publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name $K3$ Surfaces 978-3-037-19208-5 978-3-037-19708-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19708-0 European Mathematical Society $t$-Motives: Hodge Structures, Transcendence and Other Motivic Aspects 978-3-037-19198-9 978-3-037-19698-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19698-4 European Mathematical Society 2. 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Thieme Verlag KG 100 Praxisfälle Pferdeakupunktur (9783132405882) 978-3-830-49307-5 978-3-132-40588-2 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40588-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG 180 westliche Kräuter in der Chinesischen Medizin (9783132433373) 978-3-132-43334-2 978-3-132-43337-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-43337-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG 2012 Meet-The-Professor: Endocrine Case Management 978-1-936-70409-5 978-1-936-70472-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70472-9 Endocrine Society 2013 Meet-The-Professor: Endocrine Case Management 978-1-936-70416-3 978-1-936-70463-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70463-7 Endocrine Society 2014 Meet-The-Professor: Endocrine Case Management 978-1-936-70478-1 978-1-936-70483-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70483-5 Endocrine Society 2015 Meet-The-Professor: Endocrine Case Management 978-1-936-70493-4 978-1-936-70494-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70494-1 Endocrine Society 2016 Meet-The-Professor: 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Cooke 978-0-814-33343-3 978-0-814-33553-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33553-6 Project MUSE A Biocultural Approach to Literary Theory and Interpretation 978-1-421-40472-1 978-1-421-40504-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40504-9 Project MUSE A Bird Dance near Saturday City: Sidi Ballo and the Art of West African Masquerade 978-0-253-35148-7 978-0-253-00041-5 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00041-5 Project MUSE A Black corps d'élite: an Egyptian Sudanese conscript battalion with the French Army in Mexico, 1863-1867, and its survivors in subsequent African history 978-0-870-13339-8 978-0-870-13926-0 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13926-0 Project MUSE A Black Physician's Struggle for Civil Rights: Edward C. Mazique, M.D. 978-0-826-33339-1 978-0-826-33341-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-33341-4 Project MUSE A Brief History of Credit in UK Higher Education 978-1-839-82171-4 978-1-839-82168-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82168-4 Emerald Group Publishing A Brief Introduction to Spectral Graph Theory 978-3-037-19188-0 978-3-037-19688-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19688-5 European Mathematical Society A Brighter Word Than Bright: Keats at Work 978-1-609-38184-4 978-1-609-38204-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-38204-9 Project MUSE A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line 978-1-609-38054-0 978-1-609-38074-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-38074-8 Project MUSE A Business Career 978-1-578-06761-9 978-1-621-03168-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-621-03168-0 Project MUSE A Case Study by Aerospatiale and British Aerospace on the Concorde (9781600868122) 978-1-563-47308-1 978-1-600-86812-2 1980 1980 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86812-2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics A Case Study on the De Havilland Family of STOL Commuter Aircraft (9781600867989) 978-1-563-47310-4 978-1-600-86798-9 1981 1981 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86798-9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics A Catholic Cold War: Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., and the Politics of American Anticommunism 978-0-823-22459-3 978-0-823-24753-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24753-0 Project MUSE A Century of Travels in China: Critical Essays on Travel Writing from the 1840s to the 1940s 978-9-622-09845-9 978-9-888-05201-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-888-05201-1 Project MUSE A Change in the Weather: Modernist Imagination, African American Imaginary 978-1-558-49687-3 978-1-613-76115-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76115-1 Project MUSE A Circular Argument 978-1-800-71385-7 978-1-800-71382-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-71382-6 Emerald Group Publishing A City of Marble: The Rhetoric of Augustan Rome 978-1-611-17277-5 978-1-611-17336-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-17336-9 Project MUSE A Civil War Gunboat in Pacific Waters: Life Aboard the USS Saginaw 978-0-813-03516-1 978-0-813-03657-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-03657-1 Project MUSE A Clinical Approach to Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases Volume 1 978-1-879-22570-1 978-1-936-70460-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70460-6 Endocrine Society A Clinical Approach to Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases Volume 2 978-1-936-70405-7 978-1-936-70461-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70461-3 Endocrine Society A Clinical Approach to Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases, Volume 3 978-1-936-70485-9 978-1-936-70486-6 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-936-70486-6 Endocrine Society A Comics Studies Reader 978-1-604-73109-5 978-1-617-03550-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-617-03550-0 Project MUSE A Commentary on Plutarch's: De latenter vivendo 978-9-058-67603-0 978-9-461-66019-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-461-66019-0 Project MUSE A Commentary to Pushkin's Lyric Poetry, 1826–1836 978-0-299-28544-9 978-0-299-28543-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-28543-2 Project MUSE A Common Strangeness: Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Comparative Literature 978-0-823-24259-7 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978-3-037-19501-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19501-7 European Mathematical Society A Course In Error-Correcting Codes (978-3-03719-679-3) 978-3-037-19179-8 978-3-037-19679-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19679-3 European Mathematical Society A Course in Mathematical Biology: Quantitative Modeling with Mathematical and Computational Methods (978-0-89871-825-6) 978-0-898-71612-2 978-0-898-71825-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71825-6 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics A Course on Elation Quadrangles 978-3-037-19110-1 978-3-037-19610-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19610-6 European Mathematical Society A Crooked Line: From Cultural History to the History of Society 978-0-472-06904-0 978-0-472-02141-3 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02141-3 Project MUSE A Cross-Disciplinary Primer on the Meaning and Principles of Innovation Volume 23 978-1-780-52992-9 978-1-780-52993-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52993-6 Emerald Group Publishing A Cultural Historical Approach to Social Displacement and University-Community Engagement: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-87400-3 2021 263382 2021 263382 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87400-3 IGI Global A cultural history of chess-players (9781526120540) 978-1-784-99420-4 978-1-526-12054-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12054-0 Manchester University Press A culture of curiosity (9781526153050) 978-1-526-15303-6 978-1-526-15305-0 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15305-0 Manchester University Press A Culture of Everyday Credit: Housekeeping, Pawnbroking, and Governance in Mexico City, 1750-1920 978-0-803-25649-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-25649-1 Project MUSE A Damned Iowa Greyhound: The Civil War Letters of William Henry Harrison Clayton 978-1-587-29608-6 978-1-587-29058-9 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29058-9 Project MUSE A Daring Life: A Biography of Eudora Welty 978-1-617-03295-0 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Foxhole View: Personal Accounts of Hawaii's Korean War Veterans 978-0-824-82588-1 978-0-824-86124-7 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86124-7 Project MUSE A Fury in the Words:: Love and Embarrassment in Shakespeare's Venice 978-0-823-24194-1 978-0-823-24620-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24620-5 Project MUSE A Gedenkschrift to Randy Hodson: Working with Dignity Volume 28 978-1-785-60727-1 978-1-785-60726-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60726-4 Emerald Group Publishing A Genealogy of Literary Multiculturalism 978-0-801-44769-3 978-0-801-45852-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-45852-1 Project MUSE A Genealogy of Violence and Religion: Rene Girard in Dialogue (9781845199289) 978-1-845-19928-9 978-1-782-84547-8 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84547-8 Liverpool University Press A Guide to Healthcare Facility Dress Rehearsal Simulation Planning: Simplifying the Complex 978-1-801-17555-5 978-1-801-17554-8 2021 2021 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English and Scots (9781781382486) 978-1-781-38248-6 978-1-800-34484-6 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34484-6 Liverpool University Press A Herzen Reader 978-0-810-12847-7 978-0-810-16626-4 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16626-4 Project MUSE A History of East European Jews 978-9-639-24137-4 978-6-155-21152-2 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-6-155-21152-2 Project MUSE A History of Fascism, 1914-1945 978-0-299-14874-4 978-0-299-14873-7 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-14873-7 Project MUSE A History of Icelandic Literature 978-0-803-20543-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20543-7 Project MUSE A history of International Relations theory (9781784997274) 978-0-719-09581-8 978-1-784-99727-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99727-4 Manchester University Press A History of Jonathan Alder: His Captivity and Life with the Indians 978-1-884-83698-5 978-1-935-60310-8 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-935-60310-8 Project MUSE A History of 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The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part I (978-3-319-66923-6) 978-3-319-66922-9 978-3-319-66923-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-66923-6 Springer Science+Business Media Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (978-3-319-66926-7) 978-3-319-66925-0 978-3-319-66926-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-66926-7 Springer Science+Business Media Advances in Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumor Management 978-1-780-84164-9 978-1-780-84162-5 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-84162-5 Future Medicine Advances in Real-Time Information Networks 2013 UTS-007 2013 UTS-007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Advances+in+Real-Time+Information+Networks&pub=University+of+Technology+Sydney+ePress University of Technology Sydney ePress Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras 978-3-037-19125-5 978-3-037-19625-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19625-0 European Mathematical Society Advances in Secure Computing, Internet Services, and Applications 978-1-466-64941-5 2014 78949 2014 78949 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64941-5 IGI 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Epps Volume 2 978-0-762-30829-3 978-1-849-50127-9 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50127-9 Emerald Group Publishing African American Jeremiad Rev: Appeals For Justice In America 978-1-439-90368-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90368-1 Project MUSE African American Leadership and Mentoring Through Purpose, Preparation, and Preceptors 978-1-799-88208-4 2022 268341 2022 268341 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-88208-4 IGI Global African American Male, Writing, and Difference, The: A Polycentric Approach to African American Literature, Criticism, and History 978-0-791-45693-4 978-0-791-48700-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48700-6 Project MUSE African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage 978-1-787-56662-0 978-1-787-56659-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56659-0 Emerald Group Publishing African American Rural Education 978-1-839-09871-0 978-1-839-09870-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09870-3 Emerald Group Publishing African American Suburbanization and the Consequential Loss of Identity 978-1-522-57836-9 2019 210226 2019 210226 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57836-9 IGI Global African American Young Girls and Women in PreK12 Schools and Beyond 978-1-787-69532-0 978-1-787-69531-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69531-3 Emerald Group Publishing African Criminal Court (978-94-6265-150-0) 978-9-462-65149-4 978-9-462-65150-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-462-65150-0 Springer Science+Business Media African Economic Development 978-1-787-43784-5 978-1-787-43783-8 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-43783-8 Emerald Group Publishing African peace (9781526152824) 978-1-526-15281-7 978-1-526-15282-4 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15282-4 Manchester University Press African Perspectives on Reshaping Rural Development 978-1-799-82308-7 2020 236139 2020 236139 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82308-7 IGI Global African Policy Innovation and the Political Economy of Public-Private Policy Partnerships 978-1-799-87385-3 2022 262925 2022 262925 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87385-3 IGI Global African Spiritual Traditions in the Novels of Toni Morrison 978-0-813-03328-0 978-0-813-04009-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04009-7 Project MUSE African Studies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-799-83020-7 2020 239905 2020 239905 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83020-7 IGI Global African Tales 978-0-299-20944-5 978-0-299-20943-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-20943-8 Project MUSE African Women Writing Resistance: An Anthology of Contemporary Voices 978-0-299-23664-9 978-0-299-23663-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-23663-2 Project MUSE African-American Exploration in West Africa: Four Nineteenth-Century Diaries 978-0-253-34194-5 978-0-253-11004-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11004-6 Project MUSE African-Americans and the Quest for Civil Rights, 1900-1990 978-0-814-71441-6 978-0-814-72359-3 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-72359-3 Project MUSE Africans in Colonial Mexico: Absolutism, Christianity, and Afro-Creole Consciousness, 1570-1640 978-0-253-34236-2 978-0-253-10985-9 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10985-9 Project MUSE Africa's Freedom Railway: How a Chinese Development Project Changed Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania 978-0-253-35271-2 978-0-253-00281-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00281-5 Project MUSE Africa's Platforms and the Evolving Sharing Economy 978-1-799-83234-8 2021 240816 2021 240816 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83234-8 IGI Global Africa's Political Wastelands: The Bastardization of Cameroon: The Bastardization of Cameroon 978-9-956-55862-9 978-9-956-71512-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-71512-1 Project MUSE Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend (978-3-319-46889-1) 978-3-319-46887-7 978-3-319-46889-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-46889-1 Springer Science+Business Media AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics 978-0-814-77580-6 978-0-814-76927-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-76927-0 Project MUSE Afro-Cuban Tales 978-0-803-20436-2 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20436-2 Project MUSE After 1851 (9781526114938) 978-0-719-09649-5 978-1-526-11493-8 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11493-8 Manchester University Press After BSE - 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Letters of Mountain Families in Shenandoah National Park, 1934-1938 978-0-813-92853-1 978-0-813-92890-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-92890-6 Project MUSE Answer Intelligence 978-1-839-82873-7 978-1-839-82870-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82870-6 Emerald Group Publishing Answerable Style: The Idea of the Literary in Medieval England 978-0-814-21207-3 978-0-814-27006-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27006-6 Project MUSE Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall 978-0-823-23358-8 978-0-823-24887-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24887-2 Project MUSE Answering Chief Seattle 978-0-295-97633-4 978-0-295-80038-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80038-7 Project MUSE Antecedents and Outcomes of Employee-Based Brand Equity 978-1-668-43623-3 2022 285476 2022 285476 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43623-3 IGI Global Antecedents to Modern Rwanda: The Nyiginya Kingdom 978-0-299-20124-1 978-0-299-20123-4 2004 2004 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(9789086865703) 978-9-076-99887-9 978-9-086-86570-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86570-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria from Livestock and Companion Animals 978-1-555-81979-8 978-1-555-81980-4 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81980-4 American Society for Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria of Animal Origin 978-1-555-81306-2 978-1-555-81753-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81753-4 American Society for Microbiology Anti-Nazi Modernism: The Challenges of Resistance in 1930s Fiction 978-0-810-12863-7 978-0-810-16637-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16637-0 Project MUSE Antioch as a Centre of Hellenic Culture, as Observed by Libanius (9780853235958) 978-0-853-23595-8 2000 34 2000 34 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-853-23595-8 Liverpool University Press Antiphon and Andocides 978-0-292-72808-0 978-0-292-79911-0 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79911-0 Project MUSE Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists 978-0-292-72841-7 978-0-292-79645-4 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79645-4 Project MUSE Antisemitism and the left (9781526104960) 978-1-526-10495-3 978-1-526-10496-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10496-0 Manchester University Press Antisemitism, Christian Ambivalence, and the Holocaust 978-0-253-34873-9 978-0-253-11674-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11674-1 Project MUSE Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization 978-1-555-81392-5 978-1-555-81644-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81644-5 American Society for Microbiology Anti-terrorism, citizenship and security 978-1-784-99154-8 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-784-99154-8 Manchester University Press Antitrust Law and Economics Volume 21 978-0-762-31115-6 978-1-849-50278-8 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50278-8 Emerald Group Publishing Antiviral Research: Strategies in Antiviral Drug Discovery 978-1-555-81439-7 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-98923-5 Project MUSE Becoming Zimbabwe. A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008 978-1-779-22083-7 978-1-779-22121-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-779-22121-6 Project MUSE Bede: A Biblical Miscellany (9780853236832) 978-0-853-23683-2 1999 28 1999 28 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-853-23683-2 Liverpool University Press Bede: Commentary on Revelation (9781846318443) 978-1-846-31844-3 2013 58 2013 58 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-846-31844-3 Liverpool University Press Bede: On Ezra and Nehemiah (9781846310010) 978-1-846-31001-0 2006 47 2006 47 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-846-31001-0 Liverpool University Press Bede: On First Samuel (9781802071047) 978-1-789-62090-0 978-1-802-07104-7 2019 0 2019 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07104-7 Liverpool University Press Bede: On Genesis (9781846310881) 978-1-846-31088-1 2008 48 2008 48 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-846-31088-1 Liverpool University Press Bede: On the Nature of Things and On Times (9781846314957) 978-1-846-31495-7 2010 54 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Centuries 978-0-812-21587-8 978-0-812-20543-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20543-5 Project MUSE Before the War, and After the Union: An Autobiography by Sam Aleckson (Samuel Williams) (9781949979831) 978-1-949-97983-1 978-1-837-64872-6 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64872-6 Liverpool University Press Before They Could Vote: American Women's Autobiographical Writing, 1819-1919 978-0-299-22054-9 978-0-299-22053-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-22053-2 Project MUSE Begin Here 978-0-824-83092-2 978-0-824-86159-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86159-9 Project MUSE Beginning classical social theory (9781526153456) 978-1-784-99145-6 978-1-526-15345-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15345-6 Manchester University Press Beginning film studies (9781784997304) 978-1-784-99138-8 978-1-784-99730-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99730-4 Manchester University Press Beginning theory (9781526153524) 978-1-526-12179-0 978-1-526-15352-4 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Belonging: Muslims in the United States since 9/11 978-0-871-54328-8 978-1-610-44192-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-610-44192-6 Project MUSE Being and Place among the Tlingit 978-0-295-98749-1 978-0-295-80040-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80040-0 Project MUSE Being Cool: The Work of Elmore Leonard 978-1-421-41015-9 978-1-421-41016-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-41016-6 Project MUSE Being Eurasian: Memories Across Racial Divides 978-9-622-09670-7 978-9-882-20035-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20035-7 Project MUSE Being Jewish in the New Germany 978-0-813-53723-8 978-0-813-53935-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-53935-5 Project MUSE Being Lakota: Identity and Tradition on Pine Ridge Reservation 978-0-803-20741-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20741-7 Project MUSE Being There Even When You Are Not 978-0-762-31332-7 978-6-611-04908-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-6-611-04908-9 Emerald Group Publishing Being There Even When You Are Not Volume 4 978-0-762-31332-7 978-0-762-31332-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-762-31332-7 Emerald Group Publishing Beispiel-Gutachten aus der Forensischen Psychiatrie (9783131893611) 978-3-131-25151-0 978-3-131-89361-1 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-89361-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s 978-0-817-31713-3 978-0-817-38445-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38445-6 Project MUSE Belfast punk and the Troubles: An oral history (9781526152244) 978-1-526-15223-7 978-1-526-15224-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15224-4 Manchester University Press Belief and Politics in Enlightenment France: Essays in Honor of Dale K. 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The UN, the UK and the Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons: The UN, the UK and the Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons 978-9-956-55881-0 978-9-956-71560-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-71560-2 Project MUSE Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Kaufleute im Gesundheitswesen (9783131956415) 978-3-131-53891-8 978-3-131-95641-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95641-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Kaufleute im Gesundheitswesen (9783132422803) 978-3-132-42277-3 978-3-132-42280-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42280-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950 978-0-801-88443-6 978-0-801-88910-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88910-3 Project MUSE Better Story, The: Queer Affects from the Middle East 978-1-438-44583-0 978-1-438-44585-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-44585-4 Project MUSE Between a River and a Mountain: The AFL-CIO and the Vietnam War 978-0-472-06900-2 978-0-472-02579-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02579-4 Project MUSE Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Historical Geography of the Finns in the Sudbury Area 978-0-889-20320-4 978-0-889-20622-9 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20622-9 Project MUSE Between City and School (9781781382523) 978-1-781-38252-3 2016 65 2016 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-781-38252-3 Liverpool University Press Between Dark & Light 978-0-645-37134-5 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-645-37134-5 University of Technology Sydney ePress Between Exile and Return: S. Y. Agnon and the Drama of Writing 978-0-791-40540-6 978-1-438-40685-5 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-40685-5 Project MUSE Between growth and security 978-1-847-79200-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-847-79200-6 Manchester University Press Between History and Poetry: The Letters of H.D. And Norman Holmes Pearson 978-1-587-29347-4 978-1-587-29114-2 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29114-2 Project MUSE Between Home and Homeland: Youth Aliyah from Nazi Germany 978-0-817-31513-9 978-0-817-38162-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38162-2 Project MUSE Between Human and Divine: The Catholic Vision in Contemporary Literature 978-0-813-21739-0 978-0-813-21812-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21812-0 Project MUSE Between Jew and Arab: The Lost Voice of Simon Rawidowicz 978-1-584-65736-1 978-1-584-65815-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-584-65815-3 Project MUSE Between Politics and Antipolitics (978-1-349-94915-1) 978-1-137-60377-7 978-1-349-94915-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-349-94915-1 Springer Science+Business Media Between Science and Literature: An Introduction to Autopoetics 978-0-252-03008-6 978-0-252-09174-2 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09174-2 Project MUSE Between State and Market: Printing and bookselling in eighteenth-century France (9780729409070) 978-0-729-40907-0 978-1-786-94687-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94687-4 Liverpool University Press Between State and Non-State (978-1-137-60181-0) 978-1-349-95065-2 978-1-137-60181-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-60181-0 Springer Science+Business Media Between the Folds: Stories of Cloth, Lives and Travels from Sumba 978-0-824-82288-0 978-0-824-86163-6 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86163-6 Project MUSE Between the Local and the Global Volume 12 978-0-762-31317-4 978-1-849-50417-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50417-1 Emerald Group Publishing Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy: The Life and Works of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinburg 1884-1966 (9781874774914) 978-1-874-77491-4 978-1-909-82175-0 1999 51 1999 51 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82175-0 Liverpool University Press Between two stools 978-0-719-09879-6 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-719-09879-6 Manchester University Press 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Emerald Group Publishing Black American Males in Higher Education: Research, Programs and Academe Volume 7 978-1-849-50643-4 978-1-849-50644-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50644-1 Emerald Group Publishing Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest 978-1-799-87235-1 2021 261599 2021 261599 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87235-1 IGI Global Black and Multiracial Politics in America 978-0-814-70662-6 978-0-814-70522-3 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-70522-3 Project MUSE Black Athena: Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Volume I: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985 978-0-813-55533-1 1987 1987 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-55533-1 Project MUSE Black Boys' Lived and Everyday Experiences in STEM 978-1-789-73132-3 978-1-800-43996-2 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43996-2 Emerald Group Publishing Black, Brown, & Beige: Surrealist Writings from Africa and the Diaspora 978-0-292-71997-2 978-0-292-79340-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79340-8 Project MUSE Black Cadet in a White Bastion: Charles Young at West Point 978-0-803-25641-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-25641-5 Project MUSE Black Communists Speak on Scottsboro: A Documentary History 978-1-592-13599-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-592-13599-8 Project MUSE Black Cultural Traffic: Crossroads in Global Performance and Popular Culture 978-0-472-06840-1 978-0-472-02545-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02545-9 Project MUSE Black Culture and the New Deal: The Quest for Civil Rights in the Roosevelt Era 978-0-807-83312-4 978-1-469-60461-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60461-9 Project MUSE Black devil and iron angel: the railway in nineteenth-century German realism 978-0-813-21416-0 978-0-813-21668-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21668-3 Project MUSE Black Eden: the Idlewild community 978-0-870-13622-1 978-0-870-13966-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13966-6 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978-1-784-41394-1 978-1-784-41393-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41393-4 Emerald Group Publishing Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound: Screaming the Abyss 978-1-787-56926-3 978-1-787-56925-6 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56925-6 Emerald Group Publishing Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association 978-0-299-01214-4 978-0-299-01213-7 1969 1969 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-01213-7 Project MUSE Black Nationalist Thought in South Africa (978-1-137-58650-6) 978-1-137-59087-9 978-1-137-58650-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-58650-6 Springer Science+Business Media Black on Earth: African American Ecoliterary Traditions 978-0-820-32856-0 978-0-820-33753-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33753-1 Project MUSE Black Regions of the Imagination: African American Writers between the Nation and the World 978-1-439-90943-0 978-1-439-90944-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90944-7 Project MUSE 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978-0-807-13636-2 978-0-807-13736-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13736-9 Project MUSE Blackness in the White Nation: Afro-Uruguay, 1830-2010 978-0-807-83417-6 978-0-807-89960-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-89960-1 Project MUSE Blackout: The Untold Story of Jackie Robinson's First Spring Training 978-0-803-20431-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20431-7 Project MUSE Blacks, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags: The Constitutional Conventions of Radical Reconstruction 978-0-807-13324-8 978-0-807-13470-2 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13470-2 Project MUSE Blacks, Reds, and Russians: Sojourners in Search of the Soviet Promise 978-0-813-54306-2 978-0-813-54577-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-54577-6 Project MUSE Blade Runner (9781911325093) 978-1-911-32509-3 978-1-800-34701-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34701-4 Liverpool University Press Blake's Agitation: Criticism and the Emotions 978-1-421-40806-4 978-1-421-40906-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40906-1 Project MUSE Blazing the Trail (9781600868733) 978-1-563-47705-8 978-1-600-86873-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86873-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction 978-0-821-41643-3 978-0-821-44199-2 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-821-44199-2 Project MUSE Blended Learning across Disciplines: Models for Implementation 978-1-609-60480-6 2011 47398 2011 47398 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60480-6 IGI Global Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-50784-0 2017 149823 2017 149823 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50784-0 IGI Global Blended Learning Environments for Adults: Evaluations and Frameworks 978-1-466-60940-2 2012 60762 2012 60762 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60940-2 IGI Global Blended Online Learning and Instructional Design for TPACK: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-58880-1 2019 218528 2019 218528 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2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04321-0 Project MUSE Blowing the Whistle on Genocide: Josiah E. DuBois, Jr. and the Struggle for a U.S. Response to the Holocaust 978-1-557-53507-8 978-1-612-49014-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49014-4 Project MUSE Blue and Gray Diplomacy: A History of Union and Confederate Foreign Relations 978-0-807-83349-0 978-1-469-60449-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60449-7 Project MUSE Blue Coat or Powdered Wig: Free People of Color in Pre-Revolutionary Saint Domingue 978-0-820-32233-9 978-0-820-34235-1 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34235-1 Project MUSE Blue Division: Spanish Blood in Russia, 1941-1945 (9781845197377) 978-1-845-19737-7 978-1-782-84228-6 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84228-6 Liverpool University Press Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape Volume 36 978-0-857-24795-7 978-0-857-24796-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24796-4 Emerald Group Publishing Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television 978-1-592-13706-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-592-13706-0 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Theoretical Conflict 978-0-801-88543-3 978-0-801-89169-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89169-4 Project MUSE Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen (9783132054219) 978-3-132-05411-0 978-3-132-05421-9 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-05421-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Body My House: May Swenson's Work and Life 978-0-874-21635-6 978-0-874-21543-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-874-21543-4 Project MUSE Body Soviet: Propaganda, Hygiene, and the Revolutionary State 978-0-299-22964-1 978-0-299-22963-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-22963-4 Project MUSE Body, Subject & Subjected: The Representation of the Body Itself, Illness, Injury, Treatment and Death in Spain and Indigenous and Hispanic American Art and Literature (9781845197407) 978-1-845-19740-7 978-1-782-84330-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84330-6 Liverpool University Press Boke of Gostely Grace: The Middle English Translation: A Critical Edition from Oxford, MS Bodley 220 (9781800856332) 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2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-60982-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Bones of Contention: The living archive of Vasil Levski and the making of Bulgaria's national hero 978-9-639-77624-1 978-6-155-21163-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-6-155-21163-8 Project MUSE Book Illustration, Taxes and Propaganda: the Fermiers généraux edition of La Fontaine's Contes et nouvelles en vers of 1762 (9780729408851) 978-0-729-40885-1 978-1-786-94689-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94689-8 Liverpool University Press Book of Abstracts for the 10th World Conference on Animal Production (9789086865789) 978-9-086-86100-2 978-9-086-86578-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86578-9 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production: Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 - 28 August 2014 (9789086867998) 978-9-086-86248-1 978-9-086-86799-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86799-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production: Warsaw, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015 (9789086868162) 978-9-086-86269-6 978-9-086-86816-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86816-2 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production: Belfast, UK, 29 August - 1 September 2016 (9789086868308) 978-9-086-86284-9 978-9-086-86830-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86830-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086863129) 978-9-086-86859-9 978-9-086-86312-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86312-9 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086863235) 978-9-086-86871-1 978-9-086-86323-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86323-5 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086868902) 978-9-086-86339-6 978-9-086-86890-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86890-2 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086869008) 978-9-086-86349-5 978-9-086-86900-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86900-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086869183) 978-9-086-86366-2 978-9-086-86918-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86918-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086869374) 978-9-086-86385-3 978-9-086-86937-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86937-4 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (9789086869367) 978-9-086-86384-6 978-9-086-86936-7 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86936-7 Wageningen Academic Publishers Book of Alexander (Libro de Alexandre) (9780856688645) 978-0-856-68864-5 978-1-800-34500-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34500-3 Liverpool University Press Book of Pontiffs, The (9781846314766) 978-1-846-31476-6 2009 6 2009 6 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-846-31476-6 Liverpool University Press Book of the Sphinx 978-0-803-20526-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20526-0 Project MUSE Bookleggers and Smuthounds: The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 978-0-812-21798-8 978-0-812-20585-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20585-5 Project MUSE Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies 978-0-812-21794-0 978-0-812-20471-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20471-1 Project MUSE Books and the British Army in the Age of the American Revolution 978-0-807-83378-0 978-1-469-60393-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60393-3 Project MUSE Books, Bibliographies, and Pugs: A Festschrift to Honor Murlin Croucher 978-0-893-57336-2 978-0-893-57836-7 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-893-57836-7 Project MUSE Books, Maps, and Politics: A Cultural History of the Library of Congress, 1783-1861 978-1-558-49433-6 978-1-613-76144-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76144-1 Project MUSE Books of Secrets: Natural Philosophy in England, 1550-1600 978-0-252-03209-7 978-0-252-09159-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09159-9 Project MUSE Books on Israel, Volume I 978-0-887-06776-1 978-1-438-41145-3 1988 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-41145-3 Project MUSE Bookwomen: Creating an Empire in Children's Book Publishing, 1919-1939 978-0-299-21794-5 978-0-299-21793-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-21793-8 Project MUSE Boom!: Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market 978-1-554-58939-5 978-1-554-58940-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58940-1 Project MUSE Bootlegger's Other Daughter 978-1-585-44447-2 978-1-603-44573-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44573-3 Project MUSE Border abolitionism (9781526160942) 978-1-526-16093-5 978-1-526-16094-2 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16094-2 Manchester University Press Border Renaissance: The Texas Centennial and the Emergence of Mexican American Literature 978-0-292-71978-1 978-0-292-79353-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79353-8 Project MUSE Borders and conflict in South Asia (9781526117632) 978-1-526-11763-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11763-2 Manchester University Press Borders of a Lip: Romanticism, Language, History, Politics 978-0-791-45929-4 978-0-791-48587-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48587-3 Project MUSE Borders of desire (9781526165220) 978-1-526-16521-3 978-1-526-16522-0 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16522-0 Manchester University Press Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to His Mind and Art, A Revised Edition 978-0-292-70877-8 978-0-292-79196-1 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79196-1 Project MUSE Borges and Mathematics 978-1-557-53632-7 978-1-612-49251-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49251-3 Project MUSE Borges: The Passion of an Endless Quotation 978-0-791-45555-5 978-0-791-48763-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48763-1 Project MUSE Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture 978-0-814-75817-5 978-0-814-75914-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-75914-1 Project MUSE Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States 978-0-814-78357-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78357-3 Project MUSE Born Again: Evangelicalism in Korea 978-0-824-83375-6 978-0-824-83760-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-83760-0 Project MUSE 'Born in a Mighty Bad Land': The Violent Man in African American Folklore and Fiction 978-0-253-34206-5 978-0-253-10989-7 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10989-7 Project MUSE Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation 978-0-803-26759-6 978-0-803-23541-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-23541-0 Project MUSE Born to Rule 978-9-956-55842-1 978-9-956-71513-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-71513-8 Project MUSE Borna Disease Virus and its Role in Neurobehavioral Diseases 978-1-555-81235-5 978-1-555-81790-9 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81790-9 American Society for Microbiology Borrowed Tongues: Life Writing, Migration, and Translation 978-1-554-58357-7 978-1-554-58399-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58399-7 Project MUSE Bostwick's Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery (9781626238138) 978-1-626-23812-1 978-1-626-23813-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23813-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Botanical Companions: A Memoir of Plants and Place 978-0-877-45920-0 978-1-587-29452-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29452-5 Project MUSE Botanik (9783131909817) 978-3-131-44851-4 978-3-131-90981-7 2009 2009 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the Bronx 978-0-814-77608-7 978-0-814-77740-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-77740-4 Project MUSE Bound By a Mighty Vow: Sisterhood and Women's Fraternities, 1870-1920 978-0-814-78275-0 978-0-814-78430-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78430-3 Project MUSE Bound States of the Magnetic Schrödinger Operator 978-3-037-19169-9 978-3-037-19669-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19669-4 European Mathematical Society Bound to Read: Compilations, Collections, and the Making of Renaissance Literature 978-0-812-24507-3 978-0-812-20816-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20816-0 Project MUSE Boundaries within: Nation, Kinship and Identity among Migrants and Minorities (978-3-319-53331-5) 978-3-319-53329-2 978-3-319-53331-5 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-53331-5 Springer Science+Business Media Boundary Behavior of Solutions to Elliptic Equations in General Domains 978-3-037-19190-3 978-3-037-19690-8 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19690-8 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R. Ambedkar (9781526173614) 978-1-526-16430-8 978-1-526-17361-4 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-17361-4 Manchester University Press Brahma in the West: William Blake and the Oriental Renaissance 978-0-791-45817-4 978-0-791-48640-5 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48640-5 Project MUSE Brain Arteriovenous Malformations and Arteriovenous Fistulas (9781626233232) 978-1-626-23322-5 978-1-626-23323-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23323-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Brain Mapping (9781684200931) 978-1-684-20092-4 978-1-684-20093-1 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20093-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Brain Tumor Imaging (9781604068306) 978-1-604-06806-1 978-1-604-06830-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06830-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Brainstorm (9781800348318) 978-1-800-34831-8 978-1-800-34557-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34557-7 Liverpool University Press Bram Stoker (9780746311028) 978-0-746-31102-8 978-1-786-94299-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94299-9 Liverpool University Press Branching Programs and Binary Decision Diagrams (978-0-89871-978-9) 978-0-898-71458-6 978-0-898-71978-9 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71978-9 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Brand Culture and Identity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-57117-9 2019 203076 2019 203076 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57117-9 IGI Global Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices 978-1-466-66243-8 2014 102244 2014 102244 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66243-8 IGI Global Brand Meaning Management Volume 12 978-1-784-41932-5 978-1-784-41931-8 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41931-8 Emerald Group Publishing Branding and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Building Virtual Presence 978-1-613-50172-6 2012 52735 2012 52735 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50172-6 IGI Global Brave New Words: How Literature Will Save the Planet 978-1-587-29861-5 978-1-587-29922-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29922-3 Project MUSE Bravest of the Brave: The Correspondence of Stephen Dodson Ramseur 978-0-807-83373-5 978-1-469-60402-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60402-2 Project MUSE Brazil: A Century of Change 978-0-807-83130-4 978-1-469-60591-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60591-3 Project MUSE Brazil Imagined: 1500 to the Present 978-0-292-71856-2 978-0-292-79395-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79395-8 Project MUSE Brazil in the world (9781526108043) 978-1-526-10740-4 978-1-526-10804-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10804-3 Manchester University Press Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas 978-0-813-03421-8 978-0-813-04521-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04521-4 Project MUSE Brazil: Media from the Country of the Future Volume 13 978-1-786-35786-1 978-1-786-35785-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35785-4 Emerald Group Publishing Brazil's Living Museum: Race, Reform, and Tradition in Bahia 978-0-807-83382-7 978-1-469-60408-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60408-4 Project MUSE Breaking Down Language and Cultural Barriers through Contemporary Global Marketing Strategies 978-1-522-56981-7 2019 201849 2019 201849 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-56981-7 IGI Global Breaking the Bonds: Marital Discord in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830 978-0-814-77934-7 978-0-814-78895-0 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78895-0 Project MUSE Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales 978-0-813-19030-3 978-0-813-17030-5 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-17030-5 Project MUSE Breaking the Silence: Toward a Black Male Feminist Criticism 978-0-807-13213-5 978-0-807-13569-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13569-3 Project MUSE Breaking the Zero-Sum Game: Transforming Societies through Inclusive Leadership 978-1-787-43186-7 978-1-787-43185-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-43185-0 Emerald Group Publishing Breaking Through: John B. 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Volume 12 978-0-762-31063-0 978-1-849-50242-9 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50242-9 Emerald Group Publishing Bridging the Scholar-Practitioner Gap in Human Resources Development 978-1-466-69999-1 2016 141938 2016 141938 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-69999-1 IGI Global brief history of international criminal law and International Criminal Court (978-1-137-56736-9) 978-1-137-56735-2 978-1-137-56736-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-56736-9 Springer Science+Business Media Brigadier General John D. Imboden: Confederate Commander in the Shenandoah 978-0-813-12266-3 978-0-813-12877-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-12877-1 Project MUSE Bringing Capitalism Back for Critique by Social Theory Volume 21 978-0-762-30762-3 978-1-849-50094-4 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50094-4 Emerald Group Publishing Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality and Connectedness 978-1-838-67198-3 978-1-838-67197-6 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67197-6 Emerald Group Publishing Bringing Down Divides 978-1-787-69406-4 978-1-787-69405-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69405-7 Emerald Group Publishing Bringing Indians to the Book 978-0-295-98523-7 978-0-295-80212-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80212-1 Project MUSE Britain and its internal others, 1750–1800 (9781526120410) 978-1-526-12041-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12041-0 Manchester University Press Britain and the formation of the Gulf States (9781784997328) 978-1-784-99732-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99732-8 Manchester University Press Britain in fragments (9781526164605) 978-1-526-16458-2 978-1-526-16460-5 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16460-5 Manchester University Press Britain's History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a 'National Sin' (9781781382776) 978-1-781-38277-6 978-1-781-38355-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38355-1 Liverpool University Press Britain's lost revolution? 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978-1-526-11962-9 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11962-9 Manchester University Press British imperialism in Cyprus, 1878–1915 (9781526118738) 978-1-526-11873-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11873-8 Manchester University Press British Jewry and the Holocaust (9781874774808) 978-1-874-77480-8 978-1-909-82124-8 2003 65 2003 65 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82124-8 Liverpool University Press British Olympics: Britain's Olympic Heritage 1612-2012 (9781848020580) 978-1-848-02058-0 978-1-848-02226-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02226-3 Liverpool University Press British rural landscapes on film (9781526104687) 978-0-719-09157-5 978-1-526-10468-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10468-7 Manchester University Press British Trade with Spanish America, 1763-1808 (9781781380062) 978-1-781-38006-2 978-1-800-85546-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85546-5 Liverpool University Press British women of the Eastern Front (9781526100023) 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Education of Children with Chronic Diseases 978-1-466-69453-8 2016 132770 2016 132770 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-69453-8 IGI Global Challenges to Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs in Organizations 978-1-799-84093-0 2021 244342 2021 244342 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-84093-0 IGI Global Challenging Boundaries: Gender and Periodization 978-0-820-34353-2 978-0-820-34353-2 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34353-2 Project MUSE Challenging Cases in Musculoskeletal Imaging (9783131764119) 978-3-131-76401-0 978-3-131-76411-9 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-76411-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Challenging Cases in Spine Surgery (9781604064896) 978-1-588-90393-8 978-1-604-06489-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06489-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Challenging ICT Applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Industrial Design Education 978-1-466-62000-1 2013 64913 2013 64913 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62000-1 IGI Global Challenging the Bard: Dostoevsky and Pushkin, a Study of Literary Relationship 978-0-299-29354-3 978-0-299-29353-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-29353-6 Project MUSE Challenging the Teaching Excellence Framework: Diversity Deficits in Higher Education Evaluations 978-1-787-69536-8 978-1-787-69533-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69533-7 Emerald Group Publishing Chamfort and the French Revolution: A Study in Form and Ideology (9780729408011) 978-0-729-40801-1 978-1-789-62683-4 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62683-4 Liverpool University Press Champion of Civil Rights: Judge John Minor Wisdom 978-0-807-13384-2 978-0-807-13482-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13482-5 Project MUSE Chancellorsville and the Germans: Nativism, Ethnicity, and Civil War Memory 978-0-823-22650-4 978-0-823-24754-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24754-7 Project MUSE Chancellorsville: The Battle and Its Aftermath 978-0-807-82275-3 978-1-469-60240-0 2009 2009 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Naron, as Recounted by R. W. 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Nation: A Story of American Indian Resurgence 978-0-803-20668-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20668-7 Project MUSE Choice in Economic Contexts Volume 25 978-0-762-31375-4 978-1-849-50463-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50463-8 Emerald Group Publishing Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and The State-of-practice (9781849507738) 978-1-849-50772-1 978-1-849-50773-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50773-8 Emerald Group Publishing Cholesteatoma (9781604062786) 978-1-604-06277-9 978-1-604-06278-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06278-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture 978-0-814-33444-7 978-0-814-33799-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33799-8 Project MUSE Chordomas (9781626231603) 978-1-626-23159-7 978-1-626-23160-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23160-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base and Spine (9781604064445) 978-0-865-77985-3 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Vol 3: Arab sources (9780856684500) 978-0-856-68450-0 978-1-786-94850-2 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94850-2 Liverpool University Press Christians and Moors in Spain, Volume I: AD 711-1150 (9780856684111) 978-0-856-68411-1 978-1-786-94851-9 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94851-9 Liverpool University Press Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571-1640 978-0-814-74181-8 978-0-814-74374-4 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-74374-4 Project MUSE Christian's Guide to Greek Culture: The Pseudo-Nonnus 'Commentaries' on 'Sermons' 4, 5, 39 and 43 by Gregory of Nazianus (9780853239178) 978-0-853-23917-8 978-1-789-62854-8 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62854-8 Liverpool University Press Christine: Or Woman's Trials and Triumphs 978-0-803-21360-9 978-0-803-23394-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-23394-2 Project MUSE Christmas in Germany: A Cultural History 978-0-807-83364-3 978-1-469-60494-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60494-7 Project MUSE Christopher Smart (9780746310236) 978-0-746-31023-6 978-1-802-07642-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07642-4 Liverpool University Press Chronic Care, Health Care Systems and Services Integration Volume 22 978-0-762-31147-7 978-1-849-50300-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50300-6 Emerald Group Publishing Chronic Illness and Long-Term Care: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-57123-0 2019 203078 2019 203078 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57123-0 IGI Global Chronic Mental Illness and the Changing Scope of Intervention Strategies, Diagnosis, and Treatment 978-1-522-50520-4 2017 147025 2017 147025 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50520-4 IGI Global Chronic Stress and Its Effect on Brain Structure and Connectivity 978-1-522-57514-6 2019 207704 2019 207704 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57514-6 IGI Global Chronicle of King Pedro Volumes 1 - 3: Pero López de Ayala (9781789621341) 978-1-789-62134-1 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1895-1994 978-0-814-33172-9 978-0-814-33668-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33668-7 Project MUSE Cicatrices: Central American Fiction in the 21st Century (9781845199746) 978-1-845-19974-6 978-1-782-84616-1 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84616-1 Liverpool University Press Cinema, democracy and perfectionism (9781784997359) 978-1-784-99401-3 978-1-784-99735-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99735-9 Manchester University Press Cinemas and cinemagoing in wartime Britain, 1939–45 (9781784997366) 978-0-719-09188-9 978-1-784-99736-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99736-6 Manchester University Press Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry 978-0-823-24548-2 978-0-823-25033-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-25033-2 Project MUSE CIO and Corporate Strategic Management: Changing Role of CIO to CEO 978-1-599-04425-5 2007 153 2007 153 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04425-5 IGI Global Circle of Goods: 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Y. Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem, and I. L. Peretz 978-0-815-63291-7 978-0-815-65088-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-815-65088-1 Project MUSE Classical Antiquity and the Politics of America: From George Washington to George W. Bush 978-1-932-79232-4 978-1-602-58111-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-602-58111-1 Project MUSE Classical Arabic Literature: A Library of Arabic Literature Anthology 978-0-814-77027-6 978-0-814-74511-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-74511-3 Project MUSE Classical Control Using H-Infinity Methods (978-1-61197-137-8) 978-0-898-71424-1 978-1-611-97137-8 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97137-8 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Classical Control Using H∞ Methods (978-1-61197-136-1) 978-0-898-71419-7 978-1-611-97136-1 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97136-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Classical Epic Tradition 978-0-299-10514-3 978-0-299-10513-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-10513-6 Project MUSE Classical Sculpture: Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek, and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 978-1-931-70784-8 978-1-934-53629-2 2006 2006 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Culture in the Gilded Age, 1876-1893 978-0-817-31580-1 978-0-817-38020-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38020-5 Project MUSE Context North America: Canadian-U.S. Literary Relations 978-0-776-60360-5 978-0-776-61571-4 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61571-4 Project MUSE Context, Policy, and Practices in Indigenous and Cultural Entrepreneurship 978-1-668-47580-5 2023 308789 2023 308789 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-47580-5 IGI Global Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability: Adaptive Technologies and Applications 978-1-605-66291-6 2009 203 2009 203 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66291-6 IGI Global Continent Scale Map Series (scale 1:5,000,000) Volume 1 978-0-813-75417-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-75417-8 Geological Society of America Contingency Blues: The Search For Foundations In American Criticism 978-0-299-15414-1 978-0-299-15413-4 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-15413-4 Project MUSE Contingent Loyalties: 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06516-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Neuro-Oncology: Best Evidence Medicine for Brain Tumor Surgery (9781604067569) 978-1-604-06755-2 978-1-604-06756-9 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06756-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Neurosurgery II (9781604062335) 978-1-604-06232-8 978-1-604-06233-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06233-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Otolaryngology (9781588905864) 978-0-865-77853-5 978-1-588-90586-4 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90586-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Pediatric Neurosurgery (9781604060751) 978-1-604-06074-4 978-1-604-06075-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06075-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Skull Base Surgery (9781626239548) 978-1-626-23953-1 978-1-626-23954-8 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23954-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Controversies in Spine Surgery: Best Evidence Recommendations (9781604062403) 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Twentieth-Century Literature 978-1-931-96848-5 978-1-935-60376-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-935-60376-4 Project MUSE Courtship and Love among the Enslaved in North Carolina 978-1-934-11007-2 978-1-604-73312-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73312-9 Project MUSE Covert colonialism (9781526158208) 978-1-526-15819-2 978-1-526-15820-8 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15820-8 Manchester University Press Covert Operations: The Medieval Uses of Secrecy 978-0-812-22174-9 978-0-812-20719-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20719-4 Project MUSE COVID-19 in the African Continent 978-1-801-17687-3 978-1-801-17686-6 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17686-6 Emerald Group Publishing COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on New Economy Development and Societal Change 978-1-668-43376-8 2022 283956 2022 283956 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43376-8 IGI Global COVID-19's Impact on the Cryptocurrency Market and the Digital Economy 978-1-799-89119-2 2022 275839 2022 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Craniomaxillofacial Buttresses: Anatomy and Operative Repair (9781604065817) 978-1-604-06580-0 978-1-604-06581-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06581-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Creating a Framework for Dissertation Preparation: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-59709-4 2020 223179 2020 223179 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59709-4 IGI Global Creating a Public: People and Press in Meiji Japan 978-0-824-81882-1 978-0-824-86201-5 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86201-5 Project MUSE Creating a Sustainable Ecology Using Technology-Driven Solutions 978-1-466-63614-9 2013 71956 2013 71956 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-63614-9 IGI Global Creating a Sustainable Vision of Nonviolence in Schools and Society 978-1-522-52210-2 2017 172773 2017 172773 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52210-2 IGI Global Creating a World on Paper: Harry Fenn's Career in Art 978-1-558-49979-9 978-1-613-76222-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76222-6 Project MUSE Creating 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Creation-Evolution Debate: Historical Perspectives 978-0-820-32912-3 978-0-820-33654-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33654-1 Project MUSE Creative AI Tools and Ethical Implications in Teaching and Learning 979-8-369-30206-4 2023 321467 2023 321467 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=979-8-369-30206-4 IGI Global Creative Business in Australia 978-0-992-45182-0 2015 UTS-033 2015 UTS-033 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-992-45182-0 University of Technology Sydney ePress Creative Connections: Aspects of the Garden Design Process (9781853411311) 978-1-853-41131-1 978-1-837-64541-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64541-1 Liverpool University Press Creative Industries in Europe (978-3-319-56497-5) 978-3-319-56495-1 978-3-319-56497-5 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-56497-5 Springer Science+Business Media Creative research communication (9781526153401) 978-0-719-09651-8 978-1-526-15340-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15340-1 Manchester University Press Creative Social 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Volume 10 978-1-849-50601-4 978-1-849-50602-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50602-1 Emerald Group Publishing Credit Risk Management for Derivatives (978-3-319-57975-7) 978-3-319-57974-0 978-3-319-57975-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-57975-7 Springer Science+Business Media Credit Scoring and Its Applications (978-0-89871-831-7) 978-0-898-71483-8 978-0-898-71831-7 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71831-7 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Credit Scoring and Its Applications, Second Edition (978-1-61197-456-0) 978-1-611-97455-3 978-1-611-97456-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97456-0 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Creeks and Southerners: Biculturalism on the Early American Frontier 978-0-803-20494-2 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20494-2 Project MUSE Creepshow (9781911325918) 978-1-911-32591-8 978-1-800-34727-4 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34727-4 Liverpool University Press Creole Economics: 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978-0-812-23847-1 978-0-812-20257-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20257-1 Project MUSE Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the failed mother 978-1-839-09621-1 978-1-839-09620-4 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09620-4 Emerald Group Publishing Criminology of Corruption (978-1-137-51724-1) 978-1-137-51723-4 978-1-137-51724-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-51724-1 Springer Science+Business Media Crises and Popular Dissent 978-1-800-43363-2 978-1-800-43362-5 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43362-5 Emerald Group Publishing Crisis and Covenant: The Holocaust in American Jewish Fiction 978-0-887-06085-4 978-0-791-49644-2 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-49644-2 Project MUSE Crisis and Neoliberal Reforms in Africa: Civil Society and Agro-Industry in Anglophone Cameroonís Plantation Economy 978-9-956-57803-0 978-9-956-57926-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-57926-6 Project MUSE Crisis and Opportunity in the Professions Volume 6 978-0-762-31261-0 978-1-849-50378-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50378-5 Emerald Group Publishing Crisis, Complexity and Conflict Volume 9 978-1-848-55204-3 978-1-848-55205-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-55205-0 Emerald Group Publishing Crisis, Credibility and Corporate History (9781781381373) 978-1-781-38137-3 978-1-781-38756-6 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38756-6 Liverpool University Press Crisis in North Korea 978-0-824-82809-7 978-0-824-86203-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86203-9 Project MUSE Crisis Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-466-64708-4 2014 78243 2014 78243 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64708-4 IGI Global Crisis Music: The Life-and-Times of Six Twentieth-Century Composers (9781789761467) 978-1-789-76146-7 978-1-782-84751-9 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84751-9 Liverpool University Press Crisis Response and Management and Emerging Information Systems: Critical Applications 978-1-609-60610-7 2011 47441 2011 47441 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60610-7 IGI Global Critical Analysis and Architecture for Strategic Business Planning 978-1-799-88075-2 2022 267830 2022 267830 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-88075-2 IGI Global Critical and Creative Perspectives on Fairy Tales: An Intertextual Dialogue between Fairy-Tale Scholarship and Postmodern Retellings 978-0-814-33452-2 978-0-814-33646-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33646-5 Project MUSE Critical Approaches to Information Retrieval Research 978-1-799-81023-0 2020 230944 2020 230944 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81023-0 IGI Global Critical Aspects of Gender in Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, and Social Movements Volume 32 978-0-857-24913-5 978-0-857-24914-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24914-2 Emerald Group Publishing Critical Assessment and Strategies for Increased Student Retention 978-1-522-52999-6 2017 179327 2017 179327 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52999-6 IGI Global Critical Capabilities and Competencies for Knowledge Organizations 978-1-789-73770-7 978-1-789-73767-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-73767-7 Emerald Group Publishing Critical Care in Acute Liver Failure 978-1-780-84257-8 978-1-780-84255-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-84255-4 Future Medicine Critical Care in Spinal Cord Injury 978-1-780-84182-3 978-1-780-84180-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-84180-9 Future Medicine Critical Care Radiology (9783131503619) 978-3-131-50051-9 978-3-131-50361-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-50361-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Critical Concepts, Standards, and Techniques in Cyber Forensics 978-1-799-81560-0 2020 233673 2020 233673 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81560-0 IGI Global Critical Design and Effective Tools for E-Learning in Higher Education: Theory into Practice 978-1-615-20880-7 2010 40285 2010 40285 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20880-7 IGI Global 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978-0-824-82699-4 978-0-824-86204-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86204-6 Project MUSE Critical Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Marketing 978-1-668-43592-2 2022 285027 2022 285027 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43592-2 IGI Global Critical Perspectives on Urban Redevelopment Volume 6 978-0-762-30541-4 978-1-849-50035-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50035-7 Emerald Group Publishing Critical Practice in P-12 Education: Transformative Teaching and Learning 978-1-466-65060-2 2014 84176 2014 84176 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-65060-2 IGI Global Critical Race Narratives: A Study of Race, Rhetoric and Injury 978-0-814-73144-4 978-0-814-73333-2 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-73333-2 Project MUSE Critical Reflections and Politics on Advancing Women in the Academy 978-1-799-83620-9 2020 243737 2020 243737 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83620-9 IGI Global Critical Reflections on Information Systems: A Systemic Approach 978-1-591-40069-1 2003 213 2003 213 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40069-1 IGI Global Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments 978-1-522-53030-5 2017 179336 2017 179336 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53030-5 IGI Global Critical Research on Sexism and Racism in STEM Fields 978-1-522-50175-6 2016 142198 2016 142198 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50175-6 IGI Global Critical Roles of Digital Citizenship and Digital Ethics 978-1-668-48935-2 2023 316885 2023 316885 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48935-2 IGI Global Critical security in the Asia-Pacific 978-1-526-13087-7 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-13087-7 Manchester University Press Critical Social Challenges in the Tourism Industry: Labor, Commodification, and Drugs 978-1-668-49257-4 2023 318466 2023 318466 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-49257-4 IGI Global Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing 978-1-466-69439-2 2016 132468 2016 132468 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-69439-2 IGI 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22 978-0-762-30963-4 978-1-849-50177-4 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50177-4 Emerald Group Publishing Critical Theory: The Major Documents 978-0-252-03123-6 978-0-252-09172-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09172-8 Project MUSE Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed Children's Literature 978-1-617-03636-1 978-1-621-03064-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-621-03064-5 Project MUSE Crop Systems Dynamics: An ecophysiological simulation model of genotype-by-environment interactions (9789086865390) 978-9-076-99855-8 978-9-086-86539-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86539-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reactions 1: C—C Cross Coupling Using Organometallic Partners (9783131845511) 978-3-131-64201-1 978-3-131-84551-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84551-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reactions 2: C—C Cross Coupling of Acidic C-H Nucleophiles (9783131845610) 978-3-131-64221-9 978-3-131-84561-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84561-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reactions 3: Metal-Catalyzed Heck Type Reactions and C-C Cross Coupling via C-H Activation (9783131845719) 978-3-131-64241-7 978-3-131-84571-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84571-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cross on the Star of David: The Christian World in Israel's Foreign Policy, 1948-1967 978-0-253-34647-6 978-0-253-11148-7 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11148-7 Project MUSE Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Strategies for Sustainable Development 978-1-799-82515-9 2020 236602 2020 236602 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82515-9 IGI Global Cross-Border E-Commerce Marketing and Management 978-1-799-85823-2 2021 253513 2021 253513 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-85823-2 IGI Global Cross-Cultural Analysis of Image-Based Assessments: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-52692-6 2018 178205 2018 178205 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52692-6 IGI Global Cross-Cultural Buyer Behavior Volume 18 978-0-762-31412-6 978-1-849-50485-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50485-0 Emerald Group Publishing Cross-Cultural Case Study Volume 6 978-0-762-30053-2 978-1-849-50018-0 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50018-0 Emerald Group Publishing Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations 978-1-466-68377-8 2015 123120 2015 123120 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68377-8 IGI Global Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Education of Young Immigrant Learners 978-1-466-64929-3 2014 78946 2014 78946 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64929-3 IGI Global Cross-Cultural Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-466-64980-4 2014 84015 2014 84015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64980-4 IGI Global Cross-Cultural Online Learning in Higher Education and Corporate Training 978-1-466-65024-4 2014 84170 2014 84170 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French and Arabic Literatures 978-0-812-24087-0 978-0-812-20108-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20108-6 Project MUSE Crossing Cultures: Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literature in the Low Countries 978-9-058-67733-4 978-9-461-66013-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-461-66013-8 Project MUSE Crossing Oceans: Reconfiguring American Literary Studies in the Pacific Rim 978-9-622-09640-0 978-9-882-20094-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20094-4 Project MUSE Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project 978-0-871-54289-2 978-1-610-44174-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-610-44174-2 Project MUSE Crossing the Rio Grande: An Immigrant's Life in the 1880s 978-1-585-44514-1 978-1-603-44532-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44532-0 Project MUSE Crossing the Sound: The Rise of Atlantic American Communities in Seventeenth-Century Eastern Long Island 978-0-814-79832-4 978-0-814-78672-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78672-7 Project MUSE Crossing through Chueca: Lesbian Literary Culture in Queer Madrid 978-0-816-66990-5 978-0-816-67682-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-816-67682-8 Project MUSE Cross-Media Authentication and Verification: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-55593-3 2019 190476 2019 190476 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55593-3 IGI Global Crossroads of Rural Crime 978-1-800-43645-9 978-1-800-43644-2 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43644-2 Emerald Group Publishing Crossroads of the Classroom: Narrative Intersections of Teacher Knowledge and Subject Matter Volume 28 978-1-786-35797-7 978-1-786-35796-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35796-0 Emerald Group Publishing Crossroads: Time & Space / Tradition & Modernity in Hispanic Worlds (9781789760194) 978-1-789-76019-4 978-1-782-84645-1 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84645-1 Liverpool University Press Crowdfunding and Sustainable Urban Development in Emerging Economies 978-1-522-53953-7 2018 181919 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Lewis's Perelandra: Reshaping the Image of the Cosmos 978-1-606-35183-3 978-1-612-77719-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-77719-1 Project MUSE CSR 2.0 and the New Era of Corporate Citizenship 978-1-522-51843-3 2017 166426 2017 166426 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-51843-3 IGI Global CSR and Socially Responsible Investing Strategies in Transitioning and Emerging Economies 978-1-799-82195-3 2020 235706 2020 235706 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82195-3 IGI Global CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformation 978-1-800-43036-5 978-1-800-43035-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43035-8 Emerald Group Publishing CSR in an age of Isolationism 978-1-800-43269-7 978-1-800-43268-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43268-0 Emerald Group Publishing CT Colonography: A Guide for Clinical Practice (9783131506214) 978-3-131-47261-8 978-3-131-50621-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-50621-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG CT - Kolonographie: Virtuelle Koloskopie 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Motets in the Sixteenth Century 978-9-058-67669-6 978-9-461-66054-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-461-66054-1 Project MUSE Cultivated vegetables of the world: a multilingual onomasticon (9789086867202) 978-9-086-86164-4 978-9-086-86720-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86720-2 Wageningen Academic Publishers Cultivating a Culture of Nonviolence in Early Childhood Development Centers and Schools 978-1-522-57477-4 2019 207325 2019 207325 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57477-4 IGI Global Cultivating Critical Discourse in the Classroom 978-1-668-48298-8 2023 312579 2023 312579 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48298-8 IGI Global Cultivating Diverse Online Classrooms Through Effective Instructional Design 978-1-522-53121-0 2017 179822 2017 179822 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53121-0 IGI Global Cultivating Entrepreneurial Changemakers Through Digital Media Education 978-1-799-85808-9 2021 253259 2021 253259 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-85808-9 IGI Global Cultivating 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02815-3 Project MUSE Culture of Empire: American Writers, Mexico, and Mexican Immigrants, 1880-1930 978-0-292-70186-1 978-0-292-79752-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79752-9 Project MUSE Culture of The Culture: Utopian Processes in Iain M. Banks's Space Opera Series (9781789621747) 978-1-789-62174-7 978-1-789-62754-1 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62754-1 Liverpool University Press Culture of War: Literature of the Siege of Paris 1870-1871 (9781789621921) 978-1-789-62192-1 978-1-789-62771-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62771-8 Liverpool University Press Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation (9781526118479) 978-1-526-11847-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11847-9 Manchester University Press Cultures of Contamination Volume 14 978-0-762-31371-6 978-1-849-50460-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50460-7 Emerald Group Publishing Cultures of decolonisation (9781784996864) 978-1-784-99686-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99686-4 Manchester University Press Cultures of governance and peace (9781526117588) 978-0-719-09955-7 978-1-526-11758-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11758-8 Manchester University Press Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe 978-0-812-21555-7 978-0-812-20076-8 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20076-8 Project MUSE Cumulative Index (9783131840813) 978-3-131-48481-9 978-3-131-84081-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84081-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cumulative Index (9783131840912) 978-3-131-45261-0 978-3-131-84091-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84091-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cumulative Index (9783131841018) 978-3-131-48491-8 978-3-131-84101-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84101-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cumulative Index (9783131841216) 978-3-131-48511-3 978-3-131-84121-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84121-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Cumulative Index (9783131841315) 978-3-131-48521-2 978-3-131-84131-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84131-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Curating empire (9781526118288) 978-1-526-11828-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11828-8 Manchester University Press Curators and Culture: The Museum Movement in America, 1740-1870 978-0-817-31204-6 978-0-817-38217-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38217-9 Project MUSE Curbing Corruption in Asian Countries: An Impossible Dream? 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Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy 978-0-472-03341-6 978-0-472-02173-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02173-4 Project MUSE Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant 978-1-584-65715-6 978-1-584-65810-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-584-65810-8 Project MUSE Defense policies of East-Central European countries after 1989 (9781526110442) 978-1-526-11042-8 978-1-526-11044-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11044-2 Manchester University Press Defiance and Deference in Mexico's Colonial North: Indians under Spanish Rule in Nueva Vizcaya 978-0-292-70520-3 978-0-292-79876-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79876-2 Project MUSE Defiant Populist: Jörg Haider and the Politics of Austria 978-1-557-53230-5 978-1-612-49065-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49065-6 Project MUSE Defining Chu: Image and Reality in Ancient China 978-0-824-81885-2 978-0-824-86216-9 1999 1999 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978-1-588-90085-2 978-3-131-60571-9 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-60571-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging (9781626234765) 978-1-626-23475-8 978-1-626-23476-5 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23476-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging (9781626234789) 978-1-626-23477-2 978-1-626-23478-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23478-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging: Brain and Meninges (9781604067026) 978-1-604-06700-2 978-1-604-06702-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06702-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (9781604062793) 978-1-604-06051-5 978-1-604-06279-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06279-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Imaging (9783131494115) 978-3-131-43711-2 978-3-131-49411-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-49411-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differential Diagnosis 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2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42339-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differenzialdiagnosen Innere Medizin bei Hund und Katze: Vom Leitsymptom zur Diagnose (9783132405509) 978-3-830-41194-9 978-3-132-40550-9 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40550-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Differenzialdiagnostik in der MRT (9783132408791) 978-3-131-41211-9 978-3-132-40879-1 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40879-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Difficult Diasporas: The Transnational Feminist Aesthetic of the Black Atlantic 978-0-814-75948-6 978-0-814-78936-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78936-0 Project MUSE Difficult pasts (9781526157904) 978-1-526-15789-8 978-1-526-15790-4 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15790-4 Manchester University Press Diffusion Processes and Stochastic Calculus 978-3-037-19133-0 978-3-037-19633-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19633-5 European Mathematical Society Diffusion Weighted and Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Clinical Guide 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Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation Second International Conference, ICDEc 2017, Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, May 4–6, 2017, Proceedings (978-3-319-62737-3) 978-3-319-62736-6 978-3-319-62737-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-62737-3 Springer Science+Business Media Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 978-1-591-40365-4 2005 269 2005 269 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40365-4 IGI Global Digital Economy Innovations and Impacts on Society 978-1-466-61557-1 2012 61643 2012 61643 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-61557-1 IGI Global Digital Entrepreneurship and Global Innovation 978-1-522-50954-7 2017 154306 2017 154306 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50954-7 IGI Global Digital Forensics and Forensic Investigations: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-799-83026-9 2020 239907 2020 239907 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83026-9 IGI Global Digital Forensics for the Health Sciences: Applications in Practice and Research 978-1-609-60484-4 2011 45611 2011 45611 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60484-4 IGI Global Digital Futures, Digital Transformation (978-3-319-23279-9) 978-3-319-23278-2 978-3-319-23279-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-23279-9 Springer Science+Business Media Digital Games for Minority Student Engagement: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-53399-3 2019 180657 2019 180657 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53399-3 IGI Global Digital Governance and E-Government Principles Applied to Public Procurement 978-1-522-52204-1 2017 172771 2017 172771 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52204-1 IGI Global Digital Government and Achieving E-Public Participation: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-81528-0 2020 233161 2020 233161 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81528-0 IGI Global Digital Government: Principles and Best Practices 978-1-591-40123-0 2004 270 2004 270 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40123-0 IGI Global Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I (978-3-319-48496-9) 978-3-319-48495-2 978-3-319-48496-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-48496-9 Springer Science+Business Media Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific 978-1-522-57196-4 2019 204633 2019 204633 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57196-4 IGI Global Digital Humanities: Current Perspective, Practices, and Research Volume 7 978-1-781-90688-0 978-1-781-90689-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90689-7 Emerald Group Publishing Digital Identity and Access Management: Technologies and Frameworks 978-1-613-50499-4 2012 55281 2012 55281 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50499-4 IGI Global Digital Identity and Social Media 978-1-466-61916-6 2013 63892 2013 63892 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-61916-6 IGI Global Digital Imagery and Informational Graphics 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-66945-8 Springer Science+Business Media Digital Transformation Management for Agile Organizations: A Compass to Sail the Digital World 978-1-800-43172-0 978-1-800-43171-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43171-3 Emerald Group Publishing Digital Watermarking for Digital Media 978-1-591-40520-7 2005 277 2005 277 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40520-7 IGI Global Digitale Tomosynthese der Brust (9783131954817) 978-3-131-70891-5 978-3-131-95481-7 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95481-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Digitalization and the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Aviation Industry 978-1-668-42321-9 2022 281738 2022 281738 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-42321-9 IGI Global Digitalization as a Driver for Smart Economy in the Post-COVID-19 Era 978-1-799-89229-8 2022 276509 2022 276509 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-89229-8 IGI Global Digitalization of Decentralized Supply Chains During Global Crises 978-1-799-86874-3 2021 258350 2021 258350 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2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-56182-0 Springer Science+Business Media Dimensions of Ritual Economy Volume 27 978-0-762-31485-0 978-1-849-50546-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50546-8 Emerald Group Publishing Dimitrys Shade: A Reading of Alexander Pushkin's Boris Godunov 978-0-810-11938-3 978-0-810-12165-2 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-12165-2 Project MUSE Dinarchus, Hyperides, and Lycurgus 978-0-292-79142-8 978-0-292-78661-5 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-78661-5 Project MUSE Dinarzad's Children: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Fiction 978-1-557-28912-4 978-1-610-75126-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-610-75126-1 Project MUSE Dinner at Gonfarone's: Salomón de la Selva and His Pan-American Project in Nueva York, 1915-1919 (9781786942005) 978-1-786-94200-5 978-1-786-94322-4 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94322-4 Liverpool University Press Diodorus Siculus, Books 11-12.37.1: Greek History, 480-431 BC--the Alternative Version 978-0-292-70604-0 978-0-292-79587-7 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79587-7 Project MUSE Diodorus Siculus, The Persian Wars to the Fall of Athens: Books 11-14.34 (480-401 BCE) 978-0-292-71939-2 978-0-292-79352-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79352-1 Project MUSE Dionysus in Literature: Essays on Literary Madness 978-0-879-72650-8 978-0-299-27873-1 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-27873-1 Project MUSE Diplomats in Blue: U.S. Naval Officers in China, 1922-1933 978-0-813-03288-7 978-0-813-03995-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-03995-4 Project MUSE Direct Democracy Practices at the Local Level 978-1-799-87306-8 2022 262495 2022 262495 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87306-8 IGI Global Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems (978-0-89871-888-1) 978-0-898-71613-9 978-0-898-71888-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71888-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Direk: Essays on Filipino Filmmakers (9781845199654) 978-1-845-19965-4 978-1-782-84610-9 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84610-9 Liverpool University Press Dirt for Art's Sake: Books on Trial from Madame Bovary to Lolita 978-0-801-47410-1 978-0-801-46037-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-46037-1 Project MUSE Dirty books (9781526159250) 978-1-526-15924-3 978-1-526-15925-0 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15925-0 Manchester University Press Dirty Wars: Landscape, Power, and Waste in Western American Literature 978-0-803-22669-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22669-2 Project MUSE Dirty Whites and Dark Secrets: Sex and Race in Peyton Place 978-1-611-68041-6 978-1-611-68215-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-68215-1 Project MUSE Dirty Words in Deadwood: Literature and the Postwestern 978-0-803-26474-8 978-0-803-26489-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-26489-2 Project MUSE Dirty Words: The Rhetoric of Public Sex Education, 1870-1924 978-0-252-03573-9 978-0-252-09017-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09017-2 Project MUSE Disability Alliances and Allies 978-1-839-09322-7 978-1-839-09321-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09321-0 Emerald Group Publishing Disability and Community Volume 6 978-0-857-24799-5 978-0-857-24800-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24800-8 Emerald Group Publishing Disability and Equity in Higher Education Accessibility 978-1-522-52666-7 2017 178153 2017 178153 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52666-7 IGI Global Disability and Other Human Questions 978-1-839-82707-5 978-1-839-82704-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82704-4 Emerald Group Publishing Disability and the Posthuman: Bodies, Technology, and Cultural Futures (9781789621648) 978-1-789-62164-8 978-1-789-62747-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62747-3 Liverpool University Press Disability as a Fluid State Volume 5 978-0-857-24377-5 978-0-857-24378-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24378-2 Emerald Group Publishing Disability in Twentieth-Century German Culture 978-0-472-03381-2 978-0-472-02531-2 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02531-2 Project MUSE Disability Informatics and Web Accessibility for Motor Limitations 978-1-466-64443-4 2014 75833 2014 75833 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64443-4 IGI Global Disability, Literature, Genre: Representation and Affect in Contemporary Fiction (9781789620771) 978-1-789-62077-1 978-1-789-62489-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62489-2 Liverpool University Press Disabled Students in Education: Technology, Transition, and Inclusivity 978-1-613-50184-9 2012 52729 2012 52729 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50184-9 IGI Global Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem 978-1-800-71451-9 978-1-800-71450-2 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-71450-2 Emerald Group Publishing Disarming Words: Empire and the Seductions of Translation in Egypt 978-0-520-26552-3 978-0-520-95004-7 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-95004-7 Project MUSE Disaster by Design: The Aral Sea and its Lessons for Sustainability Volume 20 978-1-781-90375-9 978-1-781-90376-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90376-6 Emerald Group Publishing Disaster Education Volume 7 978-0-857-24737-7 978-0-857-24738-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24738-4 Emerald Group Publishing Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes 978-1-802-62818-0 978-1-802-62817-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-62817-3 Emerald Group Publishing Disaster Planning and Preparedness in the Hotel Industry 978-1-787-69938-0 978-1-787-69937-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69937-3 Emerald Group Publishing Disaster Writing: The Cultural Politics of Catastrophe in Latin America 978-0-813-93196-8 978-0-813-93203-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93203-3 Project MUSE Disasters, Hazards and Law Volume 17 978-1-780-52914-1 978-1-780-52915-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52915-8 Emerald Group 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978-1-605-66903-8 2010 37225 2010 37225 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66903-8 IGI Global Discoveries in Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations: New Interdisciplinary Applications 978-1-609-60566-7 2011 46176 2011 46176 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60566-7 IGI Global Discovering Sexuality in Dostoevsky 978-0-810-12107-2 978-0-810-16347-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16347-8 Project MUSE Discovery of El Greco: The Nationalization of Culture Versus the Rise of Modern Art (1860-1914) (9781845197445) 978-1-845-19744-5 978-1-782-84345-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84345-0 Liverpool University Press Discovery of Geospatial Resources: Methodologies, Technologies, and Emergent Applications 978-1-466-60946-4 2012 60764 2012 60764 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60946-4 IGI Global Discrete Convex Analysis (978-0-89871-850-8) 978-0-898-71540-8 978-0-898-71850-8 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71850-8 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Inverse Problems (978-0-89871-883-6) 978-0-898-71696-2 978-0-898-71883-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71883-6 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Mathematics of Neural Networks (978-0-89871-853-9) 978-0-898-71480-7 978-0-898-71853-9 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71853-9 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discretionary Behavior and Performance in Educational Organizations: The Missing Link in Educational Leadership and Management Volume 13 978-1-780-52642-3 978-1-780-52643-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52643-0 Emerald Group Publishing Discrimination and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-51934-8 2017 168538 2017 168538 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-51934-8 IGI Global Discussions on Sensitive Issues Volume 19 978-1-785-60293-1 978-1-785-60292-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60292-4 Emerald Group Publishing Disdain, Distrust and Dissolution: The Surge of Support for Independence in Catalonia (9781845197049) 978-1-845-19704-9 978-1-782-84192-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84192-0 Liverpool University Press Disease, Colonialism, and the State: Malaria in Modern East Asian History 978-9-622-09587-8 978-9-888-05221-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-888-05221-9 Project MUSE Disease Prevention as Social Change: The State, Society, and Public Health in the United States, France, Great Britain, and Canada 978-0-871-54644-9 978-1-610-44419-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-610-44419-4 Project MUSE DISENTANGLED (9789086868865) 978-9-086-86335-8 978-9-086-86886-5 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86886-5 Wageningen Academic Publishers (Dis)Honesty in Management Volume 10 978-1-781-90601-9 978-1-781-90602-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90602-6 Emerald Group Publishing Dislocalism: The Crisis fo Globalization and the Remobilizing of Americanism 978-0-814-21166-3 978-0-814-27064-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27064-6 Project MUSE Dislocating Race and Nation: Episodes in Nineteenth-Century American Literary Nationalism 978-0-807-83226-4 978-1-469-60565-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60565-4 Project MUSE Disobedience, Slander, Seduction, and Assault: Women and Men in Cajamarca, Peru, 1862-1900 978-0-292-70288-2 978-0-292-79741-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79741-3 Project MUSE Disorientation: France, Vietnam, and the Ambivalence of Interculturality 978-9-622-09650-9 978-9-882-20101-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20101-9 Project MUSE Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914-1918 (9781789621853) 978-1-789-62185-3 978-1-789-62765-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62765-7 Liverpool University Press Displacements and Transformations in Caribbean Cultures 978-0-813-03218-4 978-0-813-04544-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04544-3 Project MUSE Displacing Desire: Travel and Popular Culture in China 978-0-824-82980-3 978-0-824-86219-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86219-0 Project MUSE Dispositional Development and Assessment in Teacher Preparation Programs 978-1-668-44091-9 2022 287622 2022 287622 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-44091-9 IGI Global Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People Volume 15 978-1-780-52876-2 978-1-780-52877-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52877-9 Emerald Group Publishing Disrupting Pedagogies in the Knowledge Society: Countering Conservative Norms with Creative Approaches 978-1-613-50496-3 2012 55283 2012 55283 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50496-3 IGI Global Disrupting White Mindfulness (9781526162076) 978-1-526-16206-9 978-1-526-16207-6 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16207-6 Manchester University Press Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry 978-1-789-73474-4 978-1-789-73473-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-73473-7 Emerald Group Publishing 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60540-7 IGI Global Distance Learning and University Effectiveness: Changing Educational Paradigms for Online Learning 978-1-591-40179-7 2004 278 2004 278 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40179-7 IGI Global Distance Learning Technologies: Issues, Trends and Opportunities 978-1-930-70852-5 2000 279 2000 279 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-930-70852-5 IGI Global Distance Learning Technology, Current Instruction, and the Future of Education: Applications of Today, Practices of Tomorrow 978-1-615-20673-5 2010 37240 2010 37240 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20673-5 IGI Global Distant sisters (9781526140968) 978-1-526-14095-1 978-1-526-14096-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-14096-8 Manchester University Press Distinctive Distance Education Design: Models for Differentiated Instruction 978-1-615-20866-1 2011 40284 2011 40284 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20866-1 IGI Global Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Agent Technology, and Collaborative Applications 978-1-605-66145-2 2009 280 2009 280 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66145-2 IGI Global Distributed Computing: A Locality-Sensitive Approach (978-0-89871-977-2) 978-0-898-71464-7 978-0-898-71977-2 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71977-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Distributed Computing Innovations for Business, Engineering, and Science 978-1-466-62534-1 2013 68202 2013 68202 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62534-1 IGI Global Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications 978-1-591-40018-9 2003 281 2003 281 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40018-9 IGI Global Distributed Team Collaboration in Organizations: Emerging Tools and Practices 978-1-609-60534-6 2011 45965 2011 45965 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60534-6 IGI Global Distributions, Sobolev Spaces, Elliptic Equations 978-3-037-19042-5 978-3-037-19542-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19542-0 European Mathematical Society Disturbers of the Peace: Representations of Madness in Anglophone Caribbean Literature 978-0-813-93505-8 978-0-813-93507-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93507-2 Project MUSE Disturbing Indians: The Archaeology of Southern Fiction 978-0-817-31542-9 978-0-817-38153-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38153-0 Project MUSE Disturbing the Universe: Power and Repression in Adolescent Literature 978-0-877-45857-9 978-1-587-29333-7 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29333-7 Project MUSE Disunion!: The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859 978-0-807-83232-5 978-1-469-60620-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60620-0 Project MUSE Diverse Applications and Transferability of Maturity Models 978-1-522-57081-3 2019 202760 2019 202760 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57081-3 IGI Global Diverse Applications of Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-81532-7 2020 233162 2020 233162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81532-7 IGI Global Diverse Contemporary Issues Facing 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86570-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Gaseous Combustion (9781600866241) 978-1-563-47060-8 978-1-600-86624-1 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86624-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Globalization: Location-Specific Advantages or Liabilities of Foreignness? Volume 24 978-0-857-24991-3 978-0-857-24992-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24992-0 Emerald Group Publishing Dynamics of Heterogeneous Combustion and Reacting Systems (9781600866258) 978-1-563-47058-5 978-1-600-86625-8 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86625-8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Inequality and Poverty Volume 13 978-0-762-31350-1 978-1-849-50445-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50445-4 Emerald Group Publishing Dynamics of Internal Layers and Diffusive Interfaces (978-1-61197-018-0) 978-0-898-71225-4 978-1-611-97018-0 1988 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97018-0 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Dynamics of Reactive Systems Part I: Flames and Configurations ; Part II: Modeling and Heterogeneous Combustion (9781600865794) 978-0-930-40314-0 978-1-600-86579-4 1986 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86579-4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Reactive Systems Part I: Flames ; Part II: Heterogeneous Combustion and Applications (9781600865879) 978-0-930-40346-1 978-1-600-86587-9 1988 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86587-9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Shock Waves, Explosions, and Detonations (9781600865695) 978-0-915-92891-0 978-1-600-86569-5 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86569-5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dynamics of Swarm Intelligence Health Analysis for the Next Generation 978-1-668-46895-1 2023 304720 2023 304720 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-46895-1 IGI Global Dynamics of the Arab-Israel Conflict (978-3-319-47575-2) 978-3-319-47574-5 978-3-319-47575-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-47575-2 Springer Science+Business Media Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere 978-3-037-19011-1 978-3-037-19511-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19511-6 European Mathematical Society Dynamics with Inequalities (978-1-61197-071-5) 978-1-611-97070-8 978-1-611-97071-5 2011 2011 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86660-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers European Public Leadership in Crisis? Volume 3 978-1-783-50901-0 978-1-783-50902-7 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-783-50902-7 Emerald Group Publishing European Responses to Globalization Volume 88 978-0-762-31364-8 978-1-849-50456-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50456-0 Emerald Group Publishing European Security in a Post-Brexit World 978-1-787-69840-6 978-1-787-69837-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69837-6 Emerald Group Publishing European Union and the Euro Revolution Volume 283 978-0-444-52999-2 978-1-849-50827-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50827-8 Emerald Group Publishing European Union As Guardian of Internet Privacy (978-3-319-34090-6) 978-3-319-34089-0 978-3-319-34090-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-34090-6 Springer Science+Business Media European Venture Toolbox: The Path for SMEs to Grasp and Defend Opportunities 978-1-801-17319-3 978-1-801-17318-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17318-6 Emerald Group Publishing European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2016 (978-3-319-29215-1) 978-3-319-29214-4 978-3-319-29215-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-29215-1 Springer Science+Business Media European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2017 (978-3-319-58832-2) 978-3-319-58831-5 978-3-319-58832-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-58832-2 Springer Science+Business Media Europeanisation and new patterns of governance in Ireland (9781847793362) 978-0-719-07620-6 978-1-847-79336-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-847-79336-2 Manchester University Press Europe's Malaise: The Long View 978-1-839-09042-4 978-1-839-09041-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09041-7 Emerald Group Publishing Eutropius Breviarium (9780853232087) 978-0-853-23208-7 1993 14 1993 14 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-853-23208-7 Liverpool University Press Evaluating Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare Reform 978-1-799-82950-8 2020 239386 2020 239386 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82950-8 IGI Global Evaluating Companies for 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humanitarianism in Cambodia (9781526172112) 978-1-526-17210-5 978-1-526-17211-2 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-17211-2 Manchester University Press Everyday life after the Irish conflict 978-1-526-13095-2 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-13095-2 Manchester University Press Everyday Life and Consumer Culture in Eighteenth-Century Damascus 978-0-295-98676-0 978-0-295-80163-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80163-6 Project MUSE Everyday Life and the Reconstruction of Soviet Russia during and after the Great Patriotic War, 1943-1948 978-0-893-57348-5 978-0-893-57848-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-893-57848-0 Project MUSE Everyday Life in the Segmented City Volume 11 978-1-780-52258-6 978-1-780-52259-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52259-3 Emerald Group Publishing Everyday nationhood : theorising culture, identity and belonging after Banal Nationalism (978-1-137-57098-7) 978-1-137-57097-0 978-1-137-57098-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-57098-7 Springer Science+Business Media Everyday resistance, peacebuilding and state-making (9781526108784) 978-1-526-10876-0 978-1-526-10878-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10878-4 Manchester University Press Everyday security threats 978-1-526-10899-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-10899-9 Manchester University Press Everything Was Better in America: Print Culture in the Great Depression 978-0-252-03299-8 978-0-252-09281-7 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09281-7 Project MUSE Evidence Discovery and Assessment in Social Work Practice 978-1-466-66564-4 2015 110005 2015 110005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66564-4 IGI Global Evidence-Based Approaches to Becoming a Culturally Responsive Educator: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-58868-9 2019 218524 2019 218524 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-58868-9 IGI Global Evidence-Based Faculty Development Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) 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978-3-131-39313-5 978-3-131-94573-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-94573-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Anästhesie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin (9783131907523) 978-3-131-39312-8 978-3-131-90752-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90752-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Biochemie (9783131911810) 978-3-131-40191-5 978-3-131-91181-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91181-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Chirurgie (9783131925732) 978-3-131-32213-5 978-3-131-92573-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-92573-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Chirurgie (9783131932426) 978-3-131-32212-8 978-3-131-93242-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-93242-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Chirurgie (9783131945846) 978-3-131-32214-2 978-3-131-94584-6 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-94584-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fallbuch Chirurgie (9783132412651) 978-3-132-41262-0 978-3-132-41265-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-41265-1 Georg Thieme 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Literature 1880–1900 978-0-944-31825-6 978-0-944-31847-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31847-8 Project MUSE Farm animal proteomics 2013: Proceedings of the 4th Management Committee Meeting and 3rd Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 & 3 of COST Action FA1002 (9789086867769) 978-9-086-86222-1 978-9-086-86776-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86776-9 Wageningen Academic Publishers Farm animal proteomics 2014: Proceedings of the 5th Management Committee Meeting and 4th Meeting of Working Groups 1,2 & 3 of COST Action FA 1002 (9789086868100) 978-9-086-86262-7 978-9-086-86810-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86810-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Farm animal proteomics: Proceedings of the 3rd Managing Committee Meeting and 2nd Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 & 3 of COST Action FA1002 (9789086867516) 978-9-086-86195-8 978-9-086-86751-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86751-6 Wageningen Academic Publishers Farm health and productivity management of dairy 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978-1-626-23675-2 978-1-626-23886-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23886-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Father and Son: Kingsley Amis, Martin Amis, and the British Novel since 1950 978-0-299-19214-3 978-0-299-19213-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-19213-6 Project MUSE Fathers, Daughters, and Slaves: Women Writers and French Colonial Slavery (9781846318467) 978-1-846-31846-7 978-1-837-64909-9 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64909-9 Liverpool University Press Fathers, Preachers, Rebels, Men: Black Masculinity in U.S. History and Literature, 1820-1945 978-0-814-21156-4 978-0-814-27076-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27076-9 Project MUSE Faulkner: A Biography 978-1-578-06732-9 978-1-617-03110-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-617-03110-6 Project MUSE Faulkner and Material Culture 978-1-578-06939-2 978-1-604-73163-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73163-7 Project MUSE Faulkner and the Discourses of Culture 978-0-807-14368-1 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Indians and Spaniards in the Seventeenth-Century Missions of Florida and New Mexico 978-0-826-33649-1 978-0-826-33650-7 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-33650-7 Project MUSE Feathering Custer 978-0-803-20231-3 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20231-3 Project MUSE Feature Detectors and Motion Detection in Video Processing 978-1-522-51026-0 2017 155449 2017 155449 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-51026-0 IGI Global Feature Dimension Reduction for Content-Based Image Identification 978-1-522-55776-0 2018 192042 2018 192042 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55776-0 IGI Global Feature Selection and Ensemble Methods for Bioinformatics: Algorithmic Classification and Implementations 978-1-609-60558-2 2011 45973 2011 45973 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60558-2 IGI Global Febris Erotica: Lovesickness in the Russian Literary Imagination 978-0-295-98896-2 978-0-295-99037-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-99037-8 Project MUSE Fecal Bacteria, The 978-1-555-81608-7 978-1-555-81686-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81686-5 American Society for Microbiology Fed up with the right to food?: The Netherlands' policies and practices regarding the human right to adequate food (9789086866748) 978-9-086-86107-1 978-9-086-86674-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86674-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Federico García Lorca, Selected Suites (9781786941077) 978-1-786-94107-7 978-1-800-34526-3 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34526-3 Liverpool University Press Federman's Fictions: Innovation, Theory, and the Holocaust 978-1-438-43381-3 978-1-438-43383-7 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-43383-7 Project MUSE Feed efficiency in swine (9789086867561) 978-9-086-86202-3 978-9-086-86756-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86756-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers Feedback Systems (978-0-89871-905-5) 978-0-898-71670-2 978-0-898-71905-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71905-5 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Feeding the Russian Fur Trade: Provisionment of the Okhotsk Seaboard and the Kamchatka Peninsula, 1639-1856 978-0-299-05234-8 978-0-299-05233-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-05233-1 Project MUSE Feeling Italian: The Art of Ethnicity in America 978-0-814-72730-0 978-0-814-72839-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-72839-0 Project MUSE Feeling the Heat: A Decade as a Foreign Correspondent in Spain — From the Financial Crisis to the Pandemic (9781789761498) 978-1-789-76149-8 978-1-782-84753-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84753-3 Liverpool University Press Feeling the Stones: Reminiscences by David Akers-Jones 978-9-622-09655-4 978-9-882-20131-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20131-6 Project MUSE Fehlbildungen und frühkindliche Schädigungen des ZNS (9783131882714) 978-3-131-37591-9 978-3-131-88271-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88271-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fehlentscheidungen in der Radiologie: Analyse der Ursachen und 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Surgery (9781626237711) 978-1-626-23649-3 978-1-626-23771-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23771-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Female, Jewish, and Educated: The Lives of Central European University Women 978-0-253-34099-3 978-0-253-10927-9 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10927-9 Project MUSE Feminism and the Honor Plays of Lope de Vega 978-1-557-53044-8 978-1-612-49103-5 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49103-5 Project MUSE Feminist Activists on Brexit: From the Political to the Personal 978-1-800-43421-9 978-1-800-43420-2 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43420-2 Emerald Group Publishing Feminist Literacies, 1968-75 978-0-252-07728-9 978-0-252-09123-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09123-0 Project MUSE Feminists and Queer Theorists Debate the Future of Critical Management Studies Volume 3 978-1-786-35498-3 978-1-786-35497-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35497-6 Emerald Group Publishing Femmes en Toutes Lettres: Les épistolières du XVIIIᵉ siècle (9780729407410) 978-0-729-40741-0 978-1-789-62663-6 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62663-6 Liverpool University Press Femtocell Communications and Technologies: Business Opportunities and Deployment Challenges 978-1-466-60093-5 2012 56035 2012 56035 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60093-5 IGI Global Femtosecond Laser Surgery in Ophthalmology (9781626232778) 978-1-626-23236-5 978-1-626-23277-8 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23277-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Feneis? Bild-Lexikon der Anatomie (9783132427426) 978-3-132-42739-6 978-3-132-42742-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42742-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Feneis' Bild-Lexikon der Anatomie: Über 8000 anatomische Fachbegriffe - über 800 Abbildungen (9783131914606) 978-3-133-30110-7 978-3-131-91460-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91460-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fenland Survey: An essay in landscape and persistence (9781848021488) 978-1-848-02148-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02148-8 Liverpool University Press Feral Information Systems Development: Managerial Implications 978-1-466-65028-2 2014 84171 2014 84171 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-65028-2 IGI Global Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America: A New History for a New World 978-0-292-71703-9 978-0-292-79502-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79502-0 Project MUSE Fernando Pessoa: A Critical Introduction (9781789760699) 978-1-789-76069-9 978-1-782-84696-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84696-3 Liverpool University Press Fertility and Pleasure: Ritual and Sexual Values in Tokugawa Japan 978-0-824-83036-6 978-0-824-86250-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86250-3 Project MUSE Festsitzende kieferorthopädische Apparaturen (9783131904515) 978-3-131-24281-5 978-3-131-90451-5 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90451-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fetoneonatale Infektiologie (9783132415256) 978-3-131-74891-1 978-3-132-41525-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-41525-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fetoneonatale Lunge (9783132403819) 978-3-131-74871-3 978-3-132-40381-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40381-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fetoneonatale Neurologie: Erkrankungen des Nervensystems von der 20. SSW bis zum 20. Lebensmonat (9783131880413) 978-3-131-65311-6 978-3-131-88041-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88041-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Feud That Wasn't: The Taylor Ring, Bill Sutton, John Wesley Hardin, and Violence in Texas 978-1-603-44017-2 978-1-603-44386-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44386-9 Project MUSE Feudal Society in Medieval France: Documents from the County of Champagne 978-0-812-21441-3 978-0-812-20046-1 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20046-1 Project MUSE Fever of War: The Influenza Epidemic in the U.S. Army during World War I 978-0-814-79923-9 978-0-814-78963-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78963-6 Project MUSE Fever Reading: Affect and Reading Badly in the Early American Public Sphere 978-1-611-68242-7 978-1-611-68244-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-68244-1 Project MUSE Fibre production in South American camelids and other fibre animals (9789086867271) 978-9-086-86172-9 978-9-086-86727-1 2011 2011 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20819-1 Project MUSE Fictions of Desire: Narrative Forms in the Novels of Nagai Kafu 978-0-824-82147-0 978-0-824-86251-0 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86251-0 Project MUSE Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe 978-0-801-44775-4 978-0-801-45871-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-45871-2 Project MUSE Fictions of Evidence: Witnessing, Literature, and Community in the Late Middle Ages 978-0-814-21223-3 978-0-814-27018-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27018-9 Project MUSE Fictions of Totality: The Mexican Novel, 1968, and the National-Popular State 978-1-557-53487-3 978-1-612-49123-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49123-3 Project MUSE Field Archaeology of the Salisbury Plain Training Area (9781873592496) 978-1-873-59249-6 978-1-848-02150-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02150-1 Liverpool University Press Field Experiments in Economics Volume 10 978-0-762-31174-3 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Slave Trade: West African Strategies 978-0-821-41517-7 978-0-821-44180-0 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-821-44180-0 Project MUSE Fighting Words: Polemics and Social Change in Literary Naturalism 978-0-817-31799-7 978-0-817-38677-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38677-1 Project MUSE Figures de l'histoire de France dans le théâtre au tournant des Lumières 1760-1830 (9780729409094) 978-0-729-40909-4 978-1-786-94727-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94727-7 Liverpool University Press Figures of Simplicity: Sensation and Thinking in Kleist and Melville 978-1-438-43229-8 978-1-438-43231-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-43231-1 Project MUSE Filipinas Everywhere: Essays in Criticism and Cultural Studies from a Filipino Perspective (9781845198664) 978-1-845-19866-4 978-1-782-84408-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84408-2 Liverpool University Press Filipino Piecemeal Sugar Strike of 19241925 978-0-824-81896-8 978-0-824-86253-4 1996 1996 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A Post-Crisis Agenda Volume 2 978-1-780-52092-6 978-1-780-52093-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52093-3 Emerald Group Publishing Finance for Sustainability in a Turbulent Economy 978-1-668-45582-1 2022 296245 2022 296245 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-45582-1 IGI Global Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance Volume 10 978-1-785-60980-0 978-1-785-60979-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60979-4 Emerald Group Publishing Financial and Managerial Aspects in HRM: A Practical Guide 978-1-839-09615-0 978-1-839-09612-9 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09612-9 Emerald Group Publishing Financial Derivatives Use 978-1-789-73246-7 978-1-789-73245-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-73245-0 Emerald Group Publishing Financial Determinants in Local Re-Election Rates: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-57821-5 2020 210221 2020 210221 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57821-5 IGI Global Financial Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth in Emerging Nations 978-1-522-52701-5 2018 178208 2018 178208 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52701-5 IGI Global Financial Issues in Emerging Economies: Special Issue Including Selected Papers from II International Conference on Economics and Finance, 2019, Bengaluru, India 978-1-838-67960-6 978-1-838-67959-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67959-0 Emerald Group Publishing Financial Liberalisation (978-3-319-41219-1) 978-3-319-41218-4 978-3-319-41219-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-41219-1 Springer Science+Business Media Financial Management and Risk Analysis Strategies for Business Sustainability 978-1-799-87634-2 2021 264887 2021 264887 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87634-2 IGI Global Financial Market Regulations and Legal Challenges in South Asia 978-1-522-50005-6 2016 141940 2016 141940 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50005-6 IGI Global Financial Modeling Applications and Data Envelopment Applications Volume 13 978-1-848-55878-6 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Forecasting: A Guide to Identifying the Role of the Planets and Stars in World Affairs, Finance & Investment (9781898595441) 978-1-898-59544-1 978-1-898-59559-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-898-59559-5 Liverpool University Press Financing in Europe (978-3-319-58493-5) 978-3-319-58492-8 978-3-319-58493-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-58493-5 Springer Science+Business Media Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty 978-1-668-47622-2 2023 308960 2023 308960 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-47622-2 IGI Global Financing the Athenian Fleet: Public Taxation and Social Relations 978-0-801-89815-0 978-0-801-89930-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89930-0 Project MUSE Findern Manuscript: A New Edition of the Unique Poems (9781789622416) 978-1-789-62241-6 978-1-800-85879-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85879-4 Liverpool University Press Finding a Way Home: A Critical Assessment of Walter Mosley's Fiction 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Auel 978-0-819-56900-4 978-0-819-56972-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-56972-1 Project MUSE Fire that Breaks: Gerard Manley Hopkins's Poetic Legacies (9781942954361) 978-1-942-95436-1 978-1-942-95437-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-942-95437-8 Liverpool University Press Fireside Politics: Radio and Political Culture in the United States, 1920-1940 978-0-801-88312-5 978-0-801-87512-0 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-87512-0 Project MUSE Firms, Boards and Gender Quotas: Comparative Perspectives Volume 29 978-1-780-52672-0 978-1-780-52673-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52673-7 Emerald Group Publishing First among Equals: Abraham Lincoln's Reputation During His Administration 978-0-823-22468-5 978-0-823-24785-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24785-1 Project MUSE First Lady of Letters: Judith Sargent Murray and the Struggle for Female Independence 978-0-812-24140-2 978-0-812-20352-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20352-3 Project MUSE First Steps in Several Complex Variables: Reinhardt Domains 978-3-037-19049-4 978-3-037-19549-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19549-9 European Mathematical Society First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson on the Creative Process 978-1-587-29793-9 978-1-587-29842-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29842-4 Project MUSE First World Festival of Negro Arts, Dakar 1966: Contexts and legacies (9781781383162) 978-1-781-38316-2 978-1-781-38351-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38351-3 Liverpool University Press First-Order Methods in Optimization (978-1-61197-499-7) 978-1-611-97498-0 978-1-611-97499-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97499-7 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone 978-1-787-54126-9 978-1-787-43793-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-43793-7 Emerald Group Publishing Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Welfare Volume 10 978-0-762-31024-1 978-1-849-50212-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50212-2 Emerald Group Publishing Fish atlas of the Celtic Sea, North Sea, and Baltic Sea (9789086868780) 978-9-086-86266-5 978-9-086-86878-0 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86878-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Fish in the Lakes, Wild Rice, and Game in Abundance: Testimony on Behalf of Mille Lacs Ojibwe Hunting and Fishing Rights 978-0-870-13492-0 978-1-609-17155-1 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-17155-1 Project MUSE Fishermen, the Fishing Industry and the Great War at Sea: A Forgotten History? (9781786941756) 978-1-786-94175-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-786-94175-6 Liverpool University Press Fishes with Funny French Names: The French Restaurant in London from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (9781800856868) 978-1-800-85686-8 978-1-800-85736-0 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85736-0 Liverpool University Press Fishponds in farming systems (9789086865963) 978-9-086-86013-5 978-9-086-86596-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86596-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Fit to Be Tied: Sterilization and Reproductive Rights in America, 1950-1980 978-0-813-54527-1 978-0-813-54831-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-54831-9 Project MUSE Fitzgerald-Wilson-Hemingway: Language and Experience 978-0-817-31278-7 978-0-817-38167-7 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38167-7 Project MUSE Five centuries of farming: A short history of Dutch agriculture 1500 - 2000 (9789086866939) 978-9-086-86133-0 978-9-086-86693-9 2010 2010 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through Retail Clinics and Convenient Care Models 978-1-466-66356-5 2015 105943 2015 105943 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66356-5 IGI Global Flood Stage and Rising 978-0-803-20561-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20561-1 Project MUSE Floods of the Tiber in Ancient Rome 978-0-801-88405-4 978-0-801-89188-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89188-5 Project MUSE Flora and Fauna of the Civil War: An Environmental Reference Guide 978-0-807-13688-1 978-0-807-13799-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13799-4 Project MUSE Flora Malesiana. Series I - Seed Plants. Vol. 14. Myristicaceae 978-9-546-42731-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-546-42731-1 Pensoft Flora of Northumberland and Durham 978-9-546-42746-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-546-42746-5 Pensoft Florence Nightingale: An Introduction to Her Life and Family: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 1 978-0-889-20387-7 978-0-889-20704-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20704-2 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale: Extending Nursing: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 13 978-0-889-20520-8 978-1-554-58170-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58170-2 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Health in India: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 9 978-0-889-20468-3 978-1-554-58112-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58112-2 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4 978-0-889-20413-3 978-0-889-20573-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20573-4 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Public Health Care: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 6 978-0-889-20446-1 978-0-889-20542-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20542-0 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Social Change in India: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 10 978-0-889-20495-9 978-1-554-58111-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58111-5 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 5 978-0-889-20429-4 978-0-889-20707-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20707-3 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale on Women, Medicine, Midwifery and Prostitution: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 8 978-0-889-20466-9 978-0-889-20916-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20916-9 Project MUSE Florence Nightingale: The Nightingale School: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 12 978-0-889-20467-6 978-1-554-58169-6 2009 2009 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42335-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Flow Diversion of Cerebral Aneurysms (9781626233874) 978-1-626-23777-3 978-1-626-23387-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23387-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fluorescence-Guided Neurosurgery (9781626237155) 978-1-626-23714-8 978-1-626-23715-5 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23715-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fluorinated Pharmaceuticals: Advances in Medicinal Chemistry 978-1-910-41900-7 978-1-909-45396-8 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-45396-8 Future Science Flying Down to Rio: Hollywood, Tourists, and Yankee Clippers 978-1-585-44421-2 978-1-603-44634-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44634-1 Project MUSE Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukranians 1772-1918 (9781874774402) 978-1-874-77440-2 978-1-909-82163-7 1999 49 1999 49 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82163-7 Liverpool University Press Focusing the Familiar: A Translation and Philosophical Interpretation of the Zhongyong 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Project MUSE Food Leadership (978-94-6351-050-9) 978-9-463-51050-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-463-51050-9 Springer Science+Business Media Food Microbiology, Fourth Edition 978-1-555-81626-1 978-1-555-81846-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81846-3 American Society for Microbiology Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, 5th Edition 978-1-555-81996-5 978-1-555-81997-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81997-2 American Society for Microbiology Food Microbiology, Third Edition 978-1-555-81407-6 978-1-555-81591-2 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81591-2 American Society for Microbiology Food safety assurance in the pre-harvest phase (9789086865086) 978-9-076-99805-3 978-9-086-86508-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86508-6 Wageningen Academic Publishers Food Safety : Old Habits, New Perspectives 978-1-555-81417-5 978-1-555-81618-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81618-6 American Society for Microbiology Food Safety Practices in the Restaurant Industry 978-1-799-87416-4 2022 263386 2022 263386 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87416-4 IGI Global Food Science and Nutrition: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-55208-6 2018 187121 2018 187121 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55208-6 IGI Global Food Science, Production, and Engineering in Contemporary Economies 978-1-522-50342-2 2016 145605 2016 145605 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50342-2 IGI Global Food Security in a Food Abundant World Volume 16 978-1-785-60215-3 978-1-785-60214-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60214-6 Emerald Group Publishing Food Security in an Uncertain World Volume 15 978-1-785-60213-9 978-1-785-60212-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60212-2 Emerald Group Publishing Food Sustainability, Environmental Awareness, and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries 978-1-668-45630-9 2023 296384 2023 296384 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-45630-9 IGI Global Food Systems and Health Volume 18 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(9781784996802) 978-0-719-09636-5 978-1-784-99680-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99680-2 Manchester University Press Foot and Ankle Disorders (9781604064506) 978-1-588-90141-5 978-1-604-06450-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06450-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Foot and Ankle Surgery (9781626234925) 978-1-626-23491-8 978-1-626-23492-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23492-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Foot and Mouth Disease: New values, innovative research agenda's and policies (9789086865307) 978-9-076-99827-5 978-9-086-86530-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86530-7 Wageningen Academic Publishers Football and Supporter Activism in Europe (978-3-319-48734-2) 978-3-319-48733-5 978-3-319-48734-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-48734-2 Springer Science+Business Media Footnotes to History: The Personal Realm of John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty (1809-1830), a Group Family (9781845197469) 978-1-845-19746-9 978-1-782-84210-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84210-1 Liverpool University Press For Both Cross and Flag: Catholic Action, Anti-Catholicism, and National Security Politics in World War II San Francisco 978-1-439-90030-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90030-7 Project MUSE For Class and Country: The Patriotic Left and the First World War (9781786940025) 978-1-786-94002-5 978-1-837-64910-5 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64910-5 Liverpool University Press For Derrida 978-0-823-23033-4 978-0-823-24709-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24709-7 Project MUSE For Glory and Bolívar: The Remarkable Life of Manuela Sáenz 978-0-292-71829-6 978-0-292-79394-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79394-1 Project MUSE For Love of the World: Essays on Nature Writers 978-0-877-45396-3 978-1-587-29181-4 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29181-4 Project MUSE For Love or for Money: Balzac's Rhetorical Realism 978-0-814-21169-4 978-0-814-27067-7 2011 2011 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Publishers Forecasting and Managing Risk in the Health and Safety Sectors 978-1-522-57904-5 2019 210695 2019 210695 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57904-5 IGI Global Forecasting in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Model Uncertainty Volume 3 978-0-444-52942-8 978-1-849-50540-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50540-6 Emerald Group Publishing Foreign Business in China and Opportunities for Technological Innovation and Sustainable Economics 978-1-522-58982-2 2019 218562 2019 218562 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-58982-2 IGI Global Foreign Direct Investments: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-799-82449-7 2020 236589 2020 236589 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82449-7 IGI Global Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) and Opportunities for Developing Economies in the World Market 978-1-522-53027-5 2017 179335 2017 179335 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53027-5 IGI Global Foreign Office, commerce and British foreign policy in the twentieth century 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2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-83444-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Forensische Psychiatrie (9783131891730) 978-3-131-03453-3 978-3-131-89173-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-89173-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Forensische Psychiatrie (9783132419742) 978-3-131-03455-7 978-3-132-41974-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-41974-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Forest Fire Danger Prediction Using Deterministic-Probabilistic Approach 978-1-799-87250-4 2021 262103 2021 262103 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87250-4 IGI Global Forest for the Trees: How Humans Shaped the North Woods 978-0-873-51650-1 978-0-873-51760-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-873-51760-7 Project MUSE Forest-people interfaces: Understanding community forestry and biocultural diversity (9789086867493) 978-9-086-86193-4 978-9-086-86749-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86749-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers FORESTRY AND WOODLAND MANAGEMENT ON FARMS AND RURAL ESTATES 2021 (9781853411670) 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-41721-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum: Principles and Methods of Management (9783132006713) 978-3-132-00631-7 978-3-132-00671-3 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-00671-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG fragmentation of aid : concepts, measurements and implications for development cooperation (978-1-137-55357-7) 978-1-137-55356-0 978-1-137-55357-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-55357-7 Springer Science+Business Media Fragments of Empire: Capital, Slavery, and Indian Indentured Labor in the British Caribbean 978-0-812-23467-1 978-0-812-20242-7 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20242-7 Project MUSE Frakturen und Luxationen im Wachstumsalter (9783131829467) 978-3-136-74306-5 978-3-131-82946-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-82946-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Frakturen und Luxationen im Wachstumsalter (9783131853356) 978-3-136-74305-8 978-3-131-85335-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85335-6 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Knight in Iowa City, 1919-1928 Volume 29 Part 2 978-1-780-52008-7 978-1-780-52009-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52009-4 Emerald Group Publishing Frank Norris Remembered 978-0-817-31795-9 978-0-817-38672-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38672-6 Project MUSE Frantic Panoramas: American Literature and Mass Culture, 1870-1920 978-0-812-24174-7 978-0-812-20124-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20124-6 Project MUSE Franz Kafka: Narration, Rhetoric, and Reading 978-0-814-25177-5 978-0-814-27077-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27077-6 Project MUSE Fratricide in the Holy Land: A Psychoanalytic View of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 978-0-299-20254-5 978-0-299-20253-8 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-20253-8 Project MUSE FRCR 2B Viva: A Case-Based Approach (9783131663610) 978-3-131-66291-0 978-3-131-66361-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-66361-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Frederick Douglass and the Atlantic World (9781846310782) 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Freeing Charles: The Struggle to Free a Slave on the Eve of the Civil War 978-0-252-03439-8 978-0-252-09084-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09084-4 Project MUSE Free/Open Source Software Development 978-1-591-40371-5 2005 404 2005 404 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40371-5 IGI Global Frei Betto: The Political-Pastoral Work of a Dominican Friar in Brazil and Beyond (9781789760507) 978-1-789-76050-7 978-1-782-84688-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84688-8 Liverpool University Press Freight Transport Modelling (9781781902868) 978-1-781-90285-1 978-1-781-90286-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90286-8 Emerald Group Publishing Fremont: Explorer for a Restless Nation 978-0-874-17096-2 978-0-874-17898-2 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-874-17898-2 Project MUSE French Books in eighteenth-century Ireland (9780729407465) 978-0-729-40746-5 978-1-786-94730-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94730-7 Liverpool University Press French children under the 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Intersections of Psychoanalysis and Childrens Literature 978-0-816-67583-8 978-0-816-67869-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-816-67869-3 Project MUSE Freud Upside Down: African American Literature and Psychoanalytic Culture 978-0-252-03566-1 978-0-252-09000-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09000-4 Project MUSE Friars' Tales: Thirteenth-Century Exempla from the British Isles 978-1-526-11281-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-11281-1 Manchester University Press Friend or Foe?: Occupation, Collaboration and Selective Violence in the Spanish Civil War (9781845197940) 978-1-845-19794-0 978-1-782-84327-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84327-6 Liverpool University Press Friends and enemies (9781526157300) 978-1-526-15729-4 978-1-526-15730-0 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15730-0 Manchester University Press Friends and Teachers: Hong Kong and Its People 1953-87 978-9-622-09396-6 978-9-882-20139-2 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20139-2 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B. Turchin 978-0-817-31526-9 978-0-817-38170-7 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38170-7 Project MUSE From Court to Forest: Giambattista Basile's Lo cunto de li cunti and the Birth of the Literary Fairy Tale 978-0-814-32758-6 978-0-814-33830-8 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33830-8 Project MUSE From Cuenca to Queens: An Anthropological Story of Transnational Migration 978-0-292-70205-9 978-0-292-79666-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79666-9 Project MUSE From Desert to Town: The Integration of Bedouin into Arab Fellahin Villages and Towns in the Galilee, 1700-2020 (9781789761535) 978-1-789-76153-5 978-1-782-84763-2 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84763-2 Liverpool University Press From Douglass to Duvalier: U.S. African Americans, Haiti, and Pan Americanism, 1870-1964 978-0-813-03763-9 978-0-813-04019-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04019-6 Project MUSE From Economy to Society? 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Funktionsstörungen im Kopf-Hals-Bereich: für Mediziner und Zahnmediziner (9783131870919) 978-3-131-41441-0 978-3-131-87091-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87091-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Furnace of Affliction: Prisons and Religion in Antebellum America 978-0-807-83457-2 978-1-469-60333-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60333-9 Project MUSE Furness Iron: The physical remains of the iron industry and related woodland industries of Furness and Southern Lakeland (9781848021556) 978-1-848-02155-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02155-6 Liverpool University Press Further Documents from F. Taylor Ostrander Volume 24 Part 2 978-0-762-31354-9 978-1-849-50449-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50449-2 Emerald Group Publishing Further Documents from the History of Economic Thought Volume 25 Part 3 978-0-762-31424-9 978-1-849-50493-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50493-5 Emerald Group Publishing Further University of Wisconsin Materials: Further Documents of F. Taylor Ostrander Volume 23 978-0-762-31166-8 978-1-849-50318-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50318-1 Emerald Group Publishing Furthering Higher Education Possibilities through Massive Open Online Courses 978-1-466-68280-1 2015 121188 2015 121188 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68280-1 IGI Global Fusion Energy in Space Propulsion (9781600866357) 978-1-563-47184-1 978-1-600-86635-7 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86635-7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fuß (9783131856913) 978-3-131-26241-7 978-3-131-85691-3 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85691-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fuß- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie (9783132420250) 978-3-132-41983-4 978-3-132-42025-0 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42025-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Fußchirurgie (9783131855312) 978-3-131-23851-1 978-3-131-85531-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85531-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Füße in guten Händen (9783132443044) 978-3-132-44301-3 978-3-132-44304-4 2021 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miroir de l'Europe au XVIIIᵉ siècle (9780729407694) 978-0-729-40769-4 978-1-786-94756-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94756-7 Liverpool University Press Geburtsarbeit (9783132446397) 978-3-830-45540-0 978-3-132-44639-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44639-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Geburtshilfe (9783131861726) 978-3-131-27302-4 978-3-131-86172-6 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86172-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Geburtshilfe und Perinatalmedizin (9783131860927) 978-3-131-09682-1 978-3-131-86092-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86092-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Geburtshilfliche Notfälle (9783132401488) 978-3-132-40033-7 978-3-132-40148-8 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40148-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Geburtshilfliche Notf√§lle (9783132446953) 978-3-132-44692-2 978-3-132-44695-3 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44695-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Geburtsvorbereitung (9783132446403) 978-3-132-43487-5 978-3-132-44640-3 2020 2020 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86715-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Gender and Contemporary Horror in Comics, Games and Transmedia 978-1-787-69108-7 978-1-787-69107-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69107-0 Emerald Group Publishing Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film 978-1-787-69898-7 978-1-787-69897-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69897-0 Emerald Group Publishing Gender and Contemporary Horror in Television 978-1-787-69104-9 978-1-787-69103-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69103-2 Emerald Group Publishing Gender and Democracy in Cuba 978-0-813-03063-0 978-0-813-04556-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04556-6 Project MUSE Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-56913-8 2019 201138 2019 201138 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-56913-8 IGI Global Gender and Diversity Issues in Religious-Based Institutions and Organizations 978-1-466-68773-8 2016 127620 2016 127620 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2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49101-1 Project MUSE Gender Divide and the Computer Game Industry 978-1-466-64535-6 2014 76717 2014 76717 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64535-6 IGI Global Gender Economics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-57511-5 2019 207676 2019 207676 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57511-5 IGI Global Gender, Equality and Education from International and Comparative Perspectives Volume 10 978-1-848-55094-0 978-1-848-55095-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-55095-7 Emerald Group Publishing Gender Equity in the Boardroom: The Case of India 978-1-839-82767-9 978-1-839-82764-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82764-8 Emerald Group Publishing Gender Equity in the Medical Profession 978-1-522-59600-4 2020 222285 2020 222285 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59600-4 IGI Global Gender Equity in UK Sport Leadership and Governance 978-1-800-43207-9 978-1-800-43206-2 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43206-2 Emerald Group Publishing 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DePuy: Preparing the Army for Modern War 978-0-813-12500-8 978-0-813-17301-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-17301-6 Project MUSE Generalized Concavity (978-0-89871-943-7) 978-0-898-71896-6 978-0-898-71943-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71943-7 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations (978-0-89871-904-8) 978-0-898-71671-9 978-0-898-71904-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71904-8 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Generals and Scholars: Military Rule in Medieval Korea 978-0-824-82188-3 978-0-824-86263-3 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86263-3 Project MUSE Generals in Gray: Lives of the Confederate Commanders 978-0-807-13150-3 978-0-807-15166-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-15166-2 Project MUSE Generating Bodies and Gendered Selves: The Rhetoric of Reproduction in Early Modern England 978-0-295-98641-8 978-0-295-99076-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-99076-7 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-71185-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 186 978-0-813-71186-7 1995 186 1995 186 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71186-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 187 978-0-813-71187-4 1995 187 1995 187 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71187-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 188 978-0-813-71188-1 1996 188 1996 188 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71188-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 189 978-0-813-71189-8 1996 189 1996 189 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71189-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 190 978-0-813-71190-4 1997 190 1997 190 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71190-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 191 978-0-813-71191-1 1997 191 1997 191 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71191-1 Geological Society of America Geological 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71198-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 199 978-0-813-71199-7 2007 199 2007 199 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71199-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 200 978-0-813-71200-0 2007 200 2007 200 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71200-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 201 978-0-813-71201-7 2008 201 2008 201 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71201-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 202 978-0-813-71202-4 2008 202 2008 202 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71202-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 203 978-0-813-71203-1 2009 203 2009 203 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71203-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 204 978-0-813-71204-8 2009 204 2009 204 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71204-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 205 978-0-813-71205-5 2010 205 2010 205 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71205-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 206 978-0-813-71206-2 2010 206 2010 206 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71206-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 207 978-0-813-71207-9 2011 207 2011 207 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71207-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 208 978-0-813-71208-6 2012 208 2012 208 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71208-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 209 978-0-813-71209-3 2012 209 2012 209 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71209-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 210 978-0-813-71210-9 2013 210 2013 210 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71210-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 211 978-0-813-71211-6 2014 211 2014 211 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71211-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 212 978-0-813-71212-3 2015 212 2015 212 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71212-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 213 978-0-813-71213-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-71213-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 214 978-0-813-71214-7 978-0-813-78214-0 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-78214-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 215 978-0-813-71215-4 978-0-813-78215-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-78215-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 216 978-0-813-71216-1 978-0-813-78216-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-78216-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Memoirs Volume 217 978-0-813-71217-8 978-0-813-78217-1 2021 2021 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of America Special Papers Volume 241 0-813-72241-1 1990 241 1990 241 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72241-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 242 0-813-72242-X 1990 242 1990 242 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72242-X Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 243 0-813-72243-8 1990 243 1990 243 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72243-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 244 0-813-72244-6 1990 244 1990 244 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72244-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 245 0-813-72245-4 1990 245 1990 245 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72245-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 246 0-813-72246-2 1990 246 1990 246 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72246-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 247 0-813-72247-0 1990 247 1990 247 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72247-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 248 0-813-72248-9 1990 248 1990 248 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72248-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 249 0-813-72249-7 1990 249 1990 249 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72249-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 250 0-813-72250-0 1990 250 1990 250 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72250-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 251 0-813-72251-9 1990 251 1990 251 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72251-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 252 0-813-72252-7 1990 252 1990 252 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72252-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 253 0-813-72253-5 1990 253 1990 253 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72253-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 254 0-813-72254-3 1991 254 1991 254 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72254-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 255 0-813-72255-1 1990 255 1990 255 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72255-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 256 0-813-72256-X 1991 256 1991 256 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72256-X Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 257 0-813-72257-8 1991 257 1991 257 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72257-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 258 0-813-72258-6 1991 258 1991 258 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72258-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 259 0-813-72259-4 1991 259 1991 259 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72259-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 260 0-813-72260-8 1991 260 1991 260 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72260-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 261 0-813-72261-6 1991 261 1991 261 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72261-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 262 0-813-72262-4 1991 262 1991 262 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72262-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 263 0-813-72263-2 1991 263 1991 263 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72263-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 264 0-813-72264-0 1991 264 1991 264 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72264-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 265 0-813-72265-9 1991 265 1991 265 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72265-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 266 0-813-72266-7 1991 266 1991 266 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72266-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 267 0-813-72267-5 1992 267 1992 267 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72267-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 268 0-813-72268-3 1992 268 1992 268 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72268-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 269 0-813-72269-1 1992 269 1992 269 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72269-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 270 0-813-72270-5 1992 270 1992 270 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72270-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 271 0-813-72271-3 1992 271 1992 271 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72271-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 272 0-813-72272-1 1992 272 1992 272 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72272-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 273 0-813-72273-X 1993 273 1993 273 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72273-X Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 274 0-813-72274-8 1993 274 1993 274 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72274-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 275 0-813-72275-6 1993 275 1993 275 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72275-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 276 0-813-72276-4 1993 276 1993 276 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72276-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 277 0-813-72277-2 1993 277 1993 277 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72277-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 278 0-813-72278-0 1993 278 1993 278 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72278-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 279 0-813-72279-9 1993 279 1993 279 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72279-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 280 0-813-72280-2 1993 280 1993 280 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72280-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 281 0-813-72281-0 1993 281 1993 281 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72281-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 282 0-813-72282-9 1993 282 1993 282 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72282-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 283 0-813-72283-7 1993 283 1993 283 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72283-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 284 0-813-72284-5 1993 284 1993 284 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72284-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 285 0-813-72285-3 1993 285 1993 285 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72285-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 286 0-813-72286-1 1993 286 1993 286 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72286-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 287 0-813-72287-X 1994 287 1994 287 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72287-X Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 288 0-813-72288-8 1994 288 1994 288 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72288-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 289 0-813-72289-6 1994 289 1994 289 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72289-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 290 0-813-72290-X 1994 290 1994 290 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72290-X Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 291 0-813-72291-8 1994 291 1994 291 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72291-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 292 0-813-72292-6 1994 292 1994 292 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72292-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 293 0-813-72293-4 1992 293 1992 293 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72293-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 294 0-813-72294-2 1994 294 1994 294 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72294-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 295 0-813-72295-0 1995 295 1995 295 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72295-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 296 0-813-72296-9 1995 296 1995 296 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72296-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 297 0-813-72297-7 1995 297 1995 297 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72297-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 298 0-813-72298-5 1995 298 1995 298 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72298-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 299 0-813-72299-3 1995 299 1995 299 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=0-813-72299-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 300 978-0-813-72300-0 1995 300 1995 300 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72300-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 301 978-0-813-72301-9 1995 301 1995 301 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72301-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 302 978-0-813-72302-7 1996 302 1996 302 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72302-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 303 978-0-813-72303-5 1996 303 1996 303 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72303-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 304 978-0-813-72304-3 1996 304 1996 304 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72304-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 305 978-0-813-72305-1 1996 305 1996 305 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72305-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 306 1996 306 1996 306 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+306&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 307 978-0-813-72307-8 1996 307 1996 307 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72307-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 308 978-0-813-72308-6 1996 308 1996 308 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72308-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 309 978-0-813-72309-4 1996 309 1996 309 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72309-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 310 978-0-813-72310-8 1996 310 1996 310 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72310-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 311 978-0-813-72311-6 1996 311 1996 311 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+323&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 324 978-0-813-72324-8 1998 324 1998 324 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72324-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 325 978-0-813-72325-6 1998 325 1998 325 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72325-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 326 978-0-813-72326-4 1998 326 1998 326 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72326-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 327 978-0-813-72327-2 1998 327 1998 327 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72327-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 328 978-0-813-72328-0 1999 328 1999 328 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72328-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 329 978-0-813-72329-9 1999 329 1999 329 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72329-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 330 978-0-813-72330-2 1999 330 1999 330 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72330-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 331 978-0-813-72331-0 1999 331 1999 331 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72331-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 332 978-0-813-72332-9 1999 332 1999 332 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72332-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 333 978-0-813-72333-7 1999 333 1999 333 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72333-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 334 978-0-813-72334-5 2000 334 2000 334 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72334-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 335 978-0-813-72335-3 1999 335 1999 335 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72335-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 336 978-0-813-72336-1 1999 336 1999 336 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72336-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 337 1999 337 1999 337 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+337&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 338 978-0-813-72338-8 1999 338 1999 338 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72338-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 339 978-0-813-72339-6 1999 339 1999 339 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72339-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 340 1999 340 1999 340 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+340&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 341 978-0-813-72341-8 1999 341 1999 341 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72341-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 342 978-0-813-72342-6 1999 342 1999 342 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72342-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 343 978-0-813-72343-4 2000 343 2000 343 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72343-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 344 978-0-813-72344-2 1999 344 1999 344 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72344-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 345 978-0-813-72345-0 2000 345 2000 345 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72345-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 346 978-0-813-72346-9 2000 346 2000 346 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72346-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America 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978-0-813-72353-1 2002 353 2002 353 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72353-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 354 2001 354 2001 354 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+354&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 355 978-0-813-72355-8 2001 355 2001 355 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72355-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 356 978-0-813-72356-6 2002 356 2002 356 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72356-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 357 978-0-813-72357-4 2002 357 2002 357 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72357-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 358 978-0-813-72358-2 2002 358 2002 358 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72358-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America 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Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 372 978-0-813-72372-8 2003 372 2003 372 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72372-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 373 978-0-813-72373-6 2003 373 2003 373 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72373-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 374 978-0-813-72374-4 2003 374 2003 374 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72374-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 375 978-0-813-72375-2 2004 375 2004 375 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72375-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 376 978-0-813-72376-0 2004 376 2004 376 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72376-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 377 978-0-813-72377-9 2004 377 2004 377 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72377-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 378 978-0-813-72378-7 2004 378 2004 378 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72378-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 379 978-0-813-72379-5 2004 379 2004 379 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72379-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 380 978-0-813-72380-9 2004 380 2004 380 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72380-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 381 978-0-813-72381-7 2004 381 2004 381 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72381-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 382 978-0-813-72382-5 2005 382 2005 382 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72382-5 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 383 978-0-813-72383-3 2004 383 2004 383 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72383-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 384 978-0-813-72384-1 2005 384 2005 384 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72384-1 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 385 2005 385 2005 385 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Geological+Society+of+America+Special+Papers+Volume+385&pub=Geological+Society+of+America Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 386 978-0-813-72386-8 2005 386 2005 386 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72386-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 387 978-0-813-72387-6 2005 387 2005 387 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72387-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 388 978-0-813-72388-4 2005 388 2005 388 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72388-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 389 978-0-813-72389-2 2004 389 2004 389 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72389-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 390 978-0-813-72390-6 2005 390 2005 390 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72390-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 391 978-0-813-72391-4 2005 391 2005 391 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72391-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 392 978-0-813-72392-2 2005 392 2005 392 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72392-2 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 393 978-0-813-72393-0 2005 393 2005 393 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72393-0 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 394 978-0-813-72394-9 2005 394 2005 394 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72394-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 395 978-0-813-72395-7 2005 395 2005 395 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72395-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 396 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Special Papers Volume 402 978-0-813-72402-3 2006 402 2006 402 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72402-3 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 403 978-0-813-72403-9 2006 403 2006 403 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72403-9 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 404 978-0-813-72404-7 2006 404 2006 404 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72404-7 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 405 978-0-813-72405-8 2006 405 2006 405 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72405-8 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 406 978-0-813-72406-6 2006 406 2006 406 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72406-6 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 407 978-0-813-72407-4 2006 407 2006 407 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-72407-4 Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Special Papers Volume 408 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Volume 43 978-0-813-70043-4 2016 43 2016 43 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-70043-4 Geological Society of America GSA Field Guides Volume 44 978-0-813-70044-1 2016 44 2016 44 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-813-70044-1 Geological Society of America Guerrilla Daughter 978-0-873-38949-5 978-1-612-77607-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-77607-1 Project MUSE Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities and Cultures of Anti-Fascist Resistance in Spain (9781845197520) 978-1-845-19752-0 978-1-782-84294-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84294-1 Liverpool University Press Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now?: Multicultural Conservatism in America 978-0-814-71939-8 978-0-814-74407-9 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-74407-9 Project MUSE Guidance and Control (9781600864827) 978-1-563-47857-4 978-1-600-86482-7 1962 1962 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86482-7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guidance and Control--II (9781600864872) 978-1-563-47862-8 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Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Software Components for Mission-Critical Systems (AIAA G-118-2006) 978-1-563-47916-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-563-47916-8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guide: Nomenclature and Axis Systems for Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel Testing (AIAA G-129-2012(2017)) (9781600869150) 978-1-600-86915-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-600-86915-0 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guide: Space Systems ‚Äî Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels with a Plastic Liner (AIAA G-082-2022) (9781624107061) 978-1-624-10706-1 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10706-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guide: Terrestrial Environment Guidelines for Use in Aerospace Vehicle Development (AIAA G-140-2015) (9781624103025) 978-1-624-10302-5 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10302-5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guide to Integrating Problem-Based Learning Programs in Higher Education 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Wageningen Academic Publishers Gut efficiency. the key ingredient in ruminant production: Elevating animal performance and health (9789086866403) 978-9-086-86067-8 978-9-086-86640-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86640-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (9783131906137) 978-3-131-25343-9 978-3-131-90613-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90613-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (9783131911254) 978-3-131-18905-9 978-3-131-91125-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91125-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (9783131942845) 978-3-131-25344-6 978-3-131-94284-5 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-94284-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe compact (9783131912039) 978-3-131-07343-3 978-3-131-91203-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91203-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe compact (9783132407701) 978-3-131-07346-4 978-3-132-40770-1 2017 2017 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Rider Haggard on the Imperial Frontier: The Political and Literary Contexts of His African Romances 978-0-944-31821-8 978-0-944-31830-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31830-0 Project MUSE Habermas and European integration (9781526142726) 978-1-526-14273-3 978-1-526-14272-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-14272-6 Manchester University Press Habits of Distraction (9781845192495) 978-1-845-19249-5 978-1-782-84555-3 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84555-3 Liverpool University Press Habits of Whiteness: A Pragmatist Reconstruction 978-0-253-31813-8 978-0-253-00288-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00288-4 Project MUSE Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space, and Politics in the Galician Capital, 1772-1914 978-1-557-53510-8 978-1-612-49076-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49076-2 Project MUSE Hadrian's Wall: Archaeological research by English Heritage 1976-2000 (9781905624713) 978-1-905-62471-3 978-1-848-02158-7 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02158-7 Liverpool University Press Hadrian's Wall Bridges (9781848021594) 978-1-848-02159-4 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02159-4 Liverpool University Press Haena: Through the Eyes of Ancestors 978-0-824-83119-6 978-0-824-86272-5 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86272-5 Project MUSE Haints: American Ghosts, Millennial Passions, and Contemporary Gothic Fictions 978-0-817-31746-1 978-0-817-38572-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38572-9 Project MUSE Hair Transplantation (9781684202737) 978-1-626-23693-6 978-1-684-20273-7 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20273-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hairdresser's Experience in High Life 978-0-807-83335-3 978-1-469-60531-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60531-9 Project MUSE Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora in the Wider Caribbean: The Making of an Atlantic Slave Society, 1775-1807 978-0-813-04018-9 978-0-813-04323-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04323-4 Project MUSE Haiti Exception: Anthropology and the Predicament of Narrative (9781781382998) 978-1-781-38299-8 978-1-781-38452-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38452-7 Liverpool University Press Halloween (9781906733797) 978-1-906-73379-7 978-1-800-34697-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34697-0 Liverpool University Press Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde (9783131911339) 978-3-131-19033-8 978-3-131-91133-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91133-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ham, Eggs, and Corn Cake: A Nebraska Territory Diary 978-0-803-20245-0 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20245-0 Project MUSE Hamas in Power: The Question of Transformation 978-1-668-44309-5 2023 289424 2023 289424 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-44309-5 IGI Global Hämatologie, Rheumatologie, Dermatologie: Fallorientierte Einfuhrung in die klinische Medizin (9783131949011) 978-3-131-66241-5 978-3-131-94901-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-94901-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hämatologie und Onkologie: Fallorientierte Darstellung – rationale Diagnostik und Therapie (9783131952615) 978-3-131-73251-4 978-3-131-95261-5 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95261-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hämatologische Diagnostik im Blutausstrich (9783131869319) 978-3-131-34221-8 978-3-131-86931-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86931-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England, Volumes 1 and 2: Excavation and survey of a Neolithic Monument Complex and its Surrounding Landscape (9781905624591) 978-1-905-62459-1 978-1-848-02160-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02160-0 Liverpool University Press Hamlin Garland: A Life 978-0-803-21771-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-21771-3 Project MUSE Hammer and beyond (9781526151193) 978-1-526-15118-6 978-1-526-15119-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15119-3 Manchester University Press Hand and Wrist Anatomy and Biomechanics: A Comprehensive Guide (9783132053519) 978-3-132-05341-0 978-3-132-05351-9 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978-9-086-86211-5 978-9-086-86766-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86766-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Handbook of cholesterol: Biology, function and role in health and diseases (9789086868216) 978-9-086-86276-4 978-9-086-86821-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86821-6 Wageningen Academic Publishers Handbook of Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing and Production Management 978-1-599-04584-9 2008 433 2008 433 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04584-9 IGI Global Handbook of Conversation Design for Instructional Applications 978-1-599-04599-3 2008 434 2008 434 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04599-3 IGI Global Handbook of diet and nutrition in the menstrual cycle, periconception and fertility (9789086867677) 978-9-086-86212-2 978-9-086-86767-7 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86767-7 Wageningen Academic Publishers Handbook of diet, nutrition and the skin (9789086867295) 978-9-086-86175-0 978-9-086-86729-5 2012 2012 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523 2008 523 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04731-7 IGI Global Handbook of vitamin D in human health: Prevention, treatment and toxicity (9789086867653) 978-9-086-86210-8 978-9-086-86765-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86765-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Second Edition (978-0-89871-955-0) 978-0-898-71420-3 978-0-898-71955-0 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71955-0 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Third Edition (978-1-61197-610-6) 978-1-611-97609-0 978-1-611-97610-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97610-6 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Handbook on Advancements in Smart Antenna Technologies for Wireless Networks 978-1-599-04989-2 2009 524 2009 524 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04989-2 IGI Global Handbuch der Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler (9783132402911) 978-3-132-40288-1 978-3-132-40291-1 2017 2017 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Interacting with Information Systems (978-3-319-58481-2) 978-3-319-58480-5 978-3-319-58481-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-58481-2 Springer Science+Business Media Head & Neck Endocrine Surgery (9781684203505) 978-1-684-20146-4 978-1-684-20350-5 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20350-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Head and Neck Cancer (9781626232327) 978-1-626-23231-0 978-1-626-23232-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23232-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Head and Neck Cancer: An Evidence-Based Team Approach (9781588906366) 978-1-588-90508-6 978-1-588-90636-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90636-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Head and Neck Cancer Recurrence (9783131645715) 978-3-131-47391-2 978-3-131-64571-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-64571-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Head and Neck Surgery (9789382076094) 978-9-382-07603-2 978-9-382-07609-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-382-07609-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Head and Neck Trauma (9783131611116) 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27090-5 Project MUSE Historicizing Theory 978-0-791-45961-4 978-0-791-48568-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48568-2 Project MUSE Histories of Economic Thought Volume 21 Part 2 978-0-762-30997-9 978-1-849-50196-5 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50196-5 Emerald Group Publishing Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge 978-0-819-56766-6 978-0-819-57379-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-57379-7 Project MUSE History & Crime 978-1-801-17699-6 978-1-801-17698-9 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17698-9 Emerald Group Publishing History and Hagiography from the Late Antique Sinai (9781846312168) 978-1-846-31216-8 2009 53 2009 53 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-846-31216-8 Liverpool University Press History and Poetics of Intertexuality 978-1-557-53503-0 978-1-612-49031-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49031-1 Project MUSE History and Politics in French-Language 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2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-97034-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry Vol. E 22e, 4th Edition Supplement (9783131970541) 978-3-131-40174-8 978-3-131-97054-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-97054-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry Vol. E 23d/1, 4th Edition Supplement (9783131971142) 978-3-131-11634-5 978-3-131-97114-2 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-97114-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Houben-Weyl Methods of Organic Chemistry Vol. E 23n, 4th Edition Supplement (9783131972347) 978-3-131-28454-9 978-3-131-97234-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-97234-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG House of Usher (9781911325604) 978-1-911-32560-4 978-1-800-34717-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34717-5 Liverpool University Press Household Self-Tracking during a Global Health Crisis 978-1-800-43915-3 978-1-800-43914-6 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43914-6 Emerald Group Publishing Households 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Stuart Britain: Volume I - Crisis, Renewal, and the Ministers' Dilemma (9781845196189) 978-1-845-19618-9 978-1-782-84219-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84219-4 Liverpool University Press Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM): New Insights into Revolution 4.0 978-1-838-67224-9 978-1-838-67223-2 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67223-2 Emerald Group Publishing Human Behavior and Another Kind in Consciousness: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-58218-2 2019 216509 2019 216509 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-58218-2 IGI Global Human Behavior, Psychology, and Social Interaction in the Digital Era 978-1-466-68451-5 2015 123847 2015 123847 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68451-5 IGI Global Human Behavior Recognition Technologies: Intelligent Applications for Monitoring and Security 978-1-466-63683-5 2013 72160 2013 72160 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-63683-5 IGI Global Human Capital and Assets in the Networked World 978-1-787-14828-4 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Dynamics, Innovation Policy, and Economic Growth through Technological Advancements 978-1-466-61979-1 2013 64905 2013 64905 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-61979-1 IGI Global Industrial Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-466-61946-3 2013 64889 2013 64889 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-61946-3 IGI Global Industrial Informatics Design, Use and Innovation: Perspectives and Services 978-1-615-20693-3 2010 37338 2010 37338 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20693-3 IGI Global Industrial Mathematics: A Course in Solving Real-World Problems (978-1-61197-154-5) 978-0-898-71324-4 978-1-611-97154-5 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97154-5 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Industrial, medical and environmental applications of microorganisms: Current status and trends (9789086867950) 978-9-086-86243-6 978-9-086-86795-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86795-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Industrial Organization Volume 9 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978-0-472-11836-6 978-0-472-02842-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02842-9 Project MUSE Industry Use Cases on Blockchain Technology Applications in IoT and the Financial Sector 978-1-799-86650-3 2021 256626 2021 256626 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86650-3 IGI Global Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health: Concerns of Patients, Providers and Insurers Volume 25 978-0-762-31474-4 978-1-849-50556-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50556-7 Emerald Group Publishing Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions 978-1-787-14480-4 978-1-787-14479-8 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-14479-8 Emerald Group Publishing Inequality Across Societies: Families, Schools and Persisting Stratification Volume 14 978-0-762-31061-6 978-1-849-50241-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50241-2 Emerald Group Publishing Inequality after the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth ECINEQ Meeting Volume 24 978-1-785-60994-7 978-1-785-60993-0 2016 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Infections in Obstetrics and Gynecology (9783131615114) 978-1-588-90421-8 978-3-131-61511-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-61511-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Infections of Leisure, Fifth Edition 978-1-555-81922-4 978-1-555-81923-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81923-1 American Society for Microbiology Infections of Leisure, Fourth Edition 978-1-555-81484-7 978-1-555-81595-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81595-0 American Society for Microbiology Infectious Fear: Politics, Disease, and the Health Effects of Segregation 978-0-807-83259-2 978-1-469-60589-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60589-0 Project MUSE Infektionen in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (9783131860859) 978-3-137-22905-6 978-3-131-86085-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86085-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Infektionen in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (9783131862044) 978-3-137-22904-9 978-3-131-86204-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86204-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Infektionskrankheiten (9783131877116) 978-3-131-31691-2 978-3-131-87711-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87711-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Infektionskrankheiten der Haut: Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapiekonzepte für Dermatologen, Internisten und Pädiater (9783131858238) 978-3-131-37733-3 978-3-131-85823-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85823-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Infinitesimal Geometry of Quasiconformal and Bi-Lipschitz Mappings in the Plane 978-3-037-19122-4 978-3-037-19622-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19622-9 European Mathematical Society Inflammatory Diseases of the Conjunctiva (9783131606518) 978-1-588-90030-2 978-3-131-60651-8 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-60651-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Influence of FinTech on Management Transformation 978-1-799-87110-1 2021 260158 2021 260158 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87110-1 IGI Global Influence of Funding on Advances in Librarianship Volume 31 978-1-848-55372-9 978-1-848-55373-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-55373-6 Emerald Group Publishing Influence of Public Policy on Small Social Enterprises: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-52771-8 2017 178718 2017 178718 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52771-8 IGI Global Influence of Switzerland on the Life and Writings of Edward Gibbon (9780729407915) 978-0-729-40791-5 978-1-789-62676-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62676-6 Liverpool University Press Influencer Marketing Applications Within the Metaverse 978-1-668-48900-0 2023 316462 2023 316462 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48900-0 IGI Global Influences of Social Media on Consumer Decision-Making Processes in the Food and Grocery Industry 978-1-668-48869-0 2023 316170 2023 316170 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48869-0 IGI Global Infocommunication Skills as a Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Tool for Inmates 978-1-522-55976-4 2019 195040 2019 195040 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55976-4 IGI Global Infonomics and the Business of 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55291 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50508-3 IGI Global Information Communication Technologies and City Marketing: Digital Opportunities for Cities Around the World 978-1-605-66135-3 2009 550 2009 550 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66135-3 IGI Global Information Communication Technologies and Emerging Business Strategies 978-1-599-04236-7 2007 551 2007 551 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04236-7 IGI Global Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications 978-1-605-66249-7 2009 552 2009 552 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66249-7 IGI Global Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges 978-1-599-04059-2 2007 553 2007 553 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04059-2 IGI Global Information Communication Technologies and the Virtual Public Sphere: Impacts of Network Structures on Civil Society 978-1-609-60161-4 2011 46014 2011 46014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60161-4 IGI Global Information Communication 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Student Mobility and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Marketplace 978-1-522-53452-5 2018 180922 2018 180922 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53452-5 IGI Global International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies (Part A) Volume 22 978-1-784-41136-7 978-1-784-41135-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41135-0 Emerald Group Publishing International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies (Part B) Volume 22B 978-1-784-41670-6 978-1-784-41669-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41669-0 Emerald Group Publishing International Tourism and Hospitality in the Digital Age 978-1-466-68269-6 2015 121184 2015 121184 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68269-6 IGI Global International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization 978-1-522-59568-7 2020 221873 2020 221873 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59568-7 IGI Global International Views on Disability Measures: Moving Toward Comparative Measurement Volume 4 978-0-762-31282-5 978-1-849-50394-5 2006 2006 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of Flexible Structures (9781600862076) 978-1-563-47054-7 978-1-600-86207-6 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86207-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce (978-3-319-50091-1) 978-3-319-50090-4 978-3-319-50091-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-50091-1 Springer Science+Business Media Introduction to Flight Testing and Applied Aerodynamics 978-1-600-86828-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86828-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer 978-0-813-04424-8 978-0-813-04835-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04835-2 Project MUSE Introduction to Group Theory 978-3-037-19041-8 978-3-037-19541-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19541-3 European Mathematical Society Introduction to Helicopter and Tiltrotor Flight Simulation (9781600862083) 978-1-563-47873-4 978-1-600-86208-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86208-3 American 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Surfaces (978-0-89871-761-7) 978-0-898-71697-9 978-0-898-71761-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71761-7 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Incompressible Viscous Flows (978-0-89871-890-4) 978-0-898-71657-3 978-0-898-71890-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71890-4 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Introduction to the Scenario Approach (978-1-61197-544-4) 978-1-611-97543-7 978-1-611-97544-4 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97544-4 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Introduction to Theoretical Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics 978-1-600-86774-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86774-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Introductory Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of Wings and Bodies: A Software-Based Approach (9781600862113) 978-1-563-47242-8 978-1-600-86211-3 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86211-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 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978-0-898-71608-5 978-0-898-71909-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71909-3 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Invasion and Transformation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico 978-0-870-81886-8 978-1-607-32001-2 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-607-32001-2 Project MUSE Invasive Bamboos 2021: Their Impact and Management in Great Britain and Ireland (9781853411434) 978-1-853-41143-4 978-1-837-64531-2 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64531-2 Liverpool University Press Invasive Skull Base Mucormycosis (9789395390323) 978-9-395-39031-6 978-9-395-39032-3 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-395-39032-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Inventing Mobility for All: Mastering Mobility-as-a-Service with Self-Driving Vehicles 978-1-800-43179-9 978-1-800-43176-8 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43176-8 Emerald Group Publishing Inventing Modern Adolescence: The Children of Immigrants in Turn-of-the-Century America 978-0-813-54309-3 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Conversations: Religion in the Literature of America 978-1-602-58147-0 978-1-602-58278-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-602-58278-1 Project MUSE Invisible Criticism: Ralph Ellison and the American Canon 978-0-877-45321-5 978-1-587-29163-0 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29163-0 Project MUSE Invisible Enemies: The American War on Vietnam, 1975-2000 978-1-558-49608-8 978-1-613-76126-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76126-7 Project MUSE Invisible Fences: Prose Poetry as a Genre in French and American Literature 978-0-803-20227-6 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20227-6 Project MUSE Invisible Giants: The Empires of Cleveland's Van Sweringen Brothers 978-0-253-34163-1 978-0-253-11060-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11060-2 Project MUSE Invisible Victims and the Pursuit of Justice: Analyzing Frequently Victimized Yet Rarely Discussed Populations 978-1-799-87348-8 2021 262678 2021 262678 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87348-8 IGI Global Invisible Work: Borges and Translation 978-0-826-51407-3 978-0-826-59156-2 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-59156-2 Project MUSE Invitation to Topological Robotics 978-3-037-19054-8 978-3-037-19554-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19554-3 European Mathematical Society Invoking the Akelarre: Voices of the Accused in the Basque Witch-Craze, 1609-1614 (9781845199692) 978-1-845-19969-2 978-1-782-84624-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84624-6 Liverpool University Press Ionization in High-Temperature Gases (9781600864858) 978-1-563-47861-1 978-1-600-86485-8 1963 1963 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86485-8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics IoT and Cloud Computing Advancements in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks 978-1-799-82572-2 2020 237005 2020 237005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82572-2 IGI Global IoT and WSN Applications for Modern Agricultural Advancements: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-59006-4 2020 218569 2020 218569 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the United States, and the War Against Hamas, July-August 2014: The Special Relationship under Scrutiny (9781845199890) 978-1-845-19989-0 978-1-782-84627-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84627-7 Liverpool University Press Israel Through the Jewish-American Imagination: A Survey of Jewish-American Literature on Israel, 1928-1995 978-0-791-43251-8 978-1-438-40351-9 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-40351-9 Project MUSE Israeli and Palestinian Narratives of Conflict: History's Double Helix 978-0-253-34767-1 978-0-253-11228-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11228-6 Project MUSE Israeli and Palestinian Postcards: Presentations of National Self 978-0-292-70214-1 978-0-292-79749-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79749-9 Project MUSE Israeli Culture between the Two Intifadas: A Brief Romance 978-0-292-71877-7 978-0-292-79426-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79426-9 Project MUSE Israeli Humor: The Content and Structure of the Chizbat of the Palmah 978-0-873-95512-6 978-1-438-41517-8 1981 1981 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-41517-8 Project MUSE Israeli Mythogynies: Women in Contemporary Hebrew Fiction 978-0-887-06417-3 978-1-438-40346-5 1987 1987 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-40346-5 Project MUSE Issues and Challenges in the Malaysian Economy 978-1-838-67482-3 978-1-838-67479-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67479-3 Emerald Group Publishing Issues and Opportunities in Primary Health Care for Children in Europe 978-1-789-73354-9 978-1-789-73351-8 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-73351-8 Emerald Group Publishing Issues and Trends in Technology and Human Interaction 978-1-599-04270-1 2007 656 2007 656 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04270-1 IGI Global Issues in Corporate Governance and Finance Volume 12 978-0-762-31373-0 978-1-849-50461-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50461-4 Emerald Group Publishing Issues in Entrepeneurship Volume 14 978-0-762-31002-9 978-1-849-50200-9 2003 2003 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Tonkinese of Caledonia in the colonial era 978-0-645-37131-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-645-37131-4 University of Technology Sydney ePress Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Botany: The Salutary Science (9780729410557) 978-0-729-41055-7 978-1-786-94741-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94741-3 Liverpool University Press Jean-Jacques Rousseau en 2012: Puisqu'enfin mon nom doit vivre (9780729410397) 978-0-729-41039-7 978-1-786-94742-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94742-0 Liverpool University Press Jean-Jacques Rousseau face au public: problèmes d'identité (9780729411943) 978-0-729-41194-3 978-1-800-85896-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85896-1 Liverpool University Press Jean-Louis Wagnière, secrétaire de Voltaire: Lettres et Documents (9780729409513) 978-0-729-40951-3 978-1-786-94743-7 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94743-7 Liverpool University Press Jean-Marie Tjibaou, Kanak Witness to the World: An Intellectual Biography 978-0-824-83314-5 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978-0-253-35287-3 978-0-253-00298-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00298-3 Project MUSE Jewish Scholarship and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Between History and Faith 978-0-299-21170-7 978-0-299-21173-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-21173-8 Project MUSE Jewish Theology and World Religions (9781906764920) 978-1-906-76492-0 978-1-909-82105-7 2012 89 2012 89 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82105-7 Liverpool University Press Jewish Theology for a Postmodern Age (9781906764685) 978-1-906-76468-5 978-1-789-62423-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62423-6 Liverpool University Press Jewish Women in Fin de Siècle Vienna 978-0-292-71861-6 978-0-292-79428-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79428-3 Project MUSE Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life History, Politics, and Culture 978-1-584-65702-6 978-1-584-65808-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-584-65808-5 Project MUSE Jewish Women Pioneering the Frontier Trail: A History in the American 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Press Jews of Libya: Coexistence, Persecution, Resettlement (9781845191375) 978-1-845-19137-5 978-1-782-84743-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84743-4 Liverpool University Press Jews of Vienna, 1867-1914, The: Assimilation and Identity 978-0-873-95844-8 978-1-438-41815-5 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-41815-5 Project MUSE Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight 978-0-814-72638-9 978-0-814-72797-3 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-72797-3 Project MUSE JFK, LBJ, and the Democratic Party 978-0-791-46169-3 978-0-791-48468-5 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48468-5 Project MUSE JG Farrell in His Own Words: Selected Letters and Diaries 978-1-859-18476-9 978-1-908-63404-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-908-63404-7 Project MUSE JG Farrell: The Making of a Writer 978-1-859-18489-9 978-1-909-00507-5 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-00507-5 Project MUSE JIAC2009 book of abstracts (9789086866755) 978-9-086-86114-9 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Griggs 978-0-820-34630-4 978-0-820-34630-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34630-4 Project MUSE Jimmy Reid: A Clyde-built man (9781789620832) 978-1-789-62083-2 978-1-837-64916-7 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64916-7 Liverpool University Press J. M. Barrie: An Annotated Secondary Bibliography 978-0-944-31867-6 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31867-6 Project MUSE Joan Blondell: A Life between Takes 978-1-578-06961-3 978-1-604-73300-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73300-6 Project MUSE Joan of Arc: La Pucelle 978-1-526-11279-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-11279-8 Manchester University Press Job Crafting 978-1-838-67222-5 978-1-838-67219-5 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67219-5 Emerald Group Publishing Jobs, Training, and Worker Well-being Volume 30 978-1-849-50766-0 978-1-849-50767-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50767-7 Emerald Group Publishing Joe McCarthy and the Press 978-0-299-08624-4 978-0-299-08623-7 1981 1981 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-08623-7 Project MUSE Johanna Krause Twice Persecuted: Surviving in Nazi Germany and Communist East Germany 978-1-554-58006-4 978-1-554-58091-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58091-0 Project MUSE John A. Burns 978-0-824-82282-8 978-0-824-86318-0 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86318-0 Project MUSE John Arderon's De judiciis urinarum: A Middle English Commentary on Giles of Corbeil's Carmen de urinis in Glasgow University Library, MS Hunter 328 and Manchester University Library, MS Rylands Eng. 1310 (9781786942203) 978-1-786-94220-3 978-1-789-62736-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62736-7 Liverpool University Press John Betjeman: Reading the Victorians (9781845192716) 978-1-845-19271-6 978-1-782-84733-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84733-5 Liverpool University Press John Brunner 978-0-252-03733-7 978-0-252-09451-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09451-4 Project MUSE John Burroughs and the Place of Nature 978-0-820-32788-4 978-0-820-33081-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33081-5 Project MUSE John Capgrave's Fifteenth Century 978-0-812-23977-5 978-0-812-20383-7 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20383-7 Project MUSE John Devoy's Catalpa Expedition 978-0-814-72748-5 978-0-814-72851-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-72851-2 Project MUSE John Dewey (9781526101020) 978-1-784-99324-5 978-1-526-10102-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10102-0 Manchester University Press John Donne: An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism, 1979-1995 978-0-820-70353-4 978-0-820-70523-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-70523-1 Project MUSE John Donne and the Protestant Reformation: New Perspectives 978-0-814-33012-8 978-0-814-33759-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33759-2 Project MUSE John Donne's Performances (9781847792969) 978-0-719-09561-0 978-1-847-79296-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-847-79296-9 Manchester University Press John Dryden (9780746310281) 978-0-746-31028-1 978-1-786-94239-5 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94239-5 Liverpool University Press John Edward Bruce: Politician, Journalist, and Self-Trained Historian of the African Diaspora 978-0-814-71518-5 978-0-814-77232-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-77232-4 Project MUSE John Fletcher's Rome (9781526157393) 978-1-526-15738-6 978-1-526-15739-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15739-3 Manchester University Press John Fowles (9780746310199) 978-0-746-31019-9 978-1-837-64921-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64921-1 Liverpool University Press John Francis Bentley: Architect of Westminster Cathedral (9781789621990) 978-1-789-62199-0 978-1-800-34673-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34673-4 Liverpool University Press John Hawkwood: An English Mercenary in Fourteenth-Century Italy 978-0-801-88323-1 978-0-801-88880-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88880-9 Project MUSE John Hume and the revision of Irish nationalism (9781847794536) 978-0-719-08689-2 978-1-847-79453-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-847-79453-6 Manchester University Press John in the Company of Poets: The Gospel in Literary Imagination 978-1-602-58315-3 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Joining the Sisterhood: Young Jewish Women Write Their Lives 978-0-791-45861-7 978-0-791-48615-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48615-3 Project MUSE Jolly Fellows: Male Milieus in Nineteenth-Century America 978-0-801-89137-3 978-0-801-89795-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89795-5 Project MUSE Jonas of Bobbio: Life of Columbanus, Life of John of Réomé, and Life of Vedast (9781789628807) 978-1-781-38176-2 978-1-789-62880-7 2017 72 2017 72 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62880-7 Liverpool University Press Jonathan Swift (9780746311059) 978-0-746-31105-9 978-1-800-85435-2 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85435-2 Liverpool University Press Jookin': The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture 978-1-439-90622-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90622-4 Project MUSE Jordanes: Romana and Getica (9781837643967) 978-1-789-62810-4 978-1-837-64396-7 2020 0 2020 0 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64396-7 Liverpool University Press Jose 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compact (9783131869029) 978-3-131-30742-2 978-3-131-86902-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86902-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kardiologische Rehabilitation (9783131864918) 978-3-131-43141-7 978-3-131-86491-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86491-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Karies: Wissenschaft und Klinische Praxis (9783131834812) 978-3-131-54541-1 978-3-131-83481-2 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-83481-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Karl Löwner and His Student Lipman Bers - Pre-war Prague Mathematicians 978-3-037-19144-6 978-3-037-19644-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19644-1 European Mathematical Society Karl Polanyi (9781784997472) 978-1-784-99425-9 978-1-784-99747-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99747-2 Manchester University Press Katathym-imaginative Psychotherapie (K.I.P.) 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-93273-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Histologie (9783132061545) 978-3-131-35574-4 978-3-132-06154-5 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-06154-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Histologie (9783132433212) 978-3-132-43318-2 978-3-132-43321-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-43321-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Innere Medizin (9783131909329) 978-3-131-41672-8 978-3-131-90932-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90932-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Innere Medizin (9783131958631) 978-3-131-41673-5 978-3-131-95863-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95863-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Innere Medizin (9783132200036) 978-3-132-20000-5 978-3-132-20003-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-20003-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Kurzlehrbuch Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie: Grundlagen, Praxis, Kontext (9783131949110) 978-3-131-43541-5 978-3-131-94911-0 2012 2012 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Vision and Tragedy 978-9-988-64760-5 978-9-988-64781-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-988-64781-0 Project MUSE KWiC-Web (9783132429079) 978-3-132-42905-5 978-3-132-42907-9 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42907-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG KWiC-Web Fachwortschatz Medizin Englisch (9783131901828) 978-3-131-17462-8 978-3-131-90182-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90182-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG K-wiring (9789382076889) 978-9-382-07657-5 978-9-382-07688-9 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-382-07688-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG K-Wiring (9789390553631) 978-9-390-55362-4 978-9-390-55363-1 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-390-55363-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG La Bagatelle (1718-1719): A Critical Edition of Justus van Effen's Journal (9780729411493) 978-0-729-41149-3 978-1-789-62704-6 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62704-6 Liverpool University Press La Clínica: A Doctor's Journey Across Borders 978-0-826-34526-4 978-0-826-34525-7 2009 2009 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Merica: Images Of Italian Greenhorn Experience 978-1-439-90392-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90392-6 Project MUSE La Nature et l'Antique, la chair et le contour: essai sur la sculpture française du XVIIIe siècle (9780729408325) 978-0-729-40832-5 978-1-800-34364-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34364-1 Liverpool University Press La nef marrane: Essai sur le retour du judaïsme aux portes de l'Occident 978-2-760-51135-4 978-2-760-52156-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52156-8 Project MUSE La Parisienne in cinema (9781526109545) 978-1-526-10953-8 978-1-526-10954-5 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10954-5 Manchester University Press La Pensée de l'abbé Grégoire: despotisme et liberté (9780729409278) 978-0-729-40927-8 978-1-786-94758-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94758-1 Liverpool University Press La Poésie philosophique de Voltaire; Voltaire and the Temple of bad taste: a study of 'La Pucelle d'Orléans' (9780729408172) 978-0-729-40817-2 978-1-789-62689-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62689-6 Liverpool University Press La Raza Unida Party 978-1-439-90558-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90558-6 Project MUSE La Réception de Racine à l'Age classique: de la scène au monument (9780729408608) 978-0-729-40860-8 978-1-786-94759-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94759-8 Liverpool University Press La Rénovation de l'héritage démocratique: Entre fondation et refondation 978-2-760-30690-5 978-2-760-31792-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-31792-5 Project MUSE La République de Harrington dans la France des Lumières et de la Révolution (9781802070606) 978-1-802-07060-6 978-1-802-07113-9 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07113-9 Liverpool University Press La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History 978-0-292-70880-8 978-0-292-79820-5 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79820-5 Project MUSE La social-démocratie en cette fin de siècle / 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The Dissemination of Cameroon Anglophone Literature: The Dissemination of Cameroon Anglophone Literature 978-9-956-55829-2 978-9-956-71510-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-71510-7 Project MUSE Language and History in Ancient Greek Culture 978-0-812-24149-5 978-0-812-20609-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20609-8 Project MUSE Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: What the Women Have to Say (9781845199234) 978-1-845-19923-4 978-1-782-84587-4 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84587-4 Liverpool University Press Language, Emotion, and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mother Tongue 978-0-253-35301-6 978-0-253-00289-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00289-1 Project MUSE Language Learning and Literacy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-59619-6 2020 222290 2020 222290 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59619-6 IGI Global language of cosmetics advertising (978-1-137-55798-8) 978-1-137-55797-1 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62670-4 Liverpool University Press Le Théâtre de la Foire: des treteaux aux boulevards (9780729407977) 978-0-729-40797-7 978-1-789-62682-7 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62682-7 Liverpool University Press Le Théâtre De Lélio: étude du répertoire du Nouveau théâtre italien de 1716 à 1729 (9780729408820) 978-0-729-40882-0 978-1-786-94778-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94778-9 Liverpool University Press Le Traducteur, l'Église et le Roi 978-2-760-30462-8 978-2-760-31639-3 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-31639-3 Project MUSE Le travail du chaume dans la région du Lac St-Pierre 978-0-777-00238-4 978-2-760-52336-4 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52336-4 Project MUSE Le troisième registre de Tadoussac: Miscellaneorum Liber 978-0-777-00126-4 978-2-760-52337-1 1976 1976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52337-1 Project MUSE Leader and the Crowd: Democracy in American Public Discourse, 1880-1941 978-0-820-32913-0 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Project MUSE Mark Twain, Travel Books, and Tourism: The Tide of a Great Popular Movement 978-0-817-31160-5 978-0-817-31350-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-31350-0 Project MUSE Mark Twain's Civil War 978-0-813-12474-2 978-0-813-12671-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-12671-5 Project MUSE Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review 978-0-299-23474-4 978-0-299-23473-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-23473-7 Project MUSE Mark Twain's Which Was the Dream? and Other Symbolic Writings of the Later Years 978-0-520-01285-1 978-0-520-90505-4 1966 1966 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90505-4 Project MUSE Marked Body, The: Domestic Violence in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Literature 978-0-791-45375-9 978-0-791-48862-1 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48862-1 Project MUSE Market Research Methodologies: Multi-Method and Qualitative Approaches 978-1-466-66372-5 2015 105951 2015 105951 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66372-5 IGI Global 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Group Publishing Markets, marketing and developing countries: Where we stand and where we are heading (9789086866991) 978-9-086-86145-3 978-9-086-86699-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86699-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis: Part A Volume 30 Part A 978-0-857-24205-1 978-0-857-24206-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24206-8 Emerald Group Publishing Markets on Trial: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis: Part B Volume 30 Part B 978-0-857-24207-5 978-0-857-24208-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24208-2 Emerald Group Publishing Marrano Poets of the Seventeenth Century (9781904113690) 978-1-904-11369-0 978-1-909-82149-1 1982 9 1982 9 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82149-1 Liverpool University Press Married to the empire (9781526119728) 978-1-526-11972-8 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11972-8 Manchester University Press Mars: Past, Present, and Future 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978-1-602-58016-9 978-1-602-58172-2 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-602-58172-2 Project MUSE Martin Mere: Lancashire's Lost Lake (9780853237495) 978-0-853-23749-5 978-1-802-07089-7 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07089-7 Liverpool University Press Marvelous Geometry: Narrative and Metafiction in Modern Fairy Tale 978-0-814-33262-7 978-0-814-33572-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33572-7 Project MUSE Marxism and National Identity: Socialism, Nationalism, and National Socialism during the French Fin de Siecle 978-0-791-46669-8 978-0-791-48227-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48227-8 Project MUSE Marx's Capital and Capitalism; Markets in a Socialist Alternative Volume 19 978-0-762-30838-5 978-1-849-50133-0 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50133-0 Emerald Group Publishing Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley: Writing Lives 978-0-889-20363-1 978-0-889-20943-5 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20943-5 Project MUSE Masculine Identity in the Fiction of the Arab East Since 1967 978-0-815-63237-5 978-0-815-65089-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-815-65089-8 Project MUSE MASH: An Army Surgeon in Korea 978-0-813-12070-6 978-0-813-17057-2 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-17057-2 Project MUSE Mashairi ya vita vya Kuduhu: war poetry in Kiswahili exchanged at the time of the Battle of Kuduhu 978-0-870-13323-7 978-0-870-13894-2 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13894-2 Project MUSE Masque of the Red Death (9781800856394) 978-1-800-85639-4 978-1-800-85516-8 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85516-8 Liverpool University Press Mass Communications and the Influence of Information During Times of Crises 978-1-799-87505-5 2022 264267 2022 264267 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87505-5 IGI Global Mass Customization for Personalized Communication Environments: Integrating Human Factors 978-1-605-66261-9 2010 742 2010 742 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66261-9 IGI Global Mass Customization Information 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Responsals: An Annotated Translation of Sorai Sensei Tomonsho 978-0-824-81570-7 978-0-824-86353-1 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86353-1 Project MUSE MasterCases in Hand and Wrist Surgery (9781588905970) 978-0-865-77981-5 978-1-588-90597-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90597-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG MasterCases in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (9781604060669) 978-0-865-77873-3 978-1-604-06066-9 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06066-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Mastering Business for Strategic Communicators: Insights and Advice from the C-suite of Leading Brands 978-1-787-14504-7 978-1-787-14503-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-14503-0 Emerald Group Publishing Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City and Nation 978-1-785-60465-2 978-1-785-60464-5 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60464-5 Emerald Group Publishing Mastering Market Analytics: Business Metrics – Practice and Application 978-1-787-14836-9 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2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-268-08461-5 Project MUSE Miss Spain in Exile Isa Reyes' Escape from the Spanish Civil War — Flamenco and Stardom in 1930s Europe (9781789760866) 978-1-789-76086-6 978-1-782-84708-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84708-3 Liverpool University Press Missile Design Guide (9781624106347) 978-1-624-10634-7 978-1-624-10618-7 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-624-10618-7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Missile Injuries of the Brain, Spine, and Peripheral Nerves (9789388257114) 978-9-388-25710-7 978-9-388-25711-4 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-388-25711-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Missing A Beat: The Rants and Regrets of Seymour Krim 978-0-815-60948-3 978-0-815-65162-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-815-65162-8 Project MUSE Missing Data Methods: Cross-sectional Methods and Applications Volume 27 Part 1 978-1-780-52524-2 978-1-780-52525-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-52525-9 Emerald Group Publishing 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the Slaves of Prospect Hill Plantation and Their Legacy in Liberia Today 978-1-604-73753-0 978-1-604-73754-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73754-7 Project MUSE Missouri's War: The Civil War in Documents 978-0-821-41732-4 978-0-821-44335-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-821-44335-4 Project MUSE Mistreatment in Organizations Volume 13 978-1-785-60117-0 978-1-785-60116-3 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60116-3 Emerald Group Publishing Mistress of everything (9781526100320) 978-1-526-10032-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10032-0 Manchester University Press Mistress of Herself: Speeches and Letters of Ernestine Rose, Early Women's Rights Leader 978-1-558-61543-4 978-1-558-61791-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-558-61791-9 Project MUSE Mitigating Inequality: Higher Education Research, Policy, and Practice in an Era of Massification and Stratification Volume 11 978-1-785-60291-7 978-1-785-60290-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60290-0 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Watt: First British Convert, Scribe for Zion 978-0-874-21756-8 978-0-874-21758-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-874-21758-2 Project MUSE Morning Star: surrealism, marxism, anarchism, situationism, utopia 978-0-292-71894-4 978-0-292-79363-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79363-7 Project MUSE Mortal Remains: Death in Early America 978-0-812-21823-7 978-0-812-20806-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20806-1 Project MUSE Mortuary Practices and Social Identities in the Middle Ages (9780859898317) 978-0-859-89831-7 978-1-800-34417-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34417-4 Liverpool University Press Moscow Stories 978-0-253-34716-9 978-0-253-00074-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00074-3 Project MUSE Moses and Multiculturalism 978-0-520-26254-6 978-0-520-94610-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-94610-1 Project MUSE Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity 978-0-253-33934-8 978-0-253-10856-2 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10856-2 Project MUSE Moses Mendelssohn: A Biographical Study (9781874774532) 978-1-874-77453-2 978-1-909-82118-7 1973 3 1973 3 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82118-7 Liverpool University Press Moses Mendelssohn and the Enlightenment 978-0-791-42071-3 978-0-791-49526-1 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-49526-1 Project MUSE Mosquito Soldiers: Malaria, Yellow Fever, and the Course of the American Civil War 978-0-807-13561-7 978-0-807-13737-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13737-6 Project MUSE Moss Bluff Rebel: A Texas Pioneer in the Civil War 978-1-603-44089-9 978-1-603-44615-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44615-0 Project MUSE Moth Catcher: An Evolutionist'S Journey Through Canyon And Pass 978-0-874-17725-1 978-0-874-17730-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-874-17730-5 Project MUSE Mother Jones: The Miner's Angel 978-0-809-32973-1 978-0-809-38606-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-809-38606-2 Project MUSE Mothering Daughters: Novels and the Politics of 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Mathematical Sciences (978-1-61197-126-2) 978-0-898-71321-3 978-1-611-97126-2 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97126-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (978-1-61197-641-0) 978-1-611-97640-3 978-1-611-97641-0 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97641-0 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Nonparametric Econometric Methods Volume 25 978-1-849-50623-6 978-1-849-50624-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50624-3 Emerald Group Publishing Nonparametric Function Estimation, Modeling, and Simulation (978-1-61197-171-2) 978-0-898-71261-2 978-1-611-97171-2 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97171-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Non-Performing Loans and Resolving Private Sector Insolvency (978-3-319-50313-4) 978-3-319-50312-7 978-3-319-50313-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-50313-4 Springer Science+Business Media Non-State Violent Actors and Social Movement Organizations Volume 41 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Hodges and the First U.S. Army 978-0-813-12525-1 978-0-813-12642-5 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-12642-5 Project MUSE Normans and Saxons: Southern Race Mythology and the Intellectual History of the American Civil War 978-0-807-13312-5 978-0-807-13433-7 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13433-7 Project MUSE North American Economic and Financial Integration Volume 10 978-0-762-31094-4 978-1-849-50260-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50260-3 Emerald Group Publishing Northrop F-5 Case Study in Aircraft Design (9781600868696) 978-1-563-47309-8 978-1-600-86869-6 1978 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86869-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Northrop Frye: New Directions from Old 978-0-776-60695-8 978-0-776-61800-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61800-5 Project MUSE Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (9780993238451) 978-0-993-23845-1 978-1-800-34681-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34681-9 Liverpool University Press Nosokomiale Infektionen: Prävention – Labordiagnostik – Antimikrobielle Therapie (9783131882240) 978-3-131-48474-1 978-3-131-88224-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88224-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Nossa and Nuestra América: Inter-American Dialogues 978-1-557-53603-7 978-1-612-49151-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49151-6 Project MUSE Nostalgia: Origins and Ends of an Unenlightened Disease 978-0-810-12837-8 978-0-810-16622-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16622-6 Project MUSE 'Not Altogether Human': Pantheism and the Dark Nature of the American Renaissance 978-1-558-49956-0 978-1-613-76197-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76197-7 Project MUSE Not Even Past: Race, Historical Trauma, and Subjectivity in Faulkner, Larsen, and Van Vechten 978-0-823-23147-8 978-0-823-24820-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24820-9 Project MUSE Not One of Them in Place: Modern Poetry and Jewish American Identity 978-0-791-44983-7 978-0-791-49054-9 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-49054-9 Project MUSE Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941 978-9-622-09615-8 978-9-882-20231-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20231-3 Project MUSE Not White Enough, Not Black Enough: Racial Identity in the South African Coloured Community 978-0-896-80244-5 978-0-896-80442-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-896-80442-5 Project MUSE Not Without Honor: The Nazi POW Journal of Steve Carano, With Accounts by John C. Bitzer and Bill Blackmon 978-1-557-28884-4 978-1-610-75280-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-610-75280-0 Project MUSE Not Without Our Consent: Lakota Resistance to Termination, 1950-59 978-0-252-02944-8 978-0-252-09270-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09270-1 Project MUSE Not Written in Stone: Jews, Constitutions, and Constitutionalism in Canada 978-0-776-60545-6 978-0-776-61666-7 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61666-7 Project MUSE Notations of the Wild: Ecology in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens 978-0-877-45570-7 978-1-587-29245-3 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29245-3 Project MUSE Notes de Voltaire: une écriture polyphonique (9780729408127) 978-0-729-40812-7 978-1-789-62687-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62687-2 Liverpool University Press Notes on 'Pilgrimage': Dorothy Richardson Annotated 978-0-944-31812-6 978-0-944-31860-7 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31860-7 Project MUSE Notfall Seele (9783131893123) 978-3-131-02172-4 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2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71795-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic (978-0-89871-807-2) 978-0-898-71482-1 978-0-898-71807-2 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71807-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Computing with Modern Fortran (978-1-61197-312-9) 978-1-611-97311-2 978-1-611-97312-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97312-9 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Computing with Simulink, Volume I (978-0-89871-781-5) 978-0-898-71637-5 978-0-898-71781-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71781-5 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Continuation and Bifurcation in Nonlinear PDEs (978-1-61197-661-8) 978-1-611-97660-1 978-1-611-97661-8 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97661-8 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Homogenization by Localized Orthogonal Decomposition (978-1-61197-645-8) 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2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97209-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Solution of Elliptic Problems (978-1-61197-086-9) 978-0-898-71476-0 978-1-611-97086-9 1984 1984 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97086-9 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems (978-1-61197-044-9) 978-0-898-71021-2 978-1-611-97044-9 1976 1976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97044-9 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Numerically Solving Polynomial Systems with Bertini (978-1-61197-270-2) 978-1-611-97269-6 978-1-611-97270-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97270-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Nurse Writers of the Great War (9781526129352) 978-1-784-99252-1 978-1-526-12935-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12935-2 Manchester University Press Nursing and Clinical Informatics: Socio-Technical Approaches 978-1-605-66235-0 2009 802 2009 802 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66235-0 IGI 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Samuel B. Wylie 978-0-865-97668-9 978-1-614-87795-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-614-87795-0 Project MUSE Observing America: The Commentary of British Visitors to the United States, 1890-1950 978-0-299-21880-5 978-0-299-21883-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-21883-6 Project MUSE Obsession: Male Same-Sex Relations in China, 1900-1950 978-9-622-09980-7 978-9-888-05261-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-888-05261-5 Project MUSE Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Essentials of Clinical Care (9783131496713) 978-3-131-43951-2 978-3-131-49671-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-49671-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Occasional Deconstructions 978-0-791-46225-6 978-0-791-48443-2 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48443-2 Project MUSE Occupational and Residential Segregation Volume 17 978-1-848-55786-4 978-1-848-55787-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-55787-1 Emerald Group Publishing Occupational Stress: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-799-80955-5 2020 230043 2020 230043 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-80955-5 IGI Global Occupied by Memory: The Intifada Generation and the Palestinian State of Emergency 978-0-814-71637-3 978-0-814-77242-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-77242-3 Project MUSE Occupy the Earth: Global Environmental Movements Volume 15 978-1-783-50697-2 978-1-783-50686-6 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-783-50686-6 Emerald Group Publishing Oceania under steam (9781526119193) 978-1-526-11919-3 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11919-3 Manchester University Press Oceanographers and the Cold War: Sisciples of Marine Science 978-0-295-98482-7 978-0-295-80185-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80185-8 Project MUSE Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development 978-1-522-50701-7 2017 148510 2017 148510 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50701-7 IGI Global Oceanography and Coastal Informatics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-57309-8 2019 205601 2019 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White (1809) and the Memoirs of Elizabeth Fisher (1810) 978-0-791-46817-3 978-0-791-48139-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48139-4 Project MUSE Other End of the Microscope, The 978-1-555-81227-0 978-1-555-81793-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81793-0 American Society for Microbiology Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich 978-0-472-03138-2 978-0-472-02160-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02160-4 Project MUSE Other Immigrants: The Global Origins of the American People 978-0-814-77534-9 978-0-814-76906-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-76906-5 Project MUSE Other Selves: Animals in the Canadian Literary Imagination 978-0-776-60645-3 978-0-776-61770-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61770-1 Project MUSE Other Side of Russia: A Slice of Life in Siberia and the Russian Far East 978-1-585-44404-5 978-1-603-44646-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44646-4 Project MUSE Other 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1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31864-5 Project MUSE Pathogenesis of Human Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Insights from the Rabbit Model 978-1-555-81373-4 978-1-555-81568-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81568-4 American Society for Microbiology Pathogens and Toxins in Food: Challenges and Interventions 978-1-555-81459-5 978-1-555-81593-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81593-6 American Society for Microbiology Pathohistologie für die Tiermedizin (9783131935717) 978-3-830-41054-6 978-3-131-93571-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-93571-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pathohistologie für die Tiermedizin (9783132405738) 978-3-830-41144-4 978-3-132-40573-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40573-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Paths in the Rainforests: Toward a History of Political Tradition in Equatorial Africa 978-0-299-12574-5 978-0-299-12573-8 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-12573-8 Project MUSE Paths to a Middle Ground: The Diplomacy of Natchez, Boukfouka, Nogales, and San Fernando de las Barrancas, 1791-1795 978-0-817-35645-3 978-0-817-38522-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38522-4 Project MUSE Paths to the Middle East: Ten Scholars Look Back 978-0-791-41883-3 978-1-438-41405-8 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-41405-8 Project MUSE Paths to the Prevention and Detection of Human Trafficking 978-1-668-43928-9 2022 286778 2022 286778 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43928-9 IGI Global Pathways to Excellence: Developing and Cultivating Leaders for the Classroom and Beyond Volume 21 978-1-784-41116-9 978-1-784-41115-2 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41115-2 Emerald Group Publishing Pathways to the Present 978-0-824-83073-1 978-0-824-86390-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86390-6 Project MUSE Patient Blood Management (9783131921413) 978-3-131-70621-8 978-3-131-92141-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-92141-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Patient Blood Management (9783132004511) 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Agricultural History of Ethiopia, 1800-1990 978-0-299-14614-6 978-0-299-17613-6 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-17613-6 Project MUSE People-Centered Approaches Toward the Internationalization of Higher Education 978-1-799-83797-8 2021 244243 2021 244243 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83797-8 IGI Global Pepita Jimenez: A Novel by Juan Valera (9780856688850) 978-0-856-68885-0 978-1-800-34505-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34505-8 Liverpool University Press Pepper Wreck: A Portuguese Indiaman at the Mouth of the Tagus River 978-1-585-44390-1 978-1-603-44599-3 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44599-3 Project MUSE Perceiving Gender Locally, Globally, and Intersectionally Volume 13 978-1-848-55752-9 978-1-848-55753-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-55753-6 Emerald Group Publishing Perceptions of Knowledge Visualization: Explaining Concepts through Meaningful Images 978-1-466-64704-6 2014 77405 2014 77405 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64704-6 IGI 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and Modern Literary Culture in Latin America: Intervening Acts 978-0-292-70945-4 978-0-292-79616-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79616-4 Project MUSE Periklean Athens and Its Legacy: Problems and Perspectives 978-0-292-70622-4 978-0-292-79688-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79688-1 Project MUSE Perinatalmedizin in Fällen: Pränatale Diagnostik, Management und Beratung (9783131860415) 978-3-131-47641-8 978-3-131-86041-5 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86041-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Periodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time 978-0-812-24083-2 978-0-812-20741-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20741-5 Project MUSE Perioperative Medizin (9783132407176) 978-3-131-77291-6 978-3-132-40717-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40717-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Peripheral Vascular Disease: Basic and Clinical Perspectives 978-1-780-84200-4 978-1-780-84198-4 2013 2013 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978-1-931-96881-2 978-1-935-60326-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-935-60326-9 Project MUSE Poetic and Real Worlds of César Vallejo (1892-1938): A Struggle Between Art and Politics (9781845197421) 978-1-845-19742-1 978-1-782-84216-3 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84216-3 Liverpool University Press Poetic Obligation: Ethics in Experimental American Poetry after 1945 978-1-587-29635-2 978-1-587-29728-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29728-1 Project MUSE Poetic Rhythm: Structure and Performance -- An Empirical Study in Cognitive Poetics (9781845195243) 978-1-845-19524-3 978-1-782-84722-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84722-9 Liverpool University Press Poetic World of Emily Bronte: Poems from the Author of Wuthering Heights (9781845196455) 978-1-845-19645-5 978-1-782-84147-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84147-0 Liverpool University Press Poetics of Ascent, The: Theories of Language in a Rabbinic Ascent Text 978-0-887-06636-8 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Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 2: Jews and the Emerging Polish State (9781904113782) 978-1-904-11378-2 978-1-909-82153-8 1987 18 1987 18 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82153-8 Liverpool University Press Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 3: The Jews of Warsaw (9781904113188) 978-1-904-11318-8 978-1-909-82154-5 1988 19 1988 19 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82154-5 Liverpool University Press Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 4: Poles and Jews: Perceptions and Misperceptions (9781904113195) 978-1-904-11319-5 978-1-909-82155-2 1989 22 1989 22 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82155-2 Liverpool University Press Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 5: New Research, New Views (9781904113799) 978-1-904-11379-9 978-1-909-82156-9 1990 25 1990 25 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82156-9 Liverpool University Press Polin Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 6: Jews in Łódź 1820-1939 (9781904113157) 978-1-904-11315-7 978-1-909-82157-6 1991 27 1991 27 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82157-6 Liverpool 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Resolution: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-55119-5 2018 186890 2018 186890 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55119-5 IGI Global Political Opportunities Social Movements, and Democratization Volume 23 978-0-762-30786-9 978-1-849-50105-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50105-7 Emerald Group Publishing Political Power and Social Theory Volume 14 978-0-762-30763-0 978-1-849-50095-1 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50095-1 Emerald Group Publishing Political Power and Social Theory Volume 15 978-0-762-30883-5 978-1-849-50154-5 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50154-5 Emerald Group Publishing Political Power and Social Theory Volume 16 978-0-762-31036-4 978-1-849-50222-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50222-1 Emerald Group Publishing Political Power and Social Theory Volume 17 978-0-762-31190-3 978-1-849-50335-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50335-8 Emerald Group Publishing Political Power and Social Theory Volume 18 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the arts in Lisbon and Rome: The Roman dream of John V of Portugal (9781789620122) 978-1-789-62012-2 978-1-789-62777-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62777-0 Liverpool University Press Politics and the Intellectual: Conversations with Irving Howe 978-1-557-53551-1 978-1-612-49015-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49015-1 Project MUSE Politics and the Life Sciences: The State of the Discipline Volume 12 978-1-784-41108-4 978-1-784-41107-7 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41107-7 Emerald Group Publishing Politics, Democracy and E-Government: Participation and Service Delivery 978-1-615-20934-7 2010 37316 2010 37316 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20934-7 IGI Global Politics, Desire, and the Hollywood Novel 978-1-587-29629-1 978-1-587-29755-7 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29755-7 Project MUSE Politics of Dress in Asia and the Americas (9781845193997) 978-1-845-19399-7 978-1-782-84694-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84694-9 Liverpool University Press Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 978-1-557-53404-0 978-1-612-49058-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49058-8 Project MUSE Politics of EU-China economic relations : an uneasy partnership (978-1-137-48874-9) 978-1-137-49117-6 978-1-137-48874-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-48874-9 Springer Science+Business Media Politics of Food in Modern Morocco 978-0-813-03373-0 978-0-813-04577-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04577-1 Project MUSE Politics of Interpretation, The: Alterity and Ideology in Old Yiddish Studies 978-0-887-06845-4 978-1-438-40315-1 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-438-40315-1 Project MUSE Politics of Mourning in Early China, The 978-0-791-47157-9 978-0-791-47980-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-47980-3 Project MUSE Politics of Multiracialism, The: Challenging Racial Thinking 978-0-791-46153-2 978-0-791-48476-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48476-0 Project MUSE Politics of Muslim Intellectual Discourse in the West: The Emergence of a Western-Islamic Public Sphere (9781845197650) 978-1-845-19765-0 978-1-782-84261-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84261-3 Liverpool University Press Politics of Turkish Democracy, The: Ismet Inonu and the Formation of the Multi-Party System, 1938-1950 978-0-791-46435-9 978-0-791-48337-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48337-4 Project MUSE Politics, performance and popular culture (9781784997151) 978-0-719-09169-8 978-1-784-99715-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99715-1 Manchester University Press Politics, Philosophy and Empire in the Fourth Century (9780853231066) 978-0-853-23106-6 2001 36 2001 36 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-0-853-23106-6 Liverpool University Press Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces 978-1-522-51863-1 2017 166730 2017 166730 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-51863-1 IGI Global Poltern: Theoretische Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie (9783131879721) 978-3-131-31212-9 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Nineteenth Centuries 978-0-253-34155-6 978-0-253-10955-2 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10955-2 Project MUSE Positioning and Branding Tourism Destinations for Global Competitiveness 978-1-522-57254-1 2019 205235 2019 205235 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57254-1 IGI Global Positioning and Navigation in Complex Environments 978-1-522-53529-4 2018 181077 2018 181077 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53529-4 IGI Global Positioning Markets and Governments in Public Management 978-1-522-54178-3 2017 183124 2017 183124 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-54178-3 IGI Global Position-Sensitive Gaseous Photomultipliers: Research and Applications 978-1-522-50243-2 2016 143208 2016 143208 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50243-2 IGI Global Positive and Constructive Contributions for Sustainable Development Goals 978-1-668-47501-0 2023 308286 2023 308286 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-47501-0 IGI Global Positive Design and Appreciative Construction: From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Value Volume 3 978-0-857-24369-0 978-0-857-24370-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24370-6 Emerald Group Publishing Positive Pollutions and Cultural Toxins: Waste and Contamination in Contemporary U.S. Ethnic Literatures 978-0-803-23046-0 978-0-803-24488-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-24488-7 Project MUSE Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage 978-0-801-89463-3 978-0-801-89744-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89744-3 Project MUSE Post Modernism and Management Volume 21 978-0-762-31004-3 978-1-849-50573-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50573-4 Emerald Group Publishing Postal Culture in Europe, 1500-1800 (9780729411752) 978-0-729-41175-2 978-1-789-62719-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62719-0 Liverpool University Press Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem: African American Literature and Culture, 1877-1919 978-0-814-73167-3 978-0-814-76421-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-76421-3 Project MUSE Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses 978-0-814-25175-1 978-0-814-27098-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27098-1 Project MUSE Postcolonial African Genocide Novel: Quests for Meaningfulness (9781800856875) 978-1-800-85687-5 978-1-800-85737-7 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85737-7 Liverpool University Press Postcolonial Artists and Global Aesthetics 978-0-253-35679-6 978-0-253-00550-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00550-2 Project MUSE Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies: From Africa to the Antilles 978-0-813-93172-2 978-0-813-93176-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93176-0 Project MUSE Postcolonial minorities in Britain and France (9781526108302) 978-1-784-99399-3 978-1-526-10830-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10830-2 Manchester University Press Postcolonial Narrative and the Work of Mourning: J.M. Coetzee, Wilson Harris, and Toni Morrison 978-0-791-45945-4 978-0-791-48575-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48575-0 Project MUSE Postcolonial Sociology Volume 24 978-1-781-90603-3 978-1-781-90604-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90604-0 Emerald Group Publishing Postcolonial Theory and the United States: Race, Ethnicity, and Literature 978-1-578-06252-2 978-1-621-03637-1 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-621-03637-1 Project MUSE Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art (978-3-319-48445-7) 978-3-319-48444-0 978-3-319-48445-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-48445-7 Springer Science+Business Media Postcolonizing the Commonwealth: Studies in Literature and Culture 978-0-889-20352-5 978-0-889-20607-6 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20607-6 Project MUSE Post-Education-Forall and Sustainable Development Paradigm: Structural Changes with Diversifying Actors and Norms Volume 29 978-1-784-41271-5 978-1-784-41270-8 2016 2016 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Gen. Lewis Beebe 978-1-585-44481-6 978-1-603-44557-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44557-3 Project MUSE Prisoners from Nambu: Reality and Make-Believe in Seventeenth-Century Japanese Diplomacy 978-0-824-82409-9 978-0-824-86402-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86402-6 Project MUSE Privacy and Security Challenges in Location Aware Computing 978-1-799-87756-1 2021 265787 2021 265787 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87756-1 IGI Global Privacy and Security Policies in Big Data 978-1-522-52487-8 2017 176065 2017 176065 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52487-8 IGI Global Privacy and the American Constitution (978-3-319-43135-2) 978-3-319-43134-5 978-3-319-43135-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-43135-2 Springer Science+Business Media Privacy Concerns Surrounding Personal Information Sharing on Health and Fitness Mobile Apps 978-1-799-83489-2 2021 242994 2021 242994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83489-2 IGI Global Privacy, Intrusion Detection and Response: Technologies for Protecting Networks 978-1-609-60837-8 2012 50520 2012 50520 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60837-8 IGI Global Privacy Preservation and Secured Data Storage in Cloud Computing 979-8-369-30594-2 2023 323430 2023 323430 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=979-8-369-30594-2 IGI Global Privacy Protection for E-Services 978-1-591-40916-8 2006 844 2006 844 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40916-8 IGI Global Privacy Protection Measures and Technologies in Business Organizations: Aspects and Standards 978-1-613-50502-1 2012 55282 2012 55282 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50502-1 IGI Global Privacy Solutions and Security Frameworks in Information Protection 978-1-466-62051-3 2013 66378 2013 66378 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62051-3 IGI Global Private food law: Governing food chains through contract law, self-regulation, private standards, audits and certification schemes (9789086867301) 978-9-086-86176-7 978-9-086-86730-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86730-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers Private Lives, Public Deaths: Antigone and the Invention of Individuality 978-0-823-25132-2 978-0-823-25134-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-25134-6 Project MUSE Private Politics and Public Voices: Black Women's Activism from World War I to the New Deal 978-0-253-34804-3 978-0-253-11239-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11239-2 Project MUSE Private property and the fear of social chaos (9781526165718) 978-1-526-16570-1 978-1-526-16571-8 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16571-8 Manchester University Press Private Sector Innovations and Technological Growth in the MENA Region 978-1-522-57087-5 2019 202762 2019 202762 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57087-5 IGI Global Privatisation of Migration Control: Power without Accountability? 978-1-801-17245-5 978-1-801-17244-8 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17244-8 Emerald Group Publishing Privatization in Transition Economies: The Ongoing Story Volume 90 978-0-762-31463-8 978-1-849-50513-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50513-0 Emerald Group Publishing Privatization of Migration Control: Power without Accountability? Part 2 978-1-801-17663-7 978-1-801-17662-0 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17662-0 Emerald Group Publishing Probabilistic Boolean Networks (978-0-89871-763-1) 978-0-898-71692-4 978-0-898-71763-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71763-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Probabilistic Expert Systems (978-1-61197-004-3) 978-0-898-71373-2 978-1-611-97004-3 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97004-3 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Probabilistic Nodes Combination (PNC) for Object Modeling and Contour Reconstruction 978-1-522-52532-5 2017 176483 2017 176483 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52532-5 IGI Global Probabilistic Structures in Evolution 978-3-985-47005-1 978-3-985-47505-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-985-47505-6 European Mathematical Society Probability (978-1-61197-128-6) 978-0-898-71296-4 978-1-611-97128-6 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97128-6 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Probiotika, 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Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (9789086869404) 978-9-086-86940-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86940-4 Wageningen Academic Publishers Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level (9789086867981) 978-9-086-86247-4 978-9-086-86798-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86798-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level (9789086868629) 978-9-086-86314-3 978-9-086-86862-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86862-9 Wageningen Academic Publishers Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level (9789086869015) 978-9-086-86901-5 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86901-5 Wageningen Academic Publishers Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (9789086868513) 978-9-086-86306-8 978-9-086-86851-3 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Business and the Economy: Structural Ideals and Moral Realities Volume 34 978-1-784-41056-8 978-1-784-41055-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41055-1 Emerald Group Publishing Production diseases in farm animals (9789086865710) 978-9-076-99857-2 978-9-086-86571-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86571-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Production, Properties, and Applications of High Temperature Coatings 978-1-522-54195-0 2018 183469 2018 183469 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-54195-0 IGI Global Production, Safety and Teamwork in a Deep-Level Mining Workplace: Perspectives from the Rock-Face 978-1-787-14564-1 978-1-787-14563-4 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-14563-4 Emerald Group Publishing Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector 978-1-800-71095-5 978-1-800-71094-8 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-71094-8 Emerald Group Publishing Professing Poetry: Seamus Heaneys Poetics 978-0-813-21856-4 978-0-813-21918-9 2012 2012 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52731 2012 52731 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50190-0 IGI Global Professional Identity Crisis 978-1-787-69808-6 978-1-787-69805-5 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69805-5 Emerald Group Publishing Professional Learning Networks: Facilitating Transformation in Diverse Contexts with Equity-seeking Communities 978-1-787-69894-9 978-1-787-69891-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-69891-8 Emerald Group Publishing Professional Service Firms Volume 24 978-0-762-31302-0 978-1-849-50407-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50407-2 Emerald Group Publishing Professional Work: Knowledge, Power and Social Inequalities 978-1-800-43211-6 978-1-800-43210-9 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43210-9 Emerald Group Publishing Professionalization of Coaching (978-3-658-16805-6) 978-3-658-16804-9 978-3-658-16805-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-658-16805-6 Springer Science+Business Media Professionals in food chains (9789086868698) 978-9-086-86321-1 978-9-086-86869-8 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86869-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Professionelles Management im Krankenhaus – Erste Hilfe für leitende Ärztinnen und Ärzte (9783131859716) 978-3-131-48111-5 978-3-131-85971-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85971-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Professionelles und Klinisches Reasoning in der Ergotherapie (9783132423626) 978-3-132-42359-6 978-3-132-42362-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42362-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Profiles in diversity: women in the new South Africa 978-0-870-13447-0 978-0-870-13948-2 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13948-2 Project MUSE Profiling Target Learners for the Development of Effective Learning Strategies: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-81575-4 2020 233684 2020 233684 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81575-4 IGI Global Profiting from external knowledge: How firms use different knowledge acquisition strategies to improve their innovation performance (9789086866557) 978-9-086-86101-9 978-9-086-86655-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86655-7 Wageningen Academic Publishers Profiting from the Plains: The Great Northern Railway and Corporate Development of the American West 978-0-295-98348-6 978-0-295-80211-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80211-4 Project MUSE Profound Science and Elegant Literature: Imagining Doctors in Nineteenth-Century America 978-0-812-23825-9 978-0-812-20148-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20148-2 Project MUSE Programmatic Advertising (978-3-319-25023-6) 978-3-319-25021-2 978-3-319-25023-6 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-25023-6 Springer Science+Business Media Programming Projects in C for Students of Engineering, Science, and Mathematics (978-1-61197-350-1) 978-1-611-97349-5 978-1-611-97350-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97350-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Progrès et perfectibilité: un dilemme des Lumières françaises (1755-1814) (9780729408769) 978-0-729-40876-9 978-1-786-94368-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94368-2 Liverpool University Press Progress in Artificial Intelligence 18th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2017, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2017, Proceedings (978-3-319-65340-2) 978-3-319-65339-6 978-3-319-65340-2 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-65340-2 Springer Science+Business Media Progress in Clinical Neurosciences (9789382076902) 978-9-382-07689-6 978-9-382-07690-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-382-07690-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Progress in Clinical Neurosciences (9789390553662) 978-9-382-07641-4 978-9-390-55366-2 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-390-55366-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Progress in Clinical Neurosciences - Vol. 34 (9789390553020) 978-9-390-55394-5 978-9-390-55302-0 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-390-55302-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Progress in Clinical Neurosciences - Vol. 35 (9789395390026) 978-9-395-39000-2 978-9-395-39002-6 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-395-39002-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Progress in Fluid Flow Research: Turbulence and Applied MHD (9781600866531) 978-1-563-47284-8 978-1-600-86653-1 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86653-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Progress in Nanomaterials for Food Packaging 978-1-909-45326-5 978-1-909-45325-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-45325-8 Future Science Progress in Research on Energy and Protein Metabolism (9789086865208) 978-9-076-99824-4 978-9-086-86520-8 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86520-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Progress in Turbulence Research (9781600866340) 978-1-563-47099-8 978-1-600-86634-0 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86634-0 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software Engineering 978-1-466-64218-8 2013 74194 2013 74194 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64218-8 IGI Global Progressive Concepts for Semantic Web Evolution: Applications and Developments 978-1-605-66993-9 2010 37285 2010 37285 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66993-9 IGI Global Progressive Engineering Practices in Marine Resource Management 978-1-466-68334-1 2015 123109 2015 123109 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68334-1 IGI Global Progressive Heritage: The Evolution of a Politically Radical Literary Tradition in Canada 978-0-889-20402-7 978-0-889-20829-2 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20829-2 Project MUSE Progressive Leadership: Challenging the Theory of the Firm in the 21st Century 978-1-838-67568-4 978-1-838-67567-7 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67567-7 Emerald Group Publishing Progressive Methods in Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence: Concepts and Competitive Analytics 978-1-605-66233-6 2009 848 2009 848 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66233-6 IGI Global Progressive Trends in Electronic Resource Management in Libraries 978-1-466-64762-6 2014 78257 2014 78257 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64762-6 IGI Global Progressive Trends in Knowledge and System-Based Science for Service Innovation 978-1-466-64664-3 2014 77395 2014 77395 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64664-3 IGI Global Prohibition Is Here to Stay: The Reverend Edward S. Shumaker and the Dry Crusade in America 978-0-268-03383-5 978-0-268-08566-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-268-08566-7 Project MUSE Project Management: A Multi-Perspective Leadership Framework 978-1-787-14830-7 978-1-787-14829-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-14829-1 Emerald Group Publishing Project Management Approaches for Online Learning Design 978-1-466-62831-1 2013 69855 2013 69855 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62831-1 IGI Global Project Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-50197-8 2016 142204 2016 142204 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50197-8 IGI Global Project Management for Modern Information Systems 978-1-591-40695-2 2006 849 2006 849 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40695-2 IGI Global Project Management Techniques and Innovations in Information Technology 978-1-466-60931-0 2012 60782 2012 60782 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60931-0 IGI Global Project Portfolio Management Strategies for Effective Organizational Operations 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-20803-5 Project MUSE Proliferating Talent: Essays on Politics, Thought and Education in the Meiji Era 978-0-824-81846-3 978-0-824-86403-3 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86403-3 Project MUSE Proliferation of Open Government Initiatives and Systems 978-1-522-54988-8 2018 185746 2018 185746 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-54988-8 IGI Global Proliferation of the Internet Economy: E-Commerce for Global Adoption, Resistance, and Cultural Evolution 978-1-605-66413-2 2009 850 2009 850 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66413-2 IGI Global PROMETHEUS Allgemeine Anatomie und Bewegungssystem (9783132420861) 978-3-132-42083-0 978-3-132-42086-1 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42086-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG PROMETHEUS Allgemeine Anatomie und Bewegungssystem (9783132444164) 978-3-132-44413-3 978-3-132-44416-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44416-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG PROMETHEUS Innere Organe (9783132420908) 978-3-132-42087-8 978-3-132-42090-8 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42090-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG PROMETHEUS Innere Organe (9783132444201) 978-3-132-44417-1 978-3-132-44420-1 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44420-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG PROMETHEUS Kopf, Hals und Neuroanatomie (9783132444249) 978-3-132-44421-8 978-3-132-44424-9 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44424-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG PROMETHEUS LernAtlas der Anatomie (9783132420946) 978-3-132-42091-5 978-3-132-42094-6 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42094-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Promoting Active Learning through the Flipped Classroom Model 978-1-466-64988-0 2014 84096 2014 84096 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64988-0 IGI Global Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies 978-1-466-66344-2 2015 105937 2015 105937 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66344-2 IGI Global Promoting and Sustaining a Quality Teacher Workforce Volume 27 978-1-784-41017-9 978-1-784-41016-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41016-2 Emerald Group Publishing Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education 978-1-466-68765-3 2016 127618 2016 127618 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68765-3 IGI Global Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Women After the COVID-19 Pandemic 978-1-668-43801-5 2022 286664 2022 286664 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43801-5 IGI Global Promoting Entrepreneurship to Reduce Graduate Unemployment 978-1-799-89583-1 2022 279267 2022 279267 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-89583-1 IGI Global Promoting Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education 978-1-522-54098-4 2018 182672 2018 182672 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-54098-4 IGI Global Promoting Global Competencies Through Media Literacy 978-1-522-53083-1 2017 179376 2017 179376 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53083-1 IGI Global Promoting Global Environmental Sustainability and Cooperation 978-1-522-53991-9 2018 182282 2018 182282 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141936 2016 141936 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-69993-9 IGI Global Promoting Positive Learning Experiences in Middle School Education 978-1-799-87057-9 2021 260145 2021 260145 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87057-9 IGI Global Promoting Productive Cooperation Between Space Lawyers and Engineers 978-1-522-57257-2 2019 205236 2019 205236 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57257-2 IGI Global Promoting Qualitative Research Methods for Critical Reflection and Change 978-1-799-87600-7 2021 264877 2021 264877 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87600-7 IGI Global Promoting Regional Industries Through Cross-Sectoral Collaborations: Regional System, Management, and the Management Body 978-1-668-48496-8 2023 313925 2023 313925 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48496-8 IGI Global Promoting Social and Cultural Equity in the Tourism Sector 978-1-668-44196-1 2022 288546 2022 288546 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-44196-1 IGI Global Promoting Social Change and Democracy through Information Technology 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313714 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-48481-4 IGI Global Promotion: Die medizinische Doktorarbeit – von der Themensuche bis zur Dissertation (9783131919939) 978-3-131-27213-3 978-3-131-91993-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91993-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Promotion: Die medizinische Doktorarbeit – von der Themensuche bis zur Dissertation (9783132063341) 978-3-131-27214-0 978-3-132-06334-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-06334-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Promotion, Recruitment and Retention of Members in Nonprofit Organizations 978-1-839-82659-7 978-1-839-82658-0 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82658-0 Emerald Group Publishing Promotional Strategies and New Service Opportunities in Emerging Economies 978-1-522-52207-2 2017 172772 2017 172772 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52207-2 IGI Global Propagation of Intensive Laser Radiation in Clouds (9781600866111) 978-1-563-47020-2 978-1-600-86611-1 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86611-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Properties of Modernity: Romantic Spain, Modern Europe, and the Legacies of Empire 978-0-826-51521-6 978-0-826-59211-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-59211-8 Project MUSE Properties, Techniques, and Applications of Polyaniline (PANI) Thin Films: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-59898-5 2020 225005 2020 225005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59898-5 IGI Global Propertius in Love: The Elegies 978-0-520-22879-5 978-0-520-93584-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-93584-6 Project MUSE Property rights after market liberalization reforms: Land titling and investments in rural Peru (9789086866298) 978-9-086-86057-9 978-9-086-86629-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86629-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers Property Rites: The Rhinelander Trial, Passing, and the Protection of Whiteness 978-0-807-83268-4 978-1-469-60590-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60590-6 Project MUSE Prophecies of Leviathan:: Reading Past Melville 978-0-823-23153-9 978-0-823-24841-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24841-4 Project MUSE Prophet for a Dark Age: A Companion to the Works of Rene Guenon (9781845192518) 978-1-845-19251-8 978-1-782-84736-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84736-6 Liverpool University Press Prophet from Plains: Jimmy Carter and His Legacy 978-0-820-32914-7 978-0-820-33899-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33899-6 Project MUSE Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of Personhood 978-0-268-02236-5 978-0-268-07586-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-268-07586-6 Project MUSE Prophylaxe und Präventivzahnmedizin (9783131904119) 978-3-131-35651-2 978-3-131-90411-9 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90411-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Prosaic Conditions: Heinrich Heine and the Spaces of Zionist Literature 978-0-810-12867-5 978-0-810-16639-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16639-4 Project MUSE Prospect of Presidential 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Une ville et sa population au temps de la Nouvelle-France 978-2-760-50567-4 978-2-760-52301-2 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52301-2 Project MUSE Queen of the Confederacy: The Innocent Deceits of Lucy Holcombe Pickens 978-1-574-41146-1 978-1-574-41435-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-574-41435-6 Project MUSE Queens and Power in Medieval and Early Modern England 978-0-803-22278-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22278-6 Project MUSE Queer Events: Post-deconstructive Subjectivities in Spanish Writing and Film 1960s-1990s (9781846314674) 978-1-846-31467-4 978-1-800-85550-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85550-2 Liverpool University Press Queer in Black and White: Interraciality, Same Sex Desire, and Contemporary African American Culture 978-0-253-35350-4 978-0-253-00299-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00299-0 Project MUSE Queer Lives: Men's Autobiographies from Nineteenth-Century France 978-0-803-21573-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-21573-3 Project MUSE Queering the Gothic (9781526125453) 978-1-526-12545-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12545-3 Manchester University Press Quest for Citizenship: African American and Native American Education in Kansas, 1880-1935 978-0-807-83396-4 978-1-469-60497-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60497-8 Project MUSE Quest for Gold (9781781383315) 978-1-781-38331-5 978-1-781-38375-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38375-9 Liverpool University Press Qu'est-ce que les Lumières?; La reconnaissance au dix-huitième siècle; History of art; History of ideas (9780729408868) 978-0-729-40886-8 978-1-786-94370-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94370-5 Liverpool University Press Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire: Myths and Prophecies in the Aztec Tradition, Revised Edition 978-0-870-81558-4 978-1-607-32132-3 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-607-32132-3 Project MUSE Quiet Testimony: A Theory of Witnessing from Nineteenth-Century American Literature 978-0-823-25477-4 978-0-823-25480-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-25480-4 Project MUSE Quinolone Antimicrobial Agents, Third Edition 978-1-555-81231-7 978-1-555-81781-7 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81781-7 American Society for Microbiology Quirks of the Quantum: Postmodernism and Contemporary American Fiction 978-0-813-93285-9 978-0-813-93287-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93287-3 Project MUSE Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer: and the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy 978-0-817-31272-5 978-0-817-38184-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38184-4 Project MUSE Rabbi, Mystic, or Impostor?: The Eighteenth-Century Ba'al Shem of London (9781904113034) 978-1-904-11303-4 978-1-789-62424-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62424-3 Liverpool University Press Rabbis and Jewish Communities in Renaissance Italy (9781874774174) 978-1-874-77417-4 978-1-909-82125-5 1990 24 1990 24 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2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24168-9 Emerald Group Publishing Race, Labor, and Civil Rights: Griggs versus Duke Power and the Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity 978-0-807-13363-7 978-0-807-13481-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13481-8 Project MUSE Race Man: The Rise and Fall of the Fighting Editor, John Mitchell Jr 978-0-813-92116-7 978-0-813-92439-7 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-92439-7 Project MUSE Race, Nation, and West Indian Immigration to Honduras, 1890-1940 978-0-807-13557-0 978-0-807-13748-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13748-2 Project MUSE Race on Display in 20th- and 21st Century France (9781781383094) 978-1-781-38309-4 978-1-781-38862-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-38862-4 Liverpool University Press Race, Organizations, and the Organizing Process 978-1-787-56492-3 978-1-787-56491-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56491-6 Emerald Group Publishing Race Resistance and the Boy Scout Movement In 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-77335-2 Project MUSE Race Woman: The Lives of Shirley Graham Du Bois 978-0-814-73615-9 978-0-814-74457-4 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-74457-4 Project MUSE Races on Display: French Representations of Colonized Peoples, 1886-1940 978-0-253-34854-8 978-0-253-00014-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00014-9 Project MUSE Rachilde and French Women's Authorship: From Decadence to Modernism 978-0-803-20082-1 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20082-1 Project MUSE Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education 978-1-787-69886-4 978-1-800-43990-0 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43990-0 Emerald Group Publishing Racial Union: Law, Intimacy, and the White State in Alabama, 1865-1954 978-0-472-06885-2 978-0-472-02287-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02287-8 Project MUSE Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A Worldview Volume 25 978-1-786-35072-5 978-1-786-35071-8 2016 2016 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Progress in a Slave Society 978-0-801-89130-4 978-0-801-89845-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89845-7 Project MUSE Railway Safety, Reliability, and Security: Technologies and Systems Engineering 978-1-466-61644-8 2012 61619 2012 61619 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-61644-8 IGI Global Rainy Days / Dias de Lluvia: Short Stories by Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (9781910572290) 978-1-910-57229-0 978-1-800-34527-0 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34527-0 Liverpool University Press Rainy River Lives: Stories Told by Maggie Wilson 978-0-803-22519-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22519-0 Project MUSE Raising Freedom's Child: Black Children and Visions of the Future after Slavery 978-0-814-75719-2 978-0-814-76442-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-76442-8 Project MUSE Raising Hell for Justice: The Washington Battles of a Heartland Progressive 978-0-299-22540-7 978-0-299-22543-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-22543-8 Project MUSE Raising 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Project MUSE Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (978-1-61197-008-1) 978-0-898-71295-7 978-1-611-97008-1 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97008-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Randomly forced nonlinear PDEs and statistical hydrodynamics in 2 space dimensions 978-3-037-19021-0 978-3-037-19521-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19521-5 European Mathematical Society Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems (978-0-89871-969-7) 978-0-898-71403-6 978-0-898-71969-7 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71969-7 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Ranked Set Sampling Models and Methods 978-1-799-87556-7 2021 264746 2021 264746 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87556-7 IGI Global Ranking Economic Performance and Efficiency in the Global Market: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-52757-2 2017 178714 2017 178714 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52757-2 IGI Global Rapid Automation: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and 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978-1-600-86630-2 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86630-2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Parts I and II (9781600865251) 978-0-915-92815-6 978-1-600-86525-1 1977 1977 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86525-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Parts I and II (9781600865480) 978-0-915-92851-4 978-1-600-86548-0 1981 1981 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86548-0 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Physical Phenomena (9781600865916) 978-0-930-40354-6 978-1-600-86591-6 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86591-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Space Science and Engineering (9781600866326) 978-1-563-47081-3 978-1-600-86632-6 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86632-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Space-Related Studies (9781600865909) 978-0-930-40353-9 978-1-600-86590-9 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86590-9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Theoretical and Computational Techniques (9781600865923) 978-0-930-40355-3 978-1-600-86592-3 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86592-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Theory and Simulations (9781600866319) 978-1-563-47080-6 978-1-600-86631-9 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86631-9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rationalist Bias in Communication Theory 978-1-799-87439-3 2021 263976 2021 263976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87439-3 IGI Global Rationelle Arbeitsabläufe in der Zahnarztpraxis (9783131903419) 978-3-131-32261-6 978-3-131-90341-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90341-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rationelle Diagnostik und Therapie in Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel (9783131872630) 978-3-131-29553-8 978-3-131-87263-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87263-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rationelle Diagnostik und Therapie in Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel (9783131951946) 978-3-131-29554-5 978-3-131-95194-6 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95194-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rationelle Parodontaltherapie (9783131904218) 978-3-131-35961-2 978-3-131-90421-8 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90421-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rattler One-Seven: A Vietnam Helicopter Pilot's War Story 978-1-574-41178-2 978-1-574-41339-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-574-41339-7 Project MUSE raúlrsalinas and the Jail Machine: My Weapon Is My Pen 978-0-292-71284-3 978-0-292-79429-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79429-0 Project MUSE Raunds Furnells: The Anglo-Saxon church and churchyard (9781848021969) 978-1-848-02196-9 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02196-9 Liverpool University Press Rauschmittel (9783131894762) 978-3-131-30896-2 978-3-131-89476-2 2002 2002 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86732-6 IGI Global Rhetoric and the Discourses of Power in Court Culture: China, Europe, and Japan 978-0-295-98450-6 978-0-295-80236-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80236-7 Project MUSE Rhetoric and the Republic: Politics, Civic Discourse and Education in Early America 978-0-817-31547-4 978-0-817-38139-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38139-4 Project MUSE Rhetoric in Antiquity 978-0-813-21407-8 978-0-813-21638-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21638-6 Project MUSE Rhetoric, Science, and Magic in Seventeenth-century England 978-0-813-21578-5 978-0-813-21889-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21889-2 Project MUSE Rhetorical Conquests: Cortés, Gómara, and Renaissance Imperialism 978-1-557-53403-3 978-1-612-49086-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49086-1 Project MUSE Rhetorical Presidency of George H. W. Bush 978-1-585-44471-7 978-1-603-44558-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44558-0 Project MUSE Rhetorical Vectors of Memory in National and International Holocaust Trials 978-0-870-13784-6 978-1-609-17045-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-17045-5 Project MUSE Rhetorics of empire (9781526120496) 978-1-526-12049-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12049-6 Manchester University Press Rhetorics of Fantasy 978-0-819-56867-0 978-0-819-57391-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-57391-9 Project MUSE Rhetorics of Literacy: The Cultivation of American Dialect Poetry 978-0-814-21216-5 978-0-814-27014-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27014-1 Project MUSE Rheumatologie (9783131866653) 978-3-136-57805-6 978-3-131-86665-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86665-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rheumatologie: Diagnostik ‒ Klinik ‒ Therapie (9783131951861) 978-3-136-57806-3 978-3-131-95186-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95186-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rheumatologie in Kürze (9783131877628) 978-3-131-12432-6 978-3-131-87762-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87762-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery (9789382076070) 978-9-382-07601-8 978-9-382-07607-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-382-07607-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery: From the Lab to the Operating Room: An Evidence-based Approach (9783131644619) 978-3-131-53541-2 978-3-131-64461-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-64461-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base (9781604067057) 978-1-604-06060-7 978-1-604-06705-7 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06705-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhinoplasty: Cases and Techniques (9781604066821) 978-1-604-06680-7 978-1-604-06682-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06682-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhinoplasty: The Experts' Reference (9781604068689) 978-1-604-06867-2 978-1-604-06868-9 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06868-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhoton's Atlas of Head, Neck, and Brain (9781604069013) 978-1-604-06900-6 978-1-604-06901-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06901-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rhythmanalysis 978-1-839-09973-1 978-1-839-09972-4 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09972-4 Emerald Group Publishing Ribbon Societies in Nineteenth-Century Ireland and Its Diaspora: The Persistence of Tradition (9781786941350) 978-1-786-94135-0 978-1-786-94938-7 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94938-7 Liverpool University Press Ribosome, The 978-1-555-81184-6 978-1-555-81814-2 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81814-2 American Society for Microbiology Richard III (9780746309162) 978-0-746-30916-2 978-1-786-94593-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94593-8 Liverpool University Press Richard Rolle: On Lamentations: A Critical Edition with Translation and Commentary (9781789621549) 978-1-789-62154-9 978-1-789-62742-8 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62742-8 Liverpool University Press Richard Rolle: Unprinted Latin Writings (9781789620238) 978-1-789-62023-8 978-1-789-62440-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62440-3 Liverpool University Press Richard T Ely: The Story of Economics in the United States Volume 20 Part 3 978-0-762-30794-4 978-1-849-50109-5 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50109-5 Emerald Group Publishing Riddles of Belonging: India in Translation and Other Tales of Possession 978-0-823-22955-0 978-0-823-24708-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24708-0 Project MUSE Riding the Innovation Wave: Learning to Create Value from Ideas 978-1-787-14570-2 978-1-787-14569-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-14569-6 Emerald Group Publishing Riech- und Schmeckstörungen: Physiologie, Pathophysiologie, therapeutische Ansätze (9783131863713) 978-3-131-47811-5 978-3-131-86371-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86371-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions (978-1-61197-621-2) 978-1-611-97620-5 978-1-611-97621-2 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97621-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Riemann–Hilbert Problems, Their Numerical Solution, and the Computation of Nonlinear Special Functions (978-1-61197-420-1) 978-1-611-97419-5 978-1-611-97420-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97420-1 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Right Turn: John T. Flynn and the Transformation of American Liberalism 978-0-814-75700-0 978-0-814-75974-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-75974-5 Project MUSE Righteous Indignation: Religion and the Populist Revolution 978-0-252-03074-1 978-0-252-09091-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09091-2 Project MUSE Righteous Lives: Narratives of the New Orleans Civil Rights Movement 978-0-814-77456-4 978-0-814-77667-4 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-77667-4 Project MUSE Righteous Violence: Revolution, Slavery, and the American Renaissance 978-0-820-32825-6 978-0-820-34211-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34211-5 Project MUSE Rights of the Child in a Changing World (978-3-319-23189-1) 978-3-319-23188-4 978-3-319-23189-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-23189-1 Springer Science+Business Media Ring Out Freedom!: The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement 978-0-253-34376-5 978-0-253-11081-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11081-7 Project MUSE Riot!: Tobacco, Reform and Violence in Eighteenth-Century Papantla, Mexico (9781845198169) 978-1-845-19816-9 978-1-782-84351-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84351-1 Liverpool University Press Rise of Multicultural America: Economy and Print Culture, 1865-1915 978-0-807-83250-9 978-1-469-60567-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60567-8 Project MUSE Rise of Surrealism, The: Cubism, Dada, and the Pursuit of the Marvelous 978-0-791-45159-5 978-0-791-48971-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48971-0 Project MUSE Rise of the Cyberzines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1991 to 2020: The History of the Science-Fiction Magazines Volume V (9781800856486) 978-1-800-85648-6 978-1-800-85524-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85524-3 Liverpool University Press Risen Sons: Flannery O'Connor's Vision of History 978-0-820-30945-3 978-0-820-33763-0 1987 1987 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33763-0 Project MUSE Risiken und Komplikationen in der Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (9783132418806) 978-3-131-69811-7 978-3-132-41880-6 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-41880-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Risiken und Komplikationen in der Urologie: systematisch · praxisnah · präventiv (9783131870612) 978-3-131-61201-4 978-3-131-87061-2 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87061-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Risk Analysis for Prevention of Hazardous Situations in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering 978-1-466-64778-7 2014 78261 2014 78261 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64778-7 IGI Global Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards (978-3-319-22126-7) 978-3-319-22125-0 978-3-319-22126-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-22126-7 Springer Science+Business Media Risk and Contingency Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-53933-9 2017 181913 2017 181913 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-53933-9 IGI Global Risk Assessment and Management in Pervasive Computing: Operational, Legal, Ethical, and Financial Perspectives 978-1-605-66221-3 2009 871 2009 871 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66221-3 IGI Global Risk, Courage, and Women: Contemporary Voices in Prose and Poetry 978-1-574-41233-8 978-1-574-41386-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-574-41386-1 Project MUSE Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Management in Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises 978-1-799-86996-2 2021 259591 2021 259591 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86996-2 IGI Global Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Issues, Framework, and Modeling 978-1-786-35452-5 978-1-786-35451-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35451-8 Emerald Group Publishing Risk Management Post Financial Crisis: A Period of Monetary Easing Volume 96 978-1-784-41027-8 978-1-784-41026-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41026-1 Emerald Group Publishing Risk Management Strategies in Public-Private Partnerships 978-1-522-52504-2 2017 176082 2017 176082 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52504-2 IGI Global Risk management strategies: monitoring and surveillance (9789086865345) 978-9-076-99807-7 978-9-086-86534-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86534-5 Wageningen Academic Publishers Risking Capitalism Volume 31 978-1-786-35236-1 978-1-786-35235-4 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35235-4 Emerald Group Publishing Risking Difference: Identification, Race, and Community in Contemporary Fiction and Feminism 978-0-791-46127-3 978-0-791-48488-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48488-3 Project MUSE Risks and Conflicts: Local Responses to Natural Disasters Volume 14 978-1-781-90820-4 978-1-781-90821-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90821-1 Emerald Group Publishing Rites and Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in France, 1650-1860 978-0-812-22008-7 978-0-812-20015-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20015-7 Project MUSE Rites of August First: Emancipation Day in the Black Atlantic World 978-0-807-14364-3 978-0-807-13570-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13570-9 Project MUSE River of Dreams: Imagining the Mississippi before Mark Twain 978-0-807-13233-3 978-0-807-14307-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-14307-0 Project MUSE River of Enterprise: The Commercial Origins of Regional Identity in the Ohio Valley, 1790-1850 978-0-253-34132-7 978-0-253-10937-8 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-10937-8 Project MUSE R.K Narayan (9780746309544) 978-0-746-30954-4 978-1-837-64962-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64962-4 Liverpool University Press Road to Romanian Independence 978-1-557-53065-3 978-1-612-49055-7 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49055-7 Project MUSE Roadside Networks for Vehicular Communications: Architectures, Applications, and Test Fields 978-1-466-62224-1 2013 67424 2013 67424 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62224-1 IGI Global Roadworks (9781784996703) 978-0-719-08506-2 978-1-784-99670-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99670-3 Manchester University Press Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine (9781781383391) 978-1-781-38339-1 978-1-837-64864-1 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64864-1 Liverpool University Press Robert B. Heilman: his life in letters 978-0-295-98866-5 978-0-295-80139-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80139-1 Project MUSE Robert Browning (9780746310434) 978-0-746-31043-4 978-1-802-07981-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07981-4 Liverpool University Press Robert Burns (9780746311721) 978-0-746-31172-1 978-1-786-94594-5 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94594-5 Liverpool University Press Robert E. Sherwood: The Playwright in Peace and War 978-1-558-49618-7 978-1-613-76062-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76062-8 Project MUSE Robert Louis Stevenson: Writer of Boundaries 978-0-299-21224-7 978-0-299-21223-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-21223-0 Project MUSE Robert of Arbrissel: Sex, Sin, and Salvation in the Middle Ages 978-0-813-21439-9 978-0-813-21599-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21599-0 Project MUSE Robert Penn Warren after Audubon: The Work of Aging and the Quest for Transcendence in His Later Poetry 978-0-807-13456-6 978-0-807-13671-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-13671-3 Project MUSE Robert Southwell 978-1-847-79191-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-847-79191-7 Manchester University Press Robertson Davies: A Mingling of Contrarieties 978-0-776-60531-9 978-0-776-61686-5 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61686-5 Project MUSE Robespierre and the Festival of the Supreme Being (9781526103802) 978-1-526-10378-9 978-1-526-10380-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10380-2 Manchester University Press Robinson à la conquête du monde: Du lieu pour soi au chemin vers lautre 978-2-760-51444-7 978-2-760-52168-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52168-1 Project MUSE RoboCop (9781911325253) 978-1-911-32525-3 978-1-800-34704-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34704-5 Liverpool University Press Robotic Head and Neck Surgery (9781604069211) 978-1-604-06919-8 978-1-604-06921-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06921-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Robotic Head and Neck Surgery (9781626230040) 978-1-626-23003-3 978-1-626-23004-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23004-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Robotic Surgery: Applications and Advances 978-1-780-84233-2 978-1-780-84231-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-780-84231-8 Future Medicine Robotic Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-799-81755-0 2020 234267 2020 234267 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81755-0 IGI Global Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Learning and Vision Applications 978-1-466-62703-1 2013 69214 2013 69214 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62703-1 IGI Global Robotics, Automation, and Control in Industrial and Service Settings 978-1-466-68694-6 2015 126415 2015 126415 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-68694-6 IGI Global Robotics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-466-64608-7 2014 77381 2014 77381 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64608-7 IGI Global Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality 978-1-787-56688-0 978-1-787-56687-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56687-3 Emerald Group Publishing Robots in Academic Libraries: Advancements in Library Automation 978-1-466-63939-3 2013 72362 2013 72362 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-63939-3 IGI Global Robots in K-12 Education: A New Technology for Learning 978-1-466-60183-3 2012 58277 2012 58277 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Press Rococo Echo: Art, History and Historiography from Cochin to Coppola (9780729411585) 978-0-729-41158-5 978-1-800-34370-2 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34370-2 Liverpool University Press Roger II and the Creation of the Kingdom of Sicily 978-1-526-11275-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-11275-0 Manchester University Press Rogue Flows: Trans-Asian Cultural Traffic 978-9-622-09698-1 978-9-882-20268-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20268-9 Project MUSE Rogues and Early Modern English Culture 978-0-472-03177-1 978-0-472-02516-9 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02516-9 Project MUSE Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation 978-1-799-85053-3 2021 244661 2021 244661 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-85053-3 IGI Global Role of Information Science in a Complex Society 978-1-799-86512-4 2021 255735 2021 255735 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86512-4 IGI Global Role of IoT in Green Energy Systems 978-1-799-86709-8 2021 256640 2021 256640 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86709-8 IGI Global Role of Leadership in Facilitating Healing and Renewal in Times of Organizational Trauma and Change 978-1-799-87016-6 2021 259923 2021 259923 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-87016-6 IGI Global Role of Nutrition in Providing Pro-/Anti-Inflammatory Balance: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-83596-7 2020 243486 2020 243486 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-83596-7 IGI Global Role of Regional Development Agencies in Entrepreneurial and Rural Development: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-799-82643-9 2020 237020 2020 237020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-82643-9 IGI Global Roles and Responsibilities of Libraries in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy and Reducing Health Disparities 978-1-839-09341-8 978-1-839-09340-1 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09340-1 Emerald Group Publishing Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema 978-1-859-18471-4 978-1-908-63406-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-908-63406-1 Project MUSE Rollerball (9781911325666) 978-1-911-32566-6 978-1-800-34720-5 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34720-5 Liverpool University Press Romain Gary: The Man Who Sold His Shadow 978-0-812-23646-0 978-0-812-20320-2 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20320-2 Project MUSE Roman Baths and Macellum at Wroxeter: Excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-85 (9781848022003) 978-1-848-02200-3 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02200-3 Liverpool University Press Roman de Thèbes and The Roman d'Eneas (9781800348615) 978-1-800-34861-5 978-1-800-85881-7 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85881-7 Liverpool University Press Roman et théâtre au XVIII siècle: le dialogue des genres (9780729410434) 978-0-729-41043-4 978-1-786-94329-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94329-3 Liverpool University Press Roman Fort of Vindolanda: at Chesterholm, Northumberland (9781848022171) 978-1-848-02217-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-848-02217-1 Liverpool University Press Roman Holidays: American Writers and Artists in Nineteenth-Century Italy 978-1-587-29404-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29404-4 Project MUSE Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality 978-0-292-70242-4 978-0-292-79754-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79754-3 Project MUSE Romance and Rights: The Politics of Interracial Intimacy, 1945-1954 978-1-578-06705-3 978-1-604-73059-3 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73059-3 Project MUSE Romances of the White Man's Burden: Race, Empire, and the Plantation in American Literature, 1880-1936 978-0-826-51756-2 978-0-826-51758-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-51758-6 Project MUSE Romancing the Vote: Feminist Activism in American Fiction, 1870-1920 978-0-820-32858-4 978-0-820-34289-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34289-4 Project MUSE Romantic Hospitality and the Resistance to Accommodation 978-0-889-20517-8 978-1-554-58114-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58114-6 Project MUSE Romantic Interactions: Social Being and the Turns of Literary Action 978-0-801-89474-9 978-0-801-89998-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89998-0 Project MUSE Romantic Narrative: Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft 978-0-801-89721-4 978-0-801-89921-8 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89921-8 Project MUSE Romantic narratives in international politics (9781526100245) 978-0-719-09529-0 978-1-526-10024-5 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10024-5 Manchester University Press Romantic Poetry and the Fragmentary Imperative: Schlegel, Byron, Joyce, Blanchot 978-0-791-46457-1 978-0-791-48324-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48324-4 Project MUSE Romantic Revisions in Novels from the Americas 978-1-557-53641-9 978-1-612-49261-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49261-2 Project MUSE Romantic Science: The Literary Forms of Natural History 978-0-791-45701-6 978-0-791-48693-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48693-1 Project MUSE Romantic Sobriety: Sensation, Revolution, Commodification, History 978-1-421-40066-2 978-1-421-40411-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40411-0 Project MUSE Romantic Theory: Forms of Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era 978-0-801-88396-5 978-0-801-88946-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88946-2 Project MUSE Romantic Writing and the Empire of Signs: Periodical Culture and Post-Napoleonic Authorship 978-0-813-92874-6 978-0-813-92882-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-92882-1 Project MUSE Rome and the Barbarians, 100 B.C.-A.D. 400 978-0-801-89270-7 978-0-801-89922-5 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89922-5 Project MUSE Rome Reborn on Western Shores: Historical Imagination and the Creation of the American Republic 978-0-813-92833-3 978-0-813-92839-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-92839-5 Project MUSE RÖMPP Encyclopedia Natural Products (9783131843111) 978-3-131-17711-7 978-3-131-84311-1 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84311-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG RÖMPP Lexikon Lebensmittelchemie (9783131842923) 978-3-137-36602-7 978-3-131-84292-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84292-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rond de scheidslijn van landbouweconomie en landbouwpolitiek (9789086867332) 978-9-086-86123-1 978-9-086-86733-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86733-2 Wageningen Academic Publishers Röntgen Hund und Katze: Thorax und Abdomen (9783132425415) 978-3-132-42538-5 978-3-132-42541-5 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42541-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgenatlas der normalen Hand im Kindesalter (9783132409286) 978-3-137-66603-5 978-3-132-40928-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40928-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgendiagnostik in der Kleintierpraxis (9783132427914) 978-3-794-52812-7 978-3-132-42791-4 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42791-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgendiagnostik mit der Panoramaschichtaufnahme (9783131903327) 978-3-830-45034-4 978-3-131-90332-7 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90332-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgenmammographie (9783132409019) 978-3-131-31491-8 978-3-132-40901-9 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40901-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgennormalbefunde (9783131908346) 978-3-137-00904-7 978-3-131-90834-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90834-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgennormalbefunde (9783131955050) 978-3-137-00905-4 978-3-131-95505-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95505-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgennormalbefunde (9783132428300) 978-3-132-42828-7 978-3-132-42830-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42830-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Röntgenuntersuchung in der Tierarztpraxis (9783132405783) 978-3-830-41040-9 978-3-132-40578-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40578-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Room Between Us (9781800854857) 978-1-800-85485-7 978-1-800-85457-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85457-4 Liverpool University Press Roosevelt the Reformer: Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895 978-0-817-31361-6 978-0-817-38233-9 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38233-9 Project MUSE Rosalie Edge, Hawk of Mercy: The Activist Who Saved Nature from the Conservationists 978-0-820-33341-0 978-0-820-33896-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-33896-5 Project MUSE Rosamond Lehmann (9780746310700) 978-0-746-31070-0 978-1-786-94597-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94597-6 Liverpool University Press Rosary, the Republic and the Right: Spain and the Vatican Hierarchy, 1931-1939 (9781845196141) 978-1-845-19614-1 978-1-782-84171-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84171-5 Liverpool University Press Rosazea (9783131858511) 978-3-131-32741-3 978-3-131-85851-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-85851-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Roses and Revolutions: The Selected Writings of Dudley Randall 978-0-814-33445-4 978-0-814-33530-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33530-7 Project MUSE Rotary Wing Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity, 2e (9781600862373) 978-1-563-47698-3 978-1-600-86237-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86237-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Rotator Cuff Deficiency of the Shoulder (9781588906359) 978-1-588-90506-2 978-1-588-90635-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90635-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rough Beasts: The Monstrous in Irish Fiction, 1800-2000 (9781789620344) 978-1-789-62034-4 978-1-789-62452-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62452-6 Liverpool University Press Rough Computing: Theories, Technologies and Applications 978-1-599-04554-2 2008 872 2008 872 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04554-2 IGI Global Rough Living 978-1-863-65425-8 2010 UTS-026 2010 UTS-026 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-863-65425-8 University of Technology Sydney ePress Rough Writing: Ethnic Authorship in Theodore Roosevelt's America 978-0-814-78290-3 978-0-814-78336-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78336-8 Project MUSE Rousseau et le matérialisme (9781789622027) 978-1-789-62202-7 978-1-800-34570-6 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34570-6 Liverpool University Press Rousseau et les philosophes (9780729410045) 978-0-729-41004-5 978-1-786-94330-9 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94330-9 Liverpool University Press Rousseau on Stage: Playwright, Musician, Spectator (9780729411998) 978-0-729-41199-8 978-1-800-85892-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85892-3 Liverpool University Press Routes and Roots 978-0-824-83122-6 978-0-824-86418-7 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86418-7 Project MUSE Routes of Passage: Essays on the Fiction of Vladimir Makanin 978-0-893-57344-7 978-0-893-57844-2 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-893-57844-2 Project MUSE Routine Dynamics in Action: Replication and Transformation 978-1-787-56586-9 978-1-787-56585-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56585-2 Emerald Group Publishing Routing Protocols and Architectural Solutions for Optimal Wireless Networks and Security 978-1-522-52343-7 2017 173688 2017 173688 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52343-7 IGI Global Rows of Chester: The Chester Rows research project (9781850746294) 978-1-850-74629-4 978-1-848-02203-4 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02203-4 Liverpool University Press Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1968 1968 1968 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1968&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1969 1969 1969 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1969&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1970 1970 1970 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1970&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1971 1971 1971 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1971&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1972 1972 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1972&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1973 1973 1973 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1973&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1974 1974 1974 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1974&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1975 1975 1975 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1975&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1976 1976 1976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1976&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1977 1977 1977 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1977&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1978 1978 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1978&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1979 1979 1979 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1979&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1980 1980 1980 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1980&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1981 1981 1981 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1981&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1982 1982 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1982&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1983 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1983&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1984 1984 1984 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1984&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1985 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1985&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1986 1986 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1986&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1987 1987 1987 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1987&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1988 1988 1988 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1988&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1989 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1989&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1990 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1990&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1991 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1991&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1992 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1992&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1993 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1993&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1994 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1994&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1995 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1995&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1996 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1996&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1997 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1997&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1998 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1998&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 1999 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+1999&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2000 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2000&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2001 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2001&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2002 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2002&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2003 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2003&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2004 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2004&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2005 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2005&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2006 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2006&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2007 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2007&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2008 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2008&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2009 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2009&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2010 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2010&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2011 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2011&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2012 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2012&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2013 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2013&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2014 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2014&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2015 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2015&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2016 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2016&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2017 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2017&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2018 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2018&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2019 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2019&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2020 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2020&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2021 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2021&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Books 2022 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?title=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry+Books+2022&pub=Royal+Society+of+Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Royal tourists, colonial subjects and the making of a British world, 1860–1911 (9781526123848) 978-1-526-12384-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12384-8 Manchester University Press Royalty and Politics: The Story of My Life 978-9-956-55831-5 978-9-956-71605-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-71605-0 Project MUSE Ruan Yuan, 1764-1849: The Life and Work of a Major Scholar-Official in Nineteenth-Century China before the Opium War 978-9-622-09785-8 978-9-882-20368-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20368-6 Project MUSE Rücken Qi Gong (9783131958419) 978-3-132-00311-8 978-3-131-95841-9 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95841-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rückenschule für das zahnärztliche Team (9783131903730) 978-3-131-19423-7 978-3-131-90373-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90373-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rude & Barbarous Kingdom Revisited: Essays in Russian History and Culture in Honor of Robert O. Crummey 978-0-893-57359-1 978-0-893-57859-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-893-57859-6 Project MUSE Rude and Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers 978-0-299-04760-3 978-0-299-04763-4 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-04763-4 Project MUSE Rudyard Kipling: Life, Love, and Art 978-0-944-31854-6 978-0-944-31855-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31855-3 Project MUSE Rudyard Kipling's Uncollected Speeches: A Second Book of Words 978-0-944-31824-9 978-0-944-31827-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-944-31827-0 Project MUSE Ruins of Identity paper 978-0-824-81930-9 978-0-824-86419-4 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86419-4 Project MUSE Ruins of the Past: The Use and Perception of Abandoned Structures in the Maya Lowlands 978-0-870-81888-2 978-1-607-32003-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-607-32003-6 Project MUSE Ruins Past: Modernity in Italy, 1744-1836 (9780729411714) 978-0-729-41171-4 978-1-789-62715-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62715-2 Liverpool University Press Rule of Law, Human Rights and Judicial Control of Power (978-3-319-55186-9) 978-3-319-55184-5 978-3-319-55186-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-55186-9 Springer Science+Business Media Ruling Passions: Political Economy in Nineteenth-Century America 978-0-271-02897-2 978-0-271-05299-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-271-05299-1 Project MUSE Ruling Peacefully: Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and Patrician Reform in Sixteenth-Century Italy 978-0-813-21478-8 978-0-813-21633-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21633-1 Project MUSE Rum Punch and Revolution: Taverngoing and Public Life in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia 978-0-812-21664-6 978-0-812-20428-5 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20428-5 Project MUSE Ruminant formula for the future: nutrition or pathology: Elevating performance and health (9789086866823) 978-9-086-86105-7 978-9-086-86682-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86682-3 Wageningen Academic Publishers Ruminant physiology: Digestion, metabolism and effects of nutrition on reproduction and welfare (9789086866830) 978-9-086-86119-4 978-9-086-86683-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86683-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Ruminant physiology: Digestion, metabolism and impact of nutrition on gene expression, immunology and stress (9789086865666) 978-9-076-99864-0 978-9-086-86566-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86566-6 Wageningen Academic Publishers Rumor, Diplomacy and War in Enlightenment Paris (9780729411424) 978-0-729-41142-4 978-1-789-62701-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62701-5 Liverpool University Press Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: The Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery 978-0-820-32104-2 978-0-820-34080-7 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-34080-7 Project MUSE Running, Identity and Meaning 978-1-800-43367-0 978-1-800-43366-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43366-3 Emerald Group Publishing Ruptura: The Impact of Nationalism and Extremism on Daily Life in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) (9781789760156) 978-1-789-76015-6 978-1-782-84670-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84670-3 Liverpool University Press Rural Athens Under the Democracy 978-0-812-23774-0 978-0-812-20237-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20237-3 Project MUSE Rural Community Libraries in Africa: Challenges and Impacts 978-1-466-65044-2 2014 84173 2014 84173 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-65044-2 IGI Global Rural development: Knowledge and expertise in governance (9789086868124) 978-9-086-86256-6 978-9-086-86812-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86812-4 Wageningen Academic Publishers Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Era 978-1-799-84942-1 2021 244625 2021 244625 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-84942-1 IGI Global Rural protest groups and populist political parties (9789086868070) 978-9-086-86259-7 978-9-086-86807-0 2015 2015 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Louis 978-0-268-03381-1 978-0-268-08568-1 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-268-08568-1 Project MUSE Saint-Aubin 'Livre De Caricatures': Drawing satire in eighteenth-century Paris (9780729410441) 978-0-729-41044-1 978-1-786-94337-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94337-8 Liverpool University Press Saints and Cities in Medieval Italy 978-1-526-11274-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-11274-3 Manchester University Press Sales and Distribution Management for Organizational Growth 978-1-522-59983-8 2020 225469 2020 225469 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59983-8 IGI Global Sales Management for Improved Organizational Competitiveness and Performance 978-1-668-43432-1 2022 284058 2022 284058 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-43432-1 IGI Global Salivary Gland Diseases (9781604065374) 978-1-588-90414-0 978-1-604-06537-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06537-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Salivary Gland Disorders and Diseases: Diagnosis and Management (9783131640819) 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and Theatricality in the French Revolution (9780729411875) 978-0-729-41187-5 978-1-800-34374-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34374-0 Liverpool University Press Satiric Advice on Women and Marriage: From Plautus to Chaucer 978-0-472-11426-9 978-0-472-02629-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02629-6 Project MUSE Saudi Arabia and Iran : friends or foes (978-1-137-58939-2) 978-1-349-99536-3 978-1-137-58939-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-58939-2 Springer Science+Business Media Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Friends and Enemies: Borders, Tribes and a History Shared (9781789761511) 978-1-789-76151-1 978-1-782-84766-3 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84766-3 Liverpool University Press Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (9781526148506) 978-1-526-14849-0 978-1-526-14850-6 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-14850-6 Manchester University Press Sa'udi Policies towards Migrants and Refugees: A Sacred Duty (9781789761443) 978-1-789-76144-3 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93383-2 Project MUSE Scars to Prove It: The Civil War Soldier and American Fiction 978-1-606-35015-7 978-1-612-77561-6 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-77561-6 Project MUSE Scepticism and belief in English witchcraft drama, 1538–1681 (9789198376876) 978-9-198-37686-9 978-9-198-37687-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-198-37687-6 Manchester University Press Schall on Chesterton: Timely Essays on Timeless Paradoxes 978-0-813-20963-0 978-0-813-21823-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21823-6 Project MUSE Schizophrenie (9783131894212) 978-3-131-28251-4 978-3-131-89421-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-89421-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Schizophrenie - zwei Seiten einer Krankheit (9783131895011) 978-3-131-33011-6 978-3-131-89501-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-89501-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Schlaganfall (9783131884916) 978-3-131-36291-9 978-3-131-88491-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88491-6 Georg Thieme 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978-0-812-24454-0 978-0-812-20738-5 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20738-5 Project MUSE Shakespeare's storms 978-1-526-11185-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-11185-2 Manchester University Press Shakin' Up Race and Gender: Intercultural Connections in Puerto Rican, African American, and Chicano Narratives and Culture (19651995) 978-0-292-70693-4 978-0-292-79680-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79680-5 Project MUSE Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche 978-0-292-71658-2 978-0-292-79526-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79526-6 Project MUSE Shanghai Bride: Her Tumultuous Life's Journey to the West 978-9-622-09714-8 978-9-882-20274-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20274-0 Project MUSE Shanghai, Past and Present: A Concise Socio-Economic History, 1842-2012 (9781845196318) 978-1-845-19631-8 978-1-782-84139-5 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84139-5 Liverpool University Press Shantytown Protest 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13949-9 Project MUSE Shared Services as a New Organizational Form Volume 13 978-1-783-50535-7 978-1-783-50536-4 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-783-50536-4 Emerald Group Publishing Sharing Economy and the Impact of Collaborative Consumption 978-1-522-59930-2 2020 225097 2020 225097 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-59930-2 IGI Global Sharing in the Company Volume 17 978-1-785-60966-4 978-1-785-60965-7 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60965-7 Emerald Group Publishing Sharing Ownership, Profits, and Decision-Making in the 21st Century Volume 14 978-1-781-90750-4 978-1-781-90751-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-781-90751-1 Emerald Group Publishing Shashi Deshpande (9780746311356) 978-0-746-31135-6 978-1-837-64965-5 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64965-5 Liverpool University Press Shattered Vessels: Memory, Identity, and Creation in the Work of David Shahar 978-0-791-45919-5 978-0-791-48600-9 2004 2004 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02206-5 Liverpool University Press Ships of the Port of London: Twelfth to seventeenth centuries AD (9781850745136) 978-1-850-74513-6 978-1-848-02207-2 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-848-02207-2 Liverpool University Press Shiraz in the Age of Hafez: The Glory of a Medieval Persian City 978-0-295-98391-2 978-0-295-80288-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80288-6 Project MUSE Shirley Jackson's American Gothic 978-0-791-45607-1 978-0-791-48742-6 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48742-6 Project MUSE Shivers (9781911325970) 978-1-911-32597-0 978-1-800-34749-6 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34749-6 Liverpool University Press Shock and Awe: American Exceptionalism and the Imperatives of the Spectacle in Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 978-1-611-68461-2 978-1-611-68463-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-68463-6 Project MUSE Shock Waves, Explosions, and Detonations (9781600865602) 978-0-915-92876-7 978-1-600-86560-2 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86560-2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Shonishin: Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture (9783131626110) 978-3-131-50061-8 978-3-131-62611-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-62611-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing Volume 11 978-1-784-41001-8 978-1-784-41000-1 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41000-1 Emerald Group Publishing Shorter Views: Queer Thoughts & the Politics of the Paraliterary 978-0-819-56368-2 978-0-819-57197-7 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-57197-7 Project MUSE Shoulder and Elbow Trauma (9781588905963) 978-1-588-90219-1 978-1-588-90596-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90596-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Shoulder Fractures (9781604065398) 978-1-588-90310-5 978-1-604-06539-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06539-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Shoulder Rehabilitation (9781604065022) 978-1-588-90370-9 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978-0-812-21449-9 978-0-812-20027-0 1995 1995 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20027-0 Project MUSE Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England 978-0-812-23773-3 978-0-812-20219-9 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20219-9 Project MUSE Sidney and His Circle (9780746311974) 978-0-746-31197-4 978-1-786-94636-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94636-2 Liverpool University Press Sidney's Poetics: Imitating Creation 978-0-813-21388-0 978-0-813-21621-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21621-8 Project MUSE Siegenthalers Differenzialdiagnose (9783131832207) 978-3-133-44820-8 978-3-131-83220-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-83220-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Siegenthalers Differenzialdiagnose (9783131876898) 978-3-133-44819-2 978-3-131-87689-8 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-87689-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Signal Processing, Perceptual Coding and Watermarking of Digital Audio: Advanced Technologies and Models 978-1-615-20926-2 2012 49587 2012 49587 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-615-20926-2 IGI Global Significant Other: Staging the American in China 978-0-824-82653-6 978-0-824-86431-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86431-6 Project MUSE Signifying Bodies: Disability in Contemporary Life Writing 978-0-472-05069-7 978-0-472-02659-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02659-3 Project MUSE Signs of Resistance: American Deaf Cultural History, 1900 to World War II 978-0-814-79894-2 978-0-814-78998-8 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78998-8 Project MUSE Signs of Science: Literature, Science, and Spanish Modernity since 1868 978-1-557-53221-3 978-1-612-49085-4 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49085-4 Project MUSE Signs that Markets are Coming Back Volume 30 978-1-783-50931-7 978-1-783-50918-8 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-783-50918-8 Emerald Group Publishing Sigurd and His Brave Companions: A Tale of Medieval Norway 978-0-816-67826-6 978-0-816-68475-5 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-816-68475-5 Project MUSE Silage production and utilisation (9789086865536) 978-9-076-99875-6 978-9-086-86553-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86553-6 Wageningen Academic Publishers Silence and the Rest: Verbal Skepticism in Russian Poetry 978-0-810-12920-7 978-0-810-16720-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16720-9 Project MUSE Silence Is Death: The Life and Work of Tahar Djaout 978-0-803-20595-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20595-6 Project MUSE Silent Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics--A Collection of Written Interviews 978-0-819-55276-1 978-0-819-57192-2 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-57192-2 Project MUSE Silesia and Central European Nationalisms: The Emergence of National and Ethnic Groups in Silesia 978-1-557-53371-5 978-1-612-49053-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49053-3 Project MUSE Silicon Valley North Volume 9 978-0-080-44457-4 978-1-849-50819-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50819-3 Emerald Group Publishing Silk and empire (9781526118110) 978-1-526-11811-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11811-0 Manchester University Press Simplifying the Complex 978-1-838-67972-9 978-1-838-67969-9 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67969-9 Emerald Group Publishing Simulating an Ageing Population: A Microsimulation Approach Applied to Sweden Volume 285 978-0-444-53253-4 978-1-849-50536-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50536-9 Emerald Group Publishing Simulating, Analyzing, and Animating Dynamical Systems (978-0-89871-819-5) 978-0-898-71506-4 978-0-898-71819-5 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71819-5 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Simulation and Game-Based Learning for the Health Professions 978-1-799-84379-5 2022 244437 2022 244437 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-84379-5 IGI Global Simulation and Game-Based Learning in Emergency and Disaster Management 978-1-799-84087-9 2021 244340 2021 244340 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-84087-9 IGI Global Simulation and Gaming for Mathematical Education: Epistemology and Teaching Strategies 978-1-605-66931-1 2011 37295 2011 37295 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66931-1 IGI Global Simulation and Modeling: Current Technologies and Applications 978-1-599-04200-8 2008 902 2008 902 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04200-8 IGI Global Simulation in Computational Finance and Economics: Tools and Emerging Applications 978-1-466-62012-4 2013 64901 2013 64901 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62012-4 IGI Global Simulation in Computer Network Design and Modeling: Use and Analysis 978-1-466-60192-5 2012 58282 2012 58282 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60192-5 IGI Global Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods 978-1-466-62105-3 2013 66380 2013 66380 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-62105-3 IGI Global Sinc Methods for Quadrature and Differential Equations (978-1-61197-163-7) 978-0-898-71298-8 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978-0-820-70373-2 978-0-820-70515-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-70515-6 Project MUSE Single Stage to Orbit: Politics, Space Technology, and the Quest for Reusable Rocketry 978-0-801-87338-6 978-0-801-88134-3 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88134-3 Project MUSE Single women, land and livelihood vulnerability in a communal area in Zimbabwe (9789086867004) 978-9-086-86146-0 978-9-086-86700-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86700-4 Wageningen Academic Publishers Singular Perturbations and Hysteresis (978-0-89871-786-0) 978-0-898-71597-2 978-0-898-71786-0 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71786-0 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Singularities in Geometry and Topology 978-3-037-19118-7 978-3-037-19618-2 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19618-2 European Mathematical Society Sinister histories (9781784997540) 978-1-784-99754-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99754-0 Manchester University Press Sinus Surgery (9781588905840) 978-0-865-77972-3 978-1-588-90584-0 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-588-90584-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Close Verse Translation 978-1-933-20289-1 978-1-935-97863-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-935-97863-3 Project MUSE Sir Samuel Hood and the Battle of the Chesapeake 978-0-813-03313-6 978-0-813-04589-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04589-4 Project MUSE Sir Walter Scott (9780746311295) 978-0-746-31129-5 978-1-802-07666-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-802-07666-0 Liverpool University Press Sista, Speak!: Black Women Kinfolk Talk about Language and Literacy 978-0-292-74728-9 978-0-292-79838-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79838-0 Project MUSE Sister in Sorrow: Life Histories of Female Holocaust Survivors from Hungary 978-0-814-33129-3 978-0-814-33888-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33888-9 Project MUSE Sister Nations: Native American Women Writers on Community 978-0-873-51428-6 978-0-873-51697-6 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-873-51697-6 Project MUSE Sister States, Enemy States: The Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee 978-0-813-12541-1 978-0-813-17337-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-17337-5 Project MUSE Sites of imperial memory (9781526111890) 978-1-526-11189-0 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-11189-0 Manchester University Press Sites of Insight: Colorado Sacred Places 978-0-870-81744-1 978-0-870-81799-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-81799-1 Project MUSE Sites of the Spectator: Emerging Literary and Cultural Practice in eighteenth-century France (9780729407724) 978-0-729-40772-4 978-1-800-34360-3 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34360-3 Liverpool University Press Sites Unseen: Architecture, Race, and American Literature 978-0-814-73246-5 978-0-814-73327-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-73327-1 Project MUSE Sitting in Darkness: New South Fiction, Education, and the Rise of Jim Crow Colonialism, 1865-1920 978-1-934-11039-3 978-1-604-73311-2 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73311-2 Project MUSE Situated Testimonies: Dread and Enchantment in an Indonesian Literary Archive 978-0-824-83683-2 978-0-824-83911-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-83911-6 Project MUSE Situational Awareness in Computer Network Defense: Principles, Methods and Applications 978-1-466-60105-5 2012 56025 2012 56025 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60105-5 IGI Global Six Acres and a Third: The Classic Nineteenth-Century Novel about Colonial India 978-0-520-22883-2 978-0-520-93585-3 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-93585-3 Project MUSE Six Legs Better: A Cultural History of Myrmecology 978-0-801-88445-0 978-0-801-89214-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89214-1 Project MUSE Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-57281-7 2019 205244 2019 205244 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57281-7 IGI 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B. Yeats's Annotations at the National Library of Ireland: vol. 1: Reading Notes (9781638040002) 978-1-638-04000-2 978-1-638-04001-9 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-638-04001-9 Liverpool University Press Something that I read in a book: W. B. 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Inventions, and Discoveries (9781624101991) 978-1-624-10198-4 978-1-624-10199-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-624-10199-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Operations: Mission Management, Technologies, and Current Applications (9781600866890) 978-1-563-47919-9 978-1-600-86689-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86689-0 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Plug-and-Play Architecture Guide: System Capabilities (AIAA G-133-10-2013) (9781624102387) 978-1-624-10238-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10238-7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Plug-and-Play Architecture: Networking (AIAA S-133-2-2013) (9781624102301) 978-1-624-10230-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10230-1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Plug-and-Play Architecture Standard: 28V Power Service (AIAA S-133-5-2013) (9781624102332) 978-1-624-10233-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10233-2 American 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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Revised First Edition 978-1-624-10380-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-624-10380-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Second Edition 978-1-600-86011-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86011-9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space-Based Manufacturing from Nonterrestrial Materials (9781600865312) 978-0-915-92821-7 978-1-600-86531-2 1977 1977 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86531-2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space-Based Technologies and Commercialized Development: Economic Implications and Benefits 978-1-609-60107-2 2011 45612 2011 45612 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60107-2 IGI Global Spacecraft Charging (9781600868375) 978-1-600-86836-8 978-1-600-86837-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86837-5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spacecraft Charging by Magnetospheric Plasmas (9781600865213) 978-0-915-92811-8 978-1-600-86521-3 1976 1976 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86521-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spacecraft Contamination: Sources and Prevention (9781600865640) 978-0-915-92885-9 978-1-600-86564-0 1984 1984 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86564-0 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spacecraft Dielectric Material Properties and Spacecraft Charging (9781600865817) 978-0-930-40317-1 978-1-600-86581-7 1986 1986 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86581-7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spacecraft Radiative Transfer and Temperature Control (9781600865572) 978-0-915-92867-5 978-1-600-86557-2 1982 1982 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86557-2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spacecraft Thermal Control, Design, and Operation (9781600865596) 978-0-915-92875-0 978-1-600-86559-6 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86559-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Spaces of the Mind: Narrative and Community in the American West 978-0-803-20425-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20425-6 Project MUSE Spagyrik (9783132420557) 978-3-132-41945-2 978-3-132-42055-7 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42055-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Spain 1936: Year Zero (9781845198923) 978-1-845-19892-3 978-1-782-84504-1 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84504-1 Liverpool University Press Spain Bleeds: The Development of Battlefield Blood Transfusion During the Civil War (9781845197179) 978-1-845-19717-9 978-1-782-84252-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84252-1 Liverpool University Press Spanisch für Mediziner (9783131919229) 978-3-131-29912-3 978-3-131-91922-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-91922-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Spanish Enlightenment Revisited (9780729411608) 978-0-729-41160-8 978-1-800-34371-9 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34371-9 Liverpool University Press Spanish Experience in Taiwan, 1626-1642, The: The Baroque Ending of a Renaissance Endeavour 978-9-622-09083-5 978-9-882-20568-0 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20568-0 Project MUSE Spanish Humanism on the Verge of the Picaresque: Juan Maldonado's Ludus Chartarum Pastor Bonus and Bacchanalia 978-9-058-67708-2 978-9-461-66053-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-461-66053-4 Project MUSE Spanish Peru, 1532-1560: A Social History 978-0-299-14164-6 978-0-299-14163-9 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-14163-9 Project MUSE Spanish Screen Fiction: Between Cinema and Television (9781846312014) 978-1-846-31201-4 978-1-800-85501-4 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85501-4 Liverpool University Press Spanning Boundaries and Disciplines: University Technology Commercialization in the Idea Age Volume 21 978-0-857-24199-3 978-0-857-24200-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-857-24200-6 Emerald Group Publishing Sparse Polynomial Approximation of High-Dimensional Functions (978-1-61197-688-5) 978-1-611-97687-8 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-624-10206-6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Special Relationship: The United States and Military Government in Thailand, 19471958 978-0-824-81818-0 978-0-824-86441-5 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86441-5 Project MUSE Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care Volume 34 978-1-786-35468-6 978-1-786-35467-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35467-9 Emerald Group Publishing Species composition and distribution of the dipterans (Insecta: Diptera) in Bulgaria 978-6-192-48051-6 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-6-192-48051-6 Pensoft Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems 978-1-787-56692-7 978-1-787-56691-0 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-56691-0 Emerald Group Publishing SPECT and SPECT/CT (9781626233393) 978-1-626-23151-1 978-1-626-23339-3 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23339-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Spectacles and the Victorians (9781526161376) 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Thomas Fortune, the Afro-American Agitator: A Collection of Writings, 1880-1928 978-0-813-03232-0 978-0-813-04594-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04594-8 Project MUSE Tableau d'avancement: Petite ethnographie interprétative d'un certain Canada français 978-2-760-30674-5 978-2-760-31767-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-31767-3 Project MUSE Tables of composition and nutritional value of feed materials: Pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, horses and fish (9789086866687) 978-9-076-99841-1 978-9-086-86668-7 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86668-7 Wageningen Academic Publishers Tablets in K-12 Education: Integrated Experiences and Implications 978-1-466-66301-5 2015 104645 2015 104645 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-66301-5 IGI Global Taboo Pushkin: Topics, Texts, Interpretations 978-0-299-28704-7 978-0-299-28703-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-28703-0 Project MUSE Tabula Picta: Painting and Writing in Medieval Law 978-0-812-24186-0 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Mathematics The Clerical Dilemma: Peter of Blois and literate culture in the twelfth century 978-0-813-21676-8 978-0-813-21782-6 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21782-6 Project MUSE The Closed Hand: Images of the Japanese in Modern Peruvian Literature 978-1-557-53607-5 978-1-612-49213-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49213-1 Project MUSE The Closing of the Frontier: A History of the Marine Fisheries of Southeast Asia, c.1850-2000 978-9-812-30223-6 978-9-812-30540-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-812-30540-4 Project MUSE The Cockfight: A Casebook 978-0-299-14054-0 978-0-299-14053-3 1994 1994 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-14053-3 Project MUSE The Code Decoded 978-9-546-42964-3 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-546-42964-3 Pensoft The Coercive Community College: Bullying and its Costly Impact on the Mission to Serve Underrepresented Populations Volume 18 978-1-786-35598-0 978-1-786-35597-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35597-3 Emerald Group 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Gavin to his Daughter Barbara 978-0-823-22687-0 978-0-823-24691-5 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24691-5 Project MUSE The General Dynamics Case Study on the F-16 Fly-By-Wire Flight Control System (9781600867873) 978-1-563-47307-4 978-1-600-86787-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-600-86787-3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The Generation, Recognition and Legitimation of Novelty 978-1-801-17998-0 978-1-801-17997-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-801-17997-3 Emerald Group Publishing The Genesis of East Asia, 221 B.C.-A.D. 907 978-0-824-82415-0 978-0-824-86475-0 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86475-0 Project MUSE The Genius of Democracy: Fictions of Gender and Citizenship in the United States, 1860-1945 978-0-812-24324-6 978-0-812-20497-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20497-1 Project MUSE The gentlewoman's remembrance (9781526100900) 978-1-784-99143-2 978-1-526-10090-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10090-0 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Resource Practices: Institutional and Cultural Limits Volume 21 978-0-762-31401-0 978-1-849-50526-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50526-0 Emerald Group Publishing The Global History of Portugal: From Pre-History to the Modern World (9781789761030) 978-1-789-76103-0 978-1-782-84742-7 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84742-7 Liverpool University Press The Global Mindset Volume 19 978-0-762-31402-7 978-1-849-50479-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50479-9 Emerald Group Publishing The Global Private Health & Fitness Business: A Marketing Perspective 978-1-800-43851-4 978-1-800-43850-7 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-43850-7 Emerald Group Publishing The Globalization of Foreign Investment in Africa: The Role of Europe, China, and India 978-1-787-43358-8 978-1-787-43357-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-43357-1 Emerald Group Publishing The Globalization of Strategy Research Volume 27 978-1-849-50898-8 978-1-849-50899-5 2010 2010 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Hasheesh Eater: Being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean 978-0-813-53868-6 978-0-813-54114-3 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-54114-3 Project MUSE The Hasidic Tale (9781906764418) 978-1-906-76441-8 978-1-909-82109-5 2008 84 2008 84 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82109-5 Liverpool University Press The Healthy Workforce 978-1-838-67502-8 978-1-838-67499-1 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67499-1 Emerald Group Publishing The heat of Beowulf (9781526150592) 978-1-526-15058-5 978-1-526-15059-2 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15059-2 Manchester University Press The Hebrew Folktale: History, Genre, Meaning 978-0-253-33583-8 978-0-253-00262-4 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-00262-4 Project MUSE The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness 978-0-472-03067-5 978-0-472-02512-1 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02512-1 Project MUSE The Hemingway Short Story: A Study in Craft for Writers and Readers 978-0-807-14742-9 978-0-807-14743-6 2013 2013 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Medium: Designing Effective  Computer-Based Educational Learning Environments 978-1-591-40111-7 2003 998 2003 998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40111-7 IGI Global The Korean War in World History 978-0-813-12306-6 978-0-813-12665-4 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-12665-4 Project MUSE The labour movement in Lebanon (9781526159441) 978-1-526-15943-4 978-1-526-15944-1 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-15944-1 Manchester University Press The Labour Party under Ed Miliband (9781784997618) 978-0-719-09070-7 978-1-784-99761-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99761-8 Manchester University Press The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890 978-0-803-22042-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22042-3 Project MUSE The Lamp of Experience 978-0-865-97159-2 978-1-614-87789-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-614-87789-9 Project MUSE The Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Algorithms (978-0-89871-814-0) 978-0-898-71616-0 978-0-898-71814-0 2006 2006 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Said 978-0-252-03388-9 978-0-252-09245-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-252-09245-9 Project MUSE The Legacy of Robert Penn Warren 978-0-807-12592-2 978-0-807-15545-5 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-807-15545-5 Project MUSE The Liberal Democrats (9781526127822) 978-1-526-12781-5 978-1-526-12782-2 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12782-2 Manchester University Press The Lie Theory of Connected Pro-Lie Groups 978-3-037-19032-6 978-3-037-19532-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19532-1 European Mathematical Society The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire, and Catalina de Erauso 978-0-292-78745-2 978-0-292-79890-8 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79890-8 Project MUSE The Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb: An American Slave 978-0-299-16894-0 978-0-299-16893-3 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-16893-3 Project MUSE The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani: Sexual identity, science and sensationalism in Eighteenth-Century Italy and England (9781789622218) 978-1-789-62221-8 978-1-800-85776-6 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85776-6 Liverpool University Press The Life and Letters of Annie Leake Tuttle: Working for the Best 978-0-889-20330-3 978-0-889-20559-8 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-889-20559-8 Project MUSE The Life and Letters of Kate Gleason 978-1-933-36047-8 978-1-933-36071-3 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-933-36071-3 Project MUSE The Life and Times of Richard J. Hughes: The Politics of Civility 978-0-813-54641-4 978-0-813-54828-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-54828-9 Project MUSE The Life and Wars of Gideon J. Pillow 978-1-572-33755-8 978-1-572-33791-6 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-572-33791-6 Project MUSE The Life and Writings of Julio C. Tello: America's First Indigenous Archaeologist 978-1-587-29783-0 978-1-587-29833-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29833-2 Project MUSE The Life of a Balinese Temple: Artistry, Imagination, and History in a Peasant Village 978-0-824-82533-1 978-0-824-86481-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86481-1 Project MUSE The Life of a Russian Woman Doctor: A Siberian Memoir, 1869-1954 978-0-253-34460-1 978-0-253-11117-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11117-3 Project MUSE The Life of Blessed Bernard of Tiron 978-0-813-21681-2 978-0-813-21781-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21781-9 Project MUSE The Life of Elaine Goodale Eastman 978-0-803-20524-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20524-6 Project MUSE The Life of George Washington 978-0-865-97277-3 978-1-614-87830-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-614-87830-8 Project MUSE The Life of Jews in Poland before the Holocaust: A Memoir 978-0-803-20564-2 2007 2007 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Winter 978-1-578-06914-9 978-1-604-73141-5 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73141-5 Project MUSE The Medieval French Pastourelle Tradition: Poetic Motivations and Generic Transformations 978-0-813-03336-5 978-0-813-04801-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-04801-7 Project MUSE The Medieval Internet: Power, Politics and Participation in the Digital Age 978-1-839-09413-2 978-1-839-09412-5 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-09412-5 Emerald Group Publishing The Medieval Mystical Tradition In England (9780859891837) 978-0-859-89183-7 978-1-800-34389-4 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34389-4 Liverpool University Press The medium of Leonora Carrington (9781526161246) 978-1-526-16123-9 978-1-526-16124-6 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-16124-6 Manchester University Press The Melancholy Assemblage: Affect and Epistemology in the English Renaissance 978-0-823-25127-8 978-0-823-25129-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-25129-2 Project MUSE The Mellah of Marrakesh: Jewish and Muslim Space in Morocco's Red City 978-0-253-34791-6 978-0-253-11217-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-253-11217-0 Project MUSE The Memoir and the Memoirist: Reading and Writing Personal Narrative 978-0-804-01101-3 978-0-804-04029-7 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-804-04029-7 Project MUSE The Mental Health Effects of Informal Caregiving: Emerging Research and Opportunities 978-1-522-57453-8 2019 207256 2019 207256 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57453-8 IGI Global The Merchant Houses of Mocha: Trade and Architecture in an Indian Ocean Port 978-0-295-98911-2 978-0-295-80023-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80023-3 Project MUSE The Merchant of Venice (9780746310748) 978-0-746-31074-8 978-1-837-64943-3 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-837-64943-3 Liverpool University Press The Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles (978-1-61197-324-2) 978-1-611-97323-5 978-1-611-97324-2 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97324-2 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics The Mexican War Diary and Correspondence of George B. 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Project MUSE The Monarchia Controversy: an historical study with accompanying translations of Dante Alighieri's Monarchia, Guido Vernani's Refutation of the Monarchia composed by Dante and Pope John XXII's bull, Si fratrum 978-0-813-21338-5 978-0-813-21592-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21592-1 Project MUSE The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration 978-1-566-39774-2 978-1-439-90393-3 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90393-3 Project MUSE The Moneylenders of Late Medieval Kyoto 978-0-824-81929-3 978-0-824-86488-0 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86488-0 Project MUSE The Monge-Ampère Equation and Its Applications 978-3-037-19170-5 978-3-037-19670-0 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19670-0 European Mathematical Society The Monkey and the Wrench: Essays into Contemporary Poetics 978-1-931-96891-1 978-1-935-60351-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-935-60351-1 Project MUSE The Morality of Weapons Design and Development: Emerging 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Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk 978-1-587-29781-6 978-1-587-29850-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29850-9 Project MUSE The mycotoxin factbook: Food & feed topics (9789086865871) 978-9-086-86006-7 978-9-086-86587-1 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86587-1 Wageningen Academic Publishers The Mystery of the Real: Letters of the Canadian Artist Alex Colville and Biographer Jeffrey Meyers (9781845198114) 978-1-845-19811-4 978-1-782-84684-0 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84684-0 Liverpool University Press The Mystical Origins of Hasidism (9781904113041) 978-1-904-11304-1 978-1-909-82130-9 2006 80 2006 80 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82130-9 Liverpool University Press The Myth of Ephraim Tutt: Arthur Train and His Great Literary Hoax 978-0-817-31787-4 978-0-817-38657-3 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38657-3 Project MUSE The Myth of the Addicted Army: Vietnam and the Modern War on Drugs 978-1-558-49704-7 978-1-613-76118-2 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1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20089-8 Project MUSE The Origins of Modern Polish Democracy 978-0-821-41892-5 978-0-821-44309-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-821-44309-5 Project MUSE The Origins of the Federal Republic: Jurisdictional Controversies in the United States, 1775-1787 978-0-812-21167-2 978-0-812-20038-6 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20038-6 Project MUSE The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 978-0-803-20392-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20392-1 Project MUSE The Origins of the Modern Jew: Jewish Identity and European Culture in Germany, 1749-1824 978-0-814-31470-8 978-0-814-33754-7 1972 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33754-7 Project MUSE The Orphan Tsunami of 1700: Japanese Clues to a Parent Earthquake in North America 978-0-295-98535-0 978-0-295-80237-4 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80237-4 Project MUSE The Orphans of Byzantium: child welfare in the Christian 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Plays: The Conquest of Granada, Part I and Part II. Marriage-à-la-Mode. The Assignation: Or, Love in a Nunnery 978-0-520-02125-9 978-0-520-90528-3 1978 1978 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90528-3 Project MUSE The Works of John Dryden, Volume XIII. Plays: All for Love, Oedipus, Troilus and Cressida 978-0-520-02127-3 978-0-520-90529-0 1985 1985 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90529-0 Project MUSE The Works of John Dryden, Volume XIV. Plays: The Kind Keeper. The Spanish Fryar. The Duke of Guise. The Vindication 978-0-520-07561-0 978-0-520-91163-5 1993 1993 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-91163-5 Project MUSE The Works of John Dryden, Volume XVII: Prose, 1668-1691: An essay of Dramatick Poesie and Shorter Works 978-0-520-01814-3 978-0-520-90519-1 1972 1972 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90519-1 Project MUSE The Works of John Dryden, Volume XVIII. Prose: The History of the League, 1684 978-0-520-02131-0 978-0-520-90531-3 1975 1975 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90531-3 Project MUSE The Works of John Dryden, Volume XX: Prose 1691-1698 De Arte Graphica and Shorter Works 978-0-520-02133-4 978-0-520-90533-7 1990 1990 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-90533-7 Project MUSE The World' and other unpublished works of Radclyffe Hall (9781784997663) 978-0-719-08828-5 978-1-784-99766-3 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99766-3 Manchester University Press The World and the Word: Tales and Observations from the Xhosa Oral Tradition 978-0-299-13310-8 978-0-299-13313-9 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-13313-9 Project MUSE The World Economic Forum and Transnational Networking 978-1-839-82459-3 978-1-839-82456-2 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-839-82456-2 Emerald Group Publishing The World Map, 1300-1492: The Persistence of Tradition and Transformation 978-0-801-88589-1 978-1-421-40430-1 2007 2007 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2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-898-71924-6 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Time Series Econometrics (978-3-319-32862-1) 978-3-319-32861-4 978-3-319-32862-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-32862-1 Springer Science+Business Media Time, Technology and Narrative Form in Contemporary US Television Drama (978-3-319-63118-9) 978-3-319-63117-2 978-3-319-63118-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-63118-9 Springer Science+Business Media Time Travel: A Writer's Guide to the Real Science of Plausible Time Travel 978-1-421-40082-2 978-1-421-40120-1 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40120-1 Project MUSE Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative 978-0-823-24996-1 978-0-823-25027-1 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-25027-1 Project MUSE Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Globalization in Southeast Asia over la Longue Duree 978-9-812-30375-2 978-9-812-30648-7 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-812-30648-7 Project MUSE Time's Visible Surface: Alois Riegl and the Discourse on History and Temporality in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna 978-0-814-33208-5 978-0-814-33746-2 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-33746-2 Project MUSE Tinnitus (9783131863614) 978-3-131-47801-6 978-3-131-86361-4 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86361-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tinnitus (9783132066328) 978-3-131-47802-3 978-3-132-06632-8 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-06632-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tinnitus Treatment (9781604065336) 978-1-588-90181-1 978-1-604-06533-6 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06533-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tinnitus Treatment (9781684202744) 978-1-684-20171-6 978-1-684-20274-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20274-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tío Cowboy: Juan Salinas, Rodeo Roper and Horseman 978-1-603-44079-0 978-1-603-44403-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44403-3 Project MUSE Tired of Weeping: Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau 978-0-299-20134-0 978-0-299-20133-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-20133-3 Project MUSE Tirso de Molina: Jealous of Herself (9780856688751) 978-0-856-68875-1 978-1-800-34507-2 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34507-2 Liverpool University Press Tirso de Molina: Marta the Divine (9781908343000) 978-1-908-34300-0 978-1-800-34508-9 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34508-9 Liverpool University Press Tissue Analysis for Drug Development 978-1-909-45368-5 978-1-909-45367-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-45367-8 Future Science Titles, Conflict, and Land Use: The Development of Property Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon Frontier 978-0-472-11006-3 978-0-472-02428-5 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02428-5 Project MUSE Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem: Devilish Indians and Puritan Fantasies 978-0-814-71227-6 978-0-814-72348-7 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-72348-7 Project MUSE Titus Andronicus 978-1-526-10191-4 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-526-10191-4 Manchester University Press Tjutchev: Euphony and Beyond 978-0-893-57371-3 978-0-893-57871-8 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-893-57871-8 Project MUSE TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain (9783131605610) 978-1-588-90111-8 978-3-131-60561-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-60561-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG To a Distant Day: The Rocket Pioneers 978-0-803-22258-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22258-8 Project MUSE To Be An American: Cultural Pluralism and the Rhetoric of Assimilation 978-0-814-73523-7 978-0-814-74484-0 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-74484-0 Project MUSE To Catch a Virus 978-1-555-81507-3 978-1-555-81858-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81858-6 American Society for Microbiology To Change the World: My Years in Cuba 978-0-813-54431-1 978-0-813-54645-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-54645-2 Project MUSE To Come to the Land: Immigration and Settlement in 16th-Century Eretz-Israel 978-0-817-35643-9 978-0-817-38520-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38520-0 Project MUSE To Command the Sky: The Battle for Air Superiority Over Germany, 1942-1944 978-0-817-35346-9 978-0-817-38290-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38290-2 Project MUSE To Enlarge the Machinery of Government: Congressional Debates and the Growth of the American State, 1858-1891 978-0-801-88655-3 978-1-421-40241-3 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40241-3 Project MUSE To Fight Aloud Is Very Brave: American Poetry and the Civil War 978-1-558-49962-1 978-1-613-76214-1 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76214-1 Project MUSE To Intermix With Our White Brothers: Indian Mixed Bloods in the United States from Earliest Times to the Indian Removals 978-0-826-33287-5 978-0-826-33289-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-33289-9 Project MUSE To Make a New Race: Gurdjieff, Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance 978-1-578-06131-0 978-1-604-73709-7 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-73709-7 Project MUSE To Repair the Ruins: Reading Milton 978-0-820-70454-8 978-0-820-70579-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-70579-8 Project MUSE To See Ourselves as Others See Us: How Publics Abroad View the United States after 9/11 978-0-472-05036-9 978-0-472-02229-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02229-8 Project MUSE To Serve and to Lead: A History of the Diocesan Boys' School in Hong Kong 978-9-622-09997-5 978-9-888-05362-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-888-05362-9 Project MUSE To Serve Canada: A History of the Royal Military College of Canada 978-0-776-60327-8 978-0-776-61732-9 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-776-61732-9 Project MUSE To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race: The Story of the Only African-American WACS Stationed Overseas During World War II 978-0-814-75587-7 978-0-814-76324-7 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-76324-7 Project MUSE To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face: Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement 978-0-472-03465-9 978-0-472-02746-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02746-0 Project MUSE To the Digital Age: Research Labs, Start-up Companies, and the Rise of MOS Technology 978-0-801-88639-3 978-0-801-87349-2 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-87349-2 Project MUSE To the Ends of Japan: Premodern Frontiers, Boundaries, and Interactions 978-0-824-82447-1 978-0-824-86520-7 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86520-7 Project MUSE To the Last Salute: Memories of an Austrian U-Boat Commander 978-0-803-20638-0 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20638-0 Project MUSE To the Limit of Endurance: A Battalion of Marines in the Great War 978-1-585-44599-8 978-1-603-44465-1 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-603-44465-1 Project MUSE To tilt at windmills: a memoir of the Spanish Civil War 978-0-870-13421-0 978-0-870-13959-8 1996 1996 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-870-13959-8 Project MUSE Tolerance and diversity in Ireland, north and south (9781784997182) 978-0-719-09720-1 978-1-784-99718-2 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99718-2 Manchester University Press Tolerance, regulation and rescue (9781526100207) 978-1-784-99129-6 978-1-526-10020-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10020-7 Manchester University Press Tolkien's Art: A Mythology for England 978-0-813-19020-4 978-0-813-17086-2 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-17086-2 Project MUSE Tolstoy's Phoenix: From Method to Meaning in War and Peace 978-0-810-11697-9 978-0-810-16579-3 1998 1998 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16579-3 Project MUSE Tombeau of Ibn Arabi and White Traverses 978-0-823-23114-0 978-0-823-24855-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24855-1 Project MUSE Tomorrow's Memories: Diary of Angeles Monrayo, 19241928 978-0-824-82688-8 978-0-824-86521-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86521-4 Project MUSE Tomorrow's Parties: Sex and the Untimely in Nineteenth-Century America 978-0-814-71740-0 978-0-814-71742-4 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-71742-4 Project MUSE Tonga: A New Bibliography 978-0-824-83196-7 978-0-824-86523-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86523-8 Project MUSE Toni Morrison: An Ethical Poetics: An Ethical Poetics 978-0-823-23915-3 978-0-823-24655-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-823-24655-7 Project MUSE Toni Morrison and Motherhood: A Politics of the Heart 978-0-791-46075-7 978-0-791-48516-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-48516-3 Project MUSE Too Smart to Be Sentimental: Contemporary Irish American Women Writers 978-0-268-02773-5 978-0-268-07862-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-268-07862-1 Project MUSE Tools and Techniques for Economic Decision Analysis 978-1-522-50960-8 2017 154508 2017 154508 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50960-8 IGI Global Tools and Techniques for Implementing International E-Trading Tactics for Competitive Advantage 978-1-799-80037-8 2020 225846 2020 225846 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-80037-8 IGI Global Tools and 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23357-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Top 3 Differenzialdiagnosen in der Radiologie: Ein fallbasiertes Trainingsbuch (9783132409477) 978-3-131-53701-0 978-3-132-40947-7 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40947-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Top Score for the Radiology Boards (9781626234109) 978-1-626-23409-3 978-1-626-23410-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23410-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Topics in Analytical Political Economy Volume 17 978-0-444-53137-7 978-1-849-50809-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-849-50809-4 Emerald Group Publishing Topics in Identification, Limited Dependent Variables, Partial Observability, Experimentation, and Flexible Modeling: Part AA 978-1-789-73242-9 978-1-789-73241-2 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-73241-2 Emerald Group Publishing Topics in Identification, Limited Dependent Variables, Partial Observability, Experimentation, and Flexible Modeling: Part BB 978-1-838-67420-5 978-1-838-67419-9 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67419-9 Emerald Group Publishing Topics in Occupation Times and Gaussian Free Fields 978-3-037-19109-5 978-3-037-19609-0 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-037-19609-0 European Mathematical Society Topics in Surface Modeling (978-1-61197-164-4) 978-0-898-71282-7 978-1-611-97164-4 1992 1992 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-611-97164-4 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Topografie und Funktion des Bewegungssystems (9783132421691) 978-3-132-42166-0 978-3-132-42169-1 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42169-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Topografie und Funktion des Bewegungssystems: Funktionelle Anatomie (9783131957122) 978-3-131-18572-3 978-3-131-95712-2 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-95712-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Topographic Imaginary: Attending to Place in Contemporary French Photography (9781800856028) 978-1-800-85602-8 978-1-800-85556-4 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85556-4 Liverpool University Press Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Mass Society in Weimar Berlin 978-0-472-05038-3 978-0-472-02519-0 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-472-02519-0 Project MUSE Torah from Heaven: The Reconstruction of Faith (9781906764135) 978-1-906-76413-5 978-1-800-85729-2 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-85729-2 Liverpool University Press Total Definer (9781684204687) 978-1-684-20255-3 978-1-684-20468-7 2023 2023 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20468-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Total Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery (9781604066463) 978-1-604-06645-6 978-1-604-06646-3 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06646-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Tour of Duty: Samurai, Military Service in Edo, and the Culture of Early Modern Japan 978-0-824-83205-6 978-0-824-86524-5 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86524-5 Project MUSE Tourism and Hospitality Management Volume 12 978-1-786-35714-4 978-1-786-35713-7 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-35713-7 Emerald Group Publishing Tourism and 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1013 2003 1013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-931-77760-5 IGI Global Un siècle de marxisme: Avec deux textes inédits de Karl Polanyi 978-2-760-50546-9 978-2-760-52297-8 1983 1983 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-2-760-52297-8 Project MUSE Unabridged Devil's Dictionary 978-0-820-32196-7 978-0-820-32634-4 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-820-32634-4 Project MUSE Unaffected by the Gospel: Osage Resistance to the Christian Invasion, 1673-1906: A Cultural Victory 978-0-826-33558-6 978-0-826-33559-3 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-826-33559-3 Project MUSE Unamuno: Abel Sanchez (9780856688690) 978-0-856-68869-0 978-1-800-34495-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34495-2 Liverpool University Press Unamuno: Aunt Tula (9781908343239) 978-1-908-34323-9 978-1-800-34511-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34511-9 Liverpool University Press Unamuno: Mist (9781908343215) 978-1-908-34321-5 978-1-800-34515-7 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34515-7 Liverpool University Press 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Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England 978-0-812-22084-1 978-0-812-20344-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20344-8 Project MUSE Useful Fictions: Evolution, Anxiety, and the Origins of Literature 978-0-803-23026-2 978-0-803-23297-6 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-23297-6 Project MUSE User Behavior in Ubiquitous Online Environments 978-1-466-64567-7 2014 76724 2014 76724 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64567-7 IGI Global User Centered Design for Medical Visualization 978-1-599-04779-9 2008 1018 2008 1018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04779-9 IGI Global User Innovation and the Entrepreneurship Phenomenon in the Digital Economy 978-1-522-52827-2 2017 178736 2017 178736 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52827-2 IGI Global User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances 978-1-613-50517-5 2012 55316 2012 55316 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-50517-5 IGI Global User Perception and Influencing Factors of Technology in Everyday Life 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Catheters (9781604064551) 978-0-865-77921-1 978-1-604-06455-1 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06455-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Venous Interventional Radiology (9781626232747) 978-1-626-23273-0 978-1-626-23274-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23274-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Venous Interventional Radiology With Clinical Perspectives (9781604064575) 978-0-865-77894-8 978-1-604-06457-5 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-604-06457-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Veränderungstraining im Alltag (9783131900814) 978-3-131-36751-8 978-3-131-90081-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-90081-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Verbrennungsmedizin: Vom Unfallort bis zur Rehabilitation (9783131849212) 978-3-131-45011-1 978-3-131-84921-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-84921-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vergiftungen im Kindesalter (9783131889942) 978-3-131-44931-3 978-3-131-88994-2 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88994-2 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40631-5 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Verhaltensneurologie (9783131887221) 978-3-131-09782-8 978-3-131-88722-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88722-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Verhaltenstherapie: Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen (9783131892539) 978-3-131-17783-4 978-3-131-89253-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-89253-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Verhaltenstherapie: Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungsgebiete (9783131834348) 978-3-131-17784-1 978-3-131-83434-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-83434-8 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Verification, Validation and Testing in Software Engineering 978-1-591-40853-6 2007 1027 2007 1027 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40853-6 IGI Global Vernacular Voices: Language and Identity in Medieval French Jewish Communities 978-0-812-24250-8 978-0-812-20535-0 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20535-0 Project MUSE Vernon Lee (9780746311769) 978-0-746-31176-9 978-1-786-94643-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94643-0 Liverpool University Press Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography 978-0-813-92158-7 978-0-813-92389-5 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-92389-5 Project MUSE Veronica Forrest-Thompson and Language Poetry (9780746309124) 978-0-746-30912-4 978-1-786-94644-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94644-7 Liverpool University Press Versification: A Short Introduction 978-0-870-13096-0 978-1-609-17277-0 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-17277-0 Project MUSE Versorgung mit Hörgeräten und Hörimplantaten (9783132402201) 978-3-132-40200-3 978-3-132-40220-1 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40220-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Versorgung und Rehabilitation mit Hörgeräten (9783131863126) 978-3-131-06822-4 978-3-131-86312-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-86312-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vertebral Augmentation (9781684203826) 978-1-684-20015-3 978-1-684-20382-6 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20382-6 Georg Thieme Verlag KG 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-93766-7 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Veterinary Science: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-55641-1 2018 190547 2018 190547 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55641-1 IGI Global VetSkills (9783132427884) 978-3-794-52679-6 978-3-132-42788-4 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-42788-4 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vicarious Language: Gender and Linguistic Modernity in Japan 978-0-520-24584-6 978-0-520-93906-6 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-520-93906-6 Project MUSE Vichy's Afterlife: History and Counterhistory in Postwar France 978-0-803-20289-4 2000 2000 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20289-4 Project MUSE Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River 978-0-803-20337-2 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20337-2 Project MUSE Vico and China (9781789621068) 978-1-789-62106-8 978-1-800-34687-1 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-34687-1 Liverpool University Press Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else? 978-1-789-73336-5 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Victorian demons (9781526125576) 978-1-526-12557-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-12557-6 Manchester University Press Victorian Interpretation 978-0-801-44201-8 978-0-801-46479-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-46479-9 Project MUSE Victorian Jews through British Eyes (9781874774297) 978-1-874-77429-7 978-1-909-82127-9 1986 12 1986 12 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-909-82127-9 Liverpool University Press Victorian Lessons in Empathy and Difference 978-0-814-21162-5 978-0-814-27060-8 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27060-8 Project MUSE Victorian Literature and the Victorian State: Character and Governance in a Liberal Society 978-0-801-86963-1 978-0-801-88154-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88154-1 Project MUSE Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism 978-0-814-21160-1 978-0-814-27058-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27058-5 Project MUSE Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible 978-0-813-93158-6 978-0-813-93165-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-93165-4 Project MUSE Victorian Sacrifice: Ethics and Economics in Mid-Century Novels 978-0-814-21226-4 978-0-814-27111-7 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-27111-7 Project MUSE Victory, Defeat, or Draw: Battlefield Decision in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-1982 (9781789760958) 978-1-789-76095-8 978-1-782-84717-5 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-782-84717-5 Liverpool University Press Victory Girls, Khaki-Wackies, and Patriotutes: The Regulation of Female Sexuality during World War II 978-0-814-73704-0 978-0-814-79082-3 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-79082-3 Project MUSE Victory of Law: The Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil War, and American Literature, 18521867 978-0-801-88350-7 978-0-801-88931-8 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-88931-8 Project MUSE Vidas im/propias: Transformaciones del sujeto femenino en la narrativa española contemporanea 978-1-557-53164-3 978-1-612-49079-3 2000 2000 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Tumors (9783132446823) 978-3-132-42146-2 978-3-132-44682-3 2022 2022 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-44682-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Suturing (9781626237179) 978-1-626-23716-2 978-1-626-23717-9 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-626-23717-9 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Video Atlas of Spine Surgery (9781684200061) 978-1-684-20005-4 978-1-684-20006-1 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-684-20006-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Video Data Management and Information Retrieval 978-1-591-40547-4 2005 1028 2005 1028 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40547-4 IGI Global Video Games Crime and Next-Gen Deviance 978-1-838-67450-2 978-1-838-67447-2 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-838-67447-2 Emerald Group Publishing Video Reflection in Literacy Teacher Education and Development: Lessons from Research and Practice Volume 5 978-1-784-41676-8 978-1-784-41675-1 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41675-1 Emerald Group Publishing Video Research in Disciplinary Literacies Volume 6 978-1-784-41678-2 978-1-784-41677-5 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-41677-5 Emerald Group Publishing Video Surveillance Techniques and Technologies 978-1-466-64897-5 2014 78939 2014 78939 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-64897-5 IGI Global Videoconferencing Technology in K-12 Instruction: Best Practices and Trends 978-1-599-04333-3 2008 1029 2008 1029 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04333-3 IGI Global Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks 978-1-800-71506-6 978-1-800-71505-9 2021 2021 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-800-71505-9 Emerald Group Publishing Videokompendium kinderneurologischer Untersuchungen: Analyse motorischer Funktionen bei Klein- und Schulkindern nach Vojta (9783131880710) 978-3-131-72481-6 978-3-131-88071-0 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-131-88071-0 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Vienna Coffeehouse Wits, 1890-1938 978-1-557-53064-6 978-1-612-49050-2 1989 1989 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-49050-2 Project MUSE Vies de Voltaire: discours et représentations biographiques, XVIIIe - XXIe siècles (9780729409292) 978-0-729-40929-2 978-1-786-94782-6 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94782-6 Liverpool University Press Viet Nam: Borderless Histories 978-0-299-21774-7 978-0-299-21773-0 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-21773-0 Project MUSE Vietnam Veteranos: Chicanos Recall the War 978-0-292-70225-7 978-0-292-79849-6 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-292-79849-6 Project MUSE Vietnam's Forgotten Army: Heroism and Betrayal in the ARVN 978-0-814-79410-4 978-0-814-79745-7 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-79745-7 Project MUSE Vietnam's Southern Revolution: From Peasant Insurrection to Total War, 1959-1968 978-1-558-49691-0 978-1-613-76113-7 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-613-76113-7 Project MUSE View of the Constitution of the United States 978-0-865-97201-8 978-1-614-87869-8 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-614-87869-8 Project MUSE Views from the Margins: Creating Identities in Modern France 978-0-803-21876-5 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-21876-5 Project MUSE Vigilantes and Lynch Mobs: Narratives of Community and Nation 978-1-439-90845-7 978-1-439-90846-4 2012 2012 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90846-4 Project MUSE Vignettes from the Late Ming: A Hsiao-pin Anthology 978-0-295-97733-1 978-0-295-80226-8 1999 1999 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-295-80226-8 Project MUSE Village on the Edge: Changing Times in Papua New Guinea 978-0-824-82521-8 978-0-824-86545-0 2002 2002 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86545-0 Project MUSE Vimy Ridge: A Canadian Reassessment 978-0-889-20508-6 978-1-554-58095-8 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-554-58095-8 Project MUSE Vintage Marketing Differentiation (978-1-137-38721-9) 978-1-137-39431-6 978-1-137-38721-9 2017 2017 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-137-38721-9 Springer Science+Business Media Violence and Crime in the Family: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences Volume 9 978-1-785-60263-4 978-1-785-60262-7 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-785-60262-7 Emerald Group Publishing Violence and Serenity: Late Buddhist Sculpture from Indonesia 978-0-824-82924-7 978-0-824-86547-4 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86547-4 Project MUSE Violence and Society: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-50989-9 2017 154883 2017 154883 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50989-9 IGI Global Violence and the state 978-1-784-99716-8 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?isbn=978-1-784-99716-8 Manchester University Press Violence in Francophone African and Caribbean Women's Literature 978-0-803-22688-3 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-22688-3 Project MUSE Violence Prevention and Safety Promotion in Higher Education Settings 978-1-522-52961-3 2017 179218 2017 179218 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-52961-3 IGI Global Violent Affect: Literature, Cinema, and Critique after Representation 978-0-803-20996-1 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20996-1 Project MUSE Violent Extremism: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-522-57120-9 2019 203077 2019 203077 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-57120-9 IGI Global Violent Loyalties: Manliness, Migration, and the Irish in the Canadas, 1798-1841 (9781789621860) 978-1-789-62186-0 978-1-789-62766-4 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-789-62766-4 Liverpool University Press Violet America: Regional Cosmopolitanism in U.S. Fiction 978-1-609-38147-9 978-1-609-38148-6 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-38148-6 Project MUSE Viral Encephalitis in Humans 978-1-555-81240-9 978-1-555-81783-1 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-555-81783-1 American Society for Microbiology Virgil's Book of Bucolics, the Ten Eclogues Translated into English Verse: Framed by Cues for Reading Aloud and Clues for Threading Texts and Themes 978-0-801-89799-3 978-0-801-89961-4 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-801-89961-4 Project MUSE Virgil's Eclogues 978-0-812-22217-3 978-0-812-20536-7 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-812-20536-7 Project MUSE Virginia Woolf (9780746309667) 978-0-746-30966-7 978-1-786-94646-1 2004 2004 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94646-1 Liverpool University Press Virginia Woolf and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Novel 978-0-791-47119-7 978-0-791-47992-6 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-47992-6 Project MUSE Virginia Woolf, Europe, and Peace: Vol. 1 Transnational Circulations (9781949979350) 978-1-949-97935-0 978-1-949-97936-7 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-949-97936-7 Liverpool University Press Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings 978-0-814-71263-4 978-0-814-73927-3 1997 1997 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-73927-3 Project MUSE Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-55470-7 2018 189162 2018 189162 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55470-7 IGI Global Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education, Art, and Museums 978-1-799-81798-7 2020 234360 2020 234360 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81798-7 IGI Global Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental 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Proceedings (978-3-319-39907-2) 978-3-319-39906-5 978-3-319-39907-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-319-39907-2 Springer Science+Business Media Virtual Collaborative Writing in the Workplace: Computer-Mediated Communication Technologies and Processes 978-1-605-66995-3 2010 40273 2010 40273 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66995-3 IGI Global Virtual Communities: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications 978-1-609-60101-0 2011 41909 2011 41909 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60101-0 IGI Global Virtual Community Building and the Information Society: Current and Future Directions 978-1-609-60870-5 2012 50526 2012 50526 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-609-60870-5 IGI Global Virtual Community Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary Theories 978-1-466-60313-4 2012 59749 2012 59749 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-466-60313-4 IGI Global Virtual Community Practices and Social Interactive Media: Technology Lifecycle and Workflow Analysis 978-1-605-66341-8 2009 1031 2009 1031 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B. Yehoshua, T. 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B. and George Yeats Library: A Short-title Catalog (9781949979213) 978-1-949-97921-3 978-1-949-97954-1 2019 2019 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-949-97954-1 Liverpool University Press W. B. Yeats (9780746312889) 978-0-746-31288-9 978-1-786-94231-9 2015 2015 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-786-94231-9 Liverpool University Press We Are Fighting the World: A History of the Marashea Gangs in South Africa, 1947-1999 978-0-821-41616-7 978-0-821-44156-5 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-821-44156-5 Project MUSE We are no longer in France (9781847799210) 978-1-847-79921-0 2014 2014 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-847-79921-0 Manchester University Press We Fought the Navy and Won 978-0-824-83089-2 978-0-824-86555-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-824-86555-9 Project MUSE We Have a Religion: The 1920s Pueblo Indian Dance Controversy and American Religious Freedom 978-0-807-83262-2 978-1-469-60586-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-469-60586-9 Project MUSE We Modern People: Science Fiction and the Making of Russian Modernity 978-0-819-57333-9 978-0-819-57335-3 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-819-57335-3 Project MUSE We Only Know Men: The Rescue of Jews in France during the Holocaust 978-0-813-21493-1 978-0-813-21693-5 2011 2011 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-813-21693-5 Project MUSE We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence after the Holocaust, 1945-1962 978-0-814-71993-0 978-0-814-78523-2 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-814-78523-2 Project MUSE We shall not be moved (9781784997052) 978-0-719-09576-4 978-1-784-99705-2 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-784-99705-2 Manchester University Press We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45 978-9-622-09960-9 978-9-882-20424-9 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-882-20424-9 Project MUSE We Wear The Mask: Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Politics of Representative Reality 978-1-606-35046-1 978-1-612-77507-4 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-612-77507-4 Project MUSE Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 978-1-799-81208-1 2020 231661 2020 231661 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-81208-1 IGI Global Wealth Expanding Theory Under the Principle of Efficiency-Equity Equilibrium 978-1-668-44937-0 2022 293042 2022 293042 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-44937-0 IGI Global Weaning the pig: Concepts and consequences (9789086865130) 978-9-076-99817-6 978-9-086-86513-0 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-086-86513-0 Wageningen Academic Publishers Weapons of Choice: The Development of Precision Guided Munitions 978-0-817-35353-7 978-0-817-38189-9 2006 2006 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-817-38189-9 Project MUSE Wearable and Implantable Electrocardiography for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases 978-1-668-44876-2 2023 292479 2023 292479 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-668-44876-2 IGI Global Wearable Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 978-1-522-55485-1 2018 189167 2018 189167 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-55485-1 IGI Global Wearable Technology and Mobile Innovations for Next-Generation Education 978-1-522-50070-4 2016 142108 2016 142108 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-522-50070-4 IGI Global Weathering the Storm: The Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression 978-9-812-30080-5 978-9-812-30507-7 2001 2001 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-812-30507-7 Project MUSE Weaving Narrative: Clothing in Twelfth-Century French Romance 978-0-271-03565-9 978-0-271-05258-8 2009 2009 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-271-05258-8 Project MUSE Web 2.0 and Cloud Technologies for Implementing Connected Government 978-1-799-84570-6 2021 244501 2021 244501 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-84570-6 IGI Global Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching 978-1-605-66295-4 2011 40272 2011 40272 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-605-66295-4 IGI Global Web and Information Security 978-1-591-40590-0 2006 1041 2006 1041 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-591-40590-0 IGI Global Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies 978-1-599-04230-5 2007 1042 2007 1042 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-599-04230-5 IGI Global Web 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LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-421-40057-0 Project MUSE Western Law, Russian Justice: Dostoevsky, the Jury Trial, and the Law 978-0-299-20930-8 978-0-299-20933-9 2005 2005 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-299-20933-9 Project MUSE Western Places, American Myths: How We Think About The West 978-0-874-17531-8 978-0-874-17670-4 2003 2003 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-874-17670-4 Project MUSE W. 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Woman'S Place Is At The Typewriter 978-1-439-90582-1 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-439-90582-1 Project MUSE Womb Fantasies: Subjective Architectures in Postmodern Literature, Cinema, and Art 978-0-810-12913-9 978-0-810-16663-9 2013 2013 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-810-16663-9 Project MUSE Women, Activism and Apartheid South Africa 978-1-787-54526-7 978-1-787-54525-0 2018 2018 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-787-54525-0 Emerald Group Publishing Women Against the Raj: The Rani of Jhansi Regiment 978-9-812-30809-2 978-9-812-30810-8 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-812-30810-8 Project MUSE Women and Children First: Nineteenth-Century Sea Narratives and American Identity 978-0-803-20987-9 2008 2008 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-803-20987-9 Project MUSE Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises 978-1-799-86491-2 2021 255427 2021 255427 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-799-86491-2 IGI Global Women and museums 1850–1914 (9781526100313) 978-0-719-08115-6 978-1-526-10031-3 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Lawson's Quest for Greatness 978-1-587-29466-2 978-1-587-29108-1 1991 1991 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-587-29108-1 Project MUSE Zintgraffís Explorations in Bamenda, Adamawa and the Benue Lands 1889ó1892 978-9-956-61671-8 978-9-956-57825-2 2010 2010 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-9-956-57825-2 Project MUSE Zionism in Arab discourses (9781526109439) 978-1-784-99297-2 978-1-526-10943-9 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-1-526-10943-9 Manchester University Press Zionism: Past and Present 978-0-791-47175-3 978-0-791-47975-9 2007 2007 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-0-791-47975-9 Project MUSE Zivilisationskrankheiten des Pferdes (9783132431393) 978-3-132-43136-2 978-3-132-43139-3 2020 2020 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-43139-3 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zivilisationskrankheiten des Pferdes: Ganzheitliche Behandlung chronischer Krankheiten (9783132404021) 978-3-132-40018-4 978-3-132-40402-1 2016 2016 LOCKSS_RESOLVER?eisbn=978-3-132-40402-1 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Zohar: Reception and Impact 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