Medica 0204-8043 1314-2143 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2143 Pensoft Publishers Folia Microbiologica 0015-5632 1874-9356 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9356 Springer Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2007 45 2009 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Taylor & Francis Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2010 48 2010 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Maney Publishing Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2010 48 2010 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Taylor & Francis Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2011 49 2011 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Maney Publishing Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2011 49 2011 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Taylor & Francis Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2012 50 2012 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Maney Publishing Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 0430-8778 1759-670X 2012 50 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-670X Taylor & Francis Folklore 0015-587X 1469-8315 1890 1 2023 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8315 Taylor & Francis Fontes Artis Musicae 0015-6191 2471-156X 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-156X International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres Food & Function 2042-6496 2042-650X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-650X Royal Society of Chemistry Food & Nutrition Research 1654-6628 1654-661X 2008 52 2008 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-661X Co-Action Publishing Food & Nutrition Research 1654-6628 1654-661X 2009 53 2013 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-661X Co-Action Publishing Food & Nutrition Research 1654-6628 1654-661X 2014 58 2014 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-661X Taylor & Francis Food & Nutrition Research 1654-6628 1654-661X 2015 59 2015 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-661X Co-Action Publishing Food & Nutrition Research 1654-6628 1654-661X 2016 60 2017 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-661X Taylor & Francis Food Additives & Contaminants 0265-203X 1984 1 2007 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0265-203X Taylor & Francis Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A: Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment 1944-0049 1944-0057 2008 25 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-0057 Taylor & Francis Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B: Surveillance 1939-3210 1939-3229 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-3229 Taylor & Francis Food Analytical Methods 1936-9751 1936-976X 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-976X Springer Food and Agricultural Immunology 0954-0105 1465-3443 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3443 Taylor & Francis Food and Bioprocess Technology 1935-5130 1935-5149 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-5149 Springer Food and Ecological Systems Modelling Journal 2815-3197 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2815-3197 Pensoft Publishers Food and Environmental Virology 1867-0334 1867-0342 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-0342 Springer Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History and Culture of 0740-9710 1542-3484 1985 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-3484 Taylor & Francis Food and Nutrition Bulletin 0379-5721 1564-8265 2004 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1564-8265 SAGE Publications Food Biophysics 1557-1858 1557-1866 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1866 Springer Food Biotechnology 0890-5436 1532-4249 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4249 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2013 16 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2013 16 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2014 17 2014 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Bloomsbury Publishing Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 2014 17 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7443 Taylor & Francis Food Economics 1650-7541 1651-288X 2004 1 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-288X Taylor & Francis Food Engineering Reviews 1866-7910 1866-7929 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-7929 Springer Food Modelling Journal (FMJ) 2603-4301 2019 2019 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2603-4301 Pensoft Publishers Food Modelling Journal (FMJ) 2603-4301 2021 2021 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2603-4301 Pensoft Publishers Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 2661-8974 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2661-8974 Springer Food Quality and Safety 2399-1399 2399-1402 2017 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-1402 Oxford University Press Food Reviews International 8755-9129 1525-6103 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6103 Taylor & Francis Food Science and Biotechnology 1226-7708 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1226-7708 Springer Food Science and Technology International 1082-0132 1532-1738 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-1738 SAGE Publications Food Sciences and Nutrition 0954-3465 1988 42 1989 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-3465 Taylor & Francis Food Security 1876-4517 1876-4525 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-4525 Springer Foot & Ankle International 1071-1007 1944-7876 2004 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7876 SAGE Publications Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics 2473-0114 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-0114 SAGE Publications Foot & Ankle Specialist 1938-6400 1938-7636 2009 2 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-7636 SAGE Publications Footwear Science 1942-4280 1942-4299 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-4299 Taylor & Francis Forbes and Fifth 2332-7863 2012 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-7863 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Foregut: The Journal of the American Foregut Society 2634-5161 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-5161 SAGE Publications Foreign Policy Analysis 1743-8586 1743-8594 2008 4 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8594 Oxford University Press Foreign Trade Review 0015-7325 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0015-7325 SAGE Publications Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology 1547-769X 1556-2891 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-2891 Springer Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal 1940-9044 1940-9036 2009 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9036 Taylor & Francis Forensic Sciences Research 2096-1790 2471-1411 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-1411 Taylor & Francis Forensic Toxicology 1860-8965 1860-8973 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-8973 Springer Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 1862-7072 1862-7080 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-7080 Springer foresight 1463-6689 1465-9832 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-9832 Emerald Group Publishing Forest Economic Review 2631-3030 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-3030 Emerald Group Publishing Forest Science 0015-749X 1938-3738 2008 54 2022 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3738 Oxford University Press Forest Science and Technology 2158-0103 2158-0715 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-0715 Taylor & Francis Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 0015-752X 1464-3626 2005 78 2022 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3626 Oxford University Press Forestry Studies in China 1008-1321 1993-0372 2013 15 2013 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0372 Springer Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 1472-8028 2164-3075 2001 11 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-3075 Taylor & Francis Formal Aspects of Computing 0934-5043 1433-299X 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-299X Springer Formal Methods in System Design 0925-9856 1572-8102 2013 42 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8102 Springer Formosan Journal of Surgery 1682-606X 2213-5413 2017 50 2021 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-5413 Medknow Publications Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie 0720-4299 1439-3522 2010 78 2023 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3522 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Forum der Psychoanalyse 0178-7667 1437-0751 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-0751 Springer Forum for Development Studies 0803-9410 1891-1765 1992 19 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1891-1765 Taylor & Francis Forum for Health Economics & Policy 1558-9544 1998 1 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9544 Berkeley Electronic Press Forum for Modern Language Studies 0015-8518 1471-6860 2005 41 2022 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6860 Oxford University Press Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1971 1 1971 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1971 1 1971 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1975 5 1975 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1975 5 1975 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1976 6 1976 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1976 6 1976 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1977 7 1977 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1977 7 1977 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1978 8 1979 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1978 8 1979 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1979 9 1979 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1979 9 1979 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1980 10 1980 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1980 10 1980 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1981 11 1981 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1981 11 1981 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1982 12 1983 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1982 12 1983 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1983 13 1983 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1983 13 1983 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1984 14 1984 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1984 14 1984 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1985 15 1985 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1985 15 1985 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1986 16 1986 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1986 16 1986 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1987 17 1988 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1987 17 1988 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1988 18 1988 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1988 18 1988 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1989 19 1990 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1989 19 1990 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1990 20 1991 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1990 20 1991 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1991 21 1991 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1991 21 1991 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1992 22 1993 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1992 22 1993 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1993 23 1994 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1993 23 1994 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1994 24 1995 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1994 24 1995 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1995 25 1996 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1995 25 1996 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1996 26 1997 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1996 26 1997 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1997 27 1997 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1997 27 1998 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1998 28 1998 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1998 28 1999 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1999 29 1999 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 1999 29 2000 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2000 30 2000 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2000 30 2001 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2001 31 2001 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2001 31 2002 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2002 32 2002 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2002 32 2003 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2003 33 2003 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2003 33 2004 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2004 34 2004 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2004 34 2004 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2005 35 2005 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2005 35 2006 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2007 36 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Springer Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 2007 36 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6381 Taylor & Francis Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 0014-5858 2168-989X 2004 38 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-989X SAGE Publications Forum Journal 1536-1012 2325-7296 1987 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-7296 National Trust for Historic Preservation Forum Journal 1536-1012 2325-7296 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-7296 National Trust for Historic Preservation Forum Modernes Theater 0930-5874 2010 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0930-5874 Forum Modernes Theater Forum Modernes Theater 0930-5874 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0930-5874 Forum Modernes Theater FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts 1749-9771 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-9771 University of Edinburgh FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture & the Arts 1749-9771 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-9771 University of Edinburgh Fossil Record 2193-0066 2193-0074 2000 3 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-0074 Copernicus Publications Fossil Record 2193-0066 2193-0074 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-0074 Pensoft Publishers Foundations of Chemistry 1386-4238 1572-8463 2008 10 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8463 Springer Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1615-3375 1615-3383 2008 8 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-3383 Springer Foundations of Physics 0015-9018 1572-9516 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9516 Springer Foundations of Science 1233-1821 1572-8471 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8471 Springer Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction 1522-3868 1544-1733 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1733 Michigan State University Press Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 1311-0454 2013 16 2014 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1311-0454 Springer Fragblast: International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 1385-514X 1744-4977 1997 1 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4977 Taylor & Francis Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 0306-7661 1559-7989 2006 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-7989 Wayne State University Press Franciscan Studies 0080-5459 1945-9718 1943 1944 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-9718 St. Bonaventure University Franciscan Institute Franciscan Studies 0080-5459 1945-9718 1946 1962 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-9718 St. Bonaventure University Franciscan Institute Franciscan Studies 0080-5459 1945-9718 1966 1970 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-9718 St. Bonaventure University Franciscan Institute Franciscan Studies 0080-5459 1945-9718 1975 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-9718 St. Bonaventure University Franciscan Institute Francophonies d'Amérique 1183-2487 1710-1158 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1158 University of Toronto Press Francosphères 2046-3820 2046-3839 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-3839 Liverpool University Press Frauenheilkunde up2date 1439-3719 1611-650X 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-650X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Free Radical Research 1071-5762 1029-2470 1994 20 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2470 Taylor & Francis Free Radical Research Communications 8755-0199 1985 1 1993 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=8755-0199 Taylor & Francis Free Speech Yearbook 0899-7225 2168-1430 1970 9 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1430 Taylor & Francis French Colonial History 1539-3402 1543-7787 2002 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-7787 Michigan State University Press French Colonial History 1539-3402 1543-7787 2016 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-7787 Michigan State University Press French Colonial History 1539-3402 1543-7787 2019 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-7787 Michigan State University Press French Cultural Studies 0957-1558 1740-2352 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2352 SAGE Publications French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2001 26 2001 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2002 27 2002 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2003 28 2003 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2004 29 2004 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2005 30 2005 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2006 31 2006 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2007 32 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2008 33 2008 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2009 34 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2013 38 2013 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2014 39 2014 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2015 40 2015 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Nebraska Press French Forum 0098-9355 1534-1836 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1836 University of Pennsylvania Press French Historical Studies 0016-1071 1527-5493 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-5493 Duke University Press French History 0269-1191 1477-4542 2005 19 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4542 Oxford University Press French Politics, Culture & Society 1537-6370 1558-5271 1999 17 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5271 Berghahn Journals French Screen Studies 2643-8941 2643-895X 2020 20 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-895X Taylor & Francis French Studies 0016-1128 1468-2931 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2931 Oxford University Press French Studies Bulletin 0262-2750 1748-9180 LX LX LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-9180 Oxford University Press French Studies Bulletin 0262-2750 1748-9180 2008 29 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-9180 Oxford University Press Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry 0937-0633 1432-1130 1862 1 2001 371 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1130 Springer Fresh Ink: Essays From Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Fresh+Ink%3A+Essays+From+Boston+College%27s+First-Year+Writing+Seminar&pub=Boston+College+Libraries Boston College Libraries Fresh Ink: Essays From Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Fresh+Ink%3A+Essays+From+Boston+College%27s+First-Year+Writing+Seminar&pub=Boston+College+Libraries Boston College Libraries Fresh Ink: Essays From Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Fresh+Ink%3A+Essays+From+Boston+College%27s+First-Year+Writing+Seminar&pub=Boston+College+Libraries Boston College Libraries Fresh Ink: Essays From Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar 2007 9 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Fresh+Ink%3A+Essays+From+Boston+College%27s+First-Year+Writing+Seminar&pub=Boston+College+Libraries Boston College Libraries Freshwater Reviews 1755-084X 2008 1 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1755-084X Freshwater Biological Association Freshwater Science 2161-9549 2161-9565 2012 31 2014 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-9565 Society for Freshwater Science Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 0160-9009 1536-0334 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0334 University of Nebraska Press Frontiers in Biology 1674-7984 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1674-7984 Springer Frontiers in Life Science 2155-3769 2155-3777 2011 5 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-3777 Taylor & Francis Frontiers in Zoology 1742-9994 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9994 BioMed Central Frontiers in Zoology 1742-9994 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9994 Springer Frontiers of Agriculture in China 1673-7334 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-7334 Springer Frontiers of Business Research in China 1673-7326 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-7326 Springer Frontiers of Chemistry in China 1673-3495 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-3495 Springer Frontiers of Computer Science 2095-2236 2016 10 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2095-2236 Springer Frontiers of Earth Science 2095-0195 2095-0209 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-0209 Springer Frontiers of Economic Analysis & Policy 1538-0629 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-0629 Berkeley Electronic Press Frontiers of Economics in China 1673-3444 1673-3568 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1673-3568 Springer Frontiers of Economics in China 1673-3444 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-3444 Springer Frontiers of Education in China 1673-341X 2006 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-341X Springer Frontiers of Education in China 1673-341X 1673-3533 2009 4 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1673-3533 Springer Frontiers of Education in China 1673-341X 2009 4 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-341X Springer Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2095-221X 2016 10 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-221X Springer Frontiers of History in China 1673-3401 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-3401 Springer Frontiers of Law in China 1673-3428 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-3428 Springer Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 1673-7318 1673-7423 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1673-7423 Springer Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 1673-7318 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-7318 Springer Frontiers of Macroeconomics 1534-6021 2004 1 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6021 Berkeley Electronic Press Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1673-3452 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1673-3452 Springer Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1673-3436 1673-355X 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1673-355X Springer Frontiers of Physics 2095-0462 2095-0470 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-0470 Springer Frontiers of Physics 2095-0462 2095-0470 2013 8 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-0470 Springer Frontiers of Physics 2095-0462 2095-0470 2016 11 2016 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-0470 Springer Frontiers of Physics 2095-0462 2095-0470 2018 13 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2095-0470 Springer Frontiers of Theoretical Economics 1534-5955 2002 1 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5955 Berkeley Electronic Press Frontline Gastroenterology 2041-4145 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4145 BMJ Group Fuel Science and Technology International 0884-3759 1986 4 1996 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0884-3759 Taylor & Francis Fullerene Science and Technology 1064-122X 1993 1 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1064-122X Taylor & Francis Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 1536-383X 1536-4046 2002 10 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-4046 Taylor & Francis Functional & Integrative Genomics 1438-793X 1438-7948 2000 1 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-7948 Springer Functional Analysis and Its Applications 0016-2663 1573-8485 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8485 Springer Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics 1991-0061 1863-7914 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-7914 Springer Functional Linguistics 2196-419X 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-419X Springer Functional Linguistics 2196-419X 2016 3 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-419X Springer Fundraising for Schools 1755-5094 2052-4625 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4625 Mark Allen Group Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 2054-3085 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-3085 Springer Fungal Diversity 1560-2745 1878-9129 2010 40 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-9129 Springer Fungal Genetics Newsletter 0895-1942 1556-1275 1986 33 1992 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1275 New Prairie Press Fungal Genetics Newsletter 0895-1942 1556-1275 1994 41 2007 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1275 New Prairie Press Fungal Genetics Reports 1941-4765 2008 55 2008 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-4765 New Prairie Press Fungal Genetics Reports 1941-4765 2010 57 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-4765 New Prairie Press Fusion Science and Technology 1536-1055 1943-7641 2001 40 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7641 Taylor & Francis Fusion Technology 0748-1896 2001 39 2001 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-1896 Taylor & Francis Future Anterior 1549-9715 1934-6026 2008 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6026 University of Minnesota Press Future Cardiology 1479-6678 1744-8298 2006 2 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8298 Future Medicine Future Cardiology 1479-6678 1744-8298 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8298 Taylor & Francis Future Cardiology 1479-6678 1744-8298 2011 7 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8298 Future Medicine Future Cities and Environment 2363-9075 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-9075 Ubiquity Press Future Drug Discover 2631-3316 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-3316 Future Science Future HIV Therapy 1746-9600 1746-9619 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9619 Future Medicine Future Hospital Journal 2055-3323 2055-3331 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-3331 Royal College of Physicians Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2314-7253 2019 5 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7253 Springer Future Lipidology 1746-0875 1746-0883 2006 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0883 Taylor & Francis Future Medicinal Chemistry 1756-8919 1756-8927 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8927 Future Science Future Microbiology 1746-0913 1746-0921 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0921 Future Medicine Future Neurology 1479-6708 1748-6971 2006 1 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6971 Future Medicine Future Neurology 1479-6708 1748-6971 2020 15 2020 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6971 Taylor & Francis Future Neurology 1479-6708 1748-6971 2021 16 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6971 Future Medicine Future Oncology 1479-6694 1744-8301 2006 2 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8301 Future Medicine Future Oncology 1479-6694 1744-8301 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8301 Future Medicine Future Oncology 1479-6694 1744-8301 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8301 Taylor & Francis Future Oncology 1479-6694 1744-8301 2011 7 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8301 Future Medicine Future Rare Diseases 2399-5262 2399-5270 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-5270 Future Medicine Future Science OA 2056-5623 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5623 Future Science Future Virology 1746-0794 1746-0808 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0808 Future Medicine Fuzzy Information and Engineering 1616-8658 1616-8666 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-8666 Springer Fuzzy Information and Engineering 1616-8658 1616-8666 2012 4 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-8666 Springer Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1568-4539 1573-2908 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2908 Springer G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2160-1836 2011 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-1836 Genetics Society of America G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2160-1836 2021 11 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-1836 Oxford University Press GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 0940-5550 2625-5413 2010 19 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2625-5413 Oekom Game Theory 2356-6930 2314-6559 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6559 Hindawi Games and Culture 1555-4120 1555-4139 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-4139 SAGE Publications Gastric Cancer 1436-3291 1436-3305 1998 1 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-3305 Springer Gastroenterologie up2date 1616-9670 1616-9727 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-9727 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gastroenterology Report 2052-0034 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-0034 Oxford University Press Gastroenterology Research 1918-2805 1918-2813 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-2813 Elmer Press Gastroenterology Research and Practice 1687-6121 1687-630X 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-630X Hindawi Gastroenterology Research and Practice 1687-6121 1687-630X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-630X Hindawi Gastrointestinal Nursing 1479-5248 2052-2835 2013 11 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2835 Mark Allen Group Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies 1529-3262 1533-8622 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8622 University of California Press Gateway Papers 2044-852X 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-852X De Montfort University Press Gateway Papers 2044-852X 2021 12 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-852X De Montfort University Press Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands) 0016-5492 2004 66 2004 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0016-5492 SAGE Publications GDR Bulletin 2159-5933 2159-5941 1975 1 1999 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-5941 New Prairie Press Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 0016-5751 1438-8804 2010 70 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8804 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gefässchirurgie 0948-7034 1434-3932 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-3932 Springer Gefäßmedizin Scan 2197-5922 2197-5930 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-5930 Georg Thieme Verlag KG GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 1869-2672 1869-2680 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-2680 Springer Gender & Development 1355-2074 1364-9221 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-9221 Taylor & Francis Gender & Society 0891-2432 1552-3977 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3977 SAGE Publications Gender and Education 0954-0253 1360-0516 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0516 Taylor & Francis Gender and the Genome 2470-2897 2470-2900 2017 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-2900 SAGE Publications Gender in Management: An International Journal 1754-2413 1754-2421 2008 23 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2421 Emerald Group Publishing Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 0966-369X 1360-0524 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0524 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2004 8 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2007 11 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2008 12 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2008 12 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2013 17 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2013 17 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2014 18 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2014 18 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2015 19 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2015 19 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2016 20 2016 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 SAGE Publications Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 2016 20 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0656 Taylor & Francis Gendered Perspectives on International Development 1947-4768 1947-4776 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4776 Michigan State University Press Genders 0894-9832 1998 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0894-9832 University of Colorado at Boulder Gene Expression to Genetical Genomics 1179-5697 2013 6 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5697 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 Libertas Academica Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250 2015 9 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-6250 SAGE Publications Genealogy+Critique 2755-0923 2022 8 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-0923 Open Library of Humanities General Anthropology Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division 1537-1727 1939-3466 1994 1 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-3466 American Anthropological Association General Music Today 1048-3713 1931-3756 2003 17 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-3756 SAGE Publications General Music Today 1048-3713 1931-3756 2009 23 2021 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-3756 SAGE Publications General Relativity and Gravitation 0001-7701 1572-9532 1970 1 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9532 Springer General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1863-6705 1863-6713 2013 61 2018 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-6713 Springer Genes & Cancer 1947-6019 1947-6027 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-6027 SAGE Publications Genes & Development 0890-9369 1549-5477 2000 14 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-5477 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Genes & Genomics 1976-9571 2092-9293 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2092-9293 Springer Genes & Nutrition 1555-8932 1865-3499 2008 3 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-3499 Springer Genes and Environment 1880-7046 1880-7062 2015 37 2019 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1880-7062 Springer Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1389-2576 1573-7632 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7632 Springer Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 0925-9864 1573-5109 2013 60 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5109 Springer Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs 8756-7547 1940-5286 2004 130 2006 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5286 Taylor & Francis Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 1479-0556 2003 1 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-0556 BioMed Central Genetics 0016-6731 1943-2631 1916 1 2020 216 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2631 Genetics Society of America Genetics 0016-6731 1943-2631 2021 217 2022 222 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2631 Oxford University Press Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X SAGE Publications Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X Libertas Academica Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X SAGE Publications Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X SAGE Publications Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X Libertas Academica Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X Libertas Academica Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X SAGE Publications Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X Libertas Academica Genetics & Epigenetics 1179-237X 2015 7 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-237X SAGE Publications Genetics Research International 2090-3154 2090-3162 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3162 Hindawi Genetics Research International 2090-3154 2090-3162 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3162 Hindawi Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X 1297-9686 2000 32 2003 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9686 Springer Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X 1297-9686 2004 36 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9686 BioMed Central Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X 1297-9686 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9686 Springer Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2007 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2008 3 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2009 4 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of Toronto Press Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 1911-9933 2014 8 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-9933 University of South Florida Genocide Studies International 2291-1847 2291-1855 2014 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2291-1855 University of Toronto Press Genome Announcements 2169-8287 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-8287 American Society for Microbiology Genome Biology 1474-760X 2017 18 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-760X Springer Genome Biology 1465-6906 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1465-6906 BioMed Central Genome Biology 1465-6906 2009 10 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1465-6906 BioMed Central Genome Biology 1465-6906 2001 2 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1465-6906 BioMed Central Genome Biology and Evolution 1759-6653 2009 1 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-6653 Oxford University Press Genome Biology and Evolution 1759-6653 2018 10 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-6653 Oxford University Press Genome Integrity 2041-9414 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9414 BioMed Central Genome Integrity 2041-9414 2013 4 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9414 Springer Genome Medicine 1756-994X 2009 1 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-994X Springer Genome Research 1088-9051 1549-5469 2000 10 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-5469 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 Libertas Academica Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 Libertas Academica Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 Libertas Academica Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 Libertas Academica Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 Libertas Academica Genomics Insights 1178-6310 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6310 SAGE Publications Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 0016-6928 2160-0228 2000 33 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-0228 Duke University Press Geocarto International 1010-6049 1752-0762 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0762 Taylor & Francis Geochemical Perspectives 2223-7755 2224-2759 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2224-2759 European Association for Geochemistry Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Royal Society of Chemistry Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Chemistry Central Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2001 2 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Chemistry Central Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2001 2 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Royal Society of Chemistry Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Royal Society of Chemistry Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Chemistry Central Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Chemistry Central Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Royal Society of Chemistry Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2004 5 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Chemistry Central Geochemical Transactions 1467-4866 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-4866 Springer Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 1467-7873 2041-4943 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4943 Geological Society of London Geochemistry International 0016-7029 1556-1968 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1968 Springer Geochronology: Advances in Gechronological Science 2628-3697 2628-3719 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2628-3719 Copernicus Publications Geochronometria 1733-8387 1897-1695 2013 40 2014 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1897-1695 Springer Geodesy and Cartography 2029-6991 2029-7009 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-7009 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Geodesy and Cartography 2029-6991 2029-7009 2006 3 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-7009 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Geodesy and Cartography 2029-6991 2029-7009 2011 37 2017 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-7009 Taylor & Francis Geodezija ir Kartografija 1392-1541 1995 21 2010 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1392-1541 Taylor & Francis Geodezijos Darbai 1392-1843 1963 1 1994 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1392-1843 Taylor & Francis Geodinamica Acta 0985-3111 1778-3593 1987 1 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1778-3593 Taylor & Francis Geodinamica Acta 0985-3111 1778-3593 2004 17 2020 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1778-3593 Taylor & Francis Geodiversitas 1280-9659 1638-9395 2009 31 2017 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1638-9395 Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Geofluids 1468-8115 1468-8123 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-8123 Hindawi Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 0016-7223 1903-2471 1972 71 1977 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1903-2471 Taylor & Francis Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 0016-7223 1903-2471 1979 79 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1903-2471 Taylor & Francis Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 0435-3676 1468-0459 1965 47 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0459 Taylor & Francis Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 0435-3684 1468-0467 1965 47 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0467 Taylor & Francis Geographic Information Sciences 1082-4006 1995 1 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1082-4006 Taylor & Francis Geographica Helvetica 0016-7312 2194-8798 2000 55 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-8798 Copernicus Publications Geographical Analysis 0016-7363 1538-4632 2002 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4632 Ohio State University Press Geographical and Environmental Modelling 1361-5939 1469-8323 2000 4 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8323 Taylor & Francis Geographical Review 0016-7428 1931-0846 1997 87 2023 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-0846 Taylor & Francis Geographical Society of Ireland. Bulletin 0790-6978 1944 1 1953 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0790-6978 Taylor & Francis Geography 0016-7487 2043-6564 2004 89 2023 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6564 Taylor & Francis Geography and Natural Resources 1875-3728 1875-371X 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-371X Springer Geography Journal 2314-4203 2314-4211 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4211 Hindawi Geoheritage 1867-2477 1867-2485 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2485 Springer GeoHumanities 2373-566X 2373-5678 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-5678 Taylor & Francis GeoInformatica 1384-6175 1573-7624 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7624 Springer GeoJournal 0343-2521 1572-9893 2013 78 2018 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9893 Springer Geologica Saxonica 1617-8467 2750-8242 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2750-8242 Pensoft Publishers Geological Society of America Bulletin 0016-7606 1943-2674 1918 29 2022 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2674 Geological Society of America Geological Society of London Memoirs 0435-4052 2041-4722 1958 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4722 Geological Society of London Geological Society of London Special Publications 0305-8719 2041-4927 1964 1 537(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4927 Geological Society of London Geologische Rundschau 0016-7835 1432-1149 1910 1 1998 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1149 Springer Geologiska Foereningan i Stockholm. Foerhandlingar 0016-786X 1872 1 1993 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0016-786X Taylor & Francis Geology 0091-7613 1943-2682 1973 1 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2682 Geological Society of America Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes 2474-9508 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-9508 Taylor & Francis Geology of Ore Deposits 1075-7015 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1075-7015 Springer Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 0016-7932 1555-645X 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-645X Springer Geo-Marine Letters 0276-0460 1432-1157 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1157 Springer Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 1947-5705 1947-5713 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-5713 Taylor & Francis Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal 1748-6025 1748-6033 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6033 Taylor & Francis Geometriae Dedicata 0046-5755 1572-9168 2013 162 2018 196 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9168 Springer Geometriae Dedicata 0046-5755 1572-9168 2019 202 2019 202 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9168 Springer Geometric And Functional Analysis 1016-443X 1420-8970 2013 23 2019 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8970 Springer Geometry 2314-422X 2314-4238 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4238 Hindawi Geometry & Topology 1465-3060 1364-0380 2010 14 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-0380 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Geometry & Topology Monographs 1464-8989 1464-8997 1998 1 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-8997 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Geometry & Topology Monographs 1464-8989 1464-8997 2004 7 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-8997 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Geomicrobiology Journal 0149-0451 1521-0529 1978 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0529 Taylor & Francis Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 0309-1929 1029-0419 1977 8 2023 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0419 Taylor & Francis Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 0016-7991 1970 1 1975 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0016-7991 Taylor & Francis Geophysical Journal International 0956-540X 1365-246X 2008 172 2022 231 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-246X Oxford University Press Geopolitics 1465-0045 1557-3028 1998 3 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-3028 Taylor & Francis Geopolitics and International Boundaries 1362-9379 1996 1 1997 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1362-9379 Taylor & Francis George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies 2372-1901 2372-191X 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-191X Penn State University Press George Herbert Journal 0161-7435 1931-1192 1977 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-1192 George Herbert Journal George Herbert Journal 0161-7435 1931-1192 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-1192 George Herbert Journal Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 1526-0054 2471-8831 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-8831 Georgetown University Press Georgia Educational Researcher 2471-0059 2003 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-0059 Georgia Southern University Georgia Institute of Technology Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Georgia+Institute+of+Technology+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Georgia+Institute+of+Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Georgia+Institute+of+Technology+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Georgia+Institute+of+Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs 2330-7269 2013 29 2014 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-7269 Georgia Southern University Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs 2330-7269 2016 32 2016 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-7269 Georgia Southern University Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards 1749-9518 1749-9526 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-9526 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1970 1 1970 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1971 3 1972 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1973 7 1973 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1974 9 1974 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1975 11 1975 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience and Man 0072-1395 1976 15 1976 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-1395 Taylor & Francis Geoscience Communication 2569-7110 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2569-7110 Copernicus Publications Geoscience Letters 2196-4092 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-4092 Springer Geosciences Journal 1226-4806 1598-7477 2013 17 2019 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1598-7477 Springer Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2193-0856 2193-0864 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-0864 Copernicus Publications Geoscientific Model Development 1991-959X 1991-9603 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1991-9603 Copernicus Publications Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 1998 1 1998 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 1999 2 1999 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 1999 2 1999 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2000 3 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2000 3 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2001 4 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2001 4 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2002 5 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2002 5 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2003 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2003 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Springer Geo-spatial Information Science 1009-5020 1993-5153 2011 14 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5153 Taylor & Francis Geosphere 1553-040X 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-040X Geological Society of America Geosystem Engineering 1226-9328 2166-3394 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-3394 Taylor & Francis Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 0960-3182 1573-1529 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1529 Springer Geotectonics 0016-8521 1556-1976 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1976 Springer Geothermal Energy 2195-9706 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-9706 SpringerOpen Geothermal Energy Science 2195-4771 2195-478X 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-478X Copernicus Publications Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation 2151-4585 2151-4593 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-4593 SAGE Publications Geriatrie up2date 2627-0889 2627-0897 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2627-0897 Georg Thieme Verlag KG German History 0266-3554 1477-089X 2005 21 2005 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-089X SAGE Publications German History 0266-3554 1477-089X 2008 24 2009 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-089X SAGE Publications German History 0266-3554 1477-089X 2010 28 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-089X Oxford University Press German Journal of Human Resource Management 2397-0022 2397-0030 2004 18 2007 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-0030 SAGE Publications German Journal of Human Resource Management 2397-0022 2397-0030 2010 24 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-0030 SAGE Publications German Politics 0964-4008 1743-8993 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8993 Taylor & Francis German Politics and Society 1045-0300 1558-5441 1998 16 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5441 Berghahn Journals German Studies Review 0149-7952 2164-8646 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-8646 Johns Hopkins University Press German Yearbook of Contemporary History 2509-744X 2509-7458 2016 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-7458 University of Nebraska Press German Yearbook of Contemporary History 2509-744X 2509-7458 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-7458 University of Nebraska Press Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 0270-1960 1545-3847 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-3847 Taylor & Francis Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 2333-7214 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7214 SAGE Publications Gestalt Review 1084-8657 1945-4023 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-4023 Penn State University Press Gestion de l'enseignement supérieur 1013-8501 2307-1974 1998 9 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2307-1974 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Gesunde Pflanzen 0367-4223 1439-0345 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0345 Springer Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement 1432-2625 1439-4049 2010 15 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4049 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gesundheitswesen Das 0941-3790 1439-4421 2010 74 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4421 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gettysburg Magazine 2372-6059 2377-0783 2015 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-0783 University of Nebraska Press GFF 1103-5897 2000-0863 1994 116 2023 145 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-0863 Taylor & Francis GGP - Fachzeitschrift für Geriatrische und Gerontologische Pflege 2511-7548 2511-7556 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-7556 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ghana Studies 1536-5514 2333-7168 1998 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7168 University of Wisconsin Press Ghendtsche Tydinghen 1783-9033 2004 2004 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1783-9033 Ghent University Library Ghendtsche Tydinghen 1783-9033 2007 2007 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1783-9033 Ghent University Library Ghendtsche Tydinghen 1783-9033 2010 2010 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1783-9033 Ghent University Library Gifted and Talented International 1533-2276 2470-9565 1994 9 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-9565 Taylor & Francis Gifted Child Quarterly 0016-9862 1934-9041 2004 48 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9041 SAGE Publications Gifted Child Today 1076-2175 2004 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1076-2175 SAGE Publications Gifted Education International 0261-4294 2047-9077 2003 18 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9077 SAGE Publications GigaScience 2047-217X 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Oxford University Press GigaScience 2047-217X 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Oxford University Press GigaScience 2047-217X 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Springer GigaScience 2047-217X 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Oxford University Press GigaScience 2047-217X 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Springer GigaScience 2047-217X 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Oxford University Press GigaScience 2047-217X 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Springer GigaScience 2047-217X 2016 5 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Springer GigaScience 2047-217X 2016 5 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-217X Oxford University Press Giornale botanico italiano 0017-0070 1930 37 1966 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0017-0070 Taylor & Francis Giornale botanico italiano 0017-0070 1967 101 1990 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0017-0070 Taylor & Francis Giornale botanico italiano 0017-0070 1992 126 1996 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0017-0070 Taylor & Francis Giornale di Tecniche Nefrologiche e Dialitiche 0394-9362 1724-5974 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-5974 SAGE Publications Giornale di Tecniche Nefrologiche e Dialitiche 0394-9362 1724-5974 2006 18 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-5974 SAGE Publications Girlhood Studies 1938-8209 1938-8322 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8322 Berghahn Journals GIScience & Remote Sensing 1548-1603 1943-7226 2004 41 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7226 Taylor & Francis Glass Physics and Chemistry 1087-6596 1608-313X 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-313X Springer Glass Structures & Engineering 2363-5142 2363-5150 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-5150 Springer Glioma 2589-6113 2589-6121 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-6121 Medknow Publications Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment 2284-2403 2283-5733 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2283-5733 SAGE Publications Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment 2284-2403 2283-5733 2018 2018 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2283-5733 SAGE Publications Global Advances in Health and Medicine 2164-957X 2164-9561 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9561 SAGE Publications Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health 2753-6130 2753-6130 2023 12 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-6130 SAGE Publications Global Affairs 2334-0460 2334-0479 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2334-0479 Taylor & Francis Global Bioethics 1128-7462 1591-7398 1988 1 2009 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1591-7398 Taylor & Francis Global Bioethics 1128-7462 1591-7398 2011 24 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1591-7398 Taylor & Francis Global Biosecurity 2652-0036 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2652-0036 University of New South Wales Global Business and Economics Review 1097-4954 1745-1329 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1329 Inderscience Global Business Review 0972-1509 0973-0664 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0664 SAGE Publications Global Cardiology Science and Practice 2305-7823 2011 2011 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-7823 HBKU Press Global Cardiology Science and Practice 2305-7823 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-7823 HBKU Press Global Change, Peace & Security 1478-1158 1478-1166 2004 16 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-1166 Taylor & Francis Global Crime 1744-0572 1744-0580 2004 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0580 Taylor & Francis Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 2326-9995 2043-7897 2010 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-7897 Taylor & Francis Global Economic Review: Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries 1226-508X 1744-3873 1997 26 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-3873 Taylor & Francis Global Economy Journal 1524-5861 2000 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-5861 Berkeley Electronic Press Global Energy Law and Sustainability 2632-4512 2632-4520 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-4520 Edinburgh University Press Global Environment 1973-3739 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1973-3739 White Horse Press Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 1464-2867 1999 1 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1464-2867 Taylor & Francis Global Environmental Politics 1526-3800 1536-0091 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0091 MIT Press Global Food History 2054-9547 2054-9555 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-9555 Taylor & Francis Global Health Action 1654-9716 1654-9880 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-9880 Co-Action Publishing Global Health Action 1654-9716 1654-9880 2009 2 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-9880 Co-Action Publishing Global Health Action 1654-9716 1654-9880 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-9880 Taylor & Francis Global Health Action 1654-9716 1654-9880 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-9880 Co-Action Publishing Global Health Action 1654-9716 1654-9880 2016 9 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-9880 Taylor & Francis Global Health Communication 2376-2004 2015 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-2004 Taylor & Francis Global Health Promotion 1757-9759 1757-9767 2009 16 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9767 SAGE Publications Global Health Research and Policy 2397-0642 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-0642 Springer Global Health: Science and Practice 2169-575X 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-575X Global Health - Science and Practice Global Heart 2211-8179 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-8179 Ubiquity Press Global Heart 2211-8179 2008 3 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-8179 Ubiquity Press Global Intellectual History 2380-1883 2380-1891 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-1891 Taylor & Francis Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders 2161-1572 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-1572 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies 0974-9101 0975-2730 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-2730 SAGE Publications Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion 2332-1016 2005 8 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-1016 Sagamore Publishing Global Journal of Health Science 1916-9736 1916-9744 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9744 Canadian Center of Science and Education Global Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2468-8398 2455-8893 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-8893 Medknow Publications Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2666-2353 2589-9449 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9449 Innovations Journals Global Jurist 1934-2640 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2640 Berkeley Electronic Press Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 2514-9342 2018 67 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2514-9342 Emerald Group Publishing Global Media and China 2059-4364 2059-4372 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-4372 SAGE Publications Global Media and Communication 1742-7665 1742-7673 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7673 SAGE Publications Global Nineteenth-Century Studies 2752-6623 2752-6631 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-6631 Liverpool University Press Global Pediatric Health 2333-794X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-794X SAGE Publications Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice 1744-1692 1744-1706 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-1706 Taylor & Francis Global Qualitative Nursing Research 2333-3936 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-3936 SAGE Publications Global Review of Ethnopolitics 1471-8804 2001 1 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1471-8804 Taylor & Francis Global Security: Health, Science and Policy 2377-9497 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9497 Taylor & Francis Global Social Policy 1468-0181 1741-2803 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2803 SAGE Publications Global Society 1360-0826 1469-798X 1996 10 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-798X Taylor & Francis Global Spine Journal 2192-5682 2192-5690 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2192-5690 SAGE Publications Global Studies of Childhood 2043-6106 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6106 SAGE Publications Global Summitry 2058-7430 2058-7449 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-7449 Oxford University Press Globalisation, Societies and Education 1476-7724 1476-7732 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7732 Taylor & Francis Globalization and Health 1744-8603 2005 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8603 BioMed Central Globalization and Health 1744-8603 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8603 Springer Globalizations 1474-7731 1474-774X 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-774X Taylor & Francis Glocality: Undergraduate Academic Journal 2059-2949 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-2949 Ubiquity Press Glocality: Undergraduate Academic Journal 2059-2949 2020 5 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-2949 Ubiquity Press Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2397-1835 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-1835 Open Library of Humanities GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1064-2684 1527-9375 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-9375 Duke University Press Glycobiology 0959-6658 1460-2423 2005 15 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2423 Oxford University Press Glycobiology Insights 1179-2515 2012 3 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2515 Libertas Academica Glycoconjugate Journal 0282-0080 1573-4986 1984 1 2019 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4986 Springer GM Crops 1938-1999 1938-2006 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2006 Taylor & Francis GM Crops & Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain 2164-5698 2164-5701 2012 3 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-5701 Taylor & Francis Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1982 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1984 1984 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1986 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1988 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 2004 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Goethe Yearbook 0734-3329 1940-9087 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9087 Goethe Society of North America Gold Bulletin 0017-1557 2190-7579 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-7579 Springer Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2000 2 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Edinburgh University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Manchester University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Edinburgh University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Manchester University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2012 14 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Manchester University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2012 14 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Edinburgh University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2013 15 2013 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-456X Manchester University Press Gothic Studies 1362-7937 2050-456X 2013 15 2013 15 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Matter 1434-5021 1434-7636 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-7636 Springer Graphene Technology 2365-6301 2365-631X 2017 2 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-631X Springer Graphs and Combinatorics 0911-0119 1435-5914 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5914 Springer Gravitation and Cosmology 0202-2893 1995-0721 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-0721 Springer Great Plains Quarterly 0275-7664 2333-5092 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-5092 University of Nebraska Press Great Plains Research 1052-5165 2334-2463 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2334-2463 University of Nebraska Press Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 2159-3159 1958 1 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-3159 Duke University Libraries Green Chemistry 1463-9262 1463-9270 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-9270 Royal Society of Chemistry Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 1751-8253 1751-7192 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7192 Taylor & Francis Green Letters 1468-8417 2168-1414 2000 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1414 Taylor & Francis Greener Management International 0966-9671 2051-3062 1999 1999 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-3062 Greenleaf Publishing Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management 2043-0779 2043-0787 2011 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-0787 Taylor & Francis Grey Systems: Theory and Application 2043-9377 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2043-9377 Emerald Group Publishing Griffith Law Review 1038-3441 1839-4205 2003 12 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-4205 Taylor & Francis Group 0362-4021 1573-3386 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3386 Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society Group & Organization Management 1059-6011 1552-3993 2004 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3993 SAGE Publications Group Analysis 0533-3164 1461-717X 2004 37 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-717X SAGE Publications Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644 1572-9907 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9907 Springer Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 1368-4302 1461-7188 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7188 SAGE Publications Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 1661-7207 1661-7215 2010 4 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-7215 European Mathematical Society Groupwork: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Working with Groups 0951-824X 1746-6091 2010 20 2020 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6091 Whiting and Birch Growth Factors 0897-7194 1029-2292 1988 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2292 Taylor & Francis Grundwasser 1430-483X 1432-1165 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1165 Springer Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) 2366-6145 2366-6218 2016 47 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-6218 Springer Gut 0017-5749 1468-3288 1960 1 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-3288 BMJ Group Gut Microbes 1949-0976 1949-0984 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-0984 Taylor & Francis Gut Pathogens 1757-4749 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-4749 Springer Gut Pathogens 1757-4749 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-4749 BioMed Central Gut Pathogens 1757-4749 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-4749 Springer Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 1610-2894 1610-2908 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-2908 Springer Gynecologic Oncology Research and Practice 2053-6844 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-6844 Springer Gynecological Endocrinology 0951-3590 1473-0766 1987 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0766 Taylor & Francis Gynecological Surgery 1613-2076 1613-2084 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-2084 Springer Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 2213-3070 2213-3089 2018 7 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-3089 Medknow Publications Gyroscopy and Navigation 2075-1087 2075-1109 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2075-1109 Springer H2Open Journal 2616-6518 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2616-6518 International Water Association Publishing Haematologica: The Hematology Journal 0390-6078 1592-8721 1994 79 2023 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1592-8721 Ferrata Storti Foundation Hamdan Medical Journal 2227-2437 2227-247X 2010 3 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2227-247X Medknow Publications Hämostaseologie 0720-9355 2567-5761 2000 20 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5761 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hand 1558-9447 1558-9455 2013 8 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9455 Springer Hand Therapy 1758-9983 1758-9991 2001 6 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9991 SAGE Publications Handbook of Business Strategy 1077-5730 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1077-5730 Emerald Group Publishing Handbook of Business Strategy 1077-5730 2003 4 2006 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1077-5730 Emerald Group Publishing Handbook of Practice Management 0962-144X 2047-718X 2013 87 2022 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-718X SAGE Publications Handchirurgie - 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Health Affairs 0278-2715 1544-5208 2017 36 2020 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-5208 Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. Health Affairs 0278-2715 1544-5208 2022 41 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-5208 Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 1363-4593 1461-7196 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7196 SAGE Publications Health and History 1442-1771 1839-3314 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3314 Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1477-7525 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7525 BioMed Central Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1477-7525 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7525 Springer Health and Social Care Education 2051-0888 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-0888 Taylor & Francis Health Care Analysis 1065-3058 1573-3394 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3394 Springer Health Care for Women International 0739-9332 1096-4665 1984 5 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-4665 Taylor & Francis Health Care Management Science 1386-9620 1572-9389 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9389 Springer Health Care on the Internet 1089-4187 1996 1 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1089-4187 Taylor & Francis Health Communication 1041-0236 1532-7027 1989 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7027 Taylor & Francis Health, Culture, and Society 2161-6590 2011 1 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-6590 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Health, Culture, and Society 2161-6590 2017 2017 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-6590 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Health Economics Review 2191-1991 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-1991 Springer Health Education 0965-4283 1758-714X 1992 92 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-714X Emerald Group Publishing Health Education & Behavior 1090-1981 1552-6127 2004 31 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6127 SAGE Publications Health Education Journal 0017-8969 1748-8176 2001 60 2001 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8176 SAGE Publications Health Education Journal 0017-8969 1748-8176 2004 63 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-8176 SAGE Publications Health Education Research 0268-1153 1465-3648 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3648 Oxford University Press Health Informatics Journal 1460-4582 1741-2811 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2811 SAGE Publications Health Information Management 1322-4913 2004 32 2005 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1322-4913 SAGE Publications Health Information Management Journal 1833-3583 1833-3575 2006 35 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-3575 SAGE Publications Health Information Management Journal 1833-3583 1833-3575 2010 39 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-3575 SAGE Publications Health Information Science and Systems 2047-2501 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-2501 Springer Health Manpower Management 0955-2065 1758-7158 1992 18 1998 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7158 Emerald Group Publishing Health Marketing Quarterly 0735-9683 1545-0864 1983 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0864 Taylor & Francis Health Policy and Planning 0268-1080 1460-2237 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2237 Oxford University Press Health Promotion International 0957-4824 1460-2245 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2245 Oxford University Press Health Promotion Practice 1524-8399 1552-6372 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6372 SAGE Publications Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 2164-2850 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-2850 Taylor & Francis Health Psychology Bulletin 2398-5941 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-5941 Ubiquity Press Health Psychology Open 2055-1029 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-1029 SAGE Publications Health Psychology Review 1743-7199 1743-7202 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7202 Taylor & Francis Health Research Policy and Systems 1478-4505 2002 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-4505 BioMed Central Health Research Policy and Systems 1478-4505 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-4505 Springer Health, Risk & Society 1369-8575 1469-8331 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8331 Taylor & Francis Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 1387-3741 1572-9400 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9400 Springer Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 Libertas Academica Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 Libertas Academica Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 Libertas Academica Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 Libertas Academica Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 Libertas Academica Health Services Insights 1178-6329 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6329 SAGE Publications Health Services Management Research 0951-4848 1758-1044 2001 14 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1044 SAGE Publications Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology 2333-3928 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-3928 SAGE Publications Health Sociology Review 1446-1242 1839-3551 2002 11 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3551 Taylor & Francis Health Systems 2047-6965 2047-6973 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6973 Taylor & Francis Health Systems & Reform 2328-8604 2328-8620 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-8620 Taylor & Francis Healthcare Management Forum 0840-4704 2352-3883 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-3883 SAGE Publications Healthy Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly 1179-0601 2011 3 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0601 Libertas Academica Hearing, Balance and Communication 2169-5717 2169-5725 2013 11 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-5725 Taylor & Francis Heart 1355-6037 1468-201X 1939 1 2023 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-201X BMJ Group Heart and Mind 2468-6476 2468-6484 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-6484 Medknow Publications Heart and Vessels 0910-8327 1615-2573 2013 28 2019 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-2573 Springer Heart Asia 1759-1104 2010 2 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-1104 BMJ Group Heart Failure Reviews 1382-4147 1573-7322 1997 2 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7322 Springer Heart India 2321-449X 2321-6638 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6638 Medknow Publications Heart International 1826-1868 2036-2579 2006 2 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-2579 SAGE Publications Heart International 1826-1868 2036-2579 2011 6 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-2579 SAGE Publications Heart Views 1995-705X 0976-5123 2010 11 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5123 Medknow Publications Heat and Mass Transfer 0947-7411 1432-1181 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1181 Springer Heat Transfer Engineering 0145-7632 1521-0537 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0537 Taylor & Francis Hebamme Die 0932-8122 1439-4197 2010 23 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4197 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hebrew Studies 0146-4094 2158-1681 1990 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1681 National Association of Professors of Hebrew Heilberufe 0017-9604 1867-1535 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1535 Springer HeilberufeSCIENCE 2190-2100 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2190-2100 Springer Helgoland Marine Research 1438-387X 1438-3888 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-3888 Springer Helios 0160-0923 1935-0228 2007 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0228 Texas Tech University Press Hellenic Journal of Surgery 0018-0092 2013 85 2018 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0018-0092 Springer Hellenic Urology 2241-9136 2020 32 2021 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2241-9136 Medknow Publications Helminthologia 0440-6605 1336-9083 2013 50 2014 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1336-9083 Springer Hematology 1024-5332 1607-8454 2007 12 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8454 Taylor & Francis Hematology 1024-5332 1607-8454 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8454 Maney Publishing Hematology 1024-5332 1607-8454 2012 17 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8454 Taylor & Francis Hematology and Cell Therapy 1269-3286 1279-8509 1997 38 1997 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1279-8509 Springer Hematology and Cell Therapy 1269-3286 1279-8509 1999 41 2000 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1279-8509 Springer Hematology: ASH Education Program Book 1520-4391 1520-4383 2000 2000 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-4383 American Society of Hematology Hemoglobin 0363-0269 1532-432X 1976 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-432X Taylor & Francis Henley Manager Update 1745-7866 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1745-7866 SAGE Publications Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Bulletin 0267-4971 2007 48 2008 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0267-4971 Taylor & Francis Hepatic Oncology 2045-0923 2045-0931 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0931 Future Medicine Hepatitis B Annual 0972-9747 1998-3573 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3573 Medknow Publications Hepatitis Research and Treatment 2090-1364 2090-1372 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1372 Hindawi Hepatitis Research and Treatment 2090-1364 2090-1372 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1372 Hindawi Hepatology International 1936-0533 1936-0541 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0541 Springer Hepatology, Medicine and Policy 2059-5166 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-5166 Springer Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1019-3316 1555-6492 2013 83 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6492 Springer HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal 1937-5867 2167-5112 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-5112 SAGE Publications Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 1897-4287 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1897-4287 Springer Heritage & Society 2159-032X 2159-0338 2011 4 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-0338 Taylor & Francis Heritage Management 1940-8439 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1940-8439 Taylor & Francis Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal 2666-5050 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-5050 Pensoft Publishers Heritage Science 2050-7445 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7445 Springer Hernia 1265-4906 1248-9204 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1248-9204 Springer Herpetologica 0018-0831 1938-5099 2002 58 2017 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5099 Herpetologists' League Herpetological Monographs 0733-1347 1938-5137 2002 16 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5137 Herpetologists' League Herz 0340-9937 1615-6692 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-6692 Springer Herzschrittmachertherapie und Elektrophysiologie 0938-7412 1435-1544 2013 24 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1544 Springer Hesperia 0018-098X 1553-5622 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-5622 American School of Classical Studies at Athens HFSP Journal 1955-2068 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1955-2068 Taylor & Francis High Ability Studies 1359-8139 1469-834X 1996 7 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-834X Taylor & Francis High Energy Chemistry 0018-1439 1608-3148 2013 47 2019 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3148 Springer High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine 1424-2729 2000 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1424-2729 European Organization for Nuclear Research High Performance Polymers 0954-0083 1361-6412 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1361-6412 SAGE Publications High Pressure Research: An International Journal 0895-7959 1477-2299 1988 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2299 Taylor & Francis High Temperature 0018-151X 1608-3156 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3156 Springer High Temperature Technology 0261-9180 1982 1 1990 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0261-9180 Taylor & Francis Higher Education 0018-1560 1573-174X 2013 65 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-174X Springer Higher Education Evaluation and Development 2514-5789 2017 11 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-5789 Emerald Group Publishing Higher Education for the Future 2347-6311 2348-5779 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-5779 SAGE Publications Higher Education in Europe 0379-7724 1469-8358 1976 1 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8358 Taylor & Francis Higher Education Management 1013-851X 1609-6924 1998 9 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1609-6924 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Higher Education Management and Policy 1682-3451 1726-9822 2002 14 2012 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1726-9822 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Higher Education Pedagogies 2375-2696 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-2696 Taylor & Francis Higher Education Research & Development 0729-4360 1469-8366 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8366 Taylor & Francis Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 2042-3896 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-3896 Emerald Group Publishing Higher Education Studies 1925-4741 1925-475X 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-475X Canadian Center of Science and Education HIMALAYA: The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies 1935-2212 2471-3716 2018 39 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-3716 University of Edinburgh HIP International 1120-7000 1724-6067 2004 14 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6067 SAGE Publications Hiperboreea 2688-8211 2284-5666 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2284-5666 Penn State University Press Hispania 2153-6414 0018-2133 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0018-2133 Johns Hopkins University Press Hispanic American Historical Review 0018-2168 1527-1900 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1900 Duke University Press Hispanic Health Care International 1540-4153 1938-8993 2016 14 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8993 SAGE Publications Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 0739-9863 1552-6364 2004 26 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6364 SAGE Publications Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2007 8 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Taylor & Francis Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2010 11 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Taylor & Francis Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2010 11 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Maney Publishing Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2011 12 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Maney Publishing Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2011 12 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Taylor & Francis Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2012 13 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Maney Publishing Hispanic Research Journal 1468-2737 1745-820X 2012 13 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-820X Taylor & Francis Hispanic Review 0018-2176 1553-0639 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-0639 University of Pennsylvania Press Hispanófila 0018-2206 2165-6185 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-6185 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Histochemistry and Cell Biology 0948-6143 1432-119X 1958 1 1972 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-119X Springer Histochemistry and Cell Biology 0948-6143 1432-119X 1972 32 2011 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-119X Springer Histoire sociale / Social History 0018-2257 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0018-2257 University of Toronto Press Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology 0891-2963 1029-2381 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2381 Taylor & Francis Historical Geography 1091-6458 2331-7523 2017 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-7523 University of Nebraska Press Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 0143-9685 1465-3451 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3451 Taylor & Francis Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 0161-5440 1940-1906 1978 11 1978 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1906 Taylor & Francis Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 0161-5440 1940-1906 1980 13 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1906 Taylor & Francis Historical Methods Newsletter 0018-2494 1967 1 1977 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0018-2494 Taylor & Francis Historical Outlook 2155-2983 1925 16 1925 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2155-2983 Taylor & Francis Historical Outlook 2155-2983 1931 22 1932 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2155-2983 Taylor & Francis Historical Performance 2574-4151 2574-4178 2018 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-4178 Indiana University Press Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques 0315-7997 1939-2419 2008 34 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-2419 Berghahn Journals Historical Studies 0018-2559 1967 13 1987 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0018-2559 Taylor & Francis Historical Studies: Australia and New Zealand 0728-6023 1940 1 1967 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0728-6023 Taylor & Francis Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1362-1572 2049-4459 2006 22 2006 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-4459 Liverpool University Press Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1362-1572 2049-4459 2008 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-4459 Liverpool University Press Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 1939-1811 1939-182X 2001 31 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-182X University of California Press Historically Speaking 1941-4188 1944-6438 1999 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6438 Johns Hopkins University Press Histories of Anthropology Annual 1940-5138 1557-637X 2005 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-637X University of Nebraska Press Histories of People & Place 2833-4299 2833-4302 2023 18 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2833-4302 Taylor & Francis History & Memory 0935-560X 1527-1994 1997 9 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1994 Indiana University Press History and Anthropology 0275-7206 1477-2612 1984 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2612 Taylor & Francis History and Computing 0957-0144 1994 6 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0957-0144 Edinburgh University Press History and Philosophy of Logic 0144-5340 1464-5149 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5149 Taylor & Francis History and Sociology of South Asia 2230-8075 2249-5312 2008 2 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-5312 SAGE Publications History and Technology: An International Journal 0734-1512 1477-2620 1983 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2620 Taylor & Francis History Australia 1449-0854 1833-4881 2003 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-4881 Taylor & Francis History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2009 36 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2013 40 2013 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2014 41 2014 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2015 42 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 African Studies Association History in Africa 0361-5413 1558-2744 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2744 Cambridge University Press History of Economics Review 1037-0196 1838-6318 1981 1 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1838-6318 Taylor & Francis History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society 0046-760X 1464-5130 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5130 Taylor & Francis History of Education Review 0819-8691 2004 33 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0819-8691 Emerald Group Publishing History of European Ideas 0191-6599 1873-541X 1980 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-541X Taylor & Francis History of Geo- and Space Sciences 2190-5010 2190-5029 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-5029 Copernicus Publications History of Medicine 2500-2910 2409-5834 2018 2018 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2409-5834 Pensoft Publishers History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals 2694-3034 2014 56 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2694-3034 University of Wisconsin Press History of Photography 0308-7298 2150-7295 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-7295 Taylor & Francis History of Political Economy 0018-2702 1527-1919 1969 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1919 Duke University Press History of Political Economy 0018-2702 1527-1919 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1919 Duke University Press History of Psychiatry 0957-154X 1740-2360 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2360 SAGE Publications History of Retailing and Consumption 2373-518X 2373-5171 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-5171 Taylor & Francis History of Science 0073-2753 1753-8564 2004 42 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8564 SAGE Publications History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 1461-720X 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-720X SAGE Publications History of the Present 2159-9785 2159-9793 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9793 Duke University Press History: Reviews of New Books 0361-2759 1930-8280 1972 1 1976 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8280 Taylor & Francis History: Reviews of New Books 0361-2759 1930-8280 1984 12 1984 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8280 Taylor & Francis History: Reviews of New Books 0361-2759 1930-8280 1990 18 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8280 Taylor & Francis History Workshop Journal 1363-3554 1477-4569 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4569 Oxford University Press Hitchcock Annual 1062-5518 2689-4149 2017 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-4149 Hitchcock Annual HIV Clinical Trials 1528-4336 1945-5771 2000 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-5771 Taylor & Francis HIV Research & Clinical Practice 2578-7489 2578-7470 2019 20 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-7470 Taylor & Francis HIV Therapy 1758-4310 2009 3 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1758-4310 Future Medicine HKIE Transactions 1023-697X 2326-3733 1994 1 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-3733 Taylor & Francis HNO 0017-6192 1433-0458 2013 61 2019 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0458 Springer Holistic Medicine 0884-3988 1986 1 1990 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0884-3988 Taylor & Francis Holocaust and Genocide Studies 8756-6583 1476-7937 2003 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7937 Oxford University Press Holocaust Studies 1750-4902 2048-4887 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4887 Taylor & Francis Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1474-9475 1750-0125 2002 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0125 Edinburgh University Press Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2007 4 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2007 4 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2008 5 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2008 5 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2010 7 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2014 11 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Bloomsbury Publishing Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427 2014 11 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7427 Taylor & Francis Home Front Studies 2768-5578 2768-5586 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2768-5586 University of Nebraska Press Home Health Care Management & Practice 1084-8223 1552-6739 2003 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6739 SAGE Publications Home Health Care Services Quarterly 0162-1424 1545-0856 1979 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0856 Taylor & Francis Homeopathy 1475-4916 1476-4245 2002 91 2023 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4245 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Homicide Studies 1088-7679 1552-6720 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6720 SAGE Publications Homily Service 0732-1872 1547-3562 2002 36 2010 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3562 Taylor & Francis Homo Oeconomicus 2366-6161 2019 36 2019 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-6161 Springer Homoeopathic Links 1019-2050 1860-3149 2010 23 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-3149 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 1024-9079 2309-5407 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2309-5407 SAGE Publications Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 1569-1861 1876-4398 2009 19 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-4398 SAGE Publications Hong Kong Journal of Public Administration 0252-9165 1979 1 1983 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0252-9165 Taylor & Francis Hopscotch: A Cultural Review 1098-6995 1527-800X 1999 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-800X Duke University Press Hormone and Metabolic Research 0018-5043 1439-4286 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4286 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hormones and Cancer 1868-8497 1868-8500 2013 4 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-8500 Springer Horror Studies 2040-3275 2040-3283 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3283 Intellect Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 2211-3452 2211-3460 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-3460 Springer HortScience 0018-5345 1990 25 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0018-5345 American Society for Horticultural Science HortTechnology 1063-0198 1943-7714 1991 1 2017 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7714 American Society for Horticultural Science Hospital Pediatrics 2154-1663 2154-1671 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-1671 American Academy of Pediatrics Hospital Pharmacy 0018-5787 1945-1253 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-1253 SAGE Publications Hospital Practice 2154-8331 2377-1003 1966 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-1003 Taylor & Francis Hospital Topics 0018-5868 1939-9278 1950 28 1956 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9278 Taylor & Francis Hospital Topics 0018-5868 1939-9278 1960 38 2023 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9278 Taylor & Francis Hospitality & Society 2042-7913 2042-7921 2011 1 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7921 Intellect Hospitality & Society 2042-7913 2042-7921 2021 11 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7921 Intellect Hospitality & Tourism Educator 2329-8758 2329-8782 1988 1 1996 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-8782 Taylor & Francis Housing and Society 0888-2746 2376-0923 1974 1 1974 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-0923 Taylor & Francis Housing and Society 0888-2746 2376-0923 1978 5 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-0923 Taylor & Francis Housing, Care and Support: A journal on policy, research and practice 1460-8790 2042-8375 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8375 Emerald Group Publishing Housing Policy Debate 1051-1482 2152-050X 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-050X Taylor & Francis Housing Studies 0267-3037 1466-1810 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1810 Taylor & Francis Housing, Theory and Society 1403-6096 1651-2278 1999 16 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2278 Taylor & Francis Howard Journal of Communications 1064-6175 1096-4649 1988 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-4649 Taylor & Francis HPB Surgery 0894-8569 1607-8462 1997 10 2000 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8462 Hindawi HPB Surgery 0894-8569 1607-8462 2001 5 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8462 Hindawi HPB Surgery 0894-8569 1607-8462 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8462 Hindawi HPB Surgery 0894-8569 1607-8462 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8462 Hindawi HSS Journal 1556-3316 1556-3324 2005 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3324 SAGE Publications HSS Journal 1556-3316 1556-3324 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3324 Springer HSS Journal 1556-3316 1556-3324 2019 15 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3324 SAGE Publications HUGO Journal 1877-6558 1877-6566 2013 7 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-6566 Springer Huisarts en Wetenschap 0018-7070 1876-5912 2016 59 2019 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5912 Springer Human & Experimental Toxicology 0960-3271 1477-0903 2002 21 2002 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0903 SAGE Publications Human & Experimental Toxicology 0960-3271 1477-0903 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0903 SAGE Publications Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 1080-7039 1549-7860 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7860 Taylor & Francis Human Behavior Research 2572-1836 2017 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-1836 New Prairie Press Human Biology 0018-7143 1534-6617 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6617 Wayne State University Press Human Cell 1749-0774 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-0774 Springer Human Communication Research 0360-3989 1468-2958 2005 31 2005 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2958 Oxford University Press Human Communication Research 0360-3989 1468-2958 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2958 Oxford University Press Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal 1087-1209 1533-158X 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-158X Taylor & Francis Human Ecology 0300-7839 1572-9915 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9915 Springer Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 2509-8004 2367-2544 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-2544 Springer Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 0018-7208 1547-8181 2004 46 2007 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8181 SAGE Publications Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 0018-7208 1547-8181 2010 52 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8181 SAGE Publications Human Fertility 1464-7273 1742-8149 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-8149 Taylor & Francis Human Genetics 0340-6717 1432-1203 1964 1 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1203 Springer Human Genomics 1473-9542 1479-7364 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7364 Springer Human Genomics and Proteomics 1757-4242 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-4242 SAGE Publications Human Geography 1942-7786 2633-674X 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-674X SAGE Publications Human Molecular Genetics 0964-6906 1460-2083 2005 14 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2083 Oxford University Press Human Molecular Genetics 0964-6906 1460-2083 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2083 Oxford University Press HUMAN MUTATION 1059-7794 1098-1004 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-1004 Hindawi Human Nature 1045-6767 1936-4776 1990 1 2011 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4776 Springer Human Nature 1045-6767 1936-4776 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4776 Springer Human Nutrition. Food Sciences and Nutrition 0952-8954 1987 41 1987 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0952-8954 Taylor & Francis Human Parasitic Diseases 1179-5700 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5700 Libertas Academica Human Parasitic Diseases 1179-5700 2013 5 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5700 Libertas Academica Human Performance 0895-9285 1532-7043 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7043 Taylor & Francis Human Physiology 0362-1197 1608-3164 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3164 Springer Human Relations 0018-7267 1741-282X 2004 57 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-282X SAGE Publications Human Remains and Violence 2054-2240 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-2240 Manchester University Press Human Reproduction 0268-1161 1460-2350 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2350 Oxford University Press Human Reproduction & Genetic Ethics 1028-7825 2043-0469 1995 1 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-0469 Taylor & Francis Human Reproduction Open 2399-3529 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3529 Oxford University Press Human Reproduction Update 1355-4786 1460-2369 2005 11 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2369 Oxford University Press Human Resource Development International 1367-8868 1469-8374 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8374 Taylor & Francis Human Resource Development Review 1534-4843 1552-6712 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6712 SAGE Publications Human Resource Management International Digest 0967-0734 1758-7166 2002 10 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7166 Emerald Group Publishing Human Resources for Health 1478-4491 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-4491 BioMed Central Human Resources for Health 1478-4491 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-4491 Springer Human Rights Law Review 1461-7781 1744-1021 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-1021 Oxford University Press Human Rights Quarterly 0275-0392 1085-794X 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1085-794X Johns Hopkins University Press Human Rights Review 1524-8879 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1524-8879 Springer Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership & Governance 2330-3131 2330-314X 2014 38 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-314X Taylor & Francis Human Studies 0163-8548 1572-851X 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-851X Springer Human Systems: Therapy, Culture and Attachments 2634-4041 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-4041 SAGE Publications Human Vaccines 1554-8600 1554-8619 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-8619 Taylor & Francis Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2164-5515 2164-554X 2012 8 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-554X Taylor & Francis Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2192-1962 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2192-1962 Springer Human-Computer Interaction 0737-0024 1532-7051 1985 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7051 Taylor & Francis Human-Intelligent Systems Integration 2524-4876 2524-4884 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4884 Springer Humanistic Management Journal 2366-603X 2366-6048 2019 4 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-6048 Springer Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal (HMNJ) 1065-8297 1987 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1065-8297 Claremont College Library Humanities Collections 1092-6763 1996 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-6763 Taylor & Francis Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities 0018-7526 1555-0532 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-0532 National Endowment for the Humanities Humanity & Society 0160-5976 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0160-5976 SAGE Publications Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 2151-4364 2151-4372 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-4372 University of Pennsylvania Press Humanomics 0828-8666 1758-7174 1989 5 1992 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7174 Emerald Group Publishing Humanomics 0828-8666 1758-7174 1994 10 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7174 Emerald Group Publishing Hume Studies 1947-9921 0319-7336 1975 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0319-7336 Hume Society Hume Studies 1947-9921 0319-7336 2022 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0319-7336 Hume Society Hungarian Studies Review 0713-8083 1705-8422 2016 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1705-8422 Penn State University Press Hungarian Studies Review 0713-8083 1705-8422 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1705-8422 Penn State University Press Hunter Gatherer Research 2056-3256 2056-3264 2015 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3264 Liverpool University Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2004 67 2005 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of California Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2006 69 2006 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of California Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2007 70 2007 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of California Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2008 71 2008 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of California Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2009 72 2010 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of California Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of Pennsylvania Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of Pennsylvania Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of Pennsylvania Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of Pennsylvania Press Huntington Library Quarterly 0018-7895 1544-399X 2019 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-399X University of Pennsylvania Press Husserl Studies 0167-9848 1572-8501 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8501 Springer HVAC&R Research 1078-9669 1938-5587 1995 1 2014 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5587 Taylor & Francis Hydrobiologia 0018-8158 1573-5117 2012 679 2018 823 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5117 Springer Hydrobiologia 0018-8158 1573-5117 2019 829 2019 829 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5117 Springer Hydrobiologia 0018-8158 1573-5117 2019 831 2019 831 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5117 Springer Hydrogeology Journal 1431-2174 1435-0157 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0157 Springer Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 0303-6936 1972 17 1981 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-6936 Taylor & Francis Hydrological Sciences Journal 0262-6667 2150-3435 1982 27 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-3435 Taylor & Francis Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1027-5606 1607-7938 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-7938 Copernicus Publications Hydrology Research 0029-1277 2224-7955 1970 1 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2224-7955 International Water Association Publishing Hypatia 0887-5367 1527-2001 1999 14 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2001 Indiana University Press Hyperfine Interactions 0304-3843 1572-9540 2013 214 2018 239 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9540 Springer Hypertension 0194-911X 1524-4563 1979 1 1994 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4563 American Heart Association Hypertension 0194-911X 1524-4563 1997 29 1997 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4563 American Heart Association Hypertension 0194-911X 1524-4563 1998 31 2017 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4563 American Heart Association Hypertension in Pregnancy 1064-1955 1525-6065 1993 12 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6065 Taylor & Francis Iberoamericana - Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 2002-4509 2001 1 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-4509 Stockholm University Press Iberoamericana - Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 2002-4509 2016 16 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-4509 Stockholm University Press Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2010 2 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2013 5 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2017 9 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2017 9 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2018 10 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2018 10 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2019 11 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2019 11 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2020 12 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2020 12 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2021 13 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Medknow Publications Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2021 13 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 1947-489X 2022 14 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-489X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibsen Studies 1502-1866 1741-8720 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8720 Taylor & Francis ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition 1941-4064 1941-4072 2010 2 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-4072 SAGE Publications ICCM Bulletin 0313-5381 1975 1 1983 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0313-5381 Taylor & Francis ICES Journal of Marine Science 1054-3139 1095-9289 2007 64 2022 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-9289 Oxford University Press Ichnos: An International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces 1042-0940 1563-5236 1990 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5236 Taylor & Francis Ichthyological Research 1341-8998 1616-3915 2013 60 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-3915 Springer ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal 0258-3690 2049-1999 2008 23 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-1999 Oxford University Press ICU Director 1944-4516 1944-4524 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4524 SAGE Publications Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 1070-289X 1547-3384 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3384 Taylor & Francis Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research 1528-3488 1532-706X 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-706X Taylor & Francis IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 1058-6180 1934-1547 2008 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1547 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society IEICE Transactions on Communications 0916-8516 1745-1345 2006 E89-B 2007 E90-B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1345 Oxford University Press IEICE Transactions on Electronics 0916-8524 1745-1353 2006 E89-C 2007 E90-C LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1353 Oxford University Press IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 0916-8508 1745-1337 2006 E89-A 2007 E90-A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1337 Oxford University Press IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 0916-8532 1745-1361 2006 E89-D 2007 E90-D LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1361 Oxford University Press IETE Journal of Education 0970-1664 0974-7338 1959 1 1971 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7338 Taylor & Francis IETE Journal of Education 0970-1664 0974-7338 1975 16 1982 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7338 Taylor & Francis IETE Journal of Education 0970-1664 0974-7338 1984 25 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7338 Taylor & Francis IETE Journal of Research 0377-2063 0974-780X 1955 1 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-780X Taylor & Francis IETE Technical Review 0256-4602 0974-5971 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5971 Taylor & Francis IFLA Journal 0340-0352 1745-2651 2004 30 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2651 SAGE Publications IIE Transactions 0740-817X 1545-8830 1983 15 2016 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-8830 Taylor & Francis IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 1948-8300 1948-8319 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-8319 Taylor & Francis IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 2157-7323 2157-7331 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-7331 Taylor & Francis IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 2277-9752 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2277-9752 SAGE Publications IIOAB Letters 2161-3702 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-3702 University of Pittsburgh University Library System IISE Transactions 2472-5854 2472-5862 2017 49 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5862 Taylor & Francis IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 2472-5579 2472-5587 2017 7 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5587 Taylor & Francis IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 2472-5838 2472-5846 2017 5 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5846 Taylor & Francis IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1937-4585 1937-4577 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4577 University of Toronto Press ILAR Journal 1084-2020 1930-6180 2008 49 2019 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-6180 Oxford University Press Illiesia International Journal of Stonefly Research 1855-5810 1854-0392 2005 1 2019 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1854-0392 Illiesia Illinois Classical Studies 0363-1923 2328-5265 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-5265 University of Illinois Press Illness, Crisis & Loss 1054-1373 1552-6968 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6968 SAGE Publications ILR Review: Industrial & Labor Relations Review 0019-7939 2162-271X 2004 57 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-271X SAGE Publications Im OP 1611-7905 1611-7913 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-7913 Georg Thieme Verlag KG IMA Fungus 2210-6359 2019 10 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-6359 Springer IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 0272-4960 1464-3634 2005 70 2022 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3634 Oxford University Press IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 1471-678X 1471-6798 2005 16 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6798 Oxford University Press IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 0265-0754 1471-6887 2005 22 2015 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6887 Oxford University Press IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 0272-4979 1464-3642 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Asia Program Indonesia 0019-7289 2012 93 2015 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0019-7289 Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Indonesia and the Malay World 1363-9811 1469-8382 1997 25 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8382 Taylor & Francis Indonesia Circle. School of Oriental & African Studies. Newsletter 0306-2848 1973 1 1996 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-2848 Taylor & Francis INDOOR AIR 1600-0668 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0668 Hindawi Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 1423-0070 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0070 SAGE Publications Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2079-7222 1445-7377 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1445-7377 Taylor & Francis Industrial and Commercial Training 0019-7858 1758-5767 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5767 Emerald Group Publishing Industrial and Corporate Change 0960-6491 1464-3650 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3650 Oxford University Press Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 1976 1 2009 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Taylor & Francis Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2010 32 2010 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Taylor & Francis Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2010 32 2010 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Maney Publishing Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2011 33 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Taylor & Francis Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2011 33 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Maney Publishing Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Maney Publishing Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 2012 34 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8196 Taylor & Francis Industrial Chemistry & Materials 2755-2608 2755-2500 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-2500 Royal Society of Chemistry Industrial Law Journal 0305-9332 1464-3669 2005 34 2022 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3669 Oxford University Press Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 0036-8792 1758-5775 1949 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5775 Emerald Group Publishing Industrial Management & Data Systems 0263-5577 1758-5783 1970 70 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5783 Emerald Group Publishing Industrial Psychiatry Journal 0972-6748 0976-2795 2010 19 2021 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-2795 Medknow Publications Industrial Robot: The international journal of industrial and service robotics 0143-991X 1758-5791 1973 1 1991 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5791 Emerald Group Publishing Industrial Robot: The international journal of industrial and service robotics 0143-991X 1758-5791 1993 20 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5791 Emerald Group Publishing Industry & Innovation 1366-2716 1469-8390 1997 4 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8390 Taylor & Francis Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222 2043-6858 2004 18 2010 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6858 SAGE Publications Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222 2043-6858 2011 25 2015 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6858 IP Publishing Ltd. Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222 2043-6858 2015 29 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6858 SAGE Publications Infancy 1525-0008 1532-7078 2000 1 2009 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7078 Taylor & Francis Infant Observation: International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications 1369-8036 1745-8943 1997 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8943 Taylor & Francis Infection 0300-8126 1439-0973 2008 36 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0973 Springer Infection and Immunity 0019-9567 1098-5522 1970 1 1970 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5522 American Society for Microbiology Infection and Immunity 0019-9567 1098-5522 1971 4 2023 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5522 American Society for Microbiology Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2000-8686 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-8686 Co-Action Publishing Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2000-8686 2014 4 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-8686 Taylor & Francis Infectious Agents and Cancer 1750-9378 2006 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-9378 BioMed Central Infectious Agents and Cancer 1750-9378 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-9378 Springer Infectious Agents and Cancer 1750-9378 2011 6 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-9378 BioMed Central Infectious Agents and Cancer 1750-9378 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-9378 Springer Infectious Diseases 2374-4235 2374-4243 2015 47 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-4243 Taylor & Francis Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1064-7449 1098-0997 1993 1 2005 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-0997 Hindawi Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1064-7449 1098-0997 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-0997 Hindawi Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1064-7449 1098-0997 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-0997 Hindawi Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2049-9957 2012 1 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-9957 Springer Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 Libertas Academica Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment 1178-6337 2015 8 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6337 SAGE Publications Inflammation 0360-3997 1573-2576 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2576 Springer Inflammation Research 1023-3830 1420-908X 2008 57 2018 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-908X Springer Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 1078-0998 1536-4844 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-4844 Oxford University Press Inflammopharmacology 0925-4692 1568-5608 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5608 Springer Influenza Research and Treatment 2090-1380 2090-1399 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1399 Hindawi Influenza Research and Treatment 2090-1380 2090-1399 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1399 Hindawi info 1463-6697 1465-9840 1999 1 2016 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-9840 Emerald Group Publishing INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 0315-5986 1916-0615 1971 9 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-0615 Taylor & Francis Informatics for Health and Social Care 1753-8157 1753-8165 2008 33 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8165 Taylor & Francis Informatik-Spektrum 0170-6012 1432-122X 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-122X Springer Information & Communications Technology Law 1360-0834 1469-8404 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8404 Taylor & Francis Information & Culture: A Journal of History 2164-8034 2006 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2164-8034 University of Texas Press Information and Computer Security 2056-4961 2015 23 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4961 Emerald Group Publishing Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2049-8764 2049-8772 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8772 Oxford University Press Information and Learning Science 2398-5348 2017 118 2023 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-5348 Emerald Group Publishing Information, Communication & Society 1369-118X 1468-4462 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4462 Taylor & Francis Information Development 0266-6669 1741-6469 2004 20 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6469 SAGE Publications Information Discovery and Delivery 2398-6247 2017 45 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-6247 Emerald Group Publishing Information Management & Computer Security 0968-5227 1758-5805 1993 1 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5805 Emerald Group Publishing Information Research 1368-1613 1995 1 2019 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1368-1613 Information Research Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) 1040-1628 1533-7979 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-7979 IGI Global Information Retrieval 1386-4564 1573-7659 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7659 Springer Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 1939-3555 1939-3547 2008 17 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-3547 Taylor & Francis Information Systems and E-Business Management 1617-9846 1617-9854 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-9854 Springer Information Systems Frontiers 1387-3326 1572-9419 2013 15 2019 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9419 Springer Information Systems Management 1058-0530 1934-8703 1992 9 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8703 Taylor & Francis Information Systems Security 1065-898X 1934-869X 1992 1 1996 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-869X Taylor & Francis Information Systems Security 1065-898X 1934-869X 1997 6 2007 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-869X Taylor & Francis Information Technology & People 0959-3845 1758-5813 1982 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5813 Emerald Group Publishing Information Technology and Libraries 2163-5226 1981 14 1981 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5226 Boston College Libraries Information Technology and Libraries 2163-5226 2000 19 2000 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5226 Boston College Libraries Information Technology and Libraries 2163-5226 2004 23 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5226 Boston College Libraries Information Technology and Management 1385-951X 1573-7667 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7667 Springer Information Technology for Development 0268-1102 1554-0170 1986 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-0170 Taylor & Francis Information Visualization 1473-8716 1473-8724 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-8724 SAGE Publications Informationen aus Orthodontie & Kieferorthopädie 0020-0336 1439-4200 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4200 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Informationswissenschaft: Theorie, Methode und Praxis / Sciences de l'information: théorie, méthode et pratique 2297-9069 2016 4 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2297-9069 Universität Bern Inhalation Toxicology 0895-8378 1091-7691 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1091-7691 Taylor & Francis Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1566-0974 2000 7 2004 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1566-0974 Taylor & Francis Injury Epidemiology 2197-1714 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-1714 Springer Injury Prevention 1353-8047 1475-5785 1995 1 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-5785 BMJ Group Injury Prevention 1353-8047 1475-5785 2001 7 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-5785 BMJ Group Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society 2473-5191 2473-5205 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-5205 Ohio State University Press Inland Water Biology 1995-0829 1995-0837 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-0837 Springer Inland Waters 2044-2041 2044-205X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-205X Taylor & Francis Innate Immunity 1753-4259 1753-4267 2010 16 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4267 SAGE Publications Innere Medizin up2date 2196-0836 2196-0844 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-0844 Georg Thieme Verlag KG InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice 1755-7380 1755-7399 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-7399 SAGE Publications Innovation & Management Review 2515-8961 2515-8961 2018 15 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-8961 Emerald Group Publishing Innovation and Development 2157-930X 2157-9318 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-9318 Taylor & Francis Innovation in Aging 2399-5300 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-5300 Oxford University Press Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 1750-1229 1750-1237 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1237 Taylor & Francis Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 1473-7507 2002 1 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-7507 Taylor & Francis Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 1447-9338 2204-0226 2002 4 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-0226 Taylor & Francis Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 1351-1610 1469-8412 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8412 Taylor & Francis Innovations in Digital Health, Diagnostics, and Biomarkers 2688-8130 2021 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-8130 Innovations Journals Innovations in Education & Training International 1355-8005 1469-8420 1995 32 2000 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8420 Taylor & Francis Innovations in Education and Teaching International 1470-3297 1470-3300 2001 38 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-3300 Taylor & Francis Innovations in Global Medical and Health Education 2308-2526 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-2526 HBKU Press Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 2640-7345 2010 6 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7345 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 2640-7345 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7345 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 2640-7345 2015 11 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7345 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 2640-7345 2017 13 2020 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7345 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 2640-7345 2022 18 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7345 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Innovations in Surgery and Interventional Medicine 2688-8122 2021 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-8122 Innovations Journals Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 1614-5046 1614-5054 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-5054 Springer Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery 1556-9845 1559-0879 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0879 SAGE Publications Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization 1558-2477 1558-2485 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2485 MIT Press Innovative Higher Education 0742-5627 1573-1758 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1758 Springer Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 2364-4184 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-4184 Springer Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2470-1556 2470-1564 2017 47 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1564 Taylor & Francis Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2052-1553 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1553 Royal Society of Chemistry Inorganic Materials 0020-1685 1608-3172 2013 49 2019 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3172 Springer Inorganic Materials: Applied Research 2075-1133 2075-115X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2075-115X Springer Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms 1028-6624 2002 3 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-6624 Taylor & Francis Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 0020-174X 1502-3923 1958 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-3923 Taylor & Francis INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 0046-9580 2004 41 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0046-9580 SAGE Publications Inscape 0264-7141 1996 1 2004 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0264-7141 Taylor & Francis Insect Systematics and Diversity 2399-3421 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-3421 Oxford University Press Insectes Sociaux 0020-1812 1420-9098 2013 60 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9098 Springer Insight on Africa 0975-0878 0976-3465 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3465 SAGE Publications Insights into Imaging 1869-4101 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1869-4101 Springer Insights: the UKSG journal 2048-7754 2012 25 2012 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7754 United Kingdom Serials Group Insights: the UKSG journal 2048-7754 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7754 United Kingdom Serials Group Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Journal 0266-6952 1979 1 1994 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0266-6952 Taylor & Francis Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond 2349-3003 2349-3011 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-3011 SAGE Publications Instructional Science 0020-4277 1573-1952 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1952 Springer Instrumentation Science & Technology 1073-9149 1525-6030 1968 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6030 Taylor & Francis Instruments and Experimental Techniques 0020-4412 1608-3180 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3180 Springer Integral Equations and Operator Theory 0378-620X 1420-8989 2013 75 2018 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-8989 Springer Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1065-2469 1476-8291 1993 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8291 Taylor & Francis Integrated Assessment 1389-5176 1573-1545 2002 3 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1545 Taylor & Francis Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 1551-3777 1551-3793 2005 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-3793 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal 1058-4587 1607-8489 1992 1 2023 239 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8489 Taylor & Francis Integrated Manufacturing Systems 0957-6061 1758-583X 1990 1 2003 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-583X Emerald Group Publishing Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 2193-9764 2193-9772 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-9772 SpringerOpen Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 2193-9764 2193-9772 2016 5 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-9772 Springer Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 1994 34 2002 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Oxford University Press Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2002 42 2002 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2003 43 2003 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Oxford University Press Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2003 43 2003 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2004 44 2004 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Oxford University Press Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2004 044 2004 044 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2005 45 2005 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Oxford University Press Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2005 45 2005 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 1557-7023 2006 46 2022 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7023 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2017 9 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9708 2018 10 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Oxford University Press Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2017 9 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biology 1757-9694 1757-9708 2018 10 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9708 Royal Society of Chemistry Integrative Biosciences 1738-6357 2005 9 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1738-6357 Taylor & Francis Integrative Cancer Therapies 1534-7354 1552-695X 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-695X SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine in Nephrology and Andrology 2773-0387 2773-0395 2021 8 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-0395 Medknow Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2015 10 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 Libertas Academica Integrative Medicine Insights 1177-3936 2015 10 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-3936 SAGE Publications Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 1932-4502 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1932-4502 Springer Integritas: Advancing the Mission of Catholic Higher Education 2330-538X 2330-5398 2013 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-5398 Boston College Libraries Intellectual History Review 1749-6977 1749-6985 2010 16 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6985 Taylor & Francis Intellectual News 1561-5324 1996 1 1999 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-5324 Taylor & Francis Intellectual News 1561-5324 2000 6 2000 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-5324 Taylor & Francis Intellectual News 1561-5324 2001 8 2003 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-5324 Taylor & Francis Intellectual News 1561-5324 2003 13 2005 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-5324 Taylor & Francis Intelligence and National Security 0268-4527 1743-9019 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9019 Taylor & Francis Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 1079-8587 2326-005X 1995 1 2017 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-005X Taylor & Francis Intelligent Buildings International 1750-8975 1756-6932 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6932 Taylor & Francis Intelligent Service Robotics 1861-2776 1861-2784 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-2784 Springer Intelligent Tutoring Media 0957-9133 1990 1 1997 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0957-9133 Taylor & Francis intensiv 0942-6035 1439-3840 2010 18 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3840 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Intensive Care Medicine 0342-4642 1432-1238 1975 1 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1238 Springer Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2197-425X 2016 4 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-425X Springer Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 0175-3851 1435-1420 1997 34 2011 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1420 Springer Intensivmedizin up2date 1614-4856 1614-6697 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-6697 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Interacting with Computers 0953-5438 1873-7951 2009 21 2015 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-7951 Oxford University Press Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture 1757-2681 1757-269X 2009 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-269X Intellect Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 1569-9293 1569-9285 2008 7 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-9285 Oxford University Press Interactive Learning Environments 1049-4820 1744-5191 1990 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5191 Taylor & Francis Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1741-5659 1758-8510 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8510 Emerald Group Publishing Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1464-9373 1469-8447 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8447 Taylor & Francis Intercultural Education 1467-5986 1469-8439 2000 11 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8439 Taylor & Francis Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 1521-0227 2042-6992 2010 11 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6992 Inderscience Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 1541-5015 2010 4 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-5015 Purdue University Press Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 1524-8429 2161-427X 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-427X Penn State University Press Interdisciplinary Peace Research 1032-3856 1989 1 1993 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1032-3856 Taylor & Francis Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases 1687-708X 1687-7098 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7098 Hindawi Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases 1687-708X 1687-7098 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7098 Hindawi Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0308-0188 1743-2790 1976 1 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2790 Taylor & Francis Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0308-0188 1743-2790 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2790 Maney Publishing Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0308-0188 1743-2790 2012 37 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2790 Taylor & Francis Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 1913-2751 1867-1462 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1462 Springer Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Interdisciplinary+Undergraduate+Research+Journal&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal 2016 2 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Interdisciplinary+Undergraduate+Research+Journal&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library Intereconomics 0020-5346 1613-964X 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-964X Springer Interface 0303-3902 1972 1 1972 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1981 10 1990 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1991 20 1991 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1973 2 1973 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1992 21 1992 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1993 22 1993 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 0303-3902 1974 3 1980 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0303-3902 Taylor & Francis Interface 1064-8208 1944-8783 2010 19 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8783 Electrochemical Society Interface 1064-8208 1944-8783 2011 20 2011 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8783 Electrochemical Society Interface 1064-8208 1944-8783 2012 21 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8783 Electrochemical Society Interface 1064-8208 1944-8783 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8783 Electrochemical Society Interface Focus 2042-8898 2042-8901 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8901 Royal Society Publishing Interfaces and Free Boundaries 1463-9963 1463-9971 2010 12 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-9971 European Mathematical Society Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Taylor & Francis Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Bloomsbury Publishing Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Taylor & Francis Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Bloomsbury Publishing Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Bloomsbury Publishing Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Taylor & Francis Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Bloomsbury Publishing Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Taylor & Francis Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Bloomsbury Publishing Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 2014 5 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9120 Taylor & Francis Interlending & Document Supply 0264-1615 1758-5848 1973 1 2016 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5848 Emerald Group Publishing Intermarium 1537-7822 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-7822 Columbia University East Central European Center Internal and Emergency Medicine 1828-0447 1970-9366 2008 3 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1970-9366 Springer International Advances in Economic Research 1083-0898 1573-966X 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-966X Springer International Affairs 0020-5850 1468-2346 2010 86 2022 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2346 Oxford University Press International Affairs Forum 2325-8020 2325-8047 2013 4 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-8047 Taylor & Francis International and Comparative Law Quarterly 0020-5893 1471-6895 2005 54 2007 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6895 Oxford University Press International Applied Mechanics 1063-7095 1573-8582 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8582 Springer International Aquatic Research 2008-4935 2008-6970 2016 8 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2008-6970 Springer International Archives of Health Sciences 2383-2568 2017 4 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2383-2568 Medknow Publications International Archives of Medicine 1755-7682 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-7682 BioMed Central International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 0340-0131 1432-1246 2012 85 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1246 Springer International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 1809-9777 1809-4864 2012 16 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1809-4864 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Area Review 1226-7031 2004 7 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1226-7031 SAGE Publications International Area Studies Review 2233-8659 2049-1123 2008 11 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-1123 SAGE Publications International Association of Scientific Hydrology. Bulletin 0020-6024 1956 1 1971 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0020-6024 Taylor & Francis International Biomechanics 2333-5432 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-5432 Taylor & Francis International Breastfeeding Journal 1746-4358 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4358 BioMed Central International Breastfeeding Journal 1746-4358 2013 8 2017 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4358 Springer International Bulletin of Bacterial Nomenclature and Taxonomy 0096-266X 1951 1 1965 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0096-266X Microbiology Society [PENDING] International Bulletin of Mission Research 2396-9393 2396-9407 2016 40 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-9407 SAGE Publications International Bulletin of Missionary Research 0272-6122 2004 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0272-6122 SAGE Publications International Bulletin of Missionary Research 0272-6122 2009 33 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0272-6122 SAGE Publications International Business Research 1913-9004 1913-9012 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-9012 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Commentary on Evidence 1554-4567 2003 1 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-4567 Berkeley Electronic Press International Communication Gazette 1748-0485 1748-0493 2005 67 2023 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0493 SAGE Publications International Criminal Justice Review 1057-5677 1556-3855 2004 14 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3855 SAGE Publications International Critical Thought 2159-8282 2159-8312 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-8312 Taylor & Francis International Data Privacy Law 2044-3994 2044-4001 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-4001 Oxford University Press International Development Planning Review 1474-6743 1478-3401 2002 24 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3401 Liverpool University Press International Diabetes Nursing 2057-3316 2057-3324 2015 12 2017 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-3324 Taylor & Francis International Economic Journal 1016-8737 1743-517X 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-517X Taylor & Francis International Economics and Economic Policy 1612-4804 1612-4812 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-4812 Springer International Education Studies 1913-9020 1913-9039 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-9039 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1554-7191 1555-1938 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-1938 Springer International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 1567-9764 1573-1553 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1553 Springer International Feminist Journal of Politics 1461-6742 1468-4470 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4470 Taylor & Francis International Forestry Review 1465-5489 2004 6 2017 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1465-5489 Commonwealth Forestry Association International Forum of Psychoanalysis 0803-706X 1651-2324 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2324 Taylor & Francis International Gambling Studies 1445-9795 1479-4276 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-4276 Taylor & Francis International Geology Review 0020-6814 1938-2839 1959 1 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2839 Taylor & Francis International Health 1876-3413 1876-3405 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-3405 Oxford University Press International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering 1749-5148 1749-5156 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-5156 Maney Publishing International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 1749-5148 1749-5156 2007 1 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-5156 Taylor & Francis International Higher Education 2372-4501 1995 1 2019 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-4501 Boston College Libraries International Hospitality Review 2516-8142 2018 32 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8142 Emerald Group Publishing International Immunology 0953-8178 1460-2377 2006 18 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2377 Oxford University Press International Immunology 0953-8178 1460-2377 2010 22 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2377 Oxford University Press International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations 0305-0629 1547-7444 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7444 Taylor & Francis International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 0020-7020 2052-465X 2004 59 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-465X SAGE Publications International Journal for Academic Development 1360-144X 1470-1324 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1324 Taylor & Francis International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1550-2287 1550-2295 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2295 Taylor & Francis International Journal for Consumer and Product Safety 1387-3059 1994 1 1999 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1387-3059 Taylor & Francis International Journal for Court Administration 2156-7964 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7964 Utrecht University Library International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 0251-2513 1573-1782 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1782 Springer International Journal for Equity in Health 1475-9276 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-9276 BioMed Central International Journal for Equity in Health 1475-9276 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-9276 Springer International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 2213-0624 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-0624 Utrecht University Library International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry 1435-6163 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1435-6163 Springer International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 2046-8253 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-8253 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 0020-7047 1572-8684 2013 73 2018 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8684 Springer International Journal for Quality in Health Care 1353-4505 1464-3677 2005 17 2008 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3677 Oxford University Press International Journal for Quality in Health Care 1353-4505 1464-3677 2010 22 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3677 Oxford University Press International Journal for Researcher Development 2048-8696 1759-751X 2009 1 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-751X Emerald Group Publishing International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 0165-0653 1573-3246 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3246 Springer International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2009 79 2009 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Taylor & Francis International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2010 80 2010 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Taylor & Francis International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2010 80 2010 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Maney Publishing International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2011 81 2011 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Maney Publishing International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2011 81 2011 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Taylor & Francis International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2012 82 2012 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Maney Publishing International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 2012 82 2023 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1214 Taylor & Francis International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1050-8619 1532-7582 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7582 Taylor & Francis International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 1931-4744 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-4744 Georgia Southern University International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 0952-8059 1572-8722 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8722 Springer International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 1474-225X 1747-0234 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0234 Taylor & Francis International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM) 2156-1710 2156-1702 2012 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1702 IGI Global International Journal of Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery 2589-8736 2589-8078 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8078 Medknow Publications International Journal of Abrasive Technology 1752-2641 1752-265X 2007 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-265X Inderscience International Journal of Academic Medicine 2455-5568 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-5568 Medknow Publications International Journal of Acarology 0164-7954 1945-3892 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-3892 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Accounting & Information Management 1834-7649 1758-9037 2007 15 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9037 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Accounting and Finance 1752-8224 1752-8232 2008 1 11(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8232 Inderscience International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 1740-8008 1740-8016 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-8016 Inderscience International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation (IJANTTI) 1942-535X 1942-5368 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5368 IGI Global International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 1743-8225 1743-8233 2005 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8233 Inderscience International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems 1740-2107 1740-2115 2009 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2115 Inderscience International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS) 1947-9220 1947-9239 2010 1 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9239 IGI Global International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing 2057-4975 2057-4983 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-4983 Inderscience International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 0267-3843 2164-4527 1987 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-4527 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Adult Education and Technology (IJAET) 2643-7996 2643-8003 2020 11 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8003 IGI Global International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology (IJAVET) 1947-8607 1947-878X 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-878X IGI Global International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 1755-0386 1755-0394 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0394 Inderscience International Journal of Advanced Logistics 2287-108X 2287-7592 2012 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2287-7592 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 1756-8412 1756-8420 2008 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8420 Inderscience International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 1462-4613 1741-8003 2005 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8003 Inderscience International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2349-4220 2350-0298 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2350-0298 Medknow Publications International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 1758-938X 1758-9398 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9398 Inderscience International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC) 1937-965X 1937-9668 2009 1 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-9668 IGI Global International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 1729-8814 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1729-8814 SAGE Publications International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering 2008-3556 2008-6695 2016 8 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2008-6695 Springer International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487 1759-3948 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3948 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children 1464-6676 2000 2 2001 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1464-6676 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Aeroacoustics 1475-472X 2048-4003 2002 1 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4003 Multi-Science International Journal of Aeroacoustics 1475-472X 2048-4003 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4003 SAGE Publications International Journal of Aerodynamics 1743-5447 1743-5455 2010 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-5455 Inderscience International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1687-5966 1687-5974 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5974 Hindawi International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1687-5966 1687-5974 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5974 Hindawi International Journal of Aerospace Innovations 1757-2258 2010 2 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-2258 Multi-Science International Journal of Aerospace System Science and Engineering 2053-3950 2053-3969 2021 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-3969 Inderscience International Journal of African Higher Education 2313-5069 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-5069 Boston College Libraries International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity 1818-6874 1753-7274 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-7274 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS) 1943-0744 1943-0752 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0752 IGI Global International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 1746-1375 1746-1383 2007 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1383 Inderscience International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development 1743-5137 1743-5145 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-5145 Inderscience International Journal of Agile Management Systems 1465-4652 1758-5929 1999 1 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5929 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 1741-9174 1741-9182 2006 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9182 Inderscience International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS) 1947-3192 1947-3206 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3206 IGI Global International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 1462-4605 1741-5004 2000 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5004 Inderscience International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1473-5903 1747-762X 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-762X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation 2516-1962 2516-1970 2019 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-1970 Inderscience International Journal of Agronomy 1687-8159 1687-8167 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8167 Hindawi International Journal of Agronomy 1687-8159 1687-8167 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8167 Hindawi International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 1471-0234 1741-8011 2006 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8011 Inderscience International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2090-0252 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2090-0252 Hindawi International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2090-0252 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2090-0252 Hindawi International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 1941-6237 1941-6245 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6245 IGI Global International Journal of Ambient Energy 0143-0750 2162-8246 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8246 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Analysis 2314-498X 2314-4998 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4998 Hindawi International Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1687-8760 1687-8779 2009 2009 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8779 Hindawi International Journal of Angiology 1061-1711 1615-5939 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-5939 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1687-5869 1687-5877 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5877 Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1687-5869 1687-5877 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5877 Hindawi International Journal of Anthropology 0393-9383 1824-3096 1997 12 1997 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1824-3096 Springer International Journal of Anthropology 0393-9383 1824-3096 1999 14 1999 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1824-3096 Springer International Journal of Anthropology 0393-9383 1824-3096 2002 17 2002 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1824-3096 Springer International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology 2366-1003 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-1003 Springer International Journal of Antibiotics 2356-6949 2314-5773 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5773 Hindawi International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 2229-516X 2248-9606 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9606 Medknow Publications International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 2229-516X 2248-9606 2019 9 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2248-9606 Medknow Publications International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE) 2160-9802 2160-9810 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9810 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Cryptography 1753-0563 1753-0571 2008 1 4(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0571 Inderscience International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 1755-8077 1755-8085 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8085 Inderscience International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation (IJAEC) 1942-3594 1942-3608 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-3608 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR) 1947-9654 1947-9662 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9662 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) 2155-4153 2155-4161 2012 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-4161 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Logistics (IJAL) 1947-9573 1947-9581 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9581 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Management Science 1755-8913 1755-8921 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8921 Inderscience International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 1947-8283 1947-8291 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8291 IGI Global International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 1752-2862 1752-2870 2013 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2870 Inderscience International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 2049-887X 2049-8888 2013 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8888 Inderscience International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 1751-0589 1751-0597 2007 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0597 Inderscience International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development 1753-9412 1753-9420 2008 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9420 Inderscience International Journal of Architectural Computing 1478-0771 2048-3988 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-3988 Multi-Science International Journal of Architectural Computing 1478-0771 2048-3988 2004 2 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-3988 SAGE Publications International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration 1558-3058 1558-3066 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-3066 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies (IJACDT) 2155-4196 2155-420X 2011 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-420X IGI Global International Journal of Art Therapy: Formerly Inscape 1745-4832 1745-4840 2005 10 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4840 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 1755-4950 1755-4969 2008 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4969 Inderscience International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR) 1947-3087 1947-3079 2010 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3079 IGI Global International Journal of Arts and Technology 1754-8853 1754-8861 2008 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8861 Inderscience International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 1947-9638 1947-9646 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9646 IGI Global International Journal of Asian Management 1618-7504 1618-7512 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-7512 Springer International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2314-4122 2314-4130 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4130 Hindawi International Journal of Audiology 1499-2027 1708-8186 2002 41 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1708-8186 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Auditing Technology 1757-8752 1757-8760 2013 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8760 Inderscience International Journal of Automation and Computing 1476-8186 1751-8520 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8520 Springer International Journal of Automation and Control 1740-7516 1740-7524 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7524 Inderscience International Journal of Automation and Logistics 2049-6745 2049-6753 2013 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6753 Inderscience International Journal of Automotive Composites 2051-8218 2051-8226 2014 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-8226 Inderscience International Journal of Automotive Technology 1229-9138 1976-3832 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-3832 Springer International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 1470-9511 1741-5012 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5012 Inderscience International Journal of Autonomic Computing 1741-8569 1741-8577 2009 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8577 Inderscience International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 1754-8632 1754-8640 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8640 Inderscience International Journal of Aviation Management 1755-9901 1755-991X 2011 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-991X Inderscience International Journal of Aviation Technology, Engineering and Management (IJATEM) 2155-6962 2155-6970 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6970 IGI Global International Journal of Bacteriology 2356-6957 2314-596X 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-596X Hindawi International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 1758-5937 1983 1 2017 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5937 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 1758-5937 2019 37 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5937 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830 1755-3849 2008 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3849 Inderscience International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 1982 5 1982 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 1989 12 1989 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 1996 19 2002 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2003 27 2003 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2003 27 2003 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2004 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2004 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2005 29 2005 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2005 29 2005 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Development 0165-0254 1464-0651 2006 30 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0651 SAGE Publications International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1070-5503 1532-7558 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7558 Springer International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 1479-5868 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5868 BioMed Central International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 1479-5868 2012 9 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5868 Springer International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 1753-1969 1753-1977 2008 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-1977 Inderscience International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 1755-3539 1755-3547 2008 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3547 Inderscience International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 2057-0538 2057-0546 2017 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-0546 Inderscience International Journal of Big Data Intelligence 2053-1389 2053-1397 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-1397 Inderscience International Journal of Big Data Management 2631-8679 2631-8687 2020 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-8687 Inderscience International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1367-0050 1747-7522 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7522 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Bilingualism 1367-0069 1756-6878 2004 8 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6878 SAGE Publications International Journal of Bilingualism 1367-0069 1756-6878 2010 14 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6878 SAGE Publications International Journal of Biodiversity 2314-4149 2314-4157 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4157 Hindawi International Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management 1745-1604 1745-1590 2005 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1590 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 2151-3732 2151-3740 2010 6 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-3740 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 1744-5485 1744-5493 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5493 Inderscience International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 1758-0366 1758-0374 2009 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-0374 Inderscience International Journal of Biology 1916-9671 1916-968X 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-968X Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Biomaterials 1687-8787 1687-8795 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8795 Hindawi International Journal of Biomaterials 1687-8787 1687-8795 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8795 Hindawi International Journal of Biomaterials Research and Engineering (IJBRE) 1947-3575 1947-3583 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3583 IGI Global International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics 1757-6792 1757-6806 2009 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6806 Inderscience International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering (IJBCE) 2161-1610 2161-1629 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-1629 IGI Global International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 1752-6418 1752-6426 2007 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6426 Inderscience International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 1687-4188 1687-4196 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4196 Hindawi International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 1687-4188 1687-4196 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4196 Hindawi International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1756-0799 1756-0802 2010 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0802 Inderscience International Journal of Biometeorology 0020-7128 1432-1254 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1254 Springer International Journal of Biometrics 1755-8301 1755-831X 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-831X Inderscience International Journal of Biotechnology 0963-6048 1741-5020 1999 1 2017 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5020 Inderscience International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2194-7511 2016 4 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-7511 Springer International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 2516-6425 2516-6433 2019 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6433 Inderscience International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives 2050-2281 2050-229X 2013 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-229X Inderscience International Journal of Brain Science 2356-6965 2314-7016 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7016 Hindawi International Journal of Breast Cancer 2090-3170 2090-3189 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3189 Hindawi International Journal of Breast Cancer 2090-3170 2090-3189 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3189 Hindawi International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 2398-4708 2017 35 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-4708 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Bullying Prevention 2523-3653 2523-3661 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-3661 Springer International Journal of Business and Data Analytics 2515-9100 2515-9119 2019 1 2020 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-9119 Inderscience International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 1753-6219 1753-6227 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6227 Inderscience International Journal of Business and Globalisation 1753-3627 1753-3635 2007 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3635 Inderscience International Journal of Business and Management 1833-3850 1833-8119 2008 3 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-8119 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Business and Systems Research 1751-200X 1751-2018 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2018 Inderscience International Journal of Business Communication 2329-4884 2329-4892 2014 51 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-4892 SAGE Publications International Journal of Business Competition and Growth 2042-3845 2042-3853 2010 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3853 Inderscience International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 1758-2164 1758-2172 2009 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-2172 Inderscience International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN) 1548-0631 1548-064X 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-064X IGI Global International Journal of Business Environment 1740-0589 1740-0597 2006 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-0597 Inderscience International Journal of Business Excellence 1756-0047 1756-0055 2008 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0055 Inderscience International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 1744-6635 1744-6643 2008 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6643 Inderscience International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1477-9048 1741-802X 2004 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-802X Inderscience International Journal of Business Information Systems 1746-0972 1746-0980 2005 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0980 Inderscience International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1751-0252 1751-0260 2006 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0260 Inderscience International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 1743-8187 1743-8195 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8195 Inderscience International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering 2051-5847 2051-5855 2016 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-5855 Inderscience International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR) 1947-3591 1947-3605 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3605 IGI Global International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 1758-9401 1758-941X 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-941X Inderscience International Journal of Business Performance Management 1368-4892 1741-5039 1998 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5039 Inderscience International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 1741-8763 1741-8771 2005 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8771 Inderscience International Journal of Canadian Studies 1180-3991 1923-5291 2013 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-5291 University of Toronto Press International Journal of Canadian Studies 1180-3991 1923-5291 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-5291 University of Toronto Press International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1687-9341 1687-935X 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-935X Hindawi International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1687-9341 1687-935X 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-935X Hindawi International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions 1462-8848 1471-1796 1998 1 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-1796 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Care Coordination 2053-4345 2053-4353 2014 17 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-4353 SAGE Publications International Journal of Care Pathways 2040-4026 2040-4034 2009 13 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4034 SAGE Publications International Journal of Career Management 0955-6214 1758-5945 1990 2 1995 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5945 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Cartography 2372-9333 2372-9341 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-9341 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce (IJCEC) 1548-0623 2005 1 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1548-0623 IGI Global International Journal of Cast Metals Research 1364-0461 1743-1336 1996 9 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1336 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cast Metals Research 1364-0461 1743-1336 2012 25 2012 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1336 Maney Publishing International Journal of Cast Metals Research 1364-0461 1743-1336 2012 25 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1336 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cell Biology 1687-8876 1687-8884 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8884 Hindawi International Journal of Cell Biology 1687-8876 1687-8884 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8884 Hindawi International Journal of Chemical Engineering 1687-806X 1687-8078 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8078 Hindawi International Journal of Chemical Engineering 1687-806X 1687-8078 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8078 Hindawi International Journal of Chemical Physics 2356-6973 2314-6885 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6885 Hindawi International Journal of Chemical Physics 2356-6973 2314-6885 2015 2015 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6885 Hindawi International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 1542-6580 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-6580 Berkeley Electronic Press International Journal of Chemistry 1916-9698 1916-9701 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9701 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) 2155-4110 2155-4129 2011 1 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-4129 IGI Global International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 2288-6729 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2288-6729 Springer International Journal of Children's Spirituality 1364-436X 1469-8455 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8455 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management 1752-1270 1752-1289 2007 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1289 Inderscience International Journal of Chinese Education 2212-585X 2212-5868 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-5868 SAGE Publications International Journal of Christianity and Education 2056-9971 2056-998X 2015 19 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-998X SAGE Publications International Journal of Chronic Diseases 2356-6981 2314-5749 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5749 Hindawi International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design 2051-7025 2051-7033 2013 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-7033 Inderscience International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2242-3982 2001 60 2012 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2242-3982 Co-Action Publishing International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2242-3982 2013 72 2014 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2242-3982 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2242-3982 2015 74 2015 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2242-3982 Co-Action Publishing International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2242-3982 2016 75 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2242-3982 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 1756-8692 1756-8706 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8706 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 0020-7144 1744-5183 1959 7 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5183 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology 2348-8832 2348-8093 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-8093 Medknow Publications International Journal of Clinical Oncology 1341-9625 1437-7772 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7772 Springer International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 1758-4272 1758-4280 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4280 Future Medicine International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 0955-6222 1758-5953 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5953 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 2156-1834 2156-1826 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1826 IGI Global International Journal of Cloud Computing 2043-9989 2043-9997 2011 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-9997 Inderscience International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 1939-2699 1939-2702 2008 28 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-2702 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics 2042-6461 2042-647X 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-647X Inderscience International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics 1088-6362 1999 3 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1088-6362 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI) 1557-3958 1557-3966 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-3966 IGI Global International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support 1742-7207 1742-7215 2013 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7215 Inderscience International Journal of Collaborative Engineering 1745-0039 1745-0047 2009 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-0047 Inderscience International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise 1740-2085 1740-2093 2009 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2093 Inderscience International Journal of Collaborative Intelligence 2051-7122 2051-7130 2014 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-7130 Inderscience International Journal of Colorectal Disease 0179-1958 1432-1262 2008 23 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1262 Springer International Journal of Combinatorics 1687-9163 1687-9171 2009 2009 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9171 Hindawi International Journal of Commerce and Management 1056-9219 1758-8529 1991 1 2015 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8529 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 1754-3916 1754-3924 2008 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-3924 Inderscience International Journal of Community Dentistry 2589-8388 2018 6 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8388 Medknow Publications International Journal of Community Music 1752-6299 1752-6302 2007 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6302 Intellect International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 0192-4036 2157-6475 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-6475 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Comparative Education and Development 2396-7404 2016 18 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-7404 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Comparative Management 2514-4111 2514-412X 2018 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-412X Inderscience International Journal of Comparative Sociology 0020-7152 1745-2554 2003 44 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2554 SAGE Publications International Journal of Competitiveness 2056-9432 2056-9440 2016 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9440 Inderscience International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Engineering 1740-0546 1740-0554 2016 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-0554 Inderscience International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management 1759-0256 1759-0264 2010 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0264 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 1756-0756 1756-0764 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0764 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms 2048-4720 2048-4739 2016 1 2020 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4739 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 1757-1170 1757-1189 2009 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1189 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1061-8562 1029-0257 1993 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0257 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 1755-8034 1755-8042 2009 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8042 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 1755-4977 1755-4985 2009 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4985 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 1875-6891 1875-6883 2008 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-6883 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 1753-3465 1753-3473 2007 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3473 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Mathematics 2356-797X 2314-856X 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-856X Hindawi International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare 1755-4500 1755-4519 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4519 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Models and Algorithms in Medicine (IJCMAM) 1947-3133 1947-3141 2010 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3141 IGI Global International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 1742-7185 1742-7193 2005 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7193 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 2046-3391 2046-3405 2012 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-3405 Inderscience International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 1752-9131 1752-914X 2009 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-914X Inderscience International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 1757-2657 1757-2665 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2665 Inderscience International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 0952-8091 1741-5047 1999 12 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5047 Inderscience International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1861-6410 1861-6429 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-6429 Springer International Journal of Computer Games Technology 1687-7047 1687-7055 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7055 Hindawi International Journal of Computer Games Technology 1687-7047 1687-7055 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7055 Hindawi International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0951-192X 1362-3052 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3052 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 1029-0265 1964 1 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0265 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory 2379-9927 2379-9935 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-9935 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computer Vision 0920-5691 1573-1405 1987 1 2018 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1405 Springer International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP) 2155-6997 2155-6989 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6989 IGI Global International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT) 2155-7098 2155-7101 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-7101 IGI Global International Journal of Computers and Applications 1206-212X 1925-7074 2000 22 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-7074 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice (IJCCP) 2470-8526 2470-8534 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-8534 IGI Global International Journal of Computers in Healthcare 1755-3199 1755-3202 2010 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3202 Inderscience International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 1556-1607 1556-1615 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1615 Springer International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 1752-5055 1752-5063 2007 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-5063 Inderscience International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA) 2166-7292 2166-7306 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-7306 IGI Global International Journal of Conflict and Violence 1864-1385 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1864-1385 Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068 1758-8545 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8545 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Constitutional Law 1474-2640 1474-2659 2005 3 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-2659 Oxford University Press International Journal of Constitutional Law 1474-2640 1474-2659 2010 8 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-2659 Oxford University Press International Journal of Construction Education and Research 1557-8771 1550-3984 2006 2 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-3984 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Construction Management 1562-3599 2331-2327 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2327 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 1757-1049 1989 1 2017 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1049 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 1757-1049 2019 31 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1049 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies 1751-2867 1751-2875 2006 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2875 Intellect International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 1560-4624 1741-5055 2000 10 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5055 Inderscience International Journal of Control 0020-7179 1366-5820 1965 1 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5820 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 1598-6446 2005-4092 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2005-4092 Springer International Journal of Convergence Computing 2048-9129 2048-9137 2013 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-9137 Inderscience International Journal of Corporate Governance 1754-3037 1754-3045 2008 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-3045 Inderscience International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility 2366-0074 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-0074 Springer International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility 2054-8079 2054-8087 2016 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-8087 Inderscience International Journal of Corrosion 1687-9325 1687-9333 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9333 Hindawi International Journal of Corrosion 1687-9325 1687-9333 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9333 Hindawi International Journal of Crashworthiness 1358-8265 1754-2111 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2111 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Creative Computing 2043-8346 2043-8354 2013 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8354 Inderscience International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG) 1947-3117 1947-3125 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3125 IGI Global International Journal of Critical Accounting 1757-9848 1757-9856 2009 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9856 Inderscience International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 1757-8779 1757-8787 2010 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8787 Inderscience International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 2229-5151 2231-5004 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-5004 Medknow Publications International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 1475-3219 1741-8038 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8038 Inderscience International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1470-5958 1741-2838 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2838 SAGE Publications International Journal of Crowd Science 2398-7294 2398-7294 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-7294 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Cultural Policy 1028-6632 1477-2833 1997 4 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2833 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Cultural Studies 1367-8779 1460-356X 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-356X SAGE Publications International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 1754-2863 1754-2871 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2871 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 1750-6182 1750-6190 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6190 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (IJCRMM) 1947-9247 1947-9255 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9255 IGI Global International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL) 2155-7136 2155-7144 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-7144 IGI Global International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education (IJCEE) 2155-6903 2155-6911 2011 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6911 IGI Global International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT) 1947-3435 1947-3443 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3443 IGI Global International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1056-7895 1530-7921 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7921 SAGE Publications International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 1755-8050 1755-8069 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8069 Inderscience International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 1748-5673 1748-5681 2006 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5681 Inderscience International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 1759-1163 1759-1171 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-1171 Inderscience International Journal of Data Science 2053-0811 2053-082X 2015 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-082X Inderscience International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 1548-3924 1548-3932 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3932 IGI Global International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management 1753-7169 1753-7177 2009 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-7177 Inderscience International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) 1941-6296 1941-630X 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-630X IGI Global International Journal of Decision Support Systems 2050-6988 2050-6996 2015 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6996 Inderscience International Journal of Dentistry 1687-8728 1687-8736 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8736 Hindawi International Journal of Dentistry 1687-8728 1687-8736 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8736 Hindawi International Journal of Dependable and Trustworthy Information Systems (IJDTIS) 1947-9050 1947-9069 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9069 IGI Global International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 2165-0349 2165-0357 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0357 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Design Engineering 1751-5874 1751-5882 2007 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-5882 Inderscience International Journal of Development Issues 1446-8956 1758-8553 2003 2 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8553 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2047-3869 2047-3877 2012 58 2012 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-3877 Maney Publishing International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2047-3869 2047-3877 2012 58 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-3877 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 0973-3930 1998-3832 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3832 Springer International Journal of Differential Equations 1687-9643 1687-9651 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9651 Hindawi International Journal of Differential Equations 1687-9643 1687-9651 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9651 Hindawi International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF) 1941-6210 1941-6229 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6229 IGI Global International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 1753-5212 1753-5220 2008 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5220 Inderscience International Journal of Digital Earth 1753-8947 1753-8955 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8955 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Digital Enterprise Technology 1756-2554 1756-2562 2018 1 2(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2562 Inderscience International Journal of Digital Humanities 2524-7840 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7840 Springer International Journal of Digital Library Systems (IJDLS) 1947-9077 1947-9085 2010 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9085 IGI Global International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC) 1947-3494 1947-3508 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3508 IGI Global International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 1687-7578 1687-7586 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7586 Hindawi International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 1687-7578 1687-7586 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7586 Hindawi International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems 2398-0311 2398-032X 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-032X Inderscience International Journal of Digital Strategy, Governance, and Business Transformation (IJDSGBT) 2643-8054 2643-8062 2021 11 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8062 IGI Global International Journal of Digital Television 2040-4182 2040-4190 2010 1 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4190 Intellect International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 2049-0887 2049-0895 2012 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-0895 Inderscience International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 1034-912X 1465-346X 1989 36 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-346X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 1759-5908 1759-5916 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-5916 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 1358-2291 2003 6 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1358-2291 SAGE Publications International Journal of Disruptive Innovation in Government 2516-4392 2021 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-4392 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 1539-3100 1539-3119 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-3119 IGI Global International Journal of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (IJDAI) 2637-7888 2637-7896 2018 10 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-7896 IGI Global International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2008 4 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2008 4 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1550-1329 1550-1477 2010 6 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1477 SAGE Publications International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 1947-3532 1947-3540 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3540 IGI Global International Journal of Driving Science 2397-1959 2018 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-1959 Ubiquity Press International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 1752-3583 1752-3591 2009 2 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-3591 Inderscience International Journal of Dynamics and Control 2195-268X 2195-2698 2019 7 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-2698 Springer International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA) 1937-9633 1937-9641 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-9641 IGI Global International Journal of Early Childhood 0020-7187 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0020-7187 Springer International Journal of Early Years Education 0966-9760 1469-8463 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8463 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Earth Sciences 1437-3254 1437-3262 1970 59 1970 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-3262 Springer International Journal of Earth Sciences 1437-3254 1437-3262 1997 86 2018 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-3262 Springer International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering 2397-9372 2397-9380 2016 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-9380 Inderscience International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 1548-1131 1548-114X 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-114X IGI Global International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) 1548-3673 1548-3681 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3681 IGI Global International Journal of Ecology 1687-9708 1687-9716 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9716 Hindawi International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 1752-0452 1752-0460 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0460 Inderscience International Journal of Economics and Accounting 2041-868X 2041-8698 2010 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-8698 Inderscience International Journal of Economics and Business Research 1756-9850 1756-9869 2009 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-9869 Inderscience International Journal of Economics and Finance 1916-971X 1916-9728 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9728 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Education Economics and Development 1759-5673 1759-5681 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-5681 Inderscience International Journal of Education through Art 1743-5234 2040-090X 2005 1 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-090X Intellect International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches 2395-2296 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-2296 Medknow Publications International Journal of Educational Management 0951-354X 1758-6518 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6518 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Educational Reform 1056-7879 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-7879 SAGE Publications International Journal of Educational Sciences 0975-1122 2009 1 2017 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0975-1122 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 2365-9440 2019 16 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-9440 Springer International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 1947-8585 1947-8593 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8593 IGI Global International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 1947-315X 1947-3168 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3168 IGI Global International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 1751-4088 1751-4096 2007 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4096 Inderscience International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education 0020-7209 2050-4578 2004 41 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4578 SAGE Publications International Journal of Electrochemistry 2090-3529 2090-3537 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3537 Hindawi International Journal of Electronic Banking 1753-5239 1753-5247 2008 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5247 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Business 1470-6067 1741-5063 2003 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5063 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 1557-9301 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9301 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 1750-0664 1750-0672 2007 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0672 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Democracy 1742-4224 1742-4232 2008 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4232 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Finance 1746-0069 1746-0077 2006 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0077 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Governance 1742-7509 1742-7517 2007 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7517 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 1548-3886 1548-3894 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3894 IGI Global International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1741-8453 1741-8461 2004 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8461 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1741-8453 1741-8461 2015 8 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8461 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1741-1025 1741-1033 2006 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1033 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 1751-911X 1751-9128 2007 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-9128 Inderscience International Journal of Electronic Transport 1742-6952 1742-6960 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-6960 Inderscience International Journal of Electronics 0020-7217 1362-3060 1965 18 2023 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3060 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Electronics Letters 2168-1724 2168-1732 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1732 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS) 1947-3176 1947-3184 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3184 IGI Global International Journal of Embedded Systems 1741-1068 1741-1076 2005 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1076 Inderscience International Journal of Embryology 2356-699X 2314-8357 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8357 Hindawi International Journal of Emergency Management 1471-4825 1741-5071 2001 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5071 Inderscience International Journal of Emergency Medicine 1865-1372 1865-1380 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-1380 Springer International Journal of Emergency Services 2047-0894 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-0894 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 1553-779X 2004 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-779X Berkeley Electronic Press International Journal of Emerging Markets 1746-8809 1746-8817 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-8817 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences 1756-8315 2010 2 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1756-8315 Multi-Science International Journal of Endocrine Oncology 2045-0869 2045-0877 2014 1 2020 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0877 Future Medicine International Journal of Endocrinology 1687-8337 1687-8345 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8345 Hindawi International Journal of Endocrinology 1687-8337 1687-8345 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8345 Hindawi International Journal of End-User Computing and Development (IJEUCD) 2640-4109 2640-4125 2018 7 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-4125 IGI Global International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 2008-9163 2251-6832 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-6832 SpringerOpen International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 2008-9163 2251-6832 2016 7 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-6832 Springer International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) 2160-9500 2160-9543 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9543 IGI Global INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH 0363-907X 1099-114X 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-114X Hindawi International Journal of Energy Sector Management 1750-6220 1750-6239 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6239 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 1472-8923 1741-508X 2002 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-508X Inderscience International Journal of Engine Research 1468-0874 2041-3149 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3149 SAGE Publications International Journal of Engineering Business Management 1847-9790 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1847-9790 SAGE Publications International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 1756-5154 1756-5162 2010 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-5162 Inderscience International Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2356-7007 2314-6109 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6109 Hindawi International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 1755-9758 1755-9766 2008 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-9766 Inderscience International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice 2634-4610 2021 2021 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-4610 Liverpool University Press International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice 2634-4610 2023 3 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-4610 Liverpool University Press International Journal of English Linguistics 1923-869X 1923-8703 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-8703 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) 1548-1115 1548-1123 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1123 IGI Global International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1748-1252 1748-1260 2006 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-1260 Inderscience International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management 1475-8954 1741-8046 2020 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8046 Inderscience International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 1355-2554 1758-6534 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6534 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1742-5360 1742-5379 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5379 Inderscience International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 2043-6882 2004 5 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6882 SAGE Publications International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 2043-6882 2011 12 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6882 IP Publishing Ltd. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 2043-6882 2016 17 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6882 SAGE Publications International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1368-275X 1741-5098 2001 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5098 Inderscience International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1476-1297 1741-8054 2004 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8054 Inderscience International Journal of Environment and Health 1743-4955 1743-4963 2007 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-4963 Inderscience International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 1741-5101 1991 1 1991 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5101 Inderscience International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 1741-5101 1998 10 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5101 Inderscience International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 1474-6778 1478-7466 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7466 Inderscience International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 1478-9876 1478-9868 2006 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9868 Inderscience International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 1741-8437 1741-8445 2004 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8445 Inderscience International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0306-7319 1029-0397 1971 1 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0397 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Environmental Engineering 1756-8463 1756-8471 2009 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8471 Inderscience International Journal of Environmental Health Research 0960-3123 1369-1619 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1619 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 1752-6906 1752-6914 2010 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6914 Inderscience International Journal of Environmental Studies 0020-7233 1029-0400 1970 1 2023 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0400 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (IJESGT) 2643-7406 2643-7414 2020 11 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-7414 IGI Global International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 1466-2132 1741-511X 2001 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-511X Inderscience International Journal of Epidemiology 0300-5771 1464-3685 2005 34 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3685 Oxford University Press International Journal of Epidemiology 0300-5771 1464-3685 2010 39 2022 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3685 Oxford University Press International Journal of Epilepsy 2213-6320 2213-6339 2014 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-6339 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 2160-9918 2160-9926 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9926 IGI Global International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) 1947-9131 1947-914X 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-914X IGI Global International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA) 1941-627X 1941-6288 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6288 IGI Global International Journal of Ethics and Systems 2514-9369 2018 34 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2514-9369 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Ethics Education 2363-9997 2364-0006 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-0006 Springer International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics 2689-6206 2689-6214 2020 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-6214 Catholic University of America Press International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1758-2954 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1758-2954 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2090-8032 2090-052X 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-052X Hindawi International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2090-8032 2090-052X 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-052X Hindawi International Journal of Excellence in Government 2516-4384 2019 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-4384 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Exergy 1742-8297 1742-8300 2004 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-8300 Inderscience International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics 1755-8735 1755-8743 2009 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8743 Inderscience International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation 2040-2252 2040-2260 2009 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2260 Inderscience International Journal of Export Marketing 2059-089X 2059-0903 2016 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-0903 Inderscience International Journal of Family Business and Regional Development 2054-6580 2054-6599 2020 1 2020 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-6599 Inderscience International Journal of Family Counseling 0147-1775 1977 5 1978 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0147-1775 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Family Medicine 2090-2042 2090-2050 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2050 Hindawi International Journal of Family Medicine 2090-2042 2090-2050 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2050 Hindawi International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 1754-3266 1754-3274 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-3274 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management 2049-0909 2049-0917 2013 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-0917 Inderscience International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking 2055-6780 2055-6799 2016 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6799 Inderscience International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 1756-7130 1756-7149 2009 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7149 Inderscience International Journal of Financial Services Management 1460-6712 1741-8062 2005 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8062 Inderscience International Journal of Flow Control 1756-8250 2010 2 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1756-8250 Multi-Science International Journal of Fluid Power 1439-9776 2332-1180 2000 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-1180 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2319-1775 2320-7876 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-7876 Medknow Publications International Journal of Food Contamination 2196-2804 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-2804 Springer International Journal of Food Contamination 2196-2804 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-2804 Springer International Journal of Food Engineering 1556-3758 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3758 Berkeley Electronic Press International Journal of Food Properties 1094-2912 1532-2386 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2386 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 1479-3911 1479-392X 2008 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-392X Inderscience International Journal of Food Science 2356-7015 2314-5765 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5765 Hindawi International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 0963-7486 1465-3478 1992 43 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3478 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Forensic Engineering 1744-9944 1744-9952 2012 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9952 Inderscience International Journal of Forensic Engineering and Management 1478-1476 1479-3091 2020 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-3091 Inderscience International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 1499-9013 1932-9903 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-9903 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Forensic Odontology 2542-5013 2542-5021 2016 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-5021 Medknow Publications International Journal of Forensic Software Engineering 1743-5099 1743-5102 2019 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-5102 Inderscience International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1740-2816 1740-2824 2004 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2824 Inderscience International Journal of Forest Engineering 1494-2119 1913-2220 2001 12 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-2220 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Forestry Research 1687-9368 1687-9376 2009 2009 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9376 Hindawi International Journal of Fracture 0376-9429 1573-2673 2013 179 2018 213 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2673 Springer International Journal of Fracture 0376-9429 1573-2673 2019 218 2019 218 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2673 Springer International Journal of Francophone Studies 1368-2679 1758-9142 2002 4 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9142 Intellect International Journal of Fruit Science 1553-8362 1553-8621 2005 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-8621 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine 1756-2104 1756-2112 2008 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2112 Inderscience International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling 2052-353X 2052-3548 2014 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-3548 Inderscience International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) 2156-177X 2156-1761 2011 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1761 IGI Global International Journal of Game Theory 0020-7276 1432-1270 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1270 Springer International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) 2155-6849 2155-6857 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6857 IGI Global International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) 1942-3888 1942-3896 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-3896 IGI Global International Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Transplant and Nutrition 2455-9393 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-9393 Medknow Publications International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266 1756-6274 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6274 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 2052-0352 2052-0360 2015 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-0360 Inderscience International Journal of General Systems 0308-1079 1563-5104 1974 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5104 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Genomics 2314-436X 2314-4378 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4378 Hindawi International Journal of Geographical Information Science 1365-8816 1362-3087 1997 11 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3087 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 0269-3798 1987 1 1996 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0269-3798 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Geomechanics 1532-3641 1943-5622 2001 1 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-5622 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Geophysics 1687-885X 1687-8868 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8868 Hindawi International Journal of Geophysics 1687-885X 1687-8868 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8868 Hindawi International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (IJGEE) 1947-8488 1947-8496 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8496 IGI Global International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 1938-6362 1939-7879 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-7879 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Global Energy Issues 0954-7118 1741-5128 2000 14 2000 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5128 Inderscience International Journal of Global Energy Issues 0954-7118 1741-5128 2002 17 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5128 Inderscience International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 1466-6650 1741-5136 2001 1 2019 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5136 Inderscience International Journal of Global Warming 1758-2083 1758-2091 2009 1 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-2091 Inderscience International Journal of Global Warming 1758-2083 1758-2091 2023 30 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-2091 Inderscience International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1479-3059 1479-3067 2004 1 13(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-3067 Inderscience International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems 1757-2703 1757-2711 2009 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2711 Inderscience International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) 1948-5018 1948-5026 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-5026 IGI Global International Journal of Green Economics 1744-9928 1744-9936 2006 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9936 Inderscience International Journal of Green Energy 1543-5075 1543-5083 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-5083 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology 1943-0892 1943-0906 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0906 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology 1943-0892 1943-0906 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0906 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology 1943-0892 1943-0906 2011 3 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0906 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology 1943-0892 1943-0906 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0906 SAGE Publications International Journal of Green Nanotechnology 1943-0892 1943-0906 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0906 SAGE Publications International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Biomedicine 1943-085X 1943-0868 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0868 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science & Engineering 1943-0841 1943-0833 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0833 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Physics and Chemistry 1943-0876 1943-0884 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0884 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 1938-0259 1938-0267 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-0267 IGI Global International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 1741-847X 1741-8488 2005 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8488 Inderscience International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 0020-7284 1943-2836 1951 1 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2836 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Growth Factors and Stem Cells in Dentistry 2589-7330 2589-7349 2018 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-7349 Medknow Publications International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) 1947-9158 1947-9166 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9166 IGI Global International Journal of Happiness and Development 2049-2790 2049-2804 2012 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-2804 Inderscience International Journal of Head and Neck Pathology 2590-2997 2018 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2590-2997 Medknow Publications International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences 2278-4292 2278-344X 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-344X Medknow Publications International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 2199-9023 2199-9031 2015 15 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-9031 Springer International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 0952-6862 1758-6542 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6542 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Health Education 1368-1222 1997 35 1997 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1368-1222 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Health Geographics 1476-072X 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-072X BioMed Central International Journal of Health Geographics 1476-072X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-072X Springer International Journal of Health Governance 2059-4631 2016 21 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2059-4631 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 1463-5240 2164-9545 1998 36 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9545 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Health Services 0020-7314 1541-4469 2004 34 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management 2347-9019 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-9019 Medknow Publications International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives (IJHDRI) 1938-0216 1938-0224 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-0224 IGI Global International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI) 1555-3396 1555-340X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-340X IGI Global International Journal of Healthcare Management 2047-9700 2047-9719 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9719 Maney Publishing International Journal of Healthcare Management 2047-9700 2047-9719 2012 5 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9719 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 1368-2156 1741-5144 1999 1 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5144 Inderscience International Journal of Heart Rhythm 2352-4197 2352-4200 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-4200 Medknow Publications International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 1744-232X 1741-5152 2000 7 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5152 Inderscience International Journal of Hematologic Oncology 2045-1393 2045-1407 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-1407 Future Medicine International Journal of Hematology 0925-5710 1865-3774 2013 97 2018 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-3774 Springer International Journal of Hepatology 2090-3448 2090-3456 2011 2011 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3456 Hindawi International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 2047-4970 2047-4989 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-4989 SAGE Publications International Journal of Heritage Studies 1352-7258 1470-3610 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-3610 Taylor & Francis International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 1740-0562 1740-0570 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-0570 Inderscience International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 1094-3420 1741-2846 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2846 SAGE Publications International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 1751-6528 1751-6536 2007 1 11(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6536 Inderscience International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 2056-4023 2056-4031 2015 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4031 Inderscience International Journal of Histopathological Interpretation 2773-2118 2017 6 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-2118 Medknow Publications International Journal of Historical Archaeology 1092-7697 1573-7748 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7748 Springer International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 1525-6480 1525-6499 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6499 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management 2050-0483 2050-0491 2014 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-0491 Inderscience International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270 1753-8289 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8289 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Housing Policy 1949-1247 1949-1255 2010 10 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-1255 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP) 1947-3478 1947-3486 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3486 IGI Global International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 2045-7804 2045-7812 2012 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7812 Inderscience International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 1742-5549 1742-5557 2006 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5557 Inderscience International Journal of Human Genetics 0972-3757 2001 1 2017 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0972-3757 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 1465-6612 1741-5160 2000 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5160 Inderscience International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 2050-103X 2050-1048 2013 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-1048 Inderscience International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare 2056-4902 2016 8 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4902 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1044-7318 1532-7590 1989 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7590 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 1753-8548 1755-1706 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1706 Edinburgh University Press International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence 2515-4273 2515-4281 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-4281 Inderscience International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 2042-7808 2042-7816 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7816 Inderscience International Journal of Hydromechatronics 2515-0464 2515-0472 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-0472 Inderscience International Journal of Hypersonics 1759-3107 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1759-3107 Multi-Science International Journal of Hypertension 2090-0384 2090-0392 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0392 Hindawi International Journal of Hypertension 2090-0384 2090-0392 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0392 Hindawi International Journal of Hyperthermia 0265-6736 1464-5157 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5157 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Iberian Studies 1364-971X 1758-9150 2001 14 2021 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9150 Intellect International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA) 1947-3419 1947-3427 2010 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3427 IGI Global International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 1947-9832 1947-9824 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9824 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Image Mining 2055-6039 2055-6047 2015 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6047 Inderscience International Journal of Immunological Studies 1754-1441 1754-145X 2009 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-145X Inderscience International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 0394-6320 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0394-6320 SAGE Publications International Journal of Implant Dentistry 2198-4034 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-4034 Springer International Journal of Inclusive Education 1360-3116 1464-5173 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5173 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 1753-0806 1753-0814 2007 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0814 Inderscience International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1748-5037 1748-5045 2006 1 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5045 Inderscience International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1748-5037 1748-5045 2023 44 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5045 Inderscience International Journal of Industrial Chemistry 2228-5970 2228-5547 2016 7 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2228-5547 Springer International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives 1757-3874 1757-3882 2009 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-3882 Inderscience International Journal of Infection Control 1996-9783 2010 6 2016 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-9783 International Journal of Infection Control International Journal of Inflammation 2090-8040 2042-0099 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0099 Hindawi International Journal of Inflammation 2090-8040 2042-0099 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0099 Hindawi International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 1753-7703 1753-7711 2009 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-7711 Inderscience International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 1466-6642 1741-8070 2007 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8070 Inderscience International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) 1550-1876 1550-1337 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1337 IGI Global International Journal of Information and Computer Security 1744-1765 1744-1773 2007 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-1773 Inderscience International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 1756-7017 1756-7025 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7025 Inderscience International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 2056-4880 2015 32 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4880 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 1744-2303 1744-2311 2005 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2311 Inderscience International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) 1935-5661 1935-567X 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-567X IGI Global International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity 1741-8496 1741-850X 2011 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-850X Inderscience International Journal of Information Quality 1751-0457 1751-0465 2007 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0465 Inderscience International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR) 2155-6377 2155-6385 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6385 IGI Global International Journal of Information Security 1615-5262 1615-5270 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-5270 Springer International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) 1930-1650 1930-1669 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-1669 IGI Global International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 1947-8186 1947-8194 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8194 IGI Global International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 1479-3121 1479-313X 2006 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-313X Inderscience International Journal of Information Systems and Management 1751-3227 1751-3235 2014 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-3235 Inderscience International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) 1941-868X 1941-8698 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8698 IGI Global International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM) 1935-5726 1935-5734 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-5734 IGI Global International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 1937-9390 1937-9420 2009 1 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-9420 IGI Global International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS) 1935-5688 1935-5696 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-5696 IGI Global International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA) 1935-570X 1935-5718 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-5718 IGI Global International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111 1741-5179 2002 1 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5179 Inderscience International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) 1554-1045 1554-1053 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-1053 IGI Global International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 2042-3217 2042-3225 2010 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3225 Inderscience International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) 1938-0232 1938-0240 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-0240 IGI Global International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1745-7300 1745-7319 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7319 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197 1741-8089 2003 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8089 Inderscience International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 1753-0660 1753-0679 2008 1 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0679 Inderscience International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 1740-8822 1740-8830 2005 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-8830 Inderscience International Journal of Innovation in Education 1755-151X 1755-1528 2009 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1528 Inderscience International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE) 1947-8305 1947-8313 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8313 IGI Global International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Multi-Science International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovation Science 1757-2223 1757-2231 2016 8 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2231 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 1751-648X 1751-6498 2007 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6498 Inderscience International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2090-2026 2090-2034 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2034 Hindawi International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2090-2026 2090-2034 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2034 Hindawi International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 Libertas Academica International Journal of Insect Science 1179-5433 2015 7 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5433 SAGE Publications International Journal of Instrumentation Technology 2043-7854 2043-7862 2011 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-7862 Inderscience International Journal of Integrated Care 1568-4156 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-4156 Ubiquity Press International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1477-5360 1741-8097 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8097 Inderscience International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 1478-9647 1478-9655 2006 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9655 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 0885-0607 1521-0561 1986 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0561 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Intelligence and Sustainable Computing 2517-763X 2517-7648 2020 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-7648 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 1756-378X 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1756-378X Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences & Image Processing 1931-308X 2326-0068 2007 1 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-0068 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 1755-1587 1755-1595 2008 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1595 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 1758-8715 1758-8723 2010 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8723 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 1745-3232 1745-3240 2007 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3240 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 1751-5858 1751-5866 2007 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-5866 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 1548-3657 1548-3665 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3665 IGI Global International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing 2631-7060 2631-7079 2019 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-7079 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Machines and Robotics 2398-7510 2398-7529 2018 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-7529 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics (IJIMR) 2156-1664 2156-1656 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1656 IGI Global International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 2366-5971 2366-598X 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-598X Springer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 0884-8173 1098-111X 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-111X Hindawi International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing 2052-8477 2052-8485 2017 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-8485 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 1740-8865 1740-8873 2005 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-8873 Inderscience International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 1348-8503 1868-8659 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-8659 Springer International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2049-6427 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6427 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies (IJICST) 2155-4218 2155-4226 2011 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-4226 IGI Global International Journal of Intercultural Information Management 1750-0028 1750-0036 2007 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0036 Inderscience International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN) 1941-8663 1941-8671 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8671 IGI Global International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 1476-1300 1741-5330 2003 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5330 Inderscience International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 1751-6048 1751-6056 2007 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6056 Inderscience International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477-5212 1741-8100 2004 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8100 Inderscience International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance 2059-7967 2059-7975 2018 1 2020 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7975 Inderscience International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 1743-8209 1743-8217 2005 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8217 Inderscience International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 1748-569X 1748-5703 2007 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5703 Inderscience International Journal of Inventory Research 1746-6962 1746-6970 2008 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6970 Inderscience International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction 0165-1269 1979 1 1983 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0165-1269 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 0168-8170 1984 7 1988 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0168-8170 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 1753-8394 1753-8408 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8408 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Islamic Architecture 2045-5895 2045-5909 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5909 Intellect International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding 2055-0944 2055-0952 2015 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0952 Inderscience International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (IJITSR) 1539-3062 1539-3054 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-3054 IGI Global International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (IJITSR) 1539-3062 1539-3054 2010 8 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-3054 IGI Global International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) 1947-9611 1947-962X 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-962X IGI Global International Journal of Jungian Studies 1940-9052 1940-9060 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9060 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education 2471-1616 2471-1624 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-1624 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 1741-1009 1741-1017 2005 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1017 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 1947-8208 1947-8216 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8216 IGI Global International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 1755-8255 1755-8263 2009 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8263 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics (IJKDB) 1947-9115 1947-9123 2010 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9123 IGI Global International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 1755-2087 1755-2095 2010 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2095 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms 1755-3210 1755-3229 2009 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-3229 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 1548-0666 1548-0658 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-0658 IGI Global International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 1756-0322 1756-0330 2017 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0330 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 1743-8268 1743-8276 2006 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8276 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR) 1947-8429 1947-8437 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8437 IGI Global International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 2040-4468 2040-4476 2010 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4476 Inderscience International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO) 2155-6393 2155-6407 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6407 IGI Global International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0967-0769 1464-3693 2005 13 2008 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3693 Oxford University Press International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0967-0769 1464-3693 2010 18 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3693 Oxford University Press International Journal of Law and Management 1754-243X 1754-2448 2008 50 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2448 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 1756-1450 1756-1469 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1469 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1360-9939 1464-3707 2005 19 2006 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3707 Oxford University Press International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1360-9939 1464-3707 2010 24 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3707 Oxford University Press International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice 1360-3124 1464-5092 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5092 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research 1754-2294 1754-2308 2014 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2308 Inderscience International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2040-4166 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2040-4166 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Learning and Change 1740-2875 1740-2883 2005 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2883 Inderscience International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 1479-4853 1479-4861 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-4861 Inderscience International Journal of Learning Technology 1477-8386 1741-8119 2004 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8119 Inderscience International Journal of Legal Medicine 0937-9827 1437-1596 1922 1 1926 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-1596 Springer International Journal of Legal Medicine 0937-9827 1437-1596 1926 8 2011 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-1596 Springer International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 1757-5567 1757-5575 2009 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-5575 Inderscience International Journal of Lexicography 0950-3846 1477-4577 2005 18 2007 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4577 Oxford University Press International Journal of Lexicography 0950-3846 1477-4577 2010 23 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4577 Oxford University Press International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 1741-6426 1741-6434 2007 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6434 Inderscience International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering 2043-8648 2043-8656 2012 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8656 Inderscience International Journal of Lifelong Education 0260-1370 1464-519X 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-519X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Listening 1090-4018 1932-586X 1995 9 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-586X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 1741-5373 1741-5381 2007 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5381 Inderscience International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management 1367-5567 1469-848X 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-848X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 1742-7967 1742-7975 2004 1 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7975 Inderscience International Journal of Low Radiation 1477-6545 1741-9190 2003 1 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9190 Inderscience International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 1748-1317 1748-1325 2010 5 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-1325 Oxford University Press International Journal of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing 2048-9161 2048-917X 2013 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-917X Inderscience International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 1868-8071 1868-808X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-808X Springer International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 1748-5711 1748-572X 2006 1 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-572X Inderscience International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1462-4621 1741-5187 2000 1 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5187 Inderscience International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 1468-4330 1741-8127 2003 1 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8127 Inderscience International Journal of Management and Network Economics 1754-2316 1754-2324 2008 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2324 Inderscience International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1478-1484 1741-8135 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8135 Inderscience International Journal of Management Development 1752-8240 1752-850X 2011 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-850X Inderscience International Journal of Management in Education 1750-385X 1750-3868 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3868 Inderscience International Journal of Management Practice 1477-9064 1741-8143 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8143 Inderscience International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 1750-9653 1750-9661 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-9661 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 1753-6715 1753-6723 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6723 Inderscience International Journal of Managerial Finance 1743-9132 1758-6569 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6569 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1753-8378 1753-8386 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8386 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 1758-6577 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6577 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 2356-7023 2314-5781 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5781 Hindawi International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) 2156-1680 2156-1672 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1672 IGI Global International Journal of Manufacturing Research 1750-0591 1750-0605 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0605 Inderscience International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 1368-2148 1741-5195 2000 1 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5195 Inderscience International Journal of Maritime History 0843-8714 2052-7756 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-7756 SAGE Publications International Journal of Market Research 1470-7853 2515-2173 2005 47 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2173 SAGE Publications International Journal of Marketing Studies 1918-719X 1918-7203 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-7203 Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Markets and Business Systems 2056-4112 2056-4120 2015 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4120 Inderscience International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 2056-9459 2056-9467 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9467 Inderscience International Journal of Mass Customisation 1742-4208 1742-4216 2005 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4216 Inderscience International Journal of Material Forming 1960-6206 1960-6214 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1960-6214 Springer International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 0268-1900 1741-5209 2000 15 2001 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5209 Inderscience International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 0268-1900 1741-5209 2003 18 2022 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5209 Inderscience International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 1745-0055 1745-0063 2007 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-0063 Inderscience International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 1757-2754 1757-2762 2009 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2762 Inderscience International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 0020-739X 1464-5211 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5211 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 2040-3607 2040-3615 2009 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3615 Inderscience International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0161-1712 1687-0425 1971 1 2002 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0425 Hindawi International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0161-1712 1687-0425 2003 2003 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0425 Hindawi International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0161-1712 1687-0425 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0425 Hindawi International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 1757-5850 1757-5869 2009 1 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-5869 Inderscience International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE) 2156-1737 2156-1729 2011 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1729 IGI Global International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 0306-4190 2050-4586 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4586 SAGE Publications International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 1569-1713 1573-8841 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8841 Springer International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems 2047-7244 2047-7252 2013 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7252 Inderscience International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation 2045-1059 2045-1067 2011 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-1067 Inderscience International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 1753-1039 1753-1047 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-1047 Inderscience International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics 1740-8296 2040-0918 2005 1 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0918 Intellect International Journal of Medical and Oral Research 2772-4883 2772-4891 2020 5 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-4891 Medknow Publications International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 1755-0653 1755-0661 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0661 Inderscience International Journal of Medical Genetics 2356-7031 2314-8225 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8225 Hindawi International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2090-2069 2090-2077 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2077 Hindawi International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2090-2069 2090-2077 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2077 Hindawi International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2635-3695 2667-2863 2010 15 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-2863 Medknow Publications International Journal of Mental Health 0020-7411 1557-9328 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9328 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 1557-1874 1557-1882 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1882 Springer International Journal of Mental Health Systems 1752-4458 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-4458 BioMed Central International Journal of Mental Health Systems 1752-4458 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-4458 Springer International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 2046-6854 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-6854 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 1744-2621 1744-263X 2006 1 16(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-263X Inderscience International Journal of Metaheuristics 1755-2176 1755-2184 2010 1 2020 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2184 Inderscience International Journal of Metals 2356-704X 2314-680X 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-680X Hindawi International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 1756-8293 1756-8307 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8307 SAGE Publications International Journal of Microbiology 1687-918X 1687-9198 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9198 Hindawi International Journal of Microbiology 1687-918X 1687-9198 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9198 Hindawi International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport 1759-3093 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1759-3093 Multi-Science International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties 1741-8410 1741-8429 2005 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8429 Inderscience International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology 1687-5826 1687-5834 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5834 Hindawi International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology 1687-5826 1687-5834 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5834 Hindawi International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 1755-2419 1755-2427 2014 1 7(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2427 Inderscience International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility 2051-6800 2051-6819 2014 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6819 Inderscience International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 1747-9894 2042-8650 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8650 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Mineralogy 2356-7058 2314-6036 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6036 Hindawi International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 1674-4799 1869-103X 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-103X Springer International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 1754-890X 1754-8918 2008 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8918 Inderscience International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 1748-0930 1748-0949 2006 20 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0949 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) 1941-8647 1941-8655 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8655 IGI Global International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470-949X 1741-5217 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5217 Inderscience International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC) 1937-9412 1937-9404 2010 2 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-9404 IGI Global International Journal of Mobile Devices, Wearable Technology, and Flexible Electronics (IJMDWTFE) 2640-4249 2640-4257 2018 9 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-4257 IGI Global International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 1942-390X 1942-3918 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-3918 IGI Global International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 1746-725X 1746-7268 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-7268 Inderscience International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 1744-2869 1744-2850 2005 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2850 Inderscience International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 0228-6203 1925-7082 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-7082 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 1746-6172 1746-6180 2006 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6180 Inderscience International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 1746-6172 1746-6180 2009 6 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6180 Inderscience International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management 2042-4094 2042-4108 2010 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4108 Inderscience International Journal of Molecular Imaging 2090-1712 2090-1720 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1720 Hindawi International Journal of Molecular Imaging 2090-1712 2090-1720 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1720 Hindawi International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1107-3756 1791-244X 2006 18 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-244X Spandidos Publications International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1107-3756 1791-244X 2010 25 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-244X Spandidos Publications International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 1752-0479 1752-0487 2007 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0487 Inderscience International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research (IJMSTR) 2166-7241 2166-725X 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-725X IGI Global International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making 2040-106X 2040-1078 2010 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-1078 Inderscience International Journal of Multilingualism 1479-0718 1747-7530 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7530 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM) 1947-8534 1947-8542 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8542 IGI Global International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security 2042-3462 2042-3470 2010 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3470 Inderscience International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy 2059-1047 2059-1055 2016 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-1055 Inderscience International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 1834-0806 1834-0814 2007 1 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-0814 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis 2396-8303 2396-8311 2016 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-8311 Inderscience International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 0260-4779 1982 1 1989 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0260-4779 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Music Education 0255-7614 1744-795X 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-795X SAGE Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology 2212-5531 2212-554X 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-554X Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology 2212-5531 2212-554X 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-554X Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology 2212-5531 2212-554X 2017 6 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-554X Medknow Publications International Journal of Myriapodology 1875-2535 1875-2543 2011 4 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-2543 Pensoft Publishers International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 1752-8933 1752-8941 2007 1 10(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8941 Inderscience International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 1746-9392 1746-9406 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9406 Inderscience International Journal of Nanoparticles 1753-2507 1753-2515 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-2515 Inderscience International Journal of Nanotechnology 1475-7435 1741-8151 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8151 Inderscience International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation (IJNMC) 1941-6318 1941-6326 2010 2 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6326 IGI Global International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR) 1947-928X 1947-9298 2010 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9298 IGI Global International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 1057-2414 1095-9270 1972 1 2019 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-9270 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 1057-2414 1095-9270 2021 50 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-9270 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Navigation and Observation 1687-5990 1687-6008 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6008 Hindawi International Journal of Navigation and Observation 1687-5990 1687-6008 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6008 Hindawi International Journal of Nephrology 2090-214X 2090-2158 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2158 Hindawi International Journal of Network Science 2048-2175 2048-2183 2016 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2183 Inderscience International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 1470-9503 1741-5225 2002 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5225 Inderscience International Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2590-2652 2590-2660 2021 4 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2590-2660 Medknow Publications International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 1461-1457 1469-5111 2008 11 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5111 Oxford University Press International Journal of Neuroscience 0020-7454 1543-5245 1970 1 2023 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-5245 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases 2468-8827 2468-8835 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8835 Medknow Publications International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control 2050-6902 2050-6910 2017 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6910 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 1476-914X 1741-9204 2003 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9204 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Energy 2356-7066 2314-6060 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6060 Hindawi International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 1741-6361 1741-637X 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-637X Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology 1742-4186 1742-4194 2006 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4194 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications 1743-4939 1743-4947 2006 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-4947 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management 1479-540X 1479-5418 2004 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5418 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Law 1741-6388 1741-6396 2006 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6396 Inderscience International Journal of Nuclear Safety and Security 2043-0329 2043-0337 2019 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-0337 Inderscience International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 0961-5539 1758-6585 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6585 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 1548-923X 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-923X Berkeley Electronic Press International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases 2231-0738 2231-2722 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2722 Medknow Publications International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases 2231-0738 2231-2722 2019 9 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2722 Medknow Publications International Journal of Nutrology 1984-3011 2595-2854 2011 4 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2595-2854 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 1995 1 2009 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2010 16 2010 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2010 16 2010 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Maney Publishing International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2011 17 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Maney Publishing International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2011 17 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2012 18 2012 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Maney Publishing International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1077-3525 2049-3967 2012 18 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-3967 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 1232-1087 1896-494X 2013 26 2014 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1896-494X Springer International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 1080-3548 2376-9130 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-9130 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 1752-6582 1752-6590 2008 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6590 Inderscience International Journal of Oceanography 1687-9406 1687-9414 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9414 Hindawi International Journal of Oceanography 1687-9406 1687-9414 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9414 Hindawi International Journal of Odonatology 1388-7890 2159-6719 1998 1 2020 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6719 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 0306-624X 1552-6933 2004 48 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6933 SAGE Publications International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 1753-3309 1753-3317 2008 1 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3317 Inderscience International Journal of Oncology 1019-6439 1791-2423 2005 27 2005 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-2423 Spandidos Publications International Journal of Oncology 1019-6439 1791-2423 2010 36 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-2423 Spandidos Publications International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM) 2156-1753 2156-1745 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1745 IGI Global International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 2155-6873 2155-6881 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6881 IGI Global International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP) 1942-3926 1942-3934 2010 2 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-3934 IGI Global International Journal of Operational Research 1745-7645 1745-7653 2005 1 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7653 Inderscience International Journal of Operations & Production Management 0144-3577 1758-6593 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6593 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS) 1947-9328 1947-9336 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9336 IGI Global International Journal of Ophthalmic Practice 2044-5504 2052-2851 2013 4 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2851 Mark Allen Group International Journal of Optics 1687-9384 1687-9392 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9392 Hindawi International Journal of Optics 1687-9384 1687-9392 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9392 Hindawi International Journal of Optomechatronics 1559-9612 1559-9620 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-9620 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2347-6249 2456-317X 2021 9 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-317X Medknow Publications International Journal of Oral Health Sciences 2231-6027 2348-5094 2013 3 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-5094 Medknow Publications International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 1758-9797 1758-9800 2010 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9800 Inderscience International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 1093-4537 1532-4273 2000 3 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4273 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 1093-4537 1532-4273 2003 6 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4273 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 1093-4537 1532-4273 2001 4 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4273 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1055-3185 2002 10 2002 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-3185 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1055-3185 2003 11 2003 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-3185 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1055-3185 2000 8 2000 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-3185 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1055-3185 2001 9 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-3185 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 1758-8561 2002 10 2002 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8561 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 1758-8561 1993 1 1999 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8561 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 1758-8561 2003 11 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8561 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 1758-8561 2000 8 2000 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8561 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1934-8835 1758-8561 2001 9 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8561 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) 1947-9344 1947-9352 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9352 IGI Global International Journal of Orofacial Biology 2589-1723 2017 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-1723 Medknow Publications International Journal of Orofacial Research 2589-5354 2017 2 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-5354 Medknow Publications International Journal of Orthodontic Rehabilitation 2349-5243 2542-5579 2016 7 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-5579 Medknow Publications International Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2772-915X 2021 29 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-915X Medknow Publications International Journal of Orthoplastic Surgery 2515-7566 2018 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-7566 IJS Publishing Group International Journal of Otolaryngology 1687-9201 1687-921X 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-921X Hindawi International Journal of Otolaryngology 1687-9201 1687-921X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-921X Hindawi International Journal of Palliative Care 2356-7074 2314-579X 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-579X Hindawi International Journal of Palliative Nursing 1357-6321 2052-286X 2013 19 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-286X Mark Allen Group International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 1744-5760 1744-5779 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5779 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Parallel Programming 0885-7458 1573-7640 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7640 Springer International Journal of Partial Differential Equations 2356-7082 2314-6524 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6524 Hindawi International Journal of Pavement Engineering 1029-8436 1477-268X 1999 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-268X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 2204-0552 1833-4105 2005 1 2016 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1833-4105 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology 1687-9848 1687-9856 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9856 BioMed Central International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology 1687-9848 1687-9856 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9856 Springer International Journal of Pediatrics 1687-9740 1687-9759 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9759 Hindawi International Journal of Pediatrics 1687-9740 1687-9759 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9759 Hindawi International Journal of Pedodontic Rehabilitation 2468-8932 2468-8940 2016 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8940 Medknow Publications International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) 2156-1796 2156-1788 2011 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-1788 IGI Global International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 1573-3149 1573-3904 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3904 Springer International Journal of Peptides 1687-9767 1687-9775 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9775 Hindawi International Journal of Peptides 1687-9767 1687-9775 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9775 Hindawi International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 2474-8668 1474-8185 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-8185 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Intellect International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2006 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2006 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Intellect International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Intellect International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 2007 3 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0934 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Persian Literature 2376-5739 2376-5755 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-5755 Penn State University Press International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology 0893-603X 1988 1 1993 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0893-603X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 1742-7371 1742-738X 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-738X Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Pest Management 0967-0874 1366-5863 1993 39 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5863 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Petroleum Engineering 1754-8888 1754-8896 2014 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-8896 Inderscience International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 1750-6123 1750-6131 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6131 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation 2230-973X 2230-9713 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2230-9713 Medknow Publications International Journal of Pharmacokinetics 2053-0846 2053-0854 2016 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-0854 Future Science International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0961-7671 2042-7174 2010 18 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7174 Oxford University Press International Journal of Philosophical Studies 0967-2559 1466-4542 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4542 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 2169-2327 2169-2335 2013 74 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2335 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Photochemistry 2356-7090 2314-7148 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7148 Hindawi International Journal of Photoenergy 1110-662X 1687-529X 1999 1 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-529X Hindawi International Journal of Photoenergy 1110-662X 1687-529X 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-529X Hindawi International Journal of Photoenergy 1110-662X 1687-529X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-529X Hindawi International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 0960-0035 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0960-0035 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Phytoremediation 1522-6514 1549-7879 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7879 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Planning and Scheduling 2044-494X 2044-4958 2011 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-4958 Inderscience International Journal of Plant Genomics 1687-5370 1687-5389 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5389 Hindawi International Journal of Plant Genomics 1687-5370 1687-5389 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5389 Hindawi International Journal of Plasma Science and Engineering 1687-6245 1687-6253 2008 2008 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6253 Hindawi International Journal of Play 2159-4937 2159-4953 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-4953 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 1757-5648 1757-5656 2009 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-5656 Inderscience International Journal of Police Science & Management 1461-3557 1478-1603 1998 1 1999 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-1603 SAGE Publications International Journal of Police Science & Management 1461-3557 1478-1603 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-1603 SAGE Publications International Journal of Political Economy 0891-1916 1558-0970 1988 18 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0970 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 1023-666X 1563-5341 1995 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5341 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Polymer Science 1687-9422 1687-9430 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9430 Hindawi International Journal of Polymer Science 1687-9422 1687-9430 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9430 Hindawi International Journal of Polymeric Materials 0091-4037 1563-535X 1971 1 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-535X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Population Research 2090-4029 2090-4037 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4037 Hindawi International Journal of Population Research 2090-4029 2090-4037 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4037 Hindawi International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management 2048-2361 2048-237X 2012 1 2(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-237X Inderscience International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation 1744-7550 1744-7569 2006 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-7569 Inderscience International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion 1757-1154 1757-1162 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1162 Inderscience International Journal of Power Electronics 1756-638X 1756-6398 2008 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6398 Inderscience International Journal of Power Management Electronics 1687-6679 1687-6687 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6687 Hindawi International Journal of Powertrain 1742-4267 1742-4275 2011 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4275 Inderscience International Journal of Practical Otolaryngology 2569-1783 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2569-1783 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 2234-7593 2005-4602 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2005-4602 Springer International Journal of Precision Technology 1755-2060 1755-2079 2007 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2079 Inderscience International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research 2349-7319 2456-3196 2018 5 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-3196 Medknow Publications International Journal of Primatology 0164-0291 1573-8604 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8604 Springer International Journal of Prisoner Health 1744-9200 1744-9219 2005 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9219 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Prisoner Health 1744-9200 1744-9219 2011 7 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9219 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management (IJPHIM) 2155-5621 2155-563X 2013 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-563X IGI Global International Journal of Private Law 1753-6235 1753-6243 2008 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6243 Inderscience International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 1460-6739 1741-816X 2005 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-816X Inderscience International Journal of Process Systems Engineering 1757-6342 1757-6350 2009 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6350 Inderscience International Journal of Procurement Management 1753-8432 1753-8440 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8440 Inderscience International Journal of Product Development 1477-9056 1741-8178 2004 1 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8178 Inderscience International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1743-5110 1743-5129 2005 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-5129 Inderscience International Journal of Production Research 0020-7543 1366-588X 1961 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-588X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 1741-0401 1758-6658 2004 53 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6658 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 1746-6474 1746-6482 2006 1 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6482 Inderscience International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Technologies (IJPMAT) 2160-9837 2160-9845 2012 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9845 IGI Global International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA) 2643-8089 2643-8097 2020 8 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8097 IGI Global International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 1740-2891 1740-2905 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2905 Inderscience International Journal of Protective Structures 2041-4196 2041-420X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-420X SAGE Publications International Journal of Proteomics 2090-2166 2090-2174 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2174 Hindawi International Journal of Proteomics 2090-2166 2090-2174 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2174 Hindawi International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research 0968-0624 1 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0968-0624 Drogo Research International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 1365-1501 1471-1788 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-1788 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology 1555-1024 1940-9141 2006 1 2016 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9141 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Psychological Studies 1918-7211 1918-722X 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-722X Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Psychology 0020-7594 1464-066X 1966 1 2013 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-066X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Psychotherapy 1356-9082 1469-8498 2000 5 2003 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8498 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Public Administration 0190-0692 1532-4265 1979 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4265 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics (IJPPHME) 2155-6423 2155-6431 2011 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6431 IGI Global International Journal of Public Health 1661-8556 1661-8564 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-8564 Springer International Journal of Public Law and Policy 2044-7663 2044-7671 2011 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-7671 Inderscience International Journal of Public Leadership 2056-4929 2015 11 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2056-4929 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Public Opinion Research 0954-2892 1471-6909 2005 17 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6909 Oxford University Press International Journal of Public Opinion Research 0954-2892 1471-6909 2010 22 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6909 Oxford University Press International Journal of Public Policy 1740-0600 1740-0619 2005 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-0619 Inderscience International Journal of Public Sector Management 0951-3558 1758-6666 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6666 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 1741-1041 1741-105X 2007 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-105X Inderscience International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1609-4069 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1609-4069 SAGE Publications International Journal of Qualitative Research in Services 2051-0500 2051-0519 2013 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-0519 Inderscience International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 0951-8398 1366-5898 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5898 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 1748-2623 1748-2631 2006 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-2631 Co-Action Publishing International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 1748-2623 1748-2631 2013 8 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-2631 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 1748-2623 1748-2631 2015 10 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-2631 Co-Action Publishing International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 1748-2623 1748-2631 2016 11 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-2631 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 0265-671X 1758-6682 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6682 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Quality and Innovation 1756-6975 1756-6983 2009 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6983 Inderscience International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1756-669X 1756-6703 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6703 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE) 2155-496X 2155-4978 2011 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-4978 IGI Global International Journal of Quality Control and Standards in Science and Engineering (IJQCSSE) 2641-0923 2641-0931 2019 7 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-0931 IGI Global International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology 1757-2177 1757-2185 2009 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2185 Inderscience International Journal of Quality Innovation 2363-7021 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-7021 Springer International Journal of Quality Science 1359-8538 1758-6674 1996 1 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6674 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability 1687-7144 1687-7152 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7152 Hindawi International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education 2049-5986 2049-5994 2013 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-5994 Inderscience International Journal of Radiation Biology 0955-3002 1362-3095 1988 53 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3095 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications 1745-3216 1745-3224 2006 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3224 Inderscience International Journal of Rail Transportation 2324-8378 2324-8386 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-8386 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 1757-8817 1757-8825 2009 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8825 Inderscience International Journal of Reacting Systems 1687-6016 1687-6024 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6024 Hindawi International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 1755-0556 1755-0564 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-0564 Inderscience International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences 2455-7420 2455-0949 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-0949 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 1687-7195 1687-7209 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7209 Hindawi International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 1687-7195 1687-7209 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7209 Hindawi International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 2195-3228 2251-7715 2016 5 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-7715 Springer International Journal of Refugee Law 0953-8186 1464-3715 2005 17 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3715 Oxford University Press International Journal of Refugee Law 0953-8186 1464-3715 2010 22 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3715 Oxford University Press International Journal of Regional and Local History 2051-4530 2051-4549 2013 8 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-4549 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Reliability and Safety 1479-389X 1479-3903 2006 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-3903 Inderscience International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH) 2160-9551 2160-956X 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-956X IGI Global International Journal of Remote Sensing 0143-1161 1366-5901 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5901 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology 1757-3971 1757-398X 2009 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-398X Inderscience International Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2356-7104 2314-5757 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5757 Hindawi International Journal of Research & Method in Education 1743-727X 1743-7288 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7288 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation 2051-9931 2051-994X 2017 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-994X Inderscience International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 0959-0552 1758-6690 1973 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6690 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Retina and Vitreous 2056-9920 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9920 Springer International Journal of Revenue Management 1474-7332 1741-8186 2007 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8186 Inderscience INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING 1099-047X 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-047X Hindawi International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications 1754-5730 1754-5749 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-5749 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Rheumatology 1687-9260 1687-9279 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9279 Hindawi International Journal of Rheumatology 1687-9260 1687-9279 2013 2013 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9279 Hindawi International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM) 2160-9624 2160-9632 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9632 IGI Global International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 1466-8297 1741-5241 2000 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5241 Inderscience International Journal of River Basin Management 1571-5124 1814-2060 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1814-2060 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies (IJRAT) 2166-7195 2166-7209 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-7209 IGI Global International Journal of Rotating Machinery 1023-621X 1542-3034 1995 1 2004 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-3034 Hindawi International Journal of Rotating Machinery 1023-621X 1542-3034 2005 2005 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-3034 Hindawi International Journal of Rotating Machinery 1023-621X 1542-3034 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-3034 Hindawi International Journal of Rural Management 0973-0052 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-0052 SAGE Publications International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management 1742-7568 1742-7576 2011 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7576 Inderscience International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2168-3603 2168-3611 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-3611 Taylor & Francis International Journal of School Social Work 2161-4148 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4148 New Prairie Press International Journal of School Social Work 2161-4148 2022 7 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4148 New Prairie Press International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 1571-0068 1573-1774 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1774 Springer International Journal of Science Education 0950-0693 1464-5289 1987 9 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5289 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement 2154-8455 2154-8463 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-8463 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE) 1947-3036 1947-3044 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3044 IGI Global International Journal of Security and Networks 1747-8405 1747-8413 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-8413 Inderscience International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (IJSPPC) 2643-7937 2643-7945 2020 12 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-7945 IGI Global International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 1061-3862 1934-788X 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-788X Springer International Journal of Sensor Networks 1748-1279 1748-1287 2006 1 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-1287 Inderscience International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing 2045-175X 2045-1768 2013 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-1768 Inderscience International Journal of Service Industry Management 0956-4233 1758-6704 1990 1 2008 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6704 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) 1947-959X 1947-9603 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9603 IGI Global International Journal of Services and Operations Management 1744-2370 1744-2389 2005 1 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2389 Inderscience International Journal of Services and Standards 1740-8849 1740-8857 2004 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-8857 Inderscience International Journal of Services, Economics and Management 1753-0822 1753-0830 2007 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0830 Inderscience International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 1741-539X 1741-5403 2006 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5403 Inderscience International Journal of Services Sciences 1753-1446 1753-1454 2008 1 2020 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-1454 Inderscience International Journal of Services Technology and Management 1460-6720 1741-525X 2000 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-525X Inderscience International Journal of Sexual Health 1931-7611 1931-762X 2007 19 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-762X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 1756-6517 1756-6525 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6525 Inderscience International Journal of Shoulder Surgery 0973-6042 2011 5 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-6042 Medknow Publications International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 1748-0698 1748-0701 2008 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0701 Inderscience International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) 2155-5028 2155-5036 2011 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-5036 IGI Global International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 1740-2123 1740-2131 2005 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2131 Inderscience International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 1479-2494 1479-2753 2004 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-2753 Inderscience International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials 1947-5411 1947-542X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-542X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design 1025-5818 2002 4 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1025-5818 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 2052-2002 2052-2010 2016 1 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2010 Inderscience International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 2056-404X 2056-4058 2016 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-4058 Inderscience International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 1752-6124 1752-6132 2008 1 4(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6132 Inderscience International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT) 2155-6334 2155-6342 2011 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6342 IGI Global International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 2040-0721 2040-073X 2011 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-073X Inderscience International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services 2755-1938 2755-1946 2023 53 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-1946 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) 1947-8402 1947-8410 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8410 IGI Global International Journal of Social Economics 0306-8293 1758-6712 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6712 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2043-8257 2043-8265 2011 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8265 Inderscience International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 2050-3954 2050-3962 2013 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3962 Inderscience International Journal of Social Media and Online Communities (IJSMOC) 2642-2247 2642-2255 2019 11 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2642-2255 IGI Global International Journal of Social Network Mining 1757-8485 1757-8493 2012 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8493 Inderscience International Journal of Social Psychiatry 0020-7640 1741-2854 2004 50 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2854 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social 0213-4748 1579-3680 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3680 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social 0213-4748 1579-3680 2010 25 2013 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3680 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social 0213-4748 1579-3680 2015 30 2016 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3680 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social 0213-4748 1579-3680 2018 33 2019 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3680 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social 0213-4748 1579-3680 2021 36 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3680 SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Quality 1757-0344 1757-0352 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-0352 Berghahn Journals International Journal of Social Rehabilitation 2667-1069 2018 3 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-1069 Medknow Publications International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1364-5579 1464-5300 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5300 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Social Robotics 1875-4791 1875-4805 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-4805 Springer International Journal of Society Systems Science 1756-2511 1756-252X 2008 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-252X Inderscience International Journal of Sociology 0020-7659 1557-9336 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9336 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 0144-333X 1758-6720 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6720 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD) 1941-6253 1941-6261 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6261 IGI Global International Journal of Soft Computing and Networking 2052-8450 2052-8469 2016 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-8469 Inderscience International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications 2053-2466 2053-2474 2015 1 2017 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-2474 Inderscience International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI) 1942-9045 1942-9037 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-9037 IGI Global International Journal of Solar Energy 0142-5919 1982 1 2002 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0142-5919 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Spa and Wellness 2472-1735 2472-1743 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-1743 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Space Science and Engineering 2048-8459 2048-8467 2013 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8467 Inderscience International Journal of Space Structures 0956-0599 2059-8033 2000 15 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-8033 SAGE Publications International Journal of Space Technology Management and Innovation (IJSTMI) 2155-6350 2155-6369 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6369 IGI Global International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 2044-4893 2044-4907 2011 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-4907 Inderscience International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems 2052-3556 2052-3564 2016 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-3564 Inderscience International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science 2399-1275 2399-1283 2019 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-1283 Inderscience International Journal of Spectroscopy 1687-9449 1687-9457 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9457 Hindawi International Journal of Spectroscopy 1687-9449 1687-9457 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9457 Hindawi International Journal of Speech Technology 1381-2416 1572-8110 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8110 Springer International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1754-9507 1754-9515 2008 10 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9515 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Speleology 0392-6672 1827-806X 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1827-806X Union Internationale de Spéléologie International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1612-197X 1557-251X 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-251X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sport and Religion 2836-3205 2836-3213 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2836-3213 Catholic University of America Press International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 1475-8962 1740-2808 2005 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2808 Inderscience International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 1940-6940 1940-6959 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-6959 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 1464-6668 2000 2 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-6668 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Sports Medicine 0172-4622 1439-3964 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3964 Georg Thieme Verlag KG International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 1747-9541 2048-397X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-397X SAGE Publications International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 1747-9541 2048-397X 2006 1 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-397X Multi-Science International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 1756-8277 1756-8285 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8285 SAGE Publications International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR) 2470-8542 2470-8550 2015 13 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-8550 IGI Global International Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2356-7112 2314-6850 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6850 Hindawi International Journal of STD & AIDS 0956-4624 1758-1052 1996 7 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1052 SAGE Publications International Journal of Steel Structures 1598-2351 2093-6311 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2093-6311 Springer International Journal of STEM Education 2196-7822 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-7822 Springer International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2090-3332 2090-3340 1988 1 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3340 Hindawi International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2090-3332 2090-3340 2004 2004 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3340 Hindawi International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2090-3332 2090-3340 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3340 Hindawi International Journal of Stomatology & Occlusion Medicine 1867-2221 1867-223X 2013 6 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-223X Springer International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 1756-6444 1756-6452 2009 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6452 Inderscience International Journal of Strategic Change Management 1740-2859 1740-2867 2006 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2867 Inderscience International Journal of Strategic Communication 1553-118X 1553-1198 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-1198 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS) 1947-8569 1947-8577 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8577 IGI Global International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 1759-9733 1759-9741 2012 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9741 Inderscience International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA) 1947-3095 1947-3109 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3109 IGI Global International Journal of Strategic Property Management 1648-715X 1648-9179 2004 8 2017 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-9179 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Strategic Property Management 1648-715X 1648-9179 2006 3 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-9179 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press International Journal of Stroke 1747-4930 1747-4949 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4949 SAGE Publications International Journal of Structural Engineering 1758-7328 1758-7336 2009 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7336 Inderscience International Journal of Structural Integrity 1757-9864 1757-9872 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9872 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Student Project Reporting 2634-1948 2634-1956 2022 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-1956 Inderscience International Journal of Students' Research 2321-6662 2230-7095 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2230-7095 Medknow Publications International Journal of Superconductivity 2356-7120 2314-6869 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6869 Hindawi International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management 2054-099X 2054-1007 2015 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-1007 Inderscience International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience 2052-868X 2052-8698 2014 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-8698 Inderscience International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science (IJSEIMS) 2166-7225 2166-7233 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-7233 IGI Global International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment 1389-5265 1744-5000 1987 1 2005 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5000 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 1749-785X 1749-7868 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7868 Inderscience International Journal of Surgical Oncology 2090-1402 2090-1410 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1410 Hindawi International Journal of Surgical Oncology 2090-1402 2090-1410 2013 2013 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1410 Hindawi International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1066-8969 1940-2465 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-2465 SAGE Publications International Journal of Surrealism 2837-4657 2837-4649 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2837-4649 University of Minnesota Press International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 1467-6370 1758-6739 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6739 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics 2054-5819 2054-5827 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-5827 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Aviation 2050-0467 2050-0475 2014 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-0475 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development 2093-761X 2093-7628 2010 1 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2093-7628 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sustainable Design 1743-8284 1743-8292 2008 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8292 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Development 0960-1406 1741-5268 1998 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5268 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 1350-4509 1745-2627 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2627 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM) 2160-9659 2160-9667 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9667 IGI Global International Journal of Sustainable Economy 1756-5804 1756-5812 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-5812 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Energy 1478-6451 1478-646X 2003 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-646X Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1939-7038 1939-7046 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-7046 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 1742-7223 1742-7231 2008 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7231 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems 2043-8621 2043-863X 2012 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-863X Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics 2059-7770 2059-7789 2017 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7789 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Society 1756-2538 1756-2546 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2546 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 1753-3600 1753-3619 2008 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-3619 Inderscience International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 1556-8318 1556-8334 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-8334 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Swarm Intelligence 2049-4041 2049-405X 2013 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-405X Inderscience International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 1947-9263 1947-9271 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9271 IGI Global International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) 1947-9093 1947-9107 2010 1 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-9107 IGI Global International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA) 2160-9772 2160-9799 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9799 IGI Global International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 1748-0671 1748-068X 2008 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-068X Inderscience International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026 1466-5034 2000 50 2012 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-5034 Microbiology Society [PENDING] International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026 1466-5034 2013 63 2022 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-5034 Microbiology Society International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 0020-7713 1966 16 1999 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0020-7713 Microbiology Society [PENDING] International Journal of Systemic Therapy 2692-398X 2692-3998 2021 32 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-3998 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE) 1947-3052 1947-3060 2010 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-3060 IGI Global International Journal of Systems and Software Security and Protection (IJSSSP) 2640-4265 2640-4273 2018 9 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-4273 IGI Global International Journal of Systems Biology and Biomedical Technologies (IJSBBT) 2160-9586 2160-9594 2012 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-9594 IGI Global International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 1755-9340 1755-9359 2008 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-9359 Inderscience International Journal of Systems Control and Information Processing 1759-9334 1759-9342 2012 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9342 Inderscience International Journal of Systems Science 0020-7721 1464-5319 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5319 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics 2330-2674 2330-2682 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2682 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 1749-9151 1749-916X 2007 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-916X Inderscience International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 1746-5370 1746-5389 2007 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5389 Inderscience International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 1947-3451 1947-346X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-346X IGI Global International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 1753-1942 1753-1950 2007 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-1950 Inderscience International Journal of Technology and Design Education 0957-7572 1573-1804 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1804 Springer International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM) 2155-5605 2155-5613 2011 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-5613 IGI Global International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 1476-5667 1741-8194 2004 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8194 Inderscience International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) 1548-3908 1548-3916 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3916 IGI Global International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) 1947-9301 1947-931X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-931X IGI Global International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 1753-5255 1753-5263 2008 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5263 Inderscience International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 1740-2832 1740-2840 2004 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2840 Inderscience International Journal of Technology Management 0267-5730 1741-5276 1997 13 2022 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5276 Inderscience International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development 1474-2748 2040-0551 2002 1 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0551 Intellect International Journal of Technology Marketing 1741-878X 1741-8798 2005 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8798 Inderscience International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 1742-4240 1742-4259 2012 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4259 Inderscience International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 1468-4322 1741-5292 2001 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5292 Inderscience International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 1470-6075 1741-5284 2002 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5284 Inderscience International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 1687-6415 1687-6423 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6423 Hindawi International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 1687-6415 1687-6423 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6423 Hindawi International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices 2052-8434 2052-8442 2015 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-8442 Inderscience International Journal of Telerehabilitation 1945-2020 2008 0 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-2020 University of Pittsburgh University Library System International Journal of Testing 1530-5058 1532-7574 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7574 Taylor & Francis International Journal of the Addictions 0020-773X 1966 1 1995 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0020-773X Taylor & Francis International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management 2046-4533 2046-4541 2011 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-4541 Inderscience International Journal of the Cardiovascular Academy 2405-8181 2405-819X 2018 4 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2405-819X Medknow Publications International Journal of the Commons 1875-0281 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-0281 Ubiquity Press International Journal of the Digital Human 2046-3375 2046-3383 2015 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-3383 Inderscience International Journal of the Economics of Business 1357-1516 1466-1829 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1829 Taylor & Francis International Journal of the Legal Profession 0969-5958 1469-9257 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9257 Taylor & Francis International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure 2520-8683 2520-8691 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8691 Springer International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Multiscale Mechanics 1755-9995 1756-0004 2009 1 2021 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0004 Inderscience International Journal of Theoretical Physics 0020-7748 1572-9575 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9575 Springer International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 1741-1645 1759-779X 2013 20 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-779X Mark Allen Group International Journal of Thermophysics 0195-928X 1572-9567 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9567 Springer International Journal of Tissue Engineering 2314-4408 2314-4416 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4416 Hindawi International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 1759-0442 1759-0450 2010 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0450 Inderscience International Journal of Tourism Cities 2056-5607 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5607 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Tourism Policy 1750-4090 1750-4104 2007 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-4104 Inderscience International Journal of Tourism Sciences 1598-0634 2377-0058 2011 1 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-0058 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Toxicology 1091-5818 1092-874X 2004 23 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-874X SAGE Publications International Journal of Toxicology 1091-5818 1092-874X 2010 29 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-874X SAGE Publications International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 1742-7541 1742-755X 2007 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-755X Inderscience International Journal of Training Research 1448-0220 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1448-0220 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice 2218-3159 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2218-3159 European Association for Transactional Analysis International Journal of Transgender Health 2689-5269 2020 21 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2689-5269 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Transgenderism 1553-2739 1434-4599 2005 8 2019 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-4599 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Transitional Justice 1752-7716 1752-7724 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7724 Oxford University Press International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems 1745-0071 1745-008X 2010 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-008X Inderscience International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 2046-0430 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-0430 Multi-Science International Journal of Trichology 0974-7753 0974-9241 2010 2 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9241 Medknow Publications International Journal of Trichology 0974-7753 0974-9241 2015 7 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9241 Medknow Publications International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 1742-7592 2019 39 2019 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7592 Springer International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications 2048-8378 2048-8386 2013 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8386 Inderscience International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 Libertas Academica International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6469 SAGE Publications International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1027-3719 1815-7920 2010 14 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-7920 International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems 1758-728X 1758-7298 2009 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7298 Inderscience International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 2161-6779 1998 2 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-6779 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 1946-3138 1946-3146 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3146 Taylor & Francis International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IJUDH) 2156-1818 2156-180X 2011 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-180X IGI Global International Journal of Value Chain Management 1741-5357 1741-5365 2006 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5365 Inderscience International Journal of Vascular Medicine 2090-2824 2090-2832 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2832 Hindawi International Journal of Vascular Medicine 2090-2824 2090-2832 2013 2013 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2832 Hindawi International Journal of Vegetable Science 1931-5260 1931-5279 2007 13 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-5279 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 1471-0226 1741-5306 2002 1 2020 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5306 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Design 0143-3369 1741-5314 1998 20 2022 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5314 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 1471-0242 1741-8208 2005 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8208 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 1479-1471 1479-148X 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-148X Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Performance 1745-3194 1745-3208 2013 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3208 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Safety 1479-3105 1479-3113 2005 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-3113 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing. 1745-6436 1745-6444 2005 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6444 Inderscience International Journal of Vehicular Technology 1687-5702 1687-5710 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5710 Hindawi International Journal of Vehicular Technology 1687-5702 1687-5710 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5710 Hindawi International Journal of Ventilation 1473-3315 2044-4044 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-4044 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE) 1947-8518 1947-8526 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8526 IGI Global International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN) 1942-9010 1942-9029 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-9029 IGI Global International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia 1741-1874 1741-1882 2008 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1882 Inderscience International Journal of Water 1465-6620 1741-5322 2000 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5322 Inderscience International Journal of Water Resources Development 0790-0627 1360-0648 1983 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0648 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Web and Grid Services 1741-1106 1741-1114 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1114 Inderscience International Journal of Web Based Communities 1477-8394 1741-8216 2004 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8216 Inderscience International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 1476-1289 1741-9212 2003 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9212 Inderscience International Journal of Web Information Systems 1744-0084 1744-0092 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0092 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP) 1938-0194 1938-0208 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-0208 IGI Global International Journal of Web Science 1757-8795 1757-8809 2011 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8809 Inderscience International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 1545-7362 1546-5004 2005 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-5004 IGI Global International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 1545-7362 1546-5004 2010 7 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-5004 IGI Global International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT) 1548-1093 1548-1107 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1107 IGI Global International Journal of Welsh Writing in English 2053-1915 2018 5 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-1915 Open Library of Humanities International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062 1751-1070 2007 19 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1070 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Wine Marketing 0954-7541 1758-6747 1989 1 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6747 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 1741-1084 1741-1092 2005 1 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1092 Inderscience International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 1741-1084 1741-1092 2023 25 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-1092 Inderscience International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 1068-9605 1572-8129 2013 20 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8129 Springer International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT) 2155-6261 2155-627X 2011 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-627X IGI Global International Journal of Work Innovation 2043-9032 2043-9040 2012 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-9040 Inderscience International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 1740-8938 1740-8946 2005 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-8946 Inderscience International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351 1753-836X 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-836X Emerald Group Publishing International Journal of Wrestling Science 2161-5667 2161-3524 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-3524 Taylor & Francis International Journal of Yoga 0973-6131 2231-2714 2010 3 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2714 Medknow Publications International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology 2347-5633 2348-5108 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-5108 Medknow Publications International Journal of Žižek Studies 1552-5112 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5112 Open Humanities Press International Journal of Zoology 1687-8477 1687-8485 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8485 Hindawi International Journal of Zoology 1687-8477 1687-8485 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8485 Hindawi International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 2524-5236 2524-5244 2018 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-5244 Springer International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 1433-2833 1433-2825 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-2825 Springer International Journal on Grey Literature 1466-6189 1758-6755 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6755 Emerald Group Publishing International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing 1955-2513 1955-2505 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1955-2505 Springer International Journal on Media Management 1424-1277 1424-1250 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1424-1250 Taylor & Francis International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 1552-6283 1552-6291 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6291 IGI Global International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 1552-6283 1552-6291 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6291 IGI Global International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) 1433-2779 1433-2787 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-2787 Springer International Journal Sustainable Construction & Design 2032-7471 2295-9092 2010 2010 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-9092 Ghent University Library International Library Review 0020-7837 1969 1 1991 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0020-7837 Taylor & Francis International Listening Association. Journal 1092-4507 1987 1 1994 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-4507 Taylor & Francis International Marketing Review 0265-1335 1758-6763 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6763 Emerald Group Publishing International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 1743-2804 1987 32 2011 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2804 Taylor & Francis International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 1743-2804 2012 57 2012 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2804 Maney Publishing International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 1743-2804 2012 57 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2804 Taylor & Francis International Mathematics Research Notices 1073-7928 1687-0247 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0247 Oxford University Press International Mathematics Research Notices 1073-7928 1687-0247 2010 2010 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0247 Oxford University Press International Mathematics Research Papers 1687-3017 1687-3009 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-3009 Oxford University Press International Mathematics Research Surveys 1687-1308 1687-1324 2008 2007 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-1324 Oxford University Press International Metallurgical Reviews 0367-9020 1972 17 1975 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0367-9020 Taylor & Francis International Metals Reviews 0308-4590 1976 21 1986 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0308-4590 Taylor & Francis International Migration Review 0197-9183 1747-7379 2005 39 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7379 SAGE Publications International Multilingual Research Journal 1931-3152 1931-3160 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-3160 Taylor & Francis International Musculoskeletal Medicine 1753-6146 1753-6154 2008 30 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6154 Taylor & Francis International Musculoskeletal Medicine 1753-6146 1753-6154 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6154 Maney Publishing International Musculoskeletal Medicine 1753-6146 1753-6154 2012 34 2016 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-6154 Taylor & Francis International Nano Letters 2008-9295 2228-5326 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2228-5326 Springer International Nonwovens Journal 1527-2494 2004 os-13 2005 os-14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2494 SAGE Publications International Ophthalmology 0165-5701 1573-2630 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2630 Springer International Organization 0020-8183 1531-5088 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-5088 MIT Press International Orthopaedics 0341-2695 1432-5195 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-5195 Springer International Paramedic Practice 2052-4889 2013 3 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4889 Mark Allen Group International Peacekeeping 1353-3312 1743-906X 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-906X Taylor & Francis International Planning Studies 1356-3475 1469-9265 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9265 Taylor & Francis International Political Science Abstracts 0020-8345 1751-9292 2007 57 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-9292 SAGE Publications International Political Science Review 0192-5121 1460-373X 2004 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-373X SAGE Publications International Political Sociology 1749-5679 1749-5687 2008 2 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-5687 Oxford University Press International Polymer Science and Technology 0307-174X 1478-2405 2004 31 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-2405 SAGE Publications International Public Management Journal 1096-7494 1559-3169 2005 8 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-3169 Taylor & Francis International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0272-684X 1541-3519 2004 24 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3519 SAGE Publications International Regional Science Review 0160-0176 1552-6925 2004 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6925 SAGE Publications International Relations 0047-1178 1741-2862 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2862 SAGE Publications International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 1470-482X 1470-4838 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-4838 Oxford University Press International Research in Children's Literature 1755-6198 1755-6201 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-6201 Edinburgh University Press International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 1038-2046 1747-7611 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7611 Taylor & Francis International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 1461-7218 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7218 SAGE Publications International Review of Administrative Sciences 0020-8523 1461-7226 2004 70 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7226 SAGE Publications International Review of Applied Economics 0269-2171 1465-3486 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3486 Taylor & Francis International Review of Economics 1865-1704 1863-4613 2016 63 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-4613 Springer International Review of Education 0020-8566 1573-0638 2013 59 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0638 Springer International Review of Law 2223-859X 2012 2012 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2223-859X HBKU Press International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 1360-0869 1364-6885 1984 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-6885 Taylor & Francis International Review of Psychiatry 0954-0261 1369-1627 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1627 Taylor & Francis International Review of Public Administration 1229-4659 2331-7795 1999 4 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-7795 Taylor & Francis International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2016 9 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2016 9 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2017 10 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2017 10 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2018 11 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2018 11 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2019 12 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2019 12 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 University of California Press International Review of Qualitative Research 1940-8447 1940-8455 2020 13 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8455 SAGE Publications International Review of Scottish Studies 1923-5755 1923-5763 2023 48 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-5763 Edinburgh University Press International Review of Social Psychology 2397-8570 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-8570 Ubiquity Press International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie 0390-6701 1469-9273 1987 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9273 Taylor & Francis International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1750-984X 1750-9858 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-9858 Taylor & Francis International Review of Victimology 0269-7580 2003 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0269-7580 SAGE Publications International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 1865-1984 1865-1992 2013 10 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-1992 Springer International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 0144-235X 1366-591X 1981 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-591X Taylor & Francis International Reviews of Immunology 0883-0185 1563-5244 1986 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5244 Taylor & Francis International Scholarly Research Notices 2356-7872 2013 2013 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-7872 Hindawi International Security 0162-2889 1531-4804 1976 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-4804 MIT Press International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 1477-7800 2004 1 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7800 BioMed Central International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 1741-2870 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2870 SAGE Publications International Social Work 0020-8728 1461-7234 2004 47 2022 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7234 SAGE Publications International Sociology 0268-5809 1461-7242 2004 19 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7242 SAGE Publications International Studies 0020-8817 0973-0702 2004 41 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0702 SAGE Publications International Studies in Catholic Education 1942-2539 1942-2547 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-2547 Taylor & Francis International Studies in Sociology of Education 0962-0214 1747-5066 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5066 Taylor & Francis International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 0269-8595 1469-9281 1986 1 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9281 Taylor & Francis International Studies of Management & Organization 0020-8825 1558-0911 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0911 Taylor & Francis International Studies Perspectives 1528-3577 1528-3585 2008 9 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-3585 Oxford University Press International Studies Quarterly 0020-8833 1468-2478 2008 52 2022 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2478 Oxford University Press International Studies Review 1521-9488 1468-2486 2008 10 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2486 Oxford University Press International Tax and Public Finance 0927-5940 1573-6970 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6970 Springer International Trade, Politics and Development 2632-122X 2019 3 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-122X Emerald Group Publishing International Tree Crops Journal 0143-5698 1980 1 2000 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0143-5698 Taylor & Francis International Union Rights 1018-5909 2308-5142 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-5142 International Centre for Trade Union Rights International Urogynecology Journal 0937-3462 1433-3023 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-3023 Springer International Urology and Nephrology 0301-1623 1573-2584 2013 45 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2584 Springer International Water Association Publishing Books 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=International+Water+Association+Publishing+Books&pub=International+Water+Association+Publishing International Water Association Publishing International Water Association Publishing Books 2021 2021 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3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6453 Maney Publishing International Wood Products Journal 2042-6445 2042-6453 2012 3 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6453 Taylor & Francis Internet Histories 2470-1475 2470-1483 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1483 Taylor & Francis Internet Mathematics 1542-7951 1944-9488 2004 1 2016 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9488 Taylor & Francis Internet Reference Services Quarterly 1087-5301 1540-4749 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4749 Taylor & Francis Internet Research 1066-2243 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1066-2243 Emerald Group Publishing Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships 1981-6472 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1981-6472 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 0020-9643 2159-340X 2004 58 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-340X SAGE Publications Interpreting and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2752-3810 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-3810 SAGE Publications Intersticios 1887-3898 2007 1 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1887-3898 Intersticios Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 1997 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2013 17 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2014 18 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 Texas Tech University Press Intertexts 1092-0625 2156-5465 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5465 University of Nebraska Press Intervention 1571-8883 1872-1001 2018 16 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-1001 Medknow Publications Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 1538-4810 2003 39 2007 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4810 SAGE Publications Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 2007 43 2008 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1053-4512 SAGE Publications Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 1538-4810 2009 45 2010 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4810 SAGE Publications Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 2010 46 2015 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1053-4512 SAGE Publications Intervention in School and Clinic 1053-4512 1538-4810 2015 51 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4810 SAGE Publications Interventional Cardiology 1755-5302 1755-5310 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-5310 Future Medicine Interventional Cardiology 1755-5302 1755-5310 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-5310 Future Medicine Interventional Neuroradiology 1591-0199 2385-2011 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2385-2011 SAGE Publications Interventionelle Radiologie Scan 2196-2510 2196-2529 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-2529 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 1369-801X 1469-929X 1998 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-929X Taylor & Francis IntraVital 2165-9087 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-9087 Taylor & Francis Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 2169-0707 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0707 Taylor & Francis Invasive Plant Science and Management 1939-7291 1939-747X 2008 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-747X Weed Science Society of America Inventiones Mathematicae 0020-9910 1432-1297 1966 1 2018 213 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1297 Springer Inventiones Mathematicae 0020-9910 1432-1297 2019 217 2019 217 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1297 Springer Inverse Problems in Engineering 1068-2767 1029-0281 1994 1 2003 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0281 Taylor & Francis Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1741-5977 1741-5985 2004 12 2021 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5985 Taylor & Francis Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 0792-4259 2157-0272 1989 15 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-0272 Taylor & Francis Investigational New Drugs 0167-6997 1573-0646 1983 1 2013 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0646 Springer Investigational New Drugs 0167-6997 1573-0646 2016 34 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0646 Springer Investigations in Mathematics Learning 1947-7503 2472-7466 2008 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7466 Taylor & Francis Investigative Genetics 2041-2223 2013 4 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2041-2223 Springer Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS) 0146-0404 1552-5783 2005 46 2013 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5783 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Investigative Sciences Journal 1942-7794 2009 1 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-7794 Investigative Sciences Journal Investment Analysts Journal 1029-3523 2077-0227 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2077-0227 Taylor & Francis Invisible Culture 1097-3710 1998 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1097-3710 University of Rochester Invisible Culture 1097-3710 2002 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1097-3710 University of Rochester Involve: a journal of mathematics 1944-4176 1944-4184 2010 3 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4184 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Ionics 0947-7047 1862-0760 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-0760 Springer Iowa Historical Review 2373-1842 2007 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2373-1842 University of Iowa Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 2168-569X 2168-5738 1993 1993 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5738 University of Iowa Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 2168-569X 2168-5738 2002 1 2006 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5738 University of Iowa Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 2168-569X 2168-5738 2009 10 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5738 University of Iowa Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 2168-569X 2168-5738 2010 12 2021 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5738 University of Iowa Iowa Journal of Literary Studies 0743-2747 2325-8845 1977 1 1991 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-8845 University of Iowa i-Perception 2041-6695 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-6695 SAGE Publications Iran 0578-6967 2396-9202 1963 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-9202 Taylor & Francis Iran Journal of Computer Science 2520-8438 2520-8446 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8446 Springer Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 1735-9066 2228-5504 2014 19 2021 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2228-5504 Medknow Publications Iranian Studies 0021-0862 1475-4819 1967 1 2021 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-4819 Taylor & Francis Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine 1684-5382 2020 33 2020 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1684-5382 Medknow Publications Iraqi Journal of Hematology 2072-8069 2543-2702 2011 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2543-2702 Medknow Publications Iridescent 1923-5003 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1923-5003 Taylor & Francis Irish Economic and Social History 0332-4893 2050-4918 2007 34 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4918 SAGE Publications Irish Educational Studies 0332-3315 1747-4965 1981 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4965 Taylor & Francis Irish Geography 0075-0778 1939-4055 1954 3 2013 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-4055 Taylor & Francis Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 0790-1763 2009-0064 2003 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0064 Royal Irish Academy Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 0790-1763 2009-0064 2010 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0064 Royal Irish Academy Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 0790-1763 2009-0064 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0064 Royal Irish Academy Irish Journal of Medical Science 0021-1265 1863-4362 2013 182 2018 187 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-4362 Springer Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy 0791-8437 2398-8819 2017 45 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-8819 Emerald Group Publishing Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2004 13 2006 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 SAGE Publications Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2010 18 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 SAGE Publications Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2011 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 Manchester University Press Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2011 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 SAGE Publications Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2012 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 Manchester University Press Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035 2050-5280 2012 20 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5280 SAGE Publications Irish Political Studies 0790-7184 1743-9078 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9078 Taylor & Francis Irish Studies in International Affairs 0332-1460 2009-0072 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0072 Royal Irish Academy Irish Studies Review 0967-0882 1469-9303 1992 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9303 Taylor & Francis Irish Studies South 2014 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Irish+Studies+South&pub=Georgia+Southern+University Georgia Southern University Irish Theological Quarterly 0021-1400 1752-4989 2004 69 2022 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-4989 SAGE Publications Irish University Review 0021-1427 2047-2153 2012 42 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-2153 Edinburgh University Press Irish Veterinary Journal 0368-0762 2046-0481 2016 69 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-0481 Springer Ironmaking & Steelmaking 0301-9233 1743-2812 1999 26 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2812 Taylor & Francis Ironmaking & Steelmaking 0301-9233 1743-2812 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2812 Maney Publishing Ironmaking & Steelmaking 0301-9233 1743-2812 2012 39 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2812 Taylor & Francis Irrigation and Drainage Systems 0168-6291 1573-0654 1986 1 2011 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0654 Springer Irrigation Science 0342-7188 1432-1319 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1319 Springer ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0971-5010 2164-3040 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-3040 Taylor & Francis Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 0959-6410 1469-9311 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9311 Taylor & Francis Islamic Africa 2333-262X 2154-0993 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-0993 Northwestern University Press Islamic Economic Studies 1319-1616 2019 27 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1319-1616 Emerald Group Publishing ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 1076-0962 1759-1090 2000 7 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-1090 Oxford University Press Islets 1938-2014 1938-2022 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2022 Taylor & Francis Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 0021-1915 1965 1 1994 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-1915 Taylor & Francis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 1025-6016 1477-2639 1995 31 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2639 Taylor & Francis ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2012 I 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2012 I 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2012 I 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2012 I 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2013 II-2-W1 2013 II-2-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2013 II-3-W1 2013 II-3-W3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2013 II-4-W1 2013 II-4-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2013 II-5-W1 2013 II-5-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2014 II-1 2014 II-1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2015 II-1-W1 2015 II-1-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2015 II-2-W2 2015 II-2-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2015 II-3-W5 2015 II-3-W5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2015 II-4-W2 2015 II-4-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2015 II-5-W3 2015 II-5-W3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 III-1 2016 III-2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 IV-2-W1 2016 IV-2-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2016 IV-4-W1 2016 IV-4-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2017 IV-1-W1 2017 IV-1-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2017 IV-2-W2 2017 IV-2-W4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2017 IV-4-W2 2017 IV-4-W5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Annals 2194-9042 2194-9050 2017 IV-5-W1 2017 IV-5-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9050 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2012 XXXIX-B2 2012 XXXIX-B8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2012 XXXVIII-4-C26 2012 XXXVIII-4-C26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-1-W1 2013 XL-1-W3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-2-W1 2013 XL-2-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-4-W1 2013 XL-4-W4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-5-W1 2013 XL-5-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-5-W3 2013 XL-5-W3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2013 XL-7-W1 2013 XL-7-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-1 2014 XL-2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-2-W3 2014 XL-2-W3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-3 2014 XL-3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-3-W1 2014 XL-3-W1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-4 2014 XL-5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-5-W2 2014 XL-5-W2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISPRS Archives 1682-1750 2194-9034 2014 XL-6 2014 XL-6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9034 Copernicus Publications ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 0128-1976 2289-4365 2017 9 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2289-4365 Emerald Group Publishing Israel Affairs 1353-7121 1743-9086 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9086 Taylor & Francis Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 1565-9801 2224-4662 2006 52 2016 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2224-4662 Taylor & Francis Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 2373-9770 2373-9789 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-9789 Taylor & Francis Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2045-4015 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-4015 Springer Israel Journal of Mathematics 0021-2172 2013 193 2018 227 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-2172 Springer Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 0792-9978 2223-8980 2000 48 2016 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2223-8980 Taylor & Francis Israel Journal of Zoology 0021-2210 1963 12 2005 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-2210 Taylor & Francis Israel Studies 1084-9513 1527-201X 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-201X Indiana University Press Israel Studies Review 2159-0389 1558-545X 2011 26 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-545X Berghahn Journals Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 0146-0862 1521-043X 1976 1 2015 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-043X Taylor & Francis Issues in Health Care of Women 0161-5246 1978 1 1983 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0161-5246 Taylor & Francis Issues in Mental Health Nursing 0161-2840 1096-4673 1978 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-4673 Taylor & Francis Italian Botanist 0020-0697 2421-0404 2016 2016 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2421-0404 Pensoft Publishers Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 1978 1 2005 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Michigan State University Press Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2005 23 2005 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Michigan State University Press Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2006 24 2007 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2007 24 2007 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Michigan State University Press Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2008 26 2008 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2008 26 2008 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2009 27 2009 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2010 28 2010 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2010 28 2010 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2011 29 2011 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2011 29 2011 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2012 30 2012 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Maney Publishing Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 2012 30 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0909 Taylor & Francis Italian Journal of Animal Science 1828-051X 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1828-051X Taylor & Francis Italian Journal of Pediatrics 1824-7288 2013 39 2019 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1824-7288 Springer Italian Journal of Zoology 1125-0003 1748-5851 1996 63 2016 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5851 Taylor & Francis Italian Politics 1086-4946 2010 25 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1086-4946 Berghahn Journals Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 1937 1 2009 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Taylor & Francis Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2010 65 2010 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Maney Publishing Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2010 65 2010 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Taylor & Francis Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2011 66 2011 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Taylor & Francis Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2011 66 2011 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Maney Publishing Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2012 67 2012 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Maney Publishing Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 2012 67 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6181 Taylor & Francis ITNOW 1746-5702 1746-5710 2005 47 2022 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5710 Oxford University Press ITS Journal - Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal 1024-8072 1996 3 2001 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1024-8072 Taylor & Francis itw : im dialog -- Forschungen zum Gegenwartstheater 2297-6523 2018 3 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2297-6523 Universität Bern IUCrData 2414-3146 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2414-3146 International Union of Crystallography IUCrJ 2052-2525 2013 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2525 International Union of Crystallography IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2633-1020 2019 2019 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-1020 University of Edinburgh IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE 2633-1020 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-1020 University of Edinburgh IVF Lite 2348-2907 2348-5116 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-5116 Medknow Publications I V H S Journal 1065-5123 1993 1 1995 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1065-5123 Taylor & Francis Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 0001-4338 1555-628X 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-628X Springer Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth 1069-3513 1555-6506 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6506 Springer J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists 2166-742X 2166-7438 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-7438 University of Pennsylvania Press JACC: Basic To Translational Science 2452-302X 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2452-302X American College of Cardiology JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 1936-878X 1876-7591 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-7591 American College of Cardiology JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 1936-8798 1876-7605 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-7605 American College of Cardiology Jack Magazine 1939-0351 2000 1 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0351 Jack Magazine Jadavpur Journal of International Relations 0973-5984 2004 8 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-5984 SAGE Publications Jahrbuch Diakonie Schweiz 2504-3994 2017 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2504-3994 Universität Bern Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft 0173-7600 1613-9836 2013 33 2019 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9836 Springer Jahresbericht der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 0012-0456 1869-7135 2013 115 2018 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-7135 Springer JAK-STAT 2162-3996 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-3996 Taylor & Francis JALA 1535-5535 1540-2452 2005 10 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-2452 SAGE Publications JAMA Cardiology 2380-6583 2380-6591 2016 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-6591 American Medical Association JAMA Dermatology 0003-987X 0096-5359 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0096-5359 American Medical Association JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery 1521-2491 1538-3660 2016 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3660 American Medical Association JAMA Français 1930-4625 2003 289 2008 300 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-4625 American Medical Association JAMA Health Forum 2689-0186 2020 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-0186 American Medical Association JAMA Internal Medicine 2168-6106 2168-6114 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6114 American Medical Association JAMA Network Open 2574-3805 2018 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2574-3805 American Medical Association JAMA Neurology 2168-6149 2168-6157 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6157 American Medical Association JAMA Oncology 2374-2437 2374-2445 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-2445 American Medical Association JAMA Ophthalmology 2168-6165 2168-6173 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6173 American Medical Association JAMA Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 0886-4470 1538-361X 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-361X American Medical Association JAMA Pediatrics 2168-6203 2168-6211 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6211 American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry 0003-990X 1538-3636 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3636 American Medical Association JAMA Surgery 2168-6254 2168-6262 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6262 American Medical Association JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 0098-7484 1538-3598 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3598 American Medical Association James Baldwin Journal 2056-9211 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9211 Manchester University Press James Joyce Quarterly 0021-4183 1938-6036 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-6036 University of Tulsa JAOA: Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 0098-6151 1945-1997 1950 50 1958 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-1997 American Osteopathic Association JAOA: Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 0098-6151 1945-1997 1965 65 2012 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-1997 American Osteopathic Association Japan Forum 0955-5803 1469-932X 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-932X Taylor & Francis Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0916-7005 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0916-7005 Springer Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 SAGE Publications Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 Libertas Academica Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 SAGE Publications Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 Libertas Academica Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 SAGE Publications Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 SAGE Publications Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 Libertas Academica Japanese Clinical Medicine 1179-6707 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-6707 Libertas Academica 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1745-4360 2004 1 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4360 University of Glasgow Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 2219-7125 2219-7117 2010 1 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2219-7117 Oxford University Press Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 2219-7125 2219-7117 2016 13 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2219-7117 Oxford University Press JETP Letters 0021-3640 1090-6487 2013 97 2018 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-6487 Springer Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 1920-2601 1920-261X 2009 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1920-261X University of Winnipeg Centre for Research in Young People's Texts and Cultures Jewish Culture and History 1462-169X 2167-9428 1998 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-9428 Taylor & Francis Jewish Education 0021-6429 1929 1 1934 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-6429 Taylor & Francis Jewish Education 0021-6429 1938 10 1993 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-6429 Taylor & Francis Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal 2169-0324 2169-0332 2013 2021 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0027-8874 1460-2105 2007 99 2022 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2105 Oxford University Press JNCI Monographs 1052-6773 1745-6614 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6614 Oxford University Press JNCI Monographs 1052-6773 1745-6614 2010 2010 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6614 Oxford University Press JNCI Monographs 1052-6773 1745-6614 2017 2017 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6614 Oxford University Press JNCI Monographs 1052-6773 1745-6614 2019 2019 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6614 Oxford University Press Joints 2282-4324 2512-9090 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2512-9090 Georg Thieme Verlag KG JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 1047-4838 1543-1851 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-1851 Springer Journal Africain d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie 1954-3204 1954-3212 2013 7 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1954-3212 Springer Journal africain du cancer / African Journal of Cancer 1965-0817 1965-0825 2013 5 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1965-0825 Springer Journal Club AINS 2194-9719 2194-9727 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9727 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal Club Schmerzmedizin 2194-9735 2194-9743 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9743 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 0021-7670 2013 119 2018 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-7670 Springer Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines 1145-6396 1996 6 1997 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1145-6396 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines 1145-6396 1999 9 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1145-6396 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal for Cultural Research 1479-7585 1740-1666 2003 7 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-1666 Taylor & Francis Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 1531-0485 1553-3786 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3786 University of Pennsylvania Press Journal for Education in the Built Environment 1747-4205 2006 1 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4205 Taylor & Francis Journal for Global Business Advancement 1746-966X 1746-9678 2007 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-9678 Inderscience Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2051-1426 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2051-1426 Springer Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 1549-9324 1747-6763 2003 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6763 Inderscience Journal for Labour Market Research 1614-3485 1867-8343 2013 46 2017 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-8343 Springer Journal for Maritime Research 2153-3369 1469-1957 1999 1 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-1957 Taylor & Francis Journal for Multicultural Education 2053-535X 2014 8 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-535X Emerald Group Publishing Journal for the Education of the Gifted 0162-3532 2003 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0162-3532 SAGE Publications Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 2159-0303 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-0303 New Prairie Press Journal for the History of Astronomy 0021-8286 1753-8556 2004 35 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8556 SAGE Publications Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 2687-8011 2011 14 2020 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2687-8011 Penn State University Press Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 2687-8011 2020 23 2020 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2687-8011 Taylor & Francis Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 2687-8011 2021 24 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2687-8011 Penn State University Press Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 2687-8011 2021 24 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2687-8011 Taylor & Francis Journal for the History of Rhetoric 2687-8003 2687-8011 2022 25 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2687-8011 Penn State University Press Journal for the Study of Education and Development: Infancia y Aprendizaje 0210-3702 1578-4126 1994 17 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1578-4126 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 1996 1 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 1998 2 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2002 6 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal for the Study of Food and Society 1528-9796 2002 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1528-9796 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 2159-2063 2576-7941 2011 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-7941 Penn State University Press Journal for the Study of Radicalism 1930-1189 1930-1197 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-1197 Michigan State University Press Journal for the Study of Spirituality 2044-0243 2044-0251 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-0251 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 1935-7397 1935-7400 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-7400 Taylor & Francis Journal for the Study of the New Testament 0142-064X 1745-5294 2003 26 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5294 SAGE Publications Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 0309-0892 1476-6728 2003 28 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-6728 SAGE Publications Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 0951-8207 1745-5286 2004 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5286 SAGE Publications Journal for Vascular Ultrasound 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1832-5912 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 0148-558X 2004 19 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-558X SAGE Publications Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 2042-1168 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-1168 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science 1672-3597 1993-0399 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0399 Springer Journal of Acute Disease 2221-6189 2589-5516 2017 6 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-5516 Medknow Publications Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 1753-6421 1753-643X 2007 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-643X Intellect Journal of Addiction 2090-7834 2090-7850 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7850 Hindawi Journal of Addictive Diseases 1055-0887 1545-0848 1991 10 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0848 Taylor & Francis Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 0169-4243 1568-5616 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5616 Taylor & Francis Journal of Adolescent Chemical Dependency 0896-7768 1990 1 1993 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0896-7768 Taylor & Francis Journal of Adolescent Research 0743-5584 1552-6895 2004 19 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6895 SAGE Publications Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1477-9714 1479-7194 2004 10 2010 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7194 SAGE Publications Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1477-9714 1479-7194 2011 17 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7194 SAGE Publications Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1477-9714 1479-7194 2011 17 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7194 Manchester University Press Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1477-9714 1479-7194 2012 18 2012 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7194 Manchester University Press Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1477-9714 1479-7194 2012 18 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-7194 SAGE Publications Journal of Adult Development 1068-0667 1573-3440 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3440 Springer Journal of 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-3097 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Aesthetic Nursing 2050-3717 2052-2878 2013 2 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2878 Mark Allen Group Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2000-4214 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4214 Co-Action Publishing Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2000-4214 2013 5 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4214 Taylor & Francis Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2000-4214 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4214 Co-Action Publishing Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2000-4214 2016 8 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-4214 Taylor & Francis Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2053-9320 2053-9339 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-9339 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2053-9320 2053-9339 2014 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-9339 Taylor & Francis Journal of African American Studies 1559-1646 1936-4741 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4741 Springer Journal of African Business 1522-8916 1522-9076 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9076 Taylor & Francis Journal of African Cinemas 1754-9221 1754-923X 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-923X Intellect Journal of African Cultural Studies 1369-6815 1469-9346 1998 11 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9346 Taylor & Francis Journal of African Development 2689-4092 2689-4084 2010 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-4084 Penn State University Press Journal of African Development 2689-4092 2689-4084 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-4084 Penn State University Press Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 2161-9441 2161-9468 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-9468 Taylor & Francis Journal of African Economies 0963-8024 1464-3723 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3723 Oxford University Press Journal of African Media Studies 2040-199X 1751-7974 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7974 Intellect Journal of Africana Religions 2165-5405 2165-5413 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-5413 Penn State University Press Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 1759-6599 2042-8715 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8715 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 1092-6771 1545-083X 1997 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-083X Taylor & Francis Journal of Aging & Social Policy 0895-9420 1545-0821 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0821 Taylor & Francis Journal of Aging and Environment 2689-2618 2689-2626 2020 34 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-2626 Taylor & Francis Journal of Aging and Health 0898-2643 1552-6887 2004 16 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6887 SAGE Publications Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts: Official Journal of the Gerontological Society of America 1932-5614 1932-5622 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-5622 Taylor & Francis Journal of Aging Research 2090-2204 2090-2212 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2212 Hindawi Journal of Aging Research 2090-2204 2090-2212 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2212 Hindawi Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 2044-0839 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-0839 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 1542-0485 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-0485 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Agricultural & Food Information 1049-6505 1540-4722 1993 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4722 Taylor & Francis Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1187-7863 1573-322X 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-322X Springer Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 1523-5475 2153-652X 2007 24 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-652X South Carolina Entomological Society Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 1085-7117 1537-2693 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-2693 Springer Journal of Agricultural Science 1916-9752 1916-9760 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9760 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Agricultural Sciences 0976-6898 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-6898 Taylor & Francis Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 2152-0798 2152-0801 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-0801 New Leaf Associates Journal of Agromedicine 1059-924X 1545-0813 1994 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0813 Taylor & Francis Journal of Air Transportation 2380-9450 2016 24 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-9450 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Aircraft 0021-8669 1533-3868 1964 1 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-3868 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 0925-9899 1572-9192 2013 37 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9192 Springer Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 1748-3018 1748-3026 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-3026 SAGE Publications Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing 0973-662X 2582-4961 2021 40 2021 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2582-4961 Medknow Publications Journal of Allergy 1687-9783 1687-9791 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9791 Hindawi Journal of Allergy 1687-9783 1687-9791 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9791 Hindawi Journal of Altmeterics 2577-5685 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2577-5685 Levy Library Press Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 1868-5137 1868-5145 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-5145 Springer Journal of Ambulatory Care Marketing 0886-9723 1987 1 1996 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0886-9723 Taylor & Francis Journal of American College Health 0744-8481 1940-3208 1982 31 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3208 Taylor & Francis Journal of American College Health Association 0164-4300 1978 27 1982 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0164-4300 Taylor & Francis Journal of American Folklore 0021-8715 1535-1882 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-1882 American Folklore Society Journal of American History 0021-8723 1945-2314 2008 94 2022 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-2314 Oxford University Press Journal of American Indian Education 0021-8731 2379-3651 2011 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-3651 University of Minnesota Press Journal of Amino Acids 2090-0104 2090-0112 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0112 Hindawi Journal of Amino Acids 2090-0104 2090-0112 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0112 Hindawi Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 0970-9185 2231-2730 2011 27 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2730 Medknow Publications Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 0970-9185 2231-2730 2019 35 2020 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2730 Medknow Publications Journal of Analysis and Testing 2096-241X 2509-4696 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-4696 Springer Journal of Analytic Social Work 1052-9950 1992 1 1998 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1052-9950 Taylor & Francis Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 0267-9477 1364-5544 1997 12 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5544 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1061-9348 1608-3199 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3199 Springer Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2090-8865 2090-8873 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8873 Hindawi Journal of Analytical Toxicology 0146-4760 1945-2403 2008 32 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-2403 Oxford University Press Journal of Andrology 0196-3635 1939-4640 1980 1 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-4640 American Society of Andrology Journal of Anesthesia 0913-8668 1438-8359 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8359 Springer Journal of Anesthesiology 2356-7147 2314-6974 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6974 Hindawi Journal of Angiology 2356-7155 2314-694X 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-694X Hindawi Journal of Anglican Studies 1740-3553 1745-5278 2006 3 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5278 SAGE Publications Journal of Animal Ethics 2156-5414 2160-1267 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-1267 University of Illinois Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 1942 1 2007 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2008 85 2008 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2008 86 2008 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2009 86 2009 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2009 87 2009 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2010 87 2010 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2010 88 2010 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2011 88 2011 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2011 89 2011 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2012 89 2012 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2012 90 2012 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2013 90 2013 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2013 91 2013 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 American Society of Animal Science Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812 1525-3163 2014 91 2022 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3163 Oxford University Press Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2049-1891 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-1891 Springer Journal of Animal Science and Technology 1598-9429 2055-0391 2014 56 2014 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0391 BioMed Central Journal of Animal Science and Technology 1598-9429 2055-0391 2015 57 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0391 Springer Journal of Animals 2356-7163 2314-825X 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-825X Hindawi Journal of Anthropology 2090-4045 2090-4053 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4053 Hindawi Journal of Anthropology 2090-4045 2090-4053 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4053 Hindawi Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 0305-7453 1460-2091 2005 55 2022 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2091 Oxford University Press Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 2050-0688 2050-0696 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-0696 Oxford University Press Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 1060-3271 1944-7922 2008 91 2022 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7922 Oxford University Press Journal of Apicultural Research 0021-8839 2078-6913 1962 1 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-6913 Taylor & Francis Journal 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Materials 2280-8000 2012 10 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2280-8000 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics 1724-6024 2004 2 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6024 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Chemistry 2356-7171 2314-6923 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6923 Hindawi Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 1526-9914 2005 6 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-9914 Multimed Inc. Journal of Applied Communication Research 0090-9882 1479-5752 1973 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5752 Taylor & Francis Journal of Applied Communications 1051-0834 2476-1362 2009 93 2023 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-1362 New Prairie Press Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 0021-891X 1572-8838 2008 38 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8838 Springer Journal of Applied Farm Economics 2331-9151 2017 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-9151 Purdue University Press Journal of Applied Genetics 1234-1983 2190-3883 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-3883 Springer Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 1552-4523 2004 23 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4523 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Gerontology 0733-4648 1552-4523 2010 29 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4523 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Hematology 1658-5127 2454-6976 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2454-6976 Medknow Publications JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY 1439-0426 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0426 Hindawi Journal of Applied Leadership and Management 2194-9522 2012 2012 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-9522 Professional School of Business & Technology Journal of Applied Management Studies 1360-0796 1469-9354 2000 9 2000 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9354 Taylor & Francis Journal of Applied Marketing Theory 2151-3236 2010 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-3236 Georgia Southern University Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X 1687-0042 2001 1 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0042 Hindawi Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X 1687-0042 2003 2003 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0042 Hindawi Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X 1687-0042 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-0042 Hindawi Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1598-5865 1865-2085 2013 41 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-2085 Springer Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1173-9126 1532-7612 2001 5 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7612 Taylor & Francis Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 0021-8944 1573-8620 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8620 Springer Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1962 1 1963 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1971 10 1971 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1973 12 1982 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1964 3 1964 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1965 4 1965 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0021-8952 1966 5 1970 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-8952 American Meteorological Society Journal of Applied Meteorology 0894-8763 1520-0450 1988 27 1990 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0450 American Meteorological Society Journal of 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Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Applied School Psychology 1537-7903 1537-7911 2002 19 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-7911 Taylor & Francis Journal of Applied Sciences and Clinical Practice 2772-364X 2772-3658 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-3658 Medknow Publications Journal of Applied Security Research 1936-1610 1936-1629 2008 3 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-1629 Taylor & Francis Journal of Applied Social Science 1936-7244 1937-0245 2007 1 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-0245 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Sociology 0749-0232 2004 os-21 2004 os-21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0749-0232 SAGE Publications Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 0021-9037 1573-8647 2013 80 2019 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8647 Springer Journal of Applied Sport Management: Research that Matters 2327-0187 2009 1 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2327-0187 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1041-3200 1533-1571 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-1571 Taylor & Francis 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0277-0903 1532-4303 1981 18 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4303 Taylor & Francis Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators 2150-1297 2150-1300 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-1300 SAGE Publications Journal of Asthma Research 0021-9134 1963 1 1980 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-9134 Taylor & Francis Journal of Astrophysics 2356-718X 2314-6192 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6192 Hindawi Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science 1741-7538 1741-7546 2002 8 2005 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7546 Taylor & Francis Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 0739-0572 1520-0426 1984 1 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0426 American Meteorological Society Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics 2314-8039 2314-8020 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8020 Hindawi Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 1687-9228 1687-9236 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9236 Hindawi Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 1687-9228 1687-9236 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0168-7433 1573-0670 2013 50 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0670 Springer Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 1082-6742 1938-2871 2000 14 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2871 Association of Avian Veterinarians Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering 2159-6670 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2159-6670 Purdue University Press Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 1526-1018 2169-7132 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-7132 Penn State University Press Journal of Ayurveda 2321-0435 2010 4 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2321-0435 Medknow Publications Journal of Ayurveda 2321-0435 2013 7 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2321-0435 Medknow Publications Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports 2667-0593 2667-0607 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-0607 Medknow Publications Journal of Bacteriology 0021-9193 1098-5530 1916 1 2023 205 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5530 American Society for Microbiology Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 1944-8953 1944-8961 2009 11 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8961 Taylor & Francis Journal of Baltic Studies 0162-9778 1751-7877 1972 3 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-7877 Taylor & Francis Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy 0976-0105 0976-0113 2013 4 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-0113 Medknow Publications Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences 2278-960X 2320-2041 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-2041 Medknow Publications Journal of Beatles Studies 2754-7019 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-7019 Liverpool University Press Journal of Beckett Studies 0309-5207 1759-7811 2000 9 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7811 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Behavioral Education 1053-0819 1573-3513 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3513 Springer Journal of Behavioral Finance 1520-8834 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1520-8834 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1520-8834 2001 2 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1520-8834 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1520-8834 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1520-8834 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1542-7579 2009 10 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7579 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1542-7579 2011 12 2020 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7579 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1542-7579 2021 22 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7579 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1542-7579 2003 4 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7579 Taylor & Francis Journal of Behavioral Medicine 0160-7715 1573-3521 1978 1 2011 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3521 Springer Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education 1361-7672 1469-9362 1984 5 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9362 Taylor & Francis Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2152-2812 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-2812 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Biblical Literature 0021-9231 1934-3876 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-3876 Society of Biblical Literature Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation 2523-3556 2523-3564 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-3564 Springer Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility 2576-117X 2576-1218 2018 68 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-1218 Taylor & Francis Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 0883-9115 1530-8030 2004 19 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8030 SAGE Publications Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 0883-9115 1530-8030 2010 25 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8030 SAGE Publications Journal of Biocommunication 0094-2499 2016 40 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0094-2499 University of Illinois at Chicago Library Journal of Biodiversity 0976-6901 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-6901 Taylor & Francis Journal of Bioeconomics 1387-6996 1573-6989 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6989 Springer Journal of Bioelectricity 0730-823X 1982 1 1991 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0730-823X Taylor & Francis Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 0145-479X 1573-6881 1970 1 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6881 Springer Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 1176-7529 1872-4353 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-4353 Springer Journal of Biological Chemistry 0021-9258 1083-351X 1905 1 2019 294 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1083-351X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal of Biological Dynamics 1751-3758 1751-3766 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-3766 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biological Education 0021-9266 2157-6009 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-6009 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biological Engineering 1754-1611 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1611 BioMed Central Journal of Biological Engineering 1754-1611 2012 6 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1611 Springer Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 0949-8257 1432-1327 1996 1 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1327 Springer Journal of Biological Physics 0092-0606 1573-0689 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0689 Springer Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 1790-045X 2241-5793 2014 21 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2241-5793 Springer Journal of Biological Rhythms 0748-7304 1552-4531 2004 19 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4531 SAGE Publications Journal of Biological Rhythms 0748-7304 1552-4531 2009 24 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4531 SAGE Publications Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 2231-1866 2231-1874 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-1874 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biology 1475-4924 2002 1 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1475-4924 BioMed Central Journal of Biomarkers 2090-8660 2090-7699 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7699 Hindawi Journal of Biomaterials Applications 0885-3282 1530-8022 2003 18 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8022 SAGE Publications Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 0920-5063 1568-5624 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5624 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration 1747-5333 2006 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1747-5333 BioMed Central Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration 1747-5333 2009 4 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1747-5333 University of Illinois at Chicago Library Journal of Biomedical Education 2314-5021 2314-503X 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-503X Hindawi Journal of Biomedical Science 1021-7770 1423-0127 2016 23 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0127 Springer Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2041-1480 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2041-1480 Springer Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 1110-7243 1110-7251 2001 1 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1110-7251 Hindawi Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 1110-7243 1110-7251 2003 2003 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1110-7251 Hindawi Journal of Biomolecular NMR 0925-2738 1573-5001 1991 1 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5001 Springer Journal of Biomolecular Screening 1087-0571 1552-454X 2004 9 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-454X SAGE Publications Journal of Biomolecular Screening 1087-0571 1552-454X 2010 15 2016 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-454X SAGE Publications Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 0739-1102 1538-0254 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-0254 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1054-3406 1520-5711 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5711 Taylor & Francis Journal of Biophysics 1687-8000 1687-8019 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8019 Hindawi Journal of Biophysics 1687-8000 1687-8019 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8019 Hindawi Journal of Biorheology 1867-0466 1867-0474 2009 23 2009 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-0474 Springer Journal of Biosciences 0250-5991 0973-7138 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-7138 Springer Journal of Biosecurity, Biosafety and Biodefense Law 2154-3186 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3186 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Bisexuality 1529-9716 1529-9724 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-9724 Taylor & Francis Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 1552-4558 2004 30 2007 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4558 SAGE Publications Journal of Black Psychology 0095-7984 1552-4558 2010 36 2022 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4558 SAGE Publications Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 2334-2668 2376-7510 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-7510 University of Nebraska Press Journal of Black Studies 0021-9347 1552-4566 2003 34 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4566 SAGE Publications Journal of Blood Transfusion 2090-9187 2090-9195 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9195 Hindawi Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume 0301-620X 2044-5377 1948 30-B 1979 61-B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-5377 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume 0301-620X 2044-5377 1982 64-B 1993 75-B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-5377 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume 0301-620X 2044-5377 2002 84-B 2012 94-B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-5377 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases 0971-7986 2772-8730 2021 36 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-8730 Medknow Publications Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 2206-3552 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2206-3552 Copernicus Publications Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 0914-8779 1435-5604 2008 26 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5604 Springer Journal of Borderlands Studies 0886-5655 2159-1229 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-1229 Taylor & Francis Journal of Botany 2090-0120 2090-0139 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0139 Hindawi Journal of Botany 2090-0120 2090-0139 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0139 Hindawi Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 1749-7221 2006 1 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7221 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 1749-7221 2008 3 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7221 BioMed Central Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 1749-7221 2014 9 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7221 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry 1758-972X 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-972X Open Library of Humanities Journal of British Cinema and Television 1743-4521 1755-1714 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1714 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Broadcasting 0021-938X 1957 1 1984 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-938X Taylor & Francis Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 0883-8151 1550-6878 1985 29 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-6878 Taylor & Francis Journal of Bryology 0373-6687 1743-2820 2007 29 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2820 Taylor & Francis Journal of Bryology 0373-6687 1743-2820 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2820 Maney Publishing Journal of Bryology 0373-6687 1743-2820 2012 34 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2820 Taylor & Francis Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1076-9005 1994 1 2003 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1076-9005 Journal of Buddhist Ethics Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2374-247X 2374-2488 2015 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-2488 State University of New York Press Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 2365-3159 2365-3167 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-3167 Springer Journal of Building Performance Simulation 1940-1493 1940-1507 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1507 Taylor & Francis Journal of Building Physics 1744-2591 1744-2583 2004 28 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2583 SAGE Publications Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1997 1 1997 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1998 2 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2002 6 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2003 7 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2005 9 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2006 10 2006 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2007 11 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2008 12 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2009 13 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2010 14 2010 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2011 15 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X NUS Press Journal of Burma Studies 1094-799X 2010-314X 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2010-314X Northern Illinois University Press Journal of 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Taylor & Francis Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 0896-3568 1547-0644 1990 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-0644 Taylor & Francis Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0885-8624 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Business and Psychology 0889-3268 1573-353X 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-353X Springer Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development 2635-1374 2635-1692 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-1692 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1050-6519 1552-4574 2004 18 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4574 SAGE Publications Journal of Business Communication 0021-9436 1552-4582 2005 42 2013 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4582 SAGE Publications Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis 1729-3618 1729-3626 2004 2004 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1729-3626 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis 1729-3618 1729-3626 2007 2007 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1729-3626 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal of Business Economics and Management 1611-1699 2029-4433 2003 4 2017 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-4433 Taylor & Francis Journal of Business Economics and Management 1611-1699 2029-4433 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-4433 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Journal of Business Economics and Management 1611-1699 2029-4433 2006 4 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-4433 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Journal of Business Ethics 0167-4544 1573-0697 2013 112 2018 152 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0697 Springer Journal of Business Market Management 1864-0753 1864-0761 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-0761 Springer Journal of Business Strategy 0275-6668 1981 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0275-6668 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis 1932-9156 2006 1 2011 6 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-4774 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 0732-8303 1532-2327 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2327 Taylor & Francis Journal of Carcinogenesis 0974-6773 1477-3163 2014 13 2014 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3163 Medknow Publications Journal of Carcinogenesis 0974-6773 1477-3163 2017 16 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3163 Medknow Publications Journal of Cardiac Critical Care TSS 2456-9224 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-9224 Georg Thieme Verlag KG JOURNAL OF CARDIAC SURGERY 1540-8191 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-8191 Hindawi Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1749-8090 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8090 BioMed Central Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1749-8090 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8090 Springer Journal of Cardiothoracic Trauma 2542-6281 2016 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-6281 Medknow Publications Journal of Cardiovascular Echography 2211-4122 2347-193X 2013 23 2021 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-193X Medknow Publications Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1097-6647 1532-429X 2008 10 2008 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-429X Springer Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1097-6647 1532-429X 2009 11 2009 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-429X BioMed Central Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1097-6647 1532-429X 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-429X Springer Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1097-6647 1532-429X 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-429X BioMed Central Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1097-6647 1532-429X 2012 14 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-429X Springer Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1074-2484 1940-4034 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4034 SAGE Publications Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 1937-5387 1937-5395 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-5395 Springer Journal of Care Services Management 1750-1679 1750-1687 2007 2 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1687 Taylor & Francis Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 1552-4590 2004 12 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4590 SAGE Publications Journal of Career Development 0894-8453 1556-0856 2003 30 2022 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-0856 SAGE Publications Journal of Caribbean History 0047-2263 0799-5946 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0799-5946 University of the West Indies Press Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 1555-4589 2004 7 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-4589 SAGE Publications Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) 1548-7717 1548-7725 2010 12 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7725 IGI Global Journal of Catalysts 2314-5102 2314-5110 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5110 Hindawi Journal of Cell Adhesion 2356-721X 2314-8411 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8411 Hindawi Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling 1873-9601 1873-961X 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-961X Springer Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 Libertas Academica Journal of Cell Death 1179-0660 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0660 SAGE Publications Journal of Cell Science 0021-9533 1477-9137 1966 1 1994 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9137 Company of Biologists Journal of Cell Science 0021-9533 1477-9137 2000 113 2004 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9137 Company of Biologists Journal of Cell Science 0021-9533 1477-9137 2010 123 2020 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9137 Company of Biologists Journal of Cell Science 0021-9533 1477-9137 2022 135 2022 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9137 Company of Biologists Journal of Cellular Plastics 0021-955X 1530-7999 2004 40 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7999 SAGE Publications Journal of Central Nervous System Disease 1179-5735 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5735 Libertas Academica Journal of Central Nervous System Disease 1179-5735 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5735 SAGE Publications Journal of Central 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5735 Libertas Academica Journal of Central Nervous System Disease 1179-5735 2015 7 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5735 SAGE Publications Journal of Central South University of Technology 1005-9784 2227-5223 2016 23 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2227-5223 Springer Journal of Centrum Catherdra 1851-6599 2226-4639 2015 8 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2226-4639 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Ceramics 2090-8628 2090-8644 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8644 Hindawi Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 0271-678X 1559-7016 2004 24 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-7016 SAGE Publications Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 0271-678X 1559-7016 2010 30 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-7016 SAGE Publications Journal of Cerebrovascular Sciences 2454-8529 2019 7 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2454-8529 Medknow Publications Journal of Change Management 1469-7017 1479-1811 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-1811 Taylor & 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1750-8061 1750-807X 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-807X Taylor & Francis Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 1476-5284 1476-5292 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-5292 Taylor & Francis Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 1754-4408 1754-4416 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-4416 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship 1756-1396 1756-140X 2009 1 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-140X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Chinese Governance 2381-2346 2381-2354 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-2354 Taylor & Francis Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management 2040-8005 2040-8013 2010 1 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8013 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Chinese Linguistics 0091-3723 2015 43 2015 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0091-3723 Chinese University Press Journal of Chinese Linguistics 0091-3723 2411-3484 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2411-3484 Chinese University Press Journal of Chinese 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45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-411X Taylor & Francis Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology 2250-3528 2016 5 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2250-3528 Medknow Publications Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 2043-9113 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-9113 BioMed Central Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 1537-4416 1537-4424 2001 30 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-4424 Taylor & Francis Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 0047-228X 1971 1 2000 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-228X Taylor & Francis Journal of Clinical Immunology 0271-9142 1573-2592 1981 1 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2592 Springer Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology 2456-4869 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-4869 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Clinical Medicine Research 1918-3003 1918-3011 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-3011 Elmer Press Journal of Clinical Microbiology 0095-1137 1098-660X 1975 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-660X American Society for 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for Coastal Conservation Journal of Coastal Conservation 1400-0350 1874-7841 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-7841 Springer Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2004 Special Issue 45 2004 Special Issue 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2004 20 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2007 Special Issue 47 2007 Special Issue 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2008 Special Issue 52 2008 Special Issue 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2009 Special Issue 57 2013 Special Issue 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2013 Special Issue 66 2013 Special Issue 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coastal Research 0749-0208 1551-5036 2014 Special Issue 71 2017 Special Issue 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5036 Coastal Education and Research Foundation Journal of Coatings 2356-7236 2314-6508 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6508 Hindawi Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 1547-0091 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1547-0091 Springer Journal of Cognition 2514-4820 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-4820 Ubiquity Press Journal of Cognition and Development 1524-8372 1532-7647 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7647 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 1555-3434 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1555-3434 SAGE Publications Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2509-3290 2509-3304 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-3304 Springer Journal of Cognitive Psychology 2044-5911 2044-592X 2011 23 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-592X Taylor & Francis Journal of Cold War Studies 1520-3972 1531-3298 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-3298 MIT Press Journal of College & University Foodservice 1053-8739 1992 1 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1053-8739 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2001 2 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2001 2 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2004 5 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2004 5 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2005 6 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2005 6 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2006 7 2006 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2006 7 2006 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2006 8 2007 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2007 8 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2007 9 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2008 10 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2008 10 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2010 11 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2010 11 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2011 12 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2011 12 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College and Character 2194-587X 1940-1639 2012 13 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1639 Taylor & Francis Journal of College Reading and Learning 1079-0195 2332-7413 1983 16 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-7413 Taylor & Francis Journal of College Student Development 0897-5264 1543-3382 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3382 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 8756-8225 1540-4730 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4730 Taylor & Francis Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 1521-0251 1541-4167 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4167 SAGE Publications Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 1532-5768 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5768 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 2415-6302 2415-6310 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2415-6310 European Mathematical Society Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1382-6905 1573-2886 2013 25 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2886 Springer Journal of Combustion 2090-1968 2090-1976 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1976 Hindawi Journal of Combustion 2090-1968 2090-1976 2013 2013 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1976 Hindawi Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education 1476-0401 1750-662X 2001 1 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-662X Taylor & Francis Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies 0021-9908 1961 1 1973 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-9908 Taylor & Francis Journal of Communication 0021-9916 1460-2466 2005 55 2005 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2466 Oxford University Press Journal of Communication 0021-9916 1460-2466 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2466 Oxford University Press Journal of Communication 0976-691X 2015 6 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-691X Taylor & Francis Journal of Communication in Healthcare 1753-8068 1753-8076 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8076 Taylor & Francis Journal of Communication in Healthcare 1753-8068 1753-8076 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8076 Maney Publishing Journal of Communication in Healthcare 1753-8068 1753-8076 2012 5 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8076 Taylor & Francis Journal of Communication Inquiry 0196-8599 1552-4612 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4612 SAGE Publications Journal of Communication Management 1363-254X 1478-0852 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0852 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Communications and Information Networks 2096-1081 2509-3312 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-3312 Springer Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 1064-2269 1555-6557 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6557 Springer Journal of Communist Studies 0268-4535 1985 1 1993 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0268-4535 Taylor & Francis Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 1352-3279 1743-9116 1994 10 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9116 Taylor & Francis Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 2051-8196 2051-820X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-820X Taylor & Francis Journal of Community Genetics 1868-310X 1868-6001 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-6001 Springer Journal of Community Health 0094-5145 1573-3610 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3610 Springer Journal of Community Health Nursing 0737-0016 1532-7655 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7655 Taylor & Francis Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives 2000-9666 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9666 Co-Action Publishing Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives 2000-9666 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9666 Taylor & Francis Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives 2000-9666 2015 5 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9666 Co-Action Publishing Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives 2000-9666 2016 6 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9666 Taylor & Francis Journal of Community Practice 1070-5422 1543-3706 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3706 Taylor & Francis Journal of Comorbidity 2235-042X 2011 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2235-042X SAGE Publications Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2042-6305 2042-6313 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6313 Future Medicine Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2042-6305 2042-6313 2022 11 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6313 Becaris Publishing Journal of Comparative Family Studies 0047-2328 1929-9850 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1929-9850 University of Toronto Press Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 0340-7594 1432-1351 2013 199 2018 204 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1351 Springer Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 0174-1578 1432-136X 2008 178 2018 188 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-136X Springer Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 1387-6988 1572-5448 1998 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-5448 Taylor & Francis Journal of Comparative Social Welfare 1748-6831 1748-684X 2006 22 2012 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-684X Taylor & Francis Journal of Compassionate Health Care 2053-2393 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-2393 Springer Journal of Competition Law & Economics 1744-6414 1744-6422 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6422 Oxford University Press Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 1553-3840 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3840 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Complex Analysis 2314-4963 2314-4971 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4971 Hindawi Journal of Complex Networks 2051-1310 2051-1329 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1329 Oxford University Press Journal of Complex Systems 2356-7244 2314-6540 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6540 Hindawi Journal of Composite Materials 0021-9983 1530-793X 2005 39 2022 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-793X SAGE Publications Journal of Composites 2356-7252 2314-5978 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5978 Hindawi Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1061-8600 1537-2715 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-2715 Taylor & Francis Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 2332-4309 2332-4325 2014 43 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-4325 Taylor & Francis Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 2288-5048 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2288-5048 Oxford University Press Journal of Computational Electronics 1569-8025 1572-8137 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8137 Springer Journal of Computational Engineering 2356-7260 2314-6443 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6443 Hindawi Journal of Computational Environmental Sciences 2356-7279 2314-8292 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8292 Hindawi Journal of Computational Geometry 1920-180X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1920-180X Carleton University Computational Geometry Lab Journal of Computational Medicine 2314-5080 2314-5099 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5099 Hindawi Journal of Computational Methods in Physics 2356-7287 2314-6834 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6834 Hindawi Journal of Computational Methods in Physics 2356-7287 2314-6834 2016 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6834 Hindawi Journal of Computational Neuroscience 0929-5313 1573-6873 2013 34 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6873 Springer Journal of Computational Social Science 2432-2717 2432-2725 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2432-2725 Springer Journal of Computational Surgery 2194-3990 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-3990 Springer Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 1064-2307 1555-6530 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6530 Springer Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2514-8362 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-8362 Ubiquity Press Journal of Computer Information Systems 0887-4417 2380-2057 1985 26 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-2057 Taylor & Francis Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2090-7141 2090-715X 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-715X Hindawi Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2090-7141 2090-715X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-715X Hindawi Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1000-9000 1860-4749 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-4749 Springer Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 0920-654X 1573-4951 1987 1 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4951 Springer Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1083-6101 Oxford University Press Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1042-1726 1867-1233 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1233 Springer Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 1040-2454 2332-7421 1988 5 2010 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-7421 Taylor & Francis Journal of Concussion 2059-7002 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7002 SAGE Publications Journal of Conflict and Security Law 1467-7954 1467-7962 2005 10 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-7962 Oxford University Press Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 2007 3 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0781 Taylor & Francis Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0781 Maney Publishing Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0781 Taylor & Francis Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0781 Maney Publishing Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 2012 7 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0781 Taylor & Francis Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 1552-8766 2004 48 2022 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8766 SAGE Publications Journal of Congenital Cardiology 2056-7251 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-7251 Springer Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies 1364-0429 1996 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-0429 Ubiquity Press Journal of Conservative Dentistry 0972-0707 0974-5203 2010 13 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5203 Medknow Publications Journal of Conservative Dentistry 0972-0707 0974-5203 2021 24 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5203 Medknow Publications Journal of Construction Engineering 2356-7295 2314-5986 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5986 Hindawi Journal of Constructivist Psychology 1072-0537 1521-0650 1994 7 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0650 Taylor & Francis Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405 1741-2900 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2900 SAGE Publications Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet 1539-8285 1539-8293 2003 7 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-8293 Taylor & Francis Journal of Consumer Marketing 0736-3761 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0736-3761 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Consumer Policy 0168-7034 1573-0700 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0700 Springer Journal of Consumer Research 0093-5301 1537-5277 2007 34 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-5277 Oxford University Press Journal of Contemporary African Studies 0258-9001 1469-9397 1981 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9397 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary Asia 0047-2336 1752-7554 1970 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7554 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 2573-9638 2573-9646 2015 23 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-9646 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary China 1067-0564 1469-9400 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9400 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1043-9862 1552-5406 2004 20 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5406 SAGE Publications Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies 2476-1028 2476-1036 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-1036 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 0891-2416 1552-5414 2005 34 2022 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5414 SAGE Publications Journal of Contemporary European Studies 1478-2804 1478-2790 2003 11 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-2790 Taylor & Francis Journal of Contemporary History 0022-0094 1461-7250 2004 39 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7250 SAGE Publications Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World 2515-8538 2515-8546 2019 13 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-8546 Intellect Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science 2516-7480 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-7480 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences) 1068-3623 1934-9416 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9416 Springer Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences) 1068-3372 1934-9378 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9378 Springer Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 0022-0116 1573-3564 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3564 Springer Journal of Contemporary Religion 1353-7903 1469-9419 1995 10 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9419 Taylor & Francis Journal of Control and Decision 2330-7706 2330-7714 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-7714 Taylor & Francis Journal of Control Science and Engineering 1687-5249 1687-5257 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5257 Hindawi Journal of Control Science and Engineering 1687-5249 1687-5257 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5257 Hindawi Journal of Convention & Event Tourism 1547-0148 1547-0156 2004 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-0156 Taylor & Francis Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management 1094-608X 1997 1 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1094-608X Taylor & Francis Journal of Coordination Chemistry 0095-8972 1029-0389 1971 1 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0389 Taylor & Francis Journal of Corporate Citizenship 1470-5001 2051-4700 2005 2005 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-4700 Greenleaf Publishing Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1473-5970 1757-8426 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8426 Taylor & Francis Journal of Corporate Real Estate 1463-001X 1479-1048 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-1048 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Correctional Health Care 1078-3458 1940-5200 2006 12 2020 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5200 SAGE Publications Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy 1476-4172 1476-4180 2002 4 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4180 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics 1941-658X 2160-4746 2008 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-4746 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cost Estimating 2164-9405 1978 8 1979 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2164-9405 Taylor & Francis Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 2326-716X 2326-7178 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7178 Taylor & Francis Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions 1533-2691 1533-2683 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2683 Taylor & Francis Journal of Couples Therapy 0897-4446 1990 1 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0897-4446 Taylor & Francis Journal of Craniomandibular Practice 0734-5410 1982 1 1984 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0734-5410 Taylor & Francis Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 0974-8237 0976-9285 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-9285 Medknow Publications Journal of Crash Prevention and Injury Control 1028-6586 1999 1 2001 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-6586 Taylor & Francis Journal of Creating Value 2394-9643 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2394-9643 SAGE Publications Journal of Creative Communications 0973-2586 0973-2594 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-2594 SAGE Publications Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 1540-1383 1540-1391 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-1391 Taylor & Francis Journal of Crime and Justice 0735-648X 2158-9119 1984 7 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-9119 Taylor & Francis Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 1070-8286 2003 10 2003 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1070-8286 State University of New York at Albany School of Criminal Justice Journal of Criminal Justice Education 1051-1253 1745-9117 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9117 Taylor & Francis Journal of Criminal Psychology 2009-3829 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2009-3829 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice 2056-3841 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3841 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Criminology 2090-7753 2090-777X 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-777X Hindawi Journal of Criminology 2633-8076 2633-8084 2021 54 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-8084 SAGE Publications Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2356-7309 2314-6990 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6990 Hindawi Journal of Critical Realism 1476-7430 1572-5138 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-5138 Taylor & Francis Journal of Critical Southern Studies 0796-1901 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0796-1901 De Montfort University Press Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 1873-9946 1876-4479 2008 2 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-4479 Oxford University Press Journal of Crohn's and Colitis Supplements 1873-9954 1876-4460 2008 2 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-4460 Oxford University Press Journal of Crop Improvement 1542-7528 1542-7536 2004 10 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7536 Taylor & Francis Journal of Crop Production 1092-678X 1997 1 2003 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-678X Taylor & Francis Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 1975-9479 2005-8276 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2005-8276 Springer Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 0169-3816 1573-0719 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0719 Springer Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0221 1552-5422 2004 35 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5422 SAGE Publications Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 1981 1 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Crustacean Society Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Oxford University Press Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2009 29 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Oxford University Press Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2009 29 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Crustacean Society Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Crustacean Society Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Oxford University Press Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Oxford University Press Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Crustacean Society Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2012 32 2012 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Crustacean Society Journal of Crustacean Biology 0278-0372 1937-240X 2012 32 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-240X Oxford University Press Journal of Cryptology 0933-2790 1432-1378 1988 1 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1378 Springer Journal of Crystallography 2356-7317 2314-5994 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5994 Hindawi Journal of Culinary Science & Technology 1542-8052 1542-8044 2005 4 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-8044 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cultural Economics 0885-2545 1573-6997 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6997 Springer Journal of Cultural Economy 1753-0350 1753-0369 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0369 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cultural Geography 0887-3631 1940-6320 1980 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-6320 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 2044-1266 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-1266 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Curatorial Studies 2045-5836 2045-5844 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5844 Intellect Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 1868-1026 1868-4874 2009 38 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-4874 SAGE Publications Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 1064-1734 2164-7313 1992 14 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7313 Taylor & Francis Journal of Current Medical Research and Practice 2357-0121 2357-013X 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2357-013X Medknow Publications Journal of Current Oncology 2589-8892 2589-8906 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8906 Medknow Publications Journal of Current Oncology 2589-8892 2589-8906 2022 5 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8906 SAGE Publications Journal of Current Ophthalmology 2452-2325 2020 32 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2452-2325 Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine 2455-3069 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-3069 Medknow Publications Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 1868-1034 1868-4882 2009 28 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-4882 SAGE Publications Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 1550-5170 2156-8154 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-8154 Taylor & Francis Journal of Curriculum Studies 0022-0272 1366-5839 1968 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5839 Taylor & Francis Journal of Customer Service in Marketing & Management 1069-2533 1995 1 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1069-2533 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery 0974-2077 0974-5157 2010 3 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5157 Medknow Publications Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 1203-4754 1615-7109 2006 10 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-7109 SAGE Publications Journal of Cyber Policy 2373-8871 2373-8898 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-8898 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cyber Security Technology 2374-2917 2374-2925 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-2925 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cybernetics 0022-0280 1971 1 1980 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-0280 Taylor & Francis Journal of Cybersecurity 2057-2085 2057-2093 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-2093 Oxford University Press Journal of Cytology 0970-9371 0974-5165 2010 27 2021 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-5165 Medknow Publications Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices 1757-1871 1757-188X 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-188X Intellect Journal of Dance Education 1529-0824 2158-074X 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-074X Taylor & Francis Journal of Danish Archaeology 0108-464X 1982 1 2006 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0108-464X Taylor & Francis Journal of Daoist Studies 1941-5524 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5524 University of Hawai'i Press Journal of Data, Information and Management 2524-6356 2524-6364 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-6364 Springer Journal of Database Management (JDM) 1063-8016 1533-8010 2007 18 2007 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8010 IGI Global Journal of Database Management (JDM) 1063-8016 1533-8010 2010 21 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8010 IGI Global Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University 0974-3901 2250-1231 2017 12 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-1231 Medknow Publications Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1081-4159 1465-7325 2006 11 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7325 Oxford University Press Journal of Decision Systems 1246-0125 2116-7052 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2116-7052 Taylor & Francis Journal of Defense Analytics & Logistics 2399-6439 2399-6439 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-6439 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-0488 University of Westminster Press Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-0488 University of Westminster Press Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 2009 5 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-0488 University of Westminster Press Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 2016 12 2016 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-0488 University of Westminster Press Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 2019 15 2019 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-0488 University of Westminster Press Journal of Democracy 1045-5736 1086-3214 1990 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3214 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences 2277-4696 2277-6672 2012 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2277-6672 Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Biomechanics 1758-7360 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7360 SAGE Publications Journal of Dental Education 0022-0337 1930-7837 1965 29 2017 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-7837 American Dental Education Association Journal of Dental Implants 0974-6781 0974-7850 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7850 Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Lasers 2321-1385 2321-1393 2007 1 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-1393 Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research 0022-0345 1544-0591 2004 83 2008 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-0591 SAGE Publications Journal of Dental Research 0022-0345 1544-0591 2010 89 2022 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-0591 SAGE Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review 2348-2915 2348-3172 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-3172 Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review 2348-2915 2348-3172 2021 8 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-3172 Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Surgery 2356-7325 2314-6583 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6583 Hindawi Journal of Dentistry Defense Section 0973-4724 2949-6985 2020 14 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2949-6985 Medknow Publications Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies 1229-988X 2713-6647 2020 28 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2713-6647 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Dermatological Treatment 0954-6634 1471-1753 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-1753 Taylor & Francis Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery 2352-2410 2352-2429 2018 22 2021 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-2429 Medknow Publications Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation 1532-0375 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1532-0375 Taylor & Francis Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation 1532-0375 2001 4 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1532-0375 Taylor & Francis Journal of Design History 0952-4649 1741-7279 2005 18 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7279 Oxford University Press Journal of Design Research 1748-3050 1569-1551 2006 5 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-1551 Inderscience Journal of Developing Societies 0169-796X 1745-2546 2004 20 2007 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2546 SAGE Publications Journal of Developing Societies 0169-796X 1745-2546 2009 25 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2546 SAGE Publications Journal of Development Effectiveness 1943-9342 1943-9407 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-9407 Taylor & Francis Journal of Development Policy and Practice 2455-1333 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2455-1333 SAGE Publications Journal of Development Studies 0022-0388 1743-9140 1964 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9140 Taylor & Francis Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 1056-263X 1573-3580 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3580 Springer Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 2251-6581 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-6581 Springer Journal of Diabetes and Endocrine Practice 2772-7653 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-7653 Medknow Publications Journal of Diabetes Research 2314-6745 2314-6753 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6753 Hindawi Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 1932-2968 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-2968 SAGE Publications Journal of Diabetology 2543-3288 2078-7685 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-7685 Medknow Publications Journal of Diabetology 2543-3288 2078-7685 2012 3 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-7685 Medknow Publications Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 8756-4793 1552-5430 2004 20 2008 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5430 SAGE Publications Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 8756-4793 1552-5430 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5430 SAGE Publications Journal of Dialysis 0362-8558 1976 1 1980 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0362-8558 Taylor & Francis Journal of Dietary Supplements 1939-0211 1939-022X 2008 5 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-022X Taylor & Francis Journal of Difference Equations 2356-7856 2356-7848 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-7848 Hindawi Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1023-6198 1563-5120 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5120 Taylor & Francis Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Medknow Publications Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 0976-5042 0976-5050 2018 9 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5050 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Digital Forensic Practice 1556-7281 1556-7346 2006 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-7346 Taylor & Francis Journal of Digital Imaging 0897-1889 1618-727X 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-727X Springer Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 2153-2974 2332-7383 2010 27 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-7383 Taylor & Francis Journal of Digital Legal History 2796-0226 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2796-0226 Ghent University Library Journal of Digital Media & Policy 2516-3523 2516-3531 2020 11 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-3531 Intellect Journal of Disability & Religion 2331-2521 2331-253X 2014 18 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-253X Taylor & Francis Journal of Disability Policy Studies 1044-2073 1538-4802 2004 15 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4802 SAGE Publications Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 0972-0529 2169-0065 1998 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0065 Taylor & Francis Journal of Discrete Mathematics 2090-9837 2090-9845 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9845 Hindawi Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 0193-2691 1532-2351 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2351 Taylor & Francis Journal of Divorce 0147-4022 1977 1 1990 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0147-4022 Taylor & Francis Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 1050-2556 1540-4811 1990 14 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4811 Taylor & Francis Journal of Documentation 0022-0418 1758-7379 1946 1 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7379 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2278-1889 2277-8632 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2277-8632 Medknow Publications Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 0888-3203 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0888-3203 University of Kansas Journal of Drug Assessment 2155-6660 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-6660 Taylor & Francis Journal of Drug Delivery 2090-3014 2090-3022 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3022 Hindawi Journal of Drug Delivery 2090-3014 2090-3022 2013 2013 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3022 Hindawi Journal of Drug Education 0047-2379 1541-4159 2004 34 2022 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4159 SAGE Publications Journal of Drug Issues 0022-0426 1945-1369 2005 35 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-1369 SAGE Publications Journal of Drug Policy Analysis 1941-2851 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-2851 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences 2279-0357 2581-8295 2021 6 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2581-8295 Medknow Publications Journal of Drug Targeting 1061-186X 1029-2330 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2330 Taylor & Francis Journal of Dual Diagnosis 1550-4263 1550-4271 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-4271 Taylor & Francis Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 1079-2724 1573-8698 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8698 Springer Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 1726-037X 2169-0057 2002 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0057 Taylor & Francis Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1040-7294 1572-9222 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9222 Springer Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 1468-7984 1741-2919 2004 4 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2919 SAGE Publications Journal of Early Childhood Research 1476-718X 1741-2927 2004 2 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2927 SAGE Publications Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 1090-1027 1745-5642 1990 11 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5642 Taylor & Francis Journal of Early Christian History 2222-582X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2222-582X Taylor & Francis Journal of Early Christian Studies 1067-6341 1086-3184 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3184 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Early Intervention 1053-8151 2154-3992 2003 26 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3992 SAGE Publications Journal of Early Intervention 1053-8151 2154-3992 2009 32 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3992 SAGE Publications Journal of Earth, Environment and Health Sciences 2423-7752 2015 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2423-7752 Medknow Publications Journal of Earth Science 1674-487X 1867-111X 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-111X Springer Journal of Earth System Science 0253-4126 0973-774X 2013 122 2018 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-774X Springer Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1363-2469 1559-808X 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-808X Taylor & Francis Journal of Earthquakes 2356-7333 2314-6567 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6567 Hindawi Journal of East African Natural History 0012-8317 1994 83 2017 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0012-8317 Nature Kenya Journal of East and West Studies 1229-4098 1973 1 1973 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1229-4098 Taylor & Francis Journal of East and West Studies 1229-4098 1974 3 1996 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1229-4098 Taylor & Francis Journal of East Asian Linguistics 0925-8558 1572-8560 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8560 Springer Journal of Eastern African Studies 1753-1055 1753-1063 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-1063 Taylor & Francis Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies 2166-3548 2166-3556 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-3556 Penn State University Press Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 2166-3548 2166-3556 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-3556 Penn State University Press Journal of East-West Business 1066-9868 1528-6959 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6959 Taylor & Francis Journal of Eating Disorders 2050-2974 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-2974 Springer Journal of Eating Disorders 2050-2974 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-2974 BioMed Central Journal of Eating Disorders 2050-2974 2015 3 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-2974 Springer Journal of Echocardiography 1349-0222 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1349-0222 Springer Journal of Ecohydraulics 2470-5357 2470-5365 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-5365 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ecological Anthropology 1528-6509 2162-4593 1997 1 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-4593 University of South Florida Journal of Ecology and Environment 2288-1220 2019 43 2019 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2288-1220 Springer Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 1026-4116 2003 19 2003 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-4116 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 1026-4116 2004 20 2004 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-4116 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences 1026-4116 2005 21 2005 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-4116 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Economic and Administrative 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1468-2702 1468-2710 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2710 Oxford University Press Journal of Economic Growth 1381-4338 1573-7020 1996 1 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7020 Springer Journal of Economic Inequality 1569-1721 1573-8701 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8701 Springer Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 1860-711X 1860-7128 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-7128 Springer Journal of Economic Issues 0021-3624 1946-326X 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-326X Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Methodology 1350-178X 1469-9427 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9427 Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Policy Reform 1748-7870 1748-7889 2007 10 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-7889 Taylor & Francis Journal of Economic Studies 0144-3585 1758-7387 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7387 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Economics 0931-8658 1617-7134 2013 108 2013 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-7134 Springer Journal 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0022-0574 2515-5741 1967 150 1968 150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-5741 SAGE Publications Journal of Education 0022-0574 2515-5741 1971 154 1985 167 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-5741 SAGE Publications Journal of Education and Christian Belief 1366-5456 2004 8 2014 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-5456 SAGE Publications Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 0974-7761 2277-9191 2011 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2277-9191 Medknow Publications Journal of Education and Work 1363-9080 1469-9435 1997 10 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9435 Taylor & Francis Journal of Education Finance 0098-9495 1944-6470 2009 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6470 University of Illinois Press Journal of Education for Business 0883-2323 1940-3356 1986 61 2023 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3356 Taylor & Francis Journal of Education for Social Work 0022-0612 1965 1 1984 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-0612 Taylor & Francis Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 1082-4669 1532-7671 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7671 Taylor & Francis Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 0973-4082 0973-4074 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-4074 SAGE Publications Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 0973-4082 0973-4074 2010 4 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-4074 SAGE Publications Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy 0260-7476 1360-0540 1981 7 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0540 Taylor & Francis Journal of Education in Muslim Societies 2641-0044 2641-0052 2019 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-0052 Indiana University Press Journal of Education Policy 0268-0939 1464-5106 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5106 Taylor & Francis Journal of Educational Administration 0957-8234 1758-7395 1963 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7395 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Educational Administration and History 0022-0620 1478-7431 1968 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-7431 Taylor & Francis Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 1076-9986 1935-1054 2004 29 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1054 SAGE Publications Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 1047-4412 1532-768X 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-768X Taylor & Francis Journal of Educational Change 1389-2843 1573-1812 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1812 Springer Journal of Educational Computing Research 0735-6331 1541-4140 2004 30 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-4140 SAGE Publications Journal of Educational Media 1358-1651 1996 22 2004 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1358-1651 Taylor & Francis Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 2041-6938 2041-6946 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-6946 Berghahn Journals Journal of Educational Technology Systems 0047-2395 1541-3810 2003 32 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3810 SAGE Publications Journal of Educational Television 0260-7417 1975 1 1995 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0260-7417 Taylor & Francis Journal of E-Government 1542-4049 2004 1 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1542-4049 Taylor & Francis Journal of Elasticity 0374-3535 1573-2681 2013 110 2018 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2681 Springer Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 0095-2443 1530-8006 2004 36 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8006 SAGE Publications Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 0894-6566 1540-4129 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4129 Taylor & Francis Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 1745-7289 1745-7297 2005 15 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7297 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2090-0147 2090-0155 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0155 Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2090-0147 2090-0155 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0155 Hindawi Journal of Electroceramics 1385-3449 1573-8663 2013 30 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8663 Springer Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 0920-5071 1569-3937 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1569-3937 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electron Microscopy 0022-0744 1477-9986 2005 54 2012 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9986 Oxford University Press Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 1539-2937 1539-2929 2008 6 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-2929 IGI Global Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 1539-2937 1539-2929 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-2929 IGI Global Journal of Electronic Materials 0361-5235 1543-186X 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-186X Springer Journal of Electronic Resources in Law Libraries 1545-0422 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1545-0422 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries 1542-4065 1542-4073 2003 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4073 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 1941-126X 1941-1278 2008 20 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-1278 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electronic Testing 0923-8174 1573-0727 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0727 Springer Journal of Electronics and Control 0368-1947 1955 1 1964 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0368-1947 Taylor & Francis Journal of Electronics (China) 0217-9822 1993-0615 1997 14 1997 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0615 Springer Journal of Electronics (China) 0217-9822 1993-0615 2002 19 2002 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0615 Springer Journal of Electronics (China) 0217-9822 1993-0615 2005 22 2005 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0615 Springer Journal of Electronics (China) 0217-9822 1993-0615 2012 29 2012 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0615 Springer Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 2296-9020 2296-9039 2019 5 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2296-9039 Springer Journal of Embodied Research 2513-8421 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2513-8421 Open Library of Humanities Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock 0974-2700 0974-519X 2010 3 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-519X Medknow Publications Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care 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Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa 1608-9677 2220-1009 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-1009 Taylor & Francis Journal of Endometriosis 2035-9969 2036-282X 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-282X SAGE Publications Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 2284-0265 2284-0273 2013 5 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2284-0273 SAGE Publications Journal of Endotoxin Research 0968-0519 1743-2839 2004 10 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2839 SAGE Publications Journal of Endovascular Therapy 1526-6028 1545-1550 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1550 SAGE Publications Journal of Energetic Materials 0737-0652 1545-8822 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-8822 Taylor & Francis Journal of Energy 0146-0412 1555-5917 1977 1 1977 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5917 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Energy 0146-0412 1555-5917 1978 2 1978 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5917 American Institute of Aeronautics and 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2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8901 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 1726-0531 1758-8901 2005 3 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8901 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Engineering Mathematics 0022-0833 1573-2703 2013 78 2018 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2703 Springer Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 1062-0125 1573-871X 2013 86 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-871X Springer Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 1810-2328 1990-5432 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-5432 Springer Journal of English Linguistics 0075-4242 1552-5457 2004 32 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5457 SAGE Publications Journal of Enterprise Information Management 1741-0398 1758-7409 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7409 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Enterprise Transformation 1948-8289 1948-8297 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-8297 Taylor & Francis Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 1750-6204 1750-6212 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6212 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Entrepreneurship 0971-3557 0973-0745 2004 13 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0745 SAGE Publications Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies 2393-9575 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2393-9575 SAGE Publications Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 2045-2101 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-2101 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 2053-4604 2014 6 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-4604 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1687-9805 1687-9813 2009 2009 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9813 Hindawi Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1687-9805 1687-9813 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9813 Hindawi Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 1648-6897 1822-4199 2004 12 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4199 Taylor & Francis Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 1648-6897 1822-4199 2005 2 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-4199 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 2052-336X 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-336X Springer Journal of Environmental Law 0952-8873 1464-374X 2005 17 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-374X Oxford University Press Journal of Environmental Law 0952-8873 1464-374X 2010 22 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-374X Oxford University Press Journal of Environmental Monitoring 1464-0325 1464-0333 2000 2 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0333 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 0964-0568 1360-0559 1992 35 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0559 Taylor & Francis Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 1523-908X 1522-7200 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-7200 Taylor & Francis Journal of Environmental Quality 0047-2425 1537-2537 2001 30 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-2537 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 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Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 1977 6 1978 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9451 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 1981 9 1984 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9451 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 1987 14 1992 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9451 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 1993 20 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9451 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnic Foods 2352-6181 2019 6 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-6181 Springer Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 1537-7938 1537-7946 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-7946 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 1533-2640 1533-2659 2001 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2659 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ethnobiology 0278-0771 2162-4496 2005 25 2012 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-4496 Society of Ethnobiology Journal of Ethnobiology 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1350-1763 1466-4429 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4429 Taylor & Francis Journal of European Real Estate Research 1753-9269 1753-9277 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9277 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of European Social Policy 0958-9287 1461-7269 2004 14 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7269 SAGE Publications Journal of European Studies 0047-2441 1740-2379 2005 35 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-2379 SAGE Publications Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2156-5872 2156-5899 2011 16 2017 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5899 SAGE Publications Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 2515-690X 2515-690X 2018 23 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-690X SAGE Publications Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 1543-3714 1543-3722 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3722 Taylor & Francis Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 1543-3714 1543-3722 2013 10 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3722 Taylor & Francis Journal of 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 Libertas Academica Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 Libertas Academica Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 Libertas Academica Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 Libertas Academica Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 Libertas Academica Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 1179-0695 2015 9 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-0695 SAGE Publications Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2197-1153 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-1153 Springer Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2197-1153 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-1153 Springer Journal of Experimental Physics 2356-7368 2314-7849 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7849 Hindawi Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 2043-8087 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8087 SAGE Publications Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2001-3078 2012 1 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-3078 Taylor & Francis Journal of Eye Movement Research 1995-8692 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-8692 Universität Bern Journal of Facilities Management 1472-5967 1741-0983 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-0983 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Facility Planning, Design, and Management 2331-2351 2331-236X 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-236X Sagamore Publishing Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 1547-7029 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1547-7029 Springer Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2230-8229 2229-340X 2010 17 2021 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-340X Medknow Publications Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1058-0476 1573-3475 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3475 Springer Journal of Family Business Management 2043-6238 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2043-6238 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Family Communication 1526-7431 1532-7698 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7698 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family Counseling 0093-3171 1973 1 1976 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0093-3171 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family History 0363-1990 1552-5473 2005 30 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5473 SAGE Publications Journal of Family Issues 0192-513X 1552-5481 2005 26 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5481 SAGE Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2249-4863 2278-7135 2012 1 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-7135 Medknow Publications Journal of Family Nursing 1074-8407 1552-549X 2005 11 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-549X SAGE Publications Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 1471-1893 2045-2098 2000 26 2017 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-2098 BMJ Group Journal of Family Psychotherapy 0897-5353 1540-4080 1990 1 2020 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4080 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family Social Work 1052-2158 1540-4072 1994 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4072 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family Studies 1322-9400 1839-3543 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3543 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development 2690-4586 2690-4594 2020 17 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-4594 Taylor & Francis Journal of Family Violence 0885-7482 1573-2851 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2851 Springer Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1361-2026 1758-7433 1997 1 2019 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7433 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1361-2026 1758-7433 2021 25 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7433 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 1098-612X 1532-2750 2005 7 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2750 SAGE Publications Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports 2055-1169 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-1169 SAGE Publications Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 0895-2833 1540-4099 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4099 Taylor & Francis Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 8755-4178 1553-3913 2004 20 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3913 Indiana University Press Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2007 32 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Taylor & Francis Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Maney Publishing Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Taylor & Francis Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Taylor & Francis Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Maney Publishing Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Maney Publishing Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 2012 37 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4582 Taylor & Francis Journal of Field Ornithology 0273-8570 1557-9263 2000 71 2005 076 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9263 Association of Field Ornithologists Journal of Film and Video 0742-4671 1934-6018 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6018 University of Illinois Press Journal of Financial Crime 1359-0790 1758-7239 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7239 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409 1479-8417 2005 3 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-8417 Oxford University Press Journal of Financial Economic Policy 1757-6385 1757-6393 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6393 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction 1366-4387 1759-8443 2005 10 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-8443 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Financial Regulation 2053-4833 2053-4841 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-4841 Oxford University Press Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1358-1988 1740-0279 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-0279 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting 1985-2517 2042-5856 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5856 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Financial Services Research 0920-8550 1573-0735 2013 43 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0735 Springer Journal of Financial Therapy 1944-9771 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9771 New Prairie Press Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 1042-3915 1532-172X 2005 15 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-172X SAGE Publications Journal of Fire Sciences 0734-9041 1530-8049 2005 23 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8049 SAGE Publications Journal of Fluids 2356-7376 2314-6826 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6826 Hindawi Journal of Fluorescence 1053-0509 1573-4994 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4994 Springer Journal of Folklore Research 0737-7037 1543-0413 2002 39 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-0413 Indiana University Press JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY 0145-8884 1745-4514 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4514 Hindawi Journal of Food Processing 2356-7384 2314-839X 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-839X Hindawi JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION 0145-8892 1745-4549 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4549 Hindawi Journal of Food Products Marketing 1045-4446 1540-4102 1992 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4102 Taylor & Francis Journal of Food Quality 0146-9428 1745-4557 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4557 Hindawi Journal of Food Science and Technology 0022-1155 0975-8402 2014 51 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-8402 Springer Journal of Foodservice Business Research 1537-8020 1537-8039 2002 5 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-8039 Taylor & Francis Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 1757-1146 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-1146 Springer Journal of Foraminiferal Research 0096-1191 2010 40 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0096-1191 Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences 0975-1475 0975-2137 2011 3 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-2137 Medknow Publications Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology 1521-1029 1540-7136 1999 1 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7136 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 1478-9949 1478-9957 2003 14 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9957 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 1522-8932 1522-9092 2000 1 2016 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9092 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice 2473-2850 2473-2842 2017 17 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-2842 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 2349-5014 2455-0094 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-0094 Medknow Publications Journal of Forensic Social Work 1936-928X 1936-9298 2011 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-9298 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Engineering 0843-5243 2327-8897 1989 1 2001 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-8897 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 1996 1 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2013 18 2013 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Springer Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2013 18 2013 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2014 19 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2014 19 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Springer Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Springer Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2016 21 2016 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Springer Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 2016 21 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7403 Taylor & Francis Journal of Forestry 0022-1201 1938-3746 2008 106 2022 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3746 Oxford University Press Journal of Forestry Research 1007-662X 1993-0607 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0607 Springer Journal of Formative Design in Learning 2509-8039 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-8039 Springer Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1069-5869 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1069-5869 Springer Journal of Fractal Geometry 2308-1309 2308-1317 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-1317 European Mathematical Society Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 1936-6280 2155-1162 1989 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-1162 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Journal of Freshwater Ecology 0270-5060 2156-6941 1981 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-6941 Taylor & Francis Journal of Friction and Wear 1068-3666 1934-9386 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9386 Springer Journal of Fuels 2356-7392 2314-601X 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-601X Hindawi Journal of Function Spaces 2314-8896 2314-8888 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8888 Hindawi Journal of Further and Higher Education 0309-877X 1469-9486 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9486 Taylor & Francis Journal of Fusion Energy 0164-0313 1572-9591 2013 32 2019 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9591 Springer Journal of Gambling Studies 1050-5350 1573-3602 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3602 Springer Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 1757-191X 1757-1928 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1928 Intellect Journal of Gastroenterology 0944-1174 1435-5922 1966 1 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5922 Springer Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology 2581-9178 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2581-9178 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 1941-6628 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1941-6628 Springer Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 1091-255X 1873-4626 1997 1 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-4626 Springer Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education 1541-0889 2003 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1541-0889 Taylor & Francis Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 1935-9705 1935-9713 2008 12 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-9713 Taylor & Francis Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 0891-7140 1988 1 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0891-7140 Taylor & Francis Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 1053-8720 1540-4056 1994 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4056 Taylor & Francis Journal of Gender Studies 0958-9236 1465-3869 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3869 Taylor & Francis Journal of General Internal Medicine 0884-8734 1525-1497 1986 1 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-1497 Springer Journal of General Management 0306-3070 1759-6106 2003 29 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-6106 SAGE Publications Journal of General Microbiology 0022-1287 1947 1 1993 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-1287 Microbiology Society [PENDING] Journal of General Music Education 2752-7646 2752-7646 2021 35 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-7646 SAGE Publications Journal of General Plant Pathology 1345-2630 2013 79 2018 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1345-2630 Springer Journal of General Virology 0022-1317 1465-2099 1967 1 2012 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-2099 Microbiology Society [PENDING] Journal of General Virology 0022-1317 1465-2099 2013 94 2022 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-2099 Microbiology Society Journal of Generic Medicines: The Business Journal for the Generic Medicines Sector 1741-1343 1741-7090 2003 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7090 SAGE Publications Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 1992 1 1994 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 1996 5 1996 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 1998 7 2000 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2002 11 2002 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2004 13 2005 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2007 16 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2010 19 2014 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2016 25 2016 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Counseling 1059-7700 1573-3599 2018 27 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3599 Springer Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2090-5920 2019 17 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-5920 Springer Journal of Genocide Research 1462-3528 1469-9494 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9494 Taylor & Francis Journal of Genomes and Exomes 2253-5004 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2253-5004 Libertas Academica Journal of Geochemistry 2356-7406 2314-5803 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5803 Hindawi Journal of Geodesy 0949-7714 1432-1394 2008 82 2018 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1394 Springer Journal of Geographical Sciences 1009-637X 1861-9568 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-9568 Springer Journal of Geographical Systems 1435-5930 1435-5949 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5949 Springer Journal of Geography 0022-1341 1752-6868 1902 1 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6868 Taylor & Francis Journal of Geography in Higher Education 0309-8265 1466-1845 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1845 Taylor & Francis Journal of Geological Education 0022-1368 1951 1 1995 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-1368 Taylor & Francis Journal of Geological Research 1687-8833 1687-8841 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8841 Hindawi Journal of Geological Research 1687-8833 1687-8841 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8841 Hindawi Journal of Geometric Analysis 1050-6926 1559-002X 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-002X Springer Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 1742-2132 1742-2140 2018 15 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-2140 Oxford University Press Journal of Georgetown University-Qatar: Middle Eastern Studies Student Association 2311-8148 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2311-8148 HBKU Press Journal of Geoscience Education 1089-9995 2158-1428 1996 44 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1428 Taylor & Francis Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis 2509-8810 2509-8829 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-8829 Springer Journal of Geriatric Mental Health 2348-9995 2395-3322 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-3322 Medknow Publications Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 0891-9887 1552-5708 2005 18 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5708 SAGE Publications Journal of Geriatrics 2356-7414 2314-7121 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-7121 Hindawi Journal of Gerontological Social Work 0163-4372 1540-4048 1979 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-4048 Taylor & Francis Journal of Glaciology 0022-1430 1727-5652 1949 1 1961 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-5652 International Glaciological Society Journal of Glaciology 0022-1430 1727-5652 1989 35 1990 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-5652 International Glaciological Society Journal of Glaciology 0022-1430 1727-5652 1999 45 2015 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-5652 International Glaciological Society Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1550-428X 1550-4298 2005 1 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-4298 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science 1229-7119 1998 1 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1229-7119 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Buddhism 1527-6457 2000 1 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1527-6457 Pennsylvania State University Journal of Global Buddhism 1527-6457 2010 11 2021 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1527-6457 Pennsylvania State University Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 2228-7566 2251-7316 2016 6 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-7316 Springer Journal of Global Ethics 1744-9626 1744-9634 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9634 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 2093-2685 2325-4483 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-4483 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Infectious Diseases 0974-777X 0974-8245 2010 2 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-8245 Medknow Publications Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 1062-7375 1533-7995 2009 17 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-7995 IGI Global Journal of Global Information Technology Management 1097-198X 2333-6846 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-6846 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Marketing 0891-1762 1528-6975 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6975 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Mobility 2049-8799 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8799 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Global Oncology 2378-9506 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-9506 American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 2398-5364 2017 10 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-5364 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Global Optimization 0925-5001 1573-2916 2013 55 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2916 Springer Journal of Global Responsibility 2041-2568 2041-2576 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2576 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 2163-9159 2163-9167 2011 21 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-9167 Taylor & Francis Journal of Global Security Studies 2057-3170 2057-3189 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-3189 Oxford University Press Journal of Global South Studies 2476-1397 2476-1419 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2476-1419 University Press of Florida Journal of Global Sport Management 2470-4067 2470-4075 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-4075 Taylor & Francis Journal of Globalization and Development 1948-1837 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-1837 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Graduate Medical Education 1949-8349 1949-8357 2009 1 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-8357 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Journal of Graduate Medical Education 1949-8349 1949-8357 2020 12 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-8357 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics 2150-4857 2150-4865 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-4865 Taylor & Francis Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools 2151-237X 2151-2272 2009 14 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2272 Taylor & Francis Journal of Graphics Tools 1086-7651 1996 1 1996 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1086-7651 Taylor & Francis Journal of Graphics Tools 1086-7651 2005 10 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1086-7651 Taylor & Francis Journal of Graphics Tools 1086-7651 1997 2 2004 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1086-7651 Taylor & Francis Journal of Graphics Tools 2165-347X 2165-3488 2012 16 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-3488 Taylor & Francis Journal of Gravity 2356-7422 2314-6907 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6907 Hindawi Journal of Great Lakes Research 0380-1330 2006 32 2010 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0380-1330 International Association for Great Lakes Research Journal of Grid Computing 1570-7873 1572-9184 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9184 Springer Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery 1556-035X 1556-0368 2006 1 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-0368 Taylor & Francis Journal of Guidance and Control 0162-3192 1978 1 1981 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0162-3192 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 0731-5090 1533-3884 1982 5 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-3884 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy and Surgery 0974-1216 0974-7818 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7818 Medknow Publications Journal of Haitian Studies 1090-3488 2333-7311 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-7311 University of California Santa Barbara, Center for Black Studies Journal of Hand and Microsurgery 0974-3227 0974-6897 2016 8 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-6897 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Hand Surgery 0266-7681 2004 29 2006 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0266-7681 SAGE Publications Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 2043-6289 2007 32 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6289 SAGE Publications Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 2043-6289 2010 35 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6289 SAGE Publications Journal of Happiness Studies 1389-4978 1573-7780 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7780 Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security 2509-3428 2509-3436 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-3436 Springer Journal of Hate Studies 2169-7442 2002 1 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-7442 Gonzaga Library Publishing Journal of Head & Neck Physicians And Surgeons 2347-8128 2016 4 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-8128 Medknow Publications Journal of Health & Social Policy 0897-7186 1989 1 2006 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0897-7186 Taylor & Francis Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU 2582-4287 2582-4953 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2582-4953 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Health and Social Behavior 0022-1465 2150-6000 2004 45 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-6000 SAGE Publications Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 0885-4726 1528-6916 1987 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6916 Taylor & Francis Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1049-2089 1548-6869 1990 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-6869 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives 1081-0730 1087-0415 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-0415 Taylor & Francis Journal of Health Education 1055-6699 1991 22 2000 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-6699 Taylor & Francis Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques 2332-1008 2014 1 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2332-1008 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Health Management 0972-0634 0973-0729 2005 7 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0729 SAGE Publications Journal of Health Organization and Management 1477-7266 1758-7247 2003 17 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7247 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation 0022-1473 1955 26 1974 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-1473 Taylor & Francis Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 0361-6878 1527-1927 1976 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1927 Duke University Press Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 2072-1315 2015 33 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2072-1315 Springer Journal of Health Psychology 1359-1053 1461-7277 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7277 SAGE Publications Journal of Health Research 0857-4421 2586-940X 2018 32 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2586-940X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Health Research and Reviews 2394-2010 2394-2029 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-2029 Medknow Publications Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 1355-8196 1758-1060 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1060 SAGE Publications Journal of Health Specialties 2468-6360 2321-6298 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6298 Medknow Publications Journal of Health Visiting 2050-8719 2052-2908 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2908 Mark Allen Group Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Multi-Science Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Hindawi Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Multi-Science Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Hindawi Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Multi-Science Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Hindawi Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2040-2295 2040-2309 2016 2016 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2309 Hindawi Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 2509-4971 2509-498X 2019 3 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-498X Springer Journal of Hematology & Oncology 1756-8722 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8722 BioMed Central Journal of Hematology & Oncology 1756-8722 2012 5 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-8722 Springer Journal of Hematopathology 1868-9256 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1868-9256 Springer Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy 1522-8940 1522-9106 2001 1 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9106 Taylor & Francis Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 1049-6475 1540-3580 1992 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3580 Taylor & Francis Journal of Heredity 0022-1503 1465-7333 2005 96 2008 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7333 Oxford University Press Journal of Heredity 0022-1503 1465-7333 2010 101 2022 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7333 Oxford University Press Journal of Heritage Management 2455-9296 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2455-9296 SAGE Publications Journal of Heritage Tourism 1743-873X 1747-6631 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6631 Taylor & Francis Journal of Herpetology 0022-1511 1937-2418 2002 36 2017 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2418 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Journal of Heuristics 1381-1231 1572-9397 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9397 Springer Journal of High Energy Physics 1126-6708 1029-8479 2010 2010 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-8479 Springer Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 1360-080X 1469-9508 1996 18 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9508 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery 2054-8397 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-8397 Oxford University Press Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 1538-1927 1552-5716 2004 3 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5716 SAGE Publications Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 0022-1554 1551-5044 2004 52 2010 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5044 Histochemical Society Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 0022-1554 1551-5044 2011 59 2022 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5044 SAGE Publications Journal of Histology 2356-7430 2314-6028 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6028 Hindawi Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 1755-750X 1755-7518 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-7518 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 1536-6006 2328-2525 2003 25 2007 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-2525 SAGE Publications Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 1536-6006 2328-2525 2009 31 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-2525 SAGE Publications Journal of Histotechnology 0147-8885 2046-0236 2007 30 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-0236 Taylor & Francis Journal of HIV and Human Reproduction 2321-9157 2321-9165 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-9165 Medknow Publications Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 1538-1501 1538-151X 2002 1 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-151X Taylor & Francis Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children 1069-837X 1540-403X 1996 1 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-403X Taylor & Francis Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth 1553-8346 1553-8613 2004 6 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-8613 Taylor & Francis Journal of Holistic Nursing 0898-0101 1552-5724 2005 23 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5724 SAGE Publications Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 2054-1988 2054-1996 2015 14 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-1996 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Home & Consumer Horticulture 1054-4682 1993 1 1994 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1054-4682 Taylor & Francis Journal of Home Language Research 2537-7043 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2537-7043 Stockholm University Press Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 1547-7355 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7355 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Homosexuality 0091-8369 1540-3602 1976 1 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3602 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hormones 2356-7449 2314-6222 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6222 Hindawi Journal of Horticultural Science 0022-1589 1948 24 1997 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-1589 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospital Librarianship 1532-3269 1532-3277 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-3277 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospital Marketing 0883-7570 1987 1 2000 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0883-7570 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations 1539-0942 1539-0934 2002 14 2010 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-0934 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 1050-7051 1541-0897 1992 1 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0897 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education 1096-3758 2325-6540 1997 9 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6540 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 1096-3480 1557-7554 2005 29 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7554 SAGE Publications Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 2514-9792 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-9792 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 1757-9880 1757-9899 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9899 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 1936-8623 1936-8631 2009 18 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-8631 Taylor & Francis Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 1566-4910 1573-7772 2013 28 2019 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7772 Springer Journal of Housing For the Elderly 0276-3893 1540-353X 1983 1 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-353X Taylor & Francis Journal of Housing Research 1052-7001 2691-1337 1998 9 2000 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2691-1337 Taylor & Francis Journal of Housing Research 1052-7001 2691-1337 2004 15 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2691-1337 Taylor & Francis Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology -- Medical Sciences -- 1672-0733 1993-1352 2013 33 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-1352 Springer Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1091-1359 1540-3556 1998 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3556 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Development 1464-9888 1469-9516 2000 1 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9516 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development 1945-2829 1945-2837 2009 10 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-2837 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Ecology 0970-9274 1990 1 2017 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0970-9274 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Health 2468-6565 2468-6573 2015 1 2015 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-6573 Medknow Publications Journal of Human Lactation 0890-3344 1552-5732 2005 21 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5732 SAGE Publications Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments 1529-5168 2012 10 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1529-5168 Purdue University Press Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 0974-1208 1998-4766 2010 3 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4766 Medknow Publications Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting 1401-338X 1758-745X 1996 1 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-745X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Human Resources 0022-166X 1548-8004 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8004 University of Wisconsin Press Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 1533-2845 1533-2853 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2853 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Rights 1475-4835 1475-4843 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-4843 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 2365-1792 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-1792 Springer Journal of Human Rights Practice 1757-9619 1757-9627 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9627 Oxford University Press Journal of Human Stress 0097-840X 1975 1 1987 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0097-840X Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Trafficking 2332-2705 2332-2713 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-2713 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Transcriptome 2332-4015 2015 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-4015 Taylor & Francis Journal of Human Values 0971-6858 0973-0737 2005 11 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0737 SAGE Publications Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 2159-8118 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-8118 Claremont College Library Journal of Humanistic Psychology 0022-1678 1552-650X 2005 45 2022 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-650X SAGE Publications Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2042-6747 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-6747 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences 2636-4182 2632-279X 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-279X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 1932-0248 1932-0256 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0256 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hydraulic Research 0022-1686 1814-2079 1963 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1814-2079 Taylor & Francis Journal of Hydroinformatics 1464-7141 1465-1734 1999 1 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-1734 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Hydrometeorology 1525-755X 1525-7541 2000 1 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-7541 American Meteorological Society Journal of Hydronautics 0022-1716 1555-5909 1967 1 1981 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5909 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2590-017X Innovations Journals Journal of Immunotoxicology 1547-691X 1547-6901 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6901 Taylor & Francis Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening 2326-4098 2326-4594 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-4594 SAGE Publications Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 0923-0750 2016 76 2016 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0923-0750 Springer Journal of Independent Social Work 0883-7562 1987 1 1991 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0883-7562 Taylor & Francis Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers 2229-3019 2394-2533 2014 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-2533 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging 2543-1463 2543-1471 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2543-1471 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 0972-1363 0975-1572 2010 22 2021 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-1572 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 0973-1342 2754-6349 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-6349 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 0971-9261 1998-3891 2010 15 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3891 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 2319-5932 2350-0484 2010 8 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2350-0484 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Business Research 1755-4195 1755-4209 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4209 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Indian College of Cardiology 1561-8811 2019 9 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1561-8811 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2005 39 2010 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2011 45 2011 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2011 45 2011 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2012 46 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2012 46 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2013 47 2013 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2013 47 2013 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2014 48 2014 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2014 48 2014 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2015 49 2015 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2015 49 2015 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2016 50 2016 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2016 50 2016 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2017 51 2017 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 0301-5742 0974-9098 2017 51 2022 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9098 SAGE Publications Journal of Indian Philosophy 0022-1791 1573-0395 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0395 Springer Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 0970-4388 1998-3905 2010 28 2021 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3905 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 0972-124X 0975-1580 2010 14 2021 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-1580 Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Speech Language & Hearing 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2000 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9214 Taylor & Francis Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1341-321X 1437-7780 1995 1 1996 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7780 Springer Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1341-321X 1437-7780 1999 5 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7780 Springer Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1341-321X 1437-7780 2002 8 2002 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7780 Springer Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1341-321X 1437-7780 2008 14 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7780 Springer Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1341-321X 1437-7780 2013 19 2013 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-7780 Springer Journal of Infection Prevention 1757-1774 1757-1782 2009 10 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1782 SAGE Publications Journal of Infectious Diseases 0022-1899 1537-6613 2008 197 2023 228 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6613 Oxford University Press Journal of Inflammation 1476-9255 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-9255 BioMed Central Journal of Inflammation 1476-9255 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-9255 Springer Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 0252-2667 2169-0103 1980 1 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0103 Taylor & Francis Journal of Information and Telecommunication 2475-1839 2475-1847 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1477-996X 1758-8871 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8871 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Information Display 1598-0316 2158-1606 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1606 Taylor & Francis Journal of Information Policy 2381-5892 2158-3897 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-3897 Penn State University Press Journal of Information Privacy and Security 1553-6548 2333-696X 2005 1 2017 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-696X Taylor & Francis Journal of Information Science 0165-5515 1741-6485 2005 31 2022 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6485 SAGE Publications Journal of Information Systems Management 0739-9014 1984 1 1991 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-9014 Taylor & Francis Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962 1466-4437 2005 20 2016 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4437 SAGE Publications Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962 1466-4437 2017 32 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4437 Springer Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962 1466-4437 2018 33 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4437 SAGE Publications Journal of Information Technology & Politics 1933-1681 1933-169X 2007 4 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-169X Taylor & Francis Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 1522-8053 2333-6897 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-6897 Taylor & Francis Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 1938-7857 1938-7865 2010 3 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-7865 IGI Global Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases 2043-8869 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-8869 SAGE Publications Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 1866-6892 1866-6906 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-6906 Springer Journal of Infrastructure Development 0974-9306 0975-5969 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-5969 SAGE Publications Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 0141-8955 1573-2665 1978 1 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2665 Springer Journal of Inklings Studies 2045-8797 2045-8800 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-8800 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 1574-1443 1574-1451 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-1451 Springer Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2356-7457 2314-713X 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-713X Hindawi Journal of Insect Behavior 0892-7553 1572-8889 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8889 Springer Journal of Insect Biodiversity 2147-7612 2013 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2147-7612 Journal of Insect Biodiversity Journal of Insect Conservation 1366-638X 1572-9753 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9753 Springer Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2001 1 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2008 8 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2008 8 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2009 9 2009 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2009 9 2009 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2010 10 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2010 10 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2011 11 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2011 11 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2012 12 2012 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2012 12 2012 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2013 13 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2013 13 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2014 14 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2014 14 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2015 15 2015 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 University of Wisconsin Library Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2015 15 2015 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 2016 16 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-2442 Oxford University Press Journal of Insects 2356-7465 2314-6478 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6478 Hindawi Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 2352-4588 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-4588 Wageningen Academic Publishers Journal of In-Service Education 1367-4587 1747-5082 1997 23 2008 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5082 Taylor & Francis Journal of Integrable Systems 2058-5985 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-5985 Oxford University Press Journal of integrated Care Pathways 1473-2297 2004 8 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1473-2297 SAGE Publications Journal of Integrated Care: Practical evidence for service improvement 1476-9018 2042-8685 1996 4 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8685 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Integrated Health Sciences 2347-6486 2347-6494 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-6494 Medknow Publications Journal of Integrated Pest Management 2155-7470 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-7470 Oxford University Press Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 1943-815X 1943-8168 2009 6 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-8168 Taylor & Francis Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Andrology 2394-2916 2394-3432 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-3432 Medknow Publications Journal of Integrative Nursing 2666-9854 2663-4481 2020 2 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2663-4481 Medknow Publications Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 1366-8250 1469-9532 1996 21 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9532 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intellectual Capital 1469-1930 1758-7468 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7468 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 1744-6295 1744-6309 2005 9 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6309 SAGE Publications Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour 2050-8824 2013 4 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8824 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 1747-1532 1747-1540 2005 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-1540 Oxford University Press Journal of Intelligence History 1616-1262 2169-5601 2001 1 2009 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-5601 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intelligence History 1616-1262 2169-5601 2013 12 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-5601 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0921-0296 1573-0409 2013 69 2019 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0409 Springer Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0921-0296 1573-0409 2019 95 2019 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0409 Springer Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles 2399-9802 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-9802 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0925-9902 1573-7675 2013 40 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7675 Springer Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 0956-5515 1572-8145 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8145 Springer Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment 2633-6596 2633-660X 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-660X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 1045-389X 1530-8138 2005 16 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8138 SAGE Publications Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations 1547-2450 1547-2442 2002 7 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-2442 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intensive Care 2052-0492 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2052-0492 Springer Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 0885-0666 1525-1489 2004 19 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-1489 SAGE Publications Journal of Interactive Advertising 1525-2019 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-2019 Taylor & Francis Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968 1520-6653 2007 21 2007 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-6653 SAGE Publications Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968 1520-6653 2009 23 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-6653 SAGE Publications Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1365-893X 2000 2000 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-893X Ubiquity Press Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1365-893X 2012 2012 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-893X Ubiquity Press Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 1747-5759 1747-5767 2006 35 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5767 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intercultural Studies 0725-6868 1469-9540 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9540 Taylor & Francis Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research 0022-1945 1970 1 1993 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-1945 Taylor & Francis Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry 2229-5194 2231-2706 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2706 Medknow Publications Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 0260-1079 2004 16 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0260-1079 SAGE Publications Journal of Interdisciplinary History 0022-1953 1530-9169 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9169 MIT Press Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0972-0502 2169-012X 1998 1 2022 25 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International Communication 1321-6597 2158-3471 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-3471 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Consumer Marketing 0896-1530 1528-7068 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-7068 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering 2234-8972 2011 1 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2234-8972 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Criminal Justice 1478-1387 1478-1395 2006 4 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-1395 Oxford University Press Journal of International Dispute Settlement 2040-3585 2040-3593 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3593 Oxford University Press Journal of International Economic Law 1369-3034 1464-3758 2005 8 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3758 Oxford University Press Journal of International Education in Business 2046-469X 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-469X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of International Entrepreneurship 1570-7385 1573-7349 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7349 Springer Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 1042-4431 1990 1 1992 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-4431 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 0897-4438 1528-6983 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6983 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Hospitality, Leisure & Tourism Management 1092-3128 1997 1 1999 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-3128 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Humanitarian Action 2364-3404 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-3404 Springer Journal of International Marketing 1069-031X 1547-7215 2004 12 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7215 SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research 0300-0605 1473-2300 2005 33 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-2300 SAGE Publications Journal of International Migration and Integration 1488-3473 1874-6365 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6365 Springer Journal of International Oral Health 0976-7428 0976-1799 2016 8 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-1799 Medknow Publications Journal of International Political Theory 1755-0882 1755-1722 2005 1 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1722 Edinburgh University Press Journal of International Political Theory 1755-0882 1755-1722 2008 4 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1722 SAGE Publications Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2231-0762 2250-1002 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-1002 Medknow Publications Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 1477-0024 2045-4376 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-4376 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy 1388-0292 1548-1476 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1476 Taylor & Francis Journal of International Women's Studies 0703-8240 1539-8706 2000 1 2006 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-8706 Bridgewater State College Journal of Internet Cataloging 1091-1367 1997 1 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1091-1367 Taylor & Francis Journal of Internet Commerce 1533-2861 1533-287X 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-287X Taylor & Francis Journal of Internet Services and Applications 1867-4828 1869-0238 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-0238 Springer Journal of Interpersonal Violence 0886-2605 1552-6518 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6518 SAGE Publications Journal of Interpretation Research 1092-5872 2692-9376 2010 15 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-9376 SAGE Publications Journal of Interprofessional Care 1356-1820 1469-9567 1992 6 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9567 Taylor & Francis Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 1750-2977 1750-2985 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-2985 Taylor & Francis Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 1383-875X 1572-8595 2013 36 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8595 Springer Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports 2324-7096 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-7096 SAGE Publications Journal of Investigative Surgery 0894-1939 1521-0553 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0553 Taylor & Francis Journal of Investment Compliance 1528-5812 1758-7476 2001 1 2021 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7476 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1759-0817 1759-0825 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0825 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 2470-7066 2470-7074 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-7074 Indiana University Press Journal of Islamic Law and Culture 1528-817X 1753-4534 2008 10 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4534 Taylor & Francis Journal of Islamic Marketing 1759-0833 1759-0841 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0841 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Islamic Studies 0955-2340 1471-6917 2005 16 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6917 Oxford University Press Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture 1353-1042 1744-0548 1994 15 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0548 Taylor & Francis Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 2047-7368 2047-7376 2012 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7376 Intellect Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 1756-4905 1756-4913 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-4913 Taylor & Francis Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2327-0195 2327-0209 2013 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-0209 State University of New York Press Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2327-0195 2327-0209 2020 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-0209 State University of New York Press Journal of Jewish Education 1524-4113 1554-611X 1994 61 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-611X Taylor & Francis Journal of Jewish Ethics 2334-1777 2334-1785 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2334-1785 Penn State University Press Journal of Jewish Identities 1946-2522 1939-7941 2008 1 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-7941 Youngstown State University Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies Journal of Jewish Identities 1946-2522 1939-7941 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-7941 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Jewish Studies 0022-2097 2056-6689 2000 51 2000 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6689 Liverpool University Press Journal of Jewish Studies 0022-2097 2056-6689 2004 55 2004 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6689 Liverpool University Press Journal of Jewish Studies 0022-2097 2056-6689 2010 61 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6689 Liverpool University Press Journal of Kidney Care 2397-9534 2397-9542 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-9542 Mark Allen Group Journal of Knee Surgery 1538-8506 1938-2480 2010 23 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2480 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Knee Surgery Reports 2326-2729 2326-2737 2015 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-2737 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 1758-7484 1997 1 2017 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7484 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 1758-7484 2019 23 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7484 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-4248 Taylor & Francis Journal of Landscape Architecture 1862-6033 2164-604X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-604X Taylor & Francis Journal of Language and Social Psychology 0261-927X 1552-6526 2005 24 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6526 SAGE Publications Journal of Language Evolution 2058-4571 2058-458X 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-458X Oxford University Press Journal of Language, Identity & Education 1534-8458 1532-7701 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7701 Taylor & Francis Journal of Language, Literature and Culture 2051-2856 2051-2864 2013 60 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-2864 Taylor & Francis Journal of Laryngology and Voice 2230-9748 2231-2692 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-2692 Medknow Publications Journal of Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies 2634-2367 2634-2375 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-2375 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Late Antiquity 1939-6716 1942-1273 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-1273 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 1085-7052 1548-7180 1996 1 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7180 American Anthropological Association Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies: Travesia 1356-9325 1469-9575 1995 4 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9575 Taylor & Francis Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2002 1 2002 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2003 2 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2005 4 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2008 7 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2009 8 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2012 11 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2014 13 2014 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2015 14 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 1548-5811 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-5811 University of Texas Press Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures 2593-743X 2019 2019 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2593-743X Ghent University Library Journal of Latinos and Education 1534-8431 1532-771X 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-771X Taylor & Francis Journal of Law and Commerce 0733-2491 2164-7984 2008 26 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7984 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Journal of Law and the Biosciences 2053-9711 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-9711 Oxford University Press Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 8756-6222 1465-7341 2005 21 2005 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7341 Oxford University Press Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 8756-6222 1465-7341 2007 23 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7341 Oxford University Press Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 1548-0518 1939-7089 2003 10 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-7089 SAGE Publications Journal of Learning Disabilities 0022-2194 2004 37 2007 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-2194 SAGE Publications Journal of Learning Disabilities 0022-2194 2010 43 2022 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-2194 SAGE Publications Journal of Learning Disabilities 1469-0047 2004 8 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1469-0047 SAGE Publications Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour: Practice, policy and research 2042-0927 2042-8693 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8693 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Leather Science and Engineering 2524-7859 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7859 Springer Journal of Legal Analysis 2161-7201 1946-5319 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-5319 Oxford University Press Journal of Legal Analysis 2161-7201 1946-5319 2021 13 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-5319 Oxford University Press Journal of Legal Medicine 0194-7648 1521-057X 1979 1 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-057X Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 1969 1 2004 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2005 37 2005 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2005 37 2005 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2006 38 2006 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2006 38 2006 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2007 39 2007 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2007 39 2007 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2008 40 2008 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2008 40 2008 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2009 41 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2009 41 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2011 43 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2011 43 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2013 45 2013 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2013 45 2013 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2014 46 2014 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2014 46 2014 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2015 47 2015 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2015 47 2015 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2016 48 2016 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Sagamore Publishing Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 2016 48 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6417 Taylor & Francis Journal of Lesbian Studies 1089-4160 1540-3548 1996 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3548 Taylor & Francis Journal of Leukocyte Biology 1938-3673 2022 112 2022 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3673 Oxford University Press Journal of Leukocyte Biology 0741-5400 1938-3673 1984 35 2016 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3673 Society for Leukocyte Biology Journal of LGBT Health Research 1557-4091 1557-4105 2007 3 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-4105 Taylor & Francis Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 1553-8605 1553-8338 2006 1 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-8338 Taylor & Francis Journal of LGBT Youth 1936-1653 1936-1661 2008 5 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-1661 Taylor & Francis Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling 2692-4951 2692-496X 2021 15 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-496X Taylor & Francis Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 0961-0006 1741-6477 2004 36 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6477 SAGE Publications Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning 1533-290X 1533-2918 2004 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2918 Taylor & Francis Journal of Library Administration 0193-0826 1540-3564 1980 1 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3564 Taylor & Francis Journal of Library Metadata 1938-6389 1937-5034 2008 8 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-5034 Taylor & Francis Journal of Life Sciences 0975-1270 2009 1 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0975-1270 Taylor & Francis Journal of Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction 2455-3719 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-3719 Medknow Publications Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1055-1360 1548-1395 1991 1 2007 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1395 American Anthropological Association Journal of Lipids 2090-3030 2090-3049 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3049 Hindawi Journal of Lipids 2090-3030 2090-3049 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3049 Hindawi Journal of Liposome Research 0898-2104 1532-2394 1988 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2394 Taylor & Francis Journal of Liquid Chromatography 0148-3919 1978 1 1995 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-3919 Taylor & Francis Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1082-6076 1520-572X 1996 19 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-572X Taylor & Francis Journal of Literacy Research 1086-296X 1554-8430 2005 37 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-8430 SAGE Publications Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 1757-6458 1757-6466 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-6466 Liverpool University Press Journal of Literary Studies 0256-4718 1753-5387 1985 1 2021 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5387 Taylor & Francis Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies 2162-3627 2045-4740 2012 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-4740 University of Nebraska Press Journal of Lithic Studies 2055-0472 2015 2 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0472 University of Edinburgh Journal of Lithic Studies 2055-0472 2018 5 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0472 University of Edinburgh Journal of Lithic Studies 2055-0472 2021 8 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0472 University of Edinburgh Journal of Local and Global Health Perspectives 2225-9228 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2225-9228 HBKU Press Journal of Local and Global Health Perspectives 2225-9228 2015 2015 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2225-9228 HBKU Press Journal of Local and Global Health Science 2306-0441 2012 2012 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2306-0441 HBKU Press Journal of Location Based Services 1748-9725 1748-9733 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-9733 Taylor & Francis Journal of Logic and Analysis 1759-9008 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1759-9008 Journal of Logic and Analysis Journal of Logic and Computation 0955-792X 1465-363X 2006 16 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-363X Oxford University Press Journal of Logic, Language and Information 0925-8531 1572-9583 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9583 Springer Journal of Long-Term Care 2516-9122 2018 2 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-9122 London School of Economics and Political Science Journal of Long-Term Care 2516-9122 2019 5 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-9122 London School of Economics and Political Science Journal of Long-Term Care 2516-9122 2021 8 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-9122 London School of Economics and Political Science Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress & Coping 1532-5024 1532-5032 2001 6 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5032 Taylor & Francis Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 1461-3484 2048-4046 2000 19 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4046 SAGE Publications Journal of Low Temperature Physics 0022-2291 1573-7357 2013 170 2019 195 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7357 Springer Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability 1052-6188 1934-9394 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9394 Springer Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 1552-6534 2005 25 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6534 SAGE Publications Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A - Chemistry 0022-233X 1967 1 1991 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-233X Taylor & Francis Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 1060-1325 1520-5738 1992 29 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5738 Taylor & Francis Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics 0022-2348 1525-609X 1967 1 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-609X Taylor & Francis Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews 1532-1797 1520-5746 1966 1 2006 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5746 Taylor & Francis Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part D - Reviews in Polymer Processing 0022-2321 1971 1 1971 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-2321 Taylor & Francis Journal of Magazine Media 2576-7887 2576-7895 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-7895 University of Nebraska Press Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences 0971-9903 2347-1948 2013 18 2021 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-1948 Medknow Publications Journal of Maintenance in the Addictions 1091-1332 1540-7624 1997 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7624 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mammalian Evolution 1064-7554 1573-7055 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7055 Springer Journal of Mammalian Ova Research 1341-7738 1347-5878 2005 22 2017 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1347-5878 Japan Society of Mammalian Ova Research Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2000 81 2007 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2008 89 2008 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2008 89 2008 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2009 90 2009 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2009 90 2009 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2010 91 2010 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2010 91 2010 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2011 92 2011 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2011 92 2011 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2012 93 2012 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2012 93 2012 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2013 94 2013 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2013 94 2013 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2014 95 2014 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2014 95 2014 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2015 96 2015 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2015 96 2015 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammalogy 0022-2372 1545-1542 2016 97 2022 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1542 Oxford University Press Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 1083-3021 1573-7039 1996 1 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7039 Springer Journal of Management 0149-2063 1557-1211 2001 27 2001 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1211 SAGE Publications Journal of Management 0149-2063 1557-1211 2005 31 2022 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1211 SAGE Publications Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare 1753-3031 1753-304X 2007 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-304X Taylor & Francis Journal of Management Analytics 2327-0012 2327-0039 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-0039 Taylor & Francis Journal of Management and Governance 1385-3457 1572-963X 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-963X Springer Journal of Management and Sustainability 1925-4725 1925-4733 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-4733 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Management Development 0262-1711 1758-7492 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7492 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Management Education 1052-5629 1552-6658 2005 29 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6658 SAGE Publications Journal of Management History 1751-1348 1758-7751 2006 12 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7751 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Management History (Archive) 1355-252X 1758-776X 1995 1 2000 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-776X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Management in Medicine 0268-9235 1758-7441 1986 1 2002 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7441 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Management Information Systems 0742-1222 1557-928X 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-928X Taylor & Francis Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 1552-6542 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6542 SAGE Publications Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 1476-6086 1942-258X 2004 1 2020 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-258X Taylor & Francis Journal of Managerial Psychology 0268-3946 1758-7778 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7778 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 1066-9817 2042-6186 2007 15 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6186 Taylor & Francis Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 1066-9817 2042-6186 2012 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6186 Maney Publishing Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 1066-9817 2042-6186 2012 20 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-6186 Taylor & Francis Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X 1758-7786 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7786 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections & Archives 1542-0353 1542-0361 2004 1 2020 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-0361 Taylor & Francis Journal of Maps 1744-5647 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5647 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marine Biology 1687-9481 1687-949X 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-949X Hindawi Journal of Marine Biology 1687-9481 1687-949X 2013 2013 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-949X Hindawi Journal of Marine Biology 1687-9481 1687-949X 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-949X Hindawi Journal of Marine Biotechnology 0941-2905 1432-1408 1997 5 1998 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1408 Springer Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology 2046-4177 2056-8487 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-8487 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marine Medical Society 0975-3605 2589-1235 2013 15 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-1235 Medknow Publications Journal of Marine Science and Application 1671-9433 1993-5048 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-5048 Springer Journal of Marine Science and Technology 0948-4280 1437-8213 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-8213 Springer Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2001-6689 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-6689 Taylor & Francis Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2001-6689 2015 3 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-6689 Co-Action Publishing Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2001-6689 2016 4 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-6689 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marketing 0022-2429 1547-7185 2005 69 2022 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7185 SAGE Publications Journal of Marketing Channels 1046-669X 1540-7039 1992 1 2017 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7039 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marketing Communications 1352-7266 1466-4445 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4445 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marketing Education 0273-4753 1552-6550 2005 27 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6550 SAGE Publications Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 0884-1241 1540-7144 1988 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7144 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marketing Management 0267-257X 1472-1376 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-1376 Taylor & Francis Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science 1355-2538 1758-7794 1995 1 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7794 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Marketing Research 0022-2437 1547-7193 2005 42 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7193 SAGE Publications Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 1069-6679 1944-7175 1993 2 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7175 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mass Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality 0890-0523 1532-7728 1985 1 2014 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7728 Taylor & Francis Journal of Material Culture 1359-1835 1460-3586 2005 10 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3586 SAGE Publications Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 1438-4957 1611-8227 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-8227 Springer Journal of Materials 2314-4866 2314-4874 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4874 Hindawi Journal of Materials Chemistry 0959-9428 2000 10 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0959-9428 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for energy and sustainability 2050-7488 2050-7496 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7496 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for biology and medicine 2050-750X 2050-7518 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7518 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for optical and electronic devices 2050-7526 2050-7534 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-7534 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 1059-9495 1544-1024 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1024 Springer Journal of Materials Science 0022-2461 1573-4803 2000 35 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4803 Springer Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 0957-4522 1573-482X 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-482X Springer Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 0957-4530 1573-4838 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4838 Springer Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine 1057-0802 1992 1 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1057-0802 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mathematical Biology 0303-6812 1432-1416 2013 66 2019 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1416 Springer Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 0259-9791 1572-8897 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8897 Springer Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1422-6928 1422-6952 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1422-6952 Springer Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 1573-7683 2013 45 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7683 Springer Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 2214-2495 2014 13 2015 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2214-2495 Springer Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 1570-1166 1572-9214 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9214 Springer Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1072-3374 1573-8795 2013 188 2018 234 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8795 Springer Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1072-3374 1573-8795 2019 243 2019 243 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8795 Springer Journal of Mathematics 2314-4629 2314-4785 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4785 Hindawi Journal of Mathematics and Music: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, Analysis, Composition and Performance 1745-9737 1745-9745 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9745 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 1751-3472 1751-3480 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-3480 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mathematics Research 1916-9795 1916-9809 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-9809 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 1386-4416 1573-1820 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1820 Springer Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery 0972-8279 0974-942X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-942X Springer Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 1738-494X 1976-3824 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-3824 Springer Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 1559-3959 2010 5 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1559-3959 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journal of Media and Religion 1534-8423 1534-8415 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-8415 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Business Studies 1652-2354 2376-2977 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-2977 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Economics 0899-7764 1532-7736 1988 1 2017 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7736 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality 2373-6992 2373-700X 2015 30 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-700X Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Law 1757-7632 1757-7640 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-7640 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2001 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2001 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2002 3 2003 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2002 3 2003 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2003 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2003 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2004 5 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2004 5 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2005 6 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2005 6 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2006 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2006 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2007 8 2007 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Intellect Journal of Media Practice 1468-2753 2040-0926 2007 8 2017 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0926 Taylor & Francis Journal of Medical Biography 0967-7720 1758-1087 2005 13 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1087 SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Case Reports 1752-1947 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1752-1947 Springer Journal of Medical Economics 1369-6998 1941-837X 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-837X Taylor & Francis Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 2382-1205 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2382-1205 Libertas Academica Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 2382-1205 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2382-1205 SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 2382-1205 2015 2 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2382-1205 Libertas Academica Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 2382-1205 2015 2 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2382-1205 SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Education Perspectives 2167-5597 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-5597 St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center Journal of Medical Engineering 2314-5129 2314-5137 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5137 Hindawi Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 0309-1902 1464-522X 1977 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-522X Taylor & Francis Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2000 47 2000 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Entomological Society of America Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2000 37 2007 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Entomological Society of America Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2008 45 2008 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Oxford University Press Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2008 45 2008 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Entomological Society of America Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2009 46 2009 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Oxford University Press Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2009 46 2009 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Entomological Society of America Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2010 47 2010 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Oxford University Press Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2011 48 2011 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Oxford University Press Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2011 48 2013 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Entomological Society of America Journal of Medical Entomology 0022-2585 1938-2928 2014 51 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2928 Oxford University Press Journal of Medical Ethics 0306-6800 1473-4257 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-4257 BMJ Group Journal of Medical Evidence 2667-0720 2667-0739 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-0739 Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Genetics 0022-2593 1468-6244 1964 1 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-6244 BMJ Group Journal of Medical Humanities 1041-3545 1573-3645 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3645 Springer Journal of Medical Investigations and Practice 2468-645X 2468-6468 2014 9 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-6468 Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing 1745-7904 1745-7912 2005 5 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-7912 SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Microbiology 0022-2615 1473-5644 1968 1 2012 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-5644 Microbiology Society [PENDING] Journal of Medical Microbiology 0022-2615 1473-5644 2013 62 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-5644 Microbiology Society Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals 2278-1870 2278-019X 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-019X Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Physics 0971-6203 1998-3913 2010 35 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3913 Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Sciences 1011-4564 2542-4939 2014 34 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-4939 Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Screening 0969-1413 1475-5793 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-5793 SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Society 0972-4958 2321-662X 2012 26 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-662X Medknow Publications Journal of Medical Systems 0148-5598 1573-689X 2013 37 2019 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-689X Springer Journal of Medical Toxicology 1556-9039 1937-6995 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-6995 Springer Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 1346-4523 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1346-4523 Springer Journal of Medical Ultrasound 0929-6441 2212-1552 2018 26 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-1552 Medknow Publications Journal of Medicine and the Person 2035-9411 2036-3877 2013 11 2015 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-3877 Springer Journal of Medicine in Scientific Research 2537-091X 2537-0928 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2537-0928 Medknow Publications Journal of Medicine in the Tropics 2276-7096 2468-8185 2013 15 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8185 Medknow Publications Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 1082-9636 1527-8263 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8263 Duke University Press Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 1082-9636 1527-8263 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8263 Duke University Press Journal of Medieval History 0304-4181 1873-1279 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1279 Taylor & Francis Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 1754-6559 1754-6567 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-6567 Taylor & Francis Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 1947-6566 2153-9650 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-9650 Penn State University Press Journal of Medieval Worlds 2574-3988 2019 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-3988 University of California Press Journal of Mediterranean Studies 1016-3476 2523-9465 1991 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-9465 Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta Journal of Mediterranean Studies 1016-3476 2523-9465 2010 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-9465 Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta Journal of Membrane Biology 0022-2631 1432-1424 2008 221 2018 251 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1424 Springer Journal of Mental Health 0963-8237 1360-0567 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0567 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 0971-8990 2014 19 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0971-8990 Medknow Publications Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 1931-5864 1931-5872 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-5872 Taylor & Francis Journal of Metallurgy 1687-9465 1687-9473 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9473 Hindawi Journal of Metallurgy 1687-9465 1687-9473 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9473 Hindawi Journal of Meteorological Research 2095-6037 2198-0934 2016 30 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-0934 Springer Journal of Microencapsulation 0265-2048 1464-5246 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5246 Taylor & Francis Journal of Micromanufacturing 2516-5984 2516-5992 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-5992 SAGE Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 1982 1 1999 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2000 19 2000 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2000 19 2000 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2001 20 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2001 20 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2002 21 2002 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2002 21 2002 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2003 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2003 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2004 23 2004 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2004 23 2004 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2005 24 2005 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2005 24 2005 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2006 25 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2006 25 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2007 26 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2007 26 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2008 27 2008 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2008 27 2008 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2009 28 2009 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2009 28 2009 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2010 29 2010 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2010 29 2010 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2011 30 2011 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2011 30 2011 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2012 31 2012 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2012 31 2012 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2013 32 2013 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2013 32 2013 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2014 33 2014 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2014 33 2014 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2015 34 2015 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2015 34 2015 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2016 35 2016 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2016 35 2016 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2017 36 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Micropalaeontological Society Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2017 36 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Micropalaeontology 0262-821X 2041-4978 2018 37 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4978 Copernicus Publications Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2213-879X 2213-8803 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-8803 Medknow Publications Journal of Microwave Power 0022-2739 1966 1 1985 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-2739 Taylor & Francis Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 0832-7823 1986 21 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0832-7823 Taylor & Francis Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2008 4 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2015 11 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Indiana University Press Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1552-5864 1558-9579 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9579 Duke University Press Journal of Mid-life Health 0976-7800 0976-7819 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-7819 Medknow Publications Journal of Military Ethics 1502-7570 1502-7589 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-7589 Taylor & Francis Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 0972-9941 1998-3921 2010 6 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3921 Medknow Publications Journal of Mining 2356-7473 2314-6532 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6532 Hindawi Journal of Ministry in Addiction & Recovery 1053-8755 1993 1 2002 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1053-8755 Taylor & Francis Journal of Ministry Marketing & Management 1057-1523 1995 1 2002 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1057-1523 Taylor & Francis Journal of Minority Achievement, Creativity, and Leadership 2688-7983 2688-7991 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-7991 Penn State University Press Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1558-6898 1558-6901 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-6901 SAGE Publications Journal of Modelling in Management 1746-5664 1746-5672 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5672 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Modern Chinese History 1753-5654 1753-5662 2007 1 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5662 Taylor & Francis Journal of Modern European History 1611-8944 2631-9764 2005 3 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-9764 SAGE Publications Journal of Modern Greek Studies 0738-1727 1086-3265 1983 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3265 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Modern Italian Studies 1354-571X 1469-9583 1995 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9583 Taylor & Francis Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 1472-5886 1472-5894 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-5894 Taylor & Francis Journal of Modern Literature 0022-281X 1529-1464 1998 22 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1464 Indiana University Press Journal of Modern Optics 0950-0340 1362-3044 1987 34 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3044 Taylor & Francis Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 1947-6574 2152-9272 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-9272 Penn State University Press Journal of Modern Philosophy 2644-0652 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2644-0652 Aperio Journal of Molecular Biology Researchy 1925-430X 1925-4318 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-4318 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1674-2788 1759-4685 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-4685 Oxford University Press Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1674-2788 1759-4685 2011 3 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-4685 Oxford University Press Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 1525-1578 1999 1 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1525-1578 American Society for Investigative Pathology Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 0952-5041 1479-6813 1988 1 2017 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-6813 Society for Endocrinology Journal of Molecular Evolution 0022-2844 1432-1432 1971 1 2011 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1432 Springer Journal of Molecular Histology 1567-2379 1567-2387 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1567-2387 Springer Journal of Molecular Medicine 0946-2716 1432-1440 1922 1 2018 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1440 Springer Journal of Molecular Modeling 1610-2940 0948-5023 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0948-5023 Springer Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 0895-8696 1559-1166 2013 49 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1166 Springer Journal of Molecular Psychiatry 2049-9256 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-9256 Springer Journal of Molecular Signaling 1750-2187 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-2187 BioMed Central Journal of Molecular Signaling 1750-2187 2006 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-2187 Ubiquity Press Journal of Molluscan Studies 0260-1230 1464-3766 2005 71 2022 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3766 Oxford University Press Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 0022-2879 1538-4616 2002 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4616 Ohio State University Press Journal of Money Laundering Control 1368-5201 1758-7808 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7808 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Montessori Research & Education 2002-3375 2016 4 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-3375 Ubiquity Press Journal of Moral Education 0305-7240 1465-3877 1971 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3877 Taylor & Francis Journal of Moral Philosophy 1740-4681 1745-5243 2006 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5243 SAGE Publications Journal of Moravian History 1933-6632 2161-6310 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-6310 Penn State University Press Journal of Morphological Sciences 2177-0298 2014 31 2019 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2177-0298 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Motor Behavior 0022-2895 1940-1027 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1027 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mountain Science 1672-6316 1993-0321 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0321 Springer Journal of Multicultural Discourses 1744-7143 1747-6615 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6615 Taylor & Francis Journal of Multicultural Social Work 1042-8224 1990 1 2000 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-8224 Taylor & Francis Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 0143-4632 1747-7557 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7557 Taylor & Francis Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders 1476-9670 1476-9689 2003 1 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-9689 Taylor & Francis Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity 2633-5565 2021 11 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-5565 SAGE Publications Journal of Multinational Finance Management 1042-444X 1990 1 1994 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-444X Taylor & Francis Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 0142-4319 1573-2657 2013 34 2017 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2657 Springer Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 1058-2452 1540-7012 1993 1 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7012 Taylor & Francis Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research 2589-1219 2589-1227 2017 1 2017 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-1227 Medknow Publications Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research 2589-1219 2589-1227 2020 4 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-1227 Medknow Publications Journal of Museum Education 1059-8650 2051-6169 1985 10 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6169 Taylor & Francis Journal of Music Teacher Education 1057-0837 1945-0079 2003 13 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0079 SAGE Publications Journal of Music Teacher Education 1057-0837 1945-0079 2009 19 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0079 SAGE Publications Journal of Music, Technology & Education 1752-7066 1752-7074 2007 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-7074 Intellect Journal of Music Theory 0022-2909 1941-7497 1999 43 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-7497 Duke University Press Journal of Music Therapy 0022-2917 2053-7395 2008 45 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-7395 Oxford University Press Journal of Musicological Research 0141-1896 1547-7304 1979 3 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7304 Taylor & Francis Journal of Musicology 0277-9269 1533-8347 1985 4 1986 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8347 University of California Press Journal of Musicology 0277-9269 1533-8347 2002 19 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8347 University of California Press Journal of Muslim Mental Health 1556-4908 1556-5009 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-5009 Taylor & Francis Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 1360-2004 1469-9591 1996 16 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9591 Taylor & Francis Journal of Mycology 2356-7481 2314-6168 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6168 Hindawi Journal of Nanobiotechnology 1477-3155 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3155 BioMed Central Journal of Nanobiotechnology 1477-3155 2012 10 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3155 Springer Journal of Nanomaterials 1687-4110 1687-4129 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4129 Hindawi Journal of Nanomaterials 1687-4110 1687-4129 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4129 Hindawi Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1388-0764 1572-896X 1999 1 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-896X Springer Journal of Nanoparticles 2314-484X 2314-4858 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4858 Hindawi Journal of Nanoscience 2356-749X 2314-6931 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6931 Hindawi Journal of Nanotechnology 1687-9503 1687-9511 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9511 Hindawi Journal of Nanotechnology 1687-9503 1687-9511 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9511 Hindawi Journal of Narrative Theory 1549-0815 1548-9248 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9248 Eastern Michigan University Journal of Natal and Zulu History 0259-0123 2521-8875 1978 1 1987 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2521-8875 Taylor & Francis Journal of Natal and Zulu History 0259-0123 2521-8875 1989 12 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2521-8875 Taylor & Francis Journal of National Law University Delhi 2277-4017 2516-8851 2013 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8851 SAGE Publications Journal of Natural Fibers 1544-0478 1544-046X 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-046X Taylor & Francis Journal of Natural History 0022-2933 1464-5262 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5262 Taylor & Francis Journal of Natural Medicines 1340-3443 1861-0293 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-0293 Springer Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1939-0459 1939-0467 2008 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0467 Taylor & Francis Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1939-0459 1939-0467 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0467 Penn State University Press Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 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University Press Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1939-0459 1939-0467 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0467 Taylor & Francis Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1939-0459 1939-0467 2018 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0467 Penn State University Press Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 0976-9668 2229-7707 2011 2 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-7707 Medknow Publications Journal of Nature and Science of Medicine 2589-627X 2589-6288 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-6288 Medknow Publications Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 0967-0335 1751-6552 2004 12 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6552 SAGE Publications Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 1477-5751 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-5751 BioMed Central Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 1477-5751 2013 12 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-5751 Springer Journal of Negro Education 0022-2984 2167-6437 2009 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-6437 Journal of Negro 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2348-926X 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Medknow Publications Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2015 2 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Medknow Publications Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2015 2 2015 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2016 3 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2016 3 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Medknow Publications Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2017 4 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Medknow Publications Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2017 4 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2348-0548 2348-926X 2018 5 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-926X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurocytology 0300-4864 1573-7381 1972 1 2005 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7381 Springer Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases 2090-858X 2090-8601 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8601 Hindawi Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 1866-1947 1866-1955 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-1955 Springer Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 1743-0003 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0003 BioMed Central Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 1743-0003 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0003 Springer Journal of Neurogenetics 0167-7063 1563-5260 1983 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5260 Taylor & Francis Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 1557-1890 1557-1904 2006 1 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1904 Springer Journal of Neuroinflammation 1742-2094 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-2094 BioMed Central Journal of Neuroinflammation 1742-2094 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-2094 Springer Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 1759-8478 1759-8486 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-8486 BMJ Group Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A : Central European Neurosurgery 2193-6315 2193-6323 2012 73 2014 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-6323 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B : Skull Base 2193-6331 2193-634X 2012 73 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-634X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports 2193-6358 2193-6366 2012 73 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-6366 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurology 0340-5354 1432-1459 2013 260 2018 265 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1459 Springer Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 0022-3050 1468-330X 1938 1 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-330X BMJ Group Journal of Neuro-Oncology 0167-594X 1573-7373 1983 1 2018 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7373 Springer Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 0022-3069 1554-6578 2010 69 2010 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6578 Oxford University Press Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 0022-3069 1554-6578 2013 72 2013 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6578 Oxford University Press Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 0022-3069 1554-6578 2015 74 2022 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6578 Oxford University Press Journal of Neurophysiology 0022-3077 1522-1598 1938 1 2017 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1598 American Physiological Society Journal of Neurophysiology 0022-3077 1522-1598 2018 119 2023 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1598 American Physiological Society Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 0895-0172 1545-7222 1998 10 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-7222 American Psychiatric Association Publishing Journal of Neuroscience 0270-6474 1529-2401 2000 20 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-2401 Society for Neuroscience Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Medknow Publications Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147 0976-3155 2018 9 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3155 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Neurotherapy: Investigations in Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and Applied Neuroscience 1087-4208 1530-017X 1995 1 2013 17 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Publications Journal of Patient Safety and Infection Control 2214-207X 2016 4 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2214-207X Medknow Publications Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management 2516-0435 2516-0443 2018 23 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-0443 SAGE Publications Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2509-8020 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-8020 Springer Journal of Peace Education 1740-0201 1740-021X 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-021X Taylor & Francis Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 1460-3578 2005 42 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3578 SAGE Publications Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 1542-3166 2165-7440 2002 1 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-7440 Taylor & Francis Journal of Peasant Studies 0306-6150 1743-9361 1973 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9361 Taylor & Francis Journal of Pediatric & Prenatal Nutrition 8756-6206 1988 2 1991 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=8756-6206 Taylor & Francis Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry 1879-5390 1879-5404 2010 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-5404 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 2321-6646 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6646 Medknow Publications Journal of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery 2524-7875 2524-7883 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7883 Springer Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy 2146-457X 2146-4588 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2146-4588 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Genetics 2146-4596 2146-460X 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2146-460X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing 2752-7530 2752-7549 2022 39 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-7549 SAGE Publications Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 1305-7707 1305-7693 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1305-7693 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care 2146-4618 2146-4626 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2146-4626 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Neurology 1304-2580 1875-9041 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-9041 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology 1309-6680 1309-6745 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1309-6745 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences 1817-1745 1998-3948 2010 5 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-3948 Medknow Publications Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 1043-4542 1532-8457 2005 22 2021 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8457 SAGE Publications Journal of Pediatric Psychology 0146-8693 1465-735X 2005 30 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-735X Oxford University Press Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity 2769-1616 2769-1624 2022 42 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-1624 Taylor & Francis Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling 2522-896X 2522-8978 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2522-8978 Springer Journal of Perioperative Practice 1750-4589 2515-7949 2006 16 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-7949 SAGE Publications Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss 1081-1443 1996 1 2000 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1081-1443 Taylor & Francis Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 0885-3134 1557-7813 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7813 Taylor & Francis Journal of Personality Assessment 0022-3891 1532-7752 1971 35 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7752 Taylor & Francis Journal of Pest Science 1612-4758 1612-4766 2008 81 2019 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-4766 Springer Journal of Petroleum Engineering 2314-5005 2314-5013 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5013 Hindawi Journal of Petrology 0022-3530 1460-2415 2005 46 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2415 Oxford University Press Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control 1056-4950 1993 1 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-4950 Taylor & Francis Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences 2055-0294 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0294 Springer Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 1759-8893 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-8893 Oxford University Press Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 1872-5120 1939-8042 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8042 Springer Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practice 1092-6801 1997 1 1998 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-6801 Taylor & Francis Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 0976-9234 2229-7723 2011 2 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-7723 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 2052-3211 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-3211 Springer Journal of Pharmaceutics 2090-9918 2090-7818 2013 2013 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7818 Hindawi Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 1567-567X 1573-8744 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8744 Springer Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 0022-3565 1521-0103 1909 1 2022 383 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0103 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2017 8 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2018 9 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2018 9 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2019 10 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2019 10 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2020 11 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 0976-500X 0976-5018 2020 11 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5018 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 0976-4879 0975-7406 2010 2 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-7406 Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 0022-3573 2042-7158 2010 62 2022 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7158 Oxford University Press Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0897-1900 1531-1937 2005 18 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-1937 SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacy Technology 8755-1225 1549-4810 2005 21 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-4810 SAGE Publications Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 1547-7037 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1547-7037 Springer Journal of Philosophical Logic 0022-3611 1573-0433 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0433 Springer Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2204-2482 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-2482 University of Birmingham Journal of Philosophy of Education 0309-8249 1467-9752 2008 42 2022 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9752 Oxford University Press Journal of Photonics 2356-7562 2314-6451 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6451 Hindawi Journal of Physical Education and Recreation 0097-1170 1975 46 1981 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0097-1170 Taylor & Francis Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 0730-3084 2168-3816 1982 53 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-3816 Taylor & Francis Journal of Physical Oceanography 0022-3670 1520-0485 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0485 American Meteorological Society Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742-6596 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1742-6596 IOP Publishing Journal of Physiological Anthropology 1880-6791 1880-6805 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1880-6805 Springer Journal of Physiology 0022-3751 1469-7793 1878 1 2013 591 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7793 Physiological Society Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 1138-7548 1877-8755 2013 69 2018 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-8755 Springer Journal of Place Management and Development 1753-8335 1753-8343 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8343 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Plankton Research 0142-7873 1464-3774 2005 27 2022 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3774 Oxford University Press Journal of Planning Education and Research 0739-456X 1552-6577 2004 24 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6577 SAGE Publications Journal of Planning History 1538-5132 1552-6585 2005 4 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6585 SAGE Publications Journal of Planning Literature 0885-4122 1552-6593 2004 19 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6593 SAGE Publications Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0971-7811 0974-1275 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-1275 Springer Journal of Plant Biology 1226-9239 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1226-9239 Springer Journal of Plant Ecology 1752-9921 1752-993X 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-993X Oxford University Press Journal of Plant Foods 0142-968X 1978 3 1985 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0142-968X Taylor & Francis Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 0721-7595 1435-8107 1992 11 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-8107 Springer Journal of Plant Interactions 1742-9145 1742-9153 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9153 Taylor & Francis Journal of Plant Nutrition 0190-4167 1532-4087 1979 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4087 Taylor & Francis Journal of Plant Registrations 1940-3496 2007 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3496 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Journal of Plant Research 0918-9440 1618-0860 2013 126 2018 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-0860 Springer Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 8756-0879 1530-8014 2005 21 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8014 SAGE Publications Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 2000-6764 2020 55 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-6764 Medical Journals Sweden AB Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 2000-656X 2000-6764 2010 44 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-6764 Taylor & Francis Journal of Poetry Therapy: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, Research and Education 0889-3675 1567-2344 2003 16 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1567-2344 Taylor & Francis Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 0882-0783 1936-6469 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-6469 Springer Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations 1533-2586 1533-2594 2001 1 2012 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2594 Taylor & Francis Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 1833-5330 2159-5364 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-5364 Taylor & Francis Journal of Policy History 0898-0306 1528-4190 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-4190 Cambridge University Press Journal of Policy Practice 1558-8742 1558-8750 2006 5 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-8750 Taylor & Francis Journal of Policy Reform 1384-1289 1477-2736 1996 1 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2736 Taylor & Francis Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 1940-7963 1940-7971 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7971 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Ideologies 1356-9317 1469-9613 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9613 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Marketing 1537-7857 1537-7865 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-7865 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Power 1754-0291 1754-0305 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0305 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Power 1754-0291 1754-0305 2009 2 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0305 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Power 2158-379X 2158-3803 2017 10 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-3803 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Power 2158-379X 2158-3803 2019 12 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-3803 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Power 2158-379X 2158-3803 2011 4 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-3803 Taylor & Francis Journal of Political Science Education 1551-2169 1551-2177 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-2177 Taylor & Francis Journal of Politics and Law 1913-9047 1913-9055 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-9055 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Politics in Latin America 1866-802X 1868-4890 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-4890 SAGE Publications Journal of Polymer Research 1022-9760 1572-8935 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8935 Springer Journal of Polymers 2356-7570 2314-6877 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6877 Hindawi Journal of Polymers and the Environment 1566-2543 1572-8919 2018 26 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8919 Springer Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science 0368-3621 1919 1 1947 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0368-3621 Taylor & Francis Journal of Popular Film 0047-2719 1972 1 1978 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-2719 Taylor & Francis Journal of Popular Film and Television 0195-6051 1930-6458 1978 7 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-6458 Taylor & Francis Journal of Popular Music Studies 1524-2226 1533-1598 2001 13 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-1598 Taylor & Francis Journal of Popular Music Studies 1524-2226 1533-1598 2018 30 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-1598 University of California Press Journal of Popular Television 2046-9861 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-9861 Intellect Journal of Population Ageing 1874-7884 1874-7876 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-7876 Springer Journal of Population Research 1443-2447 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1443-2447 Springer Journal of Porous Materials 1380-2224 1573-4854 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4854 Springer Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1645-4537 2397-5563 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-5563 Open Library of Humanities Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 1098-3007 1538-4772 2005 7 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4772 SAGE Publications Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 0160-3477 1557-7821 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7821 Taylor & Francis Journal of Postcolonial Writing 1744-9855 1744-9863 2005 41 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9863 Taylor & Francis Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 0022-3859 0972-2823 2010 56 2022 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0972-2823 Medknow Publications Journal of Posthuman Studies 2472-4513 2471-4461 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-4461 Penn State University Press Journal of Poverty 1087-5549 1540-7608 1996 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7608 Taylor & Francis Journal of Powder Technology 2090-7710 2090-7737 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7737 Hindawi Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education 1931-0242 2161-2978 2012 7 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-2978 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Journal of Precision Oncology 2667-3517 2667-3525 2022 2 2022 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-3525 Medknow Publications Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research 2157-9288 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2157-9288 Purdue University Press Journal of Pregnancy 2090-2727 2090-2735 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2735 Hindawi Journal of Pregnancy 2090-2727 2090-2735 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2735 Hindawi Journal of Prescribing Practice 2631-8385 2631-8385 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-8385 Mark Allen Group Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community 1085-2352 1540-7330 1996 13 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7330 Taylor & Francis Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion 2632-0770 2632-0789 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-0789 SAGE Publications Journal of Preventive, Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies in Medicine 2949-6594 2949-6608 2022 1 2022 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2949-6608 Medknow Publications Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 2150-1319 2150-1327 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-1327 SAGE Publications Journal of Primary Care Dentistry and Oral Health 2772-3534 2772-3542 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-3542 Medknow Publications Journal of Private International Law 1744-1048 1757-8418 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8418 Taylor & Francis Journal of Probability 2356-7589 2314-8373 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8373 Hindawi Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687-952X 1687-9538 2009 2009 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9538 Hindawi Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687-952X 1687-9538 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9538 Hindawi Journal of Product & Brand Management 1061-0421 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1061-0421 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Productivity Analysis 0895-562X 1573-0441 2013 39 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0441 Springer Journal of Professional Capital and Community 2056-9548 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-9548 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research 1556-6382 2168-9156 2004 32 2017 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-9156 Taylor & Francis Journal of Professional Services Marketing 0748-4623 1985 1 2000 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-4623 Taylor & Francis Journal of Professions and Organization 2051-8803 2051-8811 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-8811 Oxford University Press Journal of Progressive Human Services 1042-8232 1540-7616 1987 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7616 Taylor & Francis Journal of Projective Techniques 0885-3126 1950 14 1962 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0885-3126 Taylor & Francis Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment 0091-651X 1963 27 1970 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0091-651X Taylor & Francis Journal of Promotion Management 1049-6491 1540-7594 1992 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7594 Taylor & Francis Journal of Property Finance 0958-868X 1758-7875 1990 1 1997 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7875 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Property Investment & Finance 1463-578X 1470-2002 1999 17 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-2002 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law 2514-9407 2018 10 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2514-9407 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Property Research 0959-9916 1466-4453 1991 8 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4453 Taylor & Francis Journal of Property Valuation and Investment 0960-2712 1758-7867 1983 1 1998 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7867 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Propulsion and Power 0748-4658 1533-3876 1985 1 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-3876 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 1662-9981 1662-999X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1662-999X Springer Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis 2475-5303 2475-5311 2015 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-5311 SAGE Publications Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 0022-393X 1967 1 1980 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-393X Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 0279-1072 2159-9777 1981 13 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9777 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 0734-2829 1557-5144 2005 23 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-5144 SAGE Publications Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 0090-6905 1573-6555 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6555 Springer Journal of Psychological Trauma 1932-2887 1932-2895 2007 6 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-2895 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools 2055-6365 2055-6373 2015 25 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6373 SAGE Publications Journal of Psychology 0976-4224 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-4224 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality 0890-7064 1988 1 2007 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0890-7064 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychology and Theology 0091-6471 2328-1162 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-1162 SAGE Publications Journal of Psychology in Africa 1433-0237 1815-5626 2006 16 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1815-5626 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 0882-2689 1573-3505 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3505 Springer Journal of Psychopharmacology 0269-8811 1461-7285 2005 19 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7285 SAGE Publications Journal of Psychosexual Health 2631-8318 2631-8326 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-8326 SAGE Publications Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 0734-7332 1540-7586 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7586 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 2198-963X 2019 6 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-963X Springer Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 0167-482X 1743-8942 1982 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8942 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychotherapy & The Family 0742-9703 1985 1 1990 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0742-9703 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychotherapy in Independent Practice 1522-9580 2000 1 2000 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-9580 Taylor & Francis Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 1055-050X 1992 1 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-050X American Psychiatric Association Publishing Journal of Public Administration Education 1087-7789 2328-9635 1995 1 1997 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-9635 Taylor & Francis Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 1053-1858 1477-9803 2005 15 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9803 Oxford University Press Journal of Public Affairs Education 1523-6803 2328-9643 1998 4 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-9643 Taylor & Francis Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 1096-3367 2000 12 2000 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-3367 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 1096-3367 2002 14 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-3367 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Public Child Welfare 1554-8732 1554-8740 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-8740 Taylor & Francis Journal of Public Health 0943-1853 1613-2238 2016 24 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-2238 Springer Journal of Public Health 1741-3842 1741-3850 2005 27 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3850 Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health and Primary Care 2772-3666 2772-3674 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-3674 Medknow Publications Journal of Public Health Research 2279-9036 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2279-9036 SAGE Publications Journal of Public Mental Health: The art, science and politics of creating a mentally healthy society 1746-5729 2042-8731 2003 2 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8731 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 0743-9156 1547-7207 2005 24 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7207 SAGE Publications Journal of Public Procurement 1535-0118 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0118 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Public Relations Research 1062-726X 1532-754X 1992 4 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-754X Taylor & Francis Journal of Public Transportation 1077-291X 2375-0901 2002 5 2020 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-0901 University of South Florida Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering 2314-8055 2314-8047 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8047 Hindawi Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 1528-008X 1528-0098 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-0098 Taylor & Francis Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1355-2511 1758-7832 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7832 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 2575-6230 1969 1 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2575-6230 Taylor & Francis Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 1559-0410 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0410 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Quantitative Criminology 0748-4518 1573-7799 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7799 Springer Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 0929-6174 1744-5035 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5035 Taylor & Francis Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2356-7597 2314-6982 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6982 Hindawi Journal of Qur'anic Studies 1465-3591 1755-1730 2000 2 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1730 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research 2588-9273 2468-9203 2016 7 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-9203 Medknow Publications Journal of Radiation Oncology Informatics 1663-618X 2009 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1663-618X Universität Bern Journal of Radiation Research 0449-3060 1349-9157 2008 49 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1349-9157 Oxford University Press Journal of Radio & Audio Media 1937-6529 1937-6537 2008 15 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-6537 Taylor & Francis Journal of Radio Studies 1095-5046 1992 1 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1095-5046 Taylor & Francis Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 0236-5731 1588-2780 2013 295 2018 317 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-2780 Springer Journal of Radiotherapy 2356-7600 2314-8349 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8349 Hindawi Journal of Raptor Research 0892-1016 2006 40 2017 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0892-1016 Raptor Research Foundation Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 0894-9085 1573-6563 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6563 Springer Journal of Reading, Writing, and Learning Disabilities International 0748-7630 1984 1 1991 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-7630 Taylor & Francis Journal of Real Estate Literature 0927-7544 1573-8809 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Real Estate Research 0896-5803 2691-1175 1986 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2691-1175 Taylor & Francis Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 1861-8200 1861-8219 2013 8 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8219 Springer Journal of Receptor Research 0197-5110 1980 1 1994 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0197-5110 Taylor & Francis Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction 1079-9893 1532-4281 1995 15 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4281 Taylor & Francis Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 0743-684X 1098-8947 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-8947 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open 2377-0813 2377-0821 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-0821 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Refugee & Global Health 2473-0327 2017 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-0327 University of Louisville Journal of Refugee Studies 0951-6328 1471-6925 2005 18 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6925 Oxford University Press Journal of Regulatory Economics 0922-680X 1573-0468 2013 43 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0468 Springer Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 2055-6683 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6683 SAGE Publications Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1651-2081 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2081 Medical Journals Sweden AB Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications (JRM-CC) 2003-0711 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2003-0711 Medical Journals Sweden AB Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0731-6844 1530-7964 2005 24 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7964 SAGE Publications Journal of Relationship Marketing 1533-2667 1533-2675 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2675 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion & Abuse 1521-1037 1523-9179 1999 1 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1523-9179 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion & Aging 0738-6184 1984 1 1989 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0738-6184 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought 1542-6432 1542-6440 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-6440 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion and Health 0022-4197 1573-6571 2013 52 2019 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6571 Springer Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 1703-289X 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1703-289X University of Toronto Press Journal of Religion and Society 1522-5658 1999 1 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-5658 Kripke Center at Creighton University Journal of Religion and Society Supplement Series 1941-8450 2004 1 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8450 Kripke Center at Creighton University Journal of Religion, Disability & Health 1522-8967 1522-9122 1999 3 2013 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9122 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion in Disability & Rehabilitation 1059-9258 1994 1 1996 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1059-9258 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging 1552-8030 1552-8049 2005 17 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8049 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religious & Theological Information 1047-7845 1528-6924 1992 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6924 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religious and Political Practice 2056-6093 2056-6107 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6107 Taylor & Francis Journal of Religious Gerontology 1050-2289 1991 7 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1050-2289 Taylor & Francis Journal of Remanufacturing 2210-4690 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-4690 Springer Journal of Renal Nursing 2041-1448 2052-2894 2013 5 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2894 Mark Allen Group Journal of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism 2395-1540 2016 2 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2395-1540 Medknow Publications Journal of Renewable Energy 2314-4386 2314-4394 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4394 Hindawi Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2322-1232 2322-5106 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2322-5106 Medknow Publications Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 0264-6838 1469-672X 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-672X Taylor & Francis Journal of Reproductive and Stem Cell Biotechnology 2180-1398 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2180-1398 SAGE Publications Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility 2058-9158 2015 4 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-9158 SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences 2456-5601 2581-9895 2021 5 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2581-9895 Medknow Publications Journal of Research in Childhood Education 0256-8543 2150-2641 1986 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-2641 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 0022-4278 1552-731X 2004 41 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-731X SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning 2397-7604 2017 10 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-7604 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122 2040-7130 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-7130 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Research in International Education 1475-2409 1741-2943 2005 4 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2943 SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 1471-5201 1471-521X 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-521X Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Research in Music Education 0022-4294 1945-0095 2005 53 2008 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0095 SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Music Education 0022-4294 1945-0095 2010 58 2022 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0095 SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Nursing 1744-9871 1744-988X 2005 10 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-988X SAGE Publications Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice 2319-9644 2279-042X 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2279-042X Medknow Publications Journal of Research in Siddha Medicine 2582-1954 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2582-1954 Medknow Publications Journal of Research in Technical Careers 2578-2118 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-2118 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Journal of Research of NIST 1044-677X 2165-7254 2005 110 2005 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-7254 National Institute of Standards and Technology Journal of Research on Adolescence 1050-8392 1532-7795 1991 1 1995 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7795 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research on Adolescence 1050-8392 1532-7795 1997 7 2000 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7795 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research on Christian Education 1065-6219 1934-4945 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-4945 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research on Computing in Education 0888-6504 1987 20 2001 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0888-6504 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 1934-5747 1934-5739 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-5739 Taylor & Francis Journal of Research on Leadership Education 1942-7751 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-7751 SAGE Publications Journal of Research on Technology in Education 1539-1523 1945-0818 2001 34 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0818 Taylor & Francis Journal of Resources and Ecology 1674-764X 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1674-764X Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Journal of Respiratory Infections 2473-2869 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-2869 University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Medicine 2356-7619 2314-6958 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6958 Hindawi Journal of Responsible Innovation 2329-9460 2329-9037 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-9037 Taylor & Francis Journal of Restaurant & Foodservice Marketing 1052-214X 1993 1 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1052-214X Taylor & Francis Journal of Restorative Dentistry 2321-4619 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-4619 Medknow Publications Journal of Rheumatology 0315-162X 1499-2752 2001 28 2022 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1499-2752 Journal of Rheumatology Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 0895-5646 1573-0476 2013 46 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0476 Springer Journal of Risk Research 1366-9877 1466-4461 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4461 Taylor & Francis Journal of Robotic Surgery 1863-2483 1863-2491 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-2491 Springer Journal of Robotics 1687-9600 1687-9619 2009 2009 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9619 Hindawi Journal of Robotics 1687-9600 1687-9619 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9619 Hindawi Journal of Romance Studies 1473-3536 1752-2331 2001 1 2015 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2331 Berghahn Journals Journal of Romance Studies 1473-3536 1752-2331 2016 16 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2331 Liverpool University Press Journal of Romanian Studies 2627-5325 2754-415X 2022 4 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-415X Liverpool University Press Journal of Rural Mental Health 2163-8969 1996 23 1999 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-8969 New Prairie Press Journal of Rural Mental Health 2163-8969 2002 27 2006 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-8969 New Prairie Press Journal of Rural Mental Health 2163-8969 2010 34 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-8969 New Prairie Press Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 1061-0405 1558-0415 1992 30 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0415 Taylor & Francis Journal of Russian Laser Research 1071-2836 1573-8760 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8760 Springer Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 1099-6362 1530-7972 2005 7 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7972 SAGE Publications Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 2042-7891 2042-7905 2010 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7905 Intellect Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 1404-3858 1651-2340 2000 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2340 Taylor & Francis Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 1099-1425 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1099-1425 Springer Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1198-9742 1710-1166 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1166 University of Toronto Press Journal of School Choice: Research, Theory, and Reform 1558-2159 1558-2167 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-2167 Taylor & Francis Journal of School Leadership 1052-6846 2005 15 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1052-6846 SAGE Publications Journal of School Violence 1538-8220 1538-8239 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-8239 Taylor & Francis Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China 1758-552X 1758-5538 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5538 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 2053-4620 2014 5 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-4620 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Science Education and Technology 1059-0145 1573-1839 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1839 Springer Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise 2096-6709 2662-1371 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2662-1371 Springer Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 1989 1 2013 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2013 24 2013 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Springer Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2014 25 2014 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2014 25 2014 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Springer Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2015 26 2015 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Springer Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2015 26 2015 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2016 27 2016 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2016 27 2016 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Springer Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 2017 28 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1847 Taylor & Francis Journal of Scientific Computing 0885-7474 1573-7691 2013 54 2018 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7691 Springer Journal of Scientific Computing 0885-7474 1573-7691 2019 79 2019 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7691 Springer Journal of Scientific Innovation in Medicine 2579-0153 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2579-0153 Levy Library Press Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders 2397-1983 2397-1991 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-1991 SAGE Publications Journal of Scottish Historical Studies 1748-538X 1755-1749 2001 21 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1749 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Scottish Philosophy 1479-6651 1755-2001 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2001 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Screenwriting 1759-7137 1759-7145 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7145 Intellect Journal of Secondary Gifted Education 1077-4610 2003 15 2006 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1077-4610 SAGE Publications Journal of Security Education 1550-7890 2004 1 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1550-7890 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sedimentary Research 1527-1404 1938-3681 1931 1 1945 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3681 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Journal of Sedimentary Research 1527-1404 1938-3681 1947 17 2022 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3681 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Journal of Segmentation in Marketing 1091-1340 1997 1 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1091-1340 Taylor & Francis Journal of Seismology 1383-4649 1573-157X 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-157X Springer Journal of Semantics 0167-5133 1477-4593 2005 22 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4593 Oxford University Press Journal of Semitic Studies 0022-4480 1477-8556 2005 50 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-8556 Oxford University Press Journal of Sensors 1687-725X 1687-7268 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7268 Hindawi Journal of Sensors 1687-725X 1687-7268 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7268 Hindawi Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 2194-8771 2194-878X 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-878X Copernicus Publications Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 1757-5826 2009 20 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-5826 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 1552-7379 2004 7 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7379 SAGE Publications Journal of Service Theory and Practice 2055-6225 2015 25 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6225 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0887-6045 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 1089-747X 1995 1 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1089-747X Society for Seventeenth-Century Music Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 0092-623X 1521-0715 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0715 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sex Research 0022-4499 1559-8519 1965 1 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-8519 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice 1355-2600 1742-6545 1994 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-6545 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2090-7893 2090-7958 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7958 Hindawi Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 1007-1172 1995-8188 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-8188 Springer Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) 1007-6417 1863-236X 1997 1 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-236X Springer Journal of Shellfish Research 0730-8000 1943-6319 2005 24 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6319 National Shellfisheries Association Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies 1748-9423 2051-557X 2012 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-557X ICAS Press Journal of Shipping and Trade 2364-4575 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-4575 Springer Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty 2471-5492 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-5492 SAGE Publications Journal of Signal Processing Systems 1939-8018 1939-8115 2013 70 2018 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8115 Springer Journal of Signal Transduction 2090-1739 2090-1747 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1747 Hindawi Journal of Signal Transduction 2090-1739 2090-1747 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1747 Hindawi Journal of Simulation 1747-7778 1747-7786 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7786 Taylor & Francis Journal of Singing 1086-7732 2769-4046 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-4046 National Association of Teachers of Singing Journal of Skin Cancer 2090-2905 2090-2913 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2913 Hindawi Journal of Skin Cancer 2090-2905 2090-2913 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2913 Hindawi Journal of Slavic Linguistics 1543-0391 1068-2090 2008 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1068-2090 Slavica Publishers Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 0827-6331 2169-2610 1985 3 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2610 Taylor & Francis Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1462-6004 1758-7840 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7840 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Small Business - Canada 0820-957X 1983 1 1985 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0820-957X Taylor & Francis Journal of Small Business Management 0047-2778 1540-627X 2001 39 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-627X Taylor & Francis Journal of Small Fruit & Viticulture 1052-0015 1992 1 1997 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1052-0015 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 0265-4075 1460-3608 2004 21 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3608 SAGE Publications Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2752-7514 2752-7522 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-7522 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Social and Political Psychology 2195-3325 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-3325 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Journal of Social Archaeology 1469-6053 1741-2951 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2951 SAGE Publications Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 1053-0789 1573-658X 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-658X Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 1942-0676 1942-0684 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0684 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Health and Diabetes 2321-0656 2321-0664 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-0664 Medknow Publications Journal of Social Health and Diabetes 2321-0656 2321-0664 2018 6 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-0664 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 1999 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 1999 33 2000 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2000 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2000 34 2001 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2001 35 2002 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2002 36 2003 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2003 37 2004 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2004 38 2005 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2005 39 2006 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2006 40 2007 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2007 41 2008 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 George Mason University Press Journal of Social History 0022-4529 1527-1897 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1897 Oxford University Press Journal of Social Inclusion Studie 2394-4811 2516-6123 2014 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6123 SAGE Publications Journal of Social Intervention 1876-8830 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-8830 Utrecht University Library Journal of Social Marketing 2042-6763 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-6763 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Social Policy and Social Work in Transition 1987-8710 2012 3 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1987-8710 Whiting and Birch Journal of Social Sciences 0971-8923 1997 1 2017 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0971-8923 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Service Research 0148-8376 1540-7314 1978 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7314 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 0964-9069 1469-9621 1991 13 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9621 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work 1468-0173 1741-296X 2005 5 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-296X SAGE Publications Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality 0276-3850 1982 1 1993 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0276-3850 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work Education 1043-7797 2163-5811 1985 21 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5811 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation 1536-710X 1536-7118 2002 1 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-7118 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work in End-Of-Life & Palliative Care 1552-4256 1552-4264 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4264 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care 1533-2624 2001 1 2006 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1533-2624 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 1533-256X 1533-2578 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2578 Taylor & Francis Journal of Social Work Practice: Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community 0265-0533 1465-3885 1983 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3885 Taylor & Francis Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists 2456-7787 2582-0702 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2582-0702 Medknow Publications Journal of Sociology 1440-7833 1741-2978 2005 41 2022 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2978 SAGE Publications Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 0976-6634 2010 1 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-6634 Taylor & Francis Journal of Soft Matter 2356-7627 2314-6818 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6818 Hindawi Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry 1948-7916 2010 2 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1948-7916 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry 1948-7916 2018 10 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1948-7916 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 0022-4561 1941-3300 1981 36 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-3300 Soil and Water Conservation Society Journal of Soil Contamination 1058-8337 1992 1 2000 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1058-8337 Taylor & Francis Journal of Soils and Sediments 1439-0108 1614-7480 2001 1 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-7480 Springer Journal of Solar Energy 2356-7635 2314-6230 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6230 Hindawi Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 0928-0707 1573-4846 2010 53 2010 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4846 Springer Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 0928-0707 1573-4846 2010 56 2018 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4846 Springer Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 1432-8488 1433-0768 2008 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0768 Springer Journal of Solid State Physics 2356-7643 2314-6842 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6842 Hindawi Journal of Solution Chemistry 0095-9782 1572-8927 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8927 Springer Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 1059-3152 2154-6665 2008 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-6665 Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasty Studies Journal of Sound and Music in Games 2578-3432 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-3432 University of California Press Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 0149-1784 2766-0176 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2766-0176 Villanova University Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1741 0973-1733 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-1733 SAGE Publications Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 2153-8999 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-8999 Purdue University Press Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) 2339-5095 2339-5206 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2339-5206 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Journal of Southern African Studies 0305-7070 1465-3893 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3893 Taylor & Francis Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans Online 1461-3190 1469-963X 1999 1 2008 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-963X Taylor & Francis Journal of Southern History 0022-4642 2325-6893 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-6893 The Southern Historical Association Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 0022-4650 1533-6794 1964 1 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6794 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 1463-6204 1469-9818 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9818 Taylor & Francis Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 2324-7797 2324-7800 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-7800 Taylor & Francis Journal of Spatial Science 1449-8596 1836-5655 2004 49 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1836-5655 Taylor & Francis Journal of Special Education Technology 0162-6434 2381-3121 2003 19 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-3121 SAGE Publications Journal of Spectral Theory 1664-039X 1664-0403 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1664-0403 European Mathematical Society Journal of Spectroscopy 2314-4920 2314-4939 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4939 Hindawi Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 1092-4388 1558-9102 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9102 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 1079-0268 2045-7723 2007 30 2011 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7723 Taylor & Francis Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 1079-0268 2045-7723 2012 35 2012 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7723 Maney Publishing Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 1079-0268 2045-7723 2012 35 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-7723 Taylor & Francis Journal of Spinal Studies and Surgery 2589-1669 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-1669 Medknow Publications Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 1939-7909 2328-1030 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-1030 SAGE Publications Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 1934-9637 1934-9645 2006 9 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9645 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sport & Social Issues 0193-7235 1552-7638 2005 29 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7638 SAGE Publications Journal of Sport & Tourism 1477-5085 1029-5399 1994 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-5399 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2013 40 2013 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2014 41 2014 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2015 42 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 North American Society for Sport History Journal of Sport History 0094-1700 2155-8450 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-8450 University of Illinois Press Journal of Sport Psychology in Action 2152-0704 2152-0712 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-0712 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sports Economics 1527-0025 1552-7794 2005 6 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7794 SAGE Publications Journal of Sports Media 1558-4313 1940-5073 2006 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5073 University of Nebraska Press Journal of Sports Medicine 2356-7651 2314-6176 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6176 Hindawi Journal of Sports Sciences 0264-0414 1466-447X 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-447X Taylor & Francis Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 0094-9655 1563-5163 1972 1 2023 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5163 Taylor & Francis Journal of Statistical Physics 0022-4715 1572-9613 2013 150 2018 172 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9613 Springer Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1559-8608 1559-8616 2007 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-8616 Taylor & Francis Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education 2693-9169 2021 29 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2693-9169 Taylor & Francis Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 0972-0510 2169-0014 1998 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0014 Taylor & Francis Journal of Statistics Education 1069-1898 1993 1 2020 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1069-1898 Taylor & Francis Journal of Stochastics 2356-7988 2314-8365 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8365 Hindawi Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 0309-3247 2041-3130 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3130 SAGE Publications Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation 2055-5636 2055-5644 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5644 SAGE Publications Journal of Strategic Marketing 0965-254X 1466-4488 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4488 Taylor & Francis Journal of Strategic Security (JSS) 1944-0464 1944-0472 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-0472 Henley-Putnam University Journal of Strategic Studies 0140-2390 1743-937X 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-937X Taylor & Francis Journal of Strategy and Management 1755-425X 1755-4268 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4268 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Stroke Medicine 2516-6085 2516-6093 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6093 SAGE Publications Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 1345-711X 1570-0267 2013 14 2016 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1570-0267 Springer Journal of Structural Chemistry 0022-4766 1573-8779 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8779 Springer Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Multi-Science Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Fire Engineering 2040-2317 2040-2325 2016 7 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-2325 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance 2470-5314 2470-5322 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-5322 Taylor & Francis Journal of Structural Mechanics 0360-1218 1972 1 1986 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0360-1218 Taylor & Francis Journal of Structures 2356-766X 2314-6494 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6494 Hindawi Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 1949-6591 1949-6605 1997 34 2007 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-6605 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 1949-6591 1949-6605 2010 47 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-6605 Taylor & Francis Journal of Student Financial Aid 0884-9153 2010 40 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0884-9153 University of Louisville Journal of Studies in International Education 1028-3153 1552-7808 2005 9 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7808 SAGE Publications Journal of Substance Misuse 1357-5007 1996 1 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1357-5007 Taylor & Francis Journal of Substance Use 1465-9891 1475-9942 1999 4 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-9942 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sulfur Chemistry 1741-5993 1741-6000 2004 25 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6000 Taylor & Francis Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 1557-1939 1557-1947 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1947 Springer Journal of Superhard Materials 1063-4576 1934-9408 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9408 Springer Journal of Supreme Court History 1059-4329 1540-5818 1990 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-5818 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 1027-4510 1819-7094 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-7094 Springer Journal of Surfactants and Detergents 1097-3958 1558-9293 2013 16 2017 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9293 Springer Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2042-8812 2014 2014 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8812 Oxford University Press Journal of Surgical Specialties and Rural Practice 2772-3143 2772-3151 2020 1 2021 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-3151 Medknow Publications Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report 2006-8808 0976-2825 2011 3 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-2825 Medknow Publications Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2325-0984 2325-0992 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-0992 Oxford University Press Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 1044-0046 1540-7578 1990 1 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7578 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 2165-0373 2165-0381 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0381 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sustainable Development 1913-9063 1913-9071 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-9071 Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 2043-0795 2043-0809 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-0809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Sustainable Forestry 1054-9811 1540-756X 1992 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-756X Taylor & Francis Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582 1747-7646 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7646 Taylor & Francis Journal of Synthetic Biology 2314-5145 2314-5153 2015 2015 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5153 Hindawi Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 1477-2019 1478-0941 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0941 Taylor & Francis Journal of Systems and Information Technology 1328-7265 1758-8847 1997 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8847 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Systems Chemistry 1759-2208 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-2208 Chemistry Central Journal of Systems Chemistry 1759-2208 2016 7 2016 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-2208 Springer Journal of Systems Chemistry 1759-2208 2018 9 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-2208 Springer Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1009-6124 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1009-6124 Springer Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 1004-3756 1861-9576 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-9576 Springer Journal of Teacher Education 0022-4871 1552-7816 2005 56 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7816 SAGE Publications Journal of Teaching in International Business 0897-5930 1528-6991 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6991 Taylor & Francis Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family 1535-0762 2001 1 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1535-0762 Taylor & Francis Journal of Teaching in Social Work 0884-1233 1540-7349 1987 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7349 Taylor & Francis Journal of Teaching in the Addictions 1533-2705 1533-2713 2002 1 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2713 Taylor & Francis Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 1531-3220 1531-3239 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-3239 Taylor & Francis Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 0047-2816 1541-3780 2005 35 2022 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3780 SAGE Publications Journal of Technology Education 1045-1064 2000 12 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1045-1064 Virginia Tech Publishing Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 2366-5963 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-5963 Springer Journal of Technology in Human Services 1522-8835 1522-8991 1999 16 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-8991 Taylor & Francis Journal of Technology Management in China 1746-8779 1746-8787 2006 1 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-8787 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 1357-633X 1758-1109 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1109 SAGE Publications Journal of Tertiary Education Administration 1036-9708 1979 1 1995 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1036-9708 Taylor & Francis Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 2051-1795 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1795 Taylor & Francis Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 2051-1795 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1795 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 2051-1795 2014 2 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1795 Bloomsbury Publishing Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 2051-1795 2014 2 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1795 Taylor & Francis Journal of Textiles 2356-7678 2314-6044 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6044 Hindawi Journal of Textiles and Fibrous Materials 2515-2211 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2211 SAGE Publications Journal of The Academy of Clinical Microbiologists 0972-1282 2348-5086 2013 15 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-5086 Medknow Publications Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 1978 1 2003 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 Springer Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2004 32 2004 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 Springer Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2004 32 2004 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 SAGE Publications Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2005 33 2005 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 Springer Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2005 33 2005 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 SAGE Publications Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2006 34 2006 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 SAGE Publications Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 1552-7824 2006 34 2019 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7824 Springer Journal of the African Literature Association 2167-4736 2167-4744 2006 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4744 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1096-2247 2162-2906 1995 45 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-2906 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 1067-151X 1940-5480 1993 1 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5480 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online 1093-6793 1943-3662 1973 1 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3662 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Journal of the American Academy of Religion 0002-7189 1477-4585 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4585 Oxford University Press Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 0587-2871 1547-3317 1995 31 2013 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3317 American Animal Hospital Association Journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 2326-7232 1949 20 1954 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7232 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Cardiology 0735-1097 1558-3597 1983 1 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-3597 American College of Cardiology Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1982 1 1982 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1982 1 1982 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1983 2 1983 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1983 2 1983 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1984 3 1984 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1984 3 1984 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1985 4 1985 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1985 4 1985 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1986 5 1986 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1986 5 1986 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1987 6 1987 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1987 6 1987 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1988 7 1988 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1988 7 1988 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1989 8 1989 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1989 8 1989 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1990 9 1990 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1990 9 1990 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1991 10 1991 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1991 10 1991 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1992 11 1992 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1992 11 1992 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1993 12 1993 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1993 12 1993 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1994 13 1994 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1994 13 1994 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1995 14 1995 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1995 14 1995 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1996 15 1996 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1996 15 1996 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1997 16 1997 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1997 16 1998 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1998 17 1998 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1999 18 1999 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 1999 18 1999 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2000 19 2000 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2000 19 2000 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2001 20 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2001 20 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2002 21 2002 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2002 21 2002 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2003 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2003 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2004 23 2004 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2004 23 2004 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2005 24 2005 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2005 24 2005 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2006 25 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2006 25 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2007 26 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2007 26 2007 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2008 27 2008 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2008 27 2008 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2009 28 2009 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2009 28 2009 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2010 29 2010 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2010 29 2010 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2011 30 2011 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2011 30 2011 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2012 31 2012 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 2012 31 2021 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1087 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Heart Association 2047-9980 2012 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9980 American Heart Association Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 0197-1360 1945-2330 1977 17 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-2330 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Institute of Planners 0002-8991 1935 1 1978 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-8991 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1067-5027 1527-974X 2008 15 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-974X Oxford University Press Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 8756-971X 1943-6270 2005 21 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6270 American Mosquito Control Association Journal of the American Musicological Society 0003-0139 1547-3848 1990 43 1990 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3848 University of California Press Journal of the American Musicological Society 0003-0139 1547-3848 2001 54 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3848 University of California Press Journal of the American Nutrition Association 2769-7061 2769-707X 2022 41 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-707X Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 0003-021X 1558-9331 2013 90 2017 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9331 Springer Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363 1939-0130 1979 45 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0130 Taylor & Francis Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 8750-7315 1930-8264 1965 55 2018 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-8264 American Podiatric Medical Association Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1078-3903 1532-5725 2004 10 2007 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5725 SAGE Publications Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1078-3903 1532-5725 2010 16 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5725 SAGE Publications Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0003-0651 1941-2460 2004 53 2015 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-2460 SAGE Publications Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0003-0651 1941-2460 2017 65 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-2460 SAGE Publications Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 0003-1062 1990 115 2017 142 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0003-1062 American Society for Horticultural Science Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1044-0305 1879-1123 2008 19 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-1123 Springer Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1046-6673 1533-3450 1990 1 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-3450 American Society of Nephrology Journal of the American Statistical Association 0162-1459 1537-274X 1922 18 2023 118 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-274X Taylor & Francis Journal of The Anatomical Society of India 0003-2778 2352-3050 2019 68 2021 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-3050 Medknow Publications Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India 2277-436X 2632-4369 2015 64 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-4369 SAGE Publications Journal of The Arab Society for Medical Research 1687-4293 2090-3286 2012 7 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3286 Medknow Publications Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 0193-8509 1533-6085 2005 37 2015 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6085 Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 1354-7860 1469-9648 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9648 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Association for the Care of Children in Hospitals 0145-3351 1980 8 1981 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0145-3351 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Association for the Study of Food and Society 2331-4184 1996 1 1996 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2331-4184 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 0022-4928 1520-0469 1948 5 1948 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0469 American Meteorological Society Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 0022-4928 1520-0469 1961 18 2002 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0469 American Meteorological Society Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 0022-4928 1520-0469 2004 61 2022 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0469 American Meteorological Society Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 0001-2793 1953 1 2002 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-2793 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 0001-2793 2003 99 2003 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-2793 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 0001-2793 2004 2004 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0001-2793 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Australian College of Speech Therapists 0004-8909 1968 18 1972 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-8909 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association 2475-0158 2475-0166 2017 66 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-0166 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology (JBSR) 2514-8281 2015 99 2023 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-8281 Ubiquity Press Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2007 160 2009 162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Taylor & Francis Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2010 163 2010 163 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Taylor & Francis Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2010 163 2010 163 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Maney Publishing Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2011 164 2011 164 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Maney Publishing Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2011 164 2011 164 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Taylor & Francis Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2012 165 2012 165 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Maney Publishing Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 2012 165 2023 176 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6704 Taylor & Francis Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 0007-1773 2332-0486 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-0486 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society 2738-8107 2738-8115 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2738-8115 Pensoft Publishers Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1472-7773 1364-5447 2000 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5447 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 0956-5000 1997 93 1997 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0956-5000 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 1470-4358 2000 0 2000 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1470-4358 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 1472-7781 1364-5463 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5463 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-organic Chemistry 0300-922X 2002 0 2002 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0300-922X Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 1470-1820 2000 0 2000 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1470-1820 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 1472-779X 1364-5471 2000 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5471 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 1472-779X 1364-5471 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5471 Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of the Chinese Advanced Materials Society 2224-3682 2168-1031 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1031 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 0253-3839 2158-7299 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-7299 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 1017-0669 2151-7606 2001 18 2012 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7606 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Early Republic 0275-1275 1553-0620 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-0620 University of Pennsylvania Press Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2090-9128 2019 27 2019 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9128 Springer Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute 2589-0409 2019 31 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-0409 Springer Journal of the Egyptian Ophthalmological Society 2090-0686 2314-6648 2013 106 2022 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6648 Medknow Publications Journal of The Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation 1110-9165 2356-9387 2016 16 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-9387 Medknow Publications Journal of the Electrochemical Society 0013-4651 1945-7111 2010 157 2010 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7111 Electrochemical Society Journal of the Electrochemical Society 0013-4651 1945-7111 2012 159 2018 165 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7111 Electrochemical Society Journal of the Endocrine Society 2472-1972 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-1972 Endocrine Society Journal of the Energy Institute 0144-2600 1746-0220 2012 85 2012 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0220 Maney Publishing Journal of the European Economic Association 1542-4766 1542-4774 2008 6 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4774 Oxford University Press Journal of the European Mathematical Society 1435-9855 1435-9863 2010 12 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-9863 European Mathematical Society Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 1812-4461 2224-7963 1996 16 2021 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2224-7963 Taylor & Francis Journal of the European Second Language Association 2399-9101 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-9101 White Rose University Press Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 0016-7614 1953 1 1983 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0016-7614 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Geological Society of India 0016-7622 0974-6889 2013 81 2018 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-6889 Springer Journal of the Geological Society of London 0016-7649 2041-479X 1971 127 2022 179 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-479X Geological Society of London Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association 2471-9773 2015 5 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-9773 Georgia Southern University Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 0256-6702 1984 1 1992 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0256-6702 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History 1223-2254 2247-0735 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2247-0735 Pensoft Publishers Journal of the Herpetological Association of Rhodesia 0440-730X 2159-3884 1957 1 1965 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-3884 Taylor & Francis Journal of the History of Biology 0022-5010 1573-0387 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0387 Springer Journal of the History of Collections 0954-6650 1477-8564 2005 17 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-8564 Oxford University Press Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1053-8372 1469-9656 2000 22 2007 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9656 Taylor & Francis Journal of the History of Ideas 1086-3222 0022-5037 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0022-5037 University of Pennsylvania Press Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 0022-5045 1468-4373 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4373 Oxford University Press Journal of the History of Philosophy 0022-5053 1538-4586 1963 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4586 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of the History of Sexuality 1043-4070 1535-3605 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3605 University of Texas Press Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives 0964-704X 1744-5213 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5213 Taylor & Francis Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2004 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2005 5 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2005 5 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2006 6 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2006 6 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2007 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2007 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2008 8 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2010 10 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2011 11 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2012 12 2012 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2013 13 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2013 13 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2014 14 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 Oxford University Press Journal of the ICRU 1473-6691 1742-3422 2014 14 2016 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3422 SAGE Publications Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 0099-4480 1971 1 2004 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0099-4480 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics 0974-3405 0974-2484 2016 12 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-2484 Medknow Publications Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0970-4140 2001 81 2007 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0970-4140 Indian Institute of Science Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 1948-0881 1948-108X 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-108X Taylor & Francis Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 0255-660X 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0255-660X Springer Journal of the Institute of Conservation 1945-5224 1945-5232 2009 32 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-5232 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Institute of Wood Science 0020-3203 2041-9430 2008 18 2009 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9430 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Intensive Care Society 1751-1437 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1751-1437 SAGE Publications Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 1545-1097 1557-0886 2005 4 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-0886 SAGE Publications Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 2325-9574 2325-9582 2013 12 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-9582 SAGE Publications Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization 2231-0754 2231-5357 2010 2 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2231-5357 Medknow Publications Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2349-7904 2589-9457 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9457 Medknow Publications Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 1550-2783 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2783 BioMed Central Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 1550-2783 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2783 Springer Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 0022-8567 1937-2353 2004 77 2017 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2353 Kansas Entomological Society Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 1098-7096 1938-2960 2005 66 2017 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2960 Kentucky Academy of Science Journal of the Knowledge Economy 1868-7865 1868-7873 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-7873 Springer Journal of the Learning Sciences 1050-8406 1532-7809 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7809 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa 0377-9688 1975 1 1988 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0377-9688 Taylor & Francis Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1469-7750 1926 s1-1 1943 s1-18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7750 Oxford University Press Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1469-7750 1944 19 1944 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7750 Oxford University Press Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1469-7750 1945 s1-20 1969 s1-44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7750 Oxford University Press Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1469-7750 1969 s2-1 1993 s2-48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7750 Oxford University Press Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1469-7750 1994 49 2016 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7750 Oxford University Press Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 0085-2988 1957 1 1993 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0085-2988 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 0128-5483 2180-4338 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2180-4338 Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Journal of the Medical Women's Association of Nigeria 1596-826X 2021 6 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1596-826X Medknow Publications Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 0742-5562 2162-6294 2011 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-6294 Midwest Modern Language Association Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa 1812-1004 2070-626X 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-626X Taylor & Francis Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 1540-1405 1540-1413 2003 1 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-1413 National Comprehensive Cancer Network Journal of the New York Entomological Society 0028-7199 1937-2361 2000 108 2007 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2361 New York Entomological Society Journal of the North American Benthological Society 0887-3593 1937-237X 2004 23 2011 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-237X Society for Freshwater Science Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2009 201 2010 201 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2009 101 2011 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2011 301 2012 301 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2012 401 2013 401 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2012 018 2014 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2013 501 2013 501 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2014 601 2014 601 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2015 901 2015 901 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2015 27 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the North Atlantic 1935-1933 2017 1001 2017 1001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1933 Eagle Hill Foundation Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 2376-0699 2376-0702 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-0702 Indiana University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2048-7193 2048-7207 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7207 Oxford University Press Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 1044-6753 2475-1898 2011 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-1898 Penn State University Press Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 1044-6753 2475-1898 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-1898 Penn State University Press Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 0094-8705 1543-2939 1974 1 1993 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-2939 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 0094-8705 1543-2939 1995 22 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-2939 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences 2395-5414 2454-2830 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2454-2830 Medknow Publications Journal of the Reading Specialist 0022-5126 1962 2 1971 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-5126 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 1470-3203 1752-8976 2005 6 2007 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8976 SAGE Publications Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 1470-3203 1752-8976 2010 11 2021 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-8976 SAGE Publications Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 0035-8665 2052-0468 1966 112 2023 169 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-0468 BMJ Group Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society 0035-8789 1914 1 1969 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0035-8789 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 1478-2715 2042-8189 2015 45 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8189 SAGE Publications Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 1987 112 2004 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2005 130 2005 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2005 130 2005 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2006 131 2006 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2007 132 2007 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2008 133 2008 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 2009 134 2019 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6933 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Society Interface 1742-5689 1742-5662 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5662 Royal Society Publishing Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 0141-0768 1758-1095 2005 98 2023 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1095 SAGE Publications Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 0303-6758 1175-8899 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8899 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society 0964-1998 1467-985X 2022 185 2022 185 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-985X Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B: Statistical Methodology 1369-7412 1467-9868 2022 84 2022 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9868 Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics 0035-9254 1467-9876 2022 71 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9876 Oxford University Press Journal of the Scientific Society 0974-5009 2278-7127 2012 39 2022 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-7127 Medknow Publications Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 1535-5632 1556-5823 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-5823 American Anthropological Association Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 0037-9808 2150-5926 2008 67 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-5926 University of California Press Journal of the Society of Archivists 0037-9816 1465-3907 1955 1 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3907 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 1540-7942 2326-2176 2012 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-2176 Society of Christian Ethics Journal of the South African Forestry Association 0375-9873 1938 1 1961 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0375-9873 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 1028-8457 2469-763X 1997 1 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-763X Taylor & Francis Journal of the Southwest 0894-8410 2158-1371 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1371 University of Arizona Journal of the Textile Institute 0040-5000 1754-2340 1967 58 2023 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2340 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Textile Institute Proceedings 1944-7019 1923 14 1965 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1944-7019 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Textile Institute Proceedings and Abstracts 0368-4504 1910 1 1921 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0368-4504 Taylor & Francis Journal of the Textile Institute Transactions 1944-7027 1923 14 1966 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1944-7027 Taylor & Francis Journal of Theological Interpretation 1936-0843 2576-7933 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-7933 Penn State University Press Journal of Theoretical Chemistry 2356-7686 2314-6184 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6184 Hindawi Journal of Theoretical Medicine 1027-3662 1607-8578 1997 1 2005 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8578 Taylor & Francis Journal of Theoretical Politics 0951-6298 1460-3667 2005 17 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3667 SAGE Publications Journal of Theoretical Probability 0894-9840 1572-9230 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9230 Springer Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound 2050-5736 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-5736 Springer Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 1388-6150 1588-2926 2013 114 2018 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-2926 Springer Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science 1097-1963 2003 27 2004 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1097-1963 SAGE Publications Journal of Thermal Science 1003-2169 1993-033X 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-033X Springer Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 1059-9630 1544-1016 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1016 Springer Journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 1521-074X 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-074X Taylor & Francis Journal of Thermodynamics 1687-9244 1687-9252 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9252 Hindawi Journal of Thermodynamics 1687-9244 1687-9252 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9252 Hindawi Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 0887-8722 1533-6808 1987 1 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6808 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 0892-7057 1530-7980 2005 18 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7980 SAGE Publications Journal of Threat Assessment 1533-2608 2001 1 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1533-2608 Taylor & Francis Journal of Threatened Taxa 0974-7893 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0974-7893 Wildlife Information Liaison Development Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 0929-5305 1573-742X 2013 35 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-742X Springer Journal of Thyroid Research 2090-8067 2042-0072 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0072 Hindawi Journal of Thyroid Research 2090-8067 2042-0072 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0072 Hindawi Journal of Time Series Econometrics 1941-1928 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-1928 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Tissue Engineering 2041-7314 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-7314 SAGE Publications JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE 1932-6254 1932-7005 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-7005 Hindawi Journal of Topology 1753-8416 1753-8424 2008 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8424 Oxford University Press Journal of Tort Law 1932-9148 2006 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-9148 Berkeley Electronic Press Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico 1885-2564 2254-0644 2018 25 2020 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2254-0644 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 1476-6825 1747-7654 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7654 Taylor & Francis Journal of Tourism Futures 2055-5911 2055-5911 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5911 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Tourism History 1755-182X 1755-1838 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1838 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology 1687-8191 1687-8205 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8205 Hindawi Journal of Toxicology 1687-8191 1687-8205 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8205 Hindawi Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 0098-4108 1975 1 1997 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0098-4108 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 1528-7394 1087-2620 1998 53 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-2620 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews 1093-7404 1521-6950 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-6950 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology 0731-3810 1982 19 2004 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-3810 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology: Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 0731-3829 1982 1 2005 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-3829 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxicology: Toxin Reviews 0731-3837 1982 1 2005 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-3837 Taylor & Francis Journal of Toxins 2314-5048 2314-5056 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-5056 Hindawi Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques 0733-4680 2001 19 2003 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0733-4680 Taylor & Francis Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1479-4012 1754-1018 2003 1 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1018 Taylor & Francis Journal of Transatlantic Studies 1479-4012 1754-1018 2019 17 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1018 Springer Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1043-6596 1552-7832 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7832 SAGE Publications Journal of Transformative Education 1541-3446 1552-7840 2005 3 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7840 SAGE Publications Journal of Transformative Education 1541-3446 1552-7840 2010 8 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7840 SAGE Publications Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5876 BioMed Central Journal of Translational Medicine 1479-5876 2013 11 2019 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5876 Springer Journal of Transnational Management 1547-5778 1547-5786 2005 10 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-5786 Taylor & Francis Journal of Transnational Management Development 1068-6061 1994 1 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1068-6061 Taylor & Francis Journal of Transplantation 2090-0007 2090-0015 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0015 Hindawi Journal of Transplantation 2090-0007 2090-0015 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0015 Hindawi Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 0022-5258 1754-5951 2001 35 2022 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-5951 London School of Economics and Political Science Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 1943-9962 1943-9970 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-9970 Taylor & Francis Journal of Transportation Security 1938-7741 1938-775X 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-775X Springer Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 1529-9732 1529-9740 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-9740 Taylor & Francis Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes 1752-2897 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2897 BioMed Central Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes 1752-2897 2013 7 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2897 Springer Journal of Trauma Practice 1536-2922 2002 1 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1536-2922 Taylor & Francis Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 1054-8408 1540-7306 1992 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7306 Taylor & Francis Journal of Travel Medicine 1195-1982 1708-8305 2008 15 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1708-8305 Oxford University Press Journal of Travel Research 0047-2875 1552-6763 2003 42 2022 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6763 SAGE Publications Journal of Tree Fruit Production 1055-1387 1996 1 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-1387 Taylor & Francis Journal of Tropical Medicine 1687-9686 1687-9694 2009 2009 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9694 Hindawi Journal of Tropical Medicine 1687-9686 1687-9694 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9694 Hindawi Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 0142-6338 1465-3664 2005 51 2009 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3664 Oxford University Press Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 0142-6338 1465-3664 2011 57 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3664 Oxford University Press Journal of Trust Research 2151-5581 2151-559X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-559X Taylor & Francis Journal of Turbulence 1468-5248 2005 2005 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-5248 Taylor & Francis Journal of Turbulence 1468-5248 2013 14 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-5248 Taylor & Francis Journal of Turfgrass Management 1070-437X 1994 1 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1070-437X Taylor & Francis Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 0278-4297 1550-9613 1998 17 2016 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-9613 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Journal of Universal Computer Science 0948-695X 0948-6968 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0948-6968 Pensoft Publishers Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 1467-9906 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9906 Taylor & Francis Journal of Urban Design 1357-4809 1469-9664 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9664 Taylor & Francis Journal of Urban Ecology 2058-5543 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-5543 Oxford University Press Journal of Urban Health 1099-3460 1468-2869 1998 75 2011 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2869 Springer Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 1552-6771 2003 30 2022 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6771 SAGE Publications Journal of Urban Technology 1063-0732 1466-1853 1992 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1853 Taylor & Francis Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability 1754-9175 1754-9183 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9183 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vacation Marketing 1356-7667 1479-1870 2002 8 2002 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-1870 SAGE Publications Journal of Vacation Marketing 1356-7667 1479-1870 2004 10 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-1870 SAGE Publications Journal of Vaccines 2090-7974 2090-7990 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7990 Hindawi Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 0972-9062 2012 49 2012 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0972-9062 Medknow Publications Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 0972-9062 2014 51 2022 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0972-9062 Medknow Publications Journal of Vector Ecology 1081-1710 1948-7134 2006 31 2017 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-7134 Society for Vector Ecology Journal of Vegetable Crop Production 1049-6467 1995 1 2004 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1049-6467 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vegetable Science 1548-1689 2005 11 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1548-1689 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vegetation Science 1100-9233 1104-7402 2002 13 2008 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1104-7402 International Association of Vegetation Science Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases 1678-9199 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1678-9199 Springer Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 1981 1 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2000 20 2000 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2001 21 2001 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2001 21 2001 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2002 22 2002 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2002 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2003 23 2003 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2003 23 2004 024 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2004 24 2005 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2005 25 2005 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2006 26 2006 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2006 26 2006 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2007 27 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2007 27 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2009 29 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2009 29 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2012 32 2012 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2012 32 2012 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2013 33 2013 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2013 33 2013 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2014 34 2014 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2014 34 2014 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2015 35 2015 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2015 35 2015 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2016 36 2016 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2016 36 2016 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2017 37 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2017 37 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 2018 38 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2809 Taylor & Francis Journal of Veterinary Dentistry 0898-7564 2470-4083 2005 22 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-4083 SAGE Publications Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 1040-6387 1943-4936 2004 16 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4936 SAGE Publications Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2356-7708 2314-6966 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6966 Hindawi Journal of Vibration and Control 1077-5463 1741-2986 2005 11 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2986 SAGE Publications Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice 2516-6069 2516-6077 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6077 SAGE Publications Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 1996 1 1996 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 1997 2 1997 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 1998 3 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 1999 4 1999 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2000 5 2000 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2001 6 2006 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2007 12 2007 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Edinburgh University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2008 13 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2009 14 2017 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Taylor & Francis Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Oxford University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2019 2 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Oxford University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2020 3 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Oxford University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2021 4 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Oxford University Press Journal of Victorian Culture 1355-5502 1750-0133 2022 5 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0133 Oxford University Press Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1559-372X 1559-3738 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-3738 University of California Press Journal of Virology 0022-538X 1098-5514 1980 33 2023 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5514 American Society for Microbiology Journal of Viruses 2356-7716 2314-646X 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-646X Hindawi Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2001 1 2002 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2001 1 2002 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2002 2 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2002 2 2003 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2004 3 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2005 4 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2005 4 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2006 5 2006 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2008 7 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2008 7 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2009 8 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2009 8 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2010 9 2010 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2011 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2011 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2012 11 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2012 11 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Intellect Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 2013 12 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9185 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine 1745-3054 1745-3062 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3062 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Culture 1470-4129 1741-2994 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2994 SAGE Publications Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0145-482X 1559-1476 2005 99 2023 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1476 SAGE Publications Journal of Visual Literacy 1051-144X 2379-6529 1989 9 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-6529 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Verbal Languaging 0748-7525 1981 1 1986 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-7525 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visual Verbal Languaging 0748-7525 1988 8 1988 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0748-7525 Taylor & Francis Journal of Visualization 1343-8875 1875-8975 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-8975 Springer Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases 2474-1264 2474-1272 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-1272 SAGE Publications Journal of Vocational Education & Training 1363-6820 1747-5090 1996 48 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5090 Taylor & Francis Journal of Volcanology and Seismology 0742-0463 1819-7108 2013 7 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-7108 Springer Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2007 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Taylor & Francis Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2007 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Intellect Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Intellect Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Taylor & Francis Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2010 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Taylor & Francis Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2010 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Intellect Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Intellect Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 2011 4 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6280 Taylor & Francis Journal of Waste Management 2356-7724 2314-6052 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6052 Hindawi Journal of Water and Climate Change 2040-2244 2408-9354 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2408-9354 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Water and Health 1477-8920 1996-7829 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-7829 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 1063-455X 1934-936X 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-936X Springer Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2220-1319 2408-9370 2011 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2408-9370 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 2043-9083 2408-9362 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2408-9362 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua 0003-7214 1605-3974 1998 47 2020 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1605-3974 International Water Association Publishing Journal of Web Librarianship 1932-2909 1932-2917 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-2917 Taylor & Francis Journal of Website Promotion 1553-3611 1553-362X 2005 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-362X Taylor & Francis Journal of Wellness 2578-9333 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-9333 University of Louisville Journal of West African College of Surgeons 2276-6944 2019 9 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2276-6944 Medknow Publications Journal of West African History 2327-1868 2327-1876 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-1876 Michigan State University Press Journal of Wetland Archaeology 1473-2971 2051-6231 2001 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6231 Taylor & Francis Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime 2631-309X 2631-3103 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-3103 SAGE Publications Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials 1524-511X 1530-8081 2000 7 2002 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8081 SAGE Publications Journal of Wildlife Diseases 0090-3558 1943-3700 1965 1 2016 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3700 Wildlife Disease Association Journal of Wildlife Management 0022-541X 1937-2817 2004 68 2011 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2817 Wildlife Society Journal of Wind Energy 2356-7732 2314-6249 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6249 Hindawi Journal of Wine Research 0957-1264 1469-9672 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9672 Taylor & Francis Journal of Women & Aging 0895-2841 1540-7322 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7322 Taylor & Francis Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education 2637-9112 2637-9120 2019 12 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-9120 Taylor & Francis Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 1554-477X 1554-4788 2005 27 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-4788 Taylor & Francis Journal of Women's History 1042-7961 1527-2036 1989 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2036 Johns Hopkins University Press Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 0277-3813 1532-2319 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2319 Taylor & Francis Journal of Wood Science 1435-0211 1611-4663 2013 59 2018 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-4663 Springer Journal of Work Applied Management 2205-2062 2205-2062 2015 7 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2205-2062 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 1555-5240 1555-5259 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5259 Taylor & Francis Journal of Workplace Learning 1366-5626 1758-7859 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7859 Emerald Group Publishing Journal of World History 1045-6007 1527-8050 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8050 University of Hawai'i Press Journal of World Languages 2169-8252 2169-8260 2014 1 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-8260 Taylor & Francis Journal of World Prehistory 0892-7537 1573-7802 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7802 Springer Journal of World-Historical Information 2169-0812 2013 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0812 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Journal of Wound Care 0969-0700 2052-2916 2013 22 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2916 Mark Allen Group Journal of Wrist Surgery 2163-3916 2163-3924 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-3924 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Writing in Creative Practice 1753-5190 1753-5204 2007 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5204 Intellect Journal of Wuhan University of Technology--Materials Science Edition 1000-2413 1993-0437 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-0437 Springer Journal of Youth and Adolescence 0047-2891 1573-6601 2013 42 2019 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6601 Springer Journal of Youth Studies 1367-6261 1469-9680 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9680 Taylor & Francis Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A 1673-565X 1862-1775 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-1775 Springer Journal of Zhejiang University - Science B 1673-1581 1862-1783 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-1783 Springer Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1042-7260 1937-2825 1999 31 2017 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2825 American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 2470-6566 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-6566 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1536-0040 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0040 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Applied Mathematics 0036-1399 1095-712X 2000 61 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-712X Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Chain and Network Science 1569-1829 1875-0931 2001 1 2016 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-0931 Wageningen Academic Publishers Journal on Computing 0097-5397 1095-7111 2000 30 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7111 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Control and Optimization 0363-0129 1095-7138 2000 39 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7138 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Discrete Mathematics 0895-4801 1095-7146 2000 13 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7146 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Financial Mathematics 1945-497X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-497X Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Imaging Sciences 1936-4954 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4954 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Mathematical Analysis 0036-1410 1095-7154 2000 31 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7154 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 2577-0187 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2577-0187 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application 0895-4798 1095-7162 2000 21 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7162 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Migration and Human Security 2331-5024 2330-2488 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2488 SAGE Publications Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 1783-7677 1783-8738 2013 7 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1783-8738 Springer Journal on Numerical Analysis 0036-1429 1095-7170 2000 37 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7170 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Optimization 1052-6234 1095-7189 2000 10 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7189 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Recent Advances in Pain 2454-6607 2455-4995 2018 4 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-4995 Medknow Publications Journal on Scientific Computing 1064-8275 1095-7197 2000 21 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7197 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2053-1702 2053-1710 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-1710 Taylor & Francis Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2166-2525 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-2525 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms 2367-3591 2367-3605 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-3605 Springer Journalism & Communication Monographs 1522-6379 2161-4342 2004 6 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4342 SAGE Publications Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 1077-6958 2161-4326 2004 59 2022 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4326 SAGE Publications Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 1077-6990 2161-430X 2005 82 2022 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-430X SAGE Publications Journalism History 0094-7679 2641-2071 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-2071 Taylor & Francis Journalism Practice 1751-2786 1751-2794 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2794 Taylor & Francis Journalism Studies 1461-670X 1469-9699 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9699 Taylor & Francis Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism 1464-8849 1741-3001 2005 6 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3001 SAGE Publications Journeys 1465-2609 1752-2358 2000 1 2021 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2358 Berghahn Journals Joyce Studies Annual 1049-0809 1538-4241 2001 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4241 Fordham University Press Joyce Studies Annual 1049-0809 1538-4241 2007 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4241 Fordham University Press JRSM Cardiovascular Disease 2048-0040 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-0040 SAGE Publications JRSM Open 2054-2704 2014 5 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-2704 SAGE Publications JRSM Short Reports 2042-5333 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5333 SAGE Publications Judaica Librarianship 0739-5086 2330-2976 2006 12 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2976 Association of Jewish Libraries Judaica Librarianship 0739-5086 2330-2976 2014 18 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2976 Association of Jewish Libraries Judaica. Neue digitale Folge 2673-4273 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2673-4273 Universität Bern Judgment and Decision Making 1930-2975 2006 1 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-2975 Society for Judgment and Decision Making Judicial Review 1085-4681 1757-8434 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8434 Taylor & Francis JuKiP Ihr Fachmagazin für Gesundheits und Kinderkrankenpflege 1439-2569 1439-9164 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-9164 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche 1934-2039 1934-2047 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2047 Taylor & Francis Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche 1934-2039 1934-2047 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2047 University of California Press Jurisprudence 2040-3313 2040-3321 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3321 Taylor & Francis Jus Cogens 2524-3977 2524-3985 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-3985 Springer Justice Quarterly 0741-8825 1745-9109 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9109 Taylor & Francis Justice Research and Policy 1525-1071 1942-8022 2005 7 2017 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-8022 SAGE Publications Justice System Journal 0098-261X 2327-7556 1988 13 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-7556 Taylor & Francis Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy 1535-3133 1542-4243 2002 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4243 University of Hawai'i Press Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports 2378-5977 1993 0 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-5977 New Prairie Press Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section Proceedings 2160-942X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-942X New Prairie Press Kansas State University Libraries 2475-9007 2015 1 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-9007 New Prairie Press Kappa Delta Pi Record 0022-8958 2163-1611 1964 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-1611 Taylor & Francis Kardiologie up2date 1611-6534 1860-3513 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-3513 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Karib: Nordic Journal for Caribbean Studies 2387-6743 2014 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2387-6743 Stockholm University Press Karnataka Anaesthesia Journal 2394-6954 2394-9775 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-9775 Medknow Publications Kasr Al Ainy Medical Journal 1687-4625 2356-8097 2015 21 2021 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-8097 Medknow Publications Katherine Mansfield Studies 2041-4501 2041-451X 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-451X Edinburgh University Press Keats-Shelley Journal 0453-4387 2328-112X 2013 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-112X Keats-Shelley Association of America Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1054-6863 1086-3249 1991 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3249 Johns Hopkins University Press Kentucky Foreign Language Quarterly 0023-0332 1954 1 1966 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0023-0332 Taylor & Francis Kentucky Romance Quarterly 0364-8664 1967 14 1985 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0364-8664 Taylor & Francis Kenyon Review 0163-075X 2327-8307 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-8307 Kenyon Review Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology 0976-6677 2016 28 2021 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-6677 Medknow Publications Khyber Medical University Journal 2305-2643 2305-2651 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-2651 Khyber Medical University KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 0933-1875 2013 27 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0933-1875 Springer Kidney 0940-7936 1865-5068 2008 17 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-5068 Springer Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 1617-0288 2567-577X 2003 3 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-577X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 0884-5913 1934-8401 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8401 Springer Kinetics and Catalysis 0023-1584 1608-3210 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3210 Springer King's Law Journal 0961-5768 1757-8442 1999 10 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8442 Taylor & Francis KIVA 0023-1940 2051-6177 1935 1 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6177 Taylor & Francis kleintier konkret 1434-9132 1439-3832 2010 13 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3832 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kleio 0023-2084 1969 1 2006 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0023-2084 Taylor & Francis Klinik Einkauf 2627-0439 2627-0455 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2627-0455 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1017-7833 1302-9657 2010 20 2016 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1302-9657 Taylor & Francis Klinikarzt Der 0341-2350 1439-3859 2010 39 2020 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3859 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 0023-2165 1439-3999 2010 227 2023 240 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3999 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Klinische Neurophysiologie 1434-0275 1439-4081 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4081 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Klinische Pädiatrie 0300-8630 1439-3824 2010 222 2023 235 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3824 Georg Thieme Verlag KG kma - Das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin 1439-3514 2197-621X 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-621X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Knee Surgery & Related Research 2234-2451 2019 31 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2234-2451 Springer Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 0942-2056 1433-7347 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-7347 Springer Knowledge and Information Systems 0219-1377 0219-3116 2013 34 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-3116 Springer Knowledge Management for Development Journal 1947-4199 1871-6342 2009 5 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-6342 Taylor & Francis Knowledge Management Research & Practice 1477-8238 1477-8246 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-8246 Taylor & Francis Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History 0023-3609 1651-2294 1932 1 2023 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2294 Taylor & Francis Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 1226-119X 2093-7660 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2093-7660 Springer Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 1226-5071 1997 1 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1226-5071 Taylor & Francis Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 0256-1115 1975-7220 2013 30 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1975-7220 Springer Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 1016-3271 1941-4641 1989 1 2010 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-4641 Taylor & Francis Korean Review of Public Administration 1226-4431 1996 1 1998 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1226-4431 Taylor & Francis Korean Studies 0145-840X 1529-1529 1977 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1529 University of Hawai'i Press Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 1177-083X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-083X Taylor & Francis Krankenhaushygiene up2date 1862-5797 1862-5800 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-5800 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Krankenhauspsychiatrie 0937-289X 1439-3816 2006 17 2006 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-3816 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 1531-023X 1538-5000 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-5000 Slavica Publishers KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 1226-7988 1976-3808 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-3808 Springer KULA: knowledge creation, dissemination, and preservation studies 2398-4112 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4112 Ubiquity Press Kybernetes 0368-492X 1758-7883 1972 1 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7883 Emerald Group Publishing Kybernetes 0368-492X 1758-7883 2020 49 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7883 Emerald Group Publishing KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 0023-2653 1861-891X 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-891X Springer La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 0193-3892 1947-4261 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4261 Modern Language Association Division on Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures La Lettre de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation 1778-4298 1778-4301 2013 29 2013 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1778-4301 Springer La Petite Zine 1939-036X 2000 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-036X Web del Sol La Radiologia Medica 0033-8362 1826-6983 2013 118 2018 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1826-6983 Springer Lab on a Chip 1473-0197 1473-0189 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0189 Royal Society of Chemistry Labor History 0023-656X 1469-9702 1960 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9702 Taylor & Francis Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 1547-6715 1558-1454 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-1454 Duke University Press Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2002 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 West Virginia University Press Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2005 30 2005 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 SAGE Publications Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 West Virginia University Press Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2006 31 2006 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 SAGE Publications Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 West Virginia University Press Labor Studies Journal 0160-449X 1538-9758 2007 32 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9758 SAGE Publications Laboratory Animal Research 2233-7660 2019 35 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2233-7660 Springer Laboratory Animals 0023-6772 1758-1117 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1117 SAGE Publications Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2000 31 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2008 39 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2009 40 2009 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2009 40 2009 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2010 41 2010 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2010 41 2010 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2011 42 2011 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2011 42 2011 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2012 43 2012 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2012 43 2012 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2013 44 2013 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2013 44 2013 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2014 45 2014 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 American Society for Clinical Pathology Laboratory Medicine 0007-5027 1943-7730 2014 45 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7730 Oxford University Press Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 1868-6354 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-6354 Open Library of Humanities Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 1030-1763 2325-5676 1988 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-5676 Taylor & Francis Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History 0023-6942 1839-3039 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3039 Liverpool University Press Labour History Review 0961-5652 1745-8188 2005 70 2009 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8188 Liverpool University Press Labour History Review 0961-5652 1745-8188 2010 75 2010 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8188 Maney Publishing Labour History Review 0961-5652 1745-8188 2010 75 2010 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8188 Liverpool University Press Labour History Review 0961-5652 1745-8188 2011 76 2011 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8188 Maney Publishing Labour History Review 0961-5652 1745-8188 2011 76 2023 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8188 Liverpool University Press Labour / Le Travail 0700-3862 1911-4842 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1911-4842 Canadian Committee on Labour History Lake and Reservoir Management 1040-2381 2151-5530 1984 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-5530 Taylor & Francis Land Development Studies 0264-0821 1984 1 1990 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0264-0821 Taylor & Francis Land Economics 0023-7639 1543-8325 2001 (present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-8325 University of Wisconsin Press Land Use Law & Zoning Digest 0094-7598 1974 26 2003 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0094-7598 Taylor & Francis Landscape and Ecological Engineering 1860-1871 1860-188X 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-188X Springer Landscape Ecology 0921-2973 1572-9761 1987 1 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9761 Springer Landscape History 0143-3768 2160-2506 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-2506 Taylor & Francis Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the land 0277-2426 1553-2704 1982 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-2704 University of Wisconsin Press Landscape Research 0142-6397 1469-9710 1968 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9710 Taylor & Francis Landscapes 1466-2035 2040-8153 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8153 Taylor & Francis Landslides 1612-510X 1612-5118 2008 5 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-5118 Springer Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 1435-2443 1435-2451 2013 398 2019 404 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-2451 Springer Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1974 1974 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1977 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1980 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1984 1984 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1986 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1990 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language 0097-8507 1535-0665 1997 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0665 Linguistic Society of America Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2009 52 2009 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Taylor & Francis Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2010 53 2010 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Taylor & Francis Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2010 53 2010 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Maney Publishing Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2011 54 2011 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Taylor & Francis Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2011 54 2011 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Maney Publishing Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2012 55 2012 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Maney Publishing Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 2012 55 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7544 Taylor & Francis Language Acquisition 1048-9223 1532-7817 1990 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7817 Taylor & Francis Language and Cognitive Processes 0169-0965 1464-0732 1985 1 2013 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0732 Taylor & Francis Language and Education 0950-0782 1747-7581 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7581 Taylor & Francis Language and Intercultural Communication 1470-8477 1747-759X 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-759X Taylor & Francis Language and Linguistics 1606-822X 2309-5067 2014 15 2016 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2309-5067 SAGE Publications Language and Literature 0963-9470 1461-7293 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7293 SAGE Publications Language and Speech 0023-8309 1756-6053 2004 47 2007 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6053 SAGE Publications Language and Speech 0023-8309 1756-6053 2010 53 2022 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6053 SAGE Publications Language Arts Journal of Michigan 2168-149X 1985 1 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2168-149X Scholarworks @ GVSU Language Assessment Quarterly 1543-4303 1543-4311 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-4311 Taylor & Francis Language Awareness 0965-8416 1747-7565 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7565 Taylor & Francis Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2327-3798 2327-3801 2014 29 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-3801 Taylor & Francis Language, Culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 1747-7573 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7573 Taylor & Francis Language Learning and Development 1547-5441 1547-3341 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3341 Taylor & Francis Language Learning Journal 0957-1736 1753-2167 1990 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-2167 Taylor & Francis Language Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa 1022-8195 1753-5395 1993 24 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5395 Taylor & Francis Language Policy 1568-4555 1573-1863 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1863 Springer Language Resources and Evaluation 1574-020X 1574-0218 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-0218 Springer Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 0161-1461 1558-9129 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9129 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 1477-0954 2004 8 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0954 SAGE Publications Language Testing. 0265-5322 1477-0946 2005 22 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0946 SAGE Publications Languages and Modalities (LaMo) 2782-5744 2021 2021 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2782-5744 Pensoft Publishers Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 0935-8943 1438-8685 2010 89 2023 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8685 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Laser Chemistry 0278-6273 1476-3516 1982 1 2002 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3516 Hindawi Laser Chemistry 0278-6273 1476-3516 2006 2006 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3516 Hindawi Laser Physics 1054-660X 1555-6611 2006 16 2006 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6611 Springer Laser Physics 1054-660X 1555-6611 2008 18 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6611 Springer Lasers in Dental Science 2367-2587 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-2587 Springer Lasers in Engineering 0898-1507 2002 12 2002 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0898-1507 Taylor & Francis Lasers in Medical Science 0268-8921 1435-604X 1986 1 2011 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-604X Springer Lasers in Medical Science 0268-8921 1435-604X 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-604X Springer Late Imperial China 0884-3236 1086-3257 1967 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3257 Johns Hopkins University Press Late Imperial China 0884-3236 1086-3257 1975 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3257 Johns Hopkins University Press Late Imperial China 0884-3236 1086-3257 1981 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3257 Johns Hopkins University Press Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 1357-650X 1464-0678 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0678 Taylor & Francis Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 1744-2222 1744-2230 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2230 Taylor & Francis Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 2576-0947 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-0947 University of California Press Latin American Business Review 1097-8526 1528-6932 1998 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-6932 Taylor & Francis Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development 2052-0336 2052-0344 2014 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-0344 Inderscience Latin American Music Review 0163-0350 1536-0199 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0199 University of Texas Press Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X 1552-678X 2005 32 2022 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-678X SAGE Publications Latin American Politics & Society 1531-426X 1548-2456 2004 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-2456 University of Miami Latin American Research Review 0023-8791 1542-4278 2003 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4278 Latin American Studies Association Latin American Theatre Review 0023-8813 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0023-8813 University of Kansas Law & Ethics of Human Rights 1938-2545 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2545 Berkeley Electronic Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2001 13 2001 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2002 14 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2002 14 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2003 15 2003 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2003 15 2003 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2004 16 2004 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2005 17 2005 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2005 17 2005 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2006 18 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2006 18 2006 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2007 19 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 University of California Press Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2007 19 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 2008 20 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-2601 Taylor & Francis Law and Critique 0957-8536 1572-8617 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8617 Springer Law and Financial Markets Review 1752-1440 1752-1459 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1459 Taylor & Francis Law and Human Behavior 0147-7307 1573-661X 1977 1 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-661X Springer Law and Humanities 1752-1483 1752-1491 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-1491 Taylor & Francis Law and Philosophy 0167-5249 1573-0522 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0522 Springer Law, Culture and the Humanities 1743-8721 1743-9752 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9752 SAGE Publications Law, Innovation and Technology 1757-9961 1757-997X 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-997X Taylor & Francis Law, Probability and Risk 1470-8396 1470-840X 2005 4 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-840X Oxford University Press Le foucaldien 2515-2076 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2076 Open Library of Humanities Le mouvement social 0027-2671 1961-8646 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1961-8646 Association Le Mouvement Social Leadership 1742-7150 1742-7169 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-7169 SAGE Publications Leadership & Organization Development Journal 0143-7739 1472-5347 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-5347 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership and Policy in Schools 1570-0763 1744-5043 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5043 Taylor & Francis Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2000 13 2000 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2001 14 2001 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2002 15 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2003 16 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2004 17 2004 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1366-0756 2005 18 2005 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-0756 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 1997 10 1999 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2000 13 2000 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2001 14 2001 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2002 15 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2003 16 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2004 17 2004 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Leadership in Health Services 1751-1879 1751-1887 2005 18 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1887 Emerald Group Publishing Learning & Behavior 1543-4494 1543-4508 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-4508 Springer Learning & Memory 1072-0502 1549-5485 1994 1 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-5485 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives 2077-5504 2004 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2077-5504 Emerald Group Publishing Learning and Teaching (LATISS) 1755-2273 1755-2281 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2281 Berghahn Journals Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal 2374-7846 1989 1 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2374-7846 Sagamore Publishing Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 0938-8982 1540-5826 1999 14 2000 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-5826 Taylor & Francis Learning Disability Quarterly 0731-9487 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-9487 SAGE Publications Learning for Living 0023-9704 1961 1 1978 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0023-9704 Taylor & Francis Learning, Media and Technology 1743-9884 1743-9892 2005 30 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9892 Taylor & Francis Learning: Research and Practice 2373-5082 2373-5090 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-5090 Taylor & Francis Leeds International Classical Studies 1477-3643 2005 4 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-3643 University of Leeds Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 1534-0643 0748-4321 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0748-4321 University of Nebraska Press Legal Ethics 1460-728X 1757-8450 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8450 Taylor & Francis Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 2770-6869 2770-6877 2022 54 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-6877 Taylor & Francis Legal Reference Services Quarterly 0270-319X 1540-949X 1981 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-949X Taylor & Francis Legalities: The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Law and Society 2634-3770 2634-3789 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-3789 Edinburgh University Press Lege artis Das Magazin zur ärztlichen Weiterbildung 2191-4192 2191-4591 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-4591 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Legisprudence 1752-1467 2007 1 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1752-1467 Taylor & Francis Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal 0149-0400 1521-0588 1977 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0588 Taylor & Francis Leisure Studies 0261-4367 1466-4496 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4496 Taylor & Francis Leisure/Loisir 1492-7713 2151-2221 1999 24 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2221 Taylor & Francis L'Enseignement Mathématique 0013-8584 2309-4672 2010 56 2020 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2309-4672 European Mathematical Society Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 0075-8744 1758-437X 2008 53 2008 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-437X Oxford University Press Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 0075-8744 1758-437X 2016 61 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-437X Oxford University Press Leonardo 0024-094X 1530-9282 1968 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9282 MIT Press Leonardo Music Journal 0961-1215 1531-4812 1991 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-4812 MIT Press Les cahiers de l'année gérontologique 1760-5342 1760-5350 2013 5 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1760-5350 Springer L'Esprit Créateur 0014-0767 1931-0234 1986 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-0234 Johns Hopkins University Press Letters in Applied Microbiology 0266-8254 1472-765X 2022 75 2022 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-765X Oxford University Press Letters in Biomathematics 2373-7867 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-7867 Taylor & Francis Letters in Mathematical Physics 0377-9017 1573-0530 2013 103 2018 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0530 Springer Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 1864-4031 1864-404X 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-404X Springer Leukemia & Lymphoma 1042-8194 1029-2403 1989 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-2403 Taylor & Francis Leukemia Research and Treatment 2090-3219 2090-3227 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3227 Hindawi Leukemia Research and Treatment 2090-3219 2090-3227 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3227 Hindawi LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 1550-2724 1550-2716 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2716 Taylor & Francis Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 2007 39 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3801 Taylor & Francis Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3801 Maney Publishing Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 2010 42 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3801 Taylor & Francis Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3801 Maney Publishing Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 2012 44 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3801 Taylor & Francis Levantine Review 2164-6678 2012 1 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-6678 Boston College Libraries Levantine Review 2164-6678 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-6678 Boston College Libraries Leviathan 0340-0425 1861-8588 2000 28 2003 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8588 Springer Leviathan 0340-0425 1861-8588 2004 32 2011 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8588 Springer Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 2008 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 1525-6995 1750-1849 2002 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1849 Johns Hopkins University Press Leviathan 2633-1446 2633-1454 2019 9 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-1454 University of Edinburgh Levinas Studies 1554-7000 2153-8433 2011 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-8433 Duquesne University Press Levinas Studies 1554-7000 2153-8433 2018 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-8433 Duquesne University Press LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2770-3371 2770-338X 2022 18 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-338X Taylor & Francis LIBER Quarterly 2213-056X 2000 2 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-056X Utrecht University Library LIBER Quarterly 2213-056X 2020 22 2020 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2213-056X Utrecht University Library Librarian Career Development 0968-0810 1758-7913 1993 1 1999 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7913 Emerald Group Publishing Libraries & the Cultural Record 0894-8631 1534-7591 2001 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7591 University of Texas Press Libraries & the Cultural Record 0894-8631 1534-7591 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7591 University of Texas Press Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 2473-0343 2473-036X 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-036X Penn State University Press Library & Archival Security 0196-0075 1540-9511 1978 2 2013 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-9511 Taylor & Francis Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2009 25 2009 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Taylor & Francis Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2010 26 2010 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Taylor & Francis Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2010 26 2010 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Maney Publishing Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2011 27 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Maney Publishing Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2011 27 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Taylor & Francis Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2012 28 2012 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Maney Publishing Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2012 28 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Taylor & Francis Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory 0364-6408 1977 1 1998 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0364-6408 Taylor & Francis Library and Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 2009 25 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3497 Edinburgh University Press Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 1464-9055 1873-1821 1999 23 2017 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-1821 Taylor & Francis Library Consortium Management: An International Journal 1466-2760 1999 1 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1466-2760 Emerald Group Publishing Library Hi Tech 0737-8831 1984 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0737-8831 Emerald Group Publishing Library Hi Tech News 0741-9058 1999 16 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0741-9058 Emerald Group Publishing Library History 0024-2306 2000 16 2007 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0024-2306 Edinburgh University Press Library History 0024-2306 2007 23 2007 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0024-2306 Taylor & Francis Library History 0024-2306 2008 24 2008 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0024-2306 Edinburgh University Press Library History 0024-2306 2008 24 2008 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0024-2306 Taylor & Francis Library Management 0143-5124 1758-7921 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7921 Emerald Group Publishing Library Review 0024-2535 1758-793X 1928 1 2017 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-793X Emerald Group Publishing Library Security Newsletter 0094-0216 1975 1 1975 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0094-0216 Taylor & Francis Library Trends 0024-2594 1559-0682 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0682 Johns Hopkins University Press Libyan International Medical University Journal 2519-139X 2016 1 2021 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2519-139X Medknow Publications Libyan Journal of Medical Sciences 2588-9044 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2588-9044 Medknow Publications Libyan Journal of Medicine 1993-2820 1819-6357 2006 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing Libyan Journal of Medicine 1993-2820 1819-6357 2010 5 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing Libyan Journal of Medicine 1993-2820 1819-6357 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-6357 Taylor & Francis Libyan Journal of Medicine 1993-2820 1819-6357 2015 10 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing Libyan Journal of Medicine 1993-2820 1819-6357 2016 11 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-6357 Taylor & Francis Life Writing 1448-4528 1751-2964 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2964 Taylor & Francis Lifespans and Styles 2057-1720 2015 1 2016 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1720 University of Edinburgh Lifespans and Styles 2057-1720 2018 4 2020 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1720 University of Edinburgh Lifetime Data Analysis 1380-7870 1572-9249 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9249 Springer Lifewriting Annual 2635-2656 2008 2 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-2656 Open Library of Humanities Lifewriting Annual 2635-2656 2023 6 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-2656 Open Library of Humanities Lighting Research and Technology 1477-1535 1477-0938 2005 37 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0938 SAGE Publications LIMES: Borderland Studies 2029-7475 2029-7483 2011 4 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-7483 Taylor & Francis LIMES: Cultural Regionalistics 2029-0187 2029-0209 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-0209 Taylor & Francis Limnology 1439-8621 1439-863X 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-863X Springer Limnology and Oceanography 0024-3590 1956 1 2010 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0024-3590 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments 2157-3689 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-3689 Duke University Press Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 1541-5856 2003 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-5856 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Linear and Multilinear Algebra 0308-1087 1563-5139 1973 1 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5139 Taylor & Francis Lingua Frankly 2333-6552 2013 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-6552 Boston College Libraries Linguistic Evidence in Security, Law and Intelligence 2327-5596 2013 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-5596 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Linguistic Inquiry 0024-3892 1530-9150 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9150 MIT Press Linguistik Online 1615-3014 1998 1 2023 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1615-3014 Universität Bern Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 Libertas Academica Lipid Insights 1178-6353 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6353 SAGE Publications Lipids 0024-4201 1558-9307 1966 1 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9307 Springer Lipids in Health and Disease 1476-511X 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-511X BioMed Central Lipids in Health and Disease 1476-511X 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-511X Springer Liquid Crystals 0267-8292 1366-5855 1986 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5855 Taylor & Francis Liquid Crystals Reviews 2168-0396 2168-0418 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-0418 Taylor & Francis Liquid Crystals Today 1358-314X 1464-5181 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5181 Taylor & Francis Liquid Fuels Technology 0737-7266 1983 1 1985 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0737-7266 Taylor & Francis Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 1043-6928 1545-5866 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5866 Taylor & Francis Literacy in Composition Studies 2326-5620 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-5620 Literacy in Composition Studies Literacy Research and Instruction 1938-8071 1938-8063 2008 47 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8063 Taylor & Francis Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 2381-3369 2381-3377 2015 64 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-3377 SAGE Publications Literary and Linguistic Computing 0268-1145 1477-4615 2005 20 2014 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4615 Oxford University Press Literary Imagination 1523-9012 1752-6566 2006 8 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6566 Oxford University Press Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 1999 8 2006 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 Manchester University Press Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 2006 15 2006 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 SAGE Publications Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 2007 16 2007 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 SAGE Publications Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 2007 16 2007 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 Manchester University Press Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 2008 17 2009 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 Manchester University Press Literature & History 0306-1973 2050-4594 2010 19 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4594 SAGE Publications Literature and Medicine 0278-9671 1080-6571 1982 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6571 Johns Hopkins University Press Literature and Medicine 0278-9671 1080-6571 2011 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6571 Johns Hopkins University Press Literature and Performance 0734-0796 1980 1 1988 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0734-0796 Taylor & Francis Literature and Theology 0269-1205 1477-4623 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4623 Oxford University Press Lithic Technology 0197-7261 2051-6185 1976 5 1994 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6185 Taylor & Francis Lithic Technology 0197-7261 2051-6185 1996 21 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6185 Taylor & Francis Lithology and Mineral Resources 0024-4902 1608-3229 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3229 Springer Lithosphere 1941-8264 1947-4253 2009 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4253 Geological Society of America Lithosphere 1941-8264 1947-4253 2021 2021 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-4253 Geological Society of America Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 0363-1672 1573-8825 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8825 Springer Liturgy 0458-063X 1557-3001 1980 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-3001 Taylor & Francis Liverpool Law Review 0144-932X 1572-8625 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8625 Springer Livestock 2053-0862 2053-0870 2013 18 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-0870 Mark Allen Group LO SCALPELLO - OTODI Educational 0390-5276 1970-6812 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1970-6812 Springer Lo Spettatore Internazionale 0584-8776 1966 1 1982 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0584-8776 Taylor & Francis Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1995-0802 1818-9962 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1818-9962 Springer L'Observateur de l'OCDE 0304-3398 1561-5510 1962 1962 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1561-5510 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2004 19 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 SAGE Publications Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2008 23 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 SAGE Publications Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2008 23 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 Taylor & Francis Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2009 24 2009 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 Taylor & Francis Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2009 24 2009 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 SAGE Publications Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2010 25 2010 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 Taylor & Francis Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 0269-0942 1470-9325 2010 25 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-9325 SAGE Publications Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 1354-9839 1469-6711 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-6711 Taylor & Francis Local Government Studies 0300-3930 1743-9388 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9388 Taylor & Francis LOCKSS Card 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=LOCKSS+Card&pub=LOCKSS+Program LOCKSS Program LOCKSS Card 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=LOCKSS+Card&pub=LOCKSS+Program LOCKSS Program LOCKSS Card 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=LOCKSS+Card&pub=LOCKSS+Program LOCKSS Program LOCKSS Card 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=LOCKSS+Card&pub=LOCKSS+Program LOCKSS Program Logic and Analysis 1863-3617 1863-3625 2007 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-3625 Springer Logic Journal of the IGPL 1367-0751 1368-9894 2005 13 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1368-9894 Oxford University Press ;login: 1044-6397 1997 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1044-6397 USENIX Association Logistics Information Management 0957-6053 1758-7948 1988 1 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7948 Emerald Group Publishing Logistics Research 1865-035X 1865-0368 2013 6 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-0368 Springer Logistique & Management 1250-7970 2377-9640 1994 2 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9640 Taylor & Francis Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 1401-5439 1651-2022 1996 21 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2022 Taylor & Francis Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 1091-6687 1533-791X 1997 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-791X University of St. Thomas Center for Catholic Studies Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure 0705-3436 1705-0154 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1705-0154 Taylor & Francis London Journal of Primary Care 1757-1472 1757-1480 2008 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1480 Taylor & Francis London Review of International Law 2050-6325 2050-6333 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6333 Oxford University Press Loss, Grief & Care 8756-4610 1987 1 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=8756-4610 Taylor & Francis Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement 0966-2847 1744-0556 2002 11 2005 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0556 Taylor & Francis LSE Public Policy Review 2633-4046 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-4046 London School of Economics and Political Science Lumen et Vita 2329-1087 2011 1 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-1087 Boston College Libraries Lung 0341-2040 1432-1750 2013 191 2018 196 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1750 Springer Lung Cancer International 2090-3197 2090-3200 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3200 Hindawi Lung Cancer International 2090-3197 2090-3200 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3200 Hindawi Lung Cancer Management 1758-1966 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1758-1966 Future Medicine Lung India 0970-2113 0974-598X 2011 28 2019 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-598X Medknow Publications Lupus 0961-2033 1477-0962 2005 14 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0962 SAGE Publications Lupus Science & Medicine 2053-8790 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-8790 BMJ Group Luso-Brazilian Review 0024-7413 1548-9957 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9957 University of Wisconsin Press Lutheran Quarterly 0024-7499 2470-5616 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-5616 Johns Hopkins University Press LUX: A Journal of Transdisciplinary Writing and Research 2327-3895 2012 2 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-3895 Claremont College Library Luxury 2051-1817 2051-1825 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1825 Bloomsbury Publishing Luxury 2051-1817 2051-1825 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-1825 Taylor & Francis Luxury Research Journal 2041-3831 2041-384X 2015 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-384X Inderscience Lymphoma 2090-309X 2090-3103 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3103 Hindawi Lymphoma 2090-309X 2090-3103 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3103 Hindawi Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemias 1179-2361 2009 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2361 Libertas Academica Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie (MAB) 0924-6304 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0924-6304 Pensoft Publishers Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1023-263X 2399-5548 2005 12 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-5548 SAGE Publications Maatwerk 1567-6587 1876-6021 2013 14 2016 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-6021 Springer mAbs 1942-0862 1942-0870 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0870 Taylor & Francis Machine Learning 0885-6125 1573-0565 2013 90 2017 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0565 Springer Machine Translation 0922-6567 1573-0573 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0573 Springer Machine Vision and Applications 0932-8092 1432-1769 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1769 Springer Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal 1091-0344 1532-2483 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2483 Taylor & Francis Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies 1752-0843 1752-0851 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0851 Taylor & Francis Macromolecular Research 1598-5032 2092-7673 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2092-7673 Springer Mad Hatters' Review 1556-147X 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-147X Mad Hatters' Review Madroño 0024-9637 1943-6297 2008 55 2017 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6297 California Botanical Society Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 1556-8547 1940-5111 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5111 University of Pennsylvania Press Magnetic Resonance 2699-0016 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2699-0016 Copernicus Publications Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X Libertas Academica Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X SAGE Publications Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X Libertas Academica Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X SAGE Publications Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X Libertas Academica Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X SAGE Publications Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X Libertas Academica Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X SAGE Publications Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X Libertas Academica Magnetic Resonance Insights 1178-623X 2015 8 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-623X SAGE Publications Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 0968-5243 1352-8661 2008 21 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1352-8661 Springer MaHKUscript: Journal of Fine Art Research 2397-0863 2016 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-0863 Ubiquity Press Main Group Chemistry 1024-1221 1745-1167 1995 1 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1167 Taylor & Francis Malacologia 0076-2997 2006 49 2017 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0076-2997 Institute of Malacology Malaria Journal 1475-2875 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2875 BioMed Central Malaria Journal 1475-2875 2013 12 2019 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2875 Springer Malaria Research and Treatment 2044-4362 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-4362 Hindawi Malaria Research and Treatment 2044-4362 2013 2013 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-4362 Hindawi Malaysian Journal of Movement, Health and Exercise 2600-9404 2600-9455 2013 2 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2600-9455 Medknow Publications MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences 2394-7438 2395-0145 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-0145 Medknow Publications Mammal Research 2199-2401 2199-241X 2015 60 2019 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-241X Springer Mammal Study 1343-4152 1348-6160 2005 30 2017 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1348-6160 Mammal Society of Japan Mammalian Genome 0938-8990 1432-1777 1991 1 1995 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1777 Springer Mammalian Genome 0938-8990 1432-1777 1998 8 2011 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1777 Springer Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2007 804 2009 847 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2011 43 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2011 43 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2013 45 2013 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2013 897 2013 904 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2014 46 2014 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2014 905 2014 917 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2015 47 2015 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2015 918 2015 929 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 American Society of Mammalogists Mammalian Species 0076-3519 1545-1410 2016 48 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1410 Oxford University Press Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 Taylor & Francis Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 SAGE Publications Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2007 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 SAGE Publications Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2007 2 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 Taylor & Francis Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 SAGE Publications Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 SAGE Publications Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 Taylor & Francis Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 Taylor & Francis Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 SAGE Publications Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367 2013 8 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9367 Taylor & Francis Management and Labour Studies 0258-042X 2004 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0258-042X SAGE Publications Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 1552-6798 2004 18 2008 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6798 SAGE Publications Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 1552-6798 2010 24 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6798 SAGE Publications Management Decision 0025-1747 1758-6070 1967 1 1970 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6070 Emerald Group Publishing Management Decision 0025-1747 1758-6070 1971 9 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6070 Emerald Group Publishing Management Development Review 0962-2519 1992 5 1997 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0962-2519 Emerald Group Publishing Management in Education 0892-0206 1741-9883 2004 18 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9883 SAGE Publications Management International Review 0938-8249 1861-8901 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8901 Springer Management Learning 1350-5076 1461-7307 2005 36 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7307 SAGE Publications Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 1477-7835 1758-6119 2003 14 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6119 Emerald Group Publishing Management Research News 0140-9174 1758-6135 1978 1 2009 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6135 Emerald Group Publishing Management Research Review 2040-8269 2010 33 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2040-8269 Emerald Group Publishing Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 1536-5433 1558-0946 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0946 Emerald Group Publishing Management Teaching Review 2379-2981 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-2981 SAGE Publications Managerial Auditing Journal 0268-6902 1758-7735 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7735 Emerald Group Publishing Managerial Finance 0307-4358 1758-7743 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7743 Emerald Group Publishing Managerial Law 0309-0558 1758-8014 1966 1 2007 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8014 Emerald Group Publishing Managing Leisure 1360-6719 1466-450X 1995 1 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-450X Taylor & Francis Managing Service Quality 0960-4529 1758-8030 1991 1 2014 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8030 Emerald Group Publishing Managing Sport and Leisure 2375-0472 2375-0480 2015 20 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-0480 Taylor & Francis Manazir Journal 2673-4354 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2673-4354 Universität Bern Manchester Medical Journal 2059-7126 2016 1 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7126 Manchester University Press Mande Studies 1536-5506 2379-5506 1999 1 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-5506 Indiana University Press Mande Studies 1536-5506 2379-5506 2016 18 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-5506 Indiana University Press Manoa 1045-7909 1527-943X 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-943X University of Hawai'i Press Manuelle Medizin 0025-2514 1433-0466 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0466 Springer manuelletherapie 1433-2671 1439-2348 2010 14 2020 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-2348 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies 2381-5329 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-5329 University of Pennsylvania Press manuscripta mathematica 0025-2611 1432-1785 2013 140 2018 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1785 Springer Mapan 0970-3950 0974-9853 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-9853 Springer Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing 0749-3878 1984 21 2003 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0749-3878 Taylor & Francis Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research 0025-2921 0973-8029 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-8029 SAGE Publications Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education 2326-7070 2326-7062 2005 2005 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7062 University of Iowa Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education 2326-7070 2326-7062 2011 2011 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7062 University of Iowa Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education 2326-7070 2326-7062 2014 2014 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7062 University of Iowa Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education 2326-7070 2326-7062 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7062 University of Iowa Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2009 1 2009 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2011 3 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2012 4 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2013 5 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2016 8 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 American Fisheries Society Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1942-5120 2017 9 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-5120 Taylor & Francis Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 1023-6244 1029-0362 1994 25 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0362 Taylor & Francis Marine Behaviour and Physiology 0091-181X 1972 1 1994 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0091-181X Taylor & Francis Marine Biodiversity 1867-1616 1867-1624 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1624 Springer Marine Biology 0025-3162 1432-1793 2013 160 2018 165 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1793 Springer Marine Biology Research 1745-1000 1745-1019 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1019 Taylor & Francis Marine Biotechnology 1436-2228 1436-2236 1999 1 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-2236 Springer Marine Biotechnology 1436-2228 1436-2236 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-2236 Springer Marine Corps History 2381-375X 2381-3768 2019 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-3768 Marine Corps University Press Marine Economics and Management 2516-158X 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-158X Emerald Group Publishing Marine Geodesy 0149-0419 1521-060X 1977 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-060X Taylor & Francis Marine Geophysical Researches 0025-3235 1573-0581 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0581 Springer Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 1064-119X 1521-0618 1993 11 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0618 Taylor & Francis Marine Geotechnology 0360-8867 1975 1 1992 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0360-8867 Taylor & Francis Marine Resource Economics 0738-1360 2009 24 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0738-1360 Marine Resource Foundation, Inc. Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India 0973-3159 1946-6609 2009 5 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-6609 Taylor & Francis Maritime Policy & Management: The flagship journal of international shipping and port research 0308-8839 1464-5254 1976 4 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5254 Taylor & Francis Maritime Studies 0726-6472 0810-2597 1983 1983 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0810-2597 Taylor & Francis Maritime Studies and Management: The flagship journal of international shipping and port research 0306-1957 1973 1 1976 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-1957 Taylor & Francis Maritme Business Review 2397-3757 2397-3757 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-3757 Emerald Group Publishing Marketing Education Review 1052-8008 2153-9987 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-9987 Taylor & Francis Marketing Intelligence & Planning 0263-4503 1758-8049 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8049 Emerald Group Publishing Marketing Letters 0923-0645 1573-059X 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-059X Springer Marketing Review St. Gallen 1865-6544 1865-7516 2013 30 2015 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-7516 Springer Marketing Theory 1470-5931 1741-301X 2004 4 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-301X SAGE Publications Marriage & Family Review 0149-4929 1540-9635 1978 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-9635 Taylor & Francis Marvell Studies 2399-7435 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-7435 Open Library of Humanities Marvels & Tales 1521-4281 1536-1802 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-1802 Wayne State University Press Marx Memorial Library Quarterly Bulletin 0025-410X 1982 100 1982 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0025-410X Liverpool University Press Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 2169-4435 2013 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4435 Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies 2169-4435 2022 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4435 Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 1532-7825 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7825 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2008 4 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2008 4 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2012 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Bloomsbury Publishing Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 2014 10 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8342 Taylor & Francis Materials Advances 2633-5409 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-5409 Royal Society of Chemistry Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1042-6914 1532-2475 1989 4 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2475 Taylor & Francis Materials and Structures 1359-5997 1871-6873 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-6873 Springer Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 1991 9 1998 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 1999 16 1999 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 1999 16 1999 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2000 17 2000 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2000 17 2000 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2001 18 2001 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2001 18 2001 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2002 19 2002 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2002 19 2002 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2003 20 2003 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2003 20 2003 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2004 21 2004 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2004 21 2004 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2005 22 2005 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2005 22 2005 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2006 23 2006 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2006 23 2006 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2007 24 2007 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2007 24 2007 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2008 25 2008 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2008 25 2008 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2009 26 2009 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2009 26 2009 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2010 27 2010 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2010 27 2010 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2011 28 2011 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2011 28 2011 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2012 29 2012 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Science Reviews 2000 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 2012 29 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-6413 Taylor & Francis Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2052-1537 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1537 Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Horizons 2051-6347 2051-6355 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6355 Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Research Innovations 1432-8917 1433-075X 2007 11 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-075X Taylor & Francis Materials Research Innovations 1432-8917 1433-075X 2012 16 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-075X Maney Publishing Materials Research Innovations 1432-8917 1433-075X 2012 16 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-075X Taylor & Francis Materials Research Letters 2166-3831 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-3831 Taylor & Francis Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 1987 3 1987 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Maney Publishing Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 1994 10 1994 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Maney Publishing Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2005 21 2005 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Maney Publishing Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2007 23 2008 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Taylor & Francis Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2009 25 2009 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Maney Publishing Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2010 26 2010 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Taylor & Francis Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2011 27 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2011 27 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Taylor & Francis Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2012 28 2012 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Maney Publishing Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 2012 28 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2847 Taylor & Francis Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials 1066-7857 1753-5557 2007 22 2011 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5557 Taylor & Francis Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials 1066-7857 1753-5557 2012 27 2012 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5557 Maney Publishing Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials 1066-7857 1753-5557 2012 27 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5557 Taylor & Francis Materials Theory 2509-8012 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-8012 Springer Materials World 0967-8638 2016 24 2016 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0967-8638 Taylor & Francis Maternal and Child Health Journal 1092-7875 1573-6628 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6628 Springer Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology 2054-958X 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-958X Springer Mathal/Mashal: Journal of Islamic and Judaic Multidisciplinary Studies 2168-538X 2011 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2168-538X University of Iowa Mathematica Slovaca 0139-9918 1337-2211 2007 57 2008 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1337-2211 Springer Mathematica Slovaca 0139-9918 1337-2211 2011 61 2014 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1337-2211 Springer Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences 1387-3954 1744-5051 1998 4 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5051 Taylor & Francis Mathematical Cognition 1354-6791 1464-0724 1996 2 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0724 Taylor & Francis Mathematical Geosciences 1874-8961 1874-8953 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-8953 Springer Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA 1477-8599 1477-8602 2005 22 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-8602 Oxford University Press Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 1432-5217 2013 77 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-5217 Springer Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1066-5307 1934-8045 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8045 Springer Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1392-6292 1648-3510 1996 1 2017 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-3510 Taylor & Francis Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-724X Taylor & Francis Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X 1563-5147 1995 1 2002 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5147 Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X 1563-5147 2003 2003 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5147 Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X 1563-5147 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5147 Hindawi Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 1393-7197 2009-0021 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0021 Royal Irish Academy Mathematical Programming 0025-5610 2013 137 2018 171 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0025-5610 Springer Mathematical Programming 0025-5610 2019 178 2019 178 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0025-5610 Springer Mathematical Programming Computation 1867-2949 1867-2957 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-2957 Springer Mathematical Sciences 2251-7456 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-7456 Springer Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1098-6065 1532-7833 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7833 Taylor & Francis Mathematics and Financial Economics 1862-9679 1862-9660 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-9660 Springer Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 2326-7186 2325-3444 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-3444 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 1741-3028 2005 10 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3028 SAGE Publications Mathematics Education Research Journal 1033-2170 2211-050X 2013 25 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-050X Springer Mathematics in Computer Science 1661-8270 1661-8289 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-8289 Springer Mathematics Magazine 0025-570X 1930-0980 1960 34 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-0980 Taylor & Francis Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) 0932-4194 1435-568X 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-568X Springer Mathematische Annalen 0025-5831 1432-1807 2013 355 2018 371 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1807 Springer 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1973-7998 Springer Mediterranean Politics 1362-9395 1743-9418 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9418 Taylor & Francis Mediterranean Quarterly 1047-4552 1527-1935 1999 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1935 Duke University Press Mediterranean Studies 1074-164X 2161-4741 2005 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4741 Penn State University Press Mediterranean Studies 1074-164X 2161-4741 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4741 Penn State University Press Medizinische Genetik 0936-5931 1863-5490 2013 25 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-5490 Springer Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 2193-6218 2193-6226 2013 108 2018 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-6226 Springer MedR Medizinrecht 0723-8886 1433-8629 2013 31 2019 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-8629 Springer Melanoma Management 2045-0885 2045-0893 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0893 Future Medicine Melbourne Studies in Education 0076-6275 1957 1 1987 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0076-6275 Taylor & Francis Melbourne Studies in Education 0076-6275 1989 31 2006 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0076-6275 Taylor & Francis MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2009 34 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2013 38 2013 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2014 39 2014 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2015 40 2015 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States MELUS 0163-755X 1946-3170 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3170 Oxford University Press Membrane Biochemistry 0149-046X 1978 1 1993 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0149-046X Taylor & Francis Membranes and Membrane Technologies 2517-7516 2517-7524 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-7524 Springer Memetic Computing 1865-9284 1865-9292 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-9292 Springer memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology 1865-5041 1865-5076 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-5076 Springer Memory 0965-8211 1464-0686 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0686 Taylor & Francis Memory & Cognition 0090-502X 1532-5946 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5946 Springer Memory Studies 1750-6980 1750-6999 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6999 SAGE Publications Men and Masculinities 1097-184X 1552-6828 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6828 SAGE Publications Menopause International 1754-0453 1754-0461 2000 6 2013 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0461 SAGE Publications Menoufia Medical Journal 1110-2098 2314-6788 2013 26 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-6788 Medknow Publications Mens Sana Monographs 0973-1229 1998-4014 2014 12 2016 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4014 Medknow Publications Mental Health and Social Inclusion 2042-8308 2042-8316 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8316 Emerald Group Publishing Mental Health and Substance Use 1752-3281 1752-3273 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-3273 Taylor & Francis Mental Health, Religion & Culture 1367-4676 1469-9737 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9737 Taylor & Francis Mental Health Review Journal: Research, Policy and Practice 1361-9322 2042-8758 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8758 Emerald Group Publishing Mental Illness 2036-7465 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2036-7465 Emerald Group Publishing Mentoring 0968-4654 1993 1 1994 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0968-4654 Taylor & Francis Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 1361-1267 1469-9745 1994 2 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9745 Taylor & Francis Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2000 1 (2000) 2000 1 (2000) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2001 1-2 (2001) 2001 1-2 (2001) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2002 2-3 (2002) 2002 2-3 (2002) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2003 3-4 (2003) 2003 3-4 (2003) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2004 4-5 (2004) 2004 4-5 (2004) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2005 5-6 (2005) 2005 5-6 (2005) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2006 6-7 (2006) 2006 6-7 (2006) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2007 7 (2007) 2007 7 (2007) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2008 8 (2008) 2008 8 (2008) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2009 9 (2009) 2009 9 (2009) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2010 10 (2010) 2010 10 (2010) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2011 11 (2011) 2011 11 (2011) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2013 11 (2013) 2013 11 (2013) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2014 12 (2014) 2014 12 (2014) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2015 13 (2015) 2015 13 (2015) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2016 13-15 (2016) 2016 13-15 (2016) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2017 15 (2017) 2017 15 (2017) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2018 16-17 (2018) 2018 16-17 (2018) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2019 18 (2019) 2019 18 (2019) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2020 19 (2020) 2020 19 (2020) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2021 20 (2021) 2021 20 (2021) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2022 21 (2022) 2022 21 (2022) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians 1536-6936 1547-8424 2023 22 (2023) 2023 22 (2023) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2001 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2002 3 2003 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2003 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2004 5 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2005 6 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2006 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2007 8 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2008 9 2009 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2009 10 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2011 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2011 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2014 12 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2015 13 2016 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Indiana University Press Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 1536-6936 1547-8424 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-8424 Duke University Press Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 0272-930X 1535-0266 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-0266 Wayne State University Press Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 2534-9708 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2534-9708 Pensoft Publishers Metabolic Brain Disease 0885-7490 1573-7365 2013 28 2019 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7365 Springer Metabolism and Nutrition in Oncology 2194-735X 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-735X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Metabolomics 1573-3882 1573-3890 2005 1 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-3890 Springer Metacognition and Learning 1556-1623 1556-1631 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1631 Springer Metal-Based Drugs 0793-0291 1687-5486 1998 1 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5486 Hindawi Metal-Based Drugs 0793-0291 1687-5486 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5486 Hindawi Metallomics 1756-5901 1756-591X 2009 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-591X Royal Society of Chemistry Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 1073-5623 1543-1940 2013 44 2019 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-1940 Springer Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 1073-5615 1543-1916 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-1916 Springer Metals and Materials International 1598-9623 2005-4149 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2005-4149 Springer Metamorphosis 0972-6225 2348-9324 2005 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-9324 SAGE Publications Metaphor and Symbol 1092-6488 1532-7868 1997 12 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7868 Taylor & Francis Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 0885-7253 1986 1 1996 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0885-7253 Taylor & Francis Metaphysica 1437-2053 1874-6373 2013 14 2013 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6373 Springer Metaphysics 2515-8279 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-8279 Ubiquity Press Metascience 0815-0796 1467-9981 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9981 Springer Metaverse Creativity 2040-3550 2040-3569 2010 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3569 Intellect Meteorological Monographs 0065-9401 1943-3646 2016 56 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3646 American Meteorological Society Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 0177-7971 1436-5065 2013 119 2018 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5065 Springer Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4745 2375-4753 2015 1 2017 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-4753 Taylor & Francis Methodist DeBakey Cardiovascular Journal 1947-6108 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-6108 Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center Methodist History 0026-1238 2769-3244 2017 55 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-3244 Penn State University Press Methodological Innovations 2059-7991 2016 9 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7991 SAGE Publications Methodological Innovations Online 1748-0612 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0612 SAGE Publications Methodological Innovations Online 1748-0612 2010 5 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0612 SAGE Publications Methodology 1614-1881 1614-2241 2020 16 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-2241 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1387-5841 1573-7713 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7713 Springer Methods of Information in Medicine 0026-1270 2511-705X 2007 46 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-705X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Metrika 0026-1335 1435-926X 2013 76 2018 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-926X Springer Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 0742-9797 1533-8320 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8320 University of California Press MFS Modern Fiction Studies 0026-7724 1080-658X 1985 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-658X Johns Hopkins University Press MGM Journal of Medical Sciences 2347-7946 2347-7962 2019 6 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-7962 Medknow Publications MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine 1360-9947 1460-2407 2005 11 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2407 Oxford University Press Michigan Historical Review 0890-1686 2327-9672 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-9672 Central Michigan University Microbial Cell Factories 1475-2859 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2859 BioMed Central Microbial Cell Factories 1475-2859 2012 11 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2859 Springer Microbial Ecology 0095-3628 1432-184X 2008 55 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-184X Springer Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 0891-060X 1651-2235 1988 1 2012 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2235 Co-Action Publishing Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 0891-060X 1651-2235 2013 24 2014 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2235 Taylor & Francis Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 0891-060X 1651-2235 2015 26 2015 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2235 Co-Action Publishing Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 0891-060X 1651-2235 2016 27 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2235 Taylor & Francis Microbial Genomics 2057-5858 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-5858 Microbiology Society Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2042-5783 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5783 BioMed Central Microbiology 0026-2617 1608-3237 2013 82 2018 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3237 Springer Microbiology 1350-0872 1465-2080 1994 140 2012 158 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-2080 Microbiology Society [PENDING] Microbiology 1350-0872 1465-2080 2013 159 2022 168 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-2080 Microbiology Society Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1092-2172 1098-5557 1937 1 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5557 American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 Libertas Academica Microbiology Insights 1178-6361 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6361 SAGE Publications Microbiology Resource Announcements 2576-098X 2018 7 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-098X American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum 2165-0497 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0497 American Society for Microbiology Microbiome 2049-2618 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-2618 Springer Microchimica Acta 0026-3672 1436-5073 1937 1 1938 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5073 Springer Microchimica Acta 0026-3672 1436-5073 1939 26 1951 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5073 Springer Microchimica Acta 0026-3672 1436-5073 1951 38 1994 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5073 Springer Microchimica Acta 0026-3672 1436-5073 1994 116 2018 185 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5073 Springer Microelectronics International 1356-5362 1758-812X 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-812X Emerald Group Publishing Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 1613-4982 1613-4990 2004 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-4990 Springer Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 1613-4982 1613-4990 2012 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-4990 Springer Microgravity Science and Technology 0938-0108 1875-0494 2013 25 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-0494 Springer Micropaleontology 0026-2803 1937-2795 2002 048 2005 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-2795 Micropaleontology Press Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 1089-3954 1091-7640 1997 1 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1091-7640 Taylor & Francis Microscopy 2050-5698 2050-5701 2008 57 2022 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5701 Oxford University Press Microscopy and Microanalysis 1431-9276 1435-8115 2008 14 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-8115 Oxford University Press Microscopy Today 1551-9295 2150-3583 2008 16 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-3583 Oxford University Press Microsystem Technologies 0946-7076 1432-1858 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1858 Springer Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 0146-1109 2327-4271 2004 29 2020 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-4271 Taylor & Francis Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 0974-9233 0975-1599 2010 17 2021 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-1599 Medknow Publications Middle East Critique 1943-6149 1943-6157 2009 18 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6157 Taylor & Francis Middle East Current Psychiatry 2090-5416 2019 26 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-5416 Springer Middle East Development Journal 1793-8120 1793-8171 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-8171 Taylor & Francis Middle East Journal of Management 2050-3636 2050-3644 2013 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3644 Inderscience Middle East Journal of Medical Genetics 2090-8571 2090-763X 2018 7 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-763X Medknow Publications Middle Eastern Literatures: incorporating Edebiyat 1475-262X 1475-2638 2002 5 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2638 Taylor & Francis Middle Eastern Studies 0026-3206 1743-7881 1964 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7881 Taylor & Francis Middle School Journal 0094-0771 2327-6223 1970 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-6223 Taylor & Francis Middle School Research Selected Studies 0885-1700 2470-7627 1977 1 1989 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-7627 Taylor & Francis Middle West Review 2372-5664 2372-5672 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-5672 University of Nebraska Press Midland History 0047-729X 1756-381X 2007 32 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-381X Taylor & Francis Midland History 0047-729X 1756-381X 2010 35 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-381X Maney Publishing Midland History 0047-729X 1756-381X 2013 38 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-381X Taylor & Francis Migration and Development 2163-2324 2163-2332 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-2332 Taylor & Francis Migration and Society 2574-1306 2574-1314 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-1314 Berghahn Journals Migration Studies 2049-5838 2049-5846 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-5846 Oxford University Press Mikrochemie 0369-0261 1923 1 1938 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0369-0261 Springer Military Behavioral Health 2163-5781 2163-5803 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5803 Taylor & Francis Military Medical Research 2054-9369 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-9369 Springer Military Medicine 0026-4075 1930-613X 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-613X Oxford University Press Military Psychology 0899-5605 1532-7876 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7876 Taylor & Francis Millennial Asia 0976-3996 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0976-3996 SAGE Publications Millennium - Journal of International Studies 0305-8298 1477-9021 2005 34 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9021 SAGE Publications Millennium - Journal of International Studies 0305-8298 1477-9021 2010 39 2021 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9021 SAGE Publications Milton and the Romantics 0145-529X 1975 1 1980 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0145-529X Taylor & Francis Milton Quarterly 0026-4326 1094-348X 1997 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1094-348X Johns Hopkins University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2011 52 2011 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Penn State University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Penn State University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2012 53 2012 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Duquesne University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Penn State University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2013 54 2013 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Duquesne University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Penn State University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2014 55 2014 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Duquesne University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Penn State University Press Milton Studies 0076-8820 2330-796X 2015 56 2015 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-796X Duquesne University Press Mime Journal 0145-787X 2327-5650 2005 23 2021 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-5650 Claremont College Library min - Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 0946-7211 1439-2291 2010 53 2011 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-2291 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Mind 0026-4423 1460-2113 2005 114 2005 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2113 Oxford University Press Mind 0026-4423 1460-2113 2007 116 2022 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2113 Oxford University Press Mind, Culture, and Activity 1074-9039 1532-7884 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7884 Taylor & Francis Mindfulness 1868-8527 1868-8535 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-8535 Springer Minds and Machines 0924-6495 1572-8641 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8641 Springer Mine Water and the Environment 1025-9112 1616-1068 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-1068 Springer Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 0371-9553 1743-2855 2007 116 2011 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2855 Taylor & Francis Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 0371-9553 1743-2855 2012 121 2012 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2855 Maney Publishing Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 0371-9553 1743-2855 2013 122 2017 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2855 Taylor & Francis Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review: An International Journal 0882-7508 1547-7401 1983 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7401 Taylor & Francis Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6641 2572-665X 2018 127 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-665X Taylor & Francis Mineralium Deposita 0026-4598 1432-1866 2008 43 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1866 Springer Mineralogical Magazine 0026-461X 1471-8022 1994 58 2016 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-8022 Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Mineralogy and Petrology 0930-0708 1438-1168 2013 107 2018 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-1168 Springer Minerals & Energy - Raw Materials Report 1404-1049 1651-2286 1981 1 2009 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2286 Taylor & Francis Minerva 0026-4695 1573-1871 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1871 Springer Minerva: An Internet Journal of Philosophy 1393-614X 1997 1 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1393-614X University of Limerick Ming Studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 2007 2007 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7595 Taylor & Francis Ming Studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 2010 2010 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7595 Maney Publishing Ming Studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7595 Taylor & Francis Minimally Invasive Surgery 2090-1445 2090-1453 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1453 Hindawi Minimally Invasive Surgery 2090-1445 2090-1453 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1453 Hindawi Minimally Invasive Therapy 0961-625X 1991 1 1995 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0961-625X Taylor & Francis Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 1364-5706 1365-2931 1996 5 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2931 Taylor & Francis Mining Technology 1474-9009 1743-2863 2007 116 2011 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2863 Taylor & Francis Mining Technology 1474-9009 1743-2863 2012 121 2012 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2863 Maney Publishing Mining Technology 1474-9009 1743-2863 2013 122 2017 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2863 Taylor & Francis Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2572-6668 2572-6676 2018 127 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6676 Taylor & Francis Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1973 1973 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1975 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1995 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 2001 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press Missiology: An International Review 0091-8296 2051-3623 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-3623 SAGE Publications Mississippi Quarterly 0026-637X 2689-517X 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-517X Johns Hopkins University Press MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies 1939-0386 2001 1 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1939-0386 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for International Studies Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 1381-2386 1573-1596 2008 13 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1596 Springer Mitochondrial DNA 1940-1736 1940-1744 2009 20 2015 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1744 Taylor & Francis Mitochondrial DNA Part A 2470-1394 2470-1408 2016 27 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1408 Taylor & Francis Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2380-2359 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-2359 Taylor & Francis MLN 0026-7910 1080-6598 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6598 Johns Hopkins University Press MLN 0026-7910 1080-6598 1995 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6598 Johns Hopkins University Press MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly 0026-7929 1527-1943 1940 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1943 Duke University Press Mobile DNA 1759-8753 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1759-8753 Springer Mobile Genetic Elements 2159-256X 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-256X Taylor & Francis Mobile Information Systems 1574-017X 1875-905X 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-905X Hindawi Mobile Media & Communication 2050-1579 2050-1587 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-1587 SAGE Publications Mobile Networks and Applications 1383-469X 1572-8153 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8153 Springer Mobilities 1745-0101 1745-011X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-011X Taylor & Francis Mobility in History 2296-0503 2050-9197 2013 4 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-9197 Berghahn Journals Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 1687-5591 1687-5605 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5605 Hindawi Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 1687-5591 1687-5605 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5605 Hindawi Modern & Contemporary France 0963-9489 1469-9869 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9869 Taylor & Francis Modern Applied Science 1913-1844 1913-1852 2007 1 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-1852 Canadian Center of Science and Education Modern Believing 1353-1425 2053-633X 2008 49 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-633X Liverpool University Press Modern China 0097-7004 1552-6836 2004 30 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6836 SAGE Publications Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 1520-9857 2328-966X 2022 34 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-966X Edinburgh University Press Modern Drama 0026-7694 1712-5286 1958 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1712-5286 University of Toronto Press Modern Electronic Materials 2452-2449 2452-1779 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2452-1779 Pensoft Publishers Modern Italy 1353-2944 1469-9877 1995 1 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9877 Taylor & Francis Modern Judaism 0276-1114 1086-3273 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3273 Oxford University Press Modern Language Review 0026-7937 2222-4319 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2222-4319 Modern Humanities Research Association Modern Languages Open 2052-5397 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-5397 Liverpool University Press Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2000 10 2000 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2000 10 2005 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2006 16 2006 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2006 16 2007 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2008 18 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2008 18 2010 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2011 21 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2011 21 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2012 22 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2012 22 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2013 23 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Springer Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2013 23 2021 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology 1439-7595 1439-7609 2022 32 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7609 Oxford University Press Modern Rheumatology Case Reports 2472-5625 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5625 Taylor & Francis Modern Rheumatology Case Reports 2472-5625 2022 6 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5625 Oxford University Press Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications 2631-3871 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-3871 Emerald Group Publishing Modernism/modernity 1071-6068 1080-6601 1994 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6601 Johns Hopkins University Press Modernist Cultures 2041-1022 1753-8629 2005 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8629 Edinburgh University Press Molecular & Cellular Oncology 2372-3556 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-3556 Taylor & Francis Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1535-9476 1535-9484 2002 1 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-9484 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Molecular & Cellular Toxicology 1738-642X 2092-8467 2013 9 2019 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2092-8467 Springer Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 0300-8177 1573-4919 2010 333 2018 447 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4919 Springer Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 0300-8177 1573-4919 2019 458 2019 458 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4919 Springer Molecular and Cellular Biology 0270-7306 1098-5549 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-5549 Taylor & Francis Molecular and Cellular Therapies 2052-8426 2016 4 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-8426 Springer Molecular and Clinical Oncology 2049-9450 2049-9469 2013 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-9469 Spandidos Publications Molecular and General Genetics MGG 0026-8925 1432-1874 1908 1 1996 252 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1874 Springer Molecular and General Genetics MGG 0026-8925 1432-1874 1997 254 2000 264 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1874 Springer Molecular Autism 2040-2392 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2040-2392 Springer Molecular Biology 0026-8933 1608-3245 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3245 Springer Molecular Biology and Evolution 0737-4038 1537-1719 2005 22 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-1719 Oxford University Press Molecular Biology International 2090-2182 2090-2190 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2190 Hindawi Molecular Biology International 2090-2182 2090-2190 2013 2013 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2190 Hindawi Molecular Biology of the Cell 1059-1524 1939-4586 1992 3 1995 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-4586 American Society for Cell Biology Molecular Biology of the Cell 1059-1524 1939-4586 2005 16 2017 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-4586 American Society for Cell Biology Molecular Biology Reports 0301-4851 1573-4978 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4978 Springer Molecular BioSystems 1742-206X 1742-2051 2005 1 2017 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-2051 Royal Society of Chemistry Molecular Biotechnology 1073-6085 1559-0305 2013 53 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0305 Springer Molecular Brain 1756-6606 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6606 BioMed Central Molecular Brain 1756-6606 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-6606 Springer Molecular Breeding 1380-3743 1572-9788 1995 1 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9788 Springer Molecular Cancer 1476-4598 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4598 BioMed Central Molecular Cancer 1476-4598 2012 11 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4598 Springer Molecular Cancer Research 1541-7786 1557-3125 2002 1 2020 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-3125 American Association for Cancer Research Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 1535-7163 1538-8514 2001 1 2020 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-8514 American Association for Cancer Research Molecular Crystals 0369-1152 1966 1 1969 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0369-1152 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1970 10 1973 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1983 100 1987 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1973 20 1973 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1973 21 1976 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 38 1977 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 39 1977 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 40 1977 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 41 1978 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 42 1977 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1977 43 1977 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 44 1978 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 45 1978 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 46 1978 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 47 1978 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 48 1978 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1978 49 1979 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 50 1979 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 51 1979 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 52 1979 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 53 1979 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 54 1979 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 55 1979 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1979 56 1980 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 57 1980 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 58 1980 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 59 1980 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 60 1980 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 61 1980 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 62 1980 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 63 1981 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1980 64 1981 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 65 1981 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 66 1981 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 67 1981 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 68 1981 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 69 1981 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 70 1981 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 71 1981 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 72 1982 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 73 1981 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 74 1981 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 75 1981 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0026-8941 1981 76 1983 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0026-8941 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1056-8816 1991 194 1991 199 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-8816 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1056-8816 1991 200 1991 209 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-8816 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2002 372 2002 379 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2002 380 2002 389 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2002 390 2003 399 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2003 400 2004 409 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2004 410 2004 419 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2004 420 2005 429 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2005 430 2005 439 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2005 440 2006 449 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2006 450 2006 459 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2006 460 2007 469 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2007 470 2007 479 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2008 480 2008 489 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2008 490 2009 499 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2009 500 2009 509 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2009 510 2010 519 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2010 520 2010 529 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2010 530 2011 539 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2011 540 2011 549 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2011 550 2012 559 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2012 560 2012 569 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2013 570 2013 579 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2013 580 2014 589 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2014 590 2014 599 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2014 600 2015 609 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2015 610 2015 619 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2015 620 2016 629 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2016 630 2016 639 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2016 640 2017 649 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2017 650 2017 659 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2018 660 2018 669 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2018 670 2019 679 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2019 680 2019 689 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2019 690 2020 699 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2020 700 2020 709 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2020 710 2021 719 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2021 720 2022 729 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2022 730 2022 739 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2022 740 2023 749 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1563-5287 2023 750 2023 758 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5287 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Incorporating Nonlinear Optics 1044-1859 1987 150 1990 193 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1044-1859 Taylor & Francis Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1058-725X 1992 210 2001 371 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1058-725X Taylor & Francis Molecular Cytogenetics 1755-8166 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8166 BioMed Central Molecular Cytogenetics 1755-8166 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-8166 Springer Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 1177-1062 1179-2000 2008 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2000 Springer Molecular Diversity 1381-1991 1573-501X 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-501X Springer Molecular Endocrinology 0888-8809 1944-9917 1987 1 2016 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9917 Endocrine Society Molecular Genetics and Genomics 1617-4615 1617-4623 2001 265 2018 293 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-4623 Springer Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology 0891-4168 1934-841X 2013 28 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-841X Springer Molecular Imaging 1536-0121 2005 4 2020 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0121 SAGE Publications Molecular Imaging and Biology 1536-1632 1860-2002 2005 7 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-2002 Springer Molecular Interventions 1534-0384 1543-2548 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-2548 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology 1053-6426 1435-0637 1998 7 1998 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0637 Springer Molecular Medicine Reports 1791-2997 1791-3004 2010 3 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1791-3004 Spandidos Publications Molecular Membrane Biology 0968-7688 1464-5203 1994 11 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5203 Taylor & Francis Molecular Neurobiology 0893-7648 1559-1182 2013 47 2019 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1182 Springer Molecular Neurodegeneration 1750-1326 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1326 BioMed Central Molecular Neurodegeneration 1750-1326 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-1326 Springer Molecular Omics 2515-4184 2018 14 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-4184 Royal Society of Chemistry Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 BioMed Central Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2005 1 2005 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2006 2 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 BioMed Central Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 BioMed Central Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2007 3 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2008 4 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 BioMed Central Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2011 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 BioMed Central Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2011 7 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2013 9 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 Springer Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2014 10 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 Springer Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2015 11 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 Springer Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2015 11 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pain 1744-8069 2016 12 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8069 SAGE Publications Molecular Pathology 1366-8714 1472-4154 1995 48 2003 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-4154 BMJ Group Molecular Pharmacology 0026-895X 1521-0111 1965 1 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0111 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Molecular Physics: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics 0026-8976 1362-3028 1958 1 2023 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3028 Taylor & Francis Molecular Plant 1674-2052 1752-9867 2009 2 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-9867 Oxford University Press Molecular Simulation 0892-7022 1029-0435 1987 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0435 Taylor & Francis Molecular Systems Biology 1744-4292 2005 1 2015 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4292 European Molecular Biology Organization Molecular Systems Design and Engineering 2058-9689 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-9689 Royal Society of Chemistry Molecular Vision 1090-0535 1995 1 2020 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-0535 Molecular Vision Molecules and Cells 1016-8478 0219-1032 2000 10 2000 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-1032 Springer Molecules and Cells 1016-8478 0219-1032 2010 29 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-1032 Springer Molecules and Cells 1016-8478 0219-1032 2013 35 2013 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0219-1032 Springer Molluscan Research 1323-5818 1448-6067 1994 15 2001 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-6067 Taylor & Francis Molluscan Research 1323-5818 1448-6067 2013 33 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1448-6067 Taylor & Francis Monatshefte 0026-9271 1934-2810 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-2810 University of Wisconsin Press Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly 0026-9247 1434-4475 2013 144 2018 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-4475 Springer Monatshefte für Mathematik 0026-9255 1436-5081 2013 169 2018 187 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-5081 Springer Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 0026-9298 1433-0474 2013 161 2018 166 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-0474 Springer Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 0269-3445 2576-1900 2013 167 2023 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-1900 Taylor & Francis Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 1545-0228 2002 1 2017 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1545-0228 Brigham Young University Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Monthly Energy Review 0095-7356 2169-1835 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-1835 United States Energy Information Administration Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1946 1946 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1948 1948 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1953 1953 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1965 1965 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1972 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1976 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Labor Review 0098-1818 1937-4658 1980 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4658 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0035-8711 1365-2966 2008 383 2009 398 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2966 Oxford University Press Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0035-8711 1365-2966 2010 401 2015 454 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2966 Oxford University Press Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0035-8711 1365-2966 2017 464 2022 519 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1365-2966 Oxford University Press Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 1745-3925 1745-3933 2008 383 2022 520 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3933 Oxford University Press Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1875 3 1875 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1888 16 1888 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1896 24 1896 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1903 31 1903 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1918 46 1918 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1927 55 1927 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1936 64 1936 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1944 72 1944 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1954 82 1954 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1961 89 1961 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1970 98 1970 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monthly Weather Review 0027-0644 1520-0493 1974 102 2022 150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0493 American Meteorological Society Monumenta Nipponica 1880-1390 0027-0741 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0027-0741 Sophia University Monumenta Serica 0254-9948 2057-1690 1935 1 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1690 Taylor & Francis Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2010 47+%28Number+179 2010 180%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2010 47+%28Number+181 2010 182%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2011 48+%28Number+183 2011 184%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2011 48+%28Number+185 2011 186%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2012 49+%28Number+187 2012 188%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2012 49+%28Number+189 2012 190%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2013 50+%28Number+191 2013 192%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2013 50+%28Number+193 2013 194%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2014 51+%28Number+195 2014 196%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2014 51+%28Number+197 2014 198%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2015 52+%28Number+199 2015 200%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2015 52+%28Number+201 2015 202%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2016 53+%28Number+203 2016 204%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2016 53+%28Number+205 2016 206%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2017 54+%28Number+207%29 2017 54+%28Number+207%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2017 54+%28Number+208%29 2017 54+%28Number+208%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2018 55+%28Number+209%29 2018 55+%28Number+209%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2018 55+%28Number+210%29 2018 55+%28Number+210%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2019 56+%28Number+211%29 2019 56+%28Number+211%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2019 56+%28Number+212%29 2019 56+%28Number+212%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2020 57+%28Number+213%29 2020 57+%28Number+213%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2020 57+%28Number+214%29 2020 57+%28Number+214%29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Moreana 0047-8105 2398-4961 2021 58 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4961 Edinburgh University Press Morphology 1871-5621 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1871-5621 Springer Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying 1357-6275 1469-9885 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9885 Taylor & Francis Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal 0027-1276 1925-5683 2011 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-5683 University of Manitoba Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 2220-5438 2640-7361 2019 9 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-7361 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 0096-3925 1934-791X 2013 68 2019 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-791X Springer Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin 0027-1314 1935-0260 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0260 Springer Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 0278-6419 1934-8428 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8428 Springer Moscow University Geology Bulletin 0145-8752 1934-8436 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8436 Springer Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 0027-1322 1934-8444 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8444 Springer Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin 0027-1330 1934-8452 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8452 Springer Moscow University Physics Bulletin 0027-1349 1934-8460 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8460 Springer Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin 0147-6874 1934-7928 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7928 Springer Motivation and Emotion 0146-7239 1573-6644 2013 37 2019 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6644 Springer Motivational Interviewing: Training, Research, Implementation, Practice 2160-584X 2012 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-584X University of Pittsburgh University Library System Mountain Research and Development 0276-4741 1994-7151 2000 20 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1994-7151 International Mountain Society Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 1956 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2007 7 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2008 8 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2009 9 2009 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2010 10 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2011 11 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2012 1012 2012 1012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 1496-9343 1913-5416 2016 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-5416 University of Toronto Press Movement Ecology 2051-3933 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-3933 Springer Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ) 2045-6298 2045-6301 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-6301 Intellect MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences 2321-7006 2321-7294 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-7294 Medknow Publications MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 1996 1 1999 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-5783 Materials Research Society MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 1999 4S1 1999 4S1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-5783 Materials Research Society MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 2000 5 2000 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-5783 Materials Research Society MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 2000 5S1 2000 5S1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-5783 Materials Research Society MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 2001 6 2005 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1092-5783 Materials Research Society mSphere 2379-5042 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2379-5042 American Society for Microbiology mSystems 2379-5077 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2379-5077 American Society for Microbiology Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research 0975-9727 2321-3701 2013 4 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-3701 Medknow Publications Multibody System Dynamics 1384-5640 1573-272X 2013 29 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-272X Springer Multicultural Education & Technology Journal 1750-497X 1750-4988 2007 1 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-4988 Emerald Group Publishing Multicultural Education Review 2005-615X 2377-0031 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-0031 Taylor & Francis Multicultural Learning and Teaching 2161-2412 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-2412 Berkeley Electronic Press Multicultural Perspectives 1521-0960 1532-7892 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7892 Taylor & Francis Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 0923-6082 1573-0824 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0824 Springer Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2049-6958 2010 5 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-6958 BioMed Central Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2049-6958 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2049-6958 Springer Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 1573-6105 1573-6113 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6113 Emerald Group Publishing Multimedia Manual Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1813-9175 2005 2005 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1813-9175 Oxford University Press Multimedia Systems 0942-4962 1432-1882 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1882 Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 1380-7501 1573-7721 2013 62 2018 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7721 Springer Multimodality & Society 2634-9795 2634-9809 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-9809 SAGE Publications Multinational Business Review 1525-383X 2007 15 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1525-383X Emerald Group Publishing Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders 2056-6115 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6115 Springer Multiple Sclerosis International 2090-2654 2090-2662 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2662 Hindawi Multiple Sclerosis International 2090-2654 2090-2662 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2662 Hindawi Multiple Sclerosis Journal 1352-4585 1477-0970 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0970 SAGE Publications Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical 2055-2173 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-2173 SAGE Publications Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design 2520-8160 2520-8179 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8179 Springer Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 1540-3459 1540-3467 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-3467 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Multiscale Science and Engineering 2524-4515 2524-4523 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4523 Springer Multivariate Behavioral Research 0027-3171 1532-7906 1966 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7906 Taylor & Francis Musculoskeletal Surgery 2035-5106 2035-5114 2013 97 2018 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2035-5114 Springer Museum and Society 1479-8360 2003 1 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-8360 University of Leicester Museum Anthropology 0892-8339 1548-1379 1977 1 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-1379 American Anthropological Association Museum History Journal 1936-9816 1936-9824 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-9824 Taylor & Francis Museum International 1350-0775 1468-0033 1948 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0033 Taylor & Francis Museum Management and Curatorship 0964-7775 1872-9185 1990 9 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-9185 Taylor & Francis Museum Worlds: Advances in Research 2049-6729 2049-6737 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6737 Berghahn Journals Museums & Social Issues 1559-6893 2051-6193 2006 1 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6193 Taylor & Francis Music & Science 2059-2043 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-2043 SAGE Publications Music and Letters 0027-4224 1477-4631 2004 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4631 Oxford University Press Music and Man 0306-2082 1973 1 1978 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-2082 Taylor & Francis Music and Medicine 1943-8621 1943-863X 2010 2 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-863X SAGE Publications Music and the Moving Image 2167-8464 1940-7610 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7610 University of Illinois Press Music Education Research 1461-3808 1469-9893 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9893 Taylor & Francis Music Educators Journal 0027-4321 1945-0087 2003 90 2008 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0087 SAGE Publications Music Educators Journal 0027-4321 1945-0087 2009 96 2022 108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0087 SAGE Publications Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 0730-7829 1533-8312 2000 18 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8312 University of California Press Music Reference Services Quarterly 1058-8167 1540-9503 1992 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-9503 Taylor & Francis Music, Sound, and the Moving Image 1753-0768 1753-0776 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0776 Liverpool University Press Music Theory Spectrum 0195-6167 1533-8339 2001 23 2007 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8339 University of California Press Music Theory Spectrum 0195-6167 1533-8339 2008 30 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8339 Oxford University Press Music Theory Spectrum 0195-6167 1533-8339 2008 30 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8339 University of California Press Music Theory Spectrum 0195-6167 1533-8339 2009 31 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8339 Oxford University Press Music Therapy Perspectives 0734-6875 2053-7387 2008 26 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-7387 Oxford University Press Musicae Scientiae 1029-8649 2005 9 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1029-8649 SAGE Publications Musicology Australia 0814-5857 1949-453X 1964 1 1988 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-453X Taylor & Francis Musicology Australia 0814-5857 1949-453X 1990 13 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-453X Taylor & Francis MUSIC.OLOGY.ECA 2752-7069 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-7069 University of Edinburgh Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 1554-4419 2004 1 2008 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-4419 Berkeley Electronic Press Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 1554-4419 2010 7 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-4419 Berkeley Electronic Press Mustansiriya Medical Journal 2070-1128 2227-4081 2018 17 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2227-4081 Medknow Publications Mutagenesis 0267-8357 1464-3804 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3804 Oxford University Press Muziki: Journal of Music Research in Africa 1812-5980 1753-593X 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-593X Taylor & Francis MycoKeys 1314-4057 1314-4049 2011 1 2021 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-4049 Pensoft Publishers MycoKeys 1314-4057 1314-4049 2022 86 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-4049 Pensoft Publishers Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 1909 1 2001 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2002 94 2002 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2002 94 2002 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2003 95 2003 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2003 95 2003 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2004 96 2004 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2004 96 2004 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2005 97 2005 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2005 97 2005 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2006 98 2006 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2006 98 2006 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2007 99 2007 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2007 99 2007 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2008 100 2008 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2008 100 2008 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2009 101 2009 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Mycological Society of America Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2009 101 2017 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 2019 111 2023 115 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2536 Taylor & Francis Mycological Progress 1617-416X 1861-8952 2013 12 2019 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8952 Springer Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology 2150-1203 2150-1211 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-1211 Taylor & Francis Mycopathologia 0301-486X 1573-0832 2013 175 2019 184 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0832 Springer Mycorrhiza 0940-6360 1432-1890 1991 1 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1890 Springer Mycorrhiza 0940-6360 1432-1890 2015 25 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1890 Springer Mycotoxin Research 0178-7888 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0178-7888 Springer MYOPAIN: A journal of myofascial pain and fibromyalgia 2470-8593 2470-8607 2015 23 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-8607 Taylor & Francis Myth & Symbol 1022-3827 1753-5972 1993 1 1995 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5972 Taylor & Francis Myth & Symbol 1022-3827 1753-5972 2007 4 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5972 Taylor & Francis NABE 0888-1685 1975 1 1978 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0888-1685 Taylor & Francis NABE Journal 0885-5072 1978 3 1989 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0885-5072 Taylor & Francis Nabokov Studies 1080-1219 1548-9965 1994 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9965 International Vladimir Nabokov Society Nabokov Studies 1080-1219 1548-9965 2014 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9965 International Vladimir Nabokov Society Nabokov Studies 1080-1219 1548-9965 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9965 International Vladimir Nabokov Society NACLA Newsletter 0048-0630 1967 1 1971 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0048-0630 Taylor & Francis NACLA Report on the Americas 0149-1598 1977 11 1991 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0149-1598 Taylor & Francis NACLA Report on the Americas 1071-4839 2471-2620 1994 27 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-2620 Taylor & Francis NACLA's Latin America and Empire Report 0095-5930 1972 6 1977 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0095-5930 Taylor & Francis NAEA News 0160-6395 0160-6395 2009 51 2021 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0160-6395 Taylor & Francis Names: A Journal of Onomastics 0027-7738 1756-2279 2007 55 2009 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2279 Taylor & Francis Names: A Journal of Onomastics 0027-7738 1756-2279 2010 58 2012 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2279 Maney Publishing Names: A Journal of Onomastics 0027-7738 1756-2279 2013 61 2020 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2279 Taylor & Francis Nankai Business Review International 2040-8749 2040-8757 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8757 Emerald Group Publishing Nano Research 1998-0124 1998-0000 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-0000 Springer Nano Reviews 2000-5121 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-5121 Co-Action Publishing Nano Reviews 2000-5121 2010 1 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-5121 Taylor & Francis Nano Reviews & Experiments 2002-2727 2016 7 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-2727 Taylor & Francis Nanobiomedicine 1849-5435 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1849-5435 SAGE Publications Nanocomposites 2055-0324 2055-0332 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0332 Taylor & Francis NanoEthics 1871-4757 1871-4765 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-4765 Springer Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 2520-811X 2520-8128 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-8128 Springer Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1847-9804 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1847-9804 SAGE Publications Nanomedicine 1743-5889 1748-6963 2006 1 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6963 Future Medicine Nanomedicine 1743-5889 1748-6963 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-6963 Future Medicine Nanoscale 2040-3364 2040-3372 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3372 Royal Society of Chemistry Nanoscale Advances 2516-0230 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-0230 Royal Society of Chemistry Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 1556-7265 1556-7273 2006 10 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-7273 Taylor & Francis Nanoscale Horizons 2055-6756 2055-6764 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-6764 Royal Society of Chemistry Nanoscale Research Letters 1931-7573 1556-276X 2006 1 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-276X Springer Nanoscience Methods 2164-2311 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-2311 Taylor & Francis Nanotechnologies in Russia 1995-0780 1995-0799 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-0799 Springer Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering 2365-6379 2365-6387 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2365-6387 Springer Nanotoxicology 1743-5390 1743-5404 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-5404 Taylor & Francis Narrative 1063-3685 1538-974X 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-974X Ohio State University Press Narrative Culture 2169-0235 2169-0251 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0251 Wayne State University Press Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2157-1732 2157-1740 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-1740 Johns Hopkins University Press Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 0793-8934 1565-5288 2000 3 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-5288 Indiana University Press Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 0793-8934 1565-5288 2003 - 2010 - LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-5288 Indiana University Press Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 0793-8934 1565-5288 2003 6 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-5288 Indiana University Press NASN School Nurse 1942-602X 1942-6038 2010 25 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-6038 SAGE Publications NASNewsletter 1047-4757 2005 20 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1047-4757 SAGE Publications NASPA Journal 0027-6014 1559-5455 1963 1 2009 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-5455 Taylor & Francis NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 1940-7882 1940-7890 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7890 Taylor & Francis NASSP Bulletin 0192-6365 1930-1405 2004 88 2023 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-1405 SAGE Publications Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 0890-4197 2573-6973 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-6973 Penn State University Press National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Bulletin 1556-4789 1556-4797 1985 1 2007 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-4797 American Anthropological Association National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Bulletin 2375-2599 1981 2 1989 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-2599 Taylor & Francis National Committee on American Foreign Policy. Newsletter 2160-0244 1976 1 1981 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-0244 Taylor & Francis National Council on Religion and Public Education. Bulletin 1550-7386 1983 10 1983 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1550-7386 Taylor & Francis National Identities 1460-8944 1469-9907 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9907 Taylor & Francis National Institute Economic Review 0027-9501 1741-3036 2004 190 2009 208 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3036 SAGE Publications National Institute Economic Review 0027-9501 1741-3036 2009 210 2019 250 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3036 SAGE Publications National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2277-4025 2321-2780 2012 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-2780 Medknow Publications National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2277-4025 2321-2780 2020 9 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-2780 Medknow Publications National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 0975-5950 2229-3418 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-3418 Medknow Publications National Review of Black Politics 2688-0105 2688-0113 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-0113 University of California Press National Science Review 2095-5138 2053-714X 2013 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-714X Oxford University Press National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal 2766-9300 2021 5 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2766-9300 Georgia Southern University National Youth-At-Risk Journal 2470-6426 2015 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-6426 Georgia Southern University Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 1353-7113 1557-2986 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2986 Taylor & Francis Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 0090-5992 1465-3923 1972 1 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3923 Taylor & Francis Native American and Indigenous Studies 2332-1261 2332-127X 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-127X University of Minnesota Press Native Plants Journal 1522-8339 1548-4785 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-4785 University of Wisconsin Press Native South 2152-4025 1943-2569 2008 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2569 University of Nebraska Press Natur und Recht 0172-1631 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0172-1631 Springer Natural Areas Journal 0885-8608 2006 26 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0885-8608 Natural Areas Association Natural Computing 1567-7818 1572-9796 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9796 Springer Natural Hazards 0921-030X 1573-0840 2013 65 2018 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0840 Springer Natural Hazards 0921-030X 1573-0840 2019 97 2019 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0840 Springer Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 1561-8633 1684-9981 2001 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-9981 Copernicus Publications Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 0167-806X 1573-0859 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0859 Springer Natural Language Semantics 0925-854X 1572-865X 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-865X Springer Natural Product Communications 1934-578X 1555-9475 2016 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-9475 SAGE Publications Natural Product Letters 1057-5634 1992 1 2002 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1057-5634 Taylor & Francis Natural Product Reports 0265-0568 1460-4752 2000 17 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-4752 Royal Society of Chemistry Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters 1478-6419 1478-6427 2003 17 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6427 Taylor & Francis Natural Resources & Engineering 2380-2693 2380-2707 2016 1 2017 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-2707 Taylor & Francis Natural Resources Research 1520-7439 1573-8981 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-8981 Springer Natural Sciences Education 2168-8281 2006 35 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-8281 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Nature and Culture 1558-6073 1558-5468 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5468 Berghahn Journals Nature Conservation 1314-3301 2012 1 2021 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-3301 Pensoft Publishers Nature Conservation 1314-3301 2022 46 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-3301 Pensoft Publishers Naturwissenschaften 0028-1042 1432-1904 1913 1 2018 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1904 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1873 1 1923 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1923 98 1924 104 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1925 106 1930 155 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1931 159 1931 162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1933 174 1943 202 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1947 204 1951 212 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1951 214 1996 354 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 0028-1298 1432-1912 1997 356 2018 391 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1912 Springer Ñawpa Pacha 0077-6297 2051-6207 1963 1 1984 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6207 Taylor & Francis Ñawpa Pacha 0077-6297 2051-6207 1986 24 1987 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6207 Taylor & Francis Ñawpa Pacha 0077-6297 2051-6207 2006 28 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-6207 Taylor & Francis NCSLI Measure 1931-5775 2381-0580 2006 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-0580 Taylor & Francis NDT Plus 1753-0784 1753-0792 2008 1 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0792 Oxford University Press NDT Plus 1753-0784 1753-0792 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-0792 Oxford University Press Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education 1703-1958 2007 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1703-1958 HBKU Press Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education 1703-1958 2010 2010 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1703-1958 HBKU Press Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Evidence Based Practice 1572-2082 1876-8806 2016 14 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-8806 Springer NeoBiota 1619-0033 1314-2488 2011 9 2021 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2488 Pensoft Publishers NeoBiota 1619-0033 1314-2488 2022 71 2022 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2488 Pensoft Publishers NeoBiota 1619-0033 1314-2488 2022 80 2022 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2488 Pensoft Publishers Neonatologie Scan 2194-5462 2194-5470 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-5470 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neophilologus 0028-2677 1572-8668 2013 97 2018 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8668 Springer NeoReviews 1526-9906 2000 1 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-9906 American Academy of Pediatrics Neotestamentica 0254-8356 2518-4628 2015 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2518-4628 New Testament Society of Southern Africa Neotropical Biodiversity 2376-6808 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-6808 Taylor & Francis NeoTropical Biology and Conservation 1809-9939 2236-3777 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2236-3777 Pensoft Publishers Neotropical Primates 1413-4705 2004 12 2014 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1413-4705 Conservation International Nepantla: Views from South 1529-1650 1527-0858 2000 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-0858 Duke University Press Nephrology @ Point of Care 2059-3007 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-3007 SAGE Publications Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 0931-0509 1460-2385 2005 20 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2385 Oxford University Press Nephrology Research & Reviews 2035-813X 2010 2 2013 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2035-813X SAGE Publications Nervenheilkunde 0722-1541 2567-5788 2003 22 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5788 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Netherlands Heart Journal 1568-5888 1876-6250 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-6250 Springer Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 0924-0519 2214-7357 2005 23 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2214-7357 SAGE Publications Network: Computation in Neural Systems 0954-898X 1361-6536 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1361-6536 Taylor & Francis Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research 2470-6353 2010 12 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-6353 New Prairie Press Networks and Spatial Economics 1566-113X 1572-9427 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9427 Springer Neue Politische Literatur 0028-3320 2197-6082 2019 64 2019 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-6082 Springer Neural Computing & Applications 0941-0643 1433-3058 2013 22 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-3058 Springer Neural Development 1749-8104 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8104 BioMed Central Neural Development 1749-8104 2012 7 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-8104 Springer Neural Plasticity 2090-5904 1687-5443 1995 5 2006 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5443 Hindawi Neural Plasticity 2090-5904 1687-5443 1996 2 1996 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5443 Hindawi Neural Plasticity 2090-5904 1687-5443 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5443 Hindawi Neural Plasticity 2090-5904 1687-5443 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5443 Hindawi Neural Processing Letters 1370-4621 1573-773X 2013 37 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-773X Springer Neural Regeneration Research 1673-5374 1876-7958 2011 6 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-7958 Medknow Publications Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition 1355-4794 1465-3656 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3656 Taylor & Francis Neurochemical Journal 1819-7124 1819-7132 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-7132 Springer Neurochemical Research 0364-3190 1573-6903 1976 1 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6903 Springer Neurochirurgie Scan 2195-9919 2195-9927 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-9927 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neurocritical Care 1541-6933 1556-0961 2008 8 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-0961 Springer Neurodegenerative Disease Management 1758-2024 1758-2032 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-2032 Future Medicine Neuroethics 1874-5490 1874-5504 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-5504 Springer Neurogenesis 2326-2133 2014 1 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-2133 Taylor & Francis neurogenetics 1364-6745 1364-6753 1997 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-6753 Springer Neurographics 1541-6593 2637-8329 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-8329 American Society of Neuroradiology Neuroinformatics 1539-2791 1559-0089 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0089 Springer Neurological Research 0161-6412 1743-1328 2007 29 2011 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1328 Taylor & Francis Neurological Research 0161-6412 1743-1328 2012 34 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1328 Maney Publishing Neurological Research 0161-6412 1743-1328 2013 35 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1328 Taylor & Francis Neurological Research and Practice 2524-3489 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-3489 Springer Neurological Sciences 1590-1874 1590-3478 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1590-3478 Springer Neurological Sciences and Neurophysiology 2636-865X 2020 37 2021 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2636-865X Medknow Publications Neurologie up2date 2511-3453 2511-3658 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-3658 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neurology India 0028-3886 1998-4022 2010 58 2022 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4022 Medknow Publications Neurology International Open 2511-1795 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2511-1795 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neurology Research International 2090-1852 2090-1860 2010 2010 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1860 Hindawi NeuroMolecular Medicine 1535-1084 1559-1174 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-1174 Springer Neuronal Signaling 2059-6553 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-6553 Portland Press Neuro-Oncology 1522-8517 1523-5866 2008 10 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1523-5866 Oxford University Press Neuro-Oncology Practice 2054-2577 2054-2585 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-2585 Oxford University Press Neuro-Ophthalmology 0165-8107 1744-506X 1980 1 1999 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-506X Taylor & Francis Neuro-Ophthalmology 0165-8107 1744-506X 2000 24 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-506X Taylor & Francis Neuropediatrics 0174-304X 1439-1899 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1899 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neurophysiology 0090-2977 1573-9007 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9007 Springer Neuropraxis 1387-5817 1876-5785 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5785 Springer Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology 2055-4788 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-4788 Springer Neuropsychiatry 1758-2008 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1758-2008 Future Medicine Neuropsychoanalysis 1529-4145 2044-3978 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-3978 Taylor & Francis Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal 0960-2011 1464-0694 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0694 Taylor & Francis Neuropsychology Review 1040-7308 1573-6660 2008 18 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6660 Springer Neuroradiologie Scan 1616-9697 1616-9700 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1616-9700 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neuroradiology 0028-3940 1432-1920 1970 1 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1920 Springer neuroreha 1611-6496 1611-7654 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-7654 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 1545-9683 1552-6844 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6844 SAGE Publications Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 0097-0549 1573-899X 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-899X Springer Neuroscience Bulletin 1673-7067 1995-8218 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-8218 Springer Neuroscience Insights 2633-1055 2019 14 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-1055 SAGE Publications Neuroscience Journal 2314-4262 2314-4270 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4270 Hindawi Neuroscience of Consciousness 2057-2107 2015 2015 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-2107 Oxford University Press Neurospora Newsletter 0028-3975 1962 2 1963 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0028-3975 New Prairie Press Neurospora Newsletter 0028-3975 1964 6 1969 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0028-3975 New Prairie Press Neurospora Newsletter 0028-3975 1971 18 1985 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0028-3975 New Prairie Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2008 62 2010 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2011 58 2011 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2012 59 2012 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2013 60 2013 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2014 61 2014 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2015 62 2015 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2016 63 2016 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgery 0148-396X 1524-4040 2017 64 2020 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4040 Oxford University Press Neurosurgical Review 0344-5607 1437-2320 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-2320 Springer Neurotherapeutics 1933-7213 1878-7479 2008 5 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-7479 Springer Neurotoxicity Research 1029-8428 1476-3524 1999 1 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3524 Springer Neurotoxicity Research 1029-8428 1476-3524 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3524 Taylor & Francis Neurotoxicity Research 1029-8428 1476-3524 2003 5 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3524 Springer Neurotoxicity Research 1029-8428 1476-3524 2013 23 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-3524 Springer Neurovascular Imaging 2055-5792 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5792 Springer Neutron News 1044-8632 1931-7352 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7352 Taylor & Francis Nevada Historical Society Q 0047-9462 2992-930X 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2992-930X Nevada Historical Society New Area Studies 2633-3716 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-3716 University of East Anglia New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 1474-2756 2040-0578 2002 1 2015 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0578 Intellect New Community 0047-9586 1976 5 1977 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-9586 Taylor & Francis New Community 0047-9586 1978 7 1980 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-9586 Taylor & Francis New Community 0047-9586 1984 12 1987 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-9586 Taylor & Francis New Community 0047-9586 1991 18 1993 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0047-9586 Taylor & Francis New Criminal Law Review 1933-4192 1933-4206 1998 1 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-4206 University of California Press NEW DIRECTIONS FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT 1520-3247 1534-8687 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-8687 Hindawi New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 2574-8904 2000 3 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-8904 Emerald Group Publishing New England Journal of Medicine 0028-4793 1533-4406 2005 352 2020 383 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-4406 Massachusetts Medical Society New England Review 1053-1297 2161-9131 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-9131 Middlebury College New Forests 0169-4286 1573-5095 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5095 Springer new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics 0950-2378 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0950-2378 Lawrence & Wishart New Generation Computing 0288-3635 1882-7055 2013 31 2019 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1882-7055 Springer New Genetics and Society 1463-6778 1469-9915 1999 18 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9915 Taylor & Francis New German Critique 0094-033X 1558-1462 2006 33 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-1462 Duke University Press New Global Development 1080-9716 1995 11 2005 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1080-9716 Taylor & Francis New Global Studies 1940-0004 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0004 Berkeley Electronic Press New Hibernia Review 1092-3977 1534-5815 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5815 University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies New Jersey Journal of Communication 1067-9154 1993 1 2003 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1067-9154 Taylor & Francis New Journal of Botany 2042-3489 2042-3497 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3497 Taylor & Francis New Journal of Botany 2042-3489 2042-3497 2012 2 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3497 Maney Publishing New Journal of Botany 2042-3489 2042-3497 2013 3 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-3497 Taylor & Francis New Journal of Chemistry 1144-0546 1369-9261 2000 24 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-9261 Royal Society of Chemistry New Journal of European Criminal Law 2032-2844 2399-293X 2009 1a 2009 1a LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-293X SAGE Publications New Journal of European Criminal Law 2032-2844 2399-293X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-293X SAGE Publications New Journal of Physics 1367-2630 2005 7 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1367-2630 IOP Publishing New Journal of Science 2356-7740 2090-8520 2014 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8520 Hindawi New Journal of Science 2356-7740 2090-8520 2016 2016 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8520 Hindawi New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 City University of New York - The Murphy Institute New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2010 19 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 SAGE Publications New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 City University of New York - The Murphy Institute New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2011 20 2011 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 SAGE Publications New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 City University of New York - The Murphy Institute New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2012 21 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 SAGE Publications New Labor Forum 1095-7960 1557-2978 2013 22 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2978 SAGE Publications New Library World 0307-4803 1758-6909 1899 1 2016 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6909 Emerald Group Publishing New Literary History 0028-6087 1080-661X 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-661X Johns Hopkins University Press New Media & Society 1461-4448 1461-7315 2005 7 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7315 SAGE Publications New Perspectives 2336-825X 2336-8268 2015 23 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2336-8268 SAGE Publications New Political Economy 1356-3467 1469-9923 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9923 Taylor & Francis New Political Science 0739-3148 1469-9931 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9931 Taylor & Francis New Review of Academic Librarianship 1361-4533 1740-7834 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7834 Taylor & Francis New Review of Bioethics 1740-0287 1740-7915 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7915 Taylor & Francis New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 1361-4541 1740-7885 1995 1 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7885 Taylor & Francis New Review of Film and Television Studies 1740-0309 1740-7923 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7923 Taylor & Francis New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 1361-4568 1740-7842 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7842 Taylor & Francis New Review of Information and Library Research 1361-455X 1740-7850 2003 9 2003 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7850 Taylor & Francis New Review of Information Networking 1361-4576 1740-7869 1995 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7869 Taylor & Francis New Review of Libraries and Lifelong Learning 1468-9944 1740-7893 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7893 Taylor & Francis New Solutions 1048-2911 1541-3772 2003 13 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3772 SAGE Publications New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 1479-0726 1943-3107 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3107 Taylor & Francis New York History 0146-437X 2328-8132 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-8132 Cornell University Press New Zealand Economic Papers 0077-9954 1943-4863 1966 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4863 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Entomologist 0077-9962 1179-3430 1952 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-3430 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 0028-8233 1175-8775 1958 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8775 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Botany 0028-825X 1175-8643 1963 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8643 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 0114-0671 1175-8783 1989 17 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8783 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 0301-5521 1973 1 1988 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0301-5521 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 0028-8306 1175-8791 1958 1 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8791 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of History 0028-8322 2463-5057 1967 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2463-5057 University of Auckland New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 0028-8330 1175-8805 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8805 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Journal of Zoology 0301-4223 1175-8821 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1175-8821 Taylor & Francis New Zealand Veterinary Journal 0048-0169 1176-0710 1952 1 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1176-0710 Taylor & Francis Newman Studies Journal 1547-9080 2153-6945 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-6945 Catholic University of America Press Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society 1070-4604 2012 35 2017 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1070-4604 Liverpool University Press Newspaper Research Journal 0739-5329 2376-4791 2005 26 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-4791 SAGE Publications Nexus Network Journal 1590-5896 1522-4600 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-4600 Springer NHRD Network Journal 2631-4541 2631-455X 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-455X SAGE Publications NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field 1524-0754 1930-9325 1999 2 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-9325 Taylor & Francis NHSA Research Quarterly 1089-2583 1997 1 1997 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1089-2583 Taylor & Francis Nicotine & Tobacco Research 1462-2203 1469-994X 2008 10 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-994X Oxford University Press Nicotine and Tobacco Research 1462-2203 1469-994X 2008 10 2015 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-994X Oxford University Press Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences 0331-8540 2320-477X 2012 9 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-477X Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Cardiology 0189-7969 2347-3576 2013 10 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-3576 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery 2468-7391 2468-7405 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-7405 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 1119-3077 2229-7731 2010 13 2021 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-7731 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Biosciences 2348-053X 2348-0149 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-0149 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences 1596-4078 2468-8819 2015 15 2016 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8819 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Medicine 1115-2613 2667-0526 2010 19 2021 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-0526 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology 0189-9171 2468-8363 2014 22 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8363 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma 1596-4582 2018 17 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1596-4582 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery 0794-9316 2468-7251 2014 10 2020 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-7251 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Surgery 1117-6806 2278-7100 2010 16 2021 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-7100 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research 1595-1103 2468-8177 2013 15 2016 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8177 Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences 1116-5898 2013 23 2019 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1116-5898 Medknow Publications Nigerian Medical Journal 0300-1652 2229-774X 2009 50 2020 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-774X Medknow Publications Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 1117-1936 2468-6875 2011 18 2021 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-6875 Medknow Publications NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 1188-9330 1534-1844 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1844 University of Nebraska Press Nineteenth Century Studies 0893-7931 2688-5190 2010 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-5190 Penn State University Press Nineteenth Century Studies 0893-7931 2688-5190 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-5190 Penn State University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2002 29 2004 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2004 31 2004 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2009 36 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2009 36 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 Manchester University Press Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1748-3727 2048-2906 2012 39 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-2906 SAGE Publications Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 1543-1002 2002 1 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-1002 Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal 0890-5495 1477-2663 1987 11 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2663 Taylor & Francis Nineteenth-Century French Studies 0146-7891 1536-0172 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0172 University of Nebraska Press Nineteenth-Century Literature 0891-9356 1067-8352 2001 56 2022 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1067-8352 University of California Press NIR news 0960-3360 1756-2708 2004 15 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2708 SAGE Publications NISE Essays 2020 2020 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=NISE+Essays&pub=Ghent+University+Library Ghent University Library NJ: Drama Australia Journal 1445-2294 2200-775X 2002 26 2003 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2200-775X Taylor & Francis NJ: Drama Australia Journal 1445-2294 2200-775X 2005 29 2021 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2200-775X Taylor & Francis Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 1075-7163 2152-7792 1994 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-7792 Duke University Press Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 1075-7163 2152-7792 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-7792 Duke University Press NoDEA : Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1021-9722 1420-9004 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9004 Springer Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2004 35 2007 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 SAGE Publications Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2010 41 2010 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 SAGE Publications Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2011 42 2011 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 SAGE Publications Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2011 42 2011 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 Multi-Science Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2012 43 2012 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 Multi-Science Noise & Vibration Worldwide 0957-4565 2048-4062 2012 43 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-4062 SAGE Publications Noise and Health 1463-1741 1998-4030 2010 12 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4030 Medknow Publications Noise Notes 1475-4738 2012 11 2014 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1475-4738 Multi-Science Nomadic Peoples 0822-7942 1752-2366 1997 1 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2366 Berghahn Journals Nomadic Peoples 0822-7942 1752-2366 2013 17 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2366 White Horse Press Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 1058-9759 1477-2671 1989 5 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2671 Taylor & Francis Nondestructive Testing Communications 0278-0895 1983 1 1989 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0278-0895 Taylor & Francis Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 1753-4631 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4631 BioMed Central Nonlinear Dynamics 0924-090X 1573-269X 2013 71 2018 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-269X Springer Nonlinear Optics (Mclc) Section B 1058-7268 2001 28 2002 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1058-7268 Taylor & Francis Nonlinear Oscillations 1536-0059 2002 5 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1536-0059 Springer Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 1023-5809 1607-7946 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-7946 Copernicus Publications Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology, Medicine 1540-1421 2004 2 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1540-1421 SAGE Publications Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 0899-7640 1552-7395 2005 34 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7395 SAGE Publications Nonprofit Policy Forum 2154-3348 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3348 Berkeley Electronic Press NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 0803-8740 1502-394X 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-394X Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Criminology 2578-983X 2578-9821 2019 20 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-9821 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies/ Revue nordique des études francophones 2003-0401 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2003-0401 Stockholm University Press Nordic Journal of Human Rights 1891-8131 1891-814X 2014 32 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1891-814X Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Migration Research 1799-649X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1799-649X Helsinki University Press Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 0809-8131 1944-8260 2001 10 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-8260 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 2057-1585 2057-1593 2015 35 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1593 SAGE Publications Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 0806-6205 0806-6213 2000 5 2001 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0806-6213 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 0803-9488 1502-4725 1992 46 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-4725 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 2002-0317 2015 2015 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-0317 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 2002-0317 2017 3 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-0317 Taylor & Francis Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance 2003-8046 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2003-8046 Stockholm University Press Nordic Psychology 1901-2276 1904-0016 2006 58 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1904-0016 Taylor & Francis Nordic Social Work Research 2156-857X 2156-8588 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-8588 Taylor & Francis Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 1455-0725 1458-6126 2005 22 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1458-6126 SAGE Publications Nordisk Psykiatrisk Medlemsblad 0909-7252 1947 1 1958 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0909-7252 Taylor & Francis Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift 0029-1455 1959 13 1991 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-1455 Taylor & Francis Nordisk Psykologi 0029-1463 1949 1 2001 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-1463 Taylor & Francis Nordisk Psykologi 0029-1463 2003 55 2005 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-1463 Taylor & Francis Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi 0803-9828 1992 1 2000 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0803-9828 Taylor & Francis NORMA: Nordic Journal For Masculinity Studies 1890-2138 1890-2146 2014 9 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1890-2146 Taylor & Francis Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 0029-1951 1502-5292 1926 1 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-5292 Taylor & Francis Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 0029-196X 1999 79 2000 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-196X Taylor & Francis North American Actuarial Journal 1092-0277 2325-0453 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-0453 Taylor & Francis North American Archaeologist 0197-6931 1541-3543 2005 26 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3543 SAGE Publications North American Dialogue 1539-2546 1556-4819 1996 1 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-4819 American Anthropological Association North American Journal of Aquaculture 1522-2055 1548-8454 1999 61 2017 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8454 Taylor & Francis North American journal of Celtic studies 2472-7482 2472-7490 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-7490 Ohio State University Press North American Journal of Fisheries Management 0275-5947 1548-8675 1981 1 2017 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8675 Taylor & Francis North American Journal of Medical Sciences 2250-1541 1947-2714 2010 2 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-2714 Medknow Publications North Carolina Medical Journal 0029-2559 2010 71 2021 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-2559 North Carolina Institute of Medicine and The Duke Endowment North Carolina State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=North+Carolina+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=North+Carolina+State+University North Carolina State University North Carolina State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=North+Carolina+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=North+Carolina+State+University North Carolina State University North Carolina State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=North+Carolina+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=North+Carolina+State+University North Carolina State University North Dakota Quarterly 0029-277X 2836-175X 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2836-175X University of Nebraska Press Northeast African Studies 0740-9133 1535-6574 1994 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-6574 Michigan State University Press Northeastern Naturalist 1092-6194 1938-5307 2000 7 2017 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5307 Humboldt Field Research Institute Northern History 0078-172X 1745-8706 2007 44 2009 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8706 Taylor & Francis Northern History 0078-172X 1745-8706 2010 47 2012 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8706 Maney Publishing Northern History 0078-172X 1745-8706 2013 50 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8706 Taylor & Francis Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook 1601-829X 2040-0586 2007 5 2021 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0586 Intellect Northern Scotland 0306-5278 2042-2717 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-2717 Edinburgh University Press North-South Canadian Journal of Latin American Studies 0384-1367 1978 3 1983 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0384-1367 Taylor & Francis Northwest Science 0029-344X 2007 81 2017 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-344X Northwest Scientific Association Northwestern Naturalist 1051-1733 1938-5315 2004 085 2017 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5315 Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Norwegian Archaeological Review 0029-3652 1502-7678 1968 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-7678 Taylor & Francis Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1926 1931 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1933 1934 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1936 1936 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1938 1938 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1940 1941 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1943 1944 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1949 1950 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1952 1952 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1954 1954 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1956 1956 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1959 1959 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1962 1962 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1965 1965 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1967 1967 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1970 1970 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1972 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1974 1974 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1977 1977 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1979 1979 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1985 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Norwegian-American Studies 0078-1983 2643-8437 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-8437 University of Minnesota Press Nota Lepidopterologica 0342-7536 2367-5365 2014 37 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-5365 Pensoft Publishers Notarzt Der 0177-2309 1438-8693 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8693 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Notaufnahme up2date 2628-7595 2628-7609 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2628-7609 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Notes 0027-4380 1534-150X 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-150X Music Library Association Notes and Queries 0029-3970 1471-6941 2005 52 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6941 Oxford University Press Notes and Records the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science 0035-9149 1743-0178 1938 1 2022 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0178 Royal Society Publishing Notfall & Hausarztmedizin 1865-0791 1865-0805 2009 35 2009 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-0805 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Notfall & Hausarztmedizin (Fokus auf Notfallmedizin) 1612-8591 1612-8613 2005 31 2005 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1612-8613 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Notfall + Rettungsmedizin 1434-6222 1436-0578 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-0578 Springer Notfall Medizin 1617-0482 1439-250X 2003 29 2003 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-250X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Notfallmedizin up2date 1611-6550 1862-6955 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-6955 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Nottingham French Studies 0029-4586 2047-7236 2000 39 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7236 Edinburgh University Press Nouvelles Études Francophones 1552-3152 2156-9428 2010 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-9428 University of Nebraska Press Nova et vetera 1542-7315 2470-5861 2016 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-5861 Catholic University of America Press Nova Religio 1092-6690 1541-8480 2018 2024 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-8480 University of California Press Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions 1092-6690 1541-8480 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-8480 University of California Press Novel: A Forum on Fiction 0029-5132 1945-8509 1999 33 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-8509 Duke University Press Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 1055-3177 2006 16 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1055-3177 Missouri Botanical Garden NT Research 1361-4096 2004 9 2004 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1361-4096 SAGE Publications NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 0036-6978 1420-9144 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9144 Springer Nuclear Applications 0894-0401 1965 1 1969 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0894-0401 Taylor & Francis Nuclear Applications and Technology 0550-3043 1969 7 1970 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0550-3043 Taylor & Francis Nuclear Energy and Technology 2452-3038 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2452-3038 Pensoft Publishers Nuclear Information 2155-1359 1959 2 1964 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-1359 Taylor & Francis Nuclear Law Bulletin 0304-341X 1609-7378 1999 1998 2023 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1609-7378 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 1869-3474 1869-3482 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-3482 Springer Nuclear Physics News 1061-9127 1931-7336 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7336 Taylor & Francis Nuclear Receptor Signaling 1550-7629 2005 3 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-7629 SAGE Publications Nuclear Receptor Signaling 1550-7629 2020 17 2020 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-7629 SAGE Publications Nuclear Science and Engineering 0029-5639 1943-748X 1956 1 2023 197 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-748X Taylor & Francis Nuclear Technology 0029-5450 1943-7471 1971 10 2023 209 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-7471 Taylor & Francis Nucleic Acids Research 0305-1048 1362-4962 2005 33 2005 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-4962 Oxford University Press Nucleic Acids Research 0305-1048 1362-4962 2007 35 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-4962 Oxford University Press Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 0261-3166 1746-8272 2004 48 2009 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-8272 Oxford University Press Nucleosides and Nucleotides 0732-8311 1982 1 1999 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0732-8311 Taylor & Francis Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 1525-7770 1532-2335 2000 19 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2335 Taylor & Francis Nucleus 1949-1034 1949-1042 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-1042 Taylor & Francis Nuevo Texto Crítico 1048-6380 1940-9079 1988 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9079 Stanford University Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures Nuklearmedizin 0029-5566 2567-6407 2000 39 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-6407 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Numeracy 1936-4660 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4660 University of South Florida Numerical Algorithms 1017-1398 1572-9265 2013 62 2018 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9265 Springer Numerical Analysis and Applications 1995-4239 1995-4247 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-4247 Springer Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 0163-0563 1532-2467 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2467 Taylor & Francis Numerical Heat Transfer 0149-5720 1978 1 1988 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0149-5720 Taylor & Francis Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology 1040-7782 1521-0634 1989 15 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0634 Taylor & Francis Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology 1040-7790 1521-0626 1978 1 1978 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0626 Taylor & Francis Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology 1040-7790 1521-0626 1989 15 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0626 Taylor & Francis Numerische Mathematik 0029-599X 0945-3245 2013 123 2018 140 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0945-3245 Springer Nurse Prescribing 1479-9189 2052-2924 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2924 Mark Allen Group Nursery World 0029-6422 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0029-6422 Mark Allen Group Nursing & Midwifery Research Journal 0974-150X 2752-8367 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-8367 SAGE Publications Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2322-1488 2322-1674 2017 6 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2322-1674 Medknow Publications Nursing and Residential Care 1465-9301 2052-2932 2009 11 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2932 Mark Allen Group Nursing and Residential Care 1465-9301 2052-2932 2013 15 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2932 Mark Allen Group Nursing Ethics 0969-7330 1477-0989 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0989 SAGE Publications NURSING FORUM 0029-6473 1744-6198 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6198 Hindawi Nursing Research and Practice 2090-1429 2090-1437 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1437 Hindawi Nursing Research and Practice 2090-1429 2090-1437 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1437 Hindawi Nursing Science Quarterly 0894-3184 1552-7409 2005 18 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7409 SAGE Publications NUST Business Review 2707-6598 2707-6601 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2707-6601 National University of Sciences & Technology NUST Journal of Engineering Sciences 2070-9900 2411-6319 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2411-6319 National University of Sciences & Technology NUST Journal of International Peace and Stability 2616-4426 2616-4434 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2616-4434 National University of Sciences & Technology NUST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2520-503X 2523-0026 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-0026 National University of Sciences & Technology Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 1385-1314 1573-0867 2013 95 2018 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0867 Springer Nutrire 2316-7874 2016 41 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2316-7874 Springer Nutrition & Food Science 0034-6659 1758-6917 1971 71 1999 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6917 Emerald Group Publishing Nutrition & Food Science 0034-6659 1758-6917 2000 30 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6917 Emerald Group Publishing Nutrition & Metabolism 1743-7075 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7075 BioMed Central Nutrition & Metabolism 1743-7075 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7075 Springer Nutrition and Cancer 0163-5581 1532-7914 1978 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7914 Taylor & Francis Nutrition and Health 0260-1060 2047-945X 2003 17 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-945X SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 Libertas Academica Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 1178-6388 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6388 SAGE Publications Nutrition in Clinical Practice 0884-5336 1941-2452 1986 1 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-2452 SAGE Publications Nutrition Journal 1475-2891 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2891 BioMed Central Nutrition Journal 1475-2891 2012 11 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-2891 Springer Nutrition Reviews 0029-6643 1753-4887 2008 66 2023 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4887 Oxford University Press Nutritional Anthropology 1537-1735 1548-7172 1987 11 2002 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7172 American Anthropological Association Nutritional Neuroscience 1028-415X 1476-8305 2007 10 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8305 Taylor & Francis Nutritional Neuroscience 1028-415X 1476-8305 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8305 Maney Publishing Nutritional Neuroscience 1028-415X 1476-8305 2013 16 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-8305 Taylor & Francis NWSA Journal 1040-0656 1527-1889 1999 2009 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Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Datasets 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Organisation+for+Economic+Co-operation+and+Development+Datasets&pub=Organisation+for+Economic+Co-operation+and+Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Datasets 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Organisation+for+Economic+Co-operation+and+Development+Datasets&pub=Organisation+for+Economic+Co-operation+and+Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching 1618-808X 1862-2577 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2577 Springer Organisms Diversity & Evolution 1439-6092 1618-1077 2010 10 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-1077 Springer Organization 1350-5084 1461-7323 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7323 SAGE Publications Organization & Environment 1086-0266 1552-7417 2005 18 2023 36 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15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-9728 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 0030-6525 1727-947X 1930 1 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-947X Taylor & Francis Other Voices: The eJournal of Cultural Criticism 1094-2254 2000 2 2005 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1094-2254 Other Voices OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 1539-4492 1938-2383 2005 25 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2383 SAGE Publications OTO Open 2473-974X 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-974X SAGE Publications Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 0194-5998 1097-6817 2000 122 2022 167 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-6817 SAGE Publications Outlook on Agriculture 0030-7270 2043-6866 2005 34 2010 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6866 SAGE Publications Outlook on Agriculture 0030-7270 2043-6866 2011 40 2015 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6866 IP Publishing Ltd. Outlook on Agriculture 0030-7270 2043-6866 2015 44 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6866 SAGE Publications Oxford Agrarian Studies 0264-5491 1972 1 1995 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0264-5491 Taylor & Francis Oxford Art Journal 0142-6540 1741-7287 2005 28 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7287 Oxford University Press Oxford Development Studies 1360-0818 1469-9966 1996 24 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9966 Taylor & Francis Oxford Economic Papers 0030-7653 1464-3812 2005 57 2022 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3812 Oxford University Press Oxford German Studies 0078-7191 1745-9214 2007 36 2009 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9214 Taylor & Francis Oxford German Studies 0078-7191 1745-9214 2010 39 2012 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9214 Maney Publishing Oxford German Studies 0078-7191 1745-9214 2013 42 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9214 Taylor & Francis Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 2047-0770 2047-0789 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-0789 Oxford University Press Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 0143-6503 1464-3820 2005 25 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3820 Oxford University Press Oxford Literary Review 0305-1498 1757-1634 2000 22 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1634 Edinburgh University Press Oxford Medical Case Reports 2053-8855 2014 2014 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-8855 Oxford University Press Oxford Review of Economic Policy 0266-903X 1460-2121 2005 21 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2121 Oxford University Press Oxford Review of Education 0305-4985 1465-3915 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3915 Taylor & Francis Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 1472-9342 1757-8469 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-8469 Taylor & Francis Oxidation of Metals 0030-770X 1573-4889 2013 79 2018 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4889 Springer Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1942-0900 1942-0994 2008 2008 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0994 Hindawi Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1942-0900 1942-0994 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-0994 Hindawi Oz 0888-7802 2010 32 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0888-7802 New Prairie Press Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International Ozone Association 0191-9512 1547-6545 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6545 Taylor & Francis Pacific Accounting Review 0114-0582 2041-5494 1997 9 1997 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-5494 Emerald Group Publishing Pacific Accounting Review 0114-0582 2041-5494 1999 11 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-5494 Emerald Group Publishing Pacific Affairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific 0030-851X 1715-3379 2005 78 2022 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1715-3379 University of British Columbia Pacific Coast Philology 0078-7469 2326-067X 2011 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-067X Penn State University Press Pacific Historical Review 0030-8684 1533-8584 2001 70 2023 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8584 University of California Press Pacific Journal of Mathematics 0030-8730 2010 244 2022 321 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0030-8730 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Pacific Rim Property Research Journal 1444-5921 2201-6716 2000 6 2021 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-6716 Taylor & Francis Pacific Science 0030-8870 1534-6188 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6188 University of Hawai'i Press Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies 1030-570X 1839-2598 2005 18 2017 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-2598 SAGE Publications Pacifica Review: Peace, Security & Global Change 1323-9104 1469-9974 1994 6 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9974 Taylor & Francis Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material 1746-5095 1746-5109 2007 18 2010 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5109 Taylor & Francis Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material 1746-5095 1746-5109 2013 24 2014 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5109 Taylor & Francis Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material 1746-5095 1746-5109 2011 22 2012 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5109 Maney Publishing Paddy and Water Environment 1611-2490 1611-2504 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-2504 Springer Pädiatrie und Pädologie 0030-9338 1613-7558 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7558 Springer Pädiatrie up2date 1611-6445 1862-9393 2010 5 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-9393 Georg Thieme Verlag KG P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 2070-0466 2070-0474 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-0474 Springer Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 0030-9230 1477-674X 1961 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-674X Taylor & Francis Paediatric Nephrology Journal of Bangladesh 2709-0450 2773-1359 2021 6 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2773-1359 Medknow Publications Paediatrics & Child Health 1205-7088 1918-1485 2008 13 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-1485 Oxford University Press Paediatrics and International Child Health 2046-9047 2046-9055 2012 32 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-9055 Taylor & Francis Pain Management 1758-1869 1758-1877 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1877 Future Medicine Pain Medicine 1526-2375 1526-4637 2008 9 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-4637 Oxford University Press Pain Research and Management 1203-6765 1918-1523 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-1523 Hindawi Pain Research and Treatment 2090-1542 2090-1550 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1550 Hindawi Pain Research and Treatment 2090-1542 2090-1550 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1550 Hindawi Pain Reviews 0968-1302 1477-0318 1998 5 2002 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0318 Hodder Arnold PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 1520-281X 1537-9477 1996 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-9477 MIT Press PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 1520-281X 1537-9477 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-9477 MIT Press Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies 2412-611X 2470-8518 2016 1 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-8518 Indiana University Press Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 1867-1594 1867-1608 2013 93 2018 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1608 Springer PALAIOS 0883-1351 2000 15 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0883-1351 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Paläontologische Zeitschrift 0031-0220 1867-6812 2013 87 2018 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-6812 Springer PaleoAmerica 2055-5563 2055-5571 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5571 Taylor & Francis Paleobiology 0094-8373 1938-5331 1999 25 2017 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5331 Paleontological Society Paleontological Journal 0031-0301 1555-6174 2013 47 2019 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6174 Springer Paleontological Research 1342-8144 1880-0068 2003 7 2017 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1880-0068 Palaeontological Society of Japan Paleontology Journal 2314-4289 2314-4297 2013 2013 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4297 Hindawi Palestine Exploration Quarterly 0031-0328 1743-1301 2004 136 2009 141 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1301 Taylor & Francis Palestine Exploration Quarterly 0031-0328 1743-1301 2010 142 2012 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1301 Maney Publishing Palestine Exploration Quarterly 0031-0328 1743-1301 2013 145 2023 155 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1301 Taylor & Francis Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International 2165-1604 2165-1612 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-1612 State University of New York Press Palliative Care and Social Practice 2632-3524 2019 13 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-3524 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2008 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 Libertas Academica Palliative Care: Research and Treatment 1178-2242 2015 9 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2242 SAGE Publications Palliative Medicine 0269-2163 1477-030X 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-030X SAGE Publications Pallium 1389-2630 1875-7049 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-7049 Springer Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 1977 1 2003 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2004 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2004 28 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2005 29 2005 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2005 29 2005 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2006 30 2006 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2006 30 2007 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2007 31 2007 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2008 32 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2008 32 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2009 33 2009 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2009 33 2009 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2012 36 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2012 36 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2013 37 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2013 37 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2014 38 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2014 38 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2015 39 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2015 39 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2016 40 2016 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2016 40 2016 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2017 41 2017 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2017 41 2017 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 2018 42 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9188 Taylor & Francis Pan Arab Journal of Rhinology (PAJR) 2090-7540 2090-7559 2016 6 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-7559 Medknow Publications Pan-Pacific Entomologist 0031-0603 2007 83 2017 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-0603 Pacific Coast Entomological Society Paper in Linguistics 0031-1251 1969 1 1986 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-1251 Taylor & Francis Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 2041-9015 1990 1 2013 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9015 Ubiquity Press Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 2041-9015 2016 27 2017 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9015 Ubiquity Press Papers in Applied Geography 2375-4931 2375-494X 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-494X Taylor & Francis Papers in Historical Phonology 2399-6714 2016 1 2016 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-6714 University of Edinburgh Papers in Historical Phonology 2399-6714 2018 3 2020 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-6714 University of Edinburgh Papers in Historical Phonology 2399-6714 2022 7 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-6714 University of Edinburgh Papers in Physics 1852-4249 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1852-4249 Papers in Physics Paradigm 0971-8907 2005 9 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0971-8907 SAGE Publications Paradigms 0951-9750 1987 1 1995 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0951-9750 Taylor & Francis Paragraph 0264-8334 1750-0176 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0176 Edinburgh University Press Parallax 1353-4645 1460-700X 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-700X Taylor & Francis Parallel Algorithms and Applications 1063-7192 1993 1 2004 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1063-7192 Taylor & Francis Parasites & Vectors 1756-3305 2008 1 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3305 BioMed Central Parasites & Vectors 1756-3305 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3305 Springer Parasitology Research 0932-0113 1432-1955 2013 112 2018 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1955 Springer Parenting: Science and Practice 1529-5192 1532-7922 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7922 Taylor & Francis Parergon 0313-6221 1832-8334 1983 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1832-8334 Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Parkinson's Disease 2042-0080 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-0080 Hindawi Parkinson's Disease 2042-0080 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-0080 Hindawi Parliamentary Affairs 0031-2290 1460-2482 2005 58 2022 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2482 Oxford University Press Parliamentary History 0264-2824 1750-0206 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0206 Edinburgh University Press Parliaments, Estates and Representation 0260-6755 1947-248X 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-248X Taylor & Francis Parnassus 1543-6314 1929 1 1941 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1543-6314 Taylor & Francis Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 1565-3668 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1565-3668 Johns Hopkins University Press Participation and Empowerment: An International Journal 1463-4449 1999 7 1999 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1463-4449 Emerald Group Publishing Particle and Fibre Toxicology 1743-8977 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8977 BioMed Central Particle and Fibre Toxicology 1743-8977 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-8977 Springer Particle Physics Insights 1178-640X 2008 1 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-640X Libertas Academica Particulate Science and Technology: An International Journal 0272-6351 1548-0046 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-0046 Taylor & Francis Party Politics 1354-0688 1460-3683 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3683 SAGE Publications Passwords 2169-382X 2009 10 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-382X Claremont College Library Past & Present 0031-2746 1477-464X 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-464X Oxford University Press Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development 0264-3944 1468-0122 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0122 Taylor & Francis Pastoral Psychology 0031-2789 1573-6679 2013 62 2018 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6679 Springer Pastoralism 2041-7128 2041-7136 2013 3 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-7136 Springer Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Co-Action Publishing Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2012 21 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Co-Action Publishing Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Co-Action Publishing Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Taylor & Francis Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2015 5 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Co-Action Publishing Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2001-0001 2016 6 2019 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-0001 Taylor & Francis Pathogens and Disease 2049-632X 2008 52 2014 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-632X Oxford University Press Pathogens and Disease 2049-632X 2015 73 2022 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-632X Oxford University Press Pathogens and Global Health 2047-7724 2047-7732 2012 106 2023 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7732 Taylor & Francis Pathology & Oncology Research 1219-4956 1532-2807 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2807 Springer Pathology Research International 2090-8091 2042-003X 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-003X Hindawi Pathology Research International 2090-8091 2042-003X 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-003X Hindawi Patient Safety in Surgery 1754-9493 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9493 BioMed Central Patient Safety in Surgery 1754-9493 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9493 Springer Pattern Analysis & Applications 1433-7541 1433-755X 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-755X Springer Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 1054-6618 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1054-6618 Springer Pattern Recognition in Physics 2195-9242 2195-9250 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2195-9250 Copernicus Publications Patterns of Prejudice 0031-322X 1461-7331 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7331 Taylor & Francis Peabody Journal of Education 0161-956X 1532-7930 1923 1 2023 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7930 Taylor & Francis Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 1078-1919 1532-7949 1995 1 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7949 Taylor & Francis Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 1079-2457 1554-8597 1993 1 2011 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-8597 Berkeley Electronic Press Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 1040-2659 1469-9982 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9982 Taylor & Francis Peacebuilding 2164-7259 2164-7267 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7267 Taylor & Francis Pedagogies: An International Journal 1554-480X 1554-4818 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-4818 Taylor & Francis Pedagogisk Forskning 0332-9291 1957 1 1970 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0332-9291 Taylor & Francis Pedagogy 1531-4200 1533-6255 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6255 Duke University Press Pedagogy & (Im)Possibilities Across Education Research 2576-5795 2017 1 2017 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-5795 New Prairie Press Pedagogy, Culture & Society 1468-1366 1747-5104 1999 7 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5104 Taylor & Francis Pedagogy in Health Promotion 2373-3799 2373-3802 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-3802 SAGE Publications Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 1093-5266 1615-5742 2005 8 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-5742 SAGE Publications Pediatric Cardiology 0172-0643 1432-1971 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1971 Springer PEDIATRIC DIABETES 1399-543X 1399-5448 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1399-5448 Hindawi Pediatric Health 1745-5111 1745-512X 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-512X Future Medicine Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 0888-0018 1521-0669 1986 3 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0669 Taylor & Francis Pediatric Nephrology 0931-041X 1432-198X 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-198X Springer Pediatric Pathology 0277-0938 1983 1 1994 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0277-0938 Taylor & Francis Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 1077-1042 1995 15 1997 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1077-1042 Taylor & Francis Pediatric Pathology & Molecular Medicine 1522-7952 1998 18 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-7952 Taylor & Francis Pediatric Radiology 0301-0449 1432-1998 2013 43 2019 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-1998 Springer Pediatric Respirology and Critical Care Medicine 2543-0343 2543-0351 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2543-0351 Medknow Publications Pediatric Rheumatology 1546-0096 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-0096 BioMed Central Pediatric Rheumatology 1546-0096 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-0096 Springer Pediatric Surgery International 0179-0358 1437-9813 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-9813 Springer Pediatrics 0031-4005 1098-4275 1948 1 2022 150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-4275 American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatrics in Review 0191-9601 1526-3347 1980 1 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-3347 American Academy of Pediatrics PeerJ 2167-8359 2013 2013 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-8359 PeerJ PeerJ Computer Science 2376-5992 2015 2015 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-5992 PeerJ Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 1936-6442 1936-6450 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-6450 Springer Peking University Law Journal 2051-7483 2052-5907 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-5907 Taylor & Francis Pelvi-périnéologie 1778-3712 1778-3720 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1778-3720 Springer Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 0031-4528 2153-2109 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-2109 Penn State University Press Pennsylvania Libraries: Research and Practice 2324-7878 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-7878 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Perception 0301-0066 1468-4233 2005 34 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4233 SAGE Publications Perceptual and Motor Skills 0031-5125 1558-688X 2000 90 2023 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-688X SAGE Publications Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047 1758-6925 2000 1 2020 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6925 Emerald Group Publishing Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047 1758-6925 2022 23 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6925 Emerald Group Publishing Performance Practice Review 1044-1638 2166-8205 1988 1 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-8205 Claremont College Library Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts 1352-8165 1469-9990 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9990 Taylor & Francis Performing Arts Journal 0735-8393 1086-3281 1976 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3281 MIT Press Performing Arts Review 0031-5249 1969 1 1980 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-5249 Taylor & Francis Performing Ethos: An International Journal of Ethics in Theatre and Performance 1757-1979 1757-1987 2010 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-1987 Intellect Performing Islam 2043-1015 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2043-1015 Intellect Perfusion 0267-6591 1477-111X 2005 20 2008 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-111X SAGE Publications Perfusion 0267-6591 1477-111X 2010 25 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-111X SAGE Publications Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0031-5303 1588-2829 2013 66 2018 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-2829 Springer Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0031-5303 1588-2829 2019 79 2019 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1588-2829 Springer Perioperative Medicine 2047-0525 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-0525 Springer Peritoneal Dialysis International 0896-8608 1718-4304 1980 1 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1718-4304 Multimed Inc. Peritoneal Dialysis International 0896-8608 1718-4304 2019 39 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1718-4304 SAGE Publications Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1617-4909 1617-4917 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-4917 Springer Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 1552-7433 1974 1 1983 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7433 SAGE Publications Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 1552-7433 1990 16 1990 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7433 SAGE Publications Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 1552-7433 2004 30 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7433 SAGE Publications Personality and Social Psychology Review 1088-8683 1532-7957 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7957 SAGE Publications Personality Science 2700-0710 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2700-0710 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Personalized Medicine 1741-0541 1744-828X 2004 1 2004 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-828X Future Medicine Personalized Medicine 1741-0541 1744-828X 2006 3 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-828X Future Medicine Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies 1477-9757 1752-9182 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-9182 Taylor & Francis Personnel Review 0048-3486 1758-6933 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6933 Emerald Group Publishing Perspective 0048-3494 1972 1 1979 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0048-3494 Taylor & Francis Perspective 0048-3494 1985 14 1989 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0048-3494 Taylor & Francis Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 0031-5982 1529-8795 1958 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-8795 Johns Hopkins University Press Perspectives in Clinical Research 2229-3485 2229-5488 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-5488 Medknow Publications Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 0928-2866 1573-9023 1993 1 1996 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9023 Springer Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 0928-2866 1573-9023 1998 9 2000 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9023 Springer Perspectives in International Librarianship 2219-8962 2010 2010 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2219-8962 HBKU Press Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X SAGE Publications Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X Libertas Academica Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X SAGE Publications Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X SAGE Publications Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2014 6 2014 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X Libertas Academica Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2015 7 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X Libertas Academica Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry 1177-391X 2015 7 2016 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-391X SAGE Publications PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE 0031-5990 1744-6163 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6163 Hindawi Perspectives in Public Health 1757-9139 1757-9147 2009 129 2023 143 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-9147 SAGE Publications Perspectives in Vascular Surgery 0894-8046 1521-5768 2000 13 2001 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-5768 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy 1531-0035 2004 16 2013 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1531-0035 SAGE Publications Perspectives of New Music 0031-6016 2325-7180 2005 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-7180 Perspectives of New Music Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 2381-4764 2381-473X 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2381-473X American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Administration and Supervision 1940-7238 1940-7246 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7246 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Audiology 1940-8587 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1940-8587 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication 1940-7475 1940-7483 2005 14 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7483 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Aural Rehabilitation and Its Instrumentation 1940-7688 1940-7696 2006 13 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7696 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations 1940-753X 1940-7548 2005 12 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7548 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on European Politics and Society 1570-5854 1568-0258 2000 1 2014 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-0258 Taylor & Francis Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders 1940-7599 1940-7602 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7602 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Gerontology 1940-7785 1940-7793 2005 10 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7793 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood 1940-770X 1940-7718 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7718 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics 1940-767X 1940-7661 2005 9 2012 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7661 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Hearing Conservation and Occupational Audiology 1940-7726 1940-7734 2007 11 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7734 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education 1940-7521 1940-7513 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7513 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Issues in Higher Education 1940-7521 1940-7513 2007 10 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7513 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Language Learning and Education 1940-7742 1940-7750 2005 12 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7750 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Medical Education 2212-277X 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-277X Ubiquity Press Perspectives on Medical Education 2212-277X 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-277X Ubiquity Press Perspectives on Medical Education 2212-277X 2021 10 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-277X Ubiquity Press Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders 1940-7769 1940-7777 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7777 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Political Science 1045-7097 1930-5478 1990 19 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-5478 Taylor & Francis Perspectives on Psychological Science 1745-6916 1745-6924 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6924 SAGE Publications Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 2398-4910 2398-4929 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4929 Oxford University Press Perspectives on School-Based Issues 1940-7807 1940-7815 2005 6 2012 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7815 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Science 1063-6145 1530-9274 1998 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9274 MIT Press Perspectives on Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders 1940-7572 1940-7580 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7580 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) 1940-7556 1940-7564 2005 14 2012 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7564 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Telepractice 2162-2353 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-2353 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders 1940-7505 1940-7491 2005 15 2012 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7491 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 1360-3108 1460-7018 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-7018 Taylor & Francis Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 0907-676X 1747-6623 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6623 Taylor & Francis Pest Articles & News Summaries. Section A. Insect Control 0434-5541 1957 3 1968 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0434-5541 Taylor & Francis Pest Articles & News Summaries. Section B. Plant Disease Control 0533-1846 1965 11 1968 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0533-1846 Taylor & Francis Pest Articles & News Summaries. Section C. Weed Control 0533-1854 1957 3 1968 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0533-1854 Taylor & Francis Pesticide Outlook 0956-1250 1465-8933 2000 11 2003 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-8933 Royal Society of Chemistry Petroleum Chemistry 0965-5441 2013 53 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0965-5441 Springer Petroleum Geology Conference Series 2047-9921 2005 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-9921 Geological Society of London Petroleum Geoscience 1354-0793 2041-496X 1995 1 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-496X Geological Society of London Petroleum Science 1672-5107 1995-8226 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-8226 Springer Petroleum Science and Technology 1091-6466 1532-2459 1997 15 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2459 Taylor & Francis Petrology 0869-5911 1556-2085 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-2085 Springer pferde spiegel 1860-3203 1868-0445 2010 13 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-0445 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 0031-6768 1432-2013 1868 1 2018 470 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2013 Springer Pharmaceutical Biology 1388-0209 1744-5116 1998 36 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5116 Taylor & Francis Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing 2048-9145 2015 3 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2048-9145 Future Science Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0091-150X 1573-9031 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9031 Springer Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 1083-7450 1097-9867 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-9867 Taylor & Francis Pharmaceutical Fronts 2628-5088 2628-5096 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2628-5096 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst 2046-8954 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-8954 Future Science Pharmaceutical Programming 1757-0921 1757-093X 2008 1 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-093X Taylor & Francis Pharmaceutical Programming 1757-0921 1757-093X 2010 3 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-093X Maney Publishing Pharmaceutical Research 0724-8741 1573-904X 1984 1 2018 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-904X Springer Pharmacia 0428-0296 2603-557X 2019 2019 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2603-557X Pensoft Publishers PharmacoEconomics - Open 2509-4254 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-4254 Springer Pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 1744-8042 2000 1 2004 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8042 Future Medicine Pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 1744-8042 2006 7 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8042 Future Medicine Pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 1744-8042 2010 11 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8042 Taylor & Francis Pharmacogenomics 1462-2416 1744-8042 2011 12 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8042 Future Medicine Pharmacognosy Magazine 0973-1296 0976-4062 2010 6 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-4062 Medknow Publications Pharmacognosy Magazine 0973-1296 0976-4062 2023 19 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-4062 SAGE Publications Pharmacognosy Research 0976-4836 0974-8490 2011 3 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-8490 Medknow Publications Pharmacognosy Reviews 0973-7847 0976-2787 2011 5 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-2787 Medknow Publications Pharmacological Reviews 0031-6997 1521-0081 1949 1 2022 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0081 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Pharmacopsychiatry 0176-3679 1439-0795 2010 43 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0795 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal 0141-1594 1029-0338 1979 1 1989 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0338 Taylor & Francis Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal 0141-1594 1029-0338 1989 18 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0338 Taylor & Francis Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1568-7759 1572-8676 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8676 Springer Phi Delta Kappan 0031-7217 1940-6487 2002 84 2014 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-6487 Phi Delta Kappa International Phi Delta Kappan 0031-7217 1940-6487 2014 96 2022 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-6487 SAGE Publications Philanthropy & Education 2470-7686 2470-7694 2017 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-7694 Indiana University Press Philip Roth Studies 1547-3929 1940-5278 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5278 Purdue University Press Philippine Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 0116-6069 2772-9567 2021 45 2022 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2772-9567 Medknow Publications Philippine Political Science Journal 0115-4451 2165-025X 1974 1 1982 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-025X Taylor & Francis Philippine Political Science Journal 0115-4451 2165-025X 1989 15 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-025X Taylor & Francis Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 2244-1093 2244-1638 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2244-1638 Ateneo de Manila University Philosophia 0048-3893 1574-9274 2013 41 2014 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-9274 Springer Philosophia 0048-3893 1574-9274 2015 43 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1574-9274 Springer philoSOPHIA 2155-0891 2155-0905 2011 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-0905 State University of New York Press philoSOPHIA 2155-0891 2155-0905 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-0905 State University of New York Press philoSOPHIA 2155-0891 2155-0905 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-0905 State University of New York Press philoSOPHIA 2155-0891 2155-0905 2015 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-0905 State University of New York Press Philosophia Africana: Analysis of Philosophy and Issues in Africa and the Black Diaspora 1539-8250 1944-7914 2010 13 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7914 Penn State University Press Philosophia Mathematica 0031-8019 1744-6406 2005 13 2009 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6406 Oxford University Press Philosophia Mathematica 0031-8019 1744-6406 2011 19 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6406 Oxford University Press Philosophica 0379-8402 2295-9084 2010 83 2017 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-9084 Ghent University Library Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 1386-9795 1741-5918 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5918 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 0031-8086 1964 10 1964 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-8086 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 0031-8086 1956 1 1963 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-8086 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 0031-8086 1965 11 1977 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-8086 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 0031-8086 1964 9 1964 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-8086 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435 1478-6443 2020 100 2021 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6443 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435 1478-6443 2022 102 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6443 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435 1478-6443 2003 83 2011 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6443 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435 1478-6443 2012 92 2019 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6443 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine A 0141-8610 1460-6992 1978 37 2002 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-6992 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Letters 0950-0839 1362-3036 1987 55 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1362-3036 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Part B 1364-2812 1463-6417 1978 37 2002 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-6417 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 1 1941-5796 1941-580X 1798 1 1826 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-580X Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 2 1941-5850 1941-5869 1827 1 1832 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5869 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 3 1941-5966 1941-5974 1832 1 1850 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5974 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 4 1941-5982 1941-5990 1851 1 1875 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5990 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 5 1941-5982 1941-5990 1876 1 1900 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5990 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 6 1941-5982 1941-5990 1901 1 1925 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5990 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Magazine Series 7 1941-5982 1941-5990 1926 1 1955 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5990 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Papers 0556-8641 1996-8523 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-8523 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Practice 1742-8173 1742-8181 2005 1 2006 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-8181 Taylor & Francis Philosophical Psychology 0951-5089 1465-394X 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-394X Taylor & Francis Philosophical Review 0031-8108 1558-1470 2000 109 2023 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-1470 Duke University Press Philosophical Studies 0031-8116 1573-0883 2013 162 2018 175 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0883 Springer Philosophical Topics 0276-2080 2010 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0276-2080 University of Arkansas Press Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1364-503X 1471-2962 1887 178 2022 380 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2962 Royal Society Publishing Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 0962-8436 1471-2970 1887 178 2022 377 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2970 Royal Society Publishing Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 0261-0523 1665 1 1887 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0261-0523 Royal Society Publishing Philosophische en Theologische Faculteiten der Nederlandsche Jezuieten 0923-7984 1938 1 1943 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0923-7984 Taylor & Francis Philosophy & Geography 1090-3771 1998 1 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1090-3771 Taylor & Francis Philosophy & Public Affairs 0048-3915 1088-4963 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1088-4963 Princeton University Philosophy & Public Affairs 0048-3915 1088-4963 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1088-4963 Princeton University Philosophy & Social Criticism 0191-4537 1461-734X 2005 31 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-734X SAGE Publications Philosophy & Technology 2210-5433 2210-5441 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-5441 Springer Philosophy and Literature 0190-0013 1086-329X 1977 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-329X Johns Hopkins University Press Philosophy and Rhetoric 1527-2079 0031-8213 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0031-8213 Penn State University Press Philosophy East and West 0031-8221 1529-1898 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1898 University of Hawai'i Press Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1747-5341 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5341 BioMed Central Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1747-5341 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5341 Springer Philosophy of Music Education Review 1063-5734 1543-3412 2001 9 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3412 Indiana University Press Philosophy of Photography 2040-3682 2040-3690 2010 1 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3690 Intellect Philosophy of Physics 2753-5908 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-5908 London School of Economics and Political Science Philosophy of the Social Sciences 0048-3931 1552-7441 2005 35 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7441 SAGE Publications Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 1071-6076 1086-3303 1994 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3303 Johns Hopkins University Press Phlebologie 0939-978X 2567-5826 2008 37 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5826 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Phlebology 0268-3555 1758-1125 2003 18 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1125 SAGE Publications Phoenix 1929-4883 0031-8299 2009 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0031-8299 Classical Association of Canada Phosphorous and Sulfur and the Related Elements 0308-664X 1976 1 1988 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0308-664X Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1989 41 1990 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1990 53 1994 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1994 97 1997 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1997 122 1997 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1997 126 1998 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1998 136 1998 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1998 139 1999 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1999 147 1999 150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1999 152 1999 153 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 1999 155 2023 198 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5325 Taylor & Francis Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 1474-905X 1474-9092 2002 1 2020 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-9092 Royal Society of Chemistry Photochemistry and Photobiology 0031-8655 1751-1097 2000 71 2000 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1097 American Society for Photobiology Photochemistry and Photobiology 0031-8655 1751-1097 2001 73 2002 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1097 American Society for Photobiology Photochemistry and Photobiology 0031-8655 1751-1097 2003 77 2006 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-1097 American Society for Photobiology Photographies 1754-0763 1754-0771 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0771 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Bloomsbury Publishing Photography & Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 2014 7 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4525 Taylor & Francis Photonic Network Communications 1387-974X 1572-8188 2013 25 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8188 Springer Photonic Sensors 1674-9251 2190-7439 2013 3 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-7439 Springer Photosynthesis Research 0166-8595 1573-5079 2010 103 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5079 Springer Photosynthetica 0300-3604 1573-9058 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9058 Springer Phycologia 0031-8884 2330-2968 1961 1 2017 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2968 International Phycological Society Phycologia 0031-8884 2330-2968 2018 57 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-2968 Taylor & Francis PhysChemComm 1460-2733 1998 1 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2733 Royal Society of Chemistry Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics 0270-3181 1541-3152 1981 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3152 Taylor & Francis Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 0194-2638 1541-3144 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3144 Taylor & Francis Physical Activity and Health 2515-2270 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2270 Ubiquity Press Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1463-9076 1463-9084 2000 2 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1463-9084 Royal Society of Chemistry Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 1740-8989 1742-5786 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5786 Taylor & Francis Physical Geography 0272-3646 1930-0557 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-0557 Taylor & Francis Physical Oceanography 0928-5105 1573-160X 1987 1 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-160X Springer Physical Separation in Science and Engineering 1478-6478 1478-6486 1994 1 2006 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6486 Hindawi Physical Separation in Science and Engineering 1478-6478 1478-6486 2007 2007 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-6486 Hindawi Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2005 85 2008 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2008 88 2008 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2009 89 2009 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2009 89 2009 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2010 90 2010 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2010 90 2010 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2011 91 2011 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2011 91 2011 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2012 92 2012 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2012 92 2012 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2013 93 2013 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2013 93 2013 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2014 94 2014 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2014 94 2014 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2015 95 2015 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 American Physical Therapy Association Physical Therapy 0031-9023 1538-6724 2015 95 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-6724 Oxford University Press Physical Therapy Reviews 1083-3196 1743-288X 1996 1 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-288X Taylor & Francis Physical Therapy Reviews 1083-3196 1743-288X 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-288X Maney Publishing Physical Therapy Reviews 1083-3196 1743-288X 2013 18 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-288X Taylor & Francis Physics and Chemistry of Liquids: An International Journal 0031-9104 1029-0451 1968 1 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0451 Taylor & Francis Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 0342-1791 1432-2021 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2021 Springer Physics in Perspective (PIP) 1422-6944 1422-6960 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1422-6960 Springer Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1063-7788 1562-692X 2013 76 2018 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-692X Springer Physics of Particles and Nuclei 1063-7796 1531-8559 2016 47 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-8559 Springer Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 1547-4771 1531-8567 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-8567 Springer Physics of the Solid State 1063-7834 1090-6460 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-6460 Springer Physics of Wave Phenomena 1541-308X 1934-807X 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-807X Springer Physics Research International 2090-2220 2090-2239 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2239 Hindawi Physics Research International 2090-2220 2090-2239 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2239 Hindawi Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin 0940-6689 1439-085X 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-085X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 1531-2267 1999 1 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-2267 American Physiological Society Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 1531-2267 2010 42A 2010 42A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-2267 American Physiological Society Physiological Genomics 1094-8341 1531-2267 2011 43 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-2267 American Physiological Society Physiological Reviews 0031-9333 1522-1210 1921 1 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1210 American Physiological Society Physiology 1548-9213 1548-9221 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9221 American Physiological Society Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 0974-0430 2013 19 2019 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-0430 Springer Physiology Journal 2314-4300 2314-4319 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4319 Hindawi physiopraxis 1439-023X 1869-5515 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-5515 Georg Thieme Verlag KG physioscience 1860-3092 1860-3351 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-3351 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Physiotherapy - The Journal of Indian Association of Physiotherapists 0973-6549 2589-5583 2017 11 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-5583 Medknow Publications Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 0959-3985 1532-5040 1990 6 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5040 Taylor & Francis Phytochemistry Reviews 1568-7767 1572-980X 2008 7 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-980X Springer PhytoKeys 1314-2011 1314-2003 2010 1 2021 205 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2003 Pensoft Publishers PhytoKeys 1314-2011 1314-2003 2022 188 2023 236 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2003 Pensoft Publishers Phytoparasitica 0334-2123 1876-7184 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-7184 Springer Phytothérapie 1624-8597 1765-2847 2013 11 2017 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1765-2847 Springer PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog 1438-7026 1439-913X 2010 11 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-913X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pigment & Resin Technology 0369-9420 1758-6941 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6941 Emerald Group Publishing Pigment International 2349-5847 2349-5782 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-5782 Medknow Publications Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2055-5784 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5784 Springer Pitt Political Review 2160-5807 2011 8 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5807 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pitt Political Review 2160-5807 2014 11 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5807 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law 2164-7976 2007 1 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7976 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law and Policy 1087-6995 2164-800X 2001 1 2021 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-800X University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pittsburgh Papers on the European Union 2164-6732 2012 1 2017 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-6732 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pittsburgh Tax Review 1932-1821 1932-1996 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-1996 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Pituitary 1386-341X 1573-7403 2008 11 2019 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7403 Springer Plains Anthropologist 0032-0447 2052-546X 1954 1 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-546X Taylor & Francis Planet 1473-1835 1758-3608 2001 1 2013 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3608 Taylor & Francis Planning & Environmental Law: Issues and decisions that impact the built and natural environments 1548-0755 1556-8601 2004 56 2014 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-8601 Taylor & Francis Planning Outlook 0032-0714 1966 1 1991 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-0714 Taylor & Francis Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 1466-4518 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4518 Taylor & Francis Planning Practice and Research 0269-7459 1360-0583 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0583 Taylor & Francis Planning Theory 1473-0952 1741-3052 2005 4 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3052 SAGE Publications Planning Theory 1473-0952 1741-3052 2010 9 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3052 SAGE Publications Planning Theory & Practice 1464-9357 1470-000X 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-000X Taylor & Francis Plant and Cell Physiology 0032-0781 1471-9053 2006 47 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-9053 Oxford University Press Plant and Soil 0032-079X 1573-5036 1948 1 2012 353 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5036 Springer Plant and Soil 0032-079X 1573-5036 2012 355 2018 431 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5036 Springer Plant and Soil 0032-079X 1573-5036 2019 439 2019 439 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5036 Springer Plant and Soil 0032-079X 1573-5036 2019 445 2019 445 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5036 Springer Plant Biology 1435-8603 1438-8677 2007 9 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8677 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology: Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana 1126-3504 1724-5575 1997 131 2023 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-5575 Taylor & Francis Plant Biotechnology Reports 1863-5466 1863-5474 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-5474 Springer Plant Cell Reports 0721-7714 1432-203X 2008 27 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-203X Springer Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 0167-6857 1573-5044 2013 112 2019 136 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5044 Springer Plant Ecology 1385-0237 1573-5052 2013 214 2018 219 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5052 Springer Plant Ecology & Diversity 1755-0874 1755-1668 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-1668 Taylor & Francis Plant Ecology and Evolution 2032-3913 2032-3921 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2032-3921 Pensoft Publishers Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 0921-9668 1573-9104 2013 68 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9104 Springer Plant Foods for Man 0306-2686 1973 1 1978 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-2686 Taylor & Francis Plant Growth Regulation 0167-6903 1573-5087 2013 69 2018 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5087 Springer Plant Methods 1746-4811 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4811 BioMed Central Plant Methods 1746-4811 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-4811 Springer Plant Molecular Biology 0167-4412 1573-5028 1981 1 2018 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5028 Springer Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 0735-9640 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0735-9640 Springer Plant Physiology 0032-0889 1532-2548 2000 122 2020 182 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2548 American Society of Plant Biologists Plant Physiology 0032-0889 1532-2548 2020 182 2022 190 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2548 Oxford University Press Plant Production Science 1343-943X 1349-1008 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1349-1008 Taylor & Francis Plant Reproduction 2194-7953 2194-7961 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-7961 Springer Plant Signaling & Behavior 1559-2324 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-2324 Taylor & Francis Plant Sociology 2280-1855 2704-6192 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2704-6192 Pensoft Publishers Plant Systematics and Evolution 1615-6110 2013 299 2014 300 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-6110 Springer Plant Systematics and Evolution 2199-6881 2015 301 2018 304 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-6881 Springer Planta 0032-0935 1432-2048 1925 1 2018 248 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2048 Springer Planta Medica 0032-0943 1439-0221 2010 76 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-0221 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Planta Medica International Open 2509-6656 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-6656 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Planta Medica Letters 2199-157X 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-157X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 0272-4324 1572-8986 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8986 Springer Plasma Devices and Operations 1051-9998 1029-4929 1990 1 2009 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-4929 Taylor & Francis Plasma Physics Reports 1063-780X 1562-6938 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1562-6938 Springer Plasmatology 2634-8535 2021 15 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-8535 SAGE Publications Plasmonics 1557-1955 1557-1963 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-1963 Springer Plastic Surgery 2292-5503 2292-5511 2014 22 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2292-5511 SAGE Publications Plastic Surgery Case Studies 2513-826X 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2513-826X SAGE Publications Plastic Surgery International 2090-1461 2090-147X 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-147X Hindawi Plastic Surgery International 2090-1461 2090-147X 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-147X Hindawi Plastics, Rubber and Composites 1465-8011 1743-2898 1999 28 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2898 Taylor & Francis Plastics, Rubber and Composites 1465-8011 1743-2898 2012 41 2012 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2898 Maney Publishing Plastics, Rubber and Composites 1465-8011 1743-2898 2013 42 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2898 Taylor & Francis Platelets 0953-7104 1369-1635 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1635 Taylor & Francis Pleiades: Literature in Context 1063-3391 2470-1971 2016 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-1971 Department of English and Philosophy, University of Central Missouri PLET: Programmed Learning & Educational Technology 0951-0907 1984 21 1988 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0951-0907 Taylor & Francis PLEURA 2373-9975 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-9975 SAGE Publications PLOS Computational Biology 1553-734X 1553-7358 2005 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-7358 PLOS PLOS Genetics 1553-7390 1553-7404 2005 1 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-7404 PLOS PLOS Medicine 1549-1277 1549-1676 2004 1 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-1676 PLOS PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 1935-2735 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1935-2735 PLOS PLOS Pathogens 1553-7366 1553-7374 2005 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-7374 PLOS Ploughshares 0048-4474 2162-0903 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-0903 Ploughshares PMC Biophysics 1757-5036 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-5036 PhysMath Central PMC Physics A 1754-0410 2007 1 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0410 PhysMath Central PMC Physics B 1754-0429 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0429 PhysMath Central Pneumo News 1865-5467 2199-3866 2018 10 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-3866 Springer Pneumologie 0934-8387 1438-8790 2010 64 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8790 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumonia 2200-6133 2013 2 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2200-6133 Springer Pneumonia 2200-6133 2014 4 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2200-6133 Springer Poe Studies 1947-4644 1754-6095 2001 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-6095 Johns Hopkins University Press Poe Studies 1947-4644 1754-6095 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-6095 Johns Hopkins University Press Poem: International English Language Quarterly 2051-9842 2377-4673 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-4673 Taylor & Francis Poetics Today 0333-5372 1527-5507 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-5507 Duke University Press Poetry Bay 1939-2052 2000 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-2052 Poetry Bay Polar Biology 0722-4060 1432-2056 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2056 Springer Polar Geography 0148-7671 1977 1 1977 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-7671 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography 0148-7671 1978 2 1978 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-7671 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography 0148-7671 1979 3 1979 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0148-7671 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography 1088-937X 1939-0513 1995 19 1996 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0513 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography 1088-937X 1939-0513 1997 21 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0513 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography 1088-937X 1939-0513 2008 31 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-0513 Taylor & Francis Polar Geography and Geology 0273-8457 1980 4 1994 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0273-8457 Taylor & Francis PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 1081-6976 1555-2934 1977 1 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-2934 American Anthropological Association Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 1982 1982 1982 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Co-Action Publishing Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 1983 1 2010 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Co-Action Publishing Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 2011 30 2013 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Co-Action Publishing Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 2014 33 2014 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Taylor & Francis Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 2015 34 2015 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Co-Action Publishing Polar Research 0800-0395 1751-8369 2016 35 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8369 Taylor & Francis Polarforschung 0032-2490 2190-1090 2021 89 2022 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-1090 Copernicus Publications Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 1561-4263 1477-271X 2002 3 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-271X Taylor & Francis Police Quarterly 1098-6111 1552-745X 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-745X SAGE Publications Police Studies: International Review of Police Development 0141-2949 1995 18 1996 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0141-2949 Emerald Group Publishing Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 1752-4512 1752-4520 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-4520 Oxford University Press Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 1363-951X 1758-695X 1997 20 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-695X Emerald Group Publishing Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy 1043-9463 1477-2728 1990 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2728 Taylor & Francis Policy & Internet 1944-2866 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-2866 Berkeley Electronic Press Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 1477-3996 1477-4003 2003 1 2020 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4003 Taylor & Francis Policy and Society 1449-4035 1839-3373 2007 26 2021 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3373 Taylor & Francis Policy and Society 1449-4035 1839-3373 2022 41 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-3373 Oxford University Press Policy Futures in Education 1478-2103 2004 2 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-2103 SAGE Publications Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2372-7322 2372-7330 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-7330 SAGE Publications Policy, Organisation and Society 1034-9952 1990 1 1990 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1034-9952 Taylor & Francis Policy, Organisation and Society 1034-9952 1991 3 1994 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1034-9952 Taylor & Francis Policy, Organisation and Society 1034-9952 1994 9 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1034-9952 Taylor & Francis Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 1527-1544 1552-7468 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7468 SAGE Publications Policy Reviews in Higher Education 2332-2969 2332-2950 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-2950 Taylor & Francis Policy Sciences 0032-2687 1573-0891 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0891 Springer Policy Studies 0144-2872 1470-1006 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1006 Taylor & Francis Polin Studies in Polish Jewry 0268-1056 2516-8681 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-8681 Liverpool University Press Polish Journal of Ecology 1505-2249 2450-1395 2014 62 2016 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2450-1395 Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences Política Internacional 2961-2802 2788-6921 2010 2010 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2788-6921 Academia Diplomática del Perú Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Política Internacional 2961-2802 2788-6921 2020 2020 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2788-6921 Academia Diplomática del Perú Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Política Internacional 2961-2802 2788-6921 2021 129 2023 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2788-6921 Academia Diplomática del Perú Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Political Analysis 1047-1987 1476-4989 1989 1 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4989 Oxford University Press Political Behavior 0190-9320 1573-6687 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6687 Springer Political Communication 1058-4609 1091-7675 1980 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1091-7675 Taylor & Francis Political Insight 2041-9058 2041-9066 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-9066 SAGE Publications Political Research Quarterly 1065-9129 1938-274X 2005 58 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-274X SAGE Publications Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 1948 1 1949 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 1951 3 1974 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 1976 28 2007 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2008 60 2008 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 SAGE Publications Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2008 60 2008 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2009 61 2009 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 SAGE Publications Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2009 61 2016 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2016 68 2016 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 SAGE Publications Political Science 0032-3187 2041-0611 2017 69 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0611 Taylor & Francis Political Science Quarterly 0032-3195 1538-165X 2022 137 2023 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-165X Oxford University Press Political Studies 0032-3217 1467-9248 2004 52 2007 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9248 SAGE Publications Political Studies 0032-3217 1467-9248 2010 58 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9248 SAGE Publications Political Studies Review 1478-9299 1478-9302 2005 3 2007 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9302 SAGE Publications Political Studies Review 1478-9299 1478-9302 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9302 SAGE Publications Political Theology 1462-317X 1743-1719 1999 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1719 Taylor & Francis Political Theory 0090-5917 1552-7476 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7476 SAGE Publications Politics 0032-3268 1966 1 1967 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3268 Taylor & Francis Politics 0032-3268 1975 10 1989 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3268 Taylor & Francis Politics 0032-3268 1968 3 1968 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3268 Taylor & Francis Politics 0032-3268 1969 4 1969 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3268 Taylor & Francis Politics 0032-3268 1970 5 1974 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3268 Taylor & Francis politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 2005 25 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9256 SAGE Publications politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9256 SAGE Publications politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 2011 31 2020 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9256 SAGE Publications politics 0263-3957 1467-9256 2021 41 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9256 SAGE Publications Politics & Society 0032-3292 1552-7514 2005 33 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7514 SAGE Publications Politics and Ethics Review 1743-453X 2005 1 2007 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1743-453X SAGE Publications Politics and the Life Sciences 0730-9384 1471-5457 2004 23 2017 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-5457 Association for Politics and the Life Sciences Politics, Groups, and Identities 2156-5503 2156-5511 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5511 Taylor & Francis Politics, Philosophy & Economics 1470-594X 1741-3060 2005 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3060 SAGE Publications Politics, Religion & Ideology 2156-7689 2156-7697 2011 12 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7697 Taylor & Francis Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 0258-9346 1470-1014 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1014 Taylor & Francis Politische Vierteljahresschrift 0032-3470 1862-2860 2000 41 2010 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2860 Springer Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1040-6638 1563-5333 1990 1 1999 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5333 Taylor & Francis Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1040-6638 1563-5333 2000 16 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5333 Taylor & Francis Polymer Bulletin 0170-0839 1436-2449 2013 70 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-2449 Springer Polymer Chemistry 1759-9954 1759-9962 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-9962 Royal Society of Chemistry Polymer News: The Polymer Science Monthly 0032-3918 2004 29 2005 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-3918 Taylor & Francis Polymer Reaction Engineering 1054-3414 1532-2408 1993 1 2003 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2408 Taylor & Francis Polymer Reviews 1558-3724 1558-3716 2007 47 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-3716 Taylor & Francis Polymer Science Series A 0965-545X 1555-6107 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6107 Springer Polymer Science Series B 1560-0904 1555-6123 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6123 Springer Polymer Science Series D 1995-4212 1995-4220 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-4220 Springer Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 0360-2559 1525-6111 1973 2 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6111 Taylor & Francis Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 2574-0881 2574-089X 2019 58 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-089X Taylor & Francis Polymers and Polymer Composites 0967-3911 1478-2391 2005 13 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-2391 SAGE Publications Polymers from Renewable Resources 2041-2479 2045-1377 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-1377 SAGE Publications Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture 1540-5702 1540-5710 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-5710 Taylor & Francis Popular Culture in Libraries 1053-8747 1992 1 1999 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1053-8747 Taylor & Francis Popular Music and Society 0300-7766 1740-1712 1971 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-1712 Taylor & Francis Popular Narrative Media 1754-3819 1754-3827 2008 1 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-3827 Liverpool University Press Population and Economics 2658-3798 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2658-3798 Pensoft Publishers Population Ecology 1438-3896 1438-390X 2013 55 2017 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-390X Springer Population, English edition 1634-2941 1958-9190 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1958-9190 Institut national d'études démographiques Population Health Metrics 1478-7954 2003 1 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1478-7954 BioMed Central Population Health Metrics 1478-7954 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1478-7954 BioMed Central Population Health Metrics 1478-7954 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1478-7954 Springer Population Research and Policy Review 0167-5923 1573-7829 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7829 Springer Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2003 42 2003 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2004 43 2004 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2005 44 2005 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2006 45 2006 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2007 46 2007 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2008 47 2008 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2009 48 2009 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2010 49 2010 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2011 50 2011 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2012 51 2012 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2013 52 2013 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2014 53 2014 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2015 54 2015 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Population Review Publications Population Review 0032-471X 1549-0955 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-0955 Sociological Demography Press Population Studies: A Journal of Demography 0032-4728 1477-4747 1947 1 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4747 Taylor & Francis Porcine Health Management 2055-5660 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-5660 Springer Porn Studies 2326-8743 2326-8751 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-8751 Taylor & Francis Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention 2151-2957 2001 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2151-2957 University of Iowa Port Harcourt Medical Journal 0795-3038 2016 10 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0795-3038 Medknow Publications portal: Libraries and the Academy 1531-2542 1530-7131 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7131 Johns Hopkins University Press Portugaliae Mathematica 0032-5155 1662-2758 2007 64 2021 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1662-2758 European Mathematical Society Portuguese Economic Journal 1617-982X 1617-9838 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-9838 Springer Portuguese Journal of Social Science 1476-413X 1758-9509 2002 1 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9509 Intellect Portuguese Studies 0267-5315 2222-4270 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2222-4270 Modern Humanities Research Association positions: asia critique 1067-9847 1527-8271 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8271 Duke University Press Positivity 1385-1292 1572-9281 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9281 Springer Post Reproductive Health 2053-3691 2053-3705 2014 20 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-3705 SAGE Publications Postcolonial Studies 1368-8790 1466-1888 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-1888 Taylor & Francis Postcolonial Text 1705-9100 2005 1 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1705-9100 Open Humanities Press Post-Communist Economies 1463-1377 1465-3958 1999 11 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3958 Taylor & Francis Postdigital Science and Education 2524-485X 2524-4868 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4868 Springer Postgraduate Medical Journal 0032-5473 1469-0756 1925 1 2019 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-0756 BMJ Group Postgraduate Medical Journal 0032-5473 1469-0756 2020 96 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-0756 Oxford University Press Postgraduate Medicine 0032-5481 1941-9260 1947 1 2023 135 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-9260 Taylor & Francis Post-Medieval Archaeology 0079-4236 1745-8137 2005 39 2009 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8137 Taylor & Francis Post-Medieval Archaeology 0079-4236 1745-8137 2010 44 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8137 Maney Publishing Post-Medieval Archaeology 0079-4236 1745-8137 2013 47 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8137 Taylor & Francis Postmodern Culture 1053-1920 1990 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1053-1920 Johns Hopkins University Press Post-Soviet Affairs 1060-586X 1938-2855 1992 8 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2855 Taylor & Francis Post-Soviet Geography 1060-5851 1992 33 1995 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1060-5851 Taylor & Francis Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 1088-9388 1996 37 2001 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1088-9388 Taylor & Francis Potato Research 0014-3065 1871-4528 2013 56 2019 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-4528 Springer Potential Analysis 0926-2601 1572-929X 2013 38 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-929X Springer Poultry Science 0032-5791 1525-3171 1922 1 2012 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3171 Poultry Science Association Poultry Science 0032-5791 1525-3171 2013 92 2017 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-3171 Oxford University Press Poverty & Public Policy 1944-2858 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-2858 Berkeley Electronic Press Powder Metallurgy 0032-5899 1743-2901 1999 42 2011 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2901 Taylor & Francis Powder Metallurgy 0032-5899 1743-2901 2012 55 2012 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2901 Maney Publishing Powder Metallurgy 0032-5899 1743-2901 2013 56 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2901 Taylor & Francis Power and Education 1757-7438 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-7438 SAGE Publications PPAR Research 1687-4757 1687-4765 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4765 Hindawi PPAR Research 1687-4757 1687-4765 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-4765 Hindawi PPmP - Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie 0937-2032 1439-1058 2010 60 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1058 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Practical Implementation of Nursing Science 2832-2037 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2832-2037 Levy Library Press Practical Neurology 1474-7758 1474-7766 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-7766 BMJ Group Practical Pre-School 1366-610X 2052-4587 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4587 Mark Allen Group Practical Theology 1756-073X 1756-0748 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0748 Taylor & Francis Practice Nursing 0964-9271 2052-2940 2013 24 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2940 Mark Allen Group Practice: Social Work in Action 0950-3153 1742-4909 1987 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4909 Taylor & Francis Prairie Journal of Educational Research 2373-0994 2016 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-0994 New Prairie Press Prairie Schooner 0032-6682 1542-426X 2003 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-426X University of Nebraska Press Pramana 0304-4289 0973-7111 2013 80 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-7111 Springer Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 1861-6755 1861-6763 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-6763 Springer Praxis 0969-1154 2011 154 2012 155 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0969-1154 Liverpool University Press Praxis Handreha 2628-4545 2628-4553 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2628-4553 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Precision Agriculture 1385-2256 1573-1618 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1618 Springer Prehospital Emergency Care 1090-3127 1545-0066 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-0066 Taylor & Francis Preparative Biochemistry 0032-7484 1971 1 1995 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0032-7484 Taylor & Francis Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1082-6068 1532-2297 1996 26 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2297 Taylor & Francis Present Pasts 1759-2941 2015 0 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-2941 Ubiquity Press Preservation Education & Research 1946-5904 2644-2191 2019 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2644-2191 University of Minnesota Press Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural 2161-2196 2161-2188 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-2188 Penn State University Press Pretexts: Literary and Cultural Studies 1015-549X 1470-1022 2000 9 2003 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1022 Taylor & Francis Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 1045-988X 1940-4387 1989 34 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4387 Taylor & Francis Prevention in Human Services 0270-3114 1982 1 1995 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0270-3114 Taylor & Francis Prevention Science 1389-4986 1573-6695 2000 1 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6695 Springer Preview 1443-2471 1836-084X 1988 1988 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1836-084X Taylor & Francis Pricing Strategy and Practice 0968-4905 1758-6968 1997 5 1997 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6968 Emerald Group Publishing Primary Dental Care 1355-7610 1741-9344 2008 os15 2008 os15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9344 SAGE Publications Primary Dental Care 1355-7610 1741-9344 2010 os17 2012 os19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-9344 SAGE Publications Primary Dental Journal 2050-1684 2050-1692 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-1692 SAGE Publications Primary Prevention Insights 1179-1748 2012 3 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-1748 Libertas Academica Primary Sources & Original Works 1042-8216 1992 1 1997 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-8216 Taylor & Francis Primary Teacher Update 2047-8917 2052-4609 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4609 Mark Allen Group Primate Biology 2363-4707 2363-4715 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2363-4715 Copernicus Publications Primate Conservation 0898-6207 2006 20 2015 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0898-6207 Conservation International Primates 0032-8332 1610-7365 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-7365 Springer PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies 1051-1970 1935-4053 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-4053 Taylor & Francis Prion 1933-6896 1933-690X 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-690X Taylor & Francis Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature 2578-3491 2578-3505 2019 16 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-3505 Duke University Press Pro Ecclesia 1063-8512 2631-8334 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-8334 SAGE Publications Probability and Mathematical Physics 2690-0998 2690-1005 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-1005 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Probability Surveys 1549-5787 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-5787 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Probability Theory and Related Fields 0178-8051 1432-2064 2013 155 2018 172 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2064 Springer Probability Theory and Related Fields 0178-8051 1432-2064 2019 174 2019 174 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2064 Springer Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk 2367-0126 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-0126 Springer Probation Journal 0264-5505 1741-3079 2005 52 2008 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3079 SAGE Publications Probation Journal 0264-5505 1741-3079 2010 57 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3079 SAGE Publications Probe Microscopy 1355-185X 2002 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1355-185X Taylor & Francis Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 1867-1306 1867-1314 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1314 Springer Problems of Economic Transition 1061-1991 1557-931X 1992 35 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-931X Taylor & Francis Problems of Information Transmission 0032-9460 1608-3253 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3253 Springer Problems of Post-Communism 1075-8216 1557-783X 1995 42 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-783X Taylor & Francis ProCare 0949-7323 1613-7574 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7574 Springer Proceedings in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2154-4751 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2154-4751 University of Iowa Proceedings Mathematical Sciences 0253-4142 0973-7685 2013 123 2018 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-7685 Springer Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2010-1058 2059-2329 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-2329 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment 2016 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Proceedings+of+the+18th+International+Conference+on+Heavy+Metals+in+the+Environment&pub=Ghent+University+Library Ghent University Library Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Proceedings+of+the+19th+World+Textile+Conference+-+Autex+2019&pub=Ghent+University+Library Ghent University Library Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 0097-3157 1938-5293 2002 151 2017 166 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5293 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 1546-3222 1943-5665 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-5665 American Thoracic Society Proceedings of the Annual Congresses of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 0072-5560 1966 1 1983 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0072-5560 Taylor & Francis Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2692-7721 2013 7 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-7721 Georgia Southern University Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2692-7721 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-7721 Georgia Southern University Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2692-7721 2020 4 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-7721 Georgia Southern University Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 0066-7374 1467-9264 2008 108 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9264 Oxford University Press Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 0006-324X 1943-6327 2008 121 2017 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6327 Biological Society of Washington Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America 2328-9902 1946 1 2019 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-9902 Boston College Libraries Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 0013-8797 2008 110 2017 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0013-8797 Entomological Society of Washington Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 1071-1813 2005 49 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1071-1813 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 0957-6509 2041-2967 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2967 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 0954-4054 2041-2975 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2975 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 0954-4062 2041-2983 2004 218 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2983 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 0954-4070 2041-2991 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-2991 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 0954-4089 2041-3009 2004 218 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3009 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 0954-4097 2041-3017 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3017 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 0954-4100 2041-3025 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3025 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 0954-4119 2041-3033 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3033 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 0959-6518 2041-3041 2004 218 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3041 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 1350-6501 2041-305X 2004 218 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-305X SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics 1464-4193 2041-3068 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3068 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 1464-4207 2041-3076 2005 219 2007 221 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3076 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications 1464-4207 2041-3076 2008 222 2015 229 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3076 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 1464-4207 2041-3076 2016 230 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3076 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 1475-0902 2041-3084 2005 219 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3084 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 1740-3499 2041-3092 2005 219 2015 229 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-3092 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 2397-7914 2397-7922 2016 230 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-7922 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 1748-006X 1748-0078 2006 220 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0078 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 1754-3371 1754-338X 2008 222 2023 237 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-338X SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference 2572-6412 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2572-6412 Georgia Southern University Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care 2327-8579 2327-8595 2013 2 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-8595 SAGE Publications Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1865 s1-1 1902 s1-35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1904 s2-1 1914 s2-13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1915 s2_14 1915 s2_14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1917 s2-15 1917 s2-15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1918 s2-17 1952 s2-54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1951 s3-1 1964 s3-14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1965 s3-14A 1965 s3-14A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1965 s3-15 1996 s3-73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1460-244X 1997 74 2016 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-244X Oxford University Press Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 0027-8424 1091-6490 1915 1 2022 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1091-6490 National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature 0035-8991 2009-0048 2002 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2009-0048 Royal Irish Academy Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1364-5021 1471-2946 1905 76 2022 478 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2946 Royal Society Publishing Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 0962-8452 1471-2954 1905 76 2022 289 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-2954 Royal Society Publishing Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 0370-1662 1800 1 1904 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0370-1662 Royal Society Publishing Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 0081-5438 1531-8605 2013 280 2018 301 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-8605 Springer Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 0044-0604 2041-4811 1842 2 2021 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4811 Geological Society of London Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 2509-4238 2509-4246 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-4246 Springer Production & Manufacturing Research 2169-3277 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-3277 Taylor & Francis Production Engineering 0944-6524 1863-7353 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-7353 Springer Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations 0953-7287 1366-5871 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5871 Taylor & Francis Professional Development in Education 1941-5257 1941-5265 2009 35 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-5265 Taylor & Francis Professional School Counseling 1096-2409 2156-759X 2005 9 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-759X SAGE Publications Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems 0033-0337 1758-7301 1968 1 2017 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7301 Emerald Group Publishing Programmed Learning 0951-1741 1964 1 1966 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0951-1741 Taylor & Francis Programmed Learning and Educational Technology 0033-0396 1967 4 1983 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-0396 Taylor & Francis Programming and Computer Software 0361-7688 1608-3261 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3261 Springer Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 1557-0541 1557-055X 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-055X Johns Hopkins University Press Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal 1468-4349 1741-5233 2001 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-5233 Inderscience Progress in Development Studies 1464-9934 1477-027X 2005 5 2008 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-027X SAGE Publications Progress in Development Studies 1464-9934 1477-027X 2010 10 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-027X SAGE Publications Progress in Environmental Geography 2753-9687 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-9687 SAGE Publications Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 1477-0288 1999 23 1999 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0288 SAGE Publications Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 1477-0288 2004 28 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0288 SAGE Publications Progress in Human Geography 0309-1325 1477-0288 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0288 SAGE Publications Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal 1476-8917 1478-8764 2004 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-8764 Inderscience Progress in Natural Science 1002-0071 1745-5391 2003 13 2007 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5391 Taylor & Francis Progress in Palliative Care 0969-9260 1743-291X 2003 11 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-291X Taylor & Francis Progress in Palliative Care 0969-9260 1743-291X 2012 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-291X Maney Publishing Progress in Palliative Care 0969-9260 1743-291X 2013 21 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-291X Taylor & Francis Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 1477-0296 2005 29 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0296 SAGE Publications Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 1477-0296 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0296 SAGE Publications Progress in Reaction Kinetics & Mechanism 1468-6783 1471-406X 1997 22 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-406X Science Reviews 2000 Progress in Reaction Kinetics & Mechanism 1468-6783 1471-406X 2012 37 2016 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-406X Science Reviews 2000 Progress in Reaction Kinetics & Mechanism 1468-6783 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16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-9696 Berghahn Journals Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation 0810-9028 1470-1030 1983 1 2017 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1030 Taylor & Francis Promotion & Education 1025-3823 2005 12 2007 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1025-3823 SAGE Publications Prooftexts 0272-9601 1086-3311 1998 18 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3311 Indiana University Press Property Management 0263-7472 1758-731X 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-731X Emerald Group Publishing Prose Studies 1800-1900 0954-4135 1977 1 1979 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-4135 Taylor & Francis Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism 0144-0357 1743-9426 1980 3 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9426 Taylor & Francis Prospects 0033-1538 1573-9090 2013 43 2017 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9090 Springer Prostate Cancer 2090-3111 2090-312X 2011 2011 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-312X Hindawi Prosthetics and Orthotics International 0309-3646 1746-1553 2005 29 2020 44 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1687 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalysis and History 1460-8235 1755-201X 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-201X Edinburgh University Press Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 1088-0763 1543-3390 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-3390 Ohio State University Press Psychoanalysis, Self and Context 2472-0038 2472-0046 2017 12 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-0046 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives 1048-1885 1940-9222 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9222 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals 0735-1690 1940-9133 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9133 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalytic Perspectives 1551-806X 2163-6958 2003 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-6958 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 0266-8734 1474-9734 1985 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-9734 Taylor & Francis Psychoanalytic Social Work 1522-8878 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3087 SAGE Publications Psychology of Women Quarterly 0361-6843 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0361-6843 SAGE Publications Psychometrika 0033-3123 1860-0980 2013 78 2018 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-0980 Springer Psychoneuro - Psychiatrie - Neurologie - Psychotherapie 1611-9991 1439-1813 2003 29 2008 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1813 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 1069-9384 1531-5320 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-5320 Springer Psycho-Oncologie 1778-3798 1778-381X 2013 7 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1778-381X Springer Psychopharmacology 0033-3158 1432-2072 1959 1 2018 235 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2072 Springer psychopraxis. neuropraxis 2197-9707 2197-9715 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2197-9715 Springer Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches 1752-2439 1752-2447 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2447 Taylor & Francis Psychosomatics 0033-3182 1545-7206 1960 1 2010 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-7206 American Psychiatric Association Publishing Psychotherapeut 0935-6185 1432-2080 2016 61 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2080 Springer Psychotherapie Forum 0943-1950 1613-7604 2004 12 2017 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7604 Springer Psychotherapy in Private Practice 0731-7158 1982 1 1999 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-7158 Taylor & Francis Psychotherapy Research 1050-3307 1468-4381 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4381 Taylor & Francis Psychotraumatologie 1439-8931 2002 3 2002 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-8931 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Psycoloquy 1055-0143 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1055-0143 American Psychological Association Psyecology 2171-1976 1989-9386 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1989-9386 Taylor & Francis Public & Access Services Quarterly 1056-4942 1995 1 1999 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-4942 Taylor & Francis Public Administration and Policy 2517-679X 2018 21 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-679X Emerald Group Publishing Public Archaeology 1465-5187 1753-5530 2007 6 2009 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5530 Taylor & Francis Public Archaeology 1465-5187 1753-5530 2010 9 2012 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5530 Maney Publishing Public Archaeology 1465-5187 1753-5530 2013 12 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5530 Taylor & Francis PUBLIC: Art, Culture, Ideas 0845-4450 2048-6928 2012 23 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-6928 Intellect Public Art Dialogue 2150-2552 2150-2560 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-2560 Taylor & Francis Public Choice 0048-5829 1573-7101 2013 154 2018 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7101 Springer Public Culture 0899-2363 1527-8018 1988 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8018 Duke University Press Public Finance Review 1091-1421 1552-7530 2005 33 2008 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7530 SAGE Publications Public Finance Review 1091-1421 1552-7530 2010 38 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7530 SAGE Publications Public Health Action 2220-8372 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-8372 International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Public Health Ethics 1754-9973 1754-9981 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9981 Oxford University Press Public Health Reports 0033-3549 1468-2877 2005 120 2023 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2877 SAGE Publications Public Integrity 1099-9922 1558-0989 2000 2 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0989 Taylor & Francis Public Library Quarterly 0161-6846 1541-1540 1979 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1540 Taylor & Francis Public Management: An International Journal of Research and Theory 1461-667X 1470-1065 1999 1 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1065 Taylor & Francis Public Management Review 1471-9037 1471-9045 2001 3 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-9045 Taylor & Francis Public Money & Management 0954-0962 1467-9302 1988 8 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9302 Taylor & Francis Public Opinion Quarterly 0033-362X 1537-5331 2005 69 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-5331 Oxford University Press Public Organization Review 1566-7170 1573-7098 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7098 Springer Public Performance & Management Review 1530-9576 1557-9271 2001 25 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-9271 Taylor & Francis Public Personnel Management 0091-0260 1945-7421 2005 34 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7421 SAGE Publications Public Personnel Management 0091-0260 2008 37 2015 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0091-0260 SAGE Publications Public Personnel Management 0091-0260 1945-7421 2016 45 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7421 SAGE Publications Public Policy & Aging Report 1055-3037 2053-4892 2008 18 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-4892 Oxford University Press Public Policy and Administration 0952-0767 1749-4192 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-4192 SAGE Publications Public Relations Inquiry 2046-147X 2046-1488 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-1488 SAGE Publications Public Relations Research Annual 1042-1408 1989 1 1991 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1042-1408 Taylor & Francis Public Services Quarterly 1522-8959 1522-9114 2002 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9114 Taylor & Francis Public Understanding of Science 0963-6625 1361-6609 2004 13 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1361-6609 SAGE Publications Public Works Management & Policy 1087-724X 1552-7549 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7549 SAGE Publications Publication of the American Dialect Society 2157-6114 0002-8207 2000 84 2023 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0002-8207 Duke University Press Publications of the American Statistical Association 1522-5437 1888 1 1911 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-5437 Taylor & Francis Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 0004-6264 2053-051X 2008 60 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-051X Oxford University Press Publications of the English Goethe Society 0959-3683 1749-6284 2006 75 2009 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6284 Taylor & Francis Publications of the English Goethe Society 0959-3683 1749-6284 2010 79 2012 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6284 Maney Publishing Publications of the English Goethe Society 0959-3683 1749-6284 2013 82 2023 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6284 Taylor & Francis Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 0034-5318 1663-4926 2010 46 2021 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1663-4926 European Mathematical Society Publishing Research Quarterly 1053-8801 1936-4792 2013 29 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4792 Springer Publius: The Journal of Federalism 0048-5950 1747-7107 2006 36 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-7107 Oxford University Press Publizistik 0033-4006 1862-2569 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2569 Springer Pulmonary Circulation 2045-8932 2045-8940 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-8940 SAGE Publications Pulmonary Medicine 2090-1836 2090-1844 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1844 Hindawi Pulmonary Medicine 2090-1836 2090-1844 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1844 Hindawi Punishment & Society 1462-4745 1741-3095 2004 6 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3095 SAGE Publications Punk & Post Punk 2044-1983 2044-3706 2011 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-3706 Intellect Pure and Applied Analysis 2578-5893 2578-5885 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-5885 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Pure and Applied Geophysics 0033-4553 1420-9136 2013 170 2018 175 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9136 Springer Purinergic Signalling 1573-9538 1573-9546 2004 1 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9546 Springer Pushkin Review 1526-1476 2011 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1526-1476 Slavica Publishers Pushkin Review 1526-1476 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1526-1476 Slavica Publishers Pynchon Notes 0278-1891 2001 23 2003 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0278-1891 Open Library of Humanities Pynchon Notes 0278-1891 2008 30 2009 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0278-1891 Open Library of Humanities QAI Journal for Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety 2666-3848 2666-3856 2019 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-3856 Medknow Publications Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings 2313-6030 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-6030 HBKU Press Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings 2313-6030 2016 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-6030 HBKU Press Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings 2220-251X 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-251X HBKU Press Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings 2220-251X 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-251X HBKU Press Qatar Medical Journal 2227-0426 2012 2012 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2227-0426 HBKU Press QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 2327-1574 2327-1590 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-1590 Michigan State University Press QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 1460-2725 1460-2393 2005 98 2012 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2393 Oxford University Press QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 1460-2725 1460-2393 2014 107 2023 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2393 Oxford University Press QScience Connect 2223-506X 2011 2011 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2223-506X HBKU Press QScience Proceedings 2226-9649 2012 2012 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2226-9649 HBKU Press Quaestiones Disputatae 2150-5756 2374-555X 2014 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-555X Catholic University of America Press Quaestiones Mathematicae 1607-3606 1727-933X 1976 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-933X Taylor & Francis Quaker History 0033-5053 1934-1504 1906 1909 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1504 Friends Historical Association Quaker History 0033-5053 1934-1504 1911 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1504 Friends Historical Association Quaker Studies 1363-013X 2007 12 2022 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1363-013X Liverpool University Press Qualitative Health Research 1049-7323 1552-7557 2004 14 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7557 SAGE Publications Qualitative Inquiry 1077-8004 1552-7565 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7565 SAGE Publications Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 1352-2752 1758-7646 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7646 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research 1468-7941 1741-3109 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3109 SAGE Publications Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 1176-6093 1758-7654 2004 1 2017 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7654 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 1176-6093 1758-7654 2019 16 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7654 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 1755-4179 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1755-4179 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 1746-5648 1746-5656 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5656 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research in Psychology 1478-0887 1478-0895 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0895 Taylor & Francis Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise 1939-8441 1939-845X 2009 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-845X Taylor & Francis Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 2159-676X 2159-6778 2011 3 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-6778 Taylor & Francis Qualitative Research Journal 1443-9883 2006 6 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1443-9883 Emerald Group Publishing Qualitative Research Reports in Communication 1745-9435 1745-9443 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9443 Taylor & Francis Qualitative Social Work 1473-3250 1741-3117 2005 4 2008 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3117 SAGE Publications Qualitative Social Work 1473-3250 1741-3117 2010 9 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3117 SAGE Publications Qualitative Sociology 0162-0436 1573-7837 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7837 Springer Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1575-5460 1662-3592 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1662-3592 Springer Quality & Quantity 0033-5177 1573-7845 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7845 Springer Quality and Safety in Health Care 0963-8172 1470-7934 2005 14 2009 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-7934 BMJ Group Quality and User Experience 2366-0139 2366-0147 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-0147 Springer Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 1757-8361 1757-837X 2013 5 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-837X Wageningen Academic Publishers Quality Assurance: Good Practice, Regulation, and Law 1052-9411 1521-0677 1998 6 2005 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0677 Taylor & Francis Quality Assurance in Education 0968-4883 1758-7662 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7662 Emerald Group Publishing Quality Engineering 0898-2112 1532-4222 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4222 Taylor & Francis Quality in Ageing and Older Adults: Promoting excellence in services through research, policy and practice 1471-7794 2042-8766 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8766 Emerald Group Publishing Quality in Higher Education 1353-8322 1470-1081 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1081 Taylor & Francis Quality Management Journal 1068-6967 2575-6222 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2575-6222 Taylor & Francis Quality of Life Research 0962-9343 1573-2649 1992 1 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2649 Springer Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 1684-3703 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1684-3703 Taylor & Francis Quantitative and Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences 2699-8432 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2699-8432 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Quantitative Finance 1469-7688 1469-7696 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-7696 Taylor & Francis Quantitative Finance Letters 2164-9502 2164-9510 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-9510 Taylor & Francis Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal 1768-6733 2116-7176 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2116-7176 Taylor & Francis Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1570-7156 1573-711X 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-711X Springer Quantum Information Processing 1570-0755 1573-1332 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1332 Springer Quantum Machine Intelligence 2524-4906 2524-4914 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-4914 Springer Quantum Topology 1663-487X 1664-073X 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1664-073X European Mathematical Society Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 1098-3708 1936-4806 1998 1 1998 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4806 Springer Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 1098-3708 1936-4806 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4806 Springer Quarterly Journal of Economics 0033-5533 1531-4650 2008 123 2023 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-4650 Oxford University Press Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 1470-9236 2041-4803 1967 1 2022 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4803 Geological Society of London Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology (0144-8757) 0144-8757 1981 66 1989 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0144-8757 Physiological Society Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology (0370-2901) 0370-2901 1908 1 1938 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0370-2901 Physiological Society Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences 0033-5541 1938 28 1980 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-5541 Physiological Society Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 0033-555X 1948 1 1953 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-555X Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 0033-555X 1958 10 1980 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-555X Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 0033-555X 1954 6 1954 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-555X Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 0033-555X 1955 7 1955 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-555X Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 0033-555X 1956 8 1957 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-555X Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1747-0218 1747-0226 2006 59 2006 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0226 SAGE Publications Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1747-0218 1747-0226 2007 60 2016 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0226 SAGE Publications Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1747-0218 1747-0226 2017 70 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0226 SAGE Publications Quarterly Journal of Speech 0033-5630 1479-5779 1915 1 2023 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5779 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 0370-291X 1845 1 1970 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0370-291X Geological Society of London Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association 1522-5445 1912 13 1921 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-5445 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Review of Film and Video 1050-9208 1543-5326 1989 11 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-5326 Taylor & Francis Quarterly Review of Film Studies 0146-0013 1976 1 1985 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0146-0013 Taylor & Francis Quebec Studies 0737-3759 2052-1731 2008 45 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1731 Liverpool University Press Quebec Studies 0737-3759 2052-1731 2012 Special_Issue 2012 Special_Issue LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-1731 Liverpool University Press Quest 0033-6297 1543-2750 1963 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-2750 Taylor & Francis Queueing Systems 0257-0130 1572-9443 2013 73 2018 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9443 Springer Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2000 12 (2000) 2000 12 (2000) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2001 12-13 (2001) 2001 12-13 (2001) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2003 13-14 (2003) 2003 13-14 (2003) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2004 14-15 (2004) 2004 14-15 (2004) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2005 15 (2005) 2005 15 (2005) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2006 16 (2006) 2007 16 (2007) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2008 17 (2008) 2008 17 (2008) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2009 17-18 (2009) 2009 17-18 (2009) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2010 18-19 (2010) 2010 18-19 (2010) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2011 19-20 (2011) 2011 19-20 (2011) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2012 20-21 (2012) 2012 20-21 (2012) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2013 21-22 (2013) 2013 21-22 (2013) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2014 22-23 (2014) 2014 22-23 (2014) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2015 23-24 (2015) 2015 23-24 (2015) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle 1041-8385 1938-8020 2016 24-25 (2016) 2016 24-25 (2016) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 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Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2009 18 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2010 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2011 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2012 21 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2013 22 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2014 23 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 University of Nebraska Press Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences 1041-8385 1938-8020 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8020 Duke University Press R & D Enterprise: Asia Pacific 1440-1266 1998 1 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1440-1266 Taylor & Francis Race & Class 0306-3968 1741-3125 2003 45 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3125 SAGE Publications Race and Justice 2153-3687 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3687 SAGE Publications Race and Social Problems 1867-1748 1867-1756 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1756 Springer Race Ethnicity and Education 1361-3324 1470-109X 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-109X Taylor & Francis Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts 1935-8644 1935-8652 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-8652 Indiana University Press Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 0301-634X 1432-2099 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2099 Springer Radiation Detection Technology and Methods 2509-9930 2509-9949 2017 1 2019 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-9949 Springer Radiation Effects 0033-7579 1969 1 1989 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0033-7579 Taylor & Francis Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology 1042-0150 1029-4953 1989 108 1994 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-4953 Taylor & Francis Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids: Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology 1042-0150 1029-4953 1994 132 2023 178 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-4953 Taylor & Francis Radiation Oncology 1748-717X 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1748-717X BioMed Central Radiation Oncology 1748-717X 2012 7 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1748-717X Springer Radiation Protection and Environment 0972-0464 2250-0995 2010 33 2022 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-0995 Medknow Publications Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0144-8420 1742-3406 2005 113 2008 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3406 Oxford University Press Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0144-8420 1742-3406 2008 129 2009 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3406 Oxford University Press Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0144-8420 1742-3406 2010 139 2023 206 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-3406 Oxford University Press Radiation Research 0033-7587 1938-5404 2000 153 2017 182 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5404 Radiation Research Society Radical History Review 0163-6545 1534-1453 1975 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1453 Duke University Press Radical Society: Review of Culture and Politics 1476-0851 1476-086X 2002 29 2003 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-086X Taylor & Francis Radical Teacher 0191-4847 1941-0832 2008 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-0832 University of Illinois Press Radical Teacher 0191-4847 1941-0832 2013 96 2021 121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-0832 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Radices 2736-7770 2022 2022 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2736-7770 Ghent University Library Radiochemistry 1066-3622 1608-3288 2013 55 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3288 Springer Radioelectronics and Communications Systems 0735-2727 1934-8061 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8061 Springer RadioGraphics 0271-5333 1527-1323 1981 1 2020 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1323 Radiological Society of North America Radiologic Technology 0033-8397 1943-5657 2005 77 2021 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-5657 American Society of Radiologic Technologists Radiological Physics and Technology 1865-0333 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1865-0333 Springer Radiologie up2date 1616-0681 1617-8300 2010 10 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-8300 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Radiology 0033-8419 1527-1315 1986 158 2020 297 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1315 Radiological Society of North America Radiology Case Reports 1930-0433 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1930-0433 University of Washington Radiology Case Reports 1930-0433 2008 3 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1930-0433 University of Washington Radiology of Infectious Diseases 2352-6211 2352-622X 2021 8 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2352-622X Medknow Publications Radiology Research and Practice 2090-1941 2090-195X 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-195X Hindawi Radiology Research and Practice 2090-1941 2090-195X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-195X Hindawi Radiopraxis 1866-1033 1866-1041 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-1041 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rajagiri Management Journal 0972-9968 2633-0091 2019 13 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-0091 Emerald Group Publishing Rangeland Ecology & Management 1550-7424 1551-5028 2004 57 2017 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-5028 Society for Range Management Rangelands 0190-0528 1551-501X 2004 26 2017 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-501X Society for Range Management Rapa Nui Journal 1040-1385 2576-5469 2015 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-5469 University of Hawai'i Press Rapa Nui Journal 1040-1385 2576-5469 2018 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-5469 University of Hawai'i Press Rapid Prototyping Journal 1355-2546 1758-7670 1995 1 2017 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7670 Emerald Group Publishing Rapid Prototyping Journal 1355-2546 1758-7670 2019 25 2020 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7670 Emerald Group Publishing Rapid Prototyping Journal 1355-2546 1758-7670 2022 28 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7670 Emerald Group Publishing Rare Diseases 2167-5511 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-5511 Taylor & Francis Rare Metals 1001-0521 1867-7185 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-7185 Springer Rare Tumors 2036-3613 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2036-3613 SAGE Publications Rationality and Society 1043-4631 1461-7358 2004 16 2008 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7358 SAGE Publications Rationality and Society 1043-4631 1461-7358 2010 22 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7358 SAGE Publications Raumforschung und Raumordnung 0034-0111 1869-4179 2013 71 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-4179 Springer RAUSP Management Journal 2531-0488 2018 53 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2531-0488 Emerald Group Publishing RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage 1529-6407 2150-668X 2000 1 2015 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-668X Association of College & Research Libraries Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2058-9883 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-9883 Royal Society of Chemistry Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 1878-5190 1878-5204 2013 108 2018 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5204 Springer Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 1878-5190 1878-5204 2019 128 2019 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5204 Springer Reactions Weekly 1179-2051 2019 1744 2019 1744 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2051 Springer Reactions Weekly 1179-2051 2019 1781 2019 1781 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-2051 Springer Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties 1057-3569 1521-0693 1992 8 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0693 Taylor & Francis Reading and Writing 0922-4777 1573-0905 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0905 Springer Reading Psychology 0270-2711 1521-0685 1979 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0685 Taylor & Francis Reading Research and Instruction 0886-0246 1986 25 2007 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0886-0246 Taylor & Francis Reading World 0149-0117 1971 11 1985 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0149-0117 Taylor & Francis Real-Time Systems 0922-6443 1573-1383 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1383 Springer Recent Progress in Hormone Research 0079-9963 2004 59 2004 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0079-9963 Endocrine Society Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 2168-0604 2155-7888 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-7888 Penn State University Press Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 2168-0604 2155-7888 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2155-7888 Penn State University Press Recherche et Applications en Marketing 0767-3701 2051-2821 2004 19 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-2821 SAGE Publications Recherche et Applications en Marketing 0767-3701 2051-2821 2010 25 2015 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-2821 SAGE Publications Recherche et Applications en Marketing 0767-3701 2051-2821 2017 32 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-2821 SAGE Publications Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 2051-5707 2007 22 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-5707 SAGE Publications Rechtsmedizin 0937-9819 1434-5196 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-5196 Springer Records Management Journal 0956-5698 1758-7689 1989 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7689 Emerald Group Publishing Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health 2474-1825 2474-1833 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-1833 Indiana University Press Recreational Sports Journal 1558-8661 1558-867X 2005 29 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-867X SAGE Publications Red Book Online 1080-0131 1544-9300 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-9300 American Academy of Pediatrics Red Cedar Review 0034-1967 1554-6721 2003 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6721 Michigan State University Press Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory 2308-0914 2000 4 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-0914 Helsinki University Press Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory 2308-0914 2013 17 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-0914 Helsinki University Press Redox Report 1351-0002 1743-2928 1999 4 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2928 Taylor & Francis Redox Report 1351-0002 1743-2928 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2928 Maney Publishing Redox Report 1351-0002 1743-2928 2013 18 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2928 Taylor & Francis Reference Reviews 0950-4125 1758-7697 1997 11 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7697 Emerald Group Publishing Reference Services Review 0090-7324 1973 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0090-7324 Emerald Group Publishing Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives 1462-3943 1470-1103 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1103 Taylor & Francis Reformation 1357-4175 1752-0738 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-0738 Taylor & Francis Reformation & Renaissance Review 1462-2459 1743-1727 1999 1 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1727 Taylor & Francis Refugee Survey Quarterly 1020-4067 1471-695X 2005 24 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-695X Oxford University Press Refugee Survey Quarterly 1020-4067 1471-695X 2008 27 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-695X Oxford University Press Regenerative Biomaterials 2056-3418 2056-3426 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3426 Oxford University Press Regenerative Medicine 1746-0751 1746-076X 2007 2 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-076X Future Medicine Regenerative Medicine Research 2050-490X 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2050-490X Springer Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia 2166-4307 2165-0659 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0659 Slavica Publishers Regional & Federal Studies 1359-7566 1743-9434 1995 5 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9434 Taylor & Francis Regional Environmental Change 1436-3798 1436-378X 2013 13 2018 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-378X Springer Regional Insights 2042-9843 2042-9851 2010 1 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-9851 Taylor & Francis Regional Politics and Policy 0959-230X 1991 1 1994 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0959-230X Taylor & Francis Regional Studies 0034-3404 1360-0591 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-0591 Taylor & Francis Regional Studies, Regional Science 2168-1376 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-1376 Taylor & Francis Regions & Cohesion 2152-906X 2152-9078 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-9078 Berghahn Journals Regions Magazine 1367-3882 2007 265 2017 308 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1367-3882 Taylor & Francis Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 0023-0243 2161-0355 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-0355 Kentucky Historical Society Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 1560-3547 1468-4845 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4845 Springer Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 0034-3552 1538-4853 2003 47 2008 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4853 SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 0034-3552 1538-4853 2009 53 2022 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4853 SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Die 0034-3536 1439-1309 2010 49 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1309 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rehabilitation Process and Outcome 1179-5727 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5727 SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Process and Outcome 1179-5727 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5727 SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Process and Outcome 1179-5727 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5727 Libertas Academica Rehabilitation Process and Outcome 1179-5727 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5727 Libertas Academica Rehabilitation Process and Outcome 1179-5727 2015 4 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-5727 SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2090-2867 2090-2875 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2875 Hindawi Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2090-2867 2090-2875 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-2875 Hindawi Relaties en Nieuwe Gezinnen 2034-6905 2011 2011 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2034-6905 Ghent University Library Relaties en Nieuwe Gezinnen 2034-6905 2018 2018 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2034-6905 Ghent University Library Relaties en Nieuwe Gezinnen 2034-6905 2020 2020 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2034-6905 Ghent University Library Relaties en Nieuwe Gezinnen 2034-6905 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2034-6905 Ghent University Library RELC Journal 0033-6882 1745-526X 2004 35 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-526X SAGE Publications RELC Journal 0033-6882 1745-526X 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-526X SAGE Publications RELIEF 1873-5045 2007 1 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-5045 Utrecht University Library Religion 0048-721X 1096-1151 1971 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-1151 Taylor & Francis Religion & Education 1550-7394 1949-8381 1995 22 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-8381 Taylor & Francis Religion & Literature 0888-3769 2328-6911 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-6911 University of Notre Dame Religion & Public Education 1056-7224 1984 11 1994 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1056-7224 Taylor & Francis Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 1052-1151 1533-8568 2001 11 2016 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8568 University of California Press Religion and Gender 2589-8051 1878-5417 2011 1 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5417 Utrecht University Library Religion and Society: Advances in Research 2150-9298 2150-9301 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-9301 Berghahn Journals Religion, Brain & Behavior 2153-599X 2153-5981 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-5981 Taylor & Francis Religion in Communist Lands 0307-5974 1973 1 1991 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0307-5974 Taylor & Francis Religion in Education 1941-7268 1934 1 1961 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-7268 Taylor & Francis Religion, State and Society 0963-7494 1465-3974 1992 20 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3974 Taylor & Francis Religion Today 0267-1700 1984 1 1994 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0267-1700 Taylor & Francis Religions: A Scholarly Journal 2218-7480 2012 2012 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2218-7480 HBKU Press Religions: A Scholarly Journal 2218-7480 2014 2014 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2218-7480 HBKU Press Religious Education: The official journal of the Religious Education Association 0034-4087 1547-3201 1906 1 2023 118 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3201 Taylor & Francis Remedial and Special Education 0741-9325 1538-4756 2005 26 2007 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4756 SAGE Publications Remedial and Special Education 0741-9325 1538-4756 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4756 SAGE Publications Remote Sensing Letters 2150-704X 2150-7058 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-7058 Taylor & Francis Remote Sensing Reviews 0275-7257 1983 1 2001 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0275-7257 Taylor & Francis Renaissance and Modern Studies 0486-3720 1957 1 1999 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0486-3720 Taylor & Francis Renaissance Drama 0486-3739 2010 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0486-3739 Northwestern University Press Renaissance Quarterly 0034-4338 1935-0236 2005 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0236 Renaissance Society of America Renal Failure 0886-022X 1525-6049 1987 10 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-6049 Taylor & Francis Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 0009-725X 1973-4409 2013 62 2019 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1973-4409 Springer Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 0041-8994 2240-2926 2010 123 2021 145 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2240-2926 European Mathematical Society Rendiconti Lincei 2037-4631 1720-0776 2013 24 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1720-0776 Springer Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni 1120-6330 1720-0768 2010 21 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1720-0768 European Mathematical Society Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar 2198-994X 2016 3 2018 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-994X Springer Report on the Americas 1058-5397 1991 25 1993 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1058-5397 Taylor & Francis Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases 0080-1364 1756-1000 2010 127 2023 141 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-1000 Oxford University Press Representation 0034-4893 1749-4001 1960 1 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-4001 Taylor & Francis Representations 0734-6018 1533-855X 2001 73 2023 164 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-855X University of California Press Reproduction 1470-1626 1741-7899 1960 1 1965 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7899 Bioscientifica Reproduction 1470-1626 1741-7899 1965 10 2017 154 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7899 BioScientifica Reproduction 1470-1626 1741-7899 2018 155 2022 164 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-7899 Bioscientifica Reproductive and Developmental Medicine 2096-2924 2589-8728 2017 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8728 Medknow Publications Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 1477-7827 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7827 BioMed Central Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 1477-7827 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7827 Springer Reproductive Biology Insights 1178-6426 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6426 Libertas Academica Reproductive Biology Insights 1178-6426 2013 6 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6426 Libertas Academica Reproductive Health 1742-4755 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4755 BioMed Central Reproductive Health 1742-4755 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4755 Springer Reproductive Health Matters 0968-8080 1460-9576 1993 1 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-9576 Taylor & Francis Reproductive Medicine and Biology 1445-5781 1447-0578 2013 12 2016 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1447-0578 Springer Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 1933-7205 2005 12 2005 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7205 SAGE Publications Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 1933-7205 2008 15 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7205 SAGE Publications Reproductive Sciences 1933-7191 1933-7205 2010 17 2019 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7205 SAGE Publications Republican China 0893-2344 1994 20 1997 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0893-2344 Taylor & Francis Requirements Engineering 0947-3602 1432-010X 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-010X Springer Res Publica 0486-4700 2010 2010 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0486-4700 Ghent University Library Res Publica 0486-4700 2014 2014 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0486-4700 Ghent University Library Res Publica 0486-4700 2021 2021 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0486-4700 Ghent University Library Res Publica 1356-4765 1572-8692 2013 19 2013 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8692 Springer Res Publica 1356-4765 1572-8692 2014 20 2014 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8692 Springer Res Publica 1356-4765 1572-8692 2015 21 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8692 Springer Research & Politics 2053-1680 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-1680 SAGE Publications Research and Opinion in Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2356-9115 2356-9123 2015 2 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-9123 Medknow Publications Research and Policy on Turkey 2376-0818 2376-0826 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-0826 Taylor & Francis Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 1540-7969 2169-2408 2004 29 2004 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2408 SAGE Publications Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 1540-7969 2169-2408 2010 35 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2408 SAGE Publications Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2329-7018 2329-7026 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-7026 Taylor & Francis Research Ethics 1747-0161 2047-6094 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-6094 SAGE Publications Research Evaluation 0958-2029 1471-5449 2008 17 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-5449 Oxford University Press Research Ideas and Outcomes 2367-7163 2015 2015 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-7163 Pensoft Publishers Research in African Literatures 0034-5210 1527-2044 1999 30 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2044 Indiana University Press Research in Cardiovascular Medicine 2251-9572 2251-9580 2012 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2251-9580 Medknow Publications Research in Comparative and International Education 1745-4999 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-4999 SAGE Publications Research in Dance Education 1464-7893 1470-1111 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1111 Taylor & Francis Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 1356-9783 1470-112X 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-112X Taylor & Francis Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2004 71 2005 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 SAGE Publications Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2006 75 2006 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 Manchester University Press Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2006 75 2006 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 SAGE Publications Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2006 76 2006 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 SAGE Publications Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2006 76 2006 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 Manchester University Press Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2007 77 2007 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 Manchester University Press Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2007 77 2007 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 SAGE Publications Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2007 78 2007 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 Manchester University Press Research in Education 0034-5237 2050-4608 2007 78 2023 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4608 SAGE Publications Research in Engineering Design 0934-9839 1435-6066 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-6066 Springer Research in Higher Education 0361-0365 1573-188X 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-188X Springer Research in Hospitality Management 2224-3534 2415-5152 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2415-5152 Taylor & Francis Research in Human Development 1542-7609 1542-7617 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7617 Taylor & Francis Research in Learning Technology: The Journal of the Association for Learning Technology 2156-7069 2156-7077 1993 1 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7077 Co-Action Publishing Research in Learning Technology: The Journal of the Association for Learning Technology 2156-7069 2156-7077 2011 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7077 Taylor & Francis Research in Learning Technology: The Journal of the Association for Learning Technology 2156-7069 2156-7077 2012 20 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7077 Co-Action Publishing Research in Learning Technology: The Journal of the Association for Learning Technology 2156-7069 2156-7077 2015 23 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7077 Co-Action Publishing Research in Mathematics 2768-4830 2022 9 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2768-4830 Taylor & Francis Research in Mathematics Education 1479-4802 1754-0178 2001 3 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0178 Taylor & Francis Research in Middle Level Education 1082-5541 1990 15 1994 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1082-5541 Taylor & Francis Research in Middle Level Education Annual 1542-0612 2000 23 2002 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1542-0612 Taylor & Francis Research in Middle Level Education Quarterly 1084-8959 1995 19 1999 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1084-8959 Taylor & Francis Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 0934-9847 1432-2110 1989 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2110 Taylor & Francis Research in Outdoor Education 2375-5830 2375-6381 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-6381 Cornell University Press Research in Outdoor Education 2375-5830 2375-6381 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-6381 Cornell University Press Research in Outdoor Education 2375-5830 2375-6381 2014 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-6381 Cornell University Press Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1735-5362 1735-9414 2016 11 2021 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1735-9414 Medknow Publications Research in Post-Compulsory Education 1359-6748 1747-5112 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5112 Taylor & Francis Research in Science & Technological Education 0263-5143 1470-1138 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1138 Taylor & Francis Research in Science Education 0157-244X 1573-1898 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1898 Springer Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 1543-8627 1543-8635 2003 11 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-8635 Taylor & Francis Research Integrity and Peer Review 2058-8615 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2058-8615 Springer Research Intelligence 0307-9023 1975 1 1977 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0307-9023 Taylor & Francis Research Involvement and Engagement 2056-7529 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-7529 Springer Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 1560-6074 2000 4 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1560-6074 Emerald Group Publishing Research Letters in Ecology 1687-6768 1687-6776 2007 2007 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-6776 Hindawi Research Management 0034-5334 1958 1 1987 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0034-5334 Taylor & Francis Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences 2632-0843 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-0843 SAGE Publications Research on Aging 0164-0275 1552-7573 2004 26 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7573 SAGE Publications Research on Aging 0164-0275 1552-7573 2010 32 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7573 SAGE Publications Research on Chemical Intermediates 0922-6168 1568-5675 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5675 Springer Research on Language & Computation 1570-7075 1572-8706 2003 1 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8706 Springer Research on Language & Social Interaction 0835-1813 1532-7973 1987 20 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7973 Taylor & Francis Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 1552-7581 2004 14 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7581 SAGE Publications Research on Social Work Practice 1049-7315 1552-7581 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7581 SAGE Publications Research Papers in Education 0267-1522 1470-1146 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1146 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1067-1315 1974 45 1978 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1067-1315 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 0034-5377 1979 50 1979 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0034-5377 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly. American Association for Health and Physical Education 2326-7429 2326-7410 1938 9 1938 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7410 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly. American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1067-1188 1939 10 1973 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1067-1188 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly. American Physical Education Association 2326-7402 2326-7399 1930 1 1937 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-7399 Taylor & Francis Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 0270-1367 2168-3824 1980 51 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-3824 Taylor & Francis Research results in Pharmacology 2588-0535 2015 2015 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2588-0535 Pensoft Publishers Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 1834-5530 2004 22 2004 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-5530 SAGE Publications Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 1834-5530 2005 24 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-5530 SAGE Publications Research Studies in Music Education 1321-103X 1834-5530 2010 32 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1834-5530 SAGE Publications Research-Technology Management 0895-6308 1930-0166 1988 31 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-0166 Taylor & Francis Residential Group Care & Treatment 0731-7123 1982 1 1986 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0731-7123 Taylor & Francis Residential Treatment For Children & Youth 0886-571X 1541-0358 1986 4 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0358 Taylor & Francis Resilience 2169-3293 2169-3307 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-3307 Taylor & Francis Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 2330-8117 2013 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-8117 University of Nebraska Press Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 2330-8117 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-8117 University of Nebraska Press Resonance 0971-8044 0973-712X 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-712X Springer Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture 2688-867X 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-867X University of California Press Resource Sharing & Information Networks 0737-7797 1541-1125 1983 1 2009 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1125 Taylor & Francis Resource Sharing & Library Networks 0270-3173 1981 1 1983 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0270-3173 Taylor & Francis Resources for American Literary Study 0048-7384 1529-1502 1999 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1502 Penn State University Press Resources for American Literary Study 0048-7384 1529-1502 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1502 Penn State University Press Resources for American Literary Study 0048-7384 1529-1502 2014 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1502 Penn State University Press Resources for American Literary Study 0048-7384 1529-1502 2017 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1502 Penn State University Press Resources for American Literary Study 0048-7384 1529-1502 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1502 Penn State University Press Respiratory Care 0020-1324 1943-3654 2003 48 2022 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3654 American Association for Respiratory Care Respiratory Research 1465-9921 1465-993X 2009 10 2009 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-993X Springer Respiratory Research 1465-9921 1465-993X 2014 15 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-993X Springer Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research 0034-5822 2769-2221 2015 30 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2769-2221 Penn State University Press Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2008 32 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2009 33 2009 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2010 34 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2011 35 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2012 36 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2013 37 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2014 38 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2015 39 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Tennessee Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 1941-952X 0162-9905 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0162-9905 University of Maryland Restorative Justice 2050-4721 2050-473X 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-473X Taylor & Francis Results in Mathematics 1422-6383 1420-9012 2013 63 2018 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1420-9012 Springer Rethinking Ecology 2534-9260 2016 2016 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2534-9260 Pensoft Publishers Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice 1364-2529 1470-1154 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1154 Taylor & Francis Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society 0893-5696 1475-8059 1988 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-8059 Taylor & Francis Retrovirology 1742-4690 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4690 BioMed Central Retrovirology 1742-4690 2012 9 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4690 Springer Retrovirology: Research and Treatment 1178-1238 2012 4 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-1238 Libertas Academica retten! 2193-2387 2193-2395 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-2395 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Reuse/Recycle Newsletter 0048-7457 1531-197X 2004 34 2004 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-197X SAGE Publications Review & Expositor 0034-6373 2052-9449 2004 101 2023 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-9449 SAGE Publications Review for Religious: New Series 0034-639X 2767-8547 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2767-8547 Catholic University of America Press Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 0890-5762 1743-0666 1968 1 1968 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0666 Taylor & Francis Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 0890-5762 1743-0666 1970 3 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0666 Taylor & Francis Review of Accounting and Finance 1475-7702 1758-7700 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7700 Emerald Group Publishing Review of Accounting Studies 1380-6653 1573-7136 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7136 Springer Review of African Political Economy 0305-6244 1740-1720 1974 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-1720 Taylor & Francis Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2045-9920 2045-9939 2016 6 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-9939 Oxford University Press Review of Behavioral Finance 1940-5979 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1940-5979 Emerald Group Publishing Review of Communication 1535-8593 2003 3 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-8593 Taylor & Francis Review of Corporate Finance Studies 2046-9128 2046-9136 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-9136 Oxford University Press Review of Derivatives Research 1380-6645 1573-7144 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7144 Springer Review of Development and Change 0972-2661 2632-055X 2005 10 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-055X SAGE Publications Review of Economic Design 1434-4742 1434-4750 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-4750 Springer Review of Economics and Political Science 2631-3561 2356-9980 2018 3 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-9980 Emerald Group Publishing Review of Economics of the Household 1569-5239 1573-7152 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7152 Springer Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 1071-4413 1556-3022 1994 16 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3022 Taylor & Francis Review of Educational Research 0034-6543 1935-1046 2004 74 2023 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1046 SAGE Publications Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816 1750-6824 2007 1 2009 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6824 Oxford University Press Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816 1750-6824 2011 5 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6824 Oxford University Press Review of European Studies 1918-7173 1918-7181 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-7181 Canadian Center of Science and Education Review of Finance 1572-3097 1573-692X 2008 12 2009 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-692X Oxford University Press Review of Finance 1572-3097 1573-692X 2011 15 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-692X Oxford University Press Review of General Psychology 1089-2680 1939-1552 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-1552 SAGE Publications Review of Industrial Organization 0889-938X 1573-7160 2013 42 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7160 Springer Review of International Business and Strategy 2059-6014 2016 26 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2059-6014 Emerald Group Publishing Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 1466-4526 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4526 Taylor & Francis Review of Japanese Culture and Society 0913-4700 2012 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0913-4700 University of Hawai'i Press Review of Law & Economics 1555-5879 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-5879 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Managerial Science 1863-6683 1863-6691 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-6691 Springer Review of Market Integration 0974-9292 0975-4709 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-4709 SAGE Publications Review of Marketing Science 1546-5616 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-5616 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Metaphysics 0034-6632 2154-1302 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-1302 Philosophy Education Society Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Taylor & Francis Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2003 1 2003 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2004 2 2004 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Taylor & Francis Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2005 3 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Taylor & Francis Review of Middle East Economics and Finance 1475-3685 1475-3693 2005 3 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3693 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Network Economics 1446-9022 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1446-9022 Berkeley Electronic Press Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1878-5158 1878-5166 2013 4 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-5166 Springer Review of Political Economy 0953-8259 1465-3982 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3982 Taylor & Francis Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734-371X 1552-759X 2004 24 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-759X SAGE Publications Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 0924-865X 1573-7179 2013 40 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7179 Springer Review of Radical Political Economics 0486-6134 1552-8502 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8502 SAGE Publications Review of Research in Education 0091-732X 1935-1038 2004 28 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1038 SAGE Publications Review of Social Economy 0034-6764 1470-1162 1942 1 2023 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1162 Taylor & Francis Review of World Economics 1610-2878 1610-2886 2013 149 2018 154 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1610-2886 Springer Reviews in American History 0048-7511 1080-6628 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6628 Johns Hopkins University Press Reviews in Anthropology 0093-8157 1556-3014 1974 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3014 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders 1389-9155 1573-2606 2000 1 2017 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2606 Springer Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 1569-1705 1572-9826 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9826 Springer Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 0960-3166 1573-5184 1991 1 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5184 Springer Reviews in Fisheries Science 1064-1262 1547-6553 1993 1 1994 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6553 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Fisheries Science 1064-1262 1547-6553 2002 10 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6553 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Fisheries Science 1064-1262 1547-6553 1995 3 1995 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6553 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Fisheries Science 1064-1262 1547-6553 1996 4 2001 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-6553 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Fisheries Science 2330-8249 2330-8257 2014 22 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-8257 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Fisheries Science 2330-8249 2330-8257 2023 31 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-8257 Taylor & Francis Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 1529-6466 2015 80 2022 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1529-6466 Mineralogical Society of America Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics 1557-234X 2005 1 2015 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1557-234X SAGE Publications Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics 2367-3192 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-3192 Springer Reviews of Reproduction 1359-6004 1996 1 2000 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1359-6004 BioScientifica Revista Argentina de Radiología 0048-7619 1852-9992 2019 83 2021 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1852-9992 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia 0100-7203 1806-9339 2016 38 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1806-9339 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia 0102-3616 1982-4378 2019 54 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1982-4378 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología 0716-4548 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0716-4548 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades / Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies 2637-9961 2637-997X 2021 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-997X Michigan State University Press Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 0034-818X 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0034-818X Washington University in St. Louis Revista de Gestão 1809-2276 2177-8736 2018 25 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2177-8736 Emerald Group Publishing Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales - Serie A - Matemáticas 1578-7303 1579-1505 2013 107 2018 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-1505 Springer Revista Fisioterapia Invasiva 2386-4591 2019 2 2020 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2386-4591 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Hispánica Moderna 0034-9593 1944-6446 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6446 University of Pennsylvania Press Revista Iberoamericana 0034-9631 2154-4794 1939 I 2022 LXXXVIII LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-4794 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Revista Iberoamericana 0034-9631 2154-4794 2023 89 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-4794 Liverpool University Press Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la Mano 1698-8396 1698-840X 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1698-840X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Internacional de Educación Musical 2307-4841 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2307-4841 SAGE Publications Revista Matemática Complutense 1139-1138 1988-2807 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1988-2807 Springer Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 0213-2230 2235-0616 2010 26 2021 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2235-0616 European Mathematical Society Revista Surco Sur 2157-5223 2157-5231 2011 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-5231 University of South Florida Revista Urología Colombiana 0120-789X 2027-0119 2018 27 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2027-0119 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revolutionary Russia 0954-6545 1743-7873 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-7873 Taylor & Francis Revue A T E E Journal 0379-606X 1978 1 1981 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0379-606X Taylor & Francis Revue de médecine périnatale 1965-0833 1965-0841 2013 5 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1965-0841 Springer Revue de Synthèse 0035-1776 1955-2343 2013 134 2016 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1955-2343 Springer Revue Européenne de Génie Civil 1774-7120 2005 9 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1774-7120 Taylor & Francis Revue Européenne des Éléments 1250-6559 2000 9 2005 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1250-6559 Taylor & Francis Revue Française de Génie Civil 1279-5119 1997 1 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1279-5119 Taylor & Francis Rheologica Acta 0035-4511 1435-1528 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1528 Springer Rhetoric & Public Affairs 1094-8392 1534-5238 1998 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5238 Michigan State University Press Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 2573-5055 2573-5063 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-5063 University Press of Florida Rhetoric, Politics & Culture 2693-7522 2693-7549 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2693-7549 Michigan State University Press Rhetoric Review 0735-0198 1532-7981 1982 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7981 Taylor & Francis Rhetoric Society Newsletter 1935-6684 1968 1 1975 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1935-6684 Taylor & Francis Rhetoric Society Quarterly 0277-3945 1930-322X 1976 6 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-322X Taylor & Francis Rhetorica 0734-8584 1533-8541 1997 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8541 Johns Hopkins University Press Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric 0734-8584 1533-8541 1983 1 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8541 University of California Press Rheumatology 1462-0324 1462-0332 2005 44 2005 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1462-0332 Oxford University Press Rheumatology 1462-0324 1462-0332 2008 47 2008 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1462-0332 Oxford University Press Rheumatology 1462-0324 1462-0332 2010 49 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1462-0332 Oxford University Press Rheumatology International 0172-8172 1437-160X 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-160X Springer Rheumatology Practice and Research 2059-9021 2017 2 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-9021 SAGE Publications Rhodora 0035-4902 1938-3401 2005 107 2017 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3401 New England Botanical Club Ribagua 2386-3781 2529-8968 2014 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2529-8968 Taylor & Francis Rice 1939-8425 1939-8433 2008 1 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8433 Springer Ricoeur Studies 2156-7808 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7808 University of Pittsburgh University Library System RICSH: Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas 2395-7972 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-7972 Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente RIDE: Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo 2007-7467 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2007-7467 Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente Ringing & Migration 0307-8698 2159-8355 1975 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-8355 Taylor & Francis Risk, Decision and Policy 1357-5309 2003 8 2004 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1357-5309 Taylor & Francis Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 1944-4079 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4079 Berkeley Electronic Press River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative 1544-1849 1548-3339 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3339 Ashland University Rivista di Neuroradiologia 1120-9976 2005 18 2006 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1120-9976 SAGE Publications RLG DigiNews 1093-5371 1997 1 2007 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1093-5371 Research Libraries Group RMD Open 2056-5933 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5933 BMJ Group RMLE Online 1940-4476 2003 26 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-4476 Taylor & Francis RMS: Research in Mathematics & Statistics 2765-8449 2021 8 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2765-8449 Taylor & Francis RNA 1355-8382 1469-9001 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press RNA Biology 1547-6286 1555-8584 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-8584 Taylor & Francis Road Materials and Pavement Design 1468-0629 2164-7402 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-7402 Taylor & Francis Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 0723-2632 1434-453X 2008 41 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-453X Springer Rock Music Studies 1940-1159 1940-1167 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1167 Taylor & Francis Rocks & Minerals 0035-7529 1940-1191 1930 5 1931 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1191 Taylor & Francis Rocks & Minerals 0035-7529 1940-1191 1936 11 1936 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1191 Taylor & Francis Rocks & Minerals 0035-7529 1940-1191 1940 15 1941 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1191 Taylor & Francis Rocks & Minerals 0035-7529 1940-1191 1950 25 2023 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1191 Taylor & Francis Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2010 52 2010 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2011 53 2011 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2013 55 2013 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2014 56 2014 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2015 57 2015 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2016 58 2016 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2017 59 2017 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2018 60 2018 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance 2019 61 2019 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Rocky+Mountain+Conference+on+Magnetic+Resonance&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver Rocky Mountain Geology 1555-7340 1555-7332 2000 35 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-7332 Rocky Mountain Geology Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 1948-2825 1948-2833 1966 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-2833 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 1948-2825 1948-2833 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-2833 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Roeper Review 0278-3193 1940-865X 1978 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-865X Taylor & Francis RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 1438-9029 1438-9010 2010 182 2023 195 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9010 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Romance eReview 2374-7897 1989 1 1991 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-7897 Boston College Libraries Romance eReview 2374-7897 1993 3 2007 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-7897 Boston College Libraries Romance eReview 2374-7897 2009 19 2017 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-7897 Boston College Libraries Romance Notes 0035-7995 2165-7599 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-7599 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Romance Notes 0035-7995 2165-7599 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-7599 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Romance Quarterly 0883-1157 1940-3216 1986 33 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3216 Taylor & Francis Romance Studies 0263-9904 1745-8153 2000 18 2009 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8153 Taylor & Francis Romance Studies 0263-9904 1745-8153 2010 28 2012 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8153 Maney Publishing Romance Studies 0263-9904 1745-8153 2013 31 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8153 Taylor & Francis Romani Studies 1528-0748 1757-2274 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-2274 Liverpool University Press Romanic Review 0035-8118 2688-5220 2000 91 2023 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-5220 Duke University Press Romanticism 1354-991X 1750-0192 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0192 Edinburgh University Press Romanticism Past and Present 0733-6519 1981 5 1986 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0733-6519 Taylor & Francis Rorschach Research Exchange 0893-4037 1936 1 1946 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0893-4037 Taylor & Francis Rorschach Research Exchange and Journal of Projective Techniques 1068-3402 1947 11 1949 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1068-3402 Taylor & Francis Roundtable Reports 0739-4365 1973 1973 1973 1973 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-4365 Taylor & Francis Roundtable Reports 0739-4365 1975 1975 1975 1975 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-4365 Taylor & Francis Roundtable Reports 0739-4365 1976 1 1984 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-4365 Taylor & Francis Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2161-7163 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-7163 Taylor & Francis Royal Australian Planning Institute Journal 0004-9999 1958 1 1981 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0004-9999 Taylor & Francis Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 1472-3808 2167-4027 1961 1 2019 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4027 Taylor & Francis Royal Society Open Science 2054-5703 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2054-5703 Royal Society Publishing Royal United Services Institution. Journal 0035-9289 1857 1 1971 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0035-9289 Taylor & Francis RSC Advances 2046-2069 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-2069 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Applied Polymers 2755-371X 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-371X Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Chemical Biology 2633-0679 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-0679 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Medicinal Chemistry 2632-8682 2020 11 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-8682 Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Sustainability 2753-8125 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-8125 Royal Society of Chemistry RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 2377-8253 2377-8261 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-8261 Russell Sage Foundation Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History 2002-0104 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-0104 Stockholm University Press Rural Society 1037-1656 2204-0536 1991 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-0536 Taylor & Francis Rural Special Education Quarterly 8756-8705 2168-8605 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-8605 SAGE Publications Rural Theology 1470-4994 2042-1273 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1273 Taylor & Francis Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 0036-0163 1913-8032 1971 1976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-8032 Johns Hopkins University Press Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 0036-0163 1913-8032 1979 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1913-8032 Johns Hopkins University Press Russian Aeronautics (Iz VUZ) 1068-7998 1934-7901 2013 56 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7901 Springer Russian Agricultural Sciences 1068-3674 1934-8037 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8037 Springer Russian Chemical Reviews 0036-021X 1468-4837 1999 68 2004 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-4837 Royal Society of Chemistry Russian Education & Society 1060-9393 1558-0423 1992 34 2019 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0423 Taylor & Francis Russian Electrical Engineering 1068-3712 1934-8010 2013 84 2018 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8010 Springer Russian Engineering Research 1068-798X 1934-8088 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8088 Springer Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 1070-4272 1608-3296 2013 86 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3296 Springer Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 2075-1117 2075-1125 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2075-1125 Springer Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 1068-1620 1608-330X 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-330X Springer Russian Journal of Communication 1940-9419 1940-9427 2008 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9427 Taylor & Francis Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 1070-3284 1608-3318 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3318 Springer Russian Journal of Developmental Biology 1062-3604 1608-3326 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3326 Springer Russian Journal of Ecology 1067-4136 1608-3334 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3334 Springer Russian Journal of Economics 2618-7213 2405-4739 2015 2015 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2405-4739 Pensoft Publishers Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 1023-1935 1608-3342 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3342 Springer Russian Journal of General Chemistry 1070-3632 1608-3350 2013 83 2018 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3350 Springer Russian Journal of Genetics 1022-7954 1608-3369 2013 49 2019 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3369 Springer Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 0036-0236 1531-8613 2013 58 2018 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-8613 Springer Russian Journal of Marine Biology 1063-0740 1608-3377 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3377 Springer Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1061-9208 1555-6638 2013 20 2018 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6638 Springer Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 1061-8309 1608-3385 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3385 Springer Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals 1067-8212 1934-970X 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-970X Springer Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 1070-4280 1608-3393 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3393 Springer Russian Journal of Pacific Geology 1819-7140 1819-7159 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1819-7159 Springer Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry 0036-0244 1531-863X 2013 87 2018 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-863X Springer Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Focus on Physics 1990-7931 1990-7923 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1990-7923 Springer Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 1021-4437 1608-3407 2013 60 2019 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3407 Springer Russian Linguistics 0304-3487 1572-8714 2013 37 2019 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8714 Springer Russian Mathematics (Iz VUZ) 1066-369X 1934-810X 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-810X Springer Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 0036-0295 2013 2013 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0036-0295 Springer Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 1068-3739 1934-8096 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8096 Springer Russian Microelectronics 1063-7397 1608-3415 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3415 Springer Russian Politics & Law 1061-1940 1558-0962 1992 31 2017 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0962 Taylor & Francis Russian Social Science Review 1061-1428 1557-7848 1992 33 2022 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-7848 Taylor & Francis Russian Studies in History 1061-1983 1558-0881 1992 31 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0881 Taylor & Francis Russian Studies in Literature 1061-1975 1944-7167 1992 28 2020 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-7167 Taylor & Francis Russian Studies in Philosophy 1061-1967 1558-0431 1992 31 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0431 Taylor & Francis SAA - Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association 2673-5377 2015 20 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2673-5377 Universität Bern Sadhana 0256-2499 0973-7677 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-7677 Springer SAE International Journal of Aerospace 1946-3855 1946-3901 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3901 SAE International SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains 2167-4191 2167-4205 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4205 SAE International SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 1946-391X 1946-3928 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3928 SAE International SAE International Journal of Engines 1946-3936 1946-3944 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3944 SAE International SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 1946-3952 1946-3960 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3960 SAE International SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 1946-3979 1946-3987 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-3987 SAE International SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems 1946-4614 1946-4622 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-4622 SAE International SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems 1946-3995 1946-4002 2009 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-4002 SAE International SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety 2327-5626 2327-5634 2014 2 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-5634 SAE International Safer Communities: A journal of practice, opinion, policy and research 1757-8043 2042-8774 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8774 Emerald Group Publishing Safety and Reliability 0961-7353 2469-4126 1980 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2469-4126 Taylor & Francis Safety in Health 2056-5917 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-5917 Springer Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal 2749-4802 2021 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2749-4802 Copernicus Publications Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies 1753-3171 1543-1304 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-1304 Taylor & Francis Sage Open 2158-2440 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-2440 SAGE Publications SAGE Open Medical Case Reports 2050-313X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-313X SAGE Publications SAGE Open Medicine 2050-3121 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-3121 SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing 2377-9608 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9608 SAGE Publications SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 1729-0376 1813-4424 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1813-4424 Taylor & Francis Sahel Medical Journal 1118-8561 2321-6689 2000 3 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6689 Medknow Publications SAIS Review 0036-0775 1088-3142 1981 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1088-3142 Johns Hopkins University Press SAIS Review 0036-0775 1088-3142 1984 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1088-3142 Johns Hopkins University Press SAIS Review 0036-0775 1088-3142 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1088-3142 Johns Hopkins University Press SAIS Review of International Affairs 1945-4716 1945-4724 1981 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-4724 Johns Hopkins University Press Sankhya A - Mathematical Statistics and Probability 0976-836X 0976-8378 2010 72 2012 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-8378 Springer Sankhya B - Applied and Interdisciplinary Statistics 0976-8386 0976-8394 2010 72 2011 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-8394 Springer Santa Fe Poetry Broadside 1544-1156 1998 1 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-1156 Santa Fe Poetry Broadside SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 1062-936X 1029-046X 1993 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-046X Taylor & Francis Sarcoma 1357-714X 1369-1643 1997 1 2005 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1643 Hindawi Sarcoma 1357-714X 1369-1643 2006 2006 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1643 Hindawi Sarcoma 1357-714X 1369-1643 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1643 Hindawi Sarsia 0036-4827 1961 1 2004 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0036-4827 Taylor & Francis Sartre Studies International 1357-1559 1558-5476 1997 3 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5476 Berghahn Journals Saudi Critical Care Journal 2543-1854 2543-1862 2017 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2543-1862 Medknow Publications Saudi Endodontic Journal 1658-5984 2320-1495 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-1495 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal for Health Sciences 2278-1900 2278-0521 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-0521 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 1658-354X 0975-3125 2010 4 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-3125 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 1319-3767 1998-4049 2010 16 2021 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4049 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 1319-2442 2320-3838 2011 22 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-3838 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Laparoscopy 2542-4629 2542-4637 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-4637 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 1658-631X 2321-4856 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-4856 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 1658-631X 2321-4856 2020 8 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-4856 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Obesity 2347-2618 2347-4629 2013 1 2018 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-4629 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 1319-4534 2542-6680 2020 34 2021 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2542-6680 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences 1658-6816 2014 1 2021 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1658-6816 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 1319-8491 2010 12 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1319-8491 Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine 1319-6308 2321-6697 2013 13 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6697 Medknow Publications Saudi Surgical Journal 2320-3846 2347-260X 2013 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2347-260X Medknow Publications Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0346-1238 1651-2030 1918 1918 1919 1919 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2030 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0346-1238 1651-2030 1921 1921 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2030 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 1401-7431 1651-2006 1997 31 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2006 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Economic History Review 0358-5522 1750-2837 1953 1 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-2837 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research 0281-5737 1984 1 1998 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0281-5737 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy 0284-5717 1972 1 2001 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0284-5717 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 0036-5513 1502-7686 1949 1 2023 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-7686 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 1999 1 1999 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2000 2 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2000 2 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2001 3 2001 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2001 3 2001 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2002 4 2002 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2003 5 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2003 5 2003 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2004 6 2004 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2004 6 2004 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2005 7 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2005 7 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2006 8 2006 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2006 8 2006 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2007 9 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2007 9 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2008 10 2008 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2008 10 2008 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2009 11 2009 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2009 11 2009 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2010 12 2010 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Taylor & Francis Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2011 13 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 1501-7419 1745-3011 2012 14 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-3011 Stockholm University 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1098-898X 2010 14 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-898X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Neurology 0271-8235 1098-9021 2010 30 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-9021 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Neurosurgery 1526-8012 1526-4572 2004 15 2004 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-4572 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Ophthalmology 0882-0538 1744-5205 1986 1 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5205 Taylor & Francis Seminars in Plastic Surgery 1535-2188 1536-0067 2010 24 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0067 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 1526-8004 1526-4564 2010 28 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1526-4564 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1069-3424 1098-9048 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-9048 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Speech and Language 0734-0478 1098-9056 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-9056 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 0094-6176 1098-9064 2010 36 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1098-9064 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Seminars in Vascular Medicine 1528-9648 1529-3505 2001 1 2005 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-3505 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Senologie - Zeitschrift für Mammadiagnostik und -therapie 1611-6453 1611-647X 2010 7 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-647X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal 1557-2064 1557-2072 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-2072 Springer Sensor Review 0260-2288 1758-6828 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6828 Emerald Group Publishing Sensors & Diagnostics 2635-0998 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-0998 Royal Society of Chemistry Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 1225-0201 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1225-0201 Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies Separation & Purification Reviews 1542-2119 1542-2127 2003 32 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-2127 Taylor & Francis Separation and Purification Methods 0360-2540 1973 1 2002 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0360-2540 Taylor & Francis Separation Science 0037-2366 1966 1 1977 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0037-2366 Taylor & Francis Separation Science and Technology 0149-6395 1520-5754 1978 13 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-5754 Taylor & Francis Sequencing 2090-0325 2090-0333 2010 2010 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-0333 Hindawi Sequential Analysis: Design Methods and Applications 0747-4946 1532-4176 1984 3 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4176 Taylor & Francis Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies 1941-9511 0742-3330 2006 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0742-3330 Slavica Publishers Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies 1941-9511 0742-3330 2017 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0742-3330 Slavica Publishers Serials Review 0098-7913 1879-095X 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-095X Taylor & Francis Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community 0953-0460 1475-3308 1988 1 2011 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3308 United Kingdom Serials Group SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 1869-4187 1869-4195 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-4195 Springer Series Statistics 0323-3944 1977 8 1984 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0323-3944 Taylor & Francis Service Business 1862-8516 1862-8508 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-8508 Springer Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1863-2386 1863-2394 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-2394 Springer Services Marketing Quarterly 1533-2969 1533-2977 2001 22 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2977 Taylor & Francis Settler Colonial Studies 2201-473X 1838-0743 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1838-0743 Taylor & Francis Settler Colonial Studies 2201-473X 1838-0743 2023 13 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1838-0743 Taylor & Francis Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 1877-0533 1877-0541 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-0541 Springer Seventeenth-Century French Studies 0265-1068 1752-2692 2000 22 2009 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2692 Taylor & Francis Seventeenth-Century French Studies 0265-1068 1752-2692 2010 32 2012 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2692 Maney Publishing Seventeenth-Century French Studies 0265-1068 1752-2692 2013 35 2014 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2692 Taylor & Francis Seventeenth-Century French Studies Newsletter 0142-5080 1979 1 1983 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0142-5080 Taylor & Francis Sewanee Review 0037-3052 1934-421X 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-421X Johns Hopkins University Press Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 1468-1811 1472-0825 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-0825 Taylor & Francis Sex Roles 0360-0025 1573-2762 2013 68 2018 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2762 Springer Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 1079-0632 1573-286X 2004 16 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-286X SAGE Publications Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 1079-0632 1573-286X 2010 22 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-286X SAGE Publications Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention 1072-0162 1532-5318 1994 1 2020 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-5318 Taylor & Francis Sexual and Marital Therapy 0267-4653 1986 1 1999 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0267-4653 Taylor & Francis Sexual and Relationship Therapy 1468-1994 1468-1749 2000 15 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-1749 Taylor & Francis Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 2641-0397 2019 27 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2641-0397 Taylor & Francis Sexual Health and Compulsivity 2692-9953 2692-9996 2021 28 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2692-9996 Taylor & Francis Sexual Medicine 2050-1161 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-1161 Oxford University Press Sexual Medicine Reviews 2050-0513 2050-0521 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-0521 Oxford University Press Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention 2699-8440 2020 15 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2699-8440 Leibniz Institute for Psychology Sexualities 1363-4607 1461-7382 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7382 SAGE Publications Sexualities, Evolution & Gender 1479-2508 1479-2516 2003 5 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-2516 Taylor & Francis Sexuality & Culture 1095-5143 1936-4822 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4822 Springer Sexuality and Disability 0146-1044 1573-6717 2013 31 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6717 Springer Sexuality Research and Social Policy 1868-9884 1553-6610 2013 10 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-6610 Springer Sexualization, Media, and Society 2374-6238 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-6238 SAGE Publications Sexually Transmitted Infections 1368-4973 1472-3263 1925 1 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-3263 BMJ Group Shakespeare 1745-0918 1745-0926 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-0926 Taylor & Francis Shakespeare Bulletin 0748-2558 1931-1427 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-1427 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2001 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2008 59 2008 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2009 60 2009 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2010 61 2010 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2011 62 2011 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2012 63 2012 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2013 64 2013 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2014 65 2014 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2014 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2015 66 2015 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2016 67 2016 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2017 68 2017 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2018 69 2018 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2019 70 2019 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2020 71 2020 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2021 72 2021 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2022 73 2022 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Johns Hopkins University Press Shakespeare Quarterly 0037-3222 1538-3555 2023 74 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-3555 Oxford University Press Shampoo 1937-4119 2000 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4119 Shampoo Poetry Shampoo 1937-4119 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4119 Shampoo Poetry SHASHI: The Journal of Japanese Business and Company History 2169-0820 2012 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0820 University of Pittsburgh University Library System SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies 0741-5842 1529-1480 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1529-1480 Penn State University Press Ship Technology Research 0937-7255 2056-7111 2003 50 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-7111 Taylor & Francis Ships and Offshore Structures 1744-5302 1754-212X 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-212X Taylor & Francis Shock and Vibration 1070-9622 1875-9203 2013 20 2013 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-9203 Hindawi Shock and Vibration 1070-9622 1875-9203 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-9203 Hindawi Shock Waves 0938-1287 1432-2153 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2153 Springer Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 0882-8539 1534-5165 1990 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5165 Purdue University Press Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 0882-8539 1534-5165 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5165 Purdue University Press Short Fiction in Theory & Practice 2043-0701 2043-071X 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-071X Intellect Short Film Studies 2042-7824 2042-7832 2010 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7832 Intellect Shoulder & Elbow 1758-5732 1758-5740 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5740 SAGE Publications SIAM Review 0036-1445 1095-7200 2000 42 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7200 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Siberian Advances in Mathematics 1055-1344 1934-8126 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8126 Springer Siberian Mathematical Journal 0037-4466 1573-9260 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9260 Springer Sibirica: Journal of Siberian Studies 1361-7362 1476-6787 2002 2 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-6787 Taylor & Francis Sibirica: Journal of Siberian Studies 1361-7362 1476-6787 2002 2 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-6787 Berghahn Journals Sifa Medical Journal 2148-7731 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2148-7731 Medknow Publications SIG Bulletin 0747-8046 1984 1 1988 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0747-8046 Taylor & Francis Sign Language Studies 0302-1475 1533-6263 1972 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6263 Gallaudet University Press Sign Language Studies 0302-1475 1533-6263 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6263 Gallaudet University Press Signal, Image and Video Processing 1863-1703 1863-1711 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-1711 Springer Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2059-3635 2018 3 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-3635 Springer Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 SAGE Publications Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 Libertas Academica Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2014 3 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 SAGE Publications Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2015 4 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 Libertas Academica Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2015 4 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 SAGE Publications Signal Transduction Insights 1178-6434 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-6434 SAGE Publications Significance 1740-9705 1740-9713 2022 185 2023 186 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-9713 Oxford University Press Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory 1744-8727 1744-8735 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8735 Taylor & Francis Silence 1758-907X 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1758-907X Springer SILICON 1876-990X 1876-9918 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-9918 Springer Silk Road 2631-682X 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-682X University of Westminster Press Silva Balcanica 1311-8706 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1311-8706 Pensoft Publishers Silva Gandavensis 0587-1476 2000 2000 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0587-1476 Ghent University Library SIMULATION 0037-5497 1741-3133 2004 80 2008 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3133 SAGE Publications SIMULATION 0037-5497 1741-3133 2010 86 2023 99 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3133 SAGE Publications Simulation & Gaming 1046-8781 1552-826X 2004 35 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-826X SAGE Publications Simulation & Gaming 1046-8781 1552-826X 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-826X SAGE Publications Singapore Journal of Education 0129-4776 1978 1 1978 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0129-4776 Taylor & Francis Singapore Journal of Education 0129-4776 1981 4 1995 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0129-4776 Taylor & Francis Sirena: poesia, arte y critica 1548-6400 1554-7655 2005 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-7655 Johns Hopkins University Press Sites: The Journal of Twentieth-Century/Contemporary French Studies revue d'études français 1026-0218 1997 1 2003 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1026-0218 Taylor & Francis Skeletal Muscle 2044-5040 2013 3 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2044-5040 Springer Skeletal Radiology 0364-2348 1432-2161 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2161 Springer Skull Base 1531-5010 1532-0065 2010 20 2011 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-0065 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Skull Base Reports 2157-6971 2157-698X 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-698X Georg Thieme Verlag KG SLAS DISCOVERY: Advancing the Science of Drug Discovery 2472-5552 2472-5560 2017 22 2021 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-5560 SAGE Publications SLAS TECHNOLOGY: Translating Life Sciences Innovation 2472-6303 2472-6311 2017 22 2021 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-6311 SAGE Publications Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies 0144-039X 1743-9523 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9523 Taylor & Francis Slavic & East European Information Resources 1522-8886 1522-9041 2001 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-9041 Taylor & Francis Slavonic and East European Review 0037-6795 2222-4327 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2222-4327 Modern Humanities Research Association Slavonica 1361-7427 1745-8145 1994 1 2009 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8145 Taylor & Francis Slavonica 1361-7427 1745-8145 2010 16 2012 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8145 Maney Publishing Slavonica 1361-7427 1745-8145 2013 19 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8145 Taylor & Francis Sleep 0161-8105 1550-9109 2008 31 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-9109 Oxford University Press Sleep and Breathing 1520-9512 1522-1709 2000 4 2004 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1709 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sleep and Breathing 1520-9512 1522-1709 2008 12 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1522-1709 Springer Sleep Disorders 2090-3545 2090-3553 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3553 Hindawi Sleep Disorders 2090-3545 2090-3553 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-3553 Hindawi Sleep Science and Practice 2398-2683 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-2683 Springer Small Axe 0799-0537 1534-6714 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-6714 Duke University Press Small Business Economics 0921-898X 1573-0913 2013 40 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0913 Springer Small Enterprise Research 1321-5906 1992 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1321-5906 Taylor & Francis Small Fruits Review 1522-8851 2000 1 2005 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1522-8851 Taylor & Francis Small Group Research 1046-4964 1552-8278 2004 35 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8278 SAGE Publications Small Group Research 1046-4964 1552-8278 2010 41 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8278 SAGE Publications Small GTPases 2154-1248 2154-1256 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-1256 Taylor & Francis Small Wars & Insurgencies 0959-2318 1743-9558 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9558 Taylor & Francis Small-Scale Forestry 1873-7617 1873-7854 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-7854 Springer Smart and Resilient Transportation 2632-0487 2632-0495 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-0495 Emerald Group Publishing Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2046-6099 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-6099 Emerald Group Publishing Smart Materials Research 2090-3561 2090-357X 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-357X Hindawi Smart Materials Research 2090-3561 2090-357X 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-357X Hindawi Smart Science 2308-0477 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2308-0477 Taylor & Francis Smart Water 2198-2619 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-2619 Springer Smith College Studies in Social Work 0037-7317 1553-0426 1930 1 2023 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-0426 Taylor & Francis SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 1545-0279 2160-2492 1916 1 2014 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-2492 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SN Applied Sciences 2523-3971 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-3971 Springer SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine 2523-8973 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-8973 Springer Soccer & Society 1466-0970 1743-9590 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9590 Taylor & Francis Social & Cultural Geography 1464-9365 1470-1197 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1197 Taylor & Francis Social & Legal Studies 0964-6639 1461-7390 2004 13 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7390 SAGE Publications Social & Legal Studies 0964-6639 1461-7390 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7390 SAGE Publications Social Analysis 0155-977X 1558-5727 2002 46 2022 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5727 Berghahn Journals Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 0969-160X 2156-2245 1993 13 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-2245 Taylor & Francis Social Behavior and Personality 0301-2212 2005 33 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0301-2212 Scientific Journal Publishers Social Biology 0037-766X 1969 16 2006 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0037-766X Taylor & Francis Social Care and Neurodisability: A journal on practice, management, research and law 2042-0919 2042-874X 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-874X Emerald Group Publishing Social Change 0049-0857 0976-3538 2004 34 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3538 SAGE Publications Social Choice and Welfare 0176-1714 1432-217X 2013 40 2019 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-217X Springer Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1749-5016 1749-5024 2008 3 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-5024 Oxford University Press Social Compass 0037-7686 1461-7404 2004 51 2008 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7404 SAGE Publications Social Compass 0037-7686 1461-7404 2010 57 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7404 SAGE Publications Social Currents 2329-4965 2329-4973 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-4973 SAGE Publications Social Dynamics: A journal of African studies 0253-3952 1940-7874 1975 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-7874 Taylor & Francis Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614 1750-8533 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-8533 Emerald Group Publishing Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy 0269-1728 1464-5297 1987 1 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5297 Taylor & Francis Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2000 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2001 79 2001 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2001 80 2002 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2002 81 2003 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2003 82 2004 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2004 83 2005 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2005 84 2006 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2006 85 2007 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2007 86 2008 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2008 87 2009 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2009 88 2010 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2010 89 2011 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2011 90 2012 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2012 91 2013 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2013 92 2014 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2014 93 2015 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 University of North Carolina Press Social Forces 0037-7732 1534-7605 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7605 Oxford University Press Social Geography 1729-4274 1729-4312 2005 1 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1729-4312 Copernicus Publications Social History 0307-1022 1470-1200 1976 1 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1200 Taylor & Francis Social History of Medicine 0951-631X 1477-4666 2005 18 2006 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4666 Oxford University Press Social History of Medicine 0951-631X 1477-4666 2008 21 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4666 Oxford University Press Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 1350-4630 1363-0296 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1363-0296 Taylor & Francis Social Indicators Research 0303-8300 1573-0921 2013 110 2018 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0921 Springer Social Indicators Research 0303-8300 1573-0921 2019 144 2019 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0921 Springer Social Influence 1553-4510 1553-4529 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-4529 Taylor & Francis Social Justice Research 0885-7466 1573-6725 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6725 Springer Social Justice Research Collaborative 2021 1 2021 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Social+Justice+Research+Collaborative&pub=University+of+Illinois+at+Chicago+Library University of Illinois at Chicago Library Social Marketing Quarterly 1524-5004 1539-4093 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-4093 SAGE Publications Social Media + Society 2056-3051 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3051 SAGE Publications Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest 1474-2837 1474-2829 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-2829 Taylor & Francis Social Neuroscience 1747-0919 1747-0927 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0927 Taylor & Francis Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 1072-4745 1468-2893 2008 15 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2893 Oxford University Press Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society 1072-4745 1468-2893 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2893 Oxford University Press Social Problems 0037-7791 1533-8533 2001 48 2010 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8533 University of California Press Social Problems 0037-7791 1533-8533 2013 60 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8533 Oxford University Press Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 0933-7954 1433-9285 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-9285 Springer Social Psychological and Personality Science 1948-5506 1948-5514 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-5514 SAGE Publications Social Psychological Bulletin 1896-1800 2569-653X 2018 2018 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2569-653X Leibniz Institute for Psychology Social Psychology of Education 1381-2890 1573-1928 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1928 Springer Social Psychology Quarterly 0190-2725 1939-8999 2004 67 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8999 SAGE Publications Social Research: An International Quarterly 0037-783X 1944-768X 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-768X Johns Hopkins University Press Social Responsibility Journal 1747-1117 1758-857X 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-857X Emerald Group Publishing Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 1552-8286 1983 1 1983 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8286 SAGE Publications Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 1552-8286 2004 22 2008 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8286 SAGE Publications Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 1552-8286 2010 28 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8286 SAGE Publications Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 1999 23 2000 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2000 24 2001 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2001 25 2002 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2002 26 2003 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2003 27 2004 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2004 28 2005 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2005 29 2006 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2006 30 2007 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2007 31 2008 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2008 32 2009 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2009 33 2010 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2010 34 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2011 35 2012 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2012 36 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2013 37 2013 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2014 38 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2015 39 2015 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Duke University Press Social Science History 0145-5532 1527-8034 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8034 Cambridge University Press Social Science Information 0539-0184 1461-7412 2004 43 2008 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7412 SAGE Publications Social Science Information 0539-0184 1461-7412 2010 49 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7412 SAGE Publications Social Science Japan Journal 1369-1465 1468-2680 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2680 Oxford University Press Social Science Japan Journal 1369-1465 1468-2680 2008 11 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2680 Oxford University Press Social Sciences in China 0252-9203 1940-5952 2008 29 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5952 Taylor & Francis Social Security Bulletin 0037-7910 1937-4666 65 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4666 United States Social Security Administration Social Semiotics 1035-0330 1470-1219 1991 1 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1219 Taylor & Francis Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 1460-3659 2004 34 2008 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3659 SAGE Publications Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 1460-3659 2010 40 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3659 SAGE Publications Social Studies Research and Practice 1933-5415 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-5415 Emerald Group Publishing Social Text 0164-2472 1527-1951 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-1951 Duke University Press Social Thought 0099-183X 1975 1 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0099-183X Taylor & Francis Social Transformations in Chinese Societies 1871-2673 2016 12 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-2673 Emerald Group Publishing Social Work 0037-8046 1545-6846 2008 53 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-6846 Oxford University Press Social Work and Social Sciences Review 0953-5225 1746-6105 2010 2010 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6105 Whiting and Birch Social Work and Social Sciences Review 0953-5225 1746-6105 2017 2017 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6105 Whiting and Birch Social Work and Social Sciences Review 0953-5225 1746-6105 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-6105 Whiting and Birch Social Work Education: The International Journal 0261-5479 1470-1227 1981 1 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1227 Taylor & Francis Social Work in Health Care 0098-1389 1541-034X 1975 1 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-034X Taylor & Francis Social Work in Mental Health 1533-2985 1533-2993 2002 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-2993 Taylor & Francis Social Work in Public Health 1937-1918 1937-190X 2007 23 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-190X Taylor & Francis Social Work Research 1070-5309 1545-6838 2008 32 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-6838 Oxford University Press Social Work With Groups 0160-9513 1540-9481 1978 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-9481 Taylor & Francis Socialism and Democracy 0885-4300 1745-2635 1987 1 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2635 Taylor & Francis Society 0147-2011 1936-4725 2013 50 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4725 Springer Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal 0894-1920 1521-0723 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0723 Taylor & Francis Society and Business Review 1746-5680 1746-5699 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-5699 Emerald Group Publishing Society and Culture in South Asia 2393-8617 2394-9872 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-9872 SAGE Publications Society and Mental Health 2156-8693 2156-8731 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-8731 SAGE Publications Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Bulletin 0271-3446 1980 8 1982 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0271-3446 Taylor & Francis Society, Health & Vulnerability 2002-1518 2015 6 2019 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2002-1518 Taylor & Francis Society in Transition 1028-9852 1997 28 2005 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1028-9852 Taylor & Francis Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2000-9011 2011 1 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9011 Co-Action Publishing Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2000-9011 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9011 Taylor & Francis Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2000-9011 2015 5 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9011 Co-Action Publishing Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2000-9011 2016 6 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-9011 Taylor & Francis Socio-Economic Review 1475-1461 1475-147X 2006 4 2006 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-147X Oxford University Press Socio-Economic Review 1475-1461 1475-147X 2008 6 2009 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-147X Oxford University Press Socio-Economic Review 1475-1461 1475-147X 2011 9 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-147X Oxford University Press Sociological Bulletin 0038-0229 2004 53 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-0229 SAGE Publications Sociological Focus 0038-0237 2162-1128 1967 1 1984 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-1128 Taylor & Francis Sociological Focus 0038-0237 2162-1128 1987 20 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-1128 Taylor & Francis Sociological Methodology 0081-1750 1467-9531 2004 34 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9531 SAGE Publications Sociological Methods & Research 0049-1241 1552-8294 2004 33 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8294 SAGE Publications Sociological Perspectives 0731-1214 1533-8673 2001 44 2007 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8673 University of California Press Sociological Perspectives 0731-1214 1533-8673 2008 51 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8673 SAGE Publications Sociological Research 1061-0154 2328-5184 1992 31 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-5184 Taylor & Francis Sociological Research Online 1360-7804 2004 9 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-7804 SAGE Publications Sociological Spectrum: Mid-South Sociological Association 0273-2173 1521-0707 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0707 Taylor & Francis Sociological Theory 0735-2751 1467-9558 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9558 SAGE Publications Sociologos 2295-8150 2002 2002 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-8150 Ghent University Library Sociologos 2295-8150 2008 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-8150 Ghent University Library Sociologos 2295-8150 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-8150 Ghent University Library Sociology 0038-0385 1469-8684 2004 38 2008 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8684 SAGE Publications Sociology 0038-0385 1469-8684 2010 44 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8684 SAGE Publications Sociology of Development 2374-538X 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-538X University of California Press Sociology of Education 0038-0407 1939-8573 2004 77 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8573 SAGE Publications Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 2332-6492 2332-6506 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-6506 SAGE Publications Sociology of Religion 1069-4404 1759-8818 2008 69 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-8818 Oxford University Press Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 2378-0231 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-0231 SAGE Publications Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications 1432-7643 1433-7479 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-7479 Springer Soft Materials 1539-445X 1539-4468 2002 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-4468 Taylor & Francis Soft Matter 1744-683X 1744-6848 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6848 Royal Society of Chemistry Software and Systems Modeling 1619-1366 1619-1374 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1619-1374 Springer Software Quality Journal 0963-9314 1573-1367 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1367 Springer SOIL 2199-3971 2199-398X 2015 1 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-398X Copernicus Publications Soil and Plant Food 0371-2028 1955 1 1961 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0371-2028 Taylor & Francis Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 1532-0383 1549-7887 2001 10 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-7887 Taylor & Francis Soil Horizons 2163-2812 2009 50 2015 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-2812 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 0038-0741 1573-9279 2013 50 2018 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9279 Springer Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 0038-0768 1747-0765 1961 7 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0765 Taylor & Francis Soil Science Society of America Journal 0361-5995 1435-0661 1998 62 2007 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0661 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Soil Science Society of America Journal 0361-5995 1435-0661 2010 74 2018 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-0661 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 0217-9520 1793-2858 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-2858 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Solar Physics 0038-0938 1573-093X 1967 1 2018 293 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-093X Springer Solar System Research 0038-0946 1608-3423 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3423 Springer Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 0954-0911 1758-6836 1989 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6836 Emerald Group Publishing SOLGAN 1547-5298 1979 1 1998 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-5298 American Anthropological Association SOLGAN 1547-5298 2003 22 2003 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-5298 American Anthropological Association Solid Earth 1869-9510 1869-9529 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-9529 Copernicus Publications Solid Fuel Chemistry 0361-5219 1934-8029 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8029 Springer Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 0736-6299 1532-2262 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2262 Taylor & Francis Somatechnics 2044-0138 2044-0146 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-0146 Edinburgh University Press Somatosensory & Motor Research 0899-0220 1369-1651 1988 6 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1369-1651 Taylor & Francis Somatosensory Research 0736-7244 1983 1 1988 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0736-7244 Taylor & Francis Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin 1432-9123 1439-054X 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-054X Springer Sophia 0038-1527 1873-930X 2013 52 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-930X Springer Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society 1099-9949 1548-3843 1999 1 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-3843 Taylor & Francis Sound Studies 2055-1940 2055-1959 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-1959 Taylor & Francis Soundboard Scholar 2380-2235 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-2235 University of Denver Soundings: A journal of politics and culture 1362-6620 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1362-6620 Lawrence & Wishart Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 0038-1861 2161-6302 2010 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-6302 Penn State University Press Source Code for Biology and Medicine 1751-0473 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0473 BioMed Central Source Code for Biology and Medicine 1751-0473 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-0473 Springer South: a scholary journal 2474-8102 2470-9506 2015 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-9506 University of North Carolina Press South African Family Practice 2078-6190 2078-6204 2004 46 2019 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2078-6204 Taylor & Francis South African Forestry Journal 0038-2167 1962 41 1996 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-2167 Taylor & Francis South African Geographical Journal 0373-6245 2151-2418 1917 1 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-2418 Taylor & Francis South African Historical Journal 0258-2473 1726-1686 1969 1 2022 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1726-1686 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Accounting Research 1029-1954 2376-3981 1997 11 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2376-3981 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of African Languages 0257-2117 2305-1159 1981 1 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-1159 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1607-0658 2221-1268 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2221-1268 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Economic History 1011-3436 2159-0850 1996 11 2009 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-0850 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of International Affairs 1022-0461 1938-0275 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-0275 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Marine Science 0257-7615 1983 1 2002 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0257-7615 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Philosophy 0258-0136 2073-4867 1998 17 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2073-4867 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Plant and Soil 0257-1862 2167-034X 1984 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-034X Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Psychology 0081-2463 2005 35 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0081-2463 SAGE Publications South African Journal of Sociology 0258-0144 1970 1970 1979 1979 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0258-0144 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Sociology 0258-0144 1980 11 1996 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0258-0144 Taylor & Francis South African Journal of Wildlife Research 0379-4369 2007 37 2017 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0379-4369 Southern African Wildlife Management Association South African Journal of Zoology 0254-1858 1979 14 1999 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0254-1858 Taylor & Francis South African Journal on Human Rights 0258-7203 1996-2126 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-2126 Taylor & Francis South African Review of Sociology 2152-8586 2072-1978 2005 36 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2072-1978 Taylor & Francis South African Theatre Journal 1013-7548 2163-7660 1987 1 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-7660 Taylor & Francis South American Journal of Herpetology 1808-9798 1982-355X 2006 1 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1982-355X Brazilian Society of Herpetology South Asia Economic Journal 1391-5614 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1391-5614 SAGE Publications South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 0085-6401 1479-0270 1971 1 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-0270 Taylor & Francis South Asia Research 0262-7280 1741-3141 2004 24 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3141 SAGE Publications South Asia Research 0262-7280 1741-3141 2010 30 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3141 SAGE Publications South Asian Diaspora 1943-8192 1943-8184 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-8184 Taylor & Francis South Asian History and Culture 1947-2498 1947-2501 2009 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-2501 Taylor & Francis South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases 2277-9779 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2277-9779 SAGE Publications South Asian Journal of Business Studies 2398-628X 2017 6 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-628X Emerald Group Publishing South Asian Journal of Cancer 2278-330X 2278-4306 2017 6 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2278-4306 Medknow Publications South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 2045-4457 2012 1 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-4457 Emerald Group Publishing South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 2322-0937 2349-5790 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2349-5790 SAGE Publications South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance 2277-9787 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2277-9787 SAGE Publications South Asian Popular Culture 1474-6689 1474-6697 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-6697 Taylor & Francis South Asian Review 0275-9527 2573-9476 1976 1 1976 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-9476 Taylor & Francis South Asian Review 0275-9527 2573-9476 1980 4 1980 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-9476 Taylor & Francis South Asian Review 0275-9527 2573-9476 1982 6 1983 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-9476 Taylor & Francis South Asian Review 0275-9527 2573-9476 1991 15 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-9476 Taylor & Francis South Asian Studies 0266-6030 2153-2699 1985 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-2699 Taylor & Francis South Asian Survey 0971-5231 2005 12 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0971-5231 SAGE Publications South Asian Survey 0971-5231 2010 17 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0971-5231 SAGE Publications South Atlantic Quarterly 0038-2876 1527-8026 2017 116 2023 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8026 Duke University Press South Central Review 0743-6831 1549-3377 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-3377 Johns Hopkins University Press South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 1993 1 2004 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2005 13 2005 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2005 13 2005 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2006 14 2006 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2006 14 2006 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2007 15 2007 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2007 15 2007 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2008 16 2008 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2008 16 2008 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2009 17 2009 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2009 17 2009 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2010 18 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2010 18 2010 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2011 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2011 19 2011 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 IP Publishing Ltd. South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2012 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2012 20 2012 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 IP Publishing Ltd. South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2013 21 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2013 21 2013 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 IP Publishing Ltd. South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2014 22 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 IP Publishing Ltd. South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2014 22 2014 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2015 23 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 IP Publishing Ltd. South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2015 23 2015 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2016 24 2016 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2016 24 2016 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2017 25 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2017 25 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2018 26 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 SAGE Publications South East Asia Research 0967-828X 2043-6874 2018 26 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-6874 Taylor & Francis South European Society and Politics 1360-8746 1743-9612 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9612 Taylor & Francis South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 0311-2136 1973 1 1995 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0311-2136 Taylor & Francis Southeast Asian Affairs 0377-5437 1793-9135 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1793-9135 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 1468-3857 1743-9639 2001 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9639 Taylor & Francis Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia 2424-9947 2425-0147 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2425-0147 NUS Press Southeastern Archaeology 0734-578X 2168-4723 2010 29 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-4723 Taylor & Francis Southeastern Geographer 0038-366X 1549-6929 1961 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-6929 University of North Carolina Press Southeastern Naturalist 1528-7092 1938-5412 2002 1 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5412 Humboldt Field Research Institute Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2220-1181 2220-1173 2002 8 2019 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-1173 Taylor & Francis Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 1018-3469 1989 15 1998 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1018-3469 Taylor & Francis Southern African Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 1682-6108 1989 1 2002 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1682-6108 Taylor & Francis Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 1015-8782 2005 20 2013 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1015-8782 Taylor & Francis Southern African Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2074-2835 2220-105X 2009 1 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2220-105X Taylor & Francis Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases 2312-0053 2313-1810 2014 29 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2313-1810 Taylor & Francis Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 1607-3614 1727-9461 2001 19 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1727-9461 Taylor & Francis Southern Business Review 0884-1373 2010 35 2013 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0884-1373 Georgia Southern University Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2008 90 2019 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 University of California Press Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 Historical Society of Southern California Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 Historical Society of Southern California Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2020 102 2020 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 University of California Press Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2021 103 2021 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 University of California Press Southern California Quarterly 0038-3929 2162-8637 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8637 Historical Society of Southern California Southern Communication Journal 1041-794X 1930-3203 1988 54 2023 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-3203 Taylor & Francis Southern Cultures 1068-8218 1534-1488 1993 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1488 University of North Carolina Press Southern Cultures 1068-8218 1534-1488 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1488 University of North Carolina Press Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 2070-2620 2070-2639 2008 70 2023 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2070-2639 Taylor & Francis Southern Hemisphere Forestry Journal 1991-931X 2007 69 2007 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1991-931X Taylor & Francis Southern Review 0038-4534 2013 49 2013 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-4534 Louisiana State University Press Southern Review 0038-4534 2168-5541 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5541 Louisiana State University Press Southern Review 0038-4534 2014 50 2014 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-4534 Louisiana State University Press Southern Review 0038-4534 2168-5541 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5541 Louisiana State University Press Southern Review 0038-4534 2015 51 2015 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-4534 Louisiana State University Press Southern Review 0038-4534 2168-5541 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-5541 Louisiana State University Press Southern Speech Communication Journal 0361-8269 1971 37 1988 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0361-8269 Taylor & Francis Southern Speech Journal 0038-4585 1935 1 1971 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-4585 Taylor & Francis Southwestern Entomologist 0147-1724 2007 32 2017 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0147-1724 Society of Southwestern Entomologists Southwestern Historical Quarterly 0038-478X 1558-9560 2006 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9560 Texas State Historical Association Soviet Anthropology and Archeology 0038-528X 1962 1 1992 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-528X Taylor & Francis Soviet Economy 0882-6994 1985 1 1992 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-6994 Taylor & Francis Soviet Education 0038-5360 1958 1 1991 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5360 Taylor & Francis Soviet Geography 0038-5417 1960 1 1980 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5417 Taylor & Francis Soviet Geography 0038-5417 1986 27 1991 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5417 Taylor & Francis Soviet Jewish Affairs 0038-545X 1971 1 1991 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-545X Taylor & Francis Soviet Law and Government 0038-5530 1962 1 1992 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5530 Taylor & Francis Soviet Psychology 0038-5751 1966 5 1975 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5751 Taylor & Francis Soviet Psychology 0038-5751 1976 15 1991 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5751 Taylor & Francis Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry 0584-5610 1962 1 1966 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0584-5610 Taylor & Francis Soviet Review 0038-5794 1960 1 1991 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5794 Taylor & Francis Soviet Sociology 0038-5824 1962 1 1991 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5824 Taylor & Francis Soviet Studies 0038-5859 1949 1 1992 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5859 Taylor & Francis Soviet Studies in History 0038-5867 1962 1 1992 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5867 Taylor & Francis Soviet Studies in Literature 0038-5875 1964 1 1991 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5875 Taylor & Francis Soviet Studies in Philosophy 0038-5883 1962 1 1992 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-5883 Taylor & Francis Sozial Extra 0931-279X 1863-8953 2013 37 2014 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-8953 Springer Soziologie 0340-918X 1862-2550 2005 34 2005 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2550 Springer Space and Culture 1206-3312 1552-8308 2005 8 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8308 SAGE Publications Space and Culture 1206-3312 1552-8308 2010 13 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8308 SAGE Publications Space and Polity 1356-2576 1470-1235 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1235 Taylor & Francis Space Science Reviews 0038-6308 1572-9672 1962 1 2017 213 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9672 Springer Spanish Economic Review 1435-5469 1435-5477 1999 1 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5477 Springer Spanish Economic Review 1435-5469 1435-5477 2005 7 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5477 Springer Spanish Economic Review 1435-5469 1435-5477 2007 9 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-5477 Springer Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad 0210-2412 2332-0753 2001 30 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-0753 Taylor & Francis Spatial Cognition and Computation 1387-5868 1542-7633 2003 3 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7633 Taylor & Francis Spatial Economic Analysis 1742-1772 1742-1780 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-1780 Taylor & Francis Spatial Information Research 2366-3286 2366-3294 2019 27 2019 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-3294 Springer Special Collections 0270-3157 1982 1 1991 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0270-3157 Taylor & Francis Special Operations Journal 2329-6151 2372-2657 2015 1 2021 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-2657 Taylor & Francis Special Services in the Schools 0739-9820 1984 1 2002 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0739-9820 Taylor & Francis Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal 2766-7227 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2766-7227 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Spectroscopy Letters: An International Journal for Rapid Communication 0038-7010 1532-2289 1968 1 2023 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2289 Taylor & Francis Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men 2162-3244 2162-3252 2012 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-3252 Indiana University Press Speech Association of America: Committee on Freedom of Speech - Yearbook 0584-8679 1962 1 1962 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0584-8679 Taylor & Francis Speech Association of America: Committee on Freedom of Speech - Yearbook 0584-8679 1964 3 1969 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0584-8679 Taylor & Francis Speech, Language and Hearing 2050-571X 2050-5728 2013 16 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-5728 Taylor & Francis Speech Monographs 0038-7169 1934 1 1975 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0038-7169 Taylor & Francis Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 0930-4282 1613-7523 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7523 Springer Spermatogenesis 2156-5562 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-5562 Taylor & Francis Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 1533-1709 1535-3117 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-3117 Johns Hopkins University Press Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-678X Emerald Group Publishing Sport, Education and Society 1357-3322 1470-1243 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1243 Taylor & Francis Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1751-1321 1751-133X 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-133X Taylor & Francis Sport in History 1746-0263 1746-0271 2003 23 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0271 Taylor & Francis Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 1743-0437 1743-0445 2004 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-0445 Taylor & Francis Sport Management Review 1441-3523 1839-2083 2009 12 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1839-2083 Taylor & Francis Sport Sciences for Health 1824-7490 1825-1234 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1825-1234 Springer Sport- und Präventivmedizin 1867-1977 1867-1985 2009 39 2011 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1985 Springer Sportphysio 2196-5951 2196-596X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-596X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sports Biomechanics 1476-3141 1752-6116 2002 1 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6116 Taylor & Francis Sports Coaching Review 2164-0629 2164-0637 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0637 Taylor & Francis Sports Engineering 1369-7072 1460-2687 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2687 Springer Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach 1941-7381 1941-0921 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-0921 SAGE Publications Sports Medicine International Open 2367-1890 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2367-1890 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sports Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation 1057-8315 1988 1 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1057-8315 Taylor & Francis Sports Technology 1934-6182 1934-6190 2008 1 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-6190 Taylor & Francis Sportverletzung - Sportschaden 0932-0555 1439-1236 2010 24 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1236 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sportwissenschaft 0342-2380 2016 46 2016 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0342-2380 Springer Sprache Stimme Gehör 0342-0477 1439-1260 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1260 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 0344-4325 1432-2196 1978 1 1996 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2196 Springer Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 0344-4325 1432-2196 1997 19 2006 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2196 Springer SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 0976-433X 2229-4910 2010 1 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-4910 Medknow Publications St. Anselm Journal 2689-6230 1545-3367 2018 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-3367 Catholic University of America Press St Nersess Theological Review 1086-2080 2835-0359 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2835-0359 Catholic University of America Press Stability: International Journal of Security & Development 2165-2627 2012 1 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2627 Ubiquity Press Stability: International Journal of Security & Development 2165-2627 2012 1 2020 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2627 Centre for Security Governance Stability: International Journal of Security & Development 2165-2627 2022 11 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2627 Centre for Security Governance Standards in Genomic Sciences 1944-3277 2009 1 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3277 Michigan State University Standards in Genomic Sciences 1944-3277 2013 8 2013 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3277 Springer Standards in Genomic Sciences 1944-3277 2014 9 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3277 Michigan State University Standards in Genomic Sciences 1944-3277 2015 10 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3277 Springer Standort - Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie 0174-3635 1432-220X 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-220X Springer Stanislavski Studies 2056-7790 2054-4170 2012 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-4170 Taylor & Francis STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research 2054-8923 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-8923 Taylor & Francis State and Local Government Review 0160-323X 1943-3409 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3409 SAGE Publications State Politics & Policy Quarterly 1532-4400 1946-1607 2004 4 2020 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-1607 SAGE Publications Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1544-6115 2002 1 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-6115 Berkeley Electronic Press Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases 1948-4690 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-4690 Berkeley Electronic Press Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1387-0874 1572-9311 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9311 Springer Statistical Methods & Applications 1618-2510 1613-981X 2013 22 2019 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-981X Springer Statistical Methods in Medical Research 0962-2802 1477-0334 2005 14 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0334 SAGE Publications Statistical Methods in Medical Research 0962-2802 1477-0334 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0334 SAGE Publications Statistical Modelling 1471-082X 1477-0342 2004 4 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0342 SAGE Publications Statistical Modelling 1471-082X 1477-0342 2009 9 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0342 SAGE Publications Statistical Papers 0932-5026 1613-9798 2013 54 2018 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9798 Springer Statistical Theory and Related Fields 2475-4269 2475-4277 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-4277 Taylor & Francis Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 0233-1888 1029-4910 1985 16 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-4910 Taylor & Francis Statistics and Computing 0960-3174 1573-1375 2013 23 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1375 Springer Statistics and Public Policy 2330-443X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-443X Taylor & Francis Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 1946-6315 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-6315 Taylor & Francis Statistics in Biosciences 1867-1764 1867-1772 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-1772 Springer Statistics, Politics, and Policy 2151-7509 2010 1 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-7509 Berkeley Electronic Press Statute Law Review 0144-3593 1464-3863 2005 26 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3863 Oxford University Press Statutes and Decisions: The Laws of the USSR and Its Successor States 1061-0014 1558-0903 1992 29 2020 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-0903 Taylor & Francis Statyba 1392-1525 1995 1 2001 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1392-1525 Taylor & Francis Statybinės Konstrukcijos ir Technologijos 2029-2317 2029-2325 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-2325 Taylor & Francis Steel in Translation 0967-0912 1935-0988 2013 43 2019 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0988 Springer Steinbeck Review 1546-007X 1754-6087 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-6087 Penn State University Press Steinbeck Review 1546-007X 1754-6087 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-6087 Penn State University Press Steinbeck Studies 1551-6903 0898-7734 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0898-7734 Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies Steiner Studies 2698-217X 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2698-217X frommann-holzboog Stem Cell Research & Therapy 1757-6512 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1757-6512 Springer Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 1550-8943 1558-6804 2013 9 2019 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-6804 Springer Stem Cells 1066-5099 1549-4918 2008 26 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-4918 Oxford University Press Stem Cells International 1687-966X 1687-9678 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9678 Hindawi Stem Cells International 1687-966X 1687-9678 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-9678 Hindawi Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2157-6564 2157-6580 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-6580 Oxford University Press Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 1868-4556 1868-4564 2002 1 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-4564 Copernicus Publications Stochastic Analysis and Applications 0736-2994 1532-9356 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-9356 Taylor & Francis Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 1436-3240 1436-3259 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-3259 Springer Stochastic Models 1532-6349 1532-4214 2001 17 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-4214 Taylor & Francis Stochastic Systems 1946-5238 2011 1 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1946-5238 INFORMS Applied Probability Society Stochastics 0090-9491 1975 1 1988 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0090-9491 Taylor & Francis Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes 1744-2508 1744-2516 2005 77 2023 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-2516 Taylor & Francis Stochastics and Stochastic Reports 1045-1129 1989 26 2004 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1045-1129 Taylor & Francis Stomatologie 0946-3151 2013 110 2015 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0946-3151 Springer Storytelling, Self, Society 1550-5340 1932-0280 2011 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0280 Wayne State University Press Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies 1550-5340 1932-0280 2004 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-0280 Taylor & Francis Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies 1946-2204 2156-7204 2009 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7204 University of Nebraska Press Strabismus 0927-3972 1744-5132 1993 1 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5132 Taylor & Francis Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 0179-7158 1439-099X 2008 184 2018 194 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-099X Springer Strategic Analysis 0970-0161 1754-0054 1978 2 1984 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0054 Taylor & Francis Strategic Analysis 0970-0161 1754-0054 1998 22 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-0054 Taylor & Francis Strategic Comments 1356-7888 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1356-7888 Taylor & Francis Strategic Direction 0258-0543 1758-8588 2002 18 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8588 Emerald Group Publishing Strategic HR Review 1475-4398 1758-8537 2004 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8537 Emerald Group Publishing Strategic Organization 1476-1270 1741-315X 2004 2 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-315X SAGE Publications Strategic Organization 1476-1270 1741-315X 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-315X SAGE Publications Strategic Outsourcing: An international Journal 1753-8297 1753-8300 2008 1 2016 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-8300 Emerald Group Publishing Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment 1048-5236 1546-0126 1997 16 2019 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-0126 Taylor & Francis Strategic Survey 0459-7230 1476-4997 1966 67 2022 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4997 Taylor & Francis Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators 0892-4562 2168-3778 1987 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-3778 Taylor & Francis Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction 1828-8936 1828-8928 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1828-8928 Springer Strategies: Journal of Theory, Culture & Politics 1040-2136 2000 13 2003 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1040-2136 Taylor & Francis Strategy & Leadership 1087-8572 1758-9568 1975 3 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9568 Emerald Group Publishing Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 0869-5938 1555-6263 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6263 Springer Strength of Materials 0039-2316 1573-9325 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9325 Springer Stress 1025-3890 1607-8888 1996 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-8888 Taylor & Francis Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal 1543-4613 1543-4591 2004 7 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-4591 Taylor & Francis String Research Journal 1948-4992 2164-0661 2010 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0661 SAGE Publications Stroke 0039-2499 1524-4628 1970 1 1994 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4628 American Heart Association Stroke 0039-2499 1524-4628 1998 29 2017 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1524-4628 American Heart Association Stroke Research and Treatment 2090-8105 2042-0056 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0056 Hindawi Stroke Research and Treatment 2090-8105 2042-0056 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0056 Hindawi Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 1615-147X 1615-1488 2013 47 2018 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-1488 Springer Structural Biology 2314-4343 2314-4351 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-4351 Hindawi Structural Chemistry 1040-0400 1572-9001 2013 24 2019 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9001 Springer STRUCTURAL CONTROL AND HEALTH MONITORING 1545-2255 1545-2263 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-2263 Hindawi Structural Engineering International 1016-8664 1683-0350 2007 17 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1683-0350 Taylor & Francis Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1070-5511 1532-8007 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8007 Taylor & Francis Structural Health Monitoring 1475-9217 1741-3168 2005 4 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3168 SAGE Publications Structural Heart 2474-8706 2474-8714 2017 1 2021 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-8714 Taylor & Francis Structural Survey 0263-080X 1758-6844 1983 1 2016 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6844 Emerald Group Publishing Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance 1573-2479 1744-8980 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8980 Taylor & Francis Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 0039-3169 1573-1626 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1626 Springer Studia Hibernica 0081-6477 2397-4532 2011 37 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-4532 Liverpool University Press Studia Liturgica 0039-3207 2517-4797 2004 34 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2517-4797 SAGE Publications Studia Logica 0039-3215 1572-8730 2013 101 2018 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8730 Springer Studia Neophilologica 0039-3274 1651-2308 1928 1 2023 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1651-2308 Taylor & Francis Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology 0039-338X 1502-7791 1947 1 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-7791 Taylor & Francis Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia 1221-0803 1937-8602 2007 52 2022 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-8602 Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 0039-3495 2565-6570 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2565-6570 Messenger Publications Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature 2334-4415 0145-7888 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0145-7888 New Prairie Press Studies in Adult Education 0039-3525 1969 1 1983 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0039-3525 Taylor & Francis Studies in American Fiction 0091-8083 2158-415X 1973 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-415X Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in American Fiction 0091-8083 2158-415X 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-415X Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in American Humor 0095-280X 2333-9934 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-9934 Penn State University Press Studies in American Indian Literatures 0730-3238 1548-9590 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9590 University of Nebraska Press Studies in American Jewish Literature 0271-9274 1948-5077 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-5077 Penn State University Press Studies in American Naturalism 1944-6519 1931-2555 2009 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-2555 University of Nebraska Press Studies in Art Education 0039-3541 2325-8039 1962 4 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-8039 Taylor & Francis Studies in Australasian Cinema 1750-3175 1750-3183 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3183 Intellect Studies in Australasian Cinema 1750-3175 1750-3183 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3183 Taylor & Francis Studies in Bibliography 1553-3891 0081-7600 2002 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0081-7600 Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Studies in Bibliography 1553-3891 0081-7600 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0081-7600 Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Studies in Bibliography 1553-3891 0081-7600 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0081-7600 Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Studies in Chinese Religions 2372-9988 2372-9996 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-9996 Taylor & Francis Studies in Christian Ethics 0953-9468 1745-5235 2004 17 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5235 SAGE Publications Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 1930-3777 2005 1 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-3777 Boston College Libraries Studies in Comics 2040-3232 2040-3240 2010 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3240 Intellect Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID) 0039-3606 1936-6167 2013 48 2018 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-6167 Springer Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 1057-610X 1521-0731 1992 15 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0731 Taylor & Francis Studies in Conservation 0039-3630 2047-0584 2000 45 2010 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-0584 Taylor & Francis Studies in Conservation 0039-3630 2047-0584 2011 56 2012 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-0584 Maney Publishing Studies in Conservation 0039-3630 2047-0584 2013 58 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-0584 Taylor & Francis Studies in Continuing Education 0158-037X 1470-126X 1978 1 1982 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-126X Taylor & Francis Studies in Continuing Education 0158-037X 1470-126X 1988 10 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-126X Taylor & Francis Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies 1024-5286 1995 1 2001 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1024-5286 Taylor & Francis Studies in Documentary Film 1750-3280 1750-3299 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3299 Intellect Studies in Documentary Film 1750-3280 1750-3299 2007 1 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3299 Taylor & Francis Studies in East European Thought 0925-9392 1573-0948 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0948 Springer Studies in Eastern European Cinema 2040-350X 2040-3518 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3518 Taylor & Francis Studies in Economics and Econometrics 0379-6205 2693-5198 2010 34 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2693-5198 Taylor & Francis Studies in Economics and Finance 1086-7376 1755-6791 1977 1 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-6791 Emerald Group Publishing Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy 1652-2729 2002 2002 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1652-2729 Taylor & Francis Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 0360-2370 1938-6133 1972 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-6133 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Engineering Education 2690-5450 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2690-5450 Virginia Tech Publishing Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 1941-6008 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6008 Berkeley Electronic Press Studies in European Cinema 1741-1548 2040-0594 2004 1 2007 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0594 Intellect Studies in European Cinema 1741-1548 2040-0594 2007 4 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0594 Taylor & Francis Studies in French Cinema 1471-5880 1758-9517 2001 1 2007 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9517 Intellect Studies in French Cinema 1471-5880 1758-9517 2007 7 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9517 Taylor & Francis Studies in Gender and Sexuality 1524-0657 1940-9206 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-9206 Taylor & Francis Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 2398-4686 2017 8 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2398-4686 Emerald Group Publishing Studies in Higher Education 0307-5079 1470-174X 2005 30 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-174X Taylor & Francis Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 1478-0488 2040-0608 2004 1 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0608 Intellect Studies in History 0257-6430 0973-080X 2005 21 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-080X SAGE Publications Studies in Indian Politics 2321-0230 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2321-0230 SAGE Publications Studies in Late Antiquity 2470-6469 2470-2048 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-2048 University of California Press Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 0730-9139 2157-2941 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-2941 University of Texas Press Studies in Microeconomics 2321-0222 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2321-0222 SAGE Publications Studies in Musical Theatre 1750-3159 1750-3167 2006 1 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3167 Intellect Studies in Mycology 0166-0616 1872-9797 2005 53 2013 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1872-9797 CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 1558-3708 1996 1 2011 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-3708 Berkeley Electronic Press Studies in People's History 2348-4489 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2348-4489 SAGE Publications Studies in Philology 0039-3738 1543-0383 2003 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-0383 University of North Carolina Press Studies in Philosophy and Education 0039-3746 1573-191X 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-191X Springer Studies in Political Economy 0707-8552 1918-7033 2007 79 2023 104 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-7033 Taylor & Francis Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 1994 15 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 Taylor & Francis Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 2010 31 2010 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 SAGE Publications Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 2012 33 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 SAGE Publications Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 2017 38 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 SAGE Publications Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 2020 41 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 SAGE Publications Studies in Psychology: Estudios de Psicología 0210-9395 1579-3699 2021 42 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1579-3699 Taylor & Francis Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 0008-4298 2042-0587 2004 33 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0587 SAGE Publications Studies in Romanticism 2330-118X 0039-3762 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3762 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1750-3132 1750-3140 2007 1 2007 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3140 Intellect Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1750-3132 1750-3140 2008 2 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3140 Taylor & Francis Studies in Science Education 0305-7267 1940-8412 2005 41 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-8412 Taylor & Francis Studies in South Asian Film & Media 1756-4921 1756-493X 2009 1 2021 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-493X Intellect Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas 2050-4837 2050-4845 2013 10 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4845 Intellect Studies in the Age of Chaucer 1949-0755 0190-2407 1979 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0190-2407 New Chaucer Society Studies in the American Short Story 2688-1926 2688-1942 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-1942 Penn State University Press Studies in the Education of Adults 0266-0830 1478-9833 2007 39 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-9833 Taylor & Francis Studies in the Fantastic 1942-7190 2470-3486 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-3486 University of Tampa Press Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes: An International Quarterly 1460-1176 1943-2186 2007 27 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2186 Taylor & Francis Studies in the Literary Imagination 0039-3819 2165-2678 2011 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-2678 Georgia State University Department of English Studies in the Maternal 1759-0434 2009 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-0434 Open Library of Humanities Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2008 40 2008 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2009 41 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2010 42 2010 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2011 43 2011 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2012 44 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2013 45 2013 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2014 46 2014 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2015 47 2015 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 University of North Texas Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 0039-3827 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0039-3827 Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 1084-0850 2328-5575 2005 37 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-5575 Boston College Libraries Studies in Theatre and Performance 1468-2761 2040-0616 2001 21 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0616 Intellect Studies in Theatre and Performance 1468-2761 2040-0616 2007 27 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-0616 Taylor & Francis Studies in Travel Writing 1364-5145 1755-7550 2005 9 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-7550 Taylor & Francis Studies in World Christianity 1354-9901 1750-0230 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0230 Edinburgh University Press Studies of Tribes and Tribals 0972-639X 2007 5 2017 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0972-639X Taylor & Francis Studies on Ethno-Medicine 0973-5070 2007 1 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-5070 Taylor & Francis Studies on Home and Community Science 0973-7189 2007 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0973-7189 Taylor & Francis Studies on National Movements 2295-1466 2020 2020 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2295-1466 Ghent University Library Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 0165-0521 1744-5140 2005 40 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5140 Taylor & Francis Studies on Russian Economic Development 1075-7007 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1075-7007 Springer Studium 1876-9055 2212-7283 2008 1 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2212-7283 Utrecht University Library Studying Teacher Education: A journal of self-study of teacher education practices 1742-5964 1742-5972 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-5972 Taylor & Francis Style 0039-4238 2374-6629 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-6629 Penn State University Press Sub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine 2384-5147 2384-6046 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2384-6046 Medknow Publications SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 1999 28 1999 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2000 29 2000 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2001 30 2001 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2002 31 2002 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2003 32 2003 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2004 33 2004 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2005 34 2005 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2006 35 2006 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2007 36 2007 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2008 37 2008 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2009 38 2009 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2010 39 2010 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2011 40 2011 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2012 41 2012 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2013 42 2013 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2014 43 2014 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2015 44 2015 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 University of Wisconsin Press SubStance 1527-2095 0049-2426 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0049-2426 Johns Hopkins University Press Substance Abuse 0889-7077 1547-0164 2004 25 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-0164 Taylor & Francis Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2008 1 2009 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2009 3 2009 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2010 4 2010 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2013 7 2013 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2014 8 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 Libertas Academica Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1178-2218 2015 9 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-2218 SAGE Publications Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 1747-597X 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-597X BioMed Central Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 1747-597X 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-597X Springer Substance Use & Misuse 1082-6084 1532-2491 2008 43 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2491 Taylor & Francis Subterranean Biology 1768-1448 1314-2615 2011 8 2021 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2615 Pensoft Publishers Subterranean Biology 1768-1448 1314-2615 2022 42 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1314-2615 Pensoft Publishers Subtropics 1559-0704 2471-4526 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2471-4526 University Press of Florida Suchttherapie 1439-9903 1439-989X 2010 11 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-989X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sudan Medical Monitor 1858-5000 1858-6384 2013 8 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1858-6384 Medknow Publications Sudanese Journal of Ophthalmology 1858-540X 1858-5418 2013 5 2021 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1858-5418 Medknow Publications Sugar Tech 0972-1525 0974-0740 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-0740 Springer Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 1598-2661 2586-0380 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2586-0380 Sungkyunkwan University, Academy of East Asian Studies Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 1625-8312 1624-6039 2007 8 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1624-6039 Taylor & Francis Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 1359-8546 1758-6852 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6852 Emerald Group Publishing Supportive Care in Cancer 0941-4355 1433-7339 2008 16 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-7339 Springer Supramolecular Chemistry 1061-0278 1029-0478 2005 17 2022 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0478 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2000 16 2011 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2012 28 2012 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Maney Publishing Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2013 29 2013 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2013 29 2014 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2015 31 2015 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2015 31 2015 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2016 32 2016 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2016 32 2016 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2017 33 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2017 33 2017 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2018 34 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2018 34 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2020 36 2020 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2020 36 2020 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2021 37 2021 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2021 37 2021 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2022 38 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 SAGE Publications Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 2022 38 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2944 Taylor & Francis Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 1068-3755 1934-8002 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8002 Springer Surgery Research and Practice 2356-7759 2356-6124 2014 2014 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2356-6124 Hindawi Surgery Today 0941-1291 1436-2813 2013 43 2018 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-2813 Springer Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 0930-1038 1279-8517 2013 35 2019 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1279-8517 Springer Surgical Endoscopy 0930-2794 1432-2218 1986 1 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2218 Springer Surgical Innovation 1553-3506 1553-3514 2005 12 2008 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3514 SAGE Publications Surgical Innovation 1553-3506 1553-3514 2010 17 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3514 SAGE Publications Survey of Current Business 0039-6222 1937-4534 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-4534 United States Bureau of Economic Analysis Survey Review 0039-6265 1752-2706 1999 35 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2706 Taylor & Francis Survey Review 0039-6265 1752-2706 2010 42 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2706 Maney Publishing Survey Review 0039-6265 1752-2706 2013 45 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2706 Taylor & Francis Surveyor 1832-4460 1910 23 1914 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1832-4460 Taylor & Francis Surveyor 1832-4460 1918 31 1921 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1832-4460 Taylor & Francis Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society 1993-3819 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-3819 Copernicus Publications Surveys in Geophysics 0169-3298 1573-0956 1972 1 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0956 Springer Surveys in High Energy Physics 0142-2413 1477-2892 2006 20 2006 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2892 Taylor & Francis Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 0039-6338 1468-2699 2005 47 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2699 Taylor & Francis Sustain Magazine 2689-7296 2010 2010 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2689-7296 University of Louisville Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 2040-8021 2040-803X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-803X Emerald Group Publishing Sustainability Science 1862-4065 1862-4057 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-4057 Springer Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 1548-7733 2007 3 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7733 Taylor & Francis Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 2378-9689 2378-9697 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-9697 Taylor & Francis Sustainable Chemical Processes 2043-7129 2013 1 2016 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2043-7129 Springer Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2398-4902 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-4902 Royal Society of Chemistry Sustainable Environment: An international journal of environmental health and sustainability 2765-8511 2021 7 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2765-8511 Taylor & Francis Sustainable Environment Research 2468-2039 2019 29 2019 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-2039 Springer Sustainable Food Technology 2753-8095 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-8095 Royal Society of Chemistry Swarm Intelligence 1935-3812 1935-3820 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-3820 Springer Swiss Journal of Educational Research 2624-8492 2000 22 2020 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2624-8492 Universität Bern Swiss Journal of Geosciences 1661-8726 1661-8734 2013 106 2018 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-8734 Springer Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 1664-2376 1664-2384 2013 132 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1664-2384 Springer Swiss Psychology Open 2752-5341 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2752-5341 Ubiquity Press SX Archipelagos 2473-2206 2016 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2473-2206 Small Axe Project Syllabus 2163-3177 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-3177 Rhode Island College Syllecta Classica 1040-3612 2160-5157 1989 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5157 University of Iowa Syllecta Classica 1040-3612 2160-5157 1992 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5157 University of Iowa Syllecta Classica 1040-3612 2160-5157 2020 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5157 University of Iowa Symbiosis 0334-5114 1878-7665 2013 59 2018 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-7665 Springer Symbiosis 0334-5114 1878-7665 2019 78 2019 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-7665 Springer Symbolae Osloenses 0039-7679 1502-7805 2005 80 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1502-7805 Taylor & Francis Symbolic Interaction 0195-6086 1533-8665 1978 1 2010 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8665 University of California Press symploke 1069-0697 1534-0627 1997 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-0627 University of Nebraska Press Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 0039-7709 1931-0676 2004 58 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-0676 Taylor & Francis Synchrotron Radiation News 0894-0886 1931-7344 2005 18 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7344 Taylor & Francis SYNFACTS 1861-1958 1861-194X 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-194X Georg Thieme Verlag KG SYNLETT 0936-5214 1437-2096 2010 21 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-2096 Georg Thieme Verlag KG SynOpen 2509-9396 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2509-9396 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Synthese 0039-7857 1573-0964 2013 190 2018 195 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0964 Springer SYNTHESIS 0039-7881 1437-210X 2010 42 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1437-210X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry 1553-3174 1553-3182 2005 35 2016 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3182 Taylor & Francis Synthetic Biology 2397-7000 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-7000 Oxford University Press Synthetic Communications: An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Synthetic Organic Chemistry 0039-7911 1532-2432 2005 35 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2432 Taylor & Francis Systematic Biology 1063-5157 1076-836X 2010 59 2023 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1076-836X Oxford University Press Systematic Botany 0363-6445 1548-2324 2000 25 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-2324 American Society of Plant Taxonomists Systematic Parasitology 0165-5752 1573-5192 2013 84 2018 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-5192 Springer Systematic Reviews 2046-4053 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2046-4053 Springer Systematics and Biodiversity 1477-2000 1478-0933 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-0933 Taylor & Francis Systemic Practice and Action Research 1094-429X 1573-9295 2013 26 2019 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9295 Springer Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 1939-6368 1939-6376 2008 54 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-6376 Taylor & Francis Systems Biomedicine 2162-8130 2162-8149 2013 1 2014 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-8149 Taylor & Francis Systems Science & Control Engineering 2164-2583 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-2583 Taylor & Francis TACD Journal 1046-171X 1980 8 1992 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1046-171X Taylor & Francis Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology 2211-5056 2211-5072 2011 1 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-5072 Medknow Publications Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology 2211-5056 2211-5072 2016 6 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-5072 Medknow Publications Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 1028-3684 2666-2078 2019 33 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2666-2078 Medknow Publications Tampa Review 0896-064X 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0896-064X University of Tampa Press Tandartspraktijk 0167-1685 1875-6808 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-6808 Springer T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 1985 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2000 2000 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2002 2002 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2004 2004 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2007 2007 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2010 2010 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Maney Publishing T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2013 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2014 32 2014 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2015 33 2015 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2016 34 2016 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2017 35 2017 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2018 36 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2019 37 2019 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2020 38 2020 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Taylor & Francis T'ang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 2020 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7633 Johns Hopkins University Press Tanta Dental Journal 1687-8574 2536-9644 2016 13 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2536-9644 Medknow Publications Tanta Medical Journal 1110-1415 2314-8624 2013 41 2022 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2314-8624 Medknow Publications TAPA 0360-5949 1533-0699 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-0699 Johns Hopkins University Press Targeted Oncology 1776-2596 1776-260X 2006 1 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1776-260X Springer Tasmeem 2221-9048 2014 2014 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2221-9048 HBKU Press TCA Journal 1556-4223 1993 21 2003 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1556-4223 Taylor & Francis TDR: The Drama Review 1054-2043 1531-4715 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-4715 MIT Press Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional development 1366-4530 1747-5120 2005 9 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5120 Taylor & Francis Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children 0888-4064 1944-4931 2004 27 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4931 SAGE Publications Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children 0888-4064 1944-4931 2010 33 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-4931 SAGE Publications Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 1354-0602 1470-1278 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1278 Taylor & Francis Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 0161-4681 1467-9620 2004 105 2023 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9620 SAGE Publications Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal 1040-1334 1532-8015 2005 17 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8015 Taylor & Francis Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal 2167-4779 2167-4787 2013 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4787 Indiana University Press Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges Notes 1077-5714 1994 1 2003 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1077-5714 American Anthropological Association Teaching Artist Journal 1541-1796 1541-180X 2003 1 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-180X Taylor & Francis Teaching Education 1047-6210 1470-1286 2005 16 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1286 Taylor & Francis TEACHING Exceptional Children 0040-0599 2163-5684 2003 36 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-5684 SAGE Publications Teaching in Higher Education 1356-2517 1470-1294 2007 12 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1294 Taylor & Francis Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA 0268-3679 1471-6976 2005 24 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6976 Oxford University Press Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA 0268-3679 1471-6976 2008 27 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6976 Oxford University Press Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 1532-8023 2004 31 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8023 SAGE Publications Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 1532-8023 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8023 Taylor & Francis Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 1532-8023 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8023 SAGE Publications Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 1532-8023 2008 35 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8023 Taylor & Francis Teaching of Psychology 0098-6283 1532-8023 2011 38 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-8023 SAGE Publications Teaching Public Administration 0144-7394 2047-8720 2004 24 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-8720 SAGE Publications Teaching Public Administration 0144-7394 2047-8720 2012 30 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-8720 SAGE Publications Teaching Sociology 0092-055X 1939-862X 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-862X SAGE Publications Team Performance Management 1352-7592 1758-6860 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6860 Emerald Group Publishing team spiegel 1868-1948 1868-193X 2009 16 2009 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-193X Georg Thieme Verlag KG team-konkret 1869-3202 1869-3210 2010 6 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1869-3210 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Technical Communication Quarterly 1057-2252 1542-7625 2007 16 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-7625 Taylor & Francis Technical Physics 1063-7842 1090-6525 2013 58 2019 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-6525 Springer Technical Physics Letters 1063-7850 1090-6533 2013 39 2018 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-6533 Springer Technical Services Quarterly 0731-7131 1555-3337 2007 25 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-3337 Taylor & Francis Techniques in Coloproctology 1123-6337 1128-045X 2013 17 2019 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1128-045X Springer Technoetic Arts 1477-965X 1758-9533 2003 1 2021 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-9533 Intellect Technological and Economic Development of Economy 2029-4913 2029-4921 2006 3 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-4921 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Technological and Economic Development of Economy 2029-4913 2029-4921 2011 17 2017 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2029-4921 Taylor & Francis Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 0953-7325 1465-3990 2007 19 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-3990 Taylor & Francis Technology and Culture 0040-165X 1097-3729 1959 1959 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3729 Johns Hopkins University Press Technology and Culture 0040-165X 1097-3729 1961 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-3729 Johns Hopkins University Press Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 2199-4706 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-4706 Springer Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 1533-0346 1533-0338 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-0338 SAGE Publications Technology, Pedagogy and Education 1475-939X 1747-5139 2007 16 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5139 Taylor & Francis Technology|Architecture + Design 2475-1448 2475-143X 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-143X Taylor & Francis Technometrics 0040-1706 1537-2723 2007 49 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-2723 Taylor & Francis TechTrends 8756-3894 1559-7075 2013 57 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-7075 Springer Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University 0334-4355 2040-4786 2000 27 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4786 Taylor & Francis Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University 0334-4355 2040-4786 2010 37 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4786 Maney Publishing Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University 0334-4355 2040-4786 2013 40 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-4786 Taylor & Francis Telecommunication Systems 1018-4864 1572-9451 2013 52 2018 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9451 Springer Television & New Media 1527-4764 1552-8316 2004 5 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8316 SAGE Publications Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 1949 1 2012 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Co-Action Publishing Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 2010 62 2019 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Stockholm University Press Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 2013 65 2014 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Taylor & Francis Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 2015 67 2015 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Co-Action Publishing Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 2016 68 2021 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Taylor & Francis Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0280-6495 1600-0870 2021 73 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0870 Stockholm University Press Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0280-6509 1600-0889 1949 1 2013 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0889 Co-Action Publishing Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0280-6509 1600-0889 2010 28 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0889 Stockholm University Press Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0280-6509 1600-0889 2014 66 2014 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0889 Taylor & Francis Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0280-6509 1600-0889 2015 67 2015 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0889 Co-Action Publishing Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0280-6509 1600-0889 2016 68 2021 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0889 Taylor & Francis Telos 0090-6514 1940-459X 1998 1998 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-459X Telos Press Temperature 2332-8940 2332-8959 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-8959 Taylor & Francis Tenso 0890-3352 1944-0146 1985 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-0146 Société Guilhem IX Terrae Incognitae: Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries 0082-2884 2040-8706 2000 32 2009 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8706 Taylor & Francis Terrae Incognitae: Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries 0082-2884 2040-8706 2010 42 2012 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8706 Maney Publishing Terrae Incognitae: Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries 0082-2884 2040-8706 2013 45 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-8706 Taylor & Francis Territory, Politics, Governance 2162-2671 2162-268X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-268X Taylor & Francis Terrorism and Political Violence 0954-6553 1556-1836 2005 17 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1836 Taylor & Francis Tertiary Education and Management 1358-3883 1573-1936 2005 11 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1936 Taylor & Francis TESL-EJ: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language 1072-4303 1994 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1072-4303 TESL-EJ TEST 1133-0686 1863-8260 2013 22 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-8260 Springer Texas Studies in Literature and Language 0040-4691 1534-7303 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-7303 University of Texas Press Text and Performance Quarterly 1046-2937 1479-5760 2005 25 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-5760 Taylor & Francis Textile History 0040-4969 1743-2952 2000 31 2009 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2952 Taylor & Francis Textile History 0040-4969 1743-2952 2010 41 2012 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2952 Maney Publishing Textile History 0040-4969 1743-2952 2013 44 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2952 Taylor & Francis Textile Progress 0040-5167 1754-2278 2004 36 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2278 Taylor & Francis Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 1746-7748 2004 74 2023 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-7748 SAGE Publications Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2003 1 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Bloomsbury Publishing Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2010 8 2010 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Taylor & Francis Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Taylor & Francis Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2011 9 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Bloomsbury Publishing Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Bloomsbury Publishing Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Taylor & Francis Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Bloomsbury Publishing Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2013 11 2013 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Taylor & Francis Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2014 12 2014 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Bloomsbury Publishing Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 2014 12 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-8350 Taylor & Francis Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2006 1 2006 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2007 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2008 3 2008 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2009 4 2009 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Indiana University Press Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2014 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 1559-2936 1933-7418 2019 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7418 Society for Textual Scholarship Textual Practice 0950-236X 1470-1308 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1308 Taylor & Francis Texture, Stress, and Microstructure 1687-5397 1687-5400 1972 1 2003 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5400 Hindawi Texture, Stress, and Microstructure 1687-5397 1687-5400 2008 2008 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-5400 Hindawi TH Open 2512-9465 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2512-9465 Georg Thieme Verlag KG The AAG Review of Books 2325-548X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-548X Taylor & Francis The AAPS Journal 1550-7416 1999 1 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1550-7416 Springer The Academy of Management Annals 1941-6520 1941-6067 2007 1 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-6067 Taylor & Francis The Acquisitions Librarian 0896-3576 1544-435X 1989 1 2008 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-435X Taylor & Francis The Adelphi Papers 0567-932X 1961 1 2009 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0567-932X Taylor & Francis The Advocate 2637-4552 2011 19 2021 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-4552 New Prairie Press The Advocate 2637-4552 2023 28 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2637-4552 New Prairie Press The Aging Male 1368-5538 1473-0790 1998 1 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0790 Taylor & Francis The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2000 62 2008 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2008 70 2008 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2009 71 2010 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2010 72 2010 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2011 73 2011 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2011 73 2011 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2012 74 2012 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2012 74 2012 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2013 75 2013 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2013 75 2013 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2014 76 2014 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2014 76 2014 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2015 77 2015 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2015 77 2015 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2016 78 2016 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2016 78 2016 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2017 79 2017 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 National Association of Biology Teachers The American Biology Teacher 0002-7685 1938-4211 2017 79 2022 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4211 University of California Press The American Cartographer 0094-1689 1974 1 1989 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0094-1689 Taylor & Francis The American Economist 0569-4345 2328-1235 2004 48 2022 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-1235 SAGE Publications The American Historical Review 0002-8762 1937-5239 1895 1 2023 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-5239 Oxford University Press The American Indian Quarterly 0095-182X 1534-1828 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1828 University of Nebraska Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 MIT Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 MIT Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2002 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 MIT Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2003 3 2003 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 MIT Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 MIT Press The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2004 4 2004 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 2005 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-0075 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 0002-9165 1938-3207 2009 89 2022 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-3207 Oxford University Press The American Journal of Comparative Law 0002-919X 2326-9197 2010 58 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-9197 Oxford University Press The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery 0748-8068 2374-7722 2003 20 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-7722 SAGE Publications The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 0095-2990 1097-9891 1974 1 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1097-9891 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Family Therapy 0192-6187 1521-0383 1979 7 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0383 Taylor & Francis The American Journal of Jurisprudence 0065-8995 2049-6494 2008 53 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-6494 Oxford University Press The American Journal of Psychiatry 0002-953X 1535-7228 1997 154 2022 179 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-7228 American Psychiatric Association Publishing The American Journal of Psychotherapy 0002-9564 2575-6559 1960 14 1971 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2575-6559 American Psychiatric Association Publishing The American Journal of Sports Medicine 0363-5465 1552-3365 2003 31 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3365 SAGE Publications The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0002-9637 1476-1645 1950 s1-30 1951 s1-31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-1645 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0002-9637 1476-1645 1952 1 2011 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-1645 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0002-9637 1476-1645 2013 88 2015 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-1645 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0002-9637 1476-1645 2016 94 2022 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-1645 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene The American Midland Naturalist 0003-0031 1938-4238 1998 139 2017 178 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4238 University of Notre Dame The American Review of Public Administration 0275-0740 1552-3357 2000 30 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3357 SAGE Publications The American Sociologist 0003-1232 1936-4784 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4784 Springer The American Statistician 0003-1305 1537-2731 1947 1 2023 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-2731 Taylor & Francis The American Surgeon 0003-1348 1555-9823 2005 71 2016 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-9823 Southeastern Surgical Congress The American Surgeon 0003-1348 1555-9823 2017 83 2023 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-9823 SAGE Publications The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2000 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2000 57 2001 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2001 58 2002 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2002 59 2003 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2003 60 2004 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2004 61 2005 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2005 62 2006 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2006 63 2007 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2007 64 2008 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2008 65 2009 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2009 66 2010 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2010 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2010 67 2011 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2011 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2011 68 2012 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2012 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2012 69 2013 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2013 70 2013 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2014 71 2014 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2015 72 2015 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Academy of American Franciscan History The Americas 0003-1615 1533-6247 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-6247 Cambridge University Press The Analyst 0003-2654 1364-5528 1997 122 1997 122 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5528 Royal Society of Chemistry The Analyst 0003-2654 1364-5528 1999 124 2023 148 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1364-5528 Royal Society of Chemistry The Annals and Magazine of Natural History 0374-5481 1838 1 1937 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0374-5481 Taylor & Francis The Annals of Occupational Hygiene 0003-4878 1475-3162 2005 49 2016 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-3162 Oxford University Press The Annals of Regional Science 0570-1864 1432-0592 2013 50 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-0592 Springer The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 0002-7162 1552-3349 2004 591 2023 709 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3349 SAGE Publications The Anthropocene Review 2053-0196 2053-020X 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-020X SAGE Publications The Anthropologist 0972-0073 2456-6802 1999 1 2017 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2456-6802 Taylor & Francis The Antidote 1363-8483 1758-423X 1996 1 2000 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-423X Emerald Group Publishing The Antitrust Bulletin 0003-603X 1930-7969 2004 49 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-7969 SAGE Publications The Arabidopsis Book 1543-8120 2010 8 2016 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1543-8120 American Society of Plant Biologists The Art Bulletin 0004-3079 1559-6478 1913 1 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-6478 Taylor & Francis The Arthur Miller Journal 1558-8831 2333-3154 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-3154 Penn State University Press The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1444-2213 1740-9314 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-9314 Taylor & Francis The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2000 117 2007 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 American Ornithologists' Union The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2008 125 2008 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 University of California Press The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2008 125 2008 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 American Ornithologists' Union The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2009 126 2009 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 American Ornithologists' Union The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2009 126 2009 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 University of California Press The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2010 127 2010 127 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 University of California Press The Auk: A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 0004-8038 1938-4254 2010 127 2017 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 American Ornithologists' Union The Auk: Ornithological Advances 0004-8038 1938-4254 2008 123 2023 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4254 Oxford University Press The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 2045-5852 2045-5860 2011 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5860 Intellect The Australian Educational Researcher 0311-6999 2210-5328 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2210-5328 Springer The Australian Library Journal 0004-9670 2201-4276 1957 6 1958 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-4276 Taylor & Francis The Australian Library Journal 0004-9670 2201-4276 1963 12 1963 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-4276 Taylor & Francis The Australian Library Journal 0004-9670 2201-4276 1978 27 1986 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-4276 Taylor & Francis The Australian Library Journal 0004-9670 2201-4276 1989 38 2016 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2201-4276 Taylor & Francis The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 1944-3676 2005 1 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3676 New Prairie Press The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 1555-0494 1935-1682 2005 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1682 Berkeley Electronic Press The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 1555-0486 1935-1690 2004 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1690 Berkeley Electronic Press The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 1555-0478 1935-1704 2002 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-1704 Berkeley Electronic Press The Bible Translator 0260-0935 2006 57 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0260-0935 SAGE Publications The Biological Bulletin 0006-3185 1939-8697 1897 s1-1 1899 s1-2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8697 Marine Biological Laboratory The Biological Bulletin 0006-3185 1939-8697 1899 1 2015 229 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8697 Marine Biological Laboratory The Black Scholar 0006-4246 2162-5387 1969 1 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-5387 Taylor & Francis The Bodleian Library Record 0067-9488 3029-0465 2011 24 2021 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=3029-0465 Liverpool University Press The Bone & Joint Journal 2049-4394 2049-4408 2013 95-B 2021 103-B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-4408 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery The Bonefolder 1555-6565 2004 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6565 Bonefolder The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 1935 1 2002 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2002 68 2002 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2003 69 2003 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2003 69 2003 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2004 070 2004 070 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2004 70 2004 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2005 71 2005 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2005 71 2005 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2006 72 2006 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2006 72 2006 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2007 73 2007 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 New York Botanical Garden The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2007 73 2007 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Botanical Review 0006-8101 1874-9372 2008 74 2011 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-9372 Springer The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances 0888-045X 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0888-045X Emerald Group Publishing The Botulinum Journal 1754-7318 1754-7326 2008 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-7326 Inderscience The Brandywine Review of Faith & International Affairs 1543-5725 2003 1 2005 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1543-5725 Taylor & Francis The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 0007-0882 1464-3537 2005 56 2018 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3537 Oxford University Press The British Journal of Aesthetics 0007-0904 1468-2842 2005 45 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-2842 Oxford University Press The British Journal of Criminology 0007-0955 1464-3529 2005 45 2015 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3529 Oxford University Press The British Journal of Development Disabilities 0969-7950 2007 53 2010 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0969-7950 Taylor & Francis The British Journal of Development Disabilities 0969-7950 2011 57 2011 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0969-7950 Maney Publishing The British Journal of Development Disabilities 0969-7950 2011 57 2011 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0969-7950 Taylor & Francis The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 1474-6514 1753-4305 2004 4 2013 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4305 SAGE Publications The British Journal of Forensic Practice 1463-6646 2042-8340 1999 1 2012 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8340 Emerald Group Publishing The British Journal of Occupational Therapy 0308-0226 1477-6006 2003 66 2023 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-6006 SAGE Publications The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 1369-1481 1467-856X 2004 6 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-856X SAGE Publications The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 1369-1481 1467-856X 2010 12 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-856X SAGE Publications The British Journal of Psychiatry 0007-1250 1472-1465 1855 2 1869 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-1465 Royal College of Psychiatrists The British Journal of Psychiatry 0007-1250 1472-1465 1870 16 1978 132 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-1465 Royal College of Psychiatrists The British Journal of Psychiatry 0007-1250 1472-1465 1979 134 2016 209 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-1465 Royal College of Psychiatrists The British Journal of Radiology 0007-1285 1748-880X 1928 1 2022 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-880X British Institute of Radiology The British Journal of Social Work 0045-3102 1468-263X 2005 35 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-263X Oxford University Press The Bryologist 0007-2745 1938-4378 2000 103 2017 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4378 American Bryological and Lichenological Society The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3398 Liverpool University Press The Business School Journal 2372-2800 1928 1 1929 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-2800 Taylor & Francis The Byron Journal 0301-7257 1757-0263 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-0263 Liverpool University Press The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 0305-7674 2047-7716 2012 30 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2047-7716 Berghahn Journals The Cambridge Quarterly 0008-199X 1471-6836 2006 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6836 Oxford University Press The Canadian Entomologist 1918-3240 2007 139 2011 143 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1918-3240 Entomological Society of Canada The Canadian Historical Review 0008-3755 1710-1093 1920 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1093 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 1188-4517 2291-7063 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2291-7063 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2003 48 2003 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2004 49 2004 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2005 50 2005 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2006 51 2006 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2007 52 2007 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2008 53 2008 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2009 54 2009 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2010 55 2010 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2011 56 2011 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2012 57 2012 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2013 58 2013 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2014 59 2014 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2015 60 2015 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique 0008-4131 1710-1115 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1115 Cambridge University Press The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 0706-7437 1497-0015 2004 49 2008 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1497-0015 SAGE Publications The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 0706-7437 1497-0015 2010 55 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1497-0015 SAGE Publications The Canadian Journal of Sociology 0318-6431 1710-1123 2004 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1123 University of Toronto Press The Canadian Mineralogist 0008-4476 1499-1276 2010 48 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1499-1276 Mineralogical Association of Canada The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes 0008-4506 1710-1131 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1131 University of Toronto Press The Carl Beck Papers In Russian And East European Studies 2163-839X 1981 1981 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-839X University of Pittsburgh University Library System The Carlyle Letters Online 1532-0928 1940-1795 1812 1 1859 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1795 Duke University Press The Cartographic Journal 0008-7041 1743-2774 2007 44 2011 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2774 Taylor & Francis The Cartographic Journal 0008-7041 1743-2774 2012 49 2012 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2774 Maney Publishing The Cartographic Journal 0008-7041 1743-2774 2012 49 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-2774 Taylor & Francis The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 0008-7912 2163-2529 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-2529 Catholic University of America Press The Catholic Historical Review 0008-8080 1534-0708 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-0708 Catholic University of America Press The Cerebellum 1473-4222 1473-4230 2002 1 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-4230 Springer The Chaucer Review 0009-2002 1528-4204 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1528-4204 Penn State University Press The Chinese Historical Review 1547-402X 2048-7827 2007 14 2010 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7827 Taylor & Francis The Chinese Historical Review 1547-402X 2048-7827 2011 18 2011 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7827 Maney Publishing The Chinese Historical Review 1547-402X 2048-7827 2011 18 2011 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7827 Taylor & Francis The Chinese Historical Review 1547-402X 2048-7827 2012 19 2012 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7827 Maney Publishing The Chinese Historical Review 1547-402X 2048-7827 2012 19 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-7827 Taylor & Francis The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 2050-4802 2050-4810 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4810 Oxford University Press The Chinese Journal of International Politics 1750-8916 1750-8924 2006 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-8924 Oxford University Press The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology 1610-1979 1613-9089 2013 12 2013 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9089 Springer The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 0009-8655 1939-912X 1935 10 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-912X Taylor & Francis The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal 1055-6656 1545-1569 1990 27 2016 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1569 American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Associations The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal 1055-6656 1545-1569 2017 54 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1569 SAGE Publications The Clinical Neuropsychologist 1385-4046 1744-4144 1995 9 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-4144 Taylor & Francis The Clinical Supervisor 0732-5223 1545-231X 1983 1 2022 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-231X Taylor & Francis The Coastal Review 1930-2797 2015 6 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-2797 Georgia Southern University The Coastal Review 1930-2797 2017 0 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-2797 Georgia Southern University The Coleopterists Bulletin 0010-065X 1938-4394 2004 058 2004 058 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4394 Coleopterists Society The Coleopterists Bulletin 0010-065X 1938-4394 2007 61 2017 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-4394 Coleopterists Society The College Mathematics Journal 0746-8342 1931-1346 1985 16 2022 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-1346 Taylor & Francis The Comics Grid 2048-0792 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-0792 Open Library of Humanities The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 2048-0792 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-0792 Open Library of Humanities The Communication Review 1071-4421 1547-7487 1995 1 2022 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7487 Taylor & Francis The Comparatist 0195-7678 1559-0887 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0887 University of North Carolina Press The Comparatist 0195-7678 1559-0887 1995 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0887 University of North Carolina Press The Comparatist 0195-7678 1559-0887 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-0887 University of North Carolina Press The Computer Journal 0010-4620 1460-2067 2006 49 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2067 Oxford University Press The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2000 102 2007 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 Cooper Ornithological Society The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2008 110 2008 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 Cooper Ornithological Society The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2008 110 2008 110 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 University of California Press The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2008 111 2008 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 Cooper Ornithological Society The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2009 111 2009 111 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 University of California Press The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2010 112 2010 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 University of California Press The Condor: An International Journal of Avian Biology 0010-5422 1938-5129 2010 112 2017 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 Cooper Ornithological Society The Condor: Ornithological Applications 0010-5422 1938-5129 2008 110 2023 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5129 Oxford University Press The Conservator 0140-0096 1977 1 2008 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0140-0096 Taylor & Francis The Contemporary Pacific 1043-898X 1527-9464 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-9464 University of Hawai'i Press The Cormac McCarthy Journal 2333-3073 2333-3065 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-3065 Penn State University Press The Counseling Psychologist 0011-0000 1552-3861 2004 32 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3861 SAGE Publications The Court Historian 1462-9712 2056-3450 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-3450 Taylor & Francis The Cryosphere 1994-0416 1994-0424 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1994-0424 Copernicus Publications The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 1997 1 1998 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 1997 1 1998 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 1999 2 1999 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 1999 2 1999 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2000 3 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2000 3 2000 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2001 4 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2001 4 2001 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2002 5 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2002 5 2002 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2003 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2003 6 2003 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2004 7 2004 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2013 16 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2013 16 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2014 17 2014 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Bloomsbury Publishing The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 2014 17 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-3062 Taylor & Francis The Diabetes Educator 0145-7217 1554-6063 2004 30 2020 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1554-6063 SAGE Publications The Downside Review 0012-5806 2397-3498 2004 122 2023 141 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-3498 SAGE Publications The East African Agricultural Journal 0367-0074 1935 1 1960 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0367-0074 Taylor & Francis The Econometrics Journal 1368-4221 1368-423X 2008 11 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1368-423X Oxford University Press The Economic and Labour Relations Review 1035-3046 1838-2673 2004 15 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1838-2673 SAGE Publications The Economic Journal 0013-0133 1468-0297 2008 118 2023 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-0297 Oxford University Press The Economists' Voice 1553-3832 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1553-3832 Berkeley Electronic Press The Edgar Allan Poe Review 2150-0428 2166-2932 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-2932 Penn State University Press The Educational Forum 0013-1725 1938-8098 1936 1 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8098 Taylor & Francis The Egyptian Heart Journal 2090-911X 2019 71 2019 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-911X Springer The Egyptian Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia 1687-9090 2090-326X 2012 6 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-326X Medknow Publications The Egyptian Journal of Haematology 1110-1067 2090-9268 2012 37 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9268 Medknow Publications The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine 1110-7782 2090-9098 2012 24 2018 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9098 Medknow Publications The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery 1687-8329 2015 52 2016 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-8329 Medknow Publications The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 2090-8539 2012 28 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-8539 Medknow Publications The Egyptian Orthopaedic Journal 1110-1148 2090-9926 2012 47 2021 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-9926 Medknow Publications The Eighteenth Century 0193-5380 1935-0201 2006 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0201 University of Pennsylvania Press The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1077-8926 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1077-8926 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics The Electronic Library 0264-0473 1758-616X 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-616X Emerald Group Publishing The EMBO Journal 0261-4189 1460-2075 2000 19 2015 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-2075 European Molecular Biology Organization The Emily Dickinson Journal 1059-6879 1096-858X 1992 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-858X Johns Hopkins University Press The Energy Journal 0195-6574 1944-9089 2003 24 2003 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9089 SAGE Publications The Energy Journal 0195-6574 1944-9089 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-9089 SAGE Publications The Engineering Economist: A Journal Devoted to the Problems of Capital Investment 0013-791X 1547-2701 1955 1 2023 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-2701 Taylor & Francis The Eugene O'Neill Review 1040-9483 2161-4318 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4318 Penn State University Press The Eugene O'Neill Review 1040-9483 2161-4318 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2161-4318 Penn State University Press The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 1362-5187 1473-0782 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1473-0782 Taylor & Francis The European Journal of Counselling Psychology 2195-7614 2009 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2195-7614 Leibniz Institute for Psychology The European Journal of Cultural Policy 1074-6897 1994 1 1997 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1074-6897 Taylor & Francis The European Journal of Development Research 0957-8811 1743-9728 1989 1 2008 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9728 Taylor & Francis The European Journal of Development Research 0957-8811 1743-9728 2019 31 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9728 Springer The European Journal of Finance 1351-847X 1466-4364 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4364 Taylor & Francis The European Journal of Health Economics 1618-7598 1618-7601 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1618-7601 Springer The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 0967-2567 1469-5936 1993 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-5936 Taylor & Francis The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 1084-8770 1470-1316 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1316 Taylor & Francis The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei 1434-6001 1434-601X 2008 35 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-601X Springer The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 1434-6028 1434-6036 2013 86 2018 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-6036 Springer The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 1434-6044 1434-6052 1998 1 2018 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-6052 Springer The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 1434-6060 1434-6079 2013 67 2018 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-6079 Springer The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics 1292-8941 1292-895X 2013 36 2018 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1292-895X Springer The European Physical Journal Special Topics 1951-6355 2190-5444 2013 128 2019 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-5444 Springer The European Zoological Journal 2475-0263 2017 84 2022 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-0263 Taylor & Francis The Exceptional Child 0156-6555 1976 23 1988 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0156-6555 Taylor & Francis The Explicator 0014-4940 1939-926X 1942 1 2023 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-926X Taylor & Francis The Expository Times 0014-5246 1745-5308 2003 115 2022 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5308 SAGE Publications The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review 1543-3951 1755-6333 2010 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-6333 Penn State University Press The Family Journal 1066-4807 1552-3950 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-3950 SAGE Publications The FASEB Journal 0892-6638 1530-6860 1987 1 2019 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-6860 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology The Faulkner Journal 0884-2949 2640-1703 2005 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-1703 Johns Hopkins University Press The Faulkner Journal 0884-2949 2640-1703 2012 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2640-1703 Johns Hopkins University Press The Folk-Lore Journal 1744-2524 1883 1 1888 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1744-2524 Taylor & Francis The Folk-Lore Record 1744-1994 1878 1 1882 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1744-1994 Taylor & Francis The Forum 1540-8884 2002 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-8884 Berkeley Electronic Press The French Review 0016-111X 2329-7131 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-7131 Johns Hopkins University Press The Future of Children 1054-8289 1550-1558 2005 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-1558 Princeton University The Geography Teacher 1933-8341 1752-6884 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-6884 Taylor & Francis The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 0016-8890 1930-6962 1940 15 2023 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-6962 Taylor & Francis The Gerontologist 0016-9013 1758-5341 2008 48 2008 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5341 Oxford University Press The Gerontologist 0016-9013 1758-5341 2010 50 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5341 Oxford University Press The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy 2165-2570 2012 1 2013 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2165-2570 Sagamore Publishing The Global Sixties 2770-8888 2770-890X 2022 15 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2770-890X Taylor & Francis The Global South 1932-8648 1932-8656 2007 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1932-8656 Indiana University Press The Good Society 1089-0017 1538-9731 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9731 Penn State University Press The Good Society 1089-0017 1538-9731 2002 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-9731 Penn State University Press The Hardy Review 1934-8908 1934-8916 2010 12 2011 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-8916 Maney Publishing The Harold Pinter Review: Essays on Contemporary Drama 2473-8433 2473-8441 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-8441 Penn State University Press The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 1081-180X 1531-328X 1999 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-328X MIT Press The Hemingway Review 0276-3362 1548-4815 2000 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-4815 University of Idaho Department of English The Henry James Review 0273-0340 1080-6555 1979 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6555 Johns Hopkins University Press The High School Journal 0018-1498 1534-5157 2001 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5157 University of North Carolina Press The High School Journal 0018-1498 1534-5157 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-5157 University of North Carolina Press The Historian 0018-2370 1540-6563 1938 1 2019 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6563 Taylor & Francis The Historian 0018-2370 1540-6563 2022 84 2023 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6563 Taylor & Francis The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Taylor & Francis The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Maney Publishing The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Maney Publishing The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2011 2 2011 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Taylor & Francis The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2012 3 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Maney Publishing The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 2012 3 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-7513 Taylor & Francis The History of the Family: An International Quarterly 1081-602X 1873-5398 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-5398 Taylor & Francis The Holocene 0959-6836 1477-0911 2004 14 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0911 SAGE Publications The Hopkins Review 1939-6589 1939-9774 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-9774 Johns Hopkins University Press The Hospice Journal 0742-969X 1985 1 2000 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0742-969X Taylor & Francis The Humanistic Psychologist 0887-3267 1547-3333 1985 13 2015 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3333 Taylor & Francis The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 1937-3260 1937-3279 2008 1 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1937-3279 Taylor & Francis The Imaging Science Journal 1368-2199 1743-131X 1997 45 2011 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-131X Taylor & Francis The Imaging Science Journal 1368-2199 1743-131X 2012 60 2012 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-131X Maney Publishing The Imaging Science Journal 1368-2199 1743-131X 2012 60 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-131X Taylor & Francis The Indexer: The International Journal of Indexing 0019-4131 1756-0632 2006 25 2006 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0632 Liverpool University Press The Indexer: the international journal of indexing 0019-4131 1756-0632 2008 26 2019 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0632 Liverpool University Press The Indexer: The International Journal of Indexing 0019-4131 1756-0632 2020 38 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-0632 Liverpool University Press The Indian Economic Journal 0019-4662 2006 54 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0019-4662 SAGE Publications The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy 0445-7706 2018 50 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0445-7706 Medknow Publications The Information Society: An International Journal 0197-2243 1087-6537 1981 1 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1087-6537 Taylor & Francis The Innes Review 0020-157X 1745-5219 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5219 Edinburgh University Press The International History Review 0707-5332 1949-6540 1979 1 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1949-6540 Taylor & Francis The International Information & Library Review 1057-2317 1095-9297 1992 24 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-9297 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 0268-3768 1433-3015 2013 64 2018 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-3015 Springer The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology 2472-1840 2472-1832 2017 27 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-1832 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 0091-4150 1541-3535 2004 58 2023 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3535 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Artificial Organs 0391-3988 1724-6040 2004 27 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6040 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 1050-8414 1532-7108 1991 1 2016 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-7108 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Biological Markers 1724-6008 2004 19 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6008 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Biostatistics 1557-4679 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-4679 Berkeley Electronic Press The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 1573-0743 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0743 Springer The International Journal of Community and Social Development 2516-6026 2516-6034 2019 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2516-6034 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 1365-7127 1740-5572 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5572 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 1466-4399 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4399 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Human Rights 1364-2987 1744-053X 1997 1 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-053X Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs 2380-0992 2380-100X 2016 18 2021 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-100X Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services 1747-9886 2042-8642 2005 1 2014 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8642 Emerald Group Publishing The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 0948-3349 1614-7502 1996 1 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-7502 Springer The International Journal of Logistics Management 0957-4093 1758-6550 1990 1 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6550 Emerald Group Publishing The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 1534-7346 1552-6941 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6941 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 1462-3730 2049-8543 2002 4 2017 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-8543 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Multiphysics 1750-9548 2007 1 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-9548 Multi-Science The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X Multi-Science The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2010 1 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X SAGE Publications The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X Multi-Science The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X Multi-Science The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X SAGE Publications The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 1759-3131 1759-314X 2016 7 2017 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-314X SAGE Publications The International Journal of Press/Politics 1940-1612 1940-1620 2005 10 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1620 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 0091-2174 1541-3527 2004 34 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-3527 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 0020-7578 1745-8315 2001 82 2022 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8315 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (en español) 2057-410X 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-410X Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Regional and Local Studies 1750-0478 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1750-0478 Taylor & Francis The International Journal of Robotics Research 0278-3649 1741-3176 2004 23 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3176 SAGE Publications The International Journal of Servant-Leadership 2160-8172 2007 3 2008 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-8172 Gonzaga Library Publishing The International Journal of Servant-Leadership 2160-8172 2010 6 2010 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-8172 Gonzaga Library Publishing The International Journal of Servant-Leadership 2160-8172 2022 16 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-8172 Gonzaga Library Publishing The International Journal of the History of Sport 0952-3367 1743-9035 1984 1 2022 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9035 Taylor & Francis The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 0959-3969 1466-4402 1990 1 2022 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4402 Taylor & Francis The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs 0393-2729 1751-9721 1983 18 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-9721 Taylor & Francis The International Trade Journal 0885-3908 1521-0545 1986 1 2022 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0545 Taylor & Francis The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1750-399X 1757-0417 2007 1 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-0417 Taylor & Francis The Irish Journal of Psychology 0303-3910 2158-0812 1975 3 2015 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-0812 Taylor & Francis The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2007 27 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Taylor & Francis The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Maney Publishing The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2010 30 2010 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Taylor & Francis The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Taylor & Francis The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2011 31 2011 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Maney Publishing The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2012 32 2012 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Maney Publishing The Italianist 0261-4340 1748-619X 2012 32 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-619X Taylor & Francis The Japanese Political Economy 2329-194X 2329-1958 2014 40 2022 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-1958 Taylor & Francis The Journal for Specialists in Group Work 0193-3922 1549-6295 1978 3 2022 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-6295 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Adhesion 0021-8464 1545-5823 1969 1 2022 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5823 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Aesthetic Education 0021-8510 1543-7809 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-7809 University of Illinois Press The Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 0021-8529 1540-6245 2008 66 2023 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-6245 Oxford University Press The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 1389-224X 1750-8622 1998 5 2022 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-8622 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 0021-8863 1552-6879 2004 40 2007 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6879 SAGE Publications The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 0021-8863 1552-6879 2010 46 2022 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-6879 SAGE Publications The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 2576-9456 2475-7241 2016 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-7241 American Association for Clinical Chemistry The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 2576-9456 2475-7241 2018 2 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-7241 Oxford University Press The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 1056-6171 1537-0437 1992 1 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-0437 Poultry Science Association The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 1056-6171 1537-0437 2009 18 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-0437 Oxford University Press The Journal of Architecture 1360-2365 1466-4410 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1466-4410 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 1063-2921 1930-7799 1992 22 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1930-7799 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Association of Chest Physicians 2320-8775 2320-9089 2013 1 2022 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-9089 Medknow Publications The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 1526-1018 2169-7132 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-7132 Penn State University Press The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 1094-3412 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1094-3412 Springer The Journal of Biochemistry 0021-924X 1756-2651 2006 139 2023 174 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2651 Oxford University Press The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 0021-9355 1535-1386 1889 s1-1 1902 s1-15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-1386 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 0021-9355 1535-1386 1903 s2-1 1918 s2-16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-1386 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 0021-9355 1535-1386 1919 1 2011 93 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1535-1386 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc. The Journal of Business Communication 0021-9436 2004 41 2004 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-9436 SAGE Publications The Journal of Business Education 0021-9444 1929 2 1985 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0021-9444 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Cell Biology 0021-9525 1540-8140 1955 1 2023 222 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-8140 Rockefeller University Press The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 1941 1 1961 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 1963 23 1963 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 1965 25 1967 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 1969 29 1973 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 1974 39 1997 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 2000 85 2016 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 0021-972X 1945-7197 2018 103 2022 107 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-7197 Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 0091-2700 1552-4604 1961 1 2012 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-4604 SAGE Publications The Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 0306-3631 1974 12 1997 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0306-3631 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 0021-9894 1741-6442 2004 39 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-6442 SAGE Publications The Journal of Comparative Asian Development 1533-9114 2150-5403 2002 1 2017 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-5403 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 1757-482X 1757-4838 2009 1 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-4838 SAGE Publications The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 0737-7363 1948-4801 1978 26 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-4801 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Cost Analysis 0882-3871 1984 1 1991 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-3871 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Cost Analysis 0882-3871 1994 11 1998 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0882-3871 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 1541-1656 1999 1 2007 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1541-1656 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Criminal Law 0022-0183 1740-5580 2003 67 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5580 SAGE Publications The Journal of Data Education 0022-0310 1972 12 1985 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-0310 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 1548-5129 1557-380X 2004 1 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-380X SAGE Publications The Journal of Developing Areas 0022-037X 1548-2278 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-2278 Tennessee State University College of Business The Journal of Development Perspectives 2375-0456 2375-0464 2017 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-0464 Penn State University Press The Journal of Early Adolescence 0272-4316 1552-5449 2004 24 2022 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5449 SAGE Publications The Journal of Economic Education 0022-0485 2152-4068 1969 1 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-4068 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Educational Research 0022-0671 1940-0675 1920 1 2023 116 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0675 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 0307-5133 2514-0582 2005 91 2017 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-0582 SAGE Publications The Journal of Environment & Development 1070-4965 1552-5465 2004 13 2022 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-5465 SAGE Publications The Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2160-6544 2160-6552 2012 1 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-6552 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Environmental Education 0095-8964 1940-1892 1974 5 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1892 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Ethics 1382-4554 1572-8609 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8609 Springer The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1066-5234 2000 47 2004 051 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1066-5234 International Society of Protistologists The Journal of Experimental Education 0022-0973 1940-0683 1932 1 1933 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0683 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Experimental Education 0022-0973 1940-0683 1934 3 1981 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0683 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Experimental Education 0022-0973 1940-0683 1982 51 2023 91 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0683 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Experimental Medicine 0022-1007 1540-9538 1896 1 2022 219 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-9538 Rockefeller University Press The Journal of Fandom Studies 2046-6692 2046-6706 2012 1 2021 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2046-6706 Intellect The Journal of Forensic Practice 2050-8794 2013 15 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8794 Emerald Group Publishing The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 0958-5184 1469-9478 1990 1 2002 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9478 Taylor & Francis The Journal of General Education 0021-3667 1527-2060 1999 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2060 Penn State University Press The Journal of General Physiology 0022-1295 1540-7748 1918 1 2022 154 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-7748 Rockefeller University Press The Journal of General Psychology 0022-1309 1940-0888 1928 1 1975 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0888 Taylor & Francis The Journal of General Psychology 0022-1309 1940-0888 1976 94 2023 150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0888 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development 0022-1325 1940-0896 1954 85 2023 184 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0896 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Headache and Pain 1129-2369 1129-2377 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1129-2377 Springer The Journal of Health and Physical Education 2326-7240 1930 1 1948 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2326-7240 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 1930 1 2001 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2002 73 2002 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2002 73 2002 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2003 74 2003 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2004 75 2004 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2005 76 2005 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2006 77 2006 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2007 78 2007 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2008 79 2008 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2009 80 2009 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2010 81 2010 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2011 82 2011 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2012 83 2012 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2013 84 2013 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2014 85 2014 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2015 86 2015 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Ohio State University Press The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2016 87 2016 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 2017 88 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4640 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Hindu Studies 1756-4255 1756-4263 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-4263 Oxford University Press The Journal of Hindu Studies 1756-4255 1756-4263 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-4263 Oxford University Press The Journal of Hip Surgery 2472-8446 2472-8454 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2472-8454 Georg Thieme Verlag KG The Journal of Holocaust Education 1359-1371 1995 4 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1359-1371 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Holocaust Research 2578-5648 2578-5656 2019 33 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-5656 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 1462-0316 2380-4084 1998 73 2023 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2380-4084 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management 1091-3211 2152-2790 1991 1 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-2790 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Human Resources 0022-166X 1548-8004 2003 XXXVIII 59(present) LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8004 University of Wisconsin Press The Journal of Immunology 0022-1767 1550-6606 1916 1 1992 148 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-6606 American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology 0022-1767 1550-6606 2005 174 2006 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-6606 American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology 0022-1767 1550-6606 2007 179 2011 187 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-6606 American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 0308-6534 1743-9329 1972 1 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9329 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0972-4052 1998-4057 2013 13 2014 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4057 Springer The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0972-4052 1998-4057 2015 15 2019 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4057 Medknow Publications The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0972-4052 1998-4057 2021 21 2021 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1998-4057 Medknow Publications The Journal of Individual Psychology 1522-2527 2332-0583 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-0583 University of Texas Press The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development: An International and Comparative Review 0963-8199 1469-9559 1992 1 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9559 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 1556-4894 1556-1828 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1828 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Japanese Studies 0095-6848 1549-4721 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-4721 Society for Japanese Studies The Journal of Korean Studies 0731-1613 2158-1665 1969 1 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-1665 University of Washington Center for Korea Studies The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 1073-1105 1748-720X 2005 33 2007 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-720X SAGE Publications The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 1073-1105 1748-720X 2005 23 2009 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-720X SAGE Publications The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 1073-1105 1748-720X 2009 37 2020 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-720X SAGE Publications The Journal of Legal History 0144-0365 1744-0564 1980 1 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0564 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 0732-9113 2305-9931 1969 1 2021 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2305-9931 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Legislative Studies 1357-2334 1743-9337 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9337 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Lipid Research 0022-2275 1539-7262 1959 1 2019 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-7262 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 1476-7058 1476-4954 2002 11 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-4954 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0022-250X 1545-5874 1971 1 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5874 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Mechanics 1811-8216 2008 24 2020 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1811-8216 Oxford University Press The Journal of Medicine Access 2755-0834 2022 6 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2755-0834 SAGE Publications The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 0360-5310 1744-5019 1998 23 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5019 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 0360-5310 1744-5019 2008 33 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5019 Oxford University Press The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 0360-5310 1744-5019 2011 36 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5019 Oxford University Press The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 1947-6566 2153-9650 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-9650 Penn State University Press The Journal of Men's Studies 1060-8265 1933-0251 2003 12 2022 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-0251 SAGE Publications The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice: Issues for workforce development 1755-6228 2042-8707 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8707 Emerald Group Publishing The Journal of Microbiology 1225-8873 1976-3794 2013 51 2018 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1976-3794 Springer The Journal of Military History 0899-3718 1543-7795 2003 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-7795 Society for Military History The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2008 1 2008 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2009 2 2009 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Bloomsbury Publishing The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 2014 7 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6780 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 1947-6574 2152-9272 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-9272 Penn State University Press The Journal of National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers 2319-1880 2348-6139 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2348-6139 Medknow Publications The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences 2149-1909 2148-4325 2020 7 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2148-4325 Medknow Publications The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 1538-4594 0968-8005 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0968-8005 Penn State University Press The Journal of North African Studies 1362-9387 1743-9345 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9345 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 1967 91 2008 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2008 138 2008 138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2009 139 2009 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2009 139 2009 139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2010 140 2010 140 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2010 140 2010 140 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2011 141 2011 141 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2011 141 2011 141 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2012 142 2012 142 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2012 142 2012 142 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2013 143 2013 143 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2013 143 2013 143 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2014 144 2014 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2014 144 2014 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2015 145 2015 145 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2015 145 2015 145 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2016 146 2016 146 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 American Society for Nutrition The Journal of Nutrition 0022-3166 1541-6100 2016 146 2022 152 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-6100 Oxford University Press The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 1279-7707 1760-4788 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1760-4788 Springer The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India 0971-9202 0975-6434 2013 63 2018 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-6434 Springer The Journal of Pacific History 0022-3344 1469-9605 1966 1 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-9605 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Photographic Science 0022-3638 1956 4 1996 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-3638 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Photographic Science: Section B of The Photographic Journal 0370-0240 1953 1 1955 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0370-0240 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Physiological Sciences 1880-6546 1880-6562 2013 63 2018 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1880-6562 Springer The Journal of Population and Sustainability 2398-5488 2398-5496 2016 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-5496 White Horse Press The Journal of Positive Psychology: Dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice 1743-9760 1743-9779 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9779 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning 1759-5150 2010 10 2020 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1759-5150 Whiting and Birch The Journal of Primary Prevention 0278-095X 1573-6547 2013 34 2019 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-6547 Springer The Journal of Psychiatry & Law 0093-1853 2163-1794 2005 33 2012 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-1794 SAGE Publications The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied 0022-3980 1940-1019 1935 1 2023 157 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1019 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 0895-5638 1573-045X 2013 46 2018 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-045X Springer The Journal of Religion and Film 1092-1311 2010 14 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-1311 University of Nebraska at Omaha The Journal of Risk Finance 1526-5943 2000 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1526-5943 Emerald Group Publishing The Journal of School Nursing 1059-8405 1546-8364 2005 21 2007 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-8364 SAGE Publications The Journal of School Nursing 1059-8405 1546-8364 2010 26 2022 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1546-8364 SAGE Publications The Journal of Sexual Medicine 1743-6095 1743-6109 2008 5 2022 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-6109 Oxford University Press The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 1351-8046 1556-3006 1993 6 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-3006 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Social Psychology 0022-4545 1940-1183 1930 1 2023 163 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1183 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Social Studies Research 2352-2798 0885-985X 2014 38 2016 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0885-985X SAGE Publications The Journal of Social Studies Research 2352-2798 0885-985X 2018 42 2020 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0885-985X SAGE Publications The Journal of Social Studies Research 2352-2798 0885-985X 2022 46 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0885-985X SAGE Publications The Journal of Social Welfare Law 0141-8033 1978 1 1990 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0141-8033 Taylor & Francis The Journal of Soviet Military Studies 0954-254X 1988 1 1992 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0954-254X Taylor & Francis The Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 1538-4764 2004 38 2007 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4764 SAGE Publications The Journal of Special Education 0022-4669 1538-4764 2010 44 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4764 SAGE Publications The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 0891-625X 1527-9383 1999 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-9383 Penn State University Press The Journal of Student Success in Writing 2017 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=The+Journal+of+Student+Success+in+Writing&pub=Georgia+Southern+University Georgia Southern University The Journal of Supercomputing 0920-8542 1573-0484 2013 63 2018 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0484 Springer The Journal of Sustainable Mobility 2053-2350 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2053-2350 Greenleaf Publishing The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment 1540-2525 2002 1 2010 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1540-2525 Boston College Libraries The Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 1573-7047 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7047 Springer The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 1557-2625 1558-7118 1998 11 2022 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-7118 American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Dental Association 0002-8177 1943-4723 1995 126 2013 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4723 American Dental Association The Journal of the American Forensic Association 0002-8533 1970 7 1971 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-8533 Taylor & Francis The Journal of the American Forensic Association 0002-8533 1972 9 1989 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0002-8533 Taylor & Francis The Journal of the Civil War Era 2154-4727 2159-9807 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-9807 University of North Carolina Press The Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 0441-6651 2159-3957 1966 2 1995 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2159-3957 Taylor & Francis The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 1939-6724 1941-3599 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-3599 Johns Hopkins University Press The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 2152-0844 2152-0852 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-0852 Taylor & Francis The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 1466-4240 1476-9042 2005 125 2008 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-9042 SAGE Publications The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 1095-5674 1940-0616 2005 132 2017 144 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0616 Torrey Botanical Society The Journal of Theological Studies 0022-5185 1477-4607 2005 56 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4607 Oxford University Press The Journal of Tourism Insights 2328-0824 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2328-0824 Scholarworks @ GVSU The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 1999 20 2005 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 Manchester University Press The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 2005 26 2005 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 SAGE Publications The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 2006 27 2006 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 SAGE Publications The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 2006 27 2006 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 Manchester University Press The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 2007 28 2007 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 Manchester University Press The Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 1759-3999 2007 28 2022 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-3999 SAGE Publications The Journal of Vascular Access 1129-7298 1724-6032 2005 6 2022 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6032 SAGE Publications The Journal of World Christianity 2377-8784 1943-1538 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-1538 Penn State University Press The Journal of World Christianity 2377-8784 1943-1538 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-1538 Penn State University Press The Journal of World Energy Law & Business 1754-9957 1754-9965 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-9965 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2008 63 2008 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2009 64A 2011 66A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2012 67 2012 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2012 67-67A 2012 67-67A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2012 67A 2012 67A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2013 68 2014 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2014 69-69A 2014 69-69A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2014 69A 2014 69A LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 1079-5006 1758-535X 2015 70 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-535X Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2008 63 2008 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2009 64B 2011 66B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2012 67 2012 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2012 67-67B 2012 67-67B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2012 67B 2012 67B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2013 68 2013 68 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2014 69-69B 2014 69-69B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2014 69B 2014 69B LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 1079-5014 1758-5368 2015 70 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-5368 Oxford University Press The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry 0022-6858 2007 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-6858 Catholic University of America Press The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry 0022-6858 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0022-6858 Catholic University of America Press The Justice Professional 0888-4315 1477-2787 1988 3 1988 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2787 Taylor & Francis The Justice Professional 0888-4315 1477-2787 1992 7 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2787 Taylor & Francis The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2007 21 2009 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Taylor & Francis The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2010 24 2010 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Maney Publishing The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2010 24 2010 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Taylor & Francis The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2011 25 2011 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Maney Publishing The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2011 25 2011 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Taylor & Francis The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2012 26 2012 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Maney Publishing The Keats-Shelley Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 2012 26 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-1362 Taylor & Francis The Korean Language in America 2332-0346 2374-670X 2010 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-670X Penn State University Press The Korean Language in America 2332-0346 2374-670X 2015 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2374-670X Penn State University Press The Langston Hughes Review 0737-0555 2576-649X 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-649X Penn State University Press The Latin Americanist 1557-2021 1557-203X 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1557-203X University of North Carolina Press The Law and Development Review 1943-3867 2008 1 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-3867 Berkeley Electronic Press The Law Teacher 0306-9400 1943-0353 1967 1 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-0353 Taylor & Francis The Learning Organization 0969-6474 1758-7905 1994 1 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7905 Emerald Group Publishing The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 0075-8744 1758-437X 2010 55 2015 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-437X Oxford University Press The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 0024-2160 1744-8581 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-8581 Oxford University Press The Liminal: Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology in Education 2643-2099 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2643-2099 University of Denver The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 1986 53 2004 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2005 72 2005 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2005 72 2005 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2006 73 2006 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2006 73 2006 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2007 74 2007 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2007 74 2007 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2008 75 2008 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2008 75 2008 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2009 76 2009 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2009 76 2009 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2010 77 2010 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2010 77 2010 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2011 78 2011 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2011 78 2011 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2012 79 2012 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2012 79 2012 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2013 80 2013 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2013 80 2013 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2014 81 2014 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2014 81 2014 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2015 82 2015 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2015 82 2015 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2016 83 2016 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2016 83 2016 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2017 84 2017 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2017 84 2017 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 Taylor & Francis The Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 2018 85 2022 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8549 SAGE Publications The Lion and the Unicorn 0147-2593 1080-6563 1977 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6563 Johns Hopkins University Press The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2007 32 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Taylor & Francis The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Taylor & Francis The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2010 35 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Maney Publishing The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Taylor & Francis The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2011 36 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Maney Publishing The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Maney Publishing The London Journal 0305-8034 1749-6322 2012 37 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6322 Taylor & Francis The Maghreb Review 0309-457X 2754-6772 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-6772 Maghreb Publications The Mariner's Mirror 0025-3359 2049-680X 1911 1 2023 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-680X Taylor & Francis The Mark Twain Annual 1553-0981 1756-2597 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2597 Penn State University Press The Massachusetts Review 0025-4878 2330-0485 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2330-0485 Massachusetts Review, Inc The Mathematical Intelligencer 0343-6993 1866-7414 2013 35 2018 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1866-7414 Springer The Medieval Globe 2377-3561 2377-3553 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-3553 Arc Humanities Press The Medieval History Journal 0971-9458 0973-0753 2005 8 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0753 SAGE Publications The Medieval History Journal 0971-9458 0973-0753 2010 13 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-0753 SAGE Publications The Middle East Journal 0026-3141 1940-3461 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3461 Middle East Institute The Military Balance 0459-7222 1479-9022 1961 61 2001 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-9022 Taylor & Francis The Military Balance 0459-7222 1479-9022 2004 104 2023 123 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-9022 Taylor & Francis The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1973 1 1973 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1975 4 1977 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1978 10 1988 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1989 32 1990 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1991 36 1992 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1995 45 1996 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 1996 47 1997 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Minnesota Review 0026-5667 2157-4189 2005 2005 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-4189 Duke University Press The Missouri Review 0191-1961 1548-9930 1978 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-9930 University of Missouri The Monist 0026-9662 2153-3601 2008 91 2023 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3601 Oxford University Press The Moving Image 1532-3978 1542-4235 2003 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4235 University of Minnesota Press The Musical Quarterly 0027-4631 1741-8399 2004 87 2005 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8399 Oxford University Press The Musical Quarterly 0027-4631 1741-8399 2008 91 2023 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-8399 Oxford University Press The National Medical Journal of India 0970-258X 2016 29 2020 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0970-258X Medknow Publications The Neurodiagnostic Journal 2164-6821 2375-8627 2012 52 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2375-8627 Taylor & Francis The Neurohospitalist 1941-8744 1941-8752 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8752 SAGE Publications The Neuroradiology Journal 1971-4009 2385-1996 2006 19 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2385-1996 SAGE Publications The Neuroscientist 1073-8584 1089-4098 1995 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1089-4098 SAGE Publications The New Americanist 2545-3556 2753-6521 2023 2 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-6521 Edinburgh University Press The New Bioethics 2050-2877 2050-2885 2012 18 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-2885 Taylor & Francis The New Educator 1547-688X 1549-9243 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-9243 Taylor & Francis The New Review of Information Behaviour Research 1471-6313 1740-7877 2003 4 2003 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-7877 Taylor & Francis The New Soundtrack 2042-8855 2042-8863 2011 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8863 Edinburgh University Press The Nigerian Journal of General Practice 1118-4647 2468-8215 2014 12 2016 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8215 Medknow Publications The Nigerian Journal of General Practice 1118-4647 2468-8215 2018 16 2022 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2468-8215 Medknow Publications The Nonproliferation Review 1073-6700 1746-1766 1993 1 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-1766 Taylor & Francis The Onco Fertility Journal 2589-9597 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9597 Medknow Publications The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2005 10 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2008 13 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2009 14 2009 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2009 14 2009 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2010 15 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2010 15 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2011 16 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2011 16 2011 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2012 17 2012 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2013 18 2013 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2013 18 2013 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2014 19 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2014 19 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2015 20 2015 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2016 21 2016 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2016 21 2016 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2017 22 2017 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X AlphaMed Press The Oncologist 1083-7159 1549-490X 2017 22 2022 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1549-490X Oxford University Press The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy 2168-6408 2012 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-6408 Western Michigan University The Opera Quarterly 0736-0053 1476-2870 2002 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-2870 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2001 28 2001 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2001 28 2001 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2002 29 2002 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2002 29 2002 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2003 30 2003 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2003 30 2003 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2004 31 2004 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2004 31 2004 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2005 32 2005 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2006 33 2006 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2007 34 2007 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 University of California Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2008 35 2008 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2008 35 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2009 36 2009 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2009 36 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2010 37 2010 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2010 37 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2011 38 2011 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2011 38 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2012 39 2012 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2012 39 2013 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2013 40 2013 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2013 40 2014 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2014 41 2014 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2014 41 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2015 42 2015 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2015 42 2016 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2016 43 2016 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2017 44 2017 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2017 44 2017 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2018 45 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Oxford University Press The Oral History Review 0094-0798 1533-8592 2018 45 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8592 Taylor & Francis The Oriental Anthropologist 0972-558X 0976-3430 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3430 SAGE Publications The Oriental Anthropologist 0972-558X 0976-3430 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-3430 SAGE Publications The Pacific Review 0951-2748 1470-1332 1988 1 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1332 Taylor & Francis The Pain Clinic 0169-1112 1568-5691 2007 19 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1568-5691 Taylor & Francis The Paper Conservator 0309-4227 1976 1 2007 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0309-4227 Taylor & Francis The Parish Review 2634-145X 2012 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2634-145X Open Library of Humanities The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 0031-4587 2169-8546 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-8546 University of Pennsylvania Press The Philosophical Quarterly 0031-8094 1467-9213 2008 58 2023 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9213 Oxford University Press The Physical Educator 0031-8981 1980 37 2018 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0031-8981 Sagamore Publishing The Physician and Sportsmedicine 0091-3847 2326-3660 2000 28 2005 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-3660 Taylor & Francis The Physician and Sportsmedicine 0091-3847 2326-3660 2008 36 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-3660 Taylor & Francis The Physics of Metals and Metallography 0031-918X 1555-6190 2013 114 2018 119 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6190 Springer The Plant Cell 1040-4651 1532-298X 2000 12 2019 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-298X American Society of Plant Biologists The Plant Cell 1040-4651 1532-298X 2020 32 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-298X Oxford University Press The Plant Genome 1940-3372 2008 1 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-3372 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies The Pluralist 1930-7365 1944-6489 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-6489 University of Illinois Press The Polar Journal 2154-896X 2154-8978 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-8978 Taylor & Francis The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 0032-258X 1740-5599 2005 78 2023 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1740-5599 SAGE Publications The Poster 2040-3704 2040-3712 2010 1 2015 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3712 Intellect The Prison Journal 0032-8855 1552-7522 2004 84 2023 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-7522 SAGE Publications The Professional Animal Scientist 1080-7446 1525-318X 1997 13 2013 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1525-318X American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists The Professional Geographer 0033-0124 1467-9272 1949 1 2023 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9272 Taylor & Francis The Progressive Fish-Culturist 0033-0779 1548-8640 1935 2 1993 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8640 Taylor & Francis The Protein Journal 1573-4943 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-4943 Springer The Psychiatrist 1758-3217 1758-3209 2005 29 2016 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-3209 Royal College of Psychiatrists The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 0033-2828 2167-4086 1932 1 2023 92 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2167-4086 Taylor & Francis The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 0079-7308 2474-3356 1945 1 1947 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-3356 Taylor & Francis The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 0079-7308 2474-3356 1950 5 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2474-3356 Taylor & Francis The Psychologist-Manager Journal 1088-7156 1550-3461 2005 8 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-3461 Taylor & Francis The Psychotherapy Patient 0738-6176 1984 1 2004 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0738-6176 Taylor & Francis The Public Historian 0272-3433 1533-8576 2001 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8576 University of California Press The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1747-0218 1747-0226 2006 59 2017 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-0226 Taylor & Francis The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 0272-4987 1464-0740 2004 57 2005 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0740 SAGE Publications The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology 0272-4987 1464-0740 1981 33 2005 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0740 Taylor & Francis The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 0272-4995 1464-1321 2004 57 2005 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-1321 SAGE Publications The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 0033-5606 1464-3847 2005 56 2009 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3847 Oxford University Press The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 0033-5606 1464-3847 2011 62 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3847 Oxford University Press The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 0033-5614 1464-3855 2005 58 2006 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3855 Oxford University Press The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 0033-5614 1464-3855 2008 61 2009 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3855 Oxford University Press The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 0033-5614 1464-3855 2011 64 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-3855 Oxford University Press The Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media 1476-4504 2040-1388 2003 1 2021 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-1388 Intellect The Ramanujan Journal 1382-4090 1572-9303 2013 30 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9303 Springer The Reference Librarian 0276-3877 1541-1117 1982 1 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1117 Taylor & Francis The Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2045-9920 2045-9939 2011 1 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-9939 Oxford University Press The Review of Austrian Economics 0889-3047 1573-7128 2013 26 2018 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7128 Springer The Review of Black Political Economy 0034-6446 1936-4814 2003 31 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4814 SAGE Publications The Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527 1467-937X 2008 75 2023 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-937X Oxford University Press The Review of Education 0098-5597 1975 1 1993 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0098-5597 Taylor & Francis The Review of English Studies 0034-6551 1471-6968 2005 56 2023 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6968 Oxford University Press The Review of Faith & International Affairs 1557-0274 1931-7743 2005 3 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1931-7743 Taylor & Francis The Review of Financial Studies 0893-9454 1465-7368 2005 18 2008 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7368 Oxford University Press The Review of Financial Studies 0893-9454 1465-7368 2011 24 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1465-7368 Oxford University Press The Review of Higher Education 0162-5748 1090-7009 1977 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-7009 Johns Hopkins University Press The Review of International Affairs 1475-3553 2003 2 2004 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1475-3553 Taylor & Francis The Review of International Organizations 1559-7431 1559-744X 2013 8 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1559-744X Springer The Review of Socionetwork Strategies 1867-3236 2013 7 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1867-3236 Springer The Rhodes Cook Letter 1558-4291 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1558-4291 Berkeley Electronic Press The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs 0035-8533 1474-029X 2005 94 2023 112 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-029X Taylor & Francis The RUSI Journal 0307-1847 1744-0378 2005 150 2023 168 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-0378 Taylor & Francis The Saint's International Dental Journal 2454-3160 2015 1 2022 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2454-3160 Medknow Publications The Saudi Journal of Forensic Medicine and Sciences 2589-8329 2589-8337 2018 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-8337 Medknow Publications The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 0106-2301 1600-0803 2007 30 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1600-0803 Taylor & Francis The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care 2635-0106 2635-0114 2021 47 2023 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-0114 SAGE Publications The Scientific World Journal 2356-6140 1537-744X 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-744X Hindawi The Scottish Historical Review 0036-9241 1750-0222 2006 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0222 Edinburgh University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2002 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2016 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2016 48 2017 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2017 50 2017 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2017 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2018 50 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2018 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2019 51 2019 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2019 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2020 52 2020 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2020 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2021 53 2021 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 0190-731X 2165-0624 2022 55 2022 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0624 Penn State University Press The Seismic Record 2694-4006 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2694-4006 Seismological Society of America The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Bloomsbury Publishing The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2010 5 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Taylor & Francis The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Bloomsbury Publishing The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2011 6 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Taylor & Francis The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Bloomsbury Publishing The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2012 7 2012 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Taylor & Francis The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Taylor & Francis The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2013 8 2013 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Bloomsbury Publishing The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2014 9 2014 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Bloomsbury Publishing The Senses & Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 2014 9 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-8935 Taylor & Francis The Serials Librarian 0361-526X 1541-1095 2004 47 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-1095 Taylor & Francis The Service Industries Journal 0264-2069 1743-9507 2007 27 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9507 Taylor & Francis The Seventeenth Century 0268-117X 2050-4616 2005 20 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4616 Manchester University Press The Seventeenth Century 0268-117X 2050-4616 2007 22 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-4616 Taylor & Francis The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture 1754-1328 1754-1336 2008 1 2021 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-1336 Taylor & Francis The Social Science Journal 0362-3319 1873-5355 2010 47 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1873-5355 Taylor & Francis The Social Studies 0037-7996 2152-405X 2007 98 2023 114 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-405X Taylor & Francis The Sociological Quarterly 0038-0253 1533-8525 2007 48 2023 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-8525 Taylor & Francis The Sociological Review 0038-0261 1467-954X 2004 52 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-954X SAGE Publications The Sociological Review Monographs 0081-1769 2059-7932 2016 64 2016 64 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-7932 SAGE Publications The Soundtrack 1751-4193 1751-4207 2007 1 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-4207 Intellect The South Asianist Journal 2050-487X 2018 7 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-487X University of Edinburgh The South Atlantic Quarterly 0038-2876 1527-8026 1999 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8026 Duke University Press The Southern Literary Journal 0038-4291 1534-1461 2000 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1461 University of North Carolina Press The Southern Literary Journal 0038-4291 1534-1461 2018 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-1461 University of North Carolina Press The Southern Quarterly 0038-4496 2377-2050 2014 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-2050 University of Southern Mississippi The Southwestern Naturalist 0038-4909 1943-6262 2003 48 2017 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6262 Southwestern Association of Naturalists The Stata Journal 1536-867X 1536-8734 2005 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1536-8734 SAGE Publications The STEAM Journal 2327-2074 2014 1 2020 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2327-2074 Claremont College Library The Surgery Journal 2378-5128 2378-5136 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2378-5136 Georg Thieme Verlag KG The Teacher Educator 0887-8730 1938-8101 2004 40 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-8101 Taylor & Francis The Theory and Practice of Legislation 2050-8840 2050-8859 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-8859 Taylor & Francis The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review 0040-6325 2473-3725 1941 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-3725 Catholic University of America Press The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 0171-6425 1439-1902 2010 58 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1902 Georg Thieme Verlag KG The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports 2194-7635 2194-7643 2012 1 2023 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-7643 Georg Thieme Verlag KG The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville 0730-479X 1918-6649 2009 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-6649 University of Toronto Press The TQM Journal 1754-2731 1754-274X 2008 20 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-274X Emerald Group Publishing The TQM Magazine 0954-478X 1758-6887 1988 1 2007 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6887 Emerald Group Publishing The Translator 1355-6509 1757-0409 2007 13 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1757-0409 Taylor & Francis The Traumaxilla 2632-3281 2019 1 2020 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-3281 SAGE Publications The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual 2689-4181 2771-1625 2017 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2771-1625 Liverpool University Press The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual 2689-4181 2771-1625 2021 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2771-1625 Liverpool University Press The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 0049-4925 1970 1 1984 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0049-4925 Taylor & Francis The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis 2328-4048 2014 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-4048 University of Nebraska Press The Urban Review 0042-0972 1573-1960 2013 45 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1960 Springer The Velvet Light Trap 0149-1830 1542-4251 2003 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1542-4251 University of Texas Press The Veterinary Nurse 2044-0065 2052-2959 2013 4 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-2959 Mark Allen Group The Visual Computer 0178-2789 1432-2315 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2315 Springer The VLDB Journal 1066-8888 0949-877X 1992 1 2010 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0949-877X Springer The Vocational Aspect of Education 0305-7879 1948 1 1995 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0305-7879 Taylor & Francis The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2000 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 MIT Press The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 MIT Press The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2005 28 2005 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 Taylor & Francis The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 MIT Press The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2006 29 2006 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 Taylor & Francis The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 MIT Press The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2007 30 2007 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 Taylor & Francis The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 MIT Press The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2008 31 2008 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 Taylor & Francis The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 2009 32 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-9177 Taylor & Francis The William and Mary Quarterly 0043-5597 1933-7698 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1933-7698 Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture The Wilson Bulletin 0043-5643 2000 112 2005 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0043-5643 Wilson Ornithological Society The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 1559-4491 1938-5447 2006 118 2017 129 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5447 Wilson Ornithological Society The World Bank Economic Review 0258-6770 1564-698X 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1564-698X Oxford University Press The World Bank Research Observer 0257-3032 1564-6971 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1564-6971 Oxford University Press The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 1562-2975 1814-1412 2008 9 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1814-1412 Taylor & Francis The Yale Journal of Criticism 0893-5378 1080-6636 1996 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1080-6636 Johns Hopkins University Press The Yale Review 0044-0124 1467-9736 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1467-9736 Johns Hopkins University Press The Yearbook of Comparative Literature 0084-3695 1947-2978 2008 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-2978 University of Toronto Press The Yearbook of English Studies 0306-2473 2222-4289 2001 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2222-4289 Modern Humanities Research Association The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 1077-4254 1471-681X 2005 13 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-681X Oxford University Press The Year's Work in English Studies 0084-4144 1471-6801 2005 84 2021 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6801 Oxford University Press The Year's Work in English Studies 0084-4144 1471-6801 2023 102 2023 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1471-6801 Oxford University Press Theater 0161-0775 1527-196X 1968 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-196X Duke University Press Theatre & Performance Design 2332-2551 2332-2578 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2332-2578 Taylor & Francis Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 1944-3927 1944-3919 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-3919 Taylor & Francis Theatre History Studies 0733-2033 2007 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0733-2033 University of Alabama Press Theatre History Studies 0733-2033 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0733-2033 University of Alabama Press Theatre Journal 0192-2882 1086-332X 1996 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-332X Johns Hopkins University Press Theatre Notebook 0040-5523 2051-8358 2013 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-8358 Society for Theatre Research Theatre Symposium 1065-4917 2007 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1065-4917 University of Alabama Press Theatre Symposium 1065-4917 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1065-4917 University of Alabama Press Theatre Topics 1054-8378 1086-3346 1991 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3346 Johns Hopkins University Press Theological Studies 0040-5639 2169-1304 2004 65 2023 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-1304 SAGE Publications Theology 0040-571X 2044-2696 2004 107 2023 126 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-2696 SAGE Publications Theology & Sexuality 1355-8358 1745-5170 2003 10 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5170 SAGE Publications Theology & Sexuality 1355-8358 1745-5170 2007 14 2016 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5170 Taylor & Francis Theology and Science 1474-6700 1474-6719 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-6719 Taylor & Francis Theology Today 0040-5736 2044-2556 2003 60 2023 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-2556 SAGE Publications Theoretical & Applied Ethics 2156-7174 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-7174 University of Nebraska Press Theoretical and Applied Climatology 0177-798X 1434-4483 2013 111 2018 133 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-4483 Springer Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 1432-2242 1929 1 1947 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2242 Springer Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 1432-2242 1948 19 2018 131 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2242 Springer Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 0935-4964 1432-2250 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2250 Springer Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry 0040-5760 1573-935X 2013 49 2018 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-935X Springer Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 0040-5779 1573-9333 2013 174 2018 196 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9333 Springer Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 0040-5779 1573-9333 2019 198 2019 198 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9333 Springer Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 1742-4682 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4682 BioMed Central Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 1742-4682 2012 9 2018 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-4682 Springer Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling (Theoretica Chimica Acta) 1432-881X 1432-2234 1962 1 1997 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2234 Springer Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling (Theoretica Chimica Acta) 1432-881X 1432-2234 1997 98 1999 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2234 Springer Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling (Theoretica Chimica Acta) 1432-881X 1432-2234 1999 103 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2234 Springer Theoretical Criminology 1362-4806 1461-7439 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7439 SAGE Publications Theoretical Ecology 1874-1738 1874-1746 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-1746 Springer Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering 0040-5795 1608-3431 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-3431 Springer Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1565-1509 1565-3404 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1565-3404 Berkeley Electronic Press Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 1463-922X 1464-536X 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-536X Taylor & Francis Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 1386-7415 1573-1200 2013 34 2018 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1200 Springer Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 2515-2289 2000 10 2015 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2289 Open Library of Humanities Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 2515-2289 2017 27 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-2289 Open Library of Humanities Theoria 0040-5817 1558-5816 1997 44 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-5816 Berghahn Journals Theory & Event 1092-311X 1997 1 1997 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 1998 2 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 1999 3 1999 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2000 4 2000 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2001 5 2001 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2002 6 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2003 7 2005 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2005 8 2005 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2006 9 2006 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2007 10 2007 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2008 11 2008 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2009 12 2009 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2010 13 2010 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2011 14 2011 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2012 15 2012 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2013 16 2013 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2014 17 2014 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 1092-311X 2015 18 2015 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Event 2572-6633 1092-311X 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1092-311X Johns Hopkins University Press Theory & Psychology 0959-3543 1461-7447 2004 14 2008 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7447 SAGE Publications Theory & Psychology 0959-3543 1461-7447 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7447 SAGE Publications Theory & Research in Social Education 0093-3104 2163-1654 2005 33 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2163-1654 Taylor & Francis Theory & Struggle 2057-0988 2514-264X 2014 115 2023 124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-264X Liverpool University Press Theory and Applications of Graphs 2470-9859 2014 0 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2470-9859 Georgia Southern University Theory and Decision 0040-5833 1573-7187 2013 74 2018 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7187 Springer Theory and Research in Education 1477-8785 1741-3192 2004 2 2008 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3192 SAGE Publications Theory and Research in Education 1477-8785 1741-3192 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3192 SAGE Publications Theory and Society 0304-2421 1573-7853 2013 42 2018 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7853 Springer Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 1460-3616 2004 21 2008 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3616 SAGE Publications Theory, Culture & Society 0263-2764 1460-3616 2010 27 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1460-3616 SAGE Publications Theory in Biosciences 1431-7613 1611-7530 2013 132 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1611-7530 Springer Theory Into Practice 0040-5841 1543-0421 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-0421 Ohio State University College of Education Theory Into Practice 0040-5841 1543-0421 2005 44 2023 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1543-0421 Taylor & Francis Theory of Computing Systems 1432-4350 2013 52 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1432-4350 Springer Theory of Probability and its Applications 0040-585X 1095-7219 2000 44 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1095-7219 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Therapeutic Advances in Allergy and Rhinology 2753-4030 2023 14 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2753-4030 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 1753-9447 1753-9455 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9455 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease 1753-9447 1753-9455 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-9455 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 2040-6223 2040-6231 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-6231 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2042-0986 2042-0994 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0994 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2042-0188 2042-0196 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0196 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 1756-283X 1756-2848 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2848 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2631-7745 2019 12 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2631-7745 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Hematology 2040-6207 2040-6215 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-6215 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease 2049-9361 2049-937X 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2049-937X SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 1758-8340 1758-8359 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8359 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 1759-720X 1759-7218 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-7218 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 1756-2856 1756-2864 2010 3 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2864 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology 2515-8414 2018 10 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-8414 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 2045-1253 2045-1261 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-1261 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease 2633-0040 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-0040 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Reproductive Health 2633-4941 2020 14 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-4941 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 1753-4658 1753-4666 2007 1 2008 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4666 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 1753-4658 1753-4666 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-4666 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Urology 1756-2872 1756-2880 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1756-2880 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines 2051-0144 2051-0136 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2051-0136 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy 2515-1355 2515-1363 2017 5 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2515-1363 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities 0964-1866 2012 33 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0964-1866 Emerald Group Publishing Therapeutic Delivery 2041-5990 2041-6008 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-6008 Future Science Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 2168-4790 2168-4804 2013 47 2019 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-4804 SAGE Publications Therapeutic Recreation Journal 0040-5914 1983 17 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0040-5914 Sagamore Publishing Thermal Engineering 0040-6015 1555-6301 2013 60 2018 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-6301 Springer Thesis Eleven 0725-5136 1461-7455 2004 76 2008 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7455 SAGE Publications Thesis Eleven 0725-5136 1461-7455 2009 99 2023 179 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7455 SAGE Publications Thinking & Reasoning 1354-6783 1464-0708 2005 11 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0708 Taylor & Francis Third Text 0952-8822 1475-5297 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1475-5297 Taylor & Francis Third World Planning Review 0142-7849 2000 22 2001 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0142-7849 Liverpool University Press Third World Quarterly 0143-6597 1360-2241 2005 26 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-2241 Taylor & Francis Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal 2380-2014 2379-9978 2016 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-9978 Taylor & Francis Thorax 0040-6376 1468-3296 1946 1 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-3296 BMJ Group Thornton Wilder Journal 2688-1985 2688-1993 2020 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2688-1993 Penn State University Press Thrombosis 2090-1488 2090-1496 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1496 Hindawi Thrombosis 2090-1488 2090-1496 2013 2013 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1496 Hindawi Thrombosis and Haemostasis 0340-6245 2567-689X 2000 44 2023 67 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-689X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Thrombosis Journal 1477-9560 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9560 BioMed Central Thrombosis Journal 1477-9560 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-9560 Springer Thyroid Research 1756-6614 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1756-6614 Springer Thyroid Research and Practice 0973-0354 2250-1452 2010 7 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-1452 Medknow Publications Tierarzthelfer/in konkret 1614-8754 1865-3987 2009 5 2009 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-3987 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tierärztliche Praxis G: Großtiere/Nutztiere 1434-1220 2567-5834 2003 31 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5834 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tierärztliche Praxis K: Kleintiere/Heimtiere 1434-1239 2567-5842 2003 1 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-5842 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde 0929-600X 1876-5858 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5858 Springer Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 0167-9228 1875-6832 2013 44 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-6832 Springer Tijdschrift voor industriële cultuur 1371-7774 2010 2010 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1371-7774 Ghent University Library Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde 0376-7442 1875-6840 2013 81 2015 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-6840 Springer Tijdschrift voor praktijk ondersteuning 1872-4078 1876-5416 2013 8 2017 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5416 Springer Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 0165-1188 1876-5637 2013 39 2017 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-5637 Springer Tijdschrift voor Tijdschriftstudies 2214-8965 2000 7 2015 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2214-8965 Utrecht University Library Tikkun 0887-9982 2164-0041 2006 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0041 Duke University Press Tilburg Law Review: Journal of International and Comparative Law 2211-2545 2012 17 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2211-2545 Ubiquity Press Time & Society 0961-463X 1461-7463 2004 13 2008 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7463 SAGE Publications Time & Society 0961-463X 1461-7463 2010 19 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7463 SAGE Publications Time and Mind 1751-696X 1751-6978 2008 1 2022 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-6978 Taylor & Francis Timely Interventions 2160-5777 2013 1 2013 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-5777 University of Pittsburgh University Library System Tissue Barriers 2168-8370 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-8370 Taylor & Francis Tizard Learning Disability Review: Practice, management, research and innovation 1359-5474 2042-8782 1996 1 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-8782 Emerald Group Publishing TNOA Journal of Ophthalmic Science and Research 2589-4528 2589-4536 2017 55 2022 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-4536 Medknow Publications Tobacco Control 0964-4563 1468-3318 1992 1 2005 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-3318 BMJ Group Tobacco Control 0964-4563 1468-3318 2007 16 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1468-3318 BMJ Group Tobacco Induced Diseases 1617-9625 2012 10 2012 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1617-9625 BioMed Central Tobacco Induced Diseases 1617-9625 2013 11 2017 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1617-9625 Springer Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2010 3 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2011 4 2011 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2012 5 2012 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2013 6 2013 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2014 7 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2015 8 2015 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X Libertas Academica Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2015 8 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1179-173X SAGE Publications Together 0161-0333 1986 1 1987 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0161-0333 Taylor & Francis Tolkien Studies 1547-3155 1547-3163 2004 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-3163 West Virginia University Press TOP 1134-5764 1863-8279 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-8279 Springer TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 1206-0143 1916-0194 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1916-0194 University of Toronto Press Topics in Catalysis 1022-5528 1572-9028 1994 1 2018 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9028 Springer Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 0271-1214 1538-4845 2004 24 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4845 SAGE Publications Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 0271-1214 1538-4845 2010 30 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-4845 SAGE Publications Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy 1538-0653 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-0653 Berkeley Electronic Press Topics in Macroeconomics 1534-5998 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1534-5998 Berkeley Electronic Press Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 1074-9357 1945-5119 2007 14 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-5119 Taylor & Francis Topics in Theoretical Economics 1534-598X 2001 1 2006 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1534-598X Berkeley Electronic Press Topoi 0167-7411 1572-8749 2013 32 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8749 Springer Toronto Journal of Theology 0826-9831 1918-6371 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1918-6371 University of Toronto Press Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 1478-3363 1478-3371 2005 16 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-3371 Taylor & Francis Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 1469-0764 1743-9647 2005 6 2010 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9647 Taylor & Francis Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 1479-053X 1479-0548 2004 1 2010 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1479-0548 Taylor & Francis Tourism and Hospitality Research 1467-3584 1742-9692 2004 5 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1742-9692 SAGE Publications Tourism Critiques 2633-1225 2633-1233 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-1233 Emerald Group Publishing Tourism Economics 1354-8166 2044-0375 2004 10 2010 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-0375 SAGE Publications Tourism Economics 1354-8166 2044-0375 2011 17 2015 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-0375 IP Publishing Ltd. Tourism Economics 1354-8166 2044-0375 2016 22 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-0375 SAGE Publications Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment 1461-6688 1470-1340 2005 7 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1340 Taylor & Francis Tourism Planning & Development 2156-8316 2156-8324 2011 8 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2156-8324 Taylor & Francis Tourism Recreation Research 0250-8281 2320-0308 2007 32 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2320-0308 Taylor & Francis Tourism Review 1660-5373 1759-8451 1946 1 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1759-8451 Emerald Group Publishing Tourist Studies 1468-7976 1741-3206 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3206 SAGE Publications Town Planning and Architecture 1392-1630 1648-3537 2006 30 2011 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-3537 Taylor & Francis Town Planning Review 0041-0020 1478-341X 1999 70 2023 94 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1478-341X Liverpool University Press Toxicologic Pathology 0192-6233 1533-1601 2004 32 2008 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-1601 SAGE Publications Toxicologic Pathology 0192-6233 1533-1601 2010 38 2023 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-1601 SAGE Publications Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 0277-2248 1029-0486 2005 87 2023 105 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0486 Taylor & Francis Toxicological Research 1976-8257 2234-2753 2019 35 2019 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2234-2753 Springer Toxicological Sciences 1096-6080 1096-0929 2005 83 2005 88 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-0929 Oxford University Press Toxicological Sciences 1096-6080 1096-0929 2006 91 2007 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-0929 Oxford University Press Toxicological Sciences 1096-6080 1096-0929 2007 99 2008 106 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-0929 Oxford University Press Toxicological Sciences 1096-6080 1096-0929 2008 102 2023 196 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-0929 Oxford University Press Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 2005-9752 2233-7784 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2233-7784 Springer Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 1477-0393 2004 20 2008 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0393 SAGE Publications Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 1477-0393 2010 26 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0393 SAGE Publications Toxicology Communications 2473-4306 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2473-4306 Taylor & Francis Toxicology International 0971-6580 0976-5131 2011 18 2015 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0976-5131 Medknow Publications Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 1537-6516 1537-6524 2008 18 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1537-6524 Taylor & Francis Toxicology Methods 1051-7235 2001 1 2011 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1051-7235 Taylor & Francis Toxicology Research 2045-452X 2045-4538 2012 1 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-4538 Royal Society of Chemistry Toxicology Research and Application 2397-8473 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2397-8473 SAGE Publications Toxin Reviews 1556-9543 1556-9551 2008 27 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9551 Taylor & Francis TPGA Journal 0364-3409 1972 1 1979 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0364-3409 Taylor & Francis Traditio 0362-1529 2166-5508 2002 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-5508 Cambridge University Press Traffic Injury Prevention 1538-9588 1538-957X 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1538-957X Taylor & Francis Training for Quality 0968-4875 1758-6895 1993 1 1997 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-6895 Emerald Group Publishing Training Strategies for Tomorrow 1369-7234 1758-8596 2002 16 2002 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-8596 Emerald Group Publishing Trans Asia Photography 2158-2025 2010 1 2010 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-2025 Duke University Press Trans Asia Photography 2158-2025 2021 11 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2158-2025 Duke University Press Transactional Analysis Journal 0362-1537 2329-5244 2004 34 2017 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-5244 SAGE Publications Transactions in Earth, Environment, and Sustainability 2754-124X 2754-124X 2023 1 2023 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-124X SAGE Publications Transactions in Planning and Urban Research 2754-1223 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-1223 SAGE Publications Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology 2754-1231 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2754-1231 SAGE Publications Transactions of the American Entomological Society 0002-8320 0886-1145 2006 132 2023 149 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0886-1145 American Entomological Society Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 0002-8487 1548-8659 1872 1 2017 146 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-8659 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 0065-9746 2325-9264 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-9264 University of Pennsylvania Press Transactions of the Burgon Society 2475-7799 2001 1 2020 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-7799 New Prairie Press Transactions of the Burgon Society 2475-7799 2022 21 2022 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-7799 New Prairie Press Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 0009-1774 1558-9587 2005 41 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1558-9587 Indiana University Press Transactions of the Geological Society of London 2042-5295 1811 s1-1 1821 s1-5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5295 Geological Society of London Transactions of the Geological Society of London 2042-5295 1822 s2-1 1856 s2-7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-5295 Geological Society of London Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 0140-332X 2398-1601 2008 157 2023 172 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-1601 Liverpool University Press Transactions of the IMF 0020-2967 1745-9192 2000 78 2004 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9192 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the IMF 0020-2967 1745-9192 2005 83 2012 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9192 Maney Publishing Transactions of the IMF 0020-2967 1745-9192 2013 91 2023 101 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-9192 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 0371-750X 2165-5456 2007 66 2023 82 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-5456 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 0972-2815 0975-1645 2013 66 2018 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0975-1645 Springer Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 0142-3312 1477-0369 2004 26 2008 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0369 SAGE Publications Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 0142-3312 1477-0369 2010 32 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0369 SAGE Publications Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval 2514-3298 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2514-3298 Ubiquity Press Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 0022-8443 1938-5420 2001 104 2017 120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5420 Kansas Academy of Science Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 2052-4986 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-4986 Oxford University Press Transactions of the Newcomen Society 0372-0187 1750-3523 1990 62 2005 75 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3523 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the Newcomen Society 0372-0187 1750-3523 2006 76 2008 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-3523 Maney Publishing Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 0035-919X 2154-0098 2005 60 2023 78 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-0098 Taylor & Francis Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 0372-1426 2204-0293 2007 131 2023 147 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2204-0293 Taylor & Francis Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0035-9203 1878-3503 2009 102 2023 117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1878-3503 Oxford University Press Transactions of Tianjin University 1006-4982 1995-8196 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-8196 Springer TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES 1865-1674 1865-1682 2023 2023 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-1682 Hindawi Transcription 2154-1264 2154-1272 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-1272 Taylor & Francis Transcultural Psychiatry 1363-4615 1461-7471 2004 41 2008 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7471 SAGE Publications Transcultural Psychiatry 1363-4615 1461-7471 2010 47 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1461-7471 SAGE Publications Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 1024-2589 1996-7284 2004 10 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-7284 SAGE Publications Transfers 2045-4813 2045-4821 2011 1 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-4821 Berghahn Journals Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 0265-3788 2004 21 2008 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0265-3788 SAGE Publications Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 0265-3788 2010 27 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0265-3788 SAGE Publications Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 1726-1368 0258-7696 2002 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0258-7696 University of KwaZulu-Natal Transformation Groups 1083-4362 1531-586X 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1531-586X Springer Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy 1052-5017 2377-9578 2012 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2377-9578 Penn State University Press Transforming Anthropology 1051-0559 1548-7466 1990 1 2007 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7466 American Anthropological Association Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 1750-6166 1750-6174 2007 1 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6174 Emerald Group Publishing Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 1750-6166 1750-6174 2020 14 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-6174 Emerald Group Publishing Transfusionsmedizin - Immunhämatologie, Hämotherapie, Immungenetik, Zelltherapie 2191-8805 2191-8813 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2191-8813 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Transgender Studies Quarterly 2328-9252 2328-9260 2014 1 2022 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2328-9260 Duke University Press Transgenic Research 0962-8819 1573-9368 1991 1 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-9368 Springer Trans-Humanities Journal 2092-6081 2383-9899 2009 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2383-9899 University of Hawai'i Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2000 81 2000 81 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2000 9 2001 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2000 85 2001 85 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2002 89 2003 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2002 12 2007 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2002 93 2010 103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition 0041-1191 1527-8042 2004 97 2023 134 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-8042 Indiana University Press Transition Metal Chemistry 0340-4285 1572-901X 2013 38 2018 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-901X Springer Transition Studies Review 1614-4007 1614-4015 2004 11 2004 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-4015 Springer Transition Studies Review 1614-4007 1614-4015 2010 17 2010 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-4015 Springer Translation 2169-0731 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-0731 Taylor & Francis Translation and Literature 0968-1361 1750-0214 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1750-0214 Edinburgh University Press Translation Review 0737-4836 2164-0564 2007 73 2023 113 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2164-0564 Taylor & Francis Translation Studies 1478-1700 1751-2921 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-2921 Taylor & Francis Translational Animal Science 2573-2102 2017 1 2023 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2573-2102 Oxford University Press Translational Behavioral Medicine 1869-6716 1613-9860 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-9860 Oxford University Press Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2001-7022 2013 1 2017 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2001-7022 Taylor & Francis Translational Epigenomics 2334-4865 2014 1 2014 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2334-4865 SAGE Publications Translational Medicine Communications 2396-832X 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2396-832X Springer Translational Neurodegeneration 2047-9158 2012 1 2012 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-9158 BioMed Central Translational Neurodegeneration 2047-9158 2013 2 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-9158 Springer Translational Neuroscience and Clinics 2096-0441 2096-0670 2015 1 2017 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2096-0670 SAGE Publications Translational Oncogenomics 1177-2727 2006 1 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1177-2727 Libertas Academica Translational Research in Oral Oncology 2057-178X 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-178X SAGE Publications Translational Stroke Research 1868-4483 1868-601X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-601X Springer Translational Surgery 2468-5585 2455-9598 2016 1 2019 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2455-9598 Medknow Publications Transnational Cinemas 2040-3526 2040-3534 2010 1 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2040-3534 Taylor & Francis Transnational Corporations Review 1918-6444 1925-2099 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1925-2099 Taylor & Francis Transnational Legal Theory 2041-4005 2041-4013 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-4013 Taylor & Francis Transnational Screens 2578-5273 2578-5265 2019 10 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2578-5265 Taylor & Francis Transnational Social Review 2193-1674 2196-145X 2011 1 2018 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2196-145X Taylor & Francis Transplantation Research 2047-1440 2013 2 2016 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2047-1440 Springer Transport 1648-4142 1648-3480 2002 1 2002 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-3480 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Transport 1648-4142 1648-3480 2004 19 2017 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-3480 Taylor & Francis Transport 1648-4142 1648-3480 2006 5 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1648-3480 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Transport in Porous Media 0169-3913 1573-1634 2013 96 2018 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1634 Springer Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal 0144-1647 1464-5327 2005 25 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5327 Taylor & Francis Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 0041-1450 1532-2424 2004 34 2013 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1532-2424 Taylor & Francis Transportation 0049-4488 1572-9435 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9435 Springer Transportation Journal 0041-1612 2157-328X 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2157-328X Penn State University Press Transportation Letters 1942-7867 1942-7875 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-7875 Taylor & Francis Transportation Planning and Technology 0308-1060 1029-0354 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1029-0354 Taylor & Francis Transportation Research Record 0361-1981 2169-4052 2004 1862 2006 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4052 SAGE Publications Transportation Research Record 0361-1981 2169-4052 2007 1989-1 2007 1989-2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4052 SAGE Publications Transportation Research Record 0361-1981 2169-4052 2007 1990 2023 2677 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4052 SAGE Publications Transportmetrica 1812-8602 1944-0987 2005 1 2012 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1944-0987 Taylor & Francis Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 2324-9935 2324-9943 2013 9 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2324-9943 Taylor & Francis Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 2168-0566 2168-0582 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2168-0582 Taylor & Francis Trauma 1460-4086 1477-0350 2000 2 2000 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0350 SAGE Publications Trauma 1460-4086 1477-0350 2004 6 2008 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0350 SAGE Publications Trauma 1460-4086 1477-0350 2010 12 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0350 SAGE Publications Trauma und Berufskrankheit 1436-6274 1436-6282 2013 15 2018 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1436-6282 Springer Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 1524-8380 1552-8324 2004 5 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8324 SAGE Publications Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 1524-8380 1552-8324 2010 11 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8324 SAGE Publications Traumatology 1534-7656 1085-9373 2004 10 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1085-9373 SAGE Publications Traumatology 1534-7656 1085-9373 2010 16 2013 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1085-9373 SAGE Publications Treasury Bulletin 0041-2155 1555-0168 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-0168 United States Bureau of the Fiscal Service Tree Genetics & Genomes 1614-2942 1614-2950 2008 4 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1614-2950 Springer Tree Physiology 0829-318X 1758-4469 2008 28 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-4469 Oxford University Press Tree-Ring Research 1536-1098 2004 60 2017 73 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1536-1098 Tree-Ring Society Trees - Structure and Function 0931-1890 1432-2285 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2285 Springer Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2160-8288 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-8288 Ubiquity Press Trends in Amplification 1084-7138 1940-5588 2004 8 2008 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5588 SAGE Publications Trends in Amplification 1084-7138 1940-5588 2010 14 2015 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5588 SAGE Publications Trends in Hearing 2331-2165 2016 20 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2331-2165 SAGE Publications Trends in Organized Crime 1084-4791 1936-4830 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-4830 Springer Trials 1745-6215 2000 1 2011 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6215 BioMed Central Trials 1745-6215 2013 14 2018 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-6215 Springer Tribology Letters 1023-8883 1573-2711 2013 49 2017 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2711 Springer Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2007 1 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Maney Publishing Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2011 5 2011 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2012 6 2012 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Maney Publishing Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2013 7 2014 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2015 9 2015 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2016 10 2016 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2016 10 2017 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2018 12 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2018 12 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2019 13 2019 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2020 14 2020 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2020 14 2021 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2022 16 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2022 16 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2023 17 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X SAGE Publications Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X 2023 17 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-584X Taylor & Francis Tribology Transactions 1040-2004 1547-397X 2005 48 2023 66 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-397X Taylor & Francis Tropical Animal Health and Production 0049-4747 1573-7438 2014 46 2019 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7438 Springer Tropical Conservation Science 1940-0829 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-0829 SAGE Publications Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines 2055-0936 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2055-0936 Springer Tropical Doctor 0049-4755 1758-1133 2005 35 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-1133 SAGE Publications Tropical Journal of Medical Research 1119-0388 2014 17 2017 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1119-0388 Medknow Publications Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 0189-5117 2016 33 2020 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0189-5117 Medknow Publications Tropical Parasitology 2229-5070 2229-7758 2011 1 2021 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2229-7758 Medknow Publications Tropical Plant Biology 1935-9756 1935-9764 2013 6 2019 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-9764 Springer Tropical Plant Pathology 1983-2052 2019 44 2019 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1983-2052 Springer Tropical Zoology 0394-6975 1970-9528 2012 25 2019 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1970-9528 Taylor & Francis Trusts & Trustees 1363-1780 1752-2110 2005 12 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1752-2110 Oxford University Press T. S. Eliot Studies Annual 2689-4181 2771-1625 2017 1 2023 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2771-1625 Liverpool University Press TSG : tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen 1388-7491 1876-8776 2013 91 2018 96 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1876-8776 Springer Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 2090-150X 2090-1518 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1518 Hindawi Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 2090-150X 2090-1518 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1518 Hindawi Tuhinga 1173-4337 2253-5861 2022 2022 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2253-5861 Pensoft Publishers Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 0732-7730 1936-1645 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-1645 University of Tulsa Tumor and Microenvironment 2395-7182 2589-5508 2018 1 2018 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-5508 Medknow Publications Tumor Biology 1010-4283 1423-0380 2010 31 2012 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0380 Springer Tumor Biology 1010-4283 1423-0380 2014 35 2016 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0380 Springer Tumor Biology 1010-4283 1423-0380 2017 39 2020 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1423-0380 SAGE Publications TumorDiagnostik & Therapie 0722-219X 1439-1279 2010 33 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1279 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tumori Journal 0300-8916 2038-2529 2004 90 2023 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2038-2529 SAGE Publications Tungsten 2661-8028 2661-8036 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2661-8036 Springer Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 2576-7658 2576-7666 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2576-7666 Mathematical Sciences Publishers Turkish Journal of Dermatology 1307-7635 1308-5255 2019 13 2022 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1308-5255 Medknow Publications Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery 1300-6878 2528-8644 2018 26 2021 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2528-8644 Medknow Publications Turkish Studies 1468-3849 1743-9663 2005 6 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9663 Taylor & Francis Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 1526-3096 1943-4189 2006 9 2010 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-4189 Chelonian Research Foundation Twentieth Century British History 0955-2359 1477-4674 2005 16 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-4674 Oxford University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1975 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1997 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1997 23 1998 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1998 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1998 24 1999 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1999 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 1999 25 2000 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2000 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2000 26 2001 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2001 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2001 27 2002 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2002 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2002 28 2003 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2003 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2003 29 2004 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2004 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2004 30 2005 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2005 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2006 31 2006 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2006 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2007 32 2007 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2007 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2007 33 2008 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Maney Publishing Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2008 33 2008 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2008 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2008 34 2010 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Maney Publishing Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2009 34 2009 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2009 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2009 35 2011 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Maney Publishing Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2012 37 2012 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Maney Publishing Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2013 38 2013 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2014 39 2014 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2015 40 2015 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2016 41 2016 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Taylor & Francis Twentieth-Century China 1521-5385 1940-5065 2016 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-5065 Johns Hopkins University Press Twentieth-Century Literature 0041-462X 2325-8101 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2325-8101 Duke University Press Twenty-First Century Society 1745-0144 1745-0152 2006 1 2010 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-0152 Taylor & Francis Tzu Chi Medical Journal 1016-3190 2223-8956 2017 29 2021 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2223-8956 Medknow Publications Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media 2045-6271 2045-628X 2012 1 2015 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-628X Intellect Ukio Technologinis ir Ekonominis Vystymas 1392-8619 1822-3613 2004 10 2010 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1822-3613 Taylor & Francis Ulcers 2090-1526 2090-1534 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1534 Hindawi Ulcers 2090-1526 2090-1534 2013 2013 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-1534 Hindawi Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound 0172-4614 1438-8782 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-8782 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ultrasonic Imaging 0161-7346 1096-0910 2004 26 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-0910 SAGE Publications Ultrasound 1742-271X 1743-1344 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-1344 SAGE Publications Ultrasound International Open 2199-7152 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2199-7152 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ultrastructural Pathology 0191-3123 1521-0758 2008 32 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-0758 Taylor & Francis Uncommon Culture 2082-6923 2083-0599 2010 1 2018 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2083-0599 University of Illinois at Chicago Library Undergraduate Journal of Politics and International Relations 2398-5992 2018 1 2019 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2398-5992 White Rose University Press Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2152-1875 2010 1 2020 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-1875 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Uniform Law Review - Revue de droit uniforme 1124-3694 2050-9065 2008 13 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-9065 Oxford University Press United European Gastroenterology Journal 2050-6406 2050-6414 2013 1 2020 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2050-6414 SAGE Publications Universal Access in the Information Society 1615-5289 1615-5297 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-5297 Springer Universal Research Journal of Dentistry 2249-9725 2250-3455 2011 1 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2250-3455 Medknow Publications University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2011 1 2011 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2012 2 2012 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2013 3 2013 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2014 4 2014 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2015 5 2015 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2016 6 2016 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Denver Criminal Law Review 2017 7 2017 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Denver+Criminal+Law+Review&pub=University+of+Denver University of Denver University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=University+of+Kentucky+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=University+of+Kentucky University of Kentucky University of Pittsburgh Law Review 0041-9915 1942-8405 2005 66 2021 83 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1942-8405 University of Pittsburgh University Library System University of Toronto Law Journal 0042-0220 1710-1174 2004 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1710-1174 University of Toronto Press University of Toronto Quarterly 0042-0247 1712-5278 1931 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1712-5278 University of Toronto Press Unterrichtswissenschaft 0340-4099 2520-873X 2019 47 2019 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2520-873X Springer Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 8755-1233 1945-0109 2002 22 2008 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0109 SAGE Publications Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 8755-1233 1945-0109 2009 28 2022 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-0109 SAGE Publications Updates in Surgery 2038-131X 2038-3312 2013 65 2018 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2038-3312 Springer Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 0300-9734 2000-1967 2008 113 2020 125 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-1967 Taylor & Francis Urban Affairs Review 1078-0874 1552-8332 2003 39 2023 59 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8332 SAGE Publications Urban Ecosystems 1083-8155 1573-1642 2008 11 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1642 Springer Urban Education 0042-0859 1552-8340 2004 39 2023 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8340 SAGE Publications Urban Forum 1015-3802 1874-6330 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-6330 Springer Urban Geography 0272-3638 1938-2847 2007 28 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-2847 Taylor & Francis Urban History Review 1918-5138 0703-0428 2018 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0703-0428 University of Toronto Press Urban, Planning and Transport Research 2165-0020 2013 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0020 Taylor & Francis Urban Policy and Research 0811-1146 1476-7244 2005 23 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1476-7244 Taylor & Francis Urban Research & Practice 1753-5069 1753-5077 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1753-5077 Taylor & Francis Urban Studies 0042-0980 1360-063X 2004 41 2007 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-063X SAGE Publications Urban Studies 0042-0980 1360-063X 2010 47 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1360-063X SAGE Publications Urban Studies Research 2090-4185 2090-4193 2011 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4193 Hindawi Urban Studies Research 2090-4185 2090-4193 2014 2014 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2090-4193 Hindawi Urban Water Journal 1573-062X 1744-9006 2004 1 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-9006 Taylor & Francis Urbanisation 2455-7471 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2455-7471 SAGE Publications Uremia Investigation 0740-1353 1984 8 1985 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0740-1353 Taylor & Francis Urolithiasis 2194-7228 2194-7236 2013 41 2018 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2194-7236 Springer Urologia Journal 0391-5603 1724-6075 2004 71 2023 90 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1724-6075 SAGE Publications Urological Science 1879-5226 1879-5234 2018 29 2022 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1879-5234 Medknow Publications Urologie Scan 2198-9109 2198-9117 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2198-9117 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Urology Annals 0974-7796 0974-7834 2010 2 2020 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0974-7834 Medknow Publications Ursus 1537-6176 1938-5439 2004 15 2017 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5439 International Association for Bear Research and Management U.S. Catholic Historian 0735-8318 1947-8224 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1947-8224 Catholic University of America Press US Latino & Latina Oral History Journal 2574-0180 2574-0199 2017 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2574-0199 University of Texas Press User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 0924-1868 1573-1391 1991 1 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1391 Springer U.S.-Japan Women's Journal 1059-9770 2012 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1059-9770 University of Hawai'i Press Usus Antiquior 1757-8949 2041-0999 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2041-0999 Maney Publishing Utopian Studies 1045-991X 2154-9648 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-9648 Penn State University Press Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 2053-5341 2010 1 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-5341 Ubiquity Press Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 2053-5341 2020 11 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2053-5341 Ubiquity Press Utrecht Law Review 1871-515X 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1871-515X Utrecht University Library uwf - UmweltWirtschaftsForum 0943-3481 1432-2293 2013 21 2017 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2293 Springer Vadose Zone Journal 1539-1663 2002 1 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1539-1663 Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies Van Mensen en Dingen: tijdschrift voor volkscultuur in Vlaanderen 1379-9460 2010 2010 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1379-9460 Ghent University Library Van Mensen en Dingen: tijdschrift voor volkscultuur in Vlaanderen 1379-9460 2017 2017 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1379-9460 Ghent University Library Vanderbilt University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Vanderbilt+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Vanderbilt+University Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Vanderbilt+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Vanderbilt+University Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Vanderbilt+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Vanderbilt+University Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Vanderbilt+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Vanderbilt+University Vanderbilt University Vård i Norden 0107-4083 2005 25 2014 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0107-4083 SAGE Publications Vascular 1708-5381 1708-539X 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1708-539X SAGE Publications Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1538-5744 1938-9116 2004 38 2008 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-9116 SAGE Publications Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1538-5744 1938-9116 2010 44 2023 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-9116 SAGE Publications Vascular Cell 2045-824X 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2045-824X Springer Vascular Investigation and Therapy 2589-9686 2589-9481 2018 1 2022 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-9481 Medknow Publications Vascular Medicine 1358-863X 1477-0377 2004 9 2008 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0377 SAGE Publications Vascular Medicine 1358-863X 1477-0377 2010 15 2023 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0377 SAGE Publications Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation 2372-3505 2372-3513 2014 1 2016 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2372-3513 Taylor & Francis VCOT Open 2625-2325 2018 1 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2625-2325 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vegetation Classification and Survey 2683-0671 2020 2020 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2683-0671 Pensoft Publishers Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 0939-6314 1617-6278 2008 17 2018 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1617-6278 Springer Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility 0042-3114 1744-5159 2005 43 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-5159 Taylor & Francis Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 1369-1066 1464-5343 2005 7 2023 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5343 Taylor & Francis Verge: Studies in Global Asias 2373-5058 2373-5066 2015 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-5066 University of Minnesota Press Vernacular Architecture 0305-5477 1749-6292 2000 31 2009 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6292 Taylor & Francis Vernacular Architecture 0305-5477 1749-6292 2010 41 2012 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6292 Maney Publishing Vernacular Architecture 0305-5477 1749-6292 2013 44 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-6292 Taylor & Francis Versants. Revista suiza de literaturas románicas 2504-2750 2016 63 2023 70 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2504-2750 Universität Bern Verslaving 1574-1842 1875-7073 2013 9 2018 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-7073 Springer Vertebrate Zoology 1864-5755 2625-8498 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2625-8498 Pensoft Publishers Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics 1063-4541 1934-7855 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7855 Springer veterinär spiegel 0940-8711 1868-0437 2010 20 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-0437 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 0932-0814 2567-6911 2000 13 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2567-6911 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Veterinary Medicine International 2090-8113 2042-0048 2010 2010 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0048 Hindawi Veterinary Medicine International 2090-8113 2042-0048 2013 2013 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-0048 Hindawi Veterinary Nursing Journal 1741-5349 2045-0648 2007 22 2021 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0648 Taylor & Francis Veterinary Pathology 0300-9858 1544-2217 2004 41 2023 60 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1544-2217 SAGE Publications Veterinary Quarterly 0165-2176 1875-5941 2007 29 2023 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-5941 Taylor & Francis Veterinary Record 0042-4900 2042-7670 1996 138 2015 177 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-7670 British Veterinary Association Veterinary Record Case Reports 2052-6121 2013 1 2019 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-6121 British Veterinary Association Veterinary Record Open 2052-6113 2014 1 2019 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2052-6113 British Veterinary Association Veterinary Research 1297-9716 2011 42 2011 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9716 BioMed Central Veterinary Research 1297-9716 2012 43 2018 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1297-9716 Springer Veterinary Research Communications 0165-7380 1573-7446 2013 37 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7446 Springer Via medici 0949-2488 1439-1414 2010 15 2014 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1414 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Victims & Offenders 1556-4886 1556-4991 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-4991 Taylor & Francis Victorian Periodicals Review 0709-4698 1712-526X 2005 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1712-526X Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Poetry 0042-5206 1530-7190 2000 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-7190 West Virginia University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1990 16 1990 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1991 17 1991 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1992 18 1992 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1993 19 1993 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1994 20 1994 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1995 21 1995 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1996 22 1996 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1997 23 1997 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1998 24 1998 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 1999 25 1999 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2000 26 2000 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2001 27 2001 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2002 28 2002 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2003 29 2003 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2004 30 2004 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2005 31 2005 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2006 32 2006 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2007 33 2007 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2008 34 2008 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2009 35 2009 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2010 36 2010 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2011 37 2011 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2012 38 2012 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2013 39 2013 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2014 40 2014 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Victorian Review 0848-1512 1923-3280 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1923-3280 Johns Hopkins University Press Victorian Studies 0042-5222 1527-2052 1998 42 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1527-2052 Indiana University Press Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature 2166-0107 2475-6741 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2475-6741 Ohio State University Press Victorians Institute Journal 0886-3865 2693-3411 2010 38 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2693-3411 Penn State University Press Victoriographies – A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing, 1790-1914 2044-2416 2044-2424 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2044-2424 Edinburgh University Press Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2364-4583 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-4583 Springer Video Journal of Sports Medicine 2635-0254 2021 1 2023 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2635-0254 SAGE Publications Vikalpa 0256-0909 2395-3799 2004 29 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2395-3799 SAGE Publications VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management 0973-1954 2020 17 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0973-1954 Emerald Group Publishing VINE 0305-5728 1474-1032 1971 1 2015 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1474-1032 Emerald Group Publishing VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 2059-5891 2016 46 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2059-5891 Emerald Group Publishing Violence Against Women 1077-8012 1552-8448 2004 10 2008 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8448 SAGE Publications Violence Against Women 1077-8012 1552-8448 2010 16 2023 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8448 SAGE Publications Violence: An International Journal 2633-0024 2633-0032 2020 1 2023 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-0032 SAGE Publications Virchows Archiv 0945-6317 1432-2307 2013 462 2018 473 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2307 Springer Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Virginia+Polytechnic+Institute+and+State+University+Electronic+Theses+and+Dissertations&pub=Virginia+Polytechnic+Institute+and+State+University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia Quarterly Review 0042-675X 2154-6932 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-6932 University of Virginia Virologica Sinica 1674-0769 1995-820X 2013 28 2018 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1995-820X Springer Virology Journal 1743-422X 2004 1 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-422X BioMed Central Virology Journal 1743-422X 2013 10 2019 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-422X Springer Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2008 1 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X Libertas Academica Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2010 2 2010 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X SAGE Publications Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X Libertas Academica Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2013 4 2013 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X SAGE Publications Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X Libertas Academica Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2014 5 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X SAGE Publications Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2015 6 2015 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X Libertas Academica Virology: Research and Treatment 1178-122X 2015 6 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1178-122X SAGE Publications Virtual and Physical Prototyping 1745-2759 1745-2767 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-2767 Taylor & Francis Virtual Reality 1359-4338 1434-9957 2013 17 2018 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1434-9957 Springer Virulence 2150-5594 2150-5608 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-5608 Taylor & Francis Virus Evolution 2057-1577 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2057-1577 Oxford University Press Visible Language 0022-2224 2691-5529 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2691-5529 University of Cincinnati Press Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective 0972-2629 2249-5304 2004 8 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2249-5304 SAGE Publications Visitor Studies 1064-5578 1934-7715 2007 10 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-7715 Taylor & Francis Visual Anthropology: Published in cooperation with the Commission on Visual Anthropology 0894-9468 1545-5920 2005 18 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-5920 Taylor & Francis Visual Anthropology Review 1058-7187 1548-7458 1985 1 2007 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7458 American Anthropological Association Visual Arts Research 0736-0770 2151-8009 2010 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2151-8009 University of Illinois Press Visual Cognition 1350-6285 1464-0716 2005 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-0716 Taylor & Francis Visual Communication 1470-3572 1741-3214 2004 3 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3214 SAGE Publications Visual Communication Quarterly 1555-1393 1555-1407 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1555-1407 Taylor & Francis Visual Culture in Britain 1471-4787 1941-8361 2004 5 2008 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8361 Manchester University Press Visual Culture in Britain 1471-4787 1941-8361 2009 10 2020 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8361 Taylor & Francis Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art 2045-5879 2045-5887 2011 1 2021 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-5887 Intellect Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 0197-3762 1477-2809 2005 21 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-2809 Taylor & Francis Visual Studies 1472-586X 1472-5878 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1472-5878 Taylor & Francis Viszeralchirurgie 1435-3067 1439-1643 2000 35 2007 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1643 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Viticulture Data Journal 2603-431X 2019 2019 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2603-431X Pensoft Publishers Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 0303-9021 0303-9021 2010 2010 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0303-9021 Ghent University Library VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 1992 0 1997 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 1998 7 2002 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2003 0 2003 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2004 0 2004 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2005 0 2005 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2006 0 2006 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2007 2007 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi VLSI Design 1065-514X 1563-5171 2013 2013 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-5171 Hindawi Vocations and Learning 1874-785X 1874-7868 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1874-7868 Springer Voice 1538-2680 1548-7423 1996 1 1998 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7423 American Anthropological Association Voice 1538-2680 1548-7423 2000 4 2002 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1548-7423 American Anthropological Association Voice and Speech Review 2326-8263 2326-8271 2007 5 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-8271 Taylor & Francis Voice of Dalit 0974-3545 2008 1 2014 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0974-3545 SAGE Publications Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 0957-8765 1573-7888 2013 24 2018 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-7888 Springer VPT Magazin 2364-2904 2364-5490 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-5490 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care 1745-0128 1745-0136 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-0136 Taylor & Francis Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion 2000-8023 2010 1 2012 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-8023 Co-Action Publishing Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion 2000-8023 2013 4 2014 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2000-8023 Taylor & Francis Wallace Stevens Journal 0148-7132 2160-0570 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2160-0570 Johns Hopkins University Press Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 0737-0679 2153-3695 1983 1 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2153-3695 University of Iowa War & Society 0729-2473 2042-4345 1983 1 1999 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4345 Taylor & Francis War & Society 0729-2473 2042-4345 2000 18 2012 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4345 Maney Publishing War & Society 0729-2473 2042-4345 2013 32 2023 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2042-4345 Taylor & Francis War in History 0968-3445 1477-0385 2000 7 2000 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0385 SAGE Publications War in History 0968-3445 1477-0385 2004 11 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-0385 SAGE Publications Wasafiri 0269-0055 1747-1508 2005 20 2023 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-1508 Taylor & Francis Waste and Biomass Valorization 1877-2641 1877-265X 2013 4 2018 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-265X Springer Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy 2524-7980 2524-7891 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-7891 Springer Waste Management & Research 0734-242X 1096-3669 2004 22 2023 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-3669 SAGE Publications Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 0049-6979 1573-2932 2013 224 2018 229 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-2932 Springer Water Conservation Science and Engineering 2364-5687 2016 1 2018 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-5687 Springer Water History 1877-7236 1877-7244 2013 5 2018 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1877-7244 Springer Water International 0250-8060 1941-1707 2005 30 2023 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-1707 Taylor & Francis Water Law Review 1521-3455 2015 18 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1521-3455 University of Denver Water Policy 1366-7017 1996-9759 2003 5 2022 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-9759 International Water Association Publishing Water Practice and Technology 1751-231X 2006 1 2022 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1751-231X International Water Association Publishing Water Quality Research Journal 2709-8044 2709-8052 2018 53 2022 57 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2709-8052 International Water Association Publishing Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 1201-3080 2408-9443 2010 45 2017 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2408-9443 International Water Association Publishing Water Resources 0097-8078 1608-344X 2013 40 2018 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1608-344X Springer Water Resources Management 0920-4741 1573-1650 2008 22 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1650 Springer Water Reuse 2709-6092 2709-6106 2021 11 2022 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2709-6106 International Water Association Publishing Water SA 0378-4738 1816-7950 1998 24 2006 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1816-7950 South African Water Research Commission Water Science and Technology 0273-1223 1996-9732 1982 14 2001 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-9732 International Water Association Publishing Water Science and Technology 0273-1223 1996-9732 2002 45 2022 86 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1996-9732 International Water Association Publishing Water Supply 1606-9749 1607-0798 2001 1 2022 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-0798 International Water Association Publishing Water Waves 2523-367X 2523-3688 2019 1 2019 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2523-3688 Springer Waterbirds 1524-4695 1938-5390 2002 25 2017 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5390 Waterbird Society Waves in Random and Complex Media 1745-5030 1745-5049 2005 15 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5049 Taylor & Francis Weather and Climate Dynamics 2698-4016 2020 1 2022 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2698-4016 Copernicus Publications Weather and Forecasting 0882-8156 1520-0434 1986 1 2022 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1520-0434 American Meteorological Society Weather, Climate, and Society 1948-8327 1948-8335 2009 1 2022 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-8335 American Meteorological Society Weatherwise 0043-1672 1940-1310 2005 58 2023 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1310 Taylor & Francis Web Ecology 2193-3081 1399-1183 2000 1 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1399-1183 Copernicus Publications Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 0083-7792 2169-4060 2007 62 2019 74 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-4060 Taylor & Francis Weed Science 0043-1745 1550-2759 2000 48 2017 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2759 Weed Science Society of America Weed Technology 0890-037X 1550-2740 2000 14 2017 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1550-2740 Weed Science Society of America Welding International 0950-7116 1754-2138 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-2138 Taylor & Francis Wesley and Methodist Studies 2291-1723 2291-1731 2011 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2291-1731 Penn State University Press West African Journal of Radiology 1115-3474 2321-6670 2010 17 2022 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2321-6670 Medknow Publications West European Politics 0140-2382 1743-9655 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-9655 Taylor & Francis West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies 1940-5057 0043-325X 2007 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-325X West Virginia University Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 1966 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2009 44 2010 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2010 45 2011 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2011 46 2012 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2012 47 2013 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2013 48 2014 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2014 49 2015 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 Western Literature Association Western American Literature 1948-7142 0043-3462 2014 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0043-3462 University of Nebraska Press Western European Education 0043-3675 1969 1 1990 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0043-3675 Taylor & Francis Western Historical Quarterly 0043-3810 1939-8603 2008 39 2008 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8603 Oxford University Press Western Historical Quarterly 0043-3810 1939-8603 2016 47 2023 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1939-8603 Oxford University Press Western Journal of Communication 1057-0314 1745-1027 2005 69 2023 87 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-1027 Taylor & Francis Western Journal of Nursing Research 0193-9459 1552-8456 2004 26 2023 45 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8456 SAGE Publications Western Speech Communication 0147-2216 1975 39 1976 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0147-2216 Taylor & Francis Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 1744-6716 2009 6 2019 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1744-6716 University of Westminster Press Wetland Science and Practice 0732-9393 1943-6254 2000 17 2009 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6254 Society of Wetland Scientists Wetlands 0277-5212 1943-6246 2000 20 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6246 Society of Wetland Scientists Wetlands 0277-5212 1943-6246 2013 33 2018 38 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-6246 Springer Wetlands Ecology and Management 0923-4861 1572-9834 2013 21 2018 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-9834 Springer Whitehall Papers 0268-1307 1754-5382 2005 64 2023 100 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1754-5382 Taylor & Francis Whiteness and Education 2379-3406 2379-3414 2016 1 2023 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2379-3414 Taylor & Francis Wicazo Sa Review 0749-6427 1533-7901 2000 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1533-7901 University of Minnesota Press Wide Angle 0160-6840 1086-3354 1996 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3354 Johns Hopkins University Press Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 0043-5325 1613-7671 2013 125 2018 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7671 Springer Wiener Klinisches Magazin 1869-1757 1613-7817 2013 16 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7817 Springer Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 1545-1534 2005 16 2009 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1534 Wilderness Medical Society Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 1545-1534 2011 22 2013 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1534 SAGE Publications Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 1545-1534 2015 26 2017 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1534 SAGE Publications Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 1545-1534 2019 30 2021 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1534 SAGE Publications Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 1545-1534 2023 34 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1545-1534 SAGE Publications Wildlife Biology 0909-6396 1903-220X 2005 11 2016 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1903-220X Nordic Board for Wildlife Research Wildlife Monographs 0084-0173 1938-5455 2006 161 2011 179 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5455 Wildlife Society Wildlife Society Bulletin 0091-7648 1938-5463 2004 32 2006 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1938-5463 Wildlife Society Willdenowia 0511-9618 1868-6397 1996 26 2016 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1868-6397 Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin (BGBM) William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2006 26 2006 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2007 27 2007 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2008 28 2008 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2009 29 2009 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2013 30 2013 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2013 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2014 31 2014 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Texas Tech University Press William Carlos Williams Review 0196-6286 1935-0244 2014 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-0244 Penn State University Press Wind Energy Science 2366-7443 2366-7451 2016 1 2022 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2366-7451 Copernicus Publications Wind Engineering 0309-524X 2048-402X 2000 24 2023 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-402X SAGE Publications Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1530-8669 1530-8677 2017 2017 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1530-8677 Hindawi Wireless Networks 1022-0038 1572-8196 2013 19 2018 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-8196 Springer Wireless Personal Communications 0929-6212 1572-834X 2013 68 2018 102 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-834X Springer Wireless Personal Communications 0929-6212 1572-834X 2019 109 2019 109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1572-834X Springer Wirtschaftsdienst 0043-6275 1613-978X 2013 93 2018 98 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-978X Springer WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 0937-6429 1861-8936 1999 41 1999 41 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8936 Springer WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 0937-6429 1861-8936 2007 49 2007 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8936 Springer WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 0937-6429 1861-8936 2010 52 2010 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8936 Springer WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 0937-6429 1861-8936 2013 55 2014 56 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1861-8936 Springer Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter 0930-3855 1864-3434 2007 21 2007 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-3434 Springer Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter 0930-3855 1864-3434 2009 23 2009 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-3434 Springer wissen kompakt 1863-2637 2190-3816 2013 7 2018 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2190-3816 Springer WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 1651-436X 1654-1642 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1654-1642 Springer WMW Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 0043-5341 1563-258X 2013 163 2018 168 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1563-258X Springer Women & Criminal Justice 0897-4454 1541-0323 2003 15 2023 33 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0323 Taylor & Francis Women & Health 0363-0242 1541-0331 2004 40 2023 63 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0331 Taylor & Francis Women & History 0276-3885 1982 1 1987 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0276-3885 Taylor & Francis Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory 0740-770X 1748-5819 2004 14 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-5819 Taylor & Francis Women & Therapy 0270-3149 1541-0315 2004 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1541-0315 Taylor & Francis Women: A Cultural Review 0957-4042 1470-1367 2005 16 2023 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1367 Taylor & Francis Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture 1553-0612 1090-7505 2004 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1090-7505 University of Nebraska Press Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2326-0939 2326-0947 2013 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-0947 University of Illinois Press Women in French Studies 1077-825X 2166-5486 1993 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2166-5486 Women in French Studies Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture 1058-7446 1940-512X 1985 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-512X University of Nebraska Press Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture 1058-7446 1940-512X 2019 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-512X University of Nebraska Press Women in Management Review 0964-9425 1758-7182 1985 1 2007 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7182 Emerald Group Publishing Women's Health 1745-5057 1745-5065 2005 1 2023 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1745-5065 SAGE Publications Women's History Review 0961-2025 1747-583X 2005 14 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-583X Taylor & Francis Women's Midlife Health 2054-2690 2015 1 2018 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-2690 Springer Women's Reproductive Health 2329-3691 2329-3713 2014 1 2023 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2329-3713 Taylor & Francis Women's Studies: An inter-disciplinary journal 0049-7878 1547-7045 1972 1 2023 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1547-7045 Taylor & Francis Women's Studies in Communication 0749-1409 2152-999X 2005 28 2023 46 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2152-999X Taylor & Francis Women's Writing 0969-9082 1747-5848 2005 12 2023 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-5848 Taylor & Francis Wood Material Science and Engineering 1748-0272 1748-0280 2006 1 2023 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1748-0280 Taylor & Francis Wood Science and Technology 0043-7719 1432-5225 2013 47 2018 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-5225 Springer Word 0043-7956 2373-5112 2007 58 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2373-5112 Taylor & Francis Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry 0266-6286 1943-2178 2007 23 2023 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1943-2178 Taylor & Francis Word of Mouth 1048-3950 2154-3941 2003 15 2023 35 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2154-3941 SAGE Publications Word Structure 1750-1245 1755-2036 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-2036 Edinburgh University Press Words Without Borders 1936-1459 2003 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1936-1459 Words Without Borders Work & Stress 0267-8373 1464-5335 2005 19 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1464-5335 Taylor & Francis Work, Aging and Retirement 2054-4642 2054-4650 2015 1 2023 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2054-4650 Oxford University Press Work and Occupations 0730-8884 1552-8464 2004 31 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8464 SAGE Publications Work, Employment & Society 0950-0170 1469-8722 2004 18 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1469-8722 SAGE Publications Work Study 0043-8022 1758-7190 1952 1 2003 52 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7190 Emerald Group Publishing Working with Older People: Practical approaches to work, leisure, lifestyle and learning 1366-3666 2000 4 2023 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1366-3666 Emerald Group Publishing Workplace Health & Safety 2165-0799 2165-0969 2012 60 2023 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-0969 SAGE Publications World Academy of Sciences Journal 2632-2900 2632-2919 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2632-2919 Spandidos Publications World Affairs 0043-8200 1940-1582 2016 179 2023 186 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1940-1582 SAGE Publications World Allergy Organization Journal 1939-4551 2013 6 2018 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1939-4551 Springer World Archaeology 0043-8243 1470-1375 2005 37 2022 54 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1470-1375 Taylor & Francis World Art 2150-0894 2150-0908 2011 1 2023 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-0908 Taylor & Francis World Class Design to Manufacture 1352-3074 1758-7204 1994 1 1995 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7204 Emerald Group Publishing World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin 1447-3828 2056-6077 2007 55 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-6077 Taylor & Francis World Futures: Journal of General Evolution 0260-4027 1556-1844 1981 17 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-1844 Taylor & Francis World Futures Review 1946-7567 2169-2793 2009 1 2012 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2793 SAGE Publications World Futures Review 1946-7567 2169-2793 2018 10 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2793 SAGE Publications World Futures Review 1946-7567 2013 5 2015 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1946-7567 SAGE Publications World Futures Review 1946-7567 2169-2793 2016 8 2017 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2169-2793 SAGE Publications World Haiku Review 2001 1 2001 1 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=World+Haiku+Review&pub=World+Haiku+Club World Haiku Club World Haiku Review 2002 2 2002 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=World+Haiku+Review&pub=World+Haiku+Club World Haiku Club World Haiku Review 2003 3 2003 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=World+Haiku+Review&pub=World+Haiku+Club World Haiku Club World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 2150-1351 2150-136X 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2150-136X SAGE Publications World Journal of Colorectal Surgery 1941-8213 2018 7 2022 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1941-8213 Medknow Publications World Journal of Emergency Surgery 1749-7922 2006 1 2011 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7922 BioMed Central World Journal of Emergency Surgery 1749-7922 2013 8 2018 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-7922 Springer World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2011 8 2011 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Multi-Science World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2012 9 2012 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Multi-Science World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Multi-Science World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2013 10 2013 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2014 11 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2014 11 2014 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Multi-Science World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2015 12 2015 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Multi-Science World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2015 12 2015 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Engineering 1708-5284 2016 13 2023 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1708-5284 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 2042-5961 2010 6 2021 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-5961 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 0959-3993 1573-0972 2013 29 2018 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-0972 Springer World Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1450-1147 1607-3312 2012 11 2021 20 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-3312 Medknow Publications World Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1450-1147 1607-3312 2022 21 2023 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1607-3312 Georg Thieme Verlag KG World Journal of Oncology 1920-4531 1920-454X 2010 1 2020 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1920-454X Elmer Press World Journal of Oncology 1920-4531 1920-454X 2022 13 2022 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1920-454X Elmer Press World Journal of Pediatrics 1708-8569 1867-0687 2013 9 2019 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-0687 Springer World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 2042-5945 2010 7 2021 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=2042-5945 Emerald Group Publishing World Journal of Surgery 0364-2313 1432-2323 1977 1 2018 42 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-2323 Springer World Journal of Surgical Oncology 1477-7819 2003 1 2011 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7819 BioMed Central World Journal of Surgical Oncology 1477-7819 2013 11 2018 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1477-7819 Springer World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2311-8571 2589-2894 2017 3 2022 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2589-2894 Medknow Publications World Journal of Urology 0724-4983 1433-8726 1983 1 2018 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1433-8726 Springer World Journal of VAT/GST Law 2048-8432 2048-8440 2012 1 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2048-8440 Taylor & Francis World Leisure Journal 1607-8055 2333-4509 2005 47 2023 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2333-4509 Taylor & Francis World Literature Today 0196-3570 1945-8134 2009 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1945-8134 University of Oklahoma World Literature Written in English 0093-1705 1973 12 2004 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0093-1705 Taylor & Francis World Medical & Health Policy 1948-4682 2009 1 2011 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-4682 Berkeley Electronic Press World Mycotoxin Journal 1875-0710 1875-0796 2008 1 2023 16 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1875-0796 Wageningen Academic Publishers World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2008 25 2010 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 SAGE Publications World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 Duke University Press World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2010 27 2010 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 World Policy Institute World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 Duke University Press World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2011 28 2011 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 SAGE Publications World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2011 28 2011 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 World Policy Institute World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2012 29 2012 29 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 SAGE Publications World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2013 30 2013 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 Duke University Press World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2013 30 2013 30 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 SAGE Publications World Policy Journal 0740-2775 1936-0924 2014 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1936-0924 Duke University Press World Political Science Review 1935-6226 2005 1 2011 7 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1935-6226 Berkeley Electronic Press World Politics 0043-8871 1086-3338 1995 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1086-3338 Cambridge University Press World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 1746-0573 1746-0581 2005 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1746-0581 Inderscience World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 1749-4729 1749-4737 2006 1 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1749-4737 Inderscience World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 1741-2242 1741-2234 2004 1 2022 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-2234 Inderscience World Social Psychiatry 2667-1077 2667-1085 2019 1 2022 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2667-1085 Medknow Publications World Wide Web 1386-145X 1573-1413 1998 1 2018 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1573-1413 Springer World's Poultry Science Journal 0043-9339 1743-4777 2011 67 2023 79 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1743-4777 Taylor & Francis Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 1755-4217 1755-4225 2009 1 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1755-4225 Emerald Group Publishing Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2399-7117 2018 1 2021 4 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-7117 Ubiquity Press Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2399-7117 2022 5 2023 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2399-7117 White Horse Press Worm 2162-4054 2012 1 2017 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2162-4054 Taylor & Francis Writing Chinese: A Journal of Contemporary Sinophone Literature 2633-8815 2022 1 2023 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2633-8815 White Rose University Press Writing Systems Research 1758-6801 1758-681X 2009 1 2019 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-681X Taylor & Francis Written Communication 0741-0883 1552-8472 2004 21 2023 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8472 SAGE Publications WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly 0732-1562 1934-1520 2008 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1934-1520 Feminist Press at the City University of New York WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging 0774-532X 2010 2010 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0774-532X Ghent University Library Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 1007-1202 1993-4998 2013 18 2018 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1993-4998 Springer Xenobiotica 0049-8254 1366-5928 2008 38 2023 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1366-5928 Taylor & Francis X-Ray Optics and Instrumentation 1687-7632 1687-7640 2008 2008 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1687-7640 Hindawi XX Die Zeitschrift für Frauen in der Medizin 2193-584X 2193-5858 2012 1 2014 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2193-5858 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Yearbook of European Law 0263-3264 2045-0044 2008 27 2018 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0044 Oxford University Press Yearbook of International Environmental Law 0965-1721 2045-0052 2008 18 2013 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0052 Oxford University Press Yearbook of International Environmental Law 0965-1721 2045-0052 2015 26 2015 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0052 Oxford University Press Yearbook of Medical Informatics 0943-4747 2364-0502 2017 26 2023 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2364-0502 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Science 2296-8717 2010 1 2023 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2296-8717 Ubiquity Press Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 0066-9628 1551-3211 1935 1942 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-3211 University of Hawai'i Press Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 0066-9628 1551-3211 1947 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1551-3211 University of Hawai'i Press Yoga Mimamsa 0044-0507 2394-2487 2014 46 2021 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2394-2487 Medknow Publications Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 0084-4276 2045-0664 2010 82 2012 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0664 Maney Publishing Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 0084-4276 2045-0664 2013 85 2023 95 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2045-0664 Taylor & Francis Young 1103-3088 1741-3222 2004 12 2023 31 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1741-3222 SAGE Publications Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers 1747-3616 1758-7212 1999 1 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1758-7212 Emerald Group Publishing Young Exceptional Children 1096-2506 2003 7 2023 26 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1096-2506 SAGE Publications Youth & Society 0044-118X 1552-8499 2003 35 2023 55 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1552-8499 SAGE Publications Youth Justice 1473-2254 1747-6283 2004 4 2023 23 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1747-6283 SAGE Publications Youth Theatre Journal 0892-9092 1948-4798 1995 9 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1948-4798 Taylor & Francis Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 1541-2040 1556-9330 2004 2 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1556-9330 SAGE Publications Zahnmedizin up2date 1865-0457 1865-0465 2010 4 2023 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-0465 Georg Thieme Verlag KG ZDM 1863-9690 1863-9704 2013 45 2018 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1863-9704 Springer Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 0232-2064 1661-4534 2010 29 2021 40 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1661-4534 European Mathematical Society Zeitschrift für 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2524-6976 2019 8 2019 8 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2524-6976 Springer Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 0939-7868 1439-1422 2010 24 2023 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1422 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 0044-2771 1439-7803 2010 48 2023 61 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-7803 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie 0948-2393 1439-1651 2010 214 2023 227 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-1651 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 0948-6704 1435-1269 2013 46 2018 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1269 Springer Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie 0930-9225 1435-1277 2013 27 2018 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1277 Springer Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik: zfhr 1617-7126 1613-7655 2007 6 2007 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7655 Springer Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik: zfhr 1617-7126 1613-7655 2011 10 2011 10 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7655 Springer Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie 0935-0853 1439-4308 2010 54 2018 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-4308 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Komplementärmedizin 1867-6081 1867-6103 2010 2 2023 15 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1867-6103 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Management 1861-4264 1865-9012 2007 2 2007 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-9012 Springer Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht 0948-4396 1613-7663 2007 62 2007 62 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1613-7663 Springer Zeitschrift für Onkologie 1432-2919 2000 32 2000 32 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=1432-2919 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Orthomolekulare Medizin 1611-5562 1864-2470 2010 8 2023 21 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-2470 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete 0044-3220 1438-941X 2007 0 2007 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-941X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 1864-6697 1864-6743 2010 148 2023 161 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1864-6743 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 1615-2921 1615-293X 2010 11 2023 24 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1615-293X Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Physik C 0170-9739 1431-5858 1979 2 1997 76 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1431-5858 Springer Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 0722-348X 1438-9584 2010 31 2023 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9584 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift für Politikberatung 1865-4789 1865-4797 2008 1 2010 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1865-4797 Springer Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie 1619-5507 1862-2526 2013 12 2018 17 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1862-2526 Springer Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 0340-1855 1435-1250 2013 72 2018 77 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1435-1250 Springer Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 0932-8114 1438-9460 2010 23 2023 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9460 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zeitschrift fŸr Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik 2510-1218 2510-1226 2017 1 2018 2 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2510-1226 Springer Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 0044-409X 1438-9592 2010 135 2023 148 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9592 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie 0044-4197 1438-9762 2000 122 2006 128 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9762 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zentralblatt für Kinderchirurgie 0940-9599 1438-9770 2000 9 2002 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1438-9770 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 1438-9746 0044-4251 2009 69 2011 71 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=0044-4251 Georg Thieme Verlag KG ZFA - Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 1433-6251 1439-9229 2003 79 2008 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-9229 Georg Thieme Verlag KG ZFF: Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 2192-0885 2019 7 2023 11 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2192-0885 Open Library of Humanities Zitteliana 2512-5338 2747-8106 2021 2021 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2747-8106 Pensoft Publishers Zoning Digest 0084-5566 1949 1 1973 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0084-5566 Taylor & Francis ZooKeys 1313-2989 1313-2970 2008 1 2021 1117 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1313-2970 Pensoft Publishers ZooKeys 1313-2989 1313-2970 2022 1080 2022 1150 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1313-2970 Pensoft Publishers ZooKeys 1313-2989 1313-2970 2023 1138 2023 1187 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1313-2970 Pensoft Publishers Zoologia 1984-4670 1984-4689 2017 34 2021 37 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1984-4689 Pensoft Publishers Zoologica Africana 0044-5096 1965 1 1978 13 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0044-5096 Taylor & Francis Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4082 1096-3642 2010 158 2023 199 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1096-3642 Oxford University Press Zoological Letters 2056-306X 2015 1 2019 5 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2056-306X Springer Zoological Science 0289-0003 1995 12 2017 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0289-0003 Zoological Society of Japan Zoology and Ecology 2165-8005 2165-8013 2012 22 2018 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2165-8013 Taylor & Francis Zoology in the Middle East 0939-7140 2326-2680 2007 40 2023 69 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=2326-2680 Taylor & Francis Zoomorphology 0720-213X 1432-234X 2005 124 2018 137 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1432-234X Springer Zoosystema 1280-9551 1638-9387 2009 31 2017 39 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1638-9387 Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Zoosystematics and Evolution 1435-1935 1860-0743 2014 90 2023 97 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1860-0743 Pensoft Publishers Zwingliana 0254-4407 1897 1 2023 50 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?issn=0254-4407 Universität Zürich ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 0044-166X 1439-9148 2010 119 2021 130 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eissn=1439-9148 Georg Thieme Verlag KG